Sy MB Listic
Sy MB Listic
Sy MB Listic
Stephen E Young
produced by
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
As you can see the images on all the cards are identical.
Only the colours/numbers along the top and down the side differ from one
version to another.
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
You will introduce your cube/die as you normally would and then ask for two
Each one of them rolls the cube/die and remembers their respective
At this point, because you have had your signals, you know the two
As you are showing and explaining the workings of the card, you have
ample time to locate the two possible images they will be committing to
e.g You have used MD; person A) rolls RED and person B) rolls YELLOW
Person A) will go across to RED and down to YELLOW, so the image will be a
Person B) will go across to YELLOW and down to RED, so the image will be a
All that’s left is for you to reveal as befits your performing style.
Drawing Duplication, Muscle Reading, Word Association, letter by letter.
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
This time one person will roll the cube/die twice and remember both
You explain that he will use one colour/number to go across the top and the
other to go down the side. He is to remember the image at this intersection.
While doing this you see the two possible images he could choose depending on
which colour/number he uses to go across and which to go down.
Using the same example as above, he may be thinking of the FISH or the TARGET.
During the reveal you will use a little fishing and jazzing to determine which of the
images it is. (see revelations section later in this manuscript)
You could draw one of the images on a pad and then act doubtful.
Put a line through it and draw the second image.
Still acting doubtful say “I’m not sure if I should have stuck with my first choice
but we’ll see.”
You turn around the card to show a Fish crossed out and a Target underneath it.
You have a 50/50 chance of being correct.
and if not you are so damn close that’s it’s still amazing.
Either way it looks impressive
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
The images are set up in a way to help those who would rather not handle the
card themselves at all, and rely on memorising the symbols for a cleaner
1) Items of clothing. These are in the order you would wear them going
downward from head to toe.
2) Things you carry with you. Again these are in the order you would carry
them on you starting at the top and generally moving down.
3) Holiday Time. Pack suitcase, Leave house, Taxi to airport, Fly to destination,
Relax on sun lounger, Drink cocktails.
4) Animals. These are in alphabetical order (based on the names in English)
5) Elements. Sun sounds like 1, Moon sounds like 2, Wavy lines 3 of them, Fire
sounds like 4, Lightning has 5 zig-zags, Snowflake has 6 points.
6) Circles. Single circle =1, Yin Yang = 2, Radioactive has 3 parts, Target = 4,
Clock shows 5-o-clock, World contains 6 lines.
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
As was mentioned earlier, SYMBLISTIC was primarily designed for use by owners
of Promystic’s fabulous cubes and die.
But they are not the only methods we can use.
Promystic Evolution tags can be used. One extra wallet that will not give a signal
would be needed to get the 6 choices necessary.
With a little thought, the ColorMatch pens could also be used as a ‘choosing
medium’ again you would be so far ahead of the spectators in that you would
know their images before they do.
Chipped Cards
That can be ‘read’ with an arm or body mounted reader can be used.
Cards with numbers 1-6 or stickers with the correct colours on are mixed by a
spectator and two chosen (unseen by the performer)
By reading the remaining cards the performer will know the identities of the
missing two.
Or if possible read the two chosen cards directly.
This will put you in exactly the same position as a performer who has had a die
rolled by two people.
Systems that accomplish this are available from various magic suppliers.
UFO by Labco, Micro Perceptions by Cesaral, Insight by Hugo Shelley, Probe
(Rhinesense by Sean Taylor
Some mobile phones even have a reader built in to them though you would
need to acquire the chips and make up the cards yourself.
Chipped balls/beads
Labco sell small chips which could be inserted into coloured wooden balls or
beads and then the holes sealed.
Six coloured balls are put in a bag and mixed. Two people each pick a ball.
Get your readings and then introduce the SYMBLISTIC card.
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
Coloured stones
If you are handy with a sewing machine, then it’s pretty simple to run up a small
bag that has a mesh window along the bottom back edge.
This will allow you to see which two stones are missing once they’ve been picked.
For this you will need to make sure that the stones are very brightly coloured so
as to be seen easily through the mesh.
The best method for this is to buy nail varnish, as bright as possible, in each of the
six colours and use this to paint some stones or glass beads.
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
If you are doing the one-person presentation there will be a part of the reveal
where you will need to work out which of the two possible images has been
You could direct the person to use their first colour/number as the ACROSS and
the second colour/number as the DOWN. But I find this too restrictive.
The thinking behind the working out which of the two images is the chosen one,
is that the performer will do some quick thinking-on-his-feet, and come up with a
property that is unique to one of the images, and ask a question accordingly.
e.g If the choice were between a WALLET or a HOUSE… could ask “This item
you have chosen, would I find one in this room somewhere?”
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
These are for MD, MD mini and RD respectively, and one set of images for the
back of the cards should you wish to use them.
This is intended to give the cards a pseudo-scientific feel to them should that suit
your performing style
They are supplied in a range of sizes.
These should be suitable for stage, parlour and close-up.
It is recommended that you print the images onto good quality paper or card
stock, and then laminate them.
This way they will last you a very long time.
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
This section contains a different grid, and is aimed at those not confident yet in
their ability to jazz a question in order to work out which of the two possibilities
has been chosen. It contains built in questions that can be asked.
It uses words rather than images and its method is partly based on it being in
Each pair of possible chosen images begin with the same letter. e.g
SHIP/SNAKE So it’s possible to get a direct hit straight away if you want to
use a presentation that defines letters in a word.
In each pair one image contains metal and the other doesn’t. e.g TANK/T-
SHIRT. So asking “Is this made of metal?” will tell you what you need to
In each pair, one item is large and the other small. e.g. BRIDGE?BANANA.
So asking “Imagine picking this up in your hand?” If they look confused or
hesitant then you know they have chosen the larger item of the pair.
For SOME of the pairs one word is a lot longer than the other, so it’s
possible to use a trick from the genius that is Michael Murray, and ask “You
know how many letters are in this word do you?” If they hesitate then you
know it’s the long word they have chosen.
The images on the diagonal 1/1 2/2 red/red/ blue/blue etc don’t need any fishing
at all. There is only one possible item.
They are arranged as follows
(I will use numbers to explain this rather than colours, though the formula is the
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
SYMBLISTIC by Stephen E young Produced by Thought illusions
Big thank you firstly to Craig Fillicetti for his wonderful service to the world of
Without his props SYMBLISTIC wouldn’t exist.
Thanks to all those giants who have come before me and inspired me to work
harder at this game we call mentalism.
And to all those who have shown faith in me and purchased the items I have