COVID-19: Pret A Manger's Fight For Survival
COVID-19: Pret A Manger's Fight For Survival
COVID-19: Pret A Manger's Fight For Survival
This case discusses abaout how competitors to provide digital delivery and
Pret a Manger as a brand that focus on ordering services due to falling pret sales
sandwich sector to survive at this COVID- in the transportation, shopping and office
billion in 2019. But the COVID-19 it's good for Pret to know about his own
pandemic forced Pret to change the business. To find out more about the
business strategy Pret had been doing for business that Pret has been doing, it can
for years. Especially in london where Pret be analyzed using a SWOT analysis.
has hundreds of outlets that are very Pret’s strengths were about Pret as a
affected by this pandemic. The UK brand that has been widely recognized by
government must comply with a policy that the public as a brand that provides
requires limiting the restaurants that open sandwiches and other healthy products,
there, with this policy forcing Pret to close therefore it is not difficult to pretend to
market its products. Various menu offered
by Pret can also be classified into good should do are to adapt to this pandemic by
healthy food and this is beneficial for Pret expanding to digital business to catch up
because the trend for good food is with its competitors. Implementing several
increasing recently. The services provided plans that were proposed before the crisis
by Pret’s employees who are famous for could also be a solution, such as
their cheerfulness are also a strength that implementing "Pret Office Drops" to
is considered to be able to provide overcome the problem of declining sales
satisfaction to their customers. in the office sector. Collaborating with third
Cheerfulness service by Pret’s employees parties may also be a position that needs
can actually be wasted due to this to be tried during this pandemic by
pandemic where people no longer have to working with third parties who have the
visit food outlets. Pret has left behind other same vision as Pret, so that Pret's brand
take away food outlets in creating loyalty identity will be well preserved. With the
schemes that provide customer-specific opening of access for workers to work in
data and allow customer relationship the office, it should be a turning point for
management (CRM) becomes Pret's Pret to implement several objectives that
weakness. Another Pret weakneses were have been planned and adapt to this
Pret's inability to maximize existing outlets pandemic as well as its customers who
to reach its customers during this have adapted first.
pandemic, even though pret's outlets are
classified as many, Pret cannot provide
food delivery services to reach their
customers who are at home. The outlets
that Pret have are actually scattered
throughout the UK in particular, it can be
an opportunity to pretend that Pret can
maximize the existing food delivery
service where competitors have seen this
opportunity because according to data that
there is an increase in orders in delivery
restaurants by 40 %, with the rapid
development of competitors' businesses
during this COVID-19 pandemic, this can
be a threat to Pret itself.