Activity No. 7 "Impact of Information Technology To The Society"
Activity No. 7 "Impact of Information Technology To The Society"
Activity No. 7 "Impact of Information Technology To The Society"
a. Impact in Education
The implementation of
medical technologies have
greatly changed and improved the
medicine industry. Back then, we couldn’t accurately understand symptoms, diagnosis,
or treatment. Our medicine world depended on the knowledge of the past. Nowadays,
through the use of medical technologies, we can do tests like blood test, urine test, skin
test, and etc.
c. Impact in Politics
In today’s technology driven world, we are seeing a lot of changes in our political
system. People can now obtain vast amounts of information about the current political
issues. Also, the people can vote at any time from anywhere. Unlike traditional voting,
that makes voters go to a specific place at a specific time in order to vote, online voting
allows them to cast their vote at any time of the day and from any place, just with the
need of an Internet connection.
d. Impact in Economy
As the world responds to the pandemic, we are seeing a dramatic change from
in-person to online shopping. Consumers are more reliant on the digital world than ever
before, and businesses are being driven to improve their strategies and shift toward
digital transformation with greater urgency than ever before.