Design A Slab For A Room of Size 5mX4m Which Carries A Live Load of 4 KN/m2. Use M20 Concrete QND Fe 415steel For The Design. Take Bearing 300mm
Design A Slab For A Room of Size 5mX4m Which Carries A Live Load of 4 KN/m2. Use M20 Concrete QND Fe 415steel For The Design. Take Bearing 300mm
Design A Slab For A Room of Size 5mX4m Which Carries A Live Load of 4 KN/m2. Use M20 Concrete QND Fe 415steel For The Design. Take Bearing 300mm
Design a slab for a room of size 5mX4m which carries a live load of 4 KN/m2. Use M20
concrete qnd Fe 415steel for the design. Take bearing = 300mm.
Dimension of Room ly 5m
lx 4m
Grade of concrete fck 20 KN/m2
Grade of steel fy 415 KN/m2
Clear cover d' 20 mm
Width of wall 300 mm
Concrete Density 25 KN/m3
Live load 4 KN/m2
Width of slab b 1m
xu max/d 0.48
Check for the type of Slab
ly/lx = 1.25
It is Two way Slab
Load calculation
Dead load = b*D*d
= 5.5 KN/m
Live load = 4 KN/m
Floor Finishers load, = 1 KN/m
Total load,W = 10.5 KN/m
Wu = 15.75 KN/m
Ultimate moment
Mux = ax*Wu*le2
Muy = ay*Wu*le2
Reinforcement details
Shorter Span
Mux = 0.87*fy*Ast*(1-fy*Ast/b*d*fck)*d
a = 0.87*fy2 = 149835.8 2a 299671.5
b = 0.87*fy*fck*b*d
= 1.44E+09 b2 2.09E+18
c = Mux*fck*b= 419523.3 4ac 2.51E+11
Ast = 0.00029 m2
Ast provided Ast = 0.00029 = 290.4884 m2
ast 50.26548
Sv 190.3996 = 190 mm