Prelim Exam in Philosophy
Prelim Exam in Philosophy
Prelim Exam in Philosophy
Directions: Inside the box are branches of philosophy. Read the statements below and identify the branch of philosophy
it refers to. Write your answer on the space provided after the statement. (one point for each item)
Epistemology Logic
1. Science of the beautiful in its various manifestations- including the sublime, 1. ___________________________
comic, tragic, pathetic and ugly.
2. A branch of philosophy evaluates human actions. 2. ___________________________
3. A branch of philosophy that deals about human critical thinking 3. ___________________________
and problem solving.
4. Addresses varied problems; the reliability, extent, and kinds of knowledge; 4. ___________________________
truth; language; science; and scientific knowledge.
5. A branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, 5. ___________________________
including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.
Directions: Answer the question below. You will be graded according to the criteria being presented below.
1. How do you define “happiness”? Do you support the view of Socrates?
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Content (x3) The content is The content is The content is clear The content is The content is
very clear and clear and and somewhat clear not clear and
discussed/ discussed/ discussed/explaine and discussed/ not
explained very explained d satisfactorily. explained discussed/exp
comprehensively comprehensively unsatisfactorily. lained.
. .
Organizatio Ideas are very Ideas are very Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are
n and well organized well organized organized but somewhat confusing
Grammar and no error in but with 1-3 with 4-10 errors organized but with more
(x1) grammar. errors in in grammar. with 11-20 than 20
grammar. errors in errors in
grammar. grammar.
20 16 12 8 4