Experimental Analysis of Turbulence Effect Between Double Rotor Wind Turbine
Experimental Analysis of Turbulence Effect Between Double Rotor Wind Turbine
Experimental Analysis of Turbulence Effect Between Double Rotor Wind Turbine
Submitted by
ISHWARYA.V (311016101020)
JAGANBABU.C (311016101021)
JENIFER.C (311016101022)
bonafide record of the work out this group under my supervision and guidance in
1. Introduction 1
2 Literature survey 6
6 Power calculation 20
7.1.1 Pre-processing 28
7.1.2 Solver 29
7.1.3 Post-processing 29
7.2 Assumptions 29
8 Material testing 36
9 Conclusion 43
A turbine is a machine that spins around in a moving fluid (liquid or gas) and
catches some of the energy passing by. All sorts of machines use turbines, from jet
engines to hydroelectric power plants and from diesel railroad locomotives to windmills.
Even a child's toy windmill is a simple form of turbine.
The huge rotor blades (propellers) on the front of a wind turbine are the "turbine"
part. As wind passes by, the kinetic energy (energy of movement) it contains makes the
blades spin around (usually quite slowly). The blades have a special curved shape so they
capture as much energy from the wind as possible.
Although we talk about "wind turbines," the turbine is only one of the three main
parts inside these giant machines. The second part is a gearbox whose gears convert the
slow speed of the spinning blades into higher-speed rotary motion—turning the drive
shaft quickly enough to power the electricity generator.
The generator is the third main part of a turbine and it's exactly like an enormous,
scaled-up version of the dynamo on a bicycle. When you ride a bicycle, the dynamo
touching the back wheel spins around and generates enough electricity to make a lamp
light up. The same thing happens in a wind turbine, only the "dynamo" generator is
driven by the turbine's rotor blades instead of by a bicycle wheel, and the "lamp" is a light
in someone's home dozens of miles away.
Wind turbines can rotate about either a horizontal or a vertical axis. Depends upon
this basic rotational axis wind turbine can be classified in to two basic types as Horizontal
Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) and Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT).
Horizontal-axis wind turbines have the main rotor shaft and electrical generator at
the top of a tower, and must be pointed into the wind. Small turbines are pointed by a
simple wind vane, while large turbines generally use a wind sensor coupled with a servo
motor. Most have a gearbox, which turns the slow rotation of the blades into a quicker
rotation that is more suitable to drive an electrical generator.
Vertical-axis wind turbines have the main rotor shaft arranged vertically. One
advantage of this arrangement is that the turbine does not need to be pointed into the
wind to be effective, which is an advantage on a site where the wind direction is highly
variable. It is also an advantage when the turbine is integrated into a building because it is
inherently less steerable. Also, the generator and gearbox can be placed near the ground,
using a direct drive from the rotor assembly to the ground-based gearbox, improving
accessibility for maintenance.
Apart from these two types other wind turbines are also useful in some other areas.
They are: Darrieus wind turbine, Giromill, Savonius wind turbine, Savonius wind
turbine. They aren’t commonly utilized but the implement researches about this design
are going on in various applications.
Wind turbine is small in size in, and simple in design. It fully uses lift and drags
force, easily produce rated power at low wind speed. 3 phase permanent magnet AC
generator ,direct driven, no gear box, and no need tail. Less maintenance is due to simple
A small wind turbine is a wind turbine used for micro generation, as opposed to
large commercial wind turbines, such as those found in wind farms, with greater
individual power output.
Micro wind turbine is an umbrella term for small scale wind turbine that are
typically deployed on or near buildings and used to generate electricity that is transmitted
direct to the property
Micro wind turbines have in the past been critized for being visually intrusive and
generating less energy than expected.
However, supplies maintain that models can generate up to 100kw of energy and
represent an efficient source of on – site renewable energy as long as they are situated.
The main reasons and advantages favoring the installation of micro wind turbines are:
1. In spite of the large wind systems, micro wind turbines show an almost no-
environmental Impact. As a matter of fact, if we consider the small size of tower height
(< 20 m), the low tip speed of rotor blades (up to 90 m/s in spite of 200 m/s of large wind
turbines) and the Resulting noiseless of micro wind rotors, we can define the micro wind
turbines as very high Environmentally friendly power systems.
2. For the mentioned reasons, any kind of authorization is not requested to the
authorities in order to proceed with the installation of micro wind turbines.
3. Since micro wind systems don’t need great electric transformation cabins but
just simple tri phase connections working at low tension, it’s not necessary to carry out
great Infrastructural works to execute the installation of micro wind turbines;
4. Micro wind systems are well suited for different energy demands just like those
of small Centre's and municipalities up to 4-5000 citizens, which are willing to cut their
electricity Charges for public utilities
[5], Donny R. Cagle, Anthony D. May, Brian D. Vick and Adam J. Holman,
blades have been designed, fabricated, and tested at the United States Department of
Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service-Conservation and Production Research
Laboratory in Bushland, Texas in an attempt to improve the overall performance of small
(1-10 kilowatt) wind turbines. The new turbine blades feature more advanced NREL
S822 and S823 airfoils, a linear chord distribution, and a near Glauert twist distribution.
The blades were fabricated using a hand lay-up method in a single mold. The rotor blades
were adapted to a 1.5kW wind turbine for performance and reliability testing.
[6], D. Corbus and M. Meadors, SMALL WIND RESEARCH ,October 2005,Many
small wind turbines use furling, whereby the rotor either tilts and/or yaws out of the wind
to protect itself from over speed during very high winds. In the past, most small wind
turbine designers used trial and error approaches that often used variable geometry test
platforms to vary furling offsets. Although recent advances in understanding furling have
resulted in furling being incorporated into wind turbine aero elastic simulation models, to
date there has been a limited amount of test data available for validation of small furling
wind turbine models .
To run the double rotor wind turbine blade even in low speed wind velocity
To increase the power of the wind turbine.
To withstand the blade even at high turbulence.
The site selection of data are collected in Tirunelveli region, where the design of
wind turbine will be implemented and type of the application will mounted on the roof
top of the buildings like schools, collages, offices, homes etc..if the wind turbines are
already planted over in this area and also some new designs are going to be planted over
there. From the site survey, the approximate height of the hub of real wind turbine is
notified as 100 m and the power was generated as 800W per wind turbine.
Even though some micro wind turbines are not working ,when the velocity of
below <6m/s. So for that we doing this optimization we can achieve the maximum power
in the minimum velocity. The contribution of the part will be in the roof top-micro wind
turbine in all rural/village.
The following data are assumed for the initial process of calculation:
The selection of these blade parameters are often based on the Blade Element Momentum
(BEM) theory. Blade element momentum theory is a theory that combines both blade
element theory and momentum theory. It is used to calculate the local forces on a
propeller or wind-turbine blade. Blade element theory is combined with momentum
theory to alleviate some of the difficulties in calculating the induced velocities at the
rotor. The blade design parameters include airfoil shape, design angle of attack, design tip
speed ratio, and rated wind speed, which are to be considered in the wind turbine blade
aerodynamic design stage.
1. By the assumption and required values find out the radius of the blade.
2. Assume the tip speed ratio for the appropriate value of blade radius
3. Find out the RPM of the blade for a particular tip speed ratio
4. Divide the blade in to multiple sections
5. Find the blade angle of the blade at every section
6. By using the blade angle find the chord length at different locations of the
7. Choose an aerofoil appropriate to the blade design
8. By using the co-ordinates, pitch angle and chord length design the blade using
s software.
600= × 1.225 × 𝜋 × 𝑅2 × 103 × 0.5418 × 0.9
𝑅2 =0.6381
R = 0.8m
Initially divide the blade section in to 10 different section to find chord length and
pitch angle at each section. Whole radius notified as ‘R’, and the radius at each section
notified as ‘r’.
By using the value of pitch angle, tip speed ratio and radius at each section the
chord of the blade at each section is found as follows.
5.6 ∗ 𝑅 ∗ 𝑅
𝐶1 =
𝑖 ∗ 𝑐𝑙 ∗ 𝑡𝑠𝑟 ∗ 𝑡𝑠𝑟 ∗ 𝑟
Therefore maximum chord will be placed in root portion and the minimum chord
will be placed at the tip portion for producing maximum lift force. The radius, blade
angle and chord length are listed below.
Blade station Radius (m) Chord Length (m) Blade Twist (𝜷)
1 0.16 0.135 23.1
2 0.224 0.112 17.62
3 0.288 0.091 14.35
4 0.352 0.076 12.05
5 0.416 0.0655 10.31
6 0.48 0.057 9.32
7 0.544 0.051 8.23
8 0.608 0.046 7.44
9 0.672 0.0415 6.79
10 0.736 0.038 6.14
11 0.8 0.035 5.66
According to the aerofoil selection is based on the series which represented either
by NACA/NASA or NREL. These will gives the series of both symmetric and un
symmetric aerofoil. For my project let us select the cambered aerofoil which is otherwise
called as un symmetric aerofoil. It will generates lift at 0º angle of attack. Here the
detailed investigation of the aerofoil S822, NACA series 4412, 4415, 4418 and
Apart from the manual design of an aerofoil, the computerized model will give
applicable shape to blade. Two methods are commonly used for importing aerofoil co-
ordinates from excel or notepad to CATIA. The method of importing the co-ordinates
explained here. In these two methods we will use any method to get appropriate blade
design. Two methods are finally align the aerofoil's in such a way of root to tip via mean
blade span.
4. Now the co-ordinates with different points will be plotted as points. By clicking
points and clouds, you can change the points into visible points.
5. Connect those points by using a spline, now we will get the aerofoil for root
like below.
From the static pressure contour values the values of max pressure is occur in the hub
From the results of the velocity contour results get the results up on the surface of
the value can be taken at the rotation portions give more velocity
Behind the turbine blade portion give the more turbulence on the blade surfaces
WIND (Axial UW UR Power
U∞ VELOCITY Induction (m/s) (m/s) (Watts)
(m/s) Factor)
(Axial Induction UW UR Power
Factor) (m/s) (m/s) (Watts)
6.02 4 0.168053 3.99 4 78.792
12.14 8.1 0.176277 7.86 8.1 649.4078
10000 POWER IN
05101520 25
The finite element method is numerical analysis technique for obtaining approximate
solutions to a wide variety of engineering problems. Because of its diversity and
flexibility as an analysis tool, it is receiving much attention in engineering schools and
industries. In more and more engineering situations today, we find that it is necessary to
obtain approximate solutions to problems rather than exact closed form solution.
Advantages of FEA:
Visualization increases
Design cycle time reduces
No. of prototypes reduces
Testing reduces
Optimum design
The process of performing ANSYS can be broken down into three main steps.
1) Pre-processing
2) Solver
3) Post-processing
This step is most important in analysis of leaf spring. Any modelling software can
be used for modelling of geometry and can be shifted to other simulation software for
analysis purpose. After mesh generation (grid generation) is the process of subdividing a
region to be modelled into a set of small elements. Meshing is the method to define and
breaking up the model into small elements. In general a finite element model is defined
by a mesh network, which is made up of the geometric arrangement of elements and
nodes. Nodes represent points at which features such as displacements are calculated.
Elements are bounded by set of nodes, and define localized mass and stiffness properties
of the model. Elements are also defined by the number of mesh, which allowed reference
to be made to corresponding deflections, stresses at specific model location. The common
type of mesh element used in ANSYS solver is hexahedral, tetrahedral and brick.
7.1.2 SOLVER
During pre processing user has to work hard while solution step is the turn of computer
to do the job. User has to just click on solve icon & enjoy a cup of tea! Internally
software carries out matrix formations, inversion, multiplication & solution for unknown.
e.g. displacement & then find strain & stress for static analysis.
The final step in ANSYS is Post-processing, during which the ANSYS results are
analyzed. However, the real value of ANSYS simulation is frequently found in its ability
to provide accurate predictions of integrated quantities such as find displacement and
stresses. Post processing is viewing results, verifications, conclusions & thinking about
what steps could be taken to improve the design.
STEEL 4.133
GFRP 0.30206
0.0001 STRAIN
The test is similar to the Charpy impact test but uses a different arrangement of the
specimen under test. The IZOD impact test differs from the Charpy impact test in that the
sample is held in a cantilevered beam configuration as opposed to a three-point bending
The test is named after the English engineer Edwin Gilbert IZOD (1876–1946),
who described it in his 1903 address to the British Association, subsequently published
in Engineering.
Impact tests are used in studying the toughness of material. A material's toughness
is a factor of its ability to absorb energy during plastic deformation. Brittle materials have
low toughness as a result of the small amount of plastic deformation that they can endure.
The impact value of a material can also change with temperature. Generally, at lower
temperatures, the impact energy of a material is decreased. The size of the specimen may
also affect the value of the Izod impact test because it may allow a different number of
imperfections in the material, which can act as stress risers and lower the impact energy.
The three point bending flexural test provides values for the modulus of elasticity
in bending Ef, flexural stress sigma f, flexural strain epsilon f and the flexural stress-strain
response of the material. The main advantage of a three-point flexural test is the ease of
the specimen preparation and testing. However, this method has also some disadvantages:
the results of the testing method are sensitive to specimen and loading geometry and
strain rate.
The test method for conducting the test usually involves a specified test fixture on
a universal testing machine. Details of the test preparation, conditioning, and conduct
affect the test results. The sample is placed on two supporting pins a set distance apart
and a third loading pin is lowered from above at a constant rate until sample failure.
The overall comparison of the power double rotor produce 100% more than single
rotor wind turbine Due to the reason of secondary rotor produce more power to primary
rotor Turbulence effect is the main factor in the double rotor wind turbines Optimized
angular position of the secondary rotor for reduce the turbulence effect
FEA analysis is taken for the double rotor wind blade material selection process in
this place steel, aluminum and GFRP materials are choose for the structural analysis
pressure load condition is taken from the CFD analysis results from the analysis GFRP
material produce the very low stress value in the wind pressure condition so GFRP
material is taken for experimental analysis
GFRP material specimen is prepared by using hand layup method and getting the
results of tensile strength 93MPa, impact strength 64 Joules, Vickers Hardness value is
48Hv and bending strength of 69MPa obtained in this domestic purpose wind turbine
blade will not create much stress and need a weightless material so GFRP material is
choose for double rotor wind turbine blade application