UGC NET PAPER - 01 Complete Study Material PDF
UGC NET PAPER - 01 Complete Study Material PDF
UGC NET PAPER - 01 Complete Study Material PDF
The progress and prosperity of a nation depends upon the development of its human
resources. For this purpose we need highly competent teachers.
Teaching aptitude is basically evaluating candidates who want to enter teaching
profession on the basis of their knowledge and skills. It refers to basic qualities required to
become a successful teacher. This includes qualification, intelligence, attitude and many other
qualities expected from a person who wants to become a successful teacher.
Apart from teaching concepts, teaching objectives, teaching methods and teaching
aids which are specifically mentioned in the syllabus, many questions have been asked on
classroom situations in NET Exam. The ensuing discussion can help candidates to
comprehend these types of questions correctly.
Concept of Teaching
Teaching can be formal as well as informal. Informal Teaching is carried out within
the family or in community, during initial years of life.
2. Memory is the initial stage of teaching
3. The teaching-learning process is basically 'Stimulus-Response' (S-R) in MLT.
4. The evaluation system mainly includes oral, written, and essay-type examination.
Classification of Teaching and Instructional Objectives
There are two ways of classifying instructional objectives. One classification is given
by Bloom et al, whereas another classification is given by Gagne and Briggs.
Gagne and Briggs classification of Teaching and Instructional Objectives
According to Gagne and Briggs classification, the learning outcomes fall under one of
the following categories:
1. Intellectual skills : These skills are crucial for dealing with the environment. They
include concept learning, rule learning, and problem solving.
2. Cognitive strategies : These include methods and techniques for one's own learning,
remembering, and thinking skills.
3. Verbal information : It refers to organized bodies of knowledge that an individual
4. Motor skills : They are basically about motions carried out when the brain, nervous
system and muscles work together.
5. Attitudes : They refer to an internal state of an individual.
Methods of Teaching
The teacher has a number of methods at his disposal to select from. These methods
are as follows:
1. Large group teaching methods
2. Small group teaching methods
3. Individualized teaching methods
TV or Video Presentation
Television or video presentation is an improved presentation of radio or audio
presentation, and it can virtually bring the whole world inside the classroom.
Research is the lifeblood of any institute of higher learning worth its name. It is a
habit of questioning what you do and a systematic examination of the observed information
to find answers. Research is more than a set of specific skills; it is a way of thinking; it
examines critically the various aspects of any professional work.
(1) The term research comprises of two words, namely ‘re’ and’ search’. Generally, re
means again and search means to find out. According to Advanced Larner’s Dictionary.
‘Research is a careful investigation or inquiry specially to search for new facts in any branch
of knowledge’. According to Creswell. ‘Research is a process of steps used to collect and
analyze information to increase our understandings of a topic or issue’.
(i) is a process of enquiry and investigation, (ii) is systematic and methodical, and (iii)
increases the knowledge
Research Objectives
Research adds to the existing stock of knowledge, making for its advancement. It is the
pursuit of knowledge with the help of study, observation, comparison, and experiment. The
main purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of
scientific procedures. The purpose of research is to find out the truth that is hidden and not
discovered so far.
The typical objectives of research can be summarized as follows:
1. Gain familiarity with a new phenomenon or develop new insight into a phenomenon.
2. Review and synthesize the existing knowledge.
3. Investigate some existing situation or problem.
4. Offer solution to a problem.
5. Explore and analyze more general issues.
6. Construct or create a new procedure or system.
7. Generate new knowledge.
Research characteristics
Objectivity: It is crucial for a successful research. We should rather say that all other
characteristics are built around it. Researchers usually take utmost precautions that results are
not affected by their own presence, behaviour, and attitude.
Reliability in context of research is consistency. It refers to the extent to which an
investigation produces consistent results. Reliability means that whatever you conclude on
the basis of your findings is correct and can be verified by the researcher and also by others.
Validity: Validity in research mainly stands for accuracy of procedures, research
instruments, tests etc.
Validity is defined as the extent to which a measuring device measures what it intends
or purports to measure.
Validity means that research must be unbiased and fee from any systematic error as
these may impact the applicability of research.
Accuracy: It is closely related to validity. It is also the degree to which research processes
instruments, and tools are related to each other.
Credibility: It is the use of best source of information and the best procedures in the
research. Most of the times, it will become a questions of excessive reliance on secondary
data when the option of primary data is available.
Generalizability: It is closely related to validity. It refers to the degree to which research
findings can be applied to a larger population.
Empirical research: It is based on real-life experiences, direct experiences or observation
by the researcher.
Systematic: For a research to be effective, it has to be systematic. It is the only approach to
undertake any research work, and each step must follow the other.
Cyclical: Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a
Logical: The statement, a good research is logical, implies that research is guided by the
rules of logical reasoning. Logical processes of induction and deduction are of great value in
carrying out the research.
Descriptive Research
1. It is description of a ;situation as it exists atpresent.
2. It includes surveys and fact-finding enquires with adequate interpretation.
3. It just involves data gathering.
4. A researcher no control over the variables.
5. It attempts to describe systematically a situation, problem, or phenomenon.
6. It can provide information about, say for example, living condition of a community, or it
can describe the attitudes towards an issue.
7. It can be further cross-sectional or longitudinal. The cross-sectional study can be field
study or field survey at a point of time, and in longitudinal research, the data may be
collected at more than one point of time.
Examples: 1. Ministry of Agriculture would like to know about the crop patterns across
different states in India. 2. School principal may be interested to know about the result of his
own school in comparison to other schools in the district.
Historical research
1. It is another dimension of description research and somewhat similar to ex post facto
2. It usually focuses on the historical aspect of an issue of interest or problem.
3. Examples are growth of trade unions in India, evolution of modern education system in
India, etc.
Analytical research
1. In this method, the researcher uses facts or information already available.
2. It attempts to make critical evaluation of the material.
In field study, the depth of the study is greater and the sample size is usually small,
whereas in field survey, there is greater coverage of population but the depth of study
may not be great.
Correlational studies
1. It is undertaken to discover or establish relationship or interdependence between two
aspects of a situation.
2. It may identify factors leading to a certain situation.
Explanatory Research
Explanatory research attempts to answer how and why between two aspects of a
situation or a phenomenon.
Exploratory Research
1. It is generally done on starting a research. It is undertaken to explore an area where
little is known or to investigate the possibilities of undertaking a particular research
study and is akin to feasibility study or pilot study.
2. Purpose of exploratory research is to gain background information, to define terms, to
clarify the problems, to develop hypotheses, to establish research priorities and
objectives, and to develop questions to be answered.
3. It mostly makes use of secondary data (mainly literature review), experience sur-
verys, case studies, interviews (mainly focus groups’ interviews), projective
techniques, and Delphi techniques.
Applied Research
1. Applied research is done to solve specific, practical questions facing the organizations
or society.
2. It can be used for policy formulation, administration, and understanding of a
3. It can be exploratory but is usually descriptive.
4. It is always done on the basis of basic research and can be carried out by academic or
industrial institutions. For example, an academic institution such as a university will
have specific applied research program funded by an industrial partner interested in
that program.
Deductive Approach
In deduction, we start from a theory and try to prove it right with the help of available
information. The deductive method involves the following three steps:
1. State the hypotheses (based on theory or research literature).
2. Collect data to test the hypotheses.
3. Make decision to accept or reject the hypotheses.
1. All men are mortal (general fact and not specific to just one man)
2. Socrates is a man.
3. (Therefore,) Socrates is mortal(specific).
Inductive Approach
In inductive research, we more from specific to general. This approach also involves
three steps:
1. Observe the different phenomena in the world.
2. Make a search for a pattern in what is observed.
3. Make a generalization about what is occurring.
1. This ice is cold (as this observation is based on a direct observation, it is specific).
2. All ice is cold (general and can be applied to any ice).
Unstructured Approach
1. The unstructured approach to inquiry is usually classified as qualitative research.
2. It allows flexibility in all aspects of the research process.
Quantitative Research
It is similar to deductive research. It is also termed as linear research as it typically follows a
linear path.
1. Stating with testable hypotheses
2. Collection of data
3. Analyzing the data
4. Accepting or rejecting the hypotheses.
Qualitative Research
This is basically an approach and not just a method to conduct research.
Wright describes qualitative research to mean any research were number counting and
statistical techniques are not the central issues, where an attempt is made to get close to the
collection of data in its natural setting.
Qualitative research is basically inductive or spiral in nature and has a very different
structure. The nature and has a very different structure. The researcher starts with a tentative
idea or question; these questions become more specific with progress in research.
The important methods for data collection in qualitative research are as follows:
In this method, a researcher brings together a small number of subjects to discuss the
topic of interest. The group size is kept deliberately small so that the members express
themselves more openly and also get more time as well.
Direct observation:
In-depth interviews: It is unstructured and has face-to-face interviews.
Diary method
Role play and simulation
Case study
Approaches in qualitative research
1. Narrative research
2. Ethnography.
Comprehension Passage:-
According to Wren and Martin, comprehension exercise can be defined as a passage,
upon which question are set to test the students' upon which questions are set to test the
students' ability to understand the content of the given text and to infer information and
meaning from it. To put it in simple terms, reading comprehension is the act of understanding
what you are reading.
It mainly requires tow inputs from the reader, that is, vocabulary knowledge and text
the comprehension. In order to understand a text, the reader must be able to comprehend the
vocabulary used in piece of writing.
1- Identification of key ideas:- There are always certain key sentences that determine the
flow of the ideas in a passage. To make comprehension simpler, these sentences are
supposed to be identified during the first reading of the passage. The paragraph/s should
be read fairly quickly to get a general idea. It should be read again, a little slowly so as to
know the details. They key idea can also be underlined.
2- Summarize the paragraph:- While reading the passage, develop a habit of mentally
summarizing each paragraph and keep linking them as you proceed.
3- Determine sentence links:- Usually, the sentences within a passage are directly or subtly
linked. Here, practice helps a lot in identifying such links, failing which the major ideas
could be missed out.
4- Ask questions:- Why has the author mentioned this example? What is the purpose of the
second paragraph? This kind of reflection helps in developing a deeper perspective about
the main ideas.
Solution Approach:-
Usually, the answers to such type of question lie in the introductory of the first or both
the paragraphs is helpful.
1- Cause and effect words- as a result, therefore.
2- Time words- meanwhile, before
3- Contrast words- in contrast conversely
4- Addition words- also, in addition
5- Emphasis words- more important, remember
Exercise 1
Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, is known to have died an unhappy man. He saw his
wonderful invention being used, not in the service of man as he wanted it to be. Dynamite was being
used for purposes of war. The power of the atom-to-day replaces dynamite in this respect. It has all
the potential to destroy the world twice or thrice over. It has all the power to make this world a better
place to live in. It is our choice what we make of it.
What the atom can do for a better future for us tomorrow, has been demonstrated to us time
and again right in our own country. We have nuclear power stations that use a few tones of uranium to
generate enormous power that normally would have needed millions of tones of coal. Take the
Madras Atomic power project at Kalpakkam in Tamil Nadu. Its two reactors will together generate
heat enough to produce 410 MW (Megawatts) of power. As against some 40 tonnes of fuel needed to
run these reactors, a coal fired power station of this magnitude would have required several thousand
tones of coal to be hauled all the way from Bihar or Andhra over thousand and odd kilometers day
after day. From the used Uranium in this reactor we can separate Plutonium. A mixture of this
Plutonium and spent Uranium could again be used in what is called a fast breeder reactor as a fuel.
And that is not the end either. Because this type of breeder reactors would produce more of Plutonium
than is put in, then we have the phenomenon of a power house which generates more fuel than it uses.
From there, a third stage could also be seen. In this third stage, India's rich deposits of Thorium could
be used in the fast breeder to produce yet another Uranium based fuel for use in the third generation
reactor. In this way all that we need for taking care of our future electricity needs would be a few
thousand tonnes of Uranium and Thorium. This would suffice, theoretically at least, for the next 100
years or more.
Q.2 Which of the following is not true about the Atomic power project at Kalpakkam?
(a) It has four or five reactors
(b) Its reactors together generate heat enough to produce 410 MW of power
(c) It is associated with Madras
(d) It needs about 40 tonnes of fuel to produce an amount of power which a coal-fired power
station would have needed several thousand tonnes of coal to produce
(e) From the used Uranium in this reactor we can separate Plutonium
Answer : (A)
Q.3 The author in the passage implies all of the following except
(a) Atomic power can be used both for destructive and peaceful purposes
(b) Atom can build a better future for mankind
(c) exploitation of atom can revolutionize generation of electricity at most cheap rates
(d) India has registered good progress in the use of atom for generation of power
(e) India intends to put atomic power to the manufacture of atomic weapons some day
Answer : (E)
Q.4 From what has been stated in the passage it is not difficult to infer that?
(a) The world is sitting on explosive material waiting to be annihilated by atomic weapons of war
(b) The world has made phenomenal progress in the exploitation of atom for peaceful purposes
(c) Man's constructive genius is as powerful as or rather more powerful than his destructive genius
(d) Both (B) and (C)
(e) None of these
Answer : (D)
Q.5 The title that best expresses the ideas of the passage may be
(a) Alfred Nobel, the Great Inventor (b) India's Achievements in the Nuclear Research
(c) Production of Uranium and Thorium (d) Multifarious Uses of Uranium and Thorium
(e) Nuclear Power Stations in India
Answer : (E)
4. Communication is always with content and a relationship aspect:- Both in terms of (i)
what you say and (ii) how you say the matter. Same message can be communicated
authoritatively or politely.
7. Communication always has a context:- Communication always takes place with a
context. According to Bateson, without context, words and action don't carry and
meaning at all. The context of communication has four dimensions.
a. Social context:- It refers to the place where communication is taking place in public
conference room, class room, etc. It may refer to the ambience of the place as well.
b. Social context:- If refers to the parties involved in communication process. What role,
status and relationship exist between them? What are the norms and the culture of the
society in which they communicate?
c. Psychological context:- Is the environment characterized by formality or informality
friendliness or unfriendliness.
d. Temporal context:- It refers to the time factor in communication such as at what time of
the day communication is taking place.
Communication skills;-
Communication skills include the following.
1. Listening skill
2. Speaking skill
3. Writing skill
4. Reading skill
3. Message:- A set of verbal or non- verbal cues sent by a source. Message can be
spoken or written in words, gestures, movement, etc.
5. Channel:-A channel is the means used to convey stimuli. The most common channels
are visual and auditory, and other channels utilize tactile (touch), gustatory (taste) and
olfactory (smell) senses.
7. Decoding:- It is the process by which the receiver translates the symbols provided by
the source.
9. Noise:- Noise is anything that distorts or interferes with the message; it can be
Process of classroom communication (Cole and Chan Model)
Formulation of message:-
1. All communication starts with an idea or a message that is to be transmitted to target
audience (individual) with a motive to get a positive response. Communicator (sender or
encoder) is the one who initiates the communication process.
2. A message is a set of verbal or non verbal cues sent by a source.
3. An effective communication depends on the communication skill, knowledge level and
attitude of the communicator and how he/she desires to affect his/her receiver.
4. As far as teachers are concerned, they conceptualize ideas to be conveyed to student by
arranging them in coherent and meaning full sequence.
Message Encoding:-
1. The internal shaping, sorting and sifting or ideas for clarification and organization is
called message formulation. Its purpose is to create a clear and meaningful message.
2. Encoding involves converting an idea into a form that can be transmitted to receives.
3. The communicator not only translates his/her purpose (ideas, thoughts or information)
into a message but also decides on the medium to communicate his/her planed message.
4. The communicator must choose the media (speech, writing signaling, or gestures) that
5he receiver can comprehend well. For instance, an illiterate receiver may fail to
understand a written message but can understand it well if told orally.
5. Teachers encode their ideas in different ways according to the demand of the various
curricula. It is the teacher's responsibility to use appropriate symbolic forms for each
subject and to teach student to use these forms.
Message Transmission:-
1. It is a critical stage in the communication process, and it answers haw a message is
Message Decoding and interpretation:-
1. Decoding is interpretation of the message by the receiver. Actually the receiver looks for
meaning in the message that is common to both the receiver and the communicator.
2. If the receiver possesses the background information and is familiar with the form of
language used, it becomes easier for him/her to decode and comprehend the message.
3. If the receiver does not have the ability to listen read and think he/she will not be able to
receive and decode the messages in the manner the communicator wants him/her to.
4. For effective communication the receiver is the most important link in the communication
Noise is an interruption that can creep in at any point of time in the communication
process and make it ineffective.
2. Physical noise: It is interference in our environment.
3. Psychological noise: It refers to the qualities in us that affect how we communicate
and interpret other.
4. Semantic noise: It occurs when word themselves are not mutually understood.
Types of communication:-
Formal communication follows a hierarchy the official channel established. Informal
communication does not follow the official channel.
Intrapersonal Communication;-
1. It is communication within an individual almost all the times, including talking to one self
listening to oneself and relating one to oneself.
Muttering 'Oh My god' 'Oh No' (when in trouble), 'Wow' 'Thank God' are few
common example of intrapersonal communication.
Interpersonal communication
1. It is also termed as dyadic communication.
2. It is universal form of face to face routine communication between two persons. Both
sending and receiving messages.
3. It may be formal or informal, verbal or non verbal.
4. It is an effective communication situation because you can get immediate feedback.
Group communication
1. It is an extension of interpersonal communication where more than two individual are
involved in exchange or ideas, skills and interests.
2. It provides an opportunity for people to come together to discuss and exchange view
of common interest.
Mass Communication
1. It is also termed as mediated communication.
2. It is a special kind of communication with mass audiences and hence the name mass
Communication Types on the Basis of Channels
On the basis of channels communication is of two types.
1. Verbal communication
2. Nonverbal communication
Verbal communication
Verbal means the use of words in communication process and in design and
formulation of messages.
a. Oral communication
b. Written communication
Series Completion
A series may be a number series or letter series. There are several kinds of series such
as finding the missing numbers, replacing the wrong numbers, finding the missing letters,
finding the wrong group of numbers or letters, etc.
2, 5, 11, 17, 23, 31, 37, ….
a) 29 (b) 31 (c) 43 (d) 39
Solution: The prime numbers are written alternately. (c) 43
Difference Series
2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, ….., 23, 26
a) 19 (b) 21 (c) 20 (d) 18
Solution: The difference between the numbers is (c) 2. (17+3=20)
Multiplication Series
2, 6, 18, 54, ….., 486, 1458
a) 152 (b) 182 (c) 162 (d) 108
Solution: The numbers are multiplied by 3 to get the next number. (54 x 3 = 162) (c)
3, 12, 48, ……, 768, 3072
a) 192 (b) 216 (c) 512 (d) 72
Solution: The numbers are multiplied by 4 to get the next number. (48 x 4 = 192) (a)
Division Series
32, 48, 72, …., 162, 243
a) 84 (b) 96 (c) 108 (d) 132
Solution: Each number is being multiplied by 3/2 to get the next number. (c)
N2 Series
1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, …., 64
a) 42 (b) 44 (c) 45 (d) 49
Solution: The series is squares of 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. (d)
0, 4, 16, 36, 64, ….., 144
a) 100 (b) 84 (c) 96 (d) 120
Solution: The series is squares of even number such as 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. So, the answer is
102 = 100. (a)
N2 – 1 Series
0, 3, 8, 15, 24, 35, 48, 63, ….
a) 80 (b) 82 (c) 83 (d) None of these
Solution: The series is 12 – 1, 22 – 1, 32 – 1, and so on. The next number is 92 – 1 = 80. (a)
Alternative Solution: The differences between the numbers across the series are 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,
13, 15, and 17. The next number is 63 + 17 = 80.
N2 + 1 Series
2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, ……, 65
a) 50 (b) 48 (c) 49 (d) 51
Solution: The series is 12 + 1, 22 + 1, 32 + 1, and so on. The next number is 72 + 1 = 50. (a)
N3 Series
1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, ….
a) 256 (b) 343 (c) 365 (d) 400
Solution: The series is 1 , 2 , 3 , etc. The missing number is 73 = 343. (b)
3 3 3
N3 + 1 Series
2, 9, 28, 65, 126, 217, 344, ….
a) 512 (b) 362 (c) 369 (d) 361
Solution: The series is 13+1, 23+1, 33+1, and so on. Thus, the missing number is 83+1 = 513. (a)
Reasoning is an important section in aptitude tests and the one the student needs to
master necessarily. To seek accurate explanation, we have to apply logic. Logic is applying
principles of reasoning to obtain valid inferences. Logical reasoning is largely about adopting
complete rational approach to solve a problem, with no chance for ambiguity.
Deductive Inference
Statement I: All vegetables contain vitamins.
Statement II: Carrot is a vegetable.
Conclusion: So carrot contains vitamins.
Inductive Inference
Statement I: Most vegetables contain vitamins.
Statement II: Carrot is a vegetable
Conclusion: So carrot contains vitamins.
Deductive inferences are further categorized into (i) immediate- where conclusion is
drawn from a single statement and (ii) mediate (where conclusion is drawn from two
statements, called syllogism).
Types of syllogism:
1. Categorical: Here, the relationship between the subject and the predicate is without any
2. Hypothetical: The relationship between the subject and the predicate is asserted
conditionally. For example, if it rains he will not attend.
3. Disjunctive: I. Either he is courageous or he is strong.
4. Relational : Here the relation between the various terms is shown in an order.
Structure of Arguments
Structure of arguments deals with basic terms, validity of arguments, converting
sentences into their logical form depending on the requirement, and then application of rules
follows so as to arrive at a conclusion.
A proposition is a sentence that makes a statement and gives a relation between two
or more terms. In logical reasoning, any statement is termed as a proposition.
A premise is a statement or proposition that is assumed to be true and from which a
conclusion can be drawn.
Classification of Propositions
Propositions are basically of two types, namely, universal and particular. universal
proposition is further divided into two parts:
1. Universal Positive or affirmative (A); It denotes inclusion.
Form: All S is P where S is the subject and P is the predicate. Example: ‘All cats are
animals’. It is basically about inclusion.
Distribution: It distributes the subject only. In the above statement, cats are distributed in
Predicate is not interchangeable with the subject while maintaining the validity of a
proposition. We cannot say that all animals are cats.
Particular Propositions: A particular proposition can also be divided into two parts.
1. Particular Positive (I):It denotes ‘partial inclusion’.
Form: Some S is P. Example: Some men are foolish.
Distribution: Neither the subject nor the predicate. In the example, subject term, men is
used not for all but only for some men and similarly the predicate term, foolish is affirmed
for a part of subject class. So, both are undistributed.
2. Particular Negative (O):It denotes ‘partial exclusion’.
Form: Some S is not P or Not every S is P.
Example: Some bird are not carnivores’.
Distribution: Only of predicate.
Validity of Arguments
Deductive arguments may be either valid or invalid. If an argument is valid, it is a
valid deduction, and if its premises are true, the conclusion must be true. A valid argument
cannot have true premises and a false conclusion
Parts Example
Major premise All humans are mortal
Minor premise All Greeks are humans
Conclusion All Greeks are mortal
1. Major premise: Predicate of the conclusion is called as the major term. The premise
containing major term is called major premise. In the example, mortal is the major
2. Minor premise: Subject of the conclusion is called minor term. The premise
containing minor term is called minor premise. In the example, Greeks is the minor
3. Middle Term: One term common in both the premises is called middle term. It is not
a part of conclusion. In the example, humans is the middle term.
Converting Common Language Statements into their Logical Forms
4. InConclusion: In conclusion
logical reasoning statement,
or syllogism first term
problems, or (subject)
the common is thesentences
language subject ofmay
first to
be converted and second term (or
their logical predicate)
form before iswe
the apply
predicate of the
logic second
rules proposition.
on them to draw a
The rules of reduction can help in solving these types of questions.
1. A-type propositions: Statements starting with words ‘each’, ‘every’, ‘any’ etc. are to be
treated as A-type propositions (starting with all)
Original sentence Logical form
Every man is All men are persons
liable to commit who are liable to
error commit mistakes
Each student All students are persons
participated in the event who participated in the event
Any one of the Indians is laborious All Indians are laborious
Only Indians are students of this college All students of this college are Indians
The honest alone are successful All successful persons are honest.
2. E-type propositions: Sentences with singular term or definite singular term with the sign
of negation are to be treated as E-type propositions. Sentences beginning with the words like
‘no’, ‘never’. and ‘none’ are to be treated as E-type propositions.
‘Never men are perfect’ it ‘No men are perfect’ in its logical form.
3. I-type propositions: Affirmative sentences with words like ‘a few’, ‘certain’, ‘most’, and
‘many’ are to be treated as I-type propositions.
Sentence Logical form
A few men are present Some men are present
Most of the students are laborious Some students are laborious
Few men are not selfish Some men are selfish
Certain books are good Some books are good
Man Indians are religious Some Indians are religious
All students of my class, except a few, are Some students of my class are well
well prepared prepared
The poor may be happy Some poor people are happy
4. O- type propositions: A negative can sentence that begins with a word like
‘every’, ‘any, ‘each’, or ‘all’ is to be treated as an O-type proposition.
Sentence Logical form
Every man is not rich Some men are not rich
Certain books are not readable Some books are not readable
Most of the students are not rich Some students are not rich
Some men are not above temptation Few men are above temptation
5. Exclusive proposition
(a) In exclusive propositions, the subject is qualified with words like ‘only’, ‘along’, ‘none
but’, or not one else but’.
(b) Here, the quantity is not explicitly stated.
(c) They can be reduced to A , E or-types by first interchanging the subject and worlds like
‘only’ or ‘alone’ with ‘all’.
1. Exercise:
1. Intelligent alone are laborious.
2. Most of the girls are intelligent.
These statements should first be converted into logical forms according to the rules
for logical form.
1. All intelligent are laborious. This is in the form B to C.
2. Some girls are intelligent. This is in the form A to B.
Just by changing their order, we can align them. After aligment is done, we move to Step it.
2. Exercise:
1. Some pens are books.
2. Some stationary are books
As books is the common term, they are in the form A to B and C to B. The first
statement does not require any change. As the second statement is in Particular Positive (I-
type), this can be changed to I-type only according to conversion table given earlier. The
second statement will become, ‘Some books are stationary’.
Now propositions are properly aligned that is, ‘Some pens are books’ and ‘Some
books are stationary’. We now move to Step II.
Rule of Syllogism
Proposition I(A to B) Proposition II(B to C) Conclusion Summarized
Universal Positive(A) UniversalPositive (A) A+A=A
Universal Positive(A)
Universal Negative(E) Universal Negative(E) A+E=E
Universal Positive(A) Particular negative(O) E+A=O*
Universal Negative(E)
Particular Positive(I) Particular Negative(O) E+I=O*
Universal Positive(A) Particular Positive(I) I+A=I
Particular Positive(I)
Universal Negative(E) Particular Negative(O) I+E=O
Data Interpretation:-
Data interpretation is one of the easiest sections of UGC/CBSE Paper I. It is basically
about drawing conclusions and inferences from a comprehensive data presented numerically
in a tabular or graphical form by means of an illustration, namely, graphs, pie charts, and so
on. Thus, the act of organizing and interpreting data to get meaningful information is data
interpretation. The important aspects of data sources their acquisitions, and interpretation
have been covered in Unit II on Research Aptitude. In this unit, the focus is one solving
practical problems as per questions asked in the UGC/CBSE Net pattern.
A table is a systematic arrangement of data into vertical columns and horizontal rows.
The process of arranging data into rows and columns is called tabulations.
The purpose of tabulation is to present the data in such a way that it becomes more
meaningful and can be easily understood by a common man. However, in case of voluminous
data, it may require closer reading than graphs of charts and hence is difficult and time
consuming to interpret.
1- Title of the table:- A title is a heading at the top of the table describing its contents. It
mainly reflects upon the nature of the data, where the data is what time period the data
covers, and how the data is classified.
2- Caption:- The headings for various columns and rows are called column captions and
row captions.
3- Box head:- The portion of the table containing column caption is called box head.
4- Stub:- The portion of the table containing row caption is called stub.
5- Body of the table:- The body of the table contains the statistical data which has to be
presented in different rows and columns.
6- Prefatory notes or head notes:- Prefatory notes appear between the title and the body of
the table and are enclosed in brackets. They are used to throw some light about the units
of measurements, in lakhs, in thousands, and so on.
7- Footnote:- A footnote is always given at the bottom of the table but above the source
note. A footnote is a statement about something which is not clear from heading, title
stubs, captions and so on.
8- Source note:- A source note is placed immediately below the table but after the footnote.
It refers to the source from where information has been taken.
Circle Graphs (or Pie Charts):-
Circle graphs are used to show how various sectors are in the whole. Circle graphs are
sometimes called pie charts, circle graphs usually give the percent that each sector receives.
In such representation the total quantity in question is distributed over a total angle of
360o. While using pie chart to find the ratios of various sectors, there is no need to find the
amounts each sector received and then the ratio of the amount. Find the ratio of the percents,
which is much easier.
State A B C D E F
Year Pre- Passed Pre- Passed Pre- Passed Pre- Passed Pre- Passed Pre- Passed
sented sented sented sented sented sented
1994 1200 105 1400 125 1650 140 1450 160 1700 185 1800 165
1995 1450 110 1250 130 1500 125 1600 145 1850 170 1650 170
1996 1100 120 1300 115 1400 150 1250 120 1400 160 1550 140
1997 1350 125 1100 120 1550 145 1300 140 1550 155 1700 155
1998 1400 135 1550 105 1750 155 1400 155 1650 175 1750 160
1999 1500 140 1450 110 1700 130 1500 165 1500 165 1600 175
Q.1 What is the approximate percentage of the passed candidates jointly from all the six
states to the presented candidates in the year 1994?
(a) 15 (b) 10 (c) 7 (d) 12 (e) 14
Q.2 Which one of the following states has maximum percentage of the passed candidates
to the presented candidates in 1996?
(a) B (b) D (c) C (d) E (e) None of these
Q.3 What is the percentage of passed candidates jointly from the state 'C' in the year 1995
and 1998 to the presented candidates jointly from the state 'B' in the year 1994 and
(a) 12.5 (b) 10.8 (c) 10.2 (d) 12.4 (e) None of these
Q.4 What is the approximate average number of passed candidates from state 'D' in the
given years?
(a) 148 (b) 158 (c) 142 (d) 154 (e) 140
Q.5 Which one of the following years has least percentage of passed candidates to the
presented candidates from the state 'F'?
(a) 1998 (b) 1997 (c) 1996 (d) 1994 (e) None of these
1. Total number of all presented candidates of all six states in the year 1994
= 1200 + 1400 + 1650 + 1450 + 1700 + 1800
= 9200
Total number of passed candidates of all six states in the year 1994
= 105 + 125 + 140 + 160 + 185 + 165
= 880
Requires percentage = = 10% (Approx.)
Therefore, the answer is (B).
The percentage of state 'E' is the highest. Hence, the answer is (D).
3. The number of passed candidates of state (C) jointly in the year 1995 and 1998
= 125 + 155 = 280
The number of presented candidates of state 'B' jointly in the year 1994 and 1998
= 1400 + 1100 = 2500
4. Required average number
Therefore, the correct answer will be (A).
5. The percentage of passed candidates to the presented candidates from state 'F' in 1994
The percentage of passed candidates to the presented candidates of state 'F' in the 1995
The percentage of passed candidates to the presented candidates of state 'F' in 1996
The percentage of passed candidates to the presented candidates of state 'F' in 1997
The percentage of passed candidates to the presented candidates of state 'F' in 1998
And the percentage of passed candidates to the presented candidates of state 'F' in 1999
The optimum use of ICT in India' higher education system can propel the country to become a
knowledge superpower. The innovative use of information technology (IT) in higher education
addresses the three fundamental challenges that are access equity and quality.
4. More economical higher speed of delivery and wider reach
5. Multiple teaching functions and diverse audiences
6. Uniform quality:- if content is well produced and is of good quality the same quality can be
delivered to the rich and the poor, the urban and the rural equally at the same low cost.
1. High infrastructure and start up costs.
2. Little attention towards individual differ ences in order to achieve economies of scale
3. Accessibility issue
4. ICT is basically a delivery system
5. Difficulty in performance evaluation
6. Continuous training requirement
7. Call for attitudinal change to understanding of teaching and learning.
Blended Learning:-
It refers to learning that occurs in a traditional classroom setting where a faculty member
delivers instructions to a group of learners.
Major Initiatives in India for providing E- content for different Courses:-
1. Lekhika 2007:- it was developed by the centre for the Development of advanced computing (C-
DAC) under India's IT ministry and Israel's FTK Technologies. The objective of this project is to
spread computer literacy to the masses in India who do not know English.
2. National Programme of Technology Enhanced learning (NPTEL):- IT is a joint initiative of ht
IITs (Indian Institute of Technology and IISc (Indian Institute of Science) to provide e learning
through online web and video courses in engineering science, and humanities stream.
3. National Knowledge Network (NKN) and connected Digital:- An initiative has been
undertaken to cover 1000 institutions besides providing digital campuses, video conference
classrooms, wireless hotspots, laptops/ desktops to all students of professional/science courses,
and Wi-Fi connectivity in hostels.
4. Centre for Distance Engineering Education Program (CDEEP):- CDEEP is an emulated
classroom interaction programme by using real time interactive programme by using real time
interactive satellite technology. This was launched by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
5. EDUSAT:- The launch of EDUSAT brought satellite connectivity to large parts of rural India.
India Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is leveraging satellite, TV, and the Interned
Technologies satellite, TV and the Internet Technologies to offer online course.
6. IIMS: IIM-C, IIM-B, IIM-K, XLRI, and other management institutes have started offering
courses (in association with private players like Hughes Global Education, Reliance, NIIT and so
on). After the distance Education council (DEC) allowed them to do so in 2007.
7. Birhaspati:- This open source el learning platform has been developed by IIT- Kanpur.
8. Gyan Darshan:- Launched in 2000, Gyan Darshan is a joint effort of IGNOU and the IITs. Is is a
bouquet of channels that broadcasts educational programmes for school kids, university students,
and adults. Courses are contributed by IGNOU, UGC consortium for Educational communication
(UGC-CEC), IITs, and so on. CEC is an inter university centre of UGC.
9. Gyan Vani:- It is a bouquet of frequency modulation (FM) radio channels which broadcast
programs contributed by institutions such as IGNOU and IITs. Under UGC countrywide
Classroom initiative, education progrmmes are telecast on Gyan Darshan and Doordarshan's
National Channel (DD1) every day.
10.Sakshat Portal:- Launched in 2006 Sakshat is a one stop education portal for addressing all the
education and learning related needs of students scholars, teachers, and lifelong learners.
11.GRID GARUDA:- It is India first national grid bringing together academic scientific are research
communities for developing their data and other applications.
12.Shruti Drishti:- It is basically for visually impaired women empowerment (VIWE).
13.IIT Madras:- It has been assigned the task to develop e contents for 996 courses.
The mobile phones are rich in the feature that they provide more than just voice calls.
Smartphone's, iphones, kindly etc., which have the internet access, allow students and faculty to
perform a wide range of assignments. Tasks like administration, sharing class notes, downloading
lectures, instant messaging, and so on, are possible wherever cell phone services are available.
Concept of social learning:-
Web 2.0 social networking such as blogs and wikis, you tube, iTunes, and Big Think are
influencing a new trend in higher education. The emergence of smart phones such as the iPhone and
other intelligent devices has enhanced mobile learning (referred to as m-leaning). These technologies
create new channels for content delivery online video expansion, and podcasting.
E-journal consortia:-
AICTE-INDEST is a consortium set up by the Ministry of Human Resource to enhance
greater access and generate annual savings in access of bibliographic databases.
Frequency Modulation:-
Frequency Modulation (FM) is a form of modulation that coveys information over a carrier
wave by varying its frequency (contrast this with amplitude modulation, in which the amplitude of the
carrier is varied while its frequency remains constant.
Prasar Bharati:-
It is a statutory autonomous body established under the Prasar Bharati Act. The Board came
into existence in 1997. Prasar Bharati is public service broadcaster of the country.
The experimental telecast started in Delhi in September 1959 with a small transmitter and a
makeshift studio. The regular daily transmission started in 1965. The TV service was extended to a
second city, Bombay, only in 1972. Till 1975, only seven cities were covered by the TV.
Deals with people and environment, Population is a near permanent group of
interbreeding individuals of a species found in a space or geographical area at a particular
The term ecology was coined by Ernst Haeckel in 1869. Ecology deals with the study
of organisms in their natural home.
It is the scientific study of the relations that living organisms have with respect to
each other and their natural environment the ecosystems.
A community is an assemblage of all the interacting populations of different species
in a geographical area. It is a complex interacting network of plants, animals, and
The term ecosystem was defined by Arthur Tansley in 1935. Ecosystem is a self-
regulating community of living organisms (populations of species), interacting with each
other and their nonliving, physical environment, for example, forest ecosystem and ocean
Ecotone: An ecotone is the transitional area of vegetation between two different plant
communities, such as forest and grassland. The influence of the two bordering communities
on each other is known as the edge effect.
(3) Decomposers: These are microorganisms that break down organic matter into
inorganic compounds and in this process, derive their nutrition.
In ecology, abiotic components are non-living chemical and physical factors in the
environment that affect the ecosystems.
Examples are water, light, wind, soil, humidity, minerals, and gases.
Pyramid of numbers
Pyramid of biomass
Upright Pyramid of Number This type of pyramid number is found in the aquatic and
grassland ecosystems.
Partly Upright Pyramid of Number It is seen in the forest ecosystem where the
number of producers are lesser in number and support a greater number of herbivores and
which in turn support a fewer number of carnivores.
Inverted Pyramid of Number
This type of ecological pyramid is seen in parasitic food chain where one primary
producer supports numerous parasites, which in turn support more hyperparasites.
There are different types of ecosystems around us, which involve living organisms and
non-living things. If we combine all the ecosystems present on earth, it is called biosphere.
The terrestrial portion of biosphere is divided into biomes. They usually have distinct
climates and life forms adapted to that climate.
The area or natural environment in which an organism or population normally lives is
called habitat.
1. During the Gupta period India became a centre of higher learning with Nalanda (all
branches of knowledge), Takshila (study of medicine), and Ujjain (Study of astronomy)
among other.
2. During the advent of Buddhism Sarnath University became a great centre of learning to
study Buddhism. Ajanta was also a great place of learning to study Buddhism. Ajanta was
also a great place of learning art, architecture and painting. Indian society thrived and its
economy also dominated the world under this kind of education system.
3. Mughal education system consisted of primary and secondary schools and even colleges.
Colleges were established at Fatehpur Sikri, Agra, Delhi and other places. Education
system based on Hindu Philosophy also existed side by side.
4. In 2006 Singapore China India Japan, and other nations announced a proposed plan to
restore and revive the ancient site as Nalanda International University.
WOOD DISPATCH (1854):- It was the first policy measure regarding higher education. It
recommended setting up of three universities namely at Madras, Calcutta and Bombay which
were set up in 1857.
UNIVERSITIES COMMISSION (1902):- Lord Curzon was the first person to appoint a
commission on university education. On January 27, 1902, the Indian Universities Act, 1904-
India University Commission was appointed under the Chairmanship of Sir Thomas Raleigh
to enquire into conditions and prospects of the universities established in British India and to
consider and report upon the proposals of the universities established in British India and to
consider and report upon the proposals for improving their constitution and working.
The Indian Universities Act of 1904, passed on March 21 was formulated on the basis
of the recommendations of the India University commission of 1902.
NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATION:- After partition of Bengal in 1905, national
council of education was set up by swadeshi nationalist leaders, which developed into
Jadavpur University after independence.
HARTOG COMMITTEE (1929):- The committee focused on improving the quality and
standard of university level education. It again recommended the setting up of CABE, which
was again established in 1935 and has been in existence since.
SAPRU COMMITTEE:- the committee appointed in 1934 by the United province (largely
present Uttar Pradesh) Government to enquire into the causes of unemployment in U.P came
to the conclusion that the system of education commonly prevalent prepared pupils only for
examination and degrees and not for any avocation in life.
ABBOT WOOD REPROT (1937):- It proposed the English should be the medium of
instruction at university level. It recommended vocational training through polytechnics and
setting up of vocational teacher's training colleges.
SARGENT REPORT (1944):- The Sargent report is also called scheme of post war
Educational development in India.
MUDALIAR COMMISSION (1952-1953):- It is also popular as the Secondary Education
commission. It recommended introducing a three year secondary and a four year higher
education system. I also advocated setting up of multipurpose schools and vocational training
EDUCATION SUBJECT IN CONCURRENT LIST (1976):- India has a federal setup and
education is the concurrent responsibility of both the centre as well of states. Post
independence, education (including university education) was the responsibility of the states,
while the centre was given the function of coordination and determination of standards.
However, in 1976, through Entry 25 (42nd list of the constitutional Amendment) in the
concurrent list of the responsibility along with the states for all levels of education.
Education is in concurrent list where both central and state governments can legislate.
APEX LEVEL BODIES :- There are eight Apex Level Bodies (Regulatory Bodies/Research
Councils) under the Department of Higher Education, which are responsible for higher
education in India. These bodies can be broadly divided into two categories (i) Regualtory
Bodies and (ii) Research Councils.
REGULATORY BODIES:- There are three regulatory Bodies- University Grants
commission, all India council for technical Education, and council of Architecture – to
regulate higher education in India.
Universities can be set up only through legislation or the deemed route. At present the
main constituents of universities of university level institutions are listed below.
Universities Number
Central Universities 46
State Universities 344
Deemed Universities 125
Private Universities 232
Total Universities 747
A central university or a union university in India is established by act of parliament
and are under the purview of the Department of Higher education in the Union Human
Resource Development Ministry. In general universities in India are recognized by UGC,
which draws its power from the University Grants commission act, 1956.
1. There are 46 central universities under the purviews of MHRD. Out of them, 16 new
central universities were established in 2009 by an act of Parliament namely central
universities Act 2009.
2. IGNOU, New Delhi is funded directly by the MHRD.
3. President of India is the Visitor of all central universities. In that capacity, he nominates
some members to important committees of the university for their effective functioning.
He also exercises power in various legal matter and relevant amendments.
The state UT wise list of central universities is given below.
Assan (2)
2. Assam University, Silchar (1994)
3. Tezpur University Tezpur (1994)
Bihar (3)
4. Central university of south Bihar, Patna (established 2014 territorial jurisdiction south of
river Ganges in Bihar)
5. Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Patna (established 2014 territorial jurisdiction north
of river Ganges in Bihar)
6. Nalanda University, Rajgir, Nalanda (2010- established under Central Act)
Chhattisgarh (1)
7. Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalay, Bilaspur (2009 converted from State University,
originally set up in 1983)
Gujarat (1)
8. Central University of Gujarat Gandhi Nagar (2009)
Haryana (1)
9. Central University of Haryana Mahendragarh (2009)
Jharkhand (1)
13. Central University of Jharkhand Renchi (2009)
Karnataka (1)
14. Central university of Karnataka Gulbarga (2009)
Kerala (1)
15. Central University of Kerala, kasargod (2009)
Maharashtra (1)
18. Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya wardha (1997)
Manipur (2)
19. Central Agricultural University Imphal (1993)
20. Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal (2005)
Meghalaya (1)
21. North Eastern Hill University shilling and Tura (1973)
Mizoram (1)
22. Assam University, Silchar (1994)
Nagaland (1)
23. Nagaland University Kohima (1994)
Odisha (1)
24. Central University of Orissa, Koraput (2009)
Punjab (1)
25. Central university of Punjab Bathinda (2009)
Rajasthan (1)
26. Central university of Rajasthan Ajmer (2009)
Sikkim (1)
27. Sikkim University, Gangtok (1997- Dr M.S Swaminathan the father of Green Revolution
in India and first winner of world food Prize was the VC of Sikkim University)
Telangana (3)
30. Hyderablad central university, Hderabad (1974)
31. Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Gachibowli Hyderbad (1998)
32. The English and Foreign languages University, Hyderabad (2007)
Tripura (1)
33. Tripura University Agartala (2007)]
Uttarakhand (1)
39. Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University Srinagar, (2009 converted from State
University to central university originally set up in 1973)