User's Manual: Fully Digital Stepping Driver
User's Manual: Fully Digital Stepping Driver
User's Manual: Fully Digital Stepping Driver
DM556 Leadshine reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to
improve reliability, function or design. Leadshine does not assume any liability arising out of the
application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license
under its patent rights of others.
Leadshine’s general policy does not recommend the use of its products in life support or aircraft
Fully Digital Stepping Driver
applications wherein a failure or malfunction of the product may directly threaten life or injury.
Version 1.0 According to Leadshine’s terms and conditions of sales, the user of Leadshine’s products in life
©2009 All Rights Reserved support or aircraft applications assumes all risks of such use and indemnifies Leadshine against all
Attention: Please read this manual carefully before using the Driver! damages.
2. Specifications
1. Introduction, Features and Applications
Electrical Specifications (Tj = 25℃/77℉)
The DM556 is a versatility fully digital stepping Driver based on a DSP with advanced control Parameters
Min Typical Max Unit
algorithm. The DM556 is the next generation of digital stepping motor controls. It brings a unique
level of system smoothness, providing optimum torque and nulls mid-range instability. Motor Output current 0.5 - 5.6 (4.0 RMS) A
self-test and parameter auto-setup technology offers optimum responses with different motors and Supply voltage +20 +36 +45 VDC
easy-to-use. The Driven motors can run with much smaller noise, lower heating, smoother Logic signal current 7 10 16 mA
movement than most of the Drivers in the markets. Its unique features make the DM556 an ideal Pulse input frequency 0 - 200 kHz
solution for applications that require low-speed smoothness.
Isolation resistance 500 MΩ
Compared to the DM432C, broader input voltage and output current ranges make the DM556 can
Drive much more motors than the DM432C. What’s more, owing to its higher performance DSP, Mechanical Specifications (unit: mm [inch])
Driven motors can achieve much higher speed (above 3000RPM) than that of the DM432C,
offering servo-like performances.
Applications l Driver’s reliable working temperature should be <70℃(158℉), and motor working temperature
should be <80℃(176℉);
Suitable for a wide range of stepping motors, from NEMA frame size 17 to 34. It can be used in l It is recommended to use automatic idle-current mode, namely current automatically reduce to
various kinds of machines, such as laser cutters, laser markers, high precision X-Y tables, labeling 60% when motor stops, so as to reduce Driver heating and motor heating;
machines, and so on. Its unique features make the DM556 an ideal solution for applications that l The Driver must be mounted vertically to maximize heat sink area as shown in the following
picture. Use forced cooling method to cool the system if necessary.
require both low-speed smoothness and high speed performances.
Ambient Temperature 0℃ - 50℃ (32℉ - 122℉) The DM556 supports PUL/DIR and CW/CCW modes and pulse actives at rising or falling edge. See
Operating Environment Humidity 40%RH - 90%RH more information about these settings in Section 13. Default setting is PUL/DIR mode and rising
Operating Temperature 70℃ (158℉) Max edge active (NPN, and PNP control signal is on the contrary).
Vibration 5.9m/s2 Max
Connector P2 Configurations
Storage Temperature -20℃ - 65℃ (-4℉ - 149℉)
Weight Approx. 280g (10 oz) Pin Function Details
+Vdc Power supply, 20~45 VDC, Including voltage fluctuation and EMF voltage.
3. Pin Assignment and Description
GND Power Ground.
The DM556 has two connectors, connector P1 for control signals connections, and connector P2 for A+, A- Motor Phase A
power and motor connections. The following tables are brief descriptions of the two connectors.
More detailed descriptions of the pins and related issues are presented in section 4, 5, 9. B+, B- Motor Phase B
4. Control Signal Connector (P1) Interface inductance. In setting the Driver output current, multiply the specified phase current by 1.4 to
determine the peak output current.
The DM556 can accept differential and single-ended inputs (including open-collector and PNP
output). The DM556 has 3 optically isolated logic inputs which are located on connector P1 to accept
line Driver control signals. These inputs are isolated to minimize or eliminate electrical noises
coupled onto the Drive control signals. Recommend use line Driver control signals to increase noise
immunity of the Driver in interference environments. In the following figures, connections to Figure 4: 4-lead Motor Connections
Like 8 lead stepping motors, 6 lead motors have two configurations available for high speed or high
torque operation. The higher speed configuration, or half coil, is so described because it uses one half
of the motor’s inductor windings. The higher torque configuration, or full coil, uses the full windings
of the phases.
As previously stated, the half coil configuration uses 50% of the motor phase windings. This gives
lower inductance, hence, lower torque output. Like the parallel connection of 8 lead motor, the torque
Figure 2: Connections to open-collector signal (common-anode)
output will be more stable at higher speeds. This configuration is also referred to as half chopper. In
setting the Driver output current multiply the specified per phase (or unipolar) current rating by 1.4 to
determine the peak output current.
The DM556 can Drive any 2-phase and 4-phase hybrid stepping motors.
4 lead motors are the least flexible but easiest to wire. Speed and torque will depend on winding
Figure 6: 6-lead motor full coil (higher torque) connections
The power MOSFETS inside the DM556 can actually operate within +20 ~ +50VDC, including
Figure 8: 8-lead motor parallel connections
power input fluctuation and back EMF voltage generated by motor coils during motor shaft
NEVER disconnect or connect the motor while the power source is energized. deceleration. Higher supply voltage can increase motor torque at higher speeds, thus helpful for
avoiding losing steps. However, higher voltage may cause bigger motor vibration at lower speed, and
6. Power Supply Selection
it may also cause over-voltage protection or even Driver damage. Therefore, it is suggested to choose
The DM556 can match medium and small size stepping motors (from NEMA frame size 14 to 34) only sufficiently high supply voltage for intended applications, and it is suggested to use power
made by Leadshine or other motor manufactures around the world. To achieve good driving supplies with theoretical output voltage of +20 ~ +45VDC, leaving room for power fluctuation and
performances, it is important to select supply voltage and output current properly. Generally speaking, back-EMF.
supply voltage determines the high speed performance of the motor, while output current determines
7. Selecting Microstep Resolution and Driver Output Current 100 20000 ON OFF OFF OFF
125 25000 OFF OFF OFF OFF
Microstep resolutions and output current are programmable, the former can be set from full-step to
102,400 steps/rev and the latter can be set from 0.5A to 5.6A. See more information about Microstep Current Settings
and Output Current Setting in Section 13.
For a given motor, higher Driver current will make the motor to output more torque, but at the same
However, when it’s not in software configured mode, this Driver uses an 8-bit DIP switch to set
time causes more heating in the motor and Driver. Therefore, output current is generally set to be
microstep resolution, and motor operating current, as shown below:
such that the motor will not overheat for long time operation. Since parallel and serial connections of
motor coils will significantly change resulting inductance and resistance, it is therefore important to
set Driver output current depending on motor phase current, motor leads and connection methods.
Phase current rating supplied by motor manufacturer is important in selecting Driver current,
however the selection also depends on leads and connections.
Microstep Resolution Selection
When it’s not in software configured mode, the first three bits (SW1, 2, 3) of the DIP switch are used
When it’s not in software configured mode, microstep resolution is set by SW5, 6, 7, 8 of the DIP to set the dynamic current. Select a setting closest to your motor’s required current.
switch as shown in the following table:
Dynamic current setting
Microstep Steps/rev.(for 1.8°motor) SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 Peak Current RMS Current SW1 SW2 SW3
1 to 512 Default/Software configured ON ON ON ON Default/Software configured (0.5 to 5.6A) OFF OFF OFF
2 400 OFF ON ON ON 2.1A 1.5A ON OFF OFF
4 800 ON OFF ON ON 2.7A 1.9A OFF ON OFF
8 1600 OFF OFF ON ON 3.2A 2.3A ON ON OFF
16 3200 ON ON OFF ON 3.8A 2.7A OFF OFF ON
32 6400 OFF ON OFF ON 4.3A 3.1A ON OFF ON
64 12800 ON OFF OFF ON 4.9A 3.5A OFF ON ON
128 25600 OFF OFF OFF ON 5.6A 4.0A ON ON ON
5 1000 ON ON ON OFF
Notes: Due to motor inductance, the actual current in the coil may be smaller than the dynamic
10 2000 OFF ON ON OFF current setting, particularly under high speed condition.
20 4000 ON OFF ON OFF
Standstill current setting
25 5000 OFF OFF ON OFF
40 8000 ON ON OFF OFF SW4 is used for this purpose. OFF meaning that the standstill current is set to be half of the selected
dynamic current, and ON meaning that standstill current is set to be the same as the selected dynamic
50 10000 OFF ON OFF OFF
l To prevent noise incurred in PUL/DIR signal, pulse/direction signal wires and motor wires
should not be tied up together. It is better to separate them by at least 10 cm, otherwise the
disturbing signals generated by motor will easily disturb pulse direction signals, causing motor
position error, system instability and other failures.
l If a power supply serves several Drivers, separately connecting the Drivers is recommended
instead of daisy-chaining.
l It is prohibited to pull and plug connector P2 while the Driver is powered ON, because there is Figure 10: Sequence chart of control signals
high current flowing through motor coils (even when motor is at standstill). Pulling or plugging
connector P2 with power on will cause extremely high back-EMF voltage surge, which may
damage the Driver. a) t1: ENA must be ahead of DIR by at least 5µs. Usually, ENA+ and ENA- are NC (not
connected). See “Connector P1 Configurations” for more information.
9. Typical Connection b) t2: DIR must be ahead of PUL active edge by 5µs to ensure correct direction;
A complete stepping system should include stepping motor, stepping Driver, power supply and c) t3: Pulse width not less than 2.5µs;
controller (pulse generator). A typical connection is shown as figure 9. d) t4: Low level width not less than 2.5µs.
Over-current Protection
Over-current protection will be activated when continuous current exceeds 16A or in case of short
circuit between motor coils or between motor coil and ground, and RED LED will turn on once
Figure 9: Typical connection within each periodic time (3 s).
Motor power lines wrong & not connected will activate this protection. RED LED will turn on four Motor is not rotating DIP switch current setting is wrong
times within each periodic time (3 s). Fault condition exists
The Driver is disabled
Attention: When above protections are active, the motor shaft will be free or the LED will turn red.
Motor rotates in the wrong direction Motor phases may be connected in reverse
Reset the Driver by repowering it to make it function properly after removing above problems. Since
there is no protection against power leads (﹢,﹣) reversal, it is critical to make sure that power DIP switch current setting is wrong
The Driver in fault
supply leads correctly connected to Driver. Otherwise, the Driver will be damaged instantly. Something wrong with motor coil
Control signal is too weak
Protection Indications
Control signal is interfered
Priority Time(s) of ON Sequence wave of RED LED Description
Erratic motor motion Wrong motor connection
1 st
1 Over-current protection Something wrong with motor coil
Current setting is too small, losing steps
Many of the problems that affect motion control systems can be traced to electrical noise, controller
software errors, or mistake in wiring.
This section will provide an overview of connection and basic setup instructions for Leadshine’s
digital stepping Driver DM556 using the ProTuner software. These instructions will walk you
through the following steps necessary to start up your Driver and motor. This section is intended for
setting up the Driver with the ProTuner.
Software Installation
The ProTuner is windows based setup software for tuning all the Leadshine’s digital Drivers includes
stepping Driver DM556. It can run in windows systems, including Win95/Win98/WindowsNT/ Figure 12: License agreement
Windows 2000/Windows XP. And the selected PC should have 1 serial port at least for
Choose “I agree to the terms of this license agreement” and click Next to continue installation. The
communicating with the Driver.
user can enter user’s information in the following window. See Figure 13. After entering the user’s
Double click “ProTuner_All_Setup_V1.0.exe” to begin installing the ProTuner. See Figure 11. Click information, click Next to select installation folder, where you would like to install the ProTuner. See
Next to enter the “License Agreement” window. See Figure 12. Figure 14.
Note: ProTuner_All_Setup_V1.0.exe can be used for all Leadshine digital drives. User can
get it from either Leadshine CD or website. Please get the latest version from
Figure 14: Installation folder settings Figure 16: Installation information summarization
Figure 15: Shortcut folder setting Figure 17: Installing the ProTuner
Set the “Shortcut Folder” in Figure 15 and continue to install the ProTuner by following Figure 16
and Figure 17. An Installation Successful window will appear if the ProTuner is installed
successfully. See Figure 18.
If the RED LED is off and the motor is normal, then you can start to tune the servo with ProTuner.
However, we recommend you see the following contents before starting tuning.
Software Introduction
Connect the stepping system according to the contents in previous sections and connect the PC to the
Driver as the following figure.
Status Bar
Turn on the power supply, the green (Power) LED will light. The DM556 has default parameters The user can choose three drop-down menus by clicking “Option”, including Com Config,
stored in the Driver. If the system has no hardware and wirings problem, the motor should be locked SaveToDriver and Exit.
and the Driver should be ready.
l Com Config: Configure Com communication interface.
If the red LED immediately turns on (flickers), then check power supply, the motor, motor wirings l SaveToDriver: Download the current parameter settings to the Driver.
Figure 21: RS232 communication configuration window Figure 22: Current Tuning window
Serial Port: Select the serial communication port to which the Driver is connected. The factory Ki: Integral Gain. Integral Gain helps the Driver to overcome static current errors. A low or zero
default setting is COM1. value for the Integral Gain may have current errors at rest. Increasing the Integral Gain can reduce the
Baud Rate: Select the communication baud rate. The factory default setting is 38400. error. If the Integral Gain is too large, the systems may “hunt” (oscillate) about the desired position.
Click Open button to establish a connection with the specified settings. When connecting, you can Start button: The user can start a Step Response test by clicking this button. Start/Restart a Step
choose SaveToDrive to download the current parameter settings to the Driver, or to upload the stored Response test to get an optimum response like Figure 22, and remember to save the settings to the
Driver settings into the ProTuner by clicking Tuning > Position Loop on the menu bar. Driver when finish tuning. See Figure 24.
The user can choose one or two drop-down menu(s) by clicking Tuning, including CurrentLoop and
l CurrentLoop: In Current Tuning window, the user can tune the Kp (Proportional Gain) and
Ki (Integral Gain) of Driver’s current loop to optimize responses with different motors.
Start/Restart a Step Response test to get an optimum response.
Kp: Proportional Gain. Proportional Gain determines the response of the Driver to current setting
command. Low Proportional Gain provides a stable system (doesn’t oscillate), has low stiffness, and
large current error, causing poor performances in tracking current setting command in each step like Figure 23: Kp=2604, Ki=0 (poor performances)
Figure 23. Too large Proportional Gain values will cause oscillations and unstable systems.
However, if the user does not want to tune the current loop after changing a different stepping motor,
then Motor auto-identification and parameter auto-configuration technology of the DM556 can
replace manual tuning the Driver with ProTuner. Just changes SW4 two times in 1 second, and then
the Driver will auto-identify the new motor and auto-configure related control parameters for
optimum responses. Recommend use this function after changing the Driven motor.
l SystemConfig:
Figure 25: SystemConfig window
In SystemConfig window, the user can configure Peak Current, Microstep, Command Type, Active
Edge, and eliminate motor resonance. A built-in pulse generator can be used for test during tuning. CommandType: Command Type of control signal, including PUL/DIR and CW/CCW. Set this
See Picture 25.
parameter according to Command Type of motion controller.
PeakCur: Peak Current. The value is the peak current to the selected motor and can be set from 0.5
ActiveEdge: Active Edge. The user can set the triggered edge of pulse command signal in this panel.
to 5.6 A. The user can set the peak current with ProTuner or DIP switches, see more information
When the Driver works in CW/CCW mode, no matter what level is at fixed level terminal, the Driver
about setting output current of the Driver in section 5 “Connecting the Motor” and section 7
can works properly.
“Selecting Microstep Resolution and Driver Output Current”.
DirectionDef: Direction Definition. Relate the default running direction to a HIGH level input in
MicroStep: Microstep Resolution. The value is Driver’s microstep resolution setting and can be set
DIR or Low level input in DIR. This panel is used for PUL/DIR command type only. Please note that
from 1 to 512. The user can set the microstep with ProTuner or DIP switches, See more information
the default direction is also related to motor coil connections.
about setting output current of the Driver in section 7 “Selecting Microstep Resolution and Driver
Output Current”. Anti-Resonance Introduction
Step motors are highly resonant, which results in vibration and ringing. The ringing utilizes a large
ElecDamp: Electronic Damping Coefficient. The electronic damping restrain resonance of the
The user can invoke or disable the feature by setting Amp and Phase values in SystemConfig It is very important to make the AMP(s) and Phase(s) adjustments at the proper test speeds with an
window. Amp and Phase values all zero is to disable the feature, otherwise is to invoke the feature. It unloaded motor. Running at an incorrect test speed will not excite the motor at its peak resonance,
should be enabled unless the system configuration either does not need it or cannot tolerate it. A making it more difficult to find proper adjustment values. Optimum AMP(s) and Phase(s) values may
system with loose couplings or viscous loading generally does not need this feature. If a system has be a little different between running the tests with an unloaded motor and a load motor.
compliant (springy) coupling and is absent appreciably viscosity, it may not respond well to the active, Please remember to click SavetoDrive to download the final parameter settings to the Driver when
anti-resonant loop in the Drive. The anti-resonant feature is not designed to damp such a 4 order
th finish tuning. See Figure 27.
1st ResonanceArea: Parameters for 1st resonance area. Usually between 0.6rps and 1.2rps.
2nd ResonanceArea: Parameters for 2nd resonance area. Usually between 1.2rps and 2.4rps.
Default Amp2 and Phase2 values are zero.
3rd ResonanceArea: Parameters for 3rd resonance area. Usually between 2.4rps and 4.8rps. Default
Amp3 and Phase3 values are 128.
InternerPulser: There is an internal pulse generator designed for Driver self-testing and
anti-resonance tuning. You can issue a motion by this simple controller.
Cycle check box: The motion will repeat if this box is checked.
Reverse check box: The motor shaft will reverse direction if this box is checked. Figure 26: Anti-resonance tuning
Interval edit box: The stop time between each cycle, unit is millisecond.
Repeat edit box: Total motion cycles.
Length edit box: Move distance of each cycle, unit is revolution.
Start/Stop button: The user can Start/Stop a motion test by clicking this button.
Ø About
The user can choose two drop-down menus by clicking “About”, including Product Information and
Contact Us.
l Product Information window: Shows some product information about ProTuner.
l Contact Us window: Shows some contact information about Leadshine.
Figure 27: Finishing tuning and download parameter settings to the Driver
Ø Err_check
l Error Check: This window shows both the present status of each error event and their history.
Current error event(s) can be reset by clicking Erase Current Err! button, and all error events
can be reset by clicking Erase All! button. List of the last ten Drive faults. #0 being the most
Figure 29: Product information
recent, #9 is the oldest. See Figure 28.