1553 Kodakkadan Amal Dev
1553 Kodakkadan Amal Dev
1553 Kodakkadan Amal Dev
Submitted By
REDDY (18104125) who carried out the work under my supervision. Certified further
that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other
thesis or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier
We express our heartfelt gratitude to our Chancellor Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Verghese,
Pro- Chancellor Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese and Director Mr. Ashok Verghese,
the Management of Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science for providing
all the facilities to carry out this project. We also express our sincere thanks to our
Vice Chancellor Dr. S.N. Sridhara for approving and allowing us to undertake this
This project deals with the design of battery recharging system using wind turbine
for automotive application, with help of a wind turbine the system is able to
generate electricity to recharge the battery.
Wind turbines represent one of the key pieces of technology that enabled the
ancestors to transform the power of the wind into a physical force that can be used
for countless things. Wind turbines operate on a simple principle. The energy in the
wind turns two or three propeller-like blades around a rotor. The rotor is connected
to the main shaft, which spins a generator to create electricity. A horizontal axis
turbine is used here which is coupled to a generator which converts the rotational
movement of turbine into electrical energy. Different blades designs have been
designed to compare the outputs achieved.
The turbine made with Hard PVC resulted in generating higher voltage at 18.87v as
compared to that of 16.02v by Pedestal Fan blade and 13.32v by PVC blade design.
Hence, implementing this technology of wind energy in an electric vehicle
electricity can be generated, and this can be used to re-charge the batteries
therefore adding range to the vehicle. In the future, this system may contribute in
decreasing the size of the battery and hence reducing the cost of electric vehicles.
1.5 Wind powered races 15
1.6 Recharging System Layout 16
2.1 Research Gap 23
2.2 Objectives 23
3.1 Design and Calculations 27
3.1.1 Mathematical Modelling 27
3.1.2 Design of Blades 29
3.1.3 Design of Frame 32
3.2 Fabrication 21
3.2.1 Fabrication of Blades 21
3.2.2 Fabrication of Frame 39
3.2.2 Fabrication of Controller 41
3.3 Fabricated model 43
3.4 Cost Analysis 44
4.1 Testing Procedure 45
4.1.1 PVC Blade 45
4.1.2 Pedestal Fan blade 46
4.1.3 Hard PVC Blade 47
4.2 Rpm V/S Voltage - Graph 48
4.3 Rpm External Source V/S Rpm of Blades - 49
3.21 Cutting into desired dimensions 39
3.22 Drilling holes 40
3.23 Hard PVC blade 40
3.24 2cm×2cm square rod 41
3.25 Welding done on frame 41
3.26 Plywood of thickness 5mm 42
3.27 The frame 42
3.28 Circuit Diagram 43
3.29 Arduino UNO Connections 41
3.30 PVC Blade 43
3.31 Pedestal Fan Blade 43
3.32 Hard PVC Blade 43
3.33 Rear view of model 44
3.34 Controller 44
4.1 Testing of PVC Blade 45
4.2 Testing of Pedestal Fan Blade 46
4.3 Testing of Hard PVC Blade 47
4.4 Comparison graph of different types of Blades - Graph 48
4.5 External Source rpm v/s rpm of blades - Graph 49
1 Material Cost 45
2 RPM vs Volt – PVC Blade 47
3 RPM vs Volt – Pedestal Fan Blade 48
4 RPM vs Volt – Hard PVC Blade 49
Ah Ampere hour
BLDC Brushless Direct Current Motor
DTU Technical University of Denmark
HAWT Horizontal-axis wind turbine
ICE Internal Combustion engine
kW Kilowatt
kV Kilovolt
MW Mega watt
PMSG Permanent magnet synchronous generator
SRG Switched reluctance generator
VAWT Vertical-axis wind turbine
A wind turbine is a device that converts the wind's kinetic energy into electrical energy.
This device taps the energy of the wind by means of sails mounted on a rotating shaft.
The sails are mounted at an angle or are given a slight twist so that the force of wind
against them is divided into two components, one of which, in the plane of the sails,
imparts rotation. Like waterwheels, windmills were among the original prime movers that
replaced human beings as a source of power.
The use of windmills was increasingly widespread in Europe from the 12th century until
the early 19th century. Their slow decline, because of the development of steam power,
lasted for a further 100 years. Their rapid demise began following World War I with the
development of the internal-combustion engine and the spread of electric power; from
that time on, however, electrical generation by wind power has served as the subject of
more and more experiments.
The windwheel of Hero of Alexandria (10 AD – 70 AD) marks one of the first recorded
instances of wind powering a machine in history. However, the first known practical
wind power plants were built in Sistan, an Eastern province of Persia (now Iran), from
the 7th century. These "Panemone" were vertical axle windmills, which had long vertical
drive shafts with rectangular blades. Made of six to twelve sails covered in reed matting
or cloth material, these windmills were used to grind grain or draw up water, and were
used in the grist milling and sugarcane industries.
Wind power first appeared in Europe during the Middle Ages. The first historical records
of their use in England date to the 11th or 12th centuries, there are reports of German
crusaders taking their windmill-making skills to Syria around 1190. By the 14th century,
Dutch windmills were in use to drain areas of the Rhine delta. Advanced wind turbines
were described by Croatian inventor Fausto Veranzio. In his book Machinae Novae
(1595) he described vertical axis wind turbines with curved or V-shaped blades.
The first known wind turbine used to produce electricity was built in Scotland. The wind
turbine is created by Prof James Blyth of Anderson’s College, Glasgow (now known as
Strathclyde University). “Blyth’s 10 m high, cloth-sailed wind turbine was installed in the
garden of his holiday cottage at Marykirk in Kincardineshire and was used to charge
accumulators developed by the Frenchman Camille Alphonse Faure, to power the
lighting in the cottage, thus making it the first house in the world to have its electricity
supplied by wind power. Blyth offered the surplus electricity to the people of Marykirk
for lighting the main street.
Some months later American inventor Charles F. Brush was able to build the first
automatically operated wind turbine after consulting local University professors and
colleagues Jacob S. Gibbs and Brinsley Coleberd and successfully getting the blueprints
peer-reviewed for electricity production in Cleveland, Ohio. Although Blyth's turbine
was considered uneconomical in the United Kingdom, electricity generation by wind
turbines was more cost effective in countries with widely scattered populations.
In Denmark by 1900, there were about 2500 windmills for mechanical loads such as
pumps and mills, producing an estimated combined peak power of about 30 MW. The
largest machines were on 24-meter (79 ft) towers with four-bladed 23-meter (75 ft)
diameter rotors. By 1908, there were 72 wind-driven electric generators operating in the
United States from 5 kW to 25 kW. Around the time of World War I, American windmill
makers were producing 100,000 farm windmills each year, mostly for water-pumping. By
the 1930s, wind generators for electricity were common on farms, mostly in the United
States where distribution systems had not yet been installed. In this period, high-tensile
steel was cheap, and the generators were placed atop prefabricated open steel lattice
A forerunner of modern horizontal-axis wind generators was in service at Yalta, USSR in
1931. This was a 100-kW generator on a 30-meter (98 ft) tower, connected to the local
6.3 kV distribution system. It was reported to have an annual capacity factor of 32
percent, not much different from current wind machines. In the autumn of 1941, the first
megawatt-class wind turbine was synchronized to a utility grid in Vermont. The Smith–
Putnam wind turbine only ran for 1,100 hours before suffering a critical failure. The unit
was not repaired, because of a shortage of materials during the war. The first utility grid-
connected wind turbine to operate in the UK was built by John Brown & Company in
1951 in the Orkney Islands.
Despite these diverse developments, developments in fossil fuel systems almost entirely
eliminated any wind turbine systems larger than supermicro size. In the early 1970s,
however, anti-nuclear protests in Denmark spurred artisan mechanics to develop
microturbines of 22 kW. Organizing owners into associations and co-operatives led to the
lobbying of the government and utilities and provided incentives for larger turbines
throughout the 1980s and later. Local activists in Germany, nascent turbine
manufacturers in Spain, and large investors in the United States in the early 1990s then
lobbied for policies that stimulated the industry in those countries.
It has been argued that expanding use of wind power will lead to increasing geopolitical
competition over critical materials for wind turbines such as rare earth elements
neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. But this perspective has been criticized for
failing to recognize that most wind turbines do not use permanent magnets and for
underestimating the power of economic incentives for expanded production of these
1.3.1 The Nature of the Wind
The circulation of air in the atmosphere is caused by the non-uniform heating of the
earth’s surface by the sun. The air immediately above a warm area expands; it is forced
upwards by cool, denser air which flows in from surrounding areas causing a wind. The
nature of the terrain, the degree of cloud cover and the angle of the sun in the sky are all
factors which influence this process. In general, during the day the air above the land
mass tends to heat up more rapidly than the air over water. In coastal regions this
manifests itself in a strong onshore wind. At night the process is reversed because the air
cools down more rapidly over the land and the breeze therefore blows off shore.
The main planetary winds are caused in much the same way: Cool surface air sweeps
down from the poles forcing the warm air over the topics to rise. But the direction of
these massive air movements is affected by the rotation of the earth and the net pressure
areas in the countries-clockwise circulation of air around low pressure areas in the
northern hemisphere, and clockwise circulation in the southern hemisphere. The strength
and direction of these planetary winds change with the seasons as the solar input varies.
Despite the wind’s intermittent nature, wind patterns at any particular site remains
remarkably constant year by year. Average wind speeds are greater in hilly and coastal
areas than they are well inland. The winds also tend to blow more consistently and with
greater strength over the surface of the water where there is a less surface drag.
Wind speeds increase with height. They have traditionally been measured at a standard
height of ten meters where they are found to be 20-25% greater than close to the surface.
At a height of 60m they may be 30-60% higher because of the reduction in the drag effect
of the earth’s surface.
1.3.2 The Power in the Wind
Wind possesses energy by virtue of its motion. Any device capable of slowing down the
mass of moving air, like a sail or propeller, can extract part of the energy and convert is
into useful work. Three factors determine the output from a wind energy converter:
(i) The wind speed;
(ii) The cross-section of wind swept by rotor; and
(iii) The overall conversion efficiency of the rotor, transmission system and
generator or pump.
No device, however well designed, can extract all of the wind’s energy because the wind
would have to be brought to a halt and this would prevent the passage of more air through
the rotor. The most that is possible is for the rotor to decelerate the whole horizontal
column of intercepted air to about one-third of its free velocity. A 100% efficient aero
generator would therefore only be able to convert up to a maximum of around 60% of the
available energy in wind into mechanical energy. Well-designed blades will typically
extract 70% of the theoretical maximum, but losses incurred in the gearbox, transmission
system and generator or pump could decrease overall wind turbine efficiency to 35% or
loss. The power in the wind can be computed by using the concept of kinetics.
The wind mill works on the principle of converting kinetic energy of the wind to
mechanical energy. We know that power is equal to energy per unit time. The energy
available is the kinetic energy of the wind. The kinetic energy of any particle is equal to
one half its mass times the square of its velocity, or 1/2m V2. The amount of air passing
in unit time, through an area A, with velocity V, is AV, and its mass m is equal to its
volume multiplied by its density of air, or
(m is the mass of air transverse the area A swept by the rotating blades of a wind mill
type generator).
Substituting this value of the mass in the expression for the kinetic energy, we obtain,
kinetic energy = 1./2 AV.V2 watts.
=1/2 AV3 watts
Equation tells us that the maximum wind available the actual amount will be somewhat
less because all the available energy is not extractable-is proportional to the cube of the
wind speed. It is thus evident that small increase in wind speed can have a marked effect
on the power in the wind.
Equation also tells us that the power available is proportional to air density 1.225 kg/m3
at sea level). It may vary 10-15 percent during the year because of pressure and
temperature change. It changes negligibly with water content. Equation also tells us that
the wind power is proportional to the intercept area. Thus, an aero turbine with a large
swept area has higher power than a smaller area machine; but there are added
implications. Since the area is normally circular of diameter D in horizontal axis aero
turbines, then A = /4 D2, (sq.m), which when put in equation gives,
Available wind power P = ½ /4 D2V3 watts
= 1/8 D2V3
The power extracted by the rotor is equal to the product of the wind speed as it passes
through the rotor (i.e., Vr) and the pressure drop p. in order to maximize the rotor
power, it would therefore be desirable to have both wind speed and pressure drop as large
as possible. However, as V is increased for a given value of the free wind speed (and air
density), increases at first, passes through a maximum, and the decreases. Hence for the
specified free-wind speed, there is a maximum value of the rotor power.
The faction of the free-flow wind power that can be extracted by a rotor is called the
power-coefficient; thus
Power of wind rotor
Power coefficient =
Power available in the wind
Where power available is calculated from the air density, rotor diameter, and free wind
speed as shown above. The maximum theoretical power coefficient is equal to 16/27 or
0.593. This value cannot be exceeded by a rotor in a free-flow wind-stream.
Considering the incoming air between I and a as a thermodynamic system, and assuming
that the air density remains constant (since changes in pressure and temperature are very
small compared to ambient), that the potential energy is zero, and no heat or work are
added or removed between i and a, the general energy equation reduces to the kinetic and
flow energy-terms only:
The term “wind mill” is still widely used to describe wind energy conversion systems,
however it is hardly adopted. Description any more. Modern wind energy conversion
systems are more correctly referred to as ‘WECS’, aero generations’, ‘wind turbine
generators’, or simply “wind turbines”. The fact that the wind is variable and intermittent
source of energy is immaterial of some applications such as pumping water for land
drainage – provided, of course, that there is a broad match between the energy supplied
over any critical period and the energy required. If the wind blows, the job gets done; if
it does not, the job waits.
However, for many of the uses to which electricity is put, the interruption of supply may
be highly inconvenient. Operators or users of wind turbines must ensure that there is
some form of back-up to cover periods when there is insufficient (or too much) wind
available. For small producers, back-up can take the form of:
(i) Battery storage,
(ii) Connection with the local electricity distribution system; or
For utilities responsible for public supply, the integration of medium – sized and large
wind turbines into their distribution network could require some additional plant which is
capable of responding quickly to meet fluctuating demand.
equipment, it does eliminate the need for batteries and for conversion of home appliances
to run to DC.
In other words, any change in velocity generates a pressure difference across the lifting
surface. This pressure difference produces a force that begins to act on the high-pressure
side of the lifting surface which is called an airfoil. A good airfoil has a high lift/drag
ratio, in some cases it can generate lift forces perpendicular to the air stream direction
that are 30 times as great as the drag force parallel to the flow. The lift increases as the
angle formed at the junction of the airfoil and the air-stream (the angle of attack)
becomes less and less actuate, up to the point where the angle of the airflow on the low-
pressure side becomes excessive. When this happens, the airflow breaks away from the
low-pressure side. A lot of turbulence ensues, the lift decreases and the drag increases
quite substantially, this phenomenon is known as stalling. For efficient operation, a wind
turbine blade needs to function with as much lift and as little drag as possible because
drag dissipates energy. As lift does not involve anything more complex than deflecting
the airflow, it is usually an efficient process. The design of each wind turbine specifies
the angle at which the airfoil should be set to achieve the maximum lift to drag ratio.
In addition to airfoils, there are two other mechanisms for creating lift. One is the so-
called Magnus effect, caused by spinning a cylinder in an air stream at a high-speed of
rotation. The spinning slows down the air speed on the side where the cylinder is moving
into wind and increases it on the other side; the result is similar to an airfoil. This
principle has been put to practical use in or two cases but is not generally employed. The
second way is to blow air through narrow slots in a cylinder, so that is emerges
tangentially; this is known as a Thwaits slot. This also creates a rotation (or circulation)
of the air flow which in turn generates lift. Because the lift ratio of airfoils is generally
much better than those of rotating or slotted cylinders, the latter techniques probably have
little practical potential.
Wind turbines can rotate about either a horizontal or a vertical axis, the former being both
older and more common. They can also include blades, or be bladeless. Vertical designs
produce less power and are less common.
Large three-bladed horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT) with the blades upwind of the
tower produce the overwhelming majority of wind power in the world today. These
turbines have the main rotor shaft and electrical generator at the top of a tower, and must
be pointed into the wind. Small turbines are pointed by a simple wind vane, while large
turbines generally use a wind sensor coupled with a yaw system. Most have a gearbox,
which turns the slow rotation of the blades into a quicker rotation that is more suitable to
drive an electrical generator. Some turbines use a different type of generator suited to
slower rotational speed input. These don't need a gearbox and are called direct-drive,
meaning they couple the rotor directly to the generator with no gearbox in between.
While permanent magnet direct-drive generators can be more costly due to the rare earth
materials required, these gearless turbines are sometimes preferred over gearbox
generators because they "eliminate the gear-speed increaser, which is susceptible to
significant accumulated fatigue torque loading, related reliability issues, and maintenance
costs." There is also the pseudo direct drive mechanism, which has some advantages over
the permanent magnet direct drive mechanism.
Most horizontal axis turbines have their rotors upwind of the supporting tower.
Downwind machines have been built, because they don't need an additional mechanism
for keeping them in line with the wind. In high winds, the blades can also be allowed to
bend, which reduces their swept area and thus their wind resistance. Despite these
advantages, upwind designs are preferred, because the change in loading from the wind
as each blade passes behind the supporting tower can cause damage to the turbine.
Turbines used in wind farms for commercial production of electric power are usually
three-bladed. These have low torque ripple, which contributes to good reliability. The
blades are usually colored white for daytime visibility by aircraft and range in length
from 20 to 80 meters (66 to 262 ft). The size and height of turbines increase year by year.
Offshore wind turbines are built up to 8 MW today and have a blade length up to 80
meters (260 ft). Designs with 10 to 12 MW were in preparation in 2018, and a "15 MW+"
prototype with three 118 meters (387 ft) blades is planned to be constructed in 2022.
Usual multi megawatt turbines have tubular steel towers with a height of 70 m to 120 m
and in extremes up to 160 m.
Vertical-axis wind turbines (or VAWTs) have the main rotor shaft arranged vertically.
One advantage of this arrangement is that the turbine does not need to be pointed into the
wind to be effective, which is an advantage on a site where the wind direction is highly
variable. It is also an advantage when the turbine is integrated into a building because it is
inherently less steerable. Also, the generator and gearbox can be placed near the ground,
using a direct drive from the rotor assembly to the ground-based gearbox, improving
accessibility for maintenance. However, these designs produce much less energy
averaged over time, which is a major drawback.
Vertical turbine designs have much lower efficiency than standard horizontal designs.
The key disadvantages include the relatively low rotational speed with the consequential
higher torque and hence higher cost of the drive train, the inherently lower power
coefficient, the 360-degree rotation of the aero-foil within the wind flow during each
cycle and hence the highly dynamic loading on the blade, the pulsating torque generated
by some rotor designs on the drive train, and the difficulty of modelling the wind flow
accurately and hence the challenges of analyzing and designing the rotor prior to
fabricating a prototype.
When a turbine is mounted on a rooftop the building generally redirects wind over the
roof and this can double the wind speed at the turbine. If the height of a rooftop mounted
turbine tower is approximately 50% of the building height it is near the optimum for
maximum wind energy and minimum wind turbulence. While wind speeds within the
built environment are generally much lower than at exposed rural sites, noise may be a
concern and an existing structure may not adequately resist the additional stress.
Racing Aeolus which happens in Den Helder, Netherlands is one of the four largest
sustainable races conducted in the world, where the teams which participate work on
vehicles which are fully run by the energy generated with the help of wind.
The idea behind Racing Aeolus is to design and build cars i.e., wind powered vehicles
that generate energy while driving against the wind and competing with teams from all
over the world. It is a real challenge for the student teams. It requires steadfastness, co-
operation, perseverance and fearlessness. For years, the city of Den Helder in the
Netherlands has been home to one of the world's four biggest sustainability races. It is
held in a unique spot on a dyke overlooking the North Sea. Innovation and camaraderie
come together and all this makes the ‘Aeolus Race’ in Den Helder such a special event.
Dozens of students from all over the world come to Den Helder to compete with the wind
in homemade cars. Racing Aeolus will be held for the tenth time this year. For the next
few days, the carts whiz over the dike, driven by a headwind. Students from Turkey,
Germany, Canada and Finland are among the participants. Some of the participants are
familiar faces. The Danes currently hold the record. Last year they managed to ride faster
than the wind they were riding against.
The race takes place over three days, and the categories are ‘endurance,’ ‘100-metre drag
race,’ and ‘advanced vehicle innovation.’ DTU’s mechanical car won the endurance race
with an average speed over three days of 99.7 per cent of wind speed.
Electric vehicle is gaining momentum but one issue remains, range anxiety. This is where
our proposed project comes in. With the help of wind turbine, we plan on recharging the
battery, and this therefore can add few additional kilometers to the range.
The Turbine is mounted on the front side of the vehicle. This is coupled to a generator.
The generator does the work of converting the wind energy into electrical energy. A 12v
stepper motor will be used as the generator, controllers will be used to regulate the output
from the motor. An Arduino UNO is used here to read the output voltage and helps in
displaying the same.
Hence, additional kilometers have been added by recharging the battery by the help of
The wind power can be determined by.( Aleksandar Hrnjak, 2014-01)
ρ- Density of air
The wind speed is always less than vehicle speed and it is reduced by the system
efficiency factor. The system efficiency factor is related to vehicle geometry, outside
vehicle surfaces, turbine position relative to vehicle
Sampath S et al. worked on charging the batteries of the vehicle on the run. This was
done by capturing the wind that acts opposite of a moving car. A wind turbine is mounted
on the front of the vehicle to receive wind. The generator produces electricity from the
wind and stores them in another battery. There is always the flow of wind as long the cars
move with a speed. The vehicle moves with the charged battery and a voltage sensing
circuit is placed on one or more batteries of the vehicle to detect the drop in voltage. In
such case the reservoir battery that gets charged through wind switches the position with
the low voltage battery and continues to run the vehicle while the other battery gets
charged. This process can go on until the vehicle comes to stationary. The wind powered
vehicle was tested after its completion. It was tested at various speeds and weather
conditions (windy climate). The turbine was able to rotate at a minimum speed of
15kmphand would continue to rotate even when the speed drops. They were able to
achieve a power output of 315W at 75Ah when the turbine was rotating at 1500rpm.
Chung-Neng Huang et al. did research on whether if the wind loss against the car body
can be effectively recycled and transformed to a useful power as "turn obstruction into
helping hand “then the energy efficiency of the vehicle system could be greatly
improved. In this paper, the auxiliary generation system based on wind turbine is
proposed to improve energy efficiency and stabilize electric power supply. MATLAB
and SIMULINK were used to conduct simulation studies. From the simulation results, the
possible recycled energy is about five percentage of the energy consumption in vehicle.
Although the output power of the proposed system is small, it is enough to satisfy the
power load for engine operating required. Hence, the proposed system can facilitate the
stability of electric power supply.
Hassan Fathabadi analyzed the possibility of utilizing a wind turbine to recapture a
portion of the kinetic energy losses of a car. A small wind turbine has been inserted at
the back of the condenser of a car to recover a portion of the kinetic energy of wind
passing through the condenser's crisscrossed bars. A portion of this wind is caused by
wind existing outside the car, and the main portion is caused by the kinetic energy
originating from the car movement. Since it has been embedded at the back of the
condenser, it has no impact on the aerodynamic coefficient of the car, i.e., it does not
produce any extra resistive force. To realize the proposed scheme, a 100 W wind turbine,
a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) coupled to the turbine and a novel
built hybrid power generation system combining the wind-driven generator’s output
power with that of the car’s battery have been embedded in an EV having a total weight
of1855 kg.’s power supply is enhanced by, respectively, 6.4 km and 0.2% by recovering
only a portion of the kinetic energy losses of the EV.
Pudji Irasari did analysis and experimented to find out the feasibility of a car alternator
to be used as a generator for wind turbine. The experiment was conducted twice. In this
experiment the alternator was driven by a lathe machine and its output power was
supplied to charge a battery. In the second experiment the alternator was integrated with
the turbine blades and they were tested as a unit system. The experiment results show that
the efficiency of alternator is around 50% and cut-in wind speed (after correction) is 6.35
m/s indicating that alternator is not feasible for wind turbine system application.
Baoet et al. studied a method of harnessing wind power on-board of an electric vehicle
using switched reluctance generator (SRG) coupled to a wind turbine, which is mounted
on the vehicle. Their investigation aims at acquiring the firsthand experience in the
practical implementation of such a system for on-board power generation. They
concluded that Hysteresis control is preferred because of the linear relationship between
the output and the reference control parameter.
Aleksandar Hrnjak proposed an idea was to use air flow to produce additional electrical
energy in response to deceleration of the vehicle. The system works only during
decelerations, so, more frequently used in urban driving. However, the lower initial speed
results in less power per deceleration. With greater system efficiency WPGS can produce
more generated power.
Zhihao Liand Alireza Khalig conducted a new topology of integrated solar and wind
powered hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is proposed and its feasibility has been studied in
the Toyota Prius. With assistance of solar energy and wind energy, the driving range of
vehicle under motor mode can be extended. Considering all of these three energy sources,
extended driving range of Prius is about 13.7-16 miles.
Shinichi ODA et al. aimed at developing a new fan-turbine that operates as a cooling fan
at a low vehicle speed and operates as a wind turbine at a high vehicle speed to generate
electric power. It was found that wind turbine operation reduces air resistance through the
cooling system and regenerates electric power simultaneously.
Sofian Mohd et al. proposed design of wind turbine system will be mounted on a pickup
truck, Hilux. The wind turbine system was located at the roof of the pickup truck body.
On testing, they were able to achieve maximum of 120.5 watts of power at a speed of
Bhagyashree R. Wadhai et al. designed and installed a hybrid system to generate power
which combines wind turbine and solar panel. Here they were able to capture energy
from the solar panel as well as the wind energy. They concluded as this was more
effective than an ICE.
Vijaya Krishna Teja Bangi et al. checked If the electricity is produced using air flowing
around the vehicle without affecting aerodynamic performance of the vehicle, it can be
used to charge up the battery. They placed a set of two micro wind turbines along with
two micro generators on the rear end of the car trunk. Their studies clearly demonstrate
the flexibility to vary the voltage and current outputs from the micro wind turbines
indicating a possibility for utilizing the wind energy on the cars at high speeds. After the
tests, a maximum voltage of 18.91 V and a maximum current of 0.65 A were recorded.
S.Bharathi et al. analyzed a method for generating electricity using high wind pressure
generated by fast moving vehicles channeling the induced wind in the direction of the
wind turbine. With this method, the whole unit can be supplied with electricity for
lighting, fans etc.
Koen Boorsma et al. worked on design aspects of a wind powered vehicle. Special
attention was paid to the specification of the diffuser-rotor combination. The performance
of this combination is verified by means of wind tunnel testing. After successful testing
and analysis with the model for the car, performance shows that 88% of the wind speed
can be achieved with same rotor-diffuser combination at realistic reductions of the total
weight of the car and its frontal area and by improving the/CT ratio only by omitting the
wire mesh.
Feng-Tsai Weng and Yao-Xian Huang worked on reducing fuel consumption of the
vehicle. This was done by a wind turbine of 400w which was mounted to the front
bumper of the vehicle. An electromagnetic clutch was designed for cutting charge system
by wind turbine with a button in the car. The charge type can be set to wind turbine
system when car speed is higher than 50kilometers, and the higher, the more efficiency.
The road experiment results revealed that proposed vehicle wind turbine system saved
about 15% fuel consumption when car speed is higher than 80 kilometers.
Md Rabiul Awal et al. proposed a vehicle mounted turbine, which is of horizontal type
of wind turbine system. They implemented this on a vehicle to generate electricity for
portable purposes. After experimentation they were able to generate approximately 200W
of power when the vehicle speed was at 80km/hr.
Ahmad Atieh and Samir Al Shariff worked on a hybrid wind/electric powered vehicle.
The vehicle uses bank of batteries to drive it. The batteries drive 3-phase brushless DC
motor which moves the vehicle. The motor can rotate up to2900 revolution per minute
(RPM) at 3HP. A wind turbine, which is mounted at 1.5m on the vehicle, uses wind
energy to generate electricity and charges the battery bank. A smart charging subsystem
is proposed to enable efficient charging of the batteries. The minimum required wind
speed to enable battery charging was found to be around 200 RPM.
Dare1 et al. suggested the design and numerical modeling of a device for harnessing
wind energy from a moving vehicle, which they named as a Vehicular Wind Energy
Converter(VWEC). From the modeled estimated wind power, it was seen that the
vehicular wind energy converter has great potential to be the solution to the problem of
the sustainability of electric energy in Electric Vehicles and adding a solar panel will
increase the electrical energy available for charging its batteries.
M. Zahir Hussain et al. proposed to introduce a system which can charge the battery
when the vehicle is in motion i.e., without stopping the vehicle for charging. To enable
this, the most renewable source of energy was utilized which is Wind Energy. To harness
this wind energy, the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) was used. The VAWT will be
placed inside the front grille of the vehicle where there will be air flow, which will propel
the turbine, and thus power is generated. This system was capable of reducing the time
and money spent for battery charging in the EV’s.
S.M. Ferdous et al. suggested the concept of charging the batteries of an electric vehicle
when it is in motion or propelling. This may be done by using the energy of wind which
is caused by the relative motion between the vehicle and the wind surrounding it. Wind
turbines was mounted on the body structure of the vehicle to generate electricity in such a
way that it must not create any additional drag force upon the vehicle. It was found by the
simulation that a drag will be induced due to addition of turbine.
Gideon Quartey and Stephen Kwasi Adzimah did research on design of a wind turbine
that will be mounted on the electric car to generate electrical power to charge the car
batteries when in motion. The turbine was positioned on the roof of the car near the wind
screen, where the velocity of air flowing around the car is highest due to its aerodynamic
nature. The air current is generated by the car when it begins to move. A frame was
provided on the roof of the car to serve as a support for the turbine. Through the
theoretical calculation on the power generated from the wind, a significant amount of
electrical power (about 3.26 kW) is restored to the batteries when the car is moving at a
speed of 120 km/h.
Many literatures have been studied and the following have been discovered
• Many researchers used the regular radiator fan as their source to capture
wind energy. So, implementation of a Turbine shaped blade can give a
better output.
1. Fabrication of Frame
2. Fabrication of Blades
3. Fabrication of Controller
1. Procedure
2. PVC Blade
3. Pedestal Fan Blade
4. Hard PVC Blade
𝜌 − 1.23 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3
𝐴 − 𝜋𝑟 2 (r= 0.205m)
𝑉 − 12 𝑚/𝑠
𝐶𝑝 − 0.4
𝑃𝑚 = 𝜌𝐴𝑉 3 𝐶𝑝
= × 1.23 × 𝜋𝑟 2 × (123 ) × 0.4
= × 1.23 × 3.14(0.2052 ) × (123 ) × 0.4
= × 1.23 × 3.14(0.0420) × (1728) × 0.4
= × 1.23 × 0.1319 × (1728) × 0.4
𝑃𝑚 =56.7 W
𝜌 − 1.23 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3
𝐴 − 𝜋𝑟 2 (r= 0.15m)
𝑉 − 12 𝑚/𝑠
𝐶𝑝 − 0.4
𝑃𝑚 = 𝜌𝐴𝑉 3 𝐶𝑝
= × 1.23 × 𝜋𝑟 2 × (123 ) × 0.4
= × 1.23 × 3.14(0.152 ) × (123 ) × 0.4
= × 1.23 × 3.14(0.0225) × (1728) × 0.4
= × 1.23 × 0.07065 × (1728) × 0.4
𝑃𝑚 =30.03 W
Figure 3.5 Inside the Wind turbine block of Pedestal Fan blade
𝜌 − 1.23 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3
𝐴 − 𝜋𝑟 2 (r= 0.183m)
𝑉 − 12 𝑚/𝑠
𝐶𝑝 − 0.4
𝑃𝑚 = 𝜌𝐴𝑉 3 𝐶𝑝
= × 1.23 × 𝜋𝑟 2 × (123 ) × 0.4
= × 1.23 × 3.14(0.1832 ) × (123 ) × 0.4
= × 1.23 × 3.14(0.0334) × (1728) × 0.4
= × 1.23 × 0.1051 × (1728) × 0.4
𝑃𝑚 =44.7 W
Figure 3.7 Inside the Wind turbine block of Hard PVC blade
Based on literature paper we went through , we designed different types of blades. All of
which are made from PVC material.
Autodesk Fusion 360 was used to design and sketch the blade. With the help of
commands such as Line, circle and angle the 2D sketch was drafted.
Now, coming to the 3D workspace. We have commands such as extrude, sweep and split-
body. Using the those commands the blade was designed.
30 Hard PVC Blade
Autodesk Fusion 360 was used to design and sketch the blade. With the help of
commands such as Line, dimension , circle and angle the 2D sketch was drafted.
Now, coming to the 3D workspace. We have commands such as extrude, sweep and split-
body. Using the those commands the blade was designed.
31 Pedestal Fan Blade
The pedestal Fan blade was bought from the market to compare against the PVC
and Hard PVC blade.
The space available in-front of the vehicle was kept in mind and designed the frame
accordingly, so that it depicts the real-life scenario. The following was designed in
Autodesk Fusion 360.
Figure 3.14 Side view of frame
Once the 2D sketch is drafted, its bought into 3D workspace. Using commands such as
extrude, sweep, box, cylinder and split-body the 3D design was created.
• A 10cm diameter PVC pipe was used which had a thickness of 0.2mm.
• Using cutting machine it is cut as per the dimensions.
• Holes were drilled into the final cut blades, and final touches were given.
Hard PVC Blade :
• A 15cm diameter Hard PVC pipe was used which had a thickness of 3mm.
• It was divided that into 3 equal parts and then using cutting machine it is cut as
per dimensions.
• Holes were drilled into the final cut blades
• 2cm×2cm square rods were used to build the frame.
• The frame was built as per the 3D model designed in Autodesk Fusion 360.
• The rods are placed in proper positions and welding was done on the joints.
• Once the frame was done, it was covered with plywood.
• The plywood was fixed on to the frame using bolt and screws.
• The whole frame was then painted black in color.
• The control unit was designed in such way that, when the generator starts to
rotate the electricity generated from it should be able to recharge the battery.
• A display is kept to show the voltage produced at real time.
• Circuit diagram is given for proper understanding of connections.
• Arduino UNO is used here to process the voltage received and send the
information to the display unit.
• First, connect the power source whose voltage you want to measure with the input
pins of the voltage sensor module.
• This is done by connecting the ground pin of the voltage sensor to the negative
terminal of the battery and the positive power supply pin i.e, VCC to the positive
terminal of the battery.
• Screw the wires tightly.
• Connect the analog pin S to any of the input analog pins of the Arduino UNO.
• Similarly, connect the -(minus) pin to the ground pin of the Arduino.
• The Arduino code for Voltage Sensor module is provided below:
int offset =20;// set the correction offset value
void setup() {
// Robojax.com voltage sensor
void loop() {
int volt = analogRead(A0);// read the input
double voltage = map(volt,0,1023, 0, 2500) + offset;// map 0-1023 to 0-2500 and add
correction offset
Figure 3.33 Rear view of model
The cost analysis gives an insight on the budget required for the production of this
Material Cost
2cm×2cm Iron rod ₹1800
Bolts and Nuts ₹450
Plywood ₹800
Metal Sheet ₹100
10cm Dia PVC pipe ₹150
15cm Dia PVC pipe ₹250
Pedestal Fan blade ₹300
12v 24Ah Gel Battery ₹1600
12v DC Stepper Motor ₹600
Arduino UNO kit ₹2100
Voltage Sensor ₹50
Total material cost ₹8,200
= ₹8200 + ₹1600
To test how much voltage each type of blade can produce, an external source of wind was
needed. A table fan was kept in-front of the project to depict this external wind source.
With the help of a non-contact digital Tachometer, the rpm of blades was noted. At
different rpm the voltage produced was also noted down.
Table No. 2 RPM vs Volt – PVC Blade
401 10.52v
450 12.01v
530 13.32v
The following was the result of the testing Pedestal Fan blade:
Table No.3 RPM vs Volt – Pedestal Fan Blade
426 12.68v
512 14.42v
602 16.02v
The following was the result of the testing Pedestal Fan blade:
Table No.4 RPM vs Volt – Hard PVC Blade
650 15.6v
730 17.02v
800 18.87v
400 500 600 700 800
From figure 10.1 it is clear that, Hard PVC Blade is able to produce highest voltage of
18.87v at 800 rpm. Whereas the other two blades, PVC Blade and Pedestal Fan blade are
only able to produce a maximum of 16.02v and 13.32v. PVC Blade and Pedestal Fan
blade are only able to rotate at around 600 rpm compared to Hard PVC blade which is
able to rotate at 800rpm.
3100 3800 4500
Rpm of external Fan
From figure 10.2 it is clear that, Hard PVC Blade is able to achieve highest rpm of
800rpm. Whereas the other two blades, PVC Blade and Pedestal Fan blade are only able
to achieve a maximum of 530 and 600 PVC Blade .From the data collected, Hard PVC
blade is able to produce highest voltage of 18.87v at 800 rpm. Hard PVC blade design
having more surface area and a scoop like design vouches for producing higher output
compared to the PVC blade and Pedestal Fan blade
Design of Battery recharging system using wind turbine for Automotive application has
been fabricated. Using Autodesk Fusion 360 the 2D sketches and the 3D model of blades
and the frame were made. Based on the sketches and 3D model the fabrication was done.
Testing was done to find out the voltage given out by each blade. An external source of
wind was provided for the testing and a non-contact digital tachometer is used to note
down the speed in rpm.
Hard PVC blade design was found out to be effective by producing the highest voltage of
18.87v at 800rpm among the other two designs, but the Pedestal fan blade produced
16.02v at 602 rpm and PVC blade design produced 13.02v at 530rpm.
To conclude, with the help of this innovation the batteries of the vehicle can be recharged
on the run and can provide a few extra kilometers which could prove to be useful, hence
adding more range to the vehicle.
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3. Muthappagari Ganesh
• Purchasing Parts
• Photo & Videography
• Report Editing
• Assembling the components
4. Venati Nishanth Reddy
• Collecting Papers
• PPT Content collection
• Testing of Table fan rpm
• Stickering and naming the components
legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO 7 Environment & Sustainability: Understand the impact of 3
the professional engineering solutions in societal and
environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of,
and need for sustainable development.
PO 8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional 3
ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering
PO 9 Individual & Team Work: Function effectively as an 3
individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and
in multidisciplinary settings.
PO 10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex 3
engineering activities with the engineering community and
with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear
PO 11 Project Management & Finance: Demonstrate knowledge 3
and understanding of the engineering and management
principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
PO 12 Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the 3
preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-
long learning in the broadest context of technological