Other Related Laws 2021
Other Related Laws 2021
Other Related Laws 2021
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5. Municipal waste shall refer to wastes produced from 7. Special wastes shall refer to household hazardous wastes
activities within local government units which include a such as paints, thinners, household batteries, lead-acid
combination of domestic, commercial, institutional and batteries, spray canisters and the like. These include wastes
industrial wastes and street litters; from residential and commercial sources that comprise of
bulky wastes, consumer electronics, white goods, yard wastes
that are collected separately, batteries, oil, and tires. These
wastes are usually handled separately from other residential
and commercial wastes;
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Segregation Recycling
• refer to a solid waste management practice of • refer to the treating of used or waste materials
separating different materials found in solid waste through a process of making them suitable for
in order to promote recycling and re-use of beneficial use and for other purposes, and includes
resources and to reduce the volume of waste for any process by which solid waste materials are
collection and disposal transformed into new products in such a manner
that the original product may lose their identity,
and which maybe used as raw materials for the
production of other goods or services
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Cave Speleogem
• any naturally occurring void, cavity, recess or system • means relief features on the walls, ceilings and floor
of interconnected passages beneath the surface of of any cave or lava tube which are part of the
the earth or within a cliff or ledge and which is large surrounding hedrock, including but not limited to
enough to permit an individual to enter, whether or anastomoses, scallops, meander niches,
not the entrance, located either in private or public petromorphs and rock pendants in solution caves
land, is naturally formed or man made. It shall and similar features unique to volcanic caves.
include any natural pit, sinkhole or other feature
which is an extension of the entrance. The term also
includes cave resources therein, but not any vug,
mine tunnel, aqueduct or other manmade
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It shall also issue, upon the free and prior informed 1. Written accounts of the ICCs/IPs customs and traditions;
consent of the ICCs/IPs concerned, certification prior
to the grant of any license, lease or permit for the 2. Written accounts of the ICCs/IPs political structure and
exploitation of natural resources affecting the institution;
interests of ICCs/IPs in protecting the territorial
integrity of all ancestral domains. 3. Pictures showing long term occupation such as those of
old improvements, burial grounds, sacred places and old
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Consultative Body
A body consisting of the traditional leaders, elders
and representatives from the women and youth
sectors of the different ICCs/IPs shall be constituted
by the NCIP from the time to time to advise it on
matters relating to the problems, aspirations and
interests of the ICCs/IPs.