School of Business and Management: CHRIST (Deemed To Be University) Course Plan
School of Business and Management: CHRIST (Deemed To Be University) Course Plan
School of Business and Management: CHRIST (Deemed To Be University) Course Plan
Course Plan
Description retailing and prepares students for careers in the area of organized retailing. Students opting for this elective specialize in
the various aspects of retailing; multichannel retailing, retailing strategy, information systems and supply chain
management, managing merchandise, store management etc.
Course To classify various retail formats and technological advancements in retail for optimizing business performance L 2
Objectives To apply retail concepts for formulating competitive strategies L 3
To analyse the site location and operational efficiency for retail business decisions L 4
To examine the effectiveness of merchandising and pricing strategies L 4
To evaluate a store layout and planogram for retail business L 5
Course Learning Outcomes: On having completed this course student should be able to:
CO1 CLO1 CIA I, CIA II Compare various retail formats and technological advancements for setting L2
up appropriate retail business
CO2 CLO2 CIA I, CIA II Identify the competitive strategies for retail business decisions L3
CO3 CLO3 CIA I, CIA II Examine the site location and operational efficiency for marketing decisions L4
CO4 CLO4 CIA III Analyse the effectiveness of merchandising and pricing strategies L4
CO5 CLO5 CIA III Assess store layout and planogram for retail business L5
CLO1: Compare various retail formats and 2.1 Understand the context of business PLG 2: Functional Knowledge
1. technological advancements for setting up problem and suggest solutions and Application
appropriate retail business
CLO 2: Identify the competitive strategies 2.2 Apply Management theories and PLG 2: Functional Knowledge
for retail business decisions Evaluate outcomes in cross functional and Application and Critical
2. setting and 4.2 Establish empirical Thinking
evidence to support analysis
CLO 3: Examine the site location and 4.3 Develop ability to interpret and infer PLG 4: Critical Thinking
3. operational efficiency for marketing decisions from analysis
CLO4: Analyse the effectiveness of 3.2 Collaborate and contribute effectively PLG 3: Communication
4. merchandising and pricing strategies in a team setting and 4.2 Establish PLG 4: Critical Thinking
empirical evidence to support analysis
CLO5 : Assess store layout and planogram 4.2 Establish empirical evidence to PLG 4: Critical Thinking
5. for retail business support analysis and 4.4 Appraise with
business implications
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3
CIA I √ √ √
CIA II √ √
(Embedded Question)
CIA III (A + B) √ √ √
RM - Course Mapping
Unit Unit details CLO & PLO Hours per Pedagogy (teaching learning Resource/
Number week methods used) / activities Reference details
and or class trips/ dates for
I Introduction to Retailing: 1, 2.1 3 Class discussion Ch. 1 & 2,
Economic, social, legal, and Report: Trends In Retailing Michael Levy,
ethical significance and IBEF, 2020. Retail
opportunities. Trends in Management,
retailing, wheel of retailing, McGraw Hill,
and retailer’s characteristics. 2013.
Types of retailers:
Food & General merchandising
retailers, non store retail
formats, services retailing and
types of ownership.
1 Technology in retail: IoT, Self 1.2 & 2.2 3 Lecture Method Ch. 3 & 4 Michael
Check Outs, AI, Big Data, Flip Classroom - CCD Video: Levy, Retail
Retail Analytics, Virtual Retail Retail Formats by Dr. Rupesh Management,
Kumar M McGraw Hill,
– 3D Models
2 Retail Market Strategy: 2, 2.2 3 Lecture Method and Retail Ch. 4 Michael
Planning and development, Market Strategy Activity Levy, Retail
target market and retail Management,
formats. McGraw Hill,
2 Retail Market Strategy: 2, 2.2 3 Class discussion & Activity Ch. 5
Building sustainable on designing a matrix to & 6 Michael Levy,
competitive advantage, check growth opportunities in Retail
strategic retail planning Apparel Retailing Management,
process. Case Study: Retail Saga McGraw Hill,
Business operations and Entrepreneurs by Prof. Suresh 2013.
financial developments: the
structure of business,
investment decisions, financial
evaluation, strategic profit
3 Retail locations and Site 3, 4.2 3 Lecture method for concepts Ch. 7, 8 Michael
selection: & Problems in Huff Gravity Levy, Retail
Site selection: Catchment Management,
Analysis, Trade Area Analysis McGraw Hill,
- Huff-Gravity Model. 2013.
3 Information systems and 12, 13 & 14
distribution: Supply Chain Michael Levy,
Management, Physical Retail
Distribution, Inventory and Management,
Warehouse Management McGraw Hill,
4 Merchandise Planning: 4, 4.2 3 Class discussion Ch. 15 & 16
category management, sales Michael Levy,
forecasting, assortment Retail
planning process.
Buying Merchandise:
McGraw Hill,
branding strategies, sourcing
decision, vendor management.
4 Pricing Strategies: objectives, 4, 4.4 3 Class discussion Ch. 15 & 16
pricing calculations, Case Study: Zara Managing Michael Levy,
approaches & adjustments. the Store for Fast Fashion Retail
Retail Communication Mix: Management,
loyalty and brand image, McGraw Hill,
selecting promotional mix, 2013.
communication process.
5 Managing the store: Key 5, 4.4 4.5 Class discussion Ch. 17 Michael
Performance Indicators and Levy, Retail
Key Result Area’s. Management,
customer service strategies and McGraw Hill,
reducing shop lifting. 2013.
5 Store layout, design and 5, 4.4 4.5 Lecture Method & Ch. 18 Michael
visual merchandising: Flip Classroom - Levy, Retail
Designing a Planogram, Types CCD Video: Store Layout by Management,
of Store layout and design, Dr. Rupesh Kumar. M McGraw Hill,
objectives of good store 2013.
design, space planning.
Visual Merchandising:
Merchandise presentation
techniques, importance of
Case Studies:
CCD Video:
Components of CIA-I Submission Date: 21/10/20 - PLOs 2.1, 2.2, 4.3
General Information
Each group will be working on one Retail format. No clubbing of different formats as it will
vitiate the business model building process. The formats will be allocated to the groups by the
draw of lots in the class for eg formats like, Supermarket, Hypermarket, Discount stores,
Departmental Stores, Exclusive Brand Stores, Chain Stores (Consumer Durable), Multi-
Brand Stores (Apparel), etc will be considered for allocation.
Each group is expected to work on the following two aspects for a specific store chosen by
each group as per the retail format allocated:
Groups to collect, collate data and interpret on the following aspects of the retail store
they are working on:
f) Break even business per Sq. ft
g) Hypothetical business model considering (a) to (f)
Use broad categorisation of different SKUS available in each format as given below :
Identify different SKUS and products displayed on each of these racks. Broadly categorise
them As Food/non food/Grocery/FMCG/Skin Care and others.
Ex. Super markets Grocery & food (30%), FMCG (22%) Skin care (35%)
(Weighted average is from 22 to 25%). Based on sales mix
Broadly categorise Colour Televisions & Electronics, Refrigerators, Washing Machine and
Small Appliances
Ex. TVs (26%) Refrigerators (22%) Washing machines (18%) Small Appliances (22%)
(Weighted average is from 22 to 25%). Based on sales mix
Valuation of Inventory
Interview store manager and obtain average inventory value carried in store for each category
at any point at selling price. (This is for calculating inventory holding cost).
1) Visit the outlet as a customer. Understand approximately the total Area of the outlet
Collect the various details (Listed below) in respect to the kind of retail lay out. This should
be done for front end of the store and any back store they may have for replenishment.
2) Rent
a) Find out the rent for commercial Property prevailing in that catchment.
b) Obtain the present rent being paid (Also approximate terms of lease) for the outlet chosen
by you.
3) Electricity
e) Calculate unit consumption for each of the items as per the number of hours each item is
f) During lax hours or day time some lights have to be switched off (to have cost effective
g) But the outlet may not be observing this (this inefficiency) but you haves to build this
factor in your business model
4) Manpower
5) Inventory
7) Fonts and font sizes in the report
a. Times New Roman 32 for the Title page.
b. Times New Roman 16 for section headings and Times New Roman 14 for sections
c. Times New Roman 12 for body of the report.
d. Times New Roman 14 for chart, table and graph headings.
e. Times new roman 8 for words and numbers in the chart, graph area, and information inside
the table.
8) Source of information must be provided beneath graphs, charts, and tables
9) Any change or additional information in the format or content of the report as per the
requirement of the concerned faculty will be applicable.
Components of CIA-II 25 Marks
Section A - Answer any four out of six (4X10=40 marks)
Section B - Case Study Compulsory Question (Embedded Question) (1X10=10 marks)
CIA-III Component A (PPT Presentation on 24/11/20) 10 Marks
5) Suggest Strategic improvements in IMC plan for their chosen store/format.
Designing a Store Layout for the entire store and Planogram (Specific Category) for a
specific retail store for the retailers chosen by the group already in CIA - I.
To explore fundamental Store Layout and Planogram concepts and its application.
To analyze a Store Layout for a entire store and Planogram for broad category
In this study, Students will be mandated to visit retail outlets of organized retailers as per the
retail store already chosen in CIA-1 and capture the basic overall store layout and Planogram
design and with specific reference to broad categories of products described above.(Refer
A) Each group has to visit the store already chosen in CIA-1 and Map the entire stores
layout and Planogram including square feet / Visual merchandising for overall Planogram.
Make the Planogram in CAD/CAM or computer clearly making representative racks and
placement and positioning of entry and exit as well placement of broad product categories.
B) Map clearly different section that is Fruits and vegetables section/Grocery/Food/Non
food/Fmcg etc..You will also find some high value small items like Gillette razor behind the
cashier on standees.for example for super market.This mapping Should be done by each
group as per their retail format.
C) Count the number of Racks (4ft/6ft/Double side Table/Wall racks and Gondola)..This can
be used for Convenience stores and Super markets.. You will have to devise something
similar for other formats.
Each group to make a report analysing the rationale and logic of such a store layout and
planogram. Briefly draw the customer journey within the store and suggest improvements.
Reporting Format and Rubrics for Assessment given below
General Format of a CIA Report
1) A cover page with the title of the Report, and the purpose for which the report is submitted
Report Submitted to Prof. Rupesh Kumar M (Kengeri) and Prof. Suresh A S (Main)
As part of CIA III of Retail Management
2) The name(s) and register number(s) of the student(s) preparing the report along with the
trimester and year of study must be mentioned in the cover page.
3) Table of Contents with sections, sub sections and page numbers
4) List of graphs, charts and tables used in the report with page numbers
5) Body of the report must contain introduction, the subject matter of the report, analysis (if
applicable), conclusion, and references.
6) For references use APA format. Please refer the APA style sheet given at the end of
Academic standards manual .
7) Fonts and font sizes in the report
a. Times New Roman 32 for the Title page.
b. Times New Roman 16 for section headings and Times New Roman 14 for sections
c. Times New Roman 12 for body of the report.
d. Times New Roman 14 for chart, table and graph headings.
e. Times new roman 8 for words and numbers in the chart, graph area, and information
inside the table.
8) Source of information must be provided beneath graphs, charts, and tables.
9) Any change or additional information in the format or content of the report as per the
requirement of the concerned faculty will be applicable.
n of clear exceptional level exceptional s adequate some level of concepts taught
understandin of understanding level of understandi understanding in class. There is
g of the of the knowledge understandin ng of of concepts no evidence of
concepts points through g of the concepts taught in reading the text
offering relevant knowledge, discussed in class. There is book or any
examples from and also class as well no evidence additional
various contexts. gives relevant as in the of reading the reading
The team also examples and prescribed text book or materials.
critiques these illustrations literature but any additional
knowledge pints to highlight no examples reading
and makes the essential where materials
arguments on knowledge provided. provided in
what is practical points the course
and what is not pack
Field visit Field visit/ Field visit/ Field visit/ Field visit No evidence for
and data Interaction was Interaction Interaction /interaction field visit or
usage evidenced in the was was not was not interaction. Data
report. The team evidenced in appropriatel adequate. The used was
highlighted the report. y evidenced team used inadequately and
exceptional use The team in the report. secondary tools were not
of primary and used data only to used for data
secondary data, appropriate The team arrive at the presentation and
basic tools for level of used more findings. analysis.
data presentation primary and of secondary Inadequate
secondary data than use of tools
data, basic primary for data
tools for data. Tools presentation
data applied were
presentation satisfactory.
and analysis
Analysis: The team The team The team The team The team
Application appropriately has used displayed exhibited only analysed without
of functional applied the appropriate satisfactory the use of using proper
tools, functional tools functional analysis functional functional tools.
frameworks and frameworks tools for using tools in No findings
in making for making presentation functional analysis. were given.
systematic systematic and tools & Findings were
analysis of analysis of the interpretatio frameworks given but not
the company company. All n of data. for data relevant and
findings were Maximum presentation lagging
connected with findings and connect with
analysis. were analysis. analysis.
relevant and Few
connected findings
with were
analysis. relevant and
Business Recommendation Recommend Recommend Recommendat Recommendatio
solutions s are rational and ations are ations are ions given are ns given were
appropriately addressing adequate but not adequate vague and
Hypothetical addressing the the issues many are and relevant. absolutely not
Model issues faced by faced by the not much having any
the organisation organisation connected connect with
and connected but with findings.
with fidings substantially findings.
concepts from the reading
the reading
*Weightage (Levels) can vary depending on Embedded Question
CIA III-A Evaluation Rubrics (Group Presentation on IMC) (AACSB and NBA)
discussed appropriately. discussed and individual
appropriately. Transition appropriately. understanding contribution was
Seamless between topics is Transition in core areas. not clearly
Transition good but oral between topics Transition defined and
between topics communication and oral between topics discussed. No
and oral needs communication and oral smooth transition
communication improvement needs communication between topics.
is good improvement needs Oral
improvement communication
is weak
CIA III-B Evaluation Rubrics (Store Layout and Planogram Design Assignment
Report) (AACSB and NBA)
PLanogram Analysis, Store Layout and Planogram Analysis, Store Analysis,
Layout and Planogram Layout and Store Layout
Planogram Planogram and
Structuring of The report was The report was The report was The report was Poor
the report and well structured well structured having appropriate not structured structuring of
team work. and was meeting and was meeting structure and was and properly report and
all the *CIA more than 75% meeting more than and was *CIA
requirements of the *CIA 50% of the *CIA meeting few requirements
requirements requirements *CIA were not at all
requirements addressed in
the report
Sl Unit(s)
CIA Component CO RBT Level
No Covered
1 CIA I Field Assignment I, II, III CO1, CO2, CO3 L3, L4
CIA II - Mid Trimester
2 I, II,III CO1, CO2, CO3 L4, L5
3 CIA III Field Assignment IV, V CO4, CO5 L4, L5
CO1, CO2, CO3,
4 End Trimester Examination I, II, III, IV, V L2, L3, L4, L5
CO4, CO5