WMP Mmii - Co - 2022-23
WMP Mmii - Co - 2022-23
WMP Mmii - Co - 2022-23
Marketing Management-II is one and a half credit compulsory course spread over Term V.
The American Marketing Association defines Marketing as an activity, set of institutions, & processes
for creating, communicating, delivering, & exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients,
partners, & society at large. Marketing Management-II is an advanced course for students where they
are introduced to concepts & frameworks in marketing. Through this course, students are introduced to
two Ps of marketing, namely Place (Distribution) and Promotion, along with Market Research. This
course is predominantly case study and project driven.
(c) help the participants undergo meaningful exercises in decision making in a variety of real life
marketing situations.
5 To master critical analysis and integrate theory and practice Case Studies 4, 5, 6,7,8 &
6 To focus on general management and leadership skills from Presentations
a senior management perspective
1) Marketing Management-A South Asian Perspective, Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller Abraham
Koshy & Mithileshwar Jha, 15th Edition, Pearson Education. (Already purchased and distributed)
2) Marketing Research: An applied orientation. Malhotra, NK & Dash, Satyabhusan, 7 th Edition,
Pearson Education.
Examinations, projects and class participation will be the major elements used for evaluating a student’s
performance in Marketing Management-II, in addition to a mid-term and an end-term examination.
Examinations might be administered through cases or may include questions for testing conceptual
knowledge. The evaluation will consist of the following components:
End Term Exam
Group Project
Class Participation 10
* Weight: Total of End Term Exam is 50% and the remaining is flexible with a cap of 50%.
Class Participation: Students are responsible for all materials covered and readings assigned.
Be prepared to answer certain questions that had been emphasized in prior classes or from the
reading assignments. Your performance and participation will then be used to determine your
participation mark.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Academic dishonesty or misconduct is cheating that relates to an academic
activity. It is violation of trust between the institute and its stakeholders. Plagiarism, fabrication, deception,
cheating and sabotage are examples of unacceptable academic content. Please consult the programme
manual for the section on academic dishonesty.
Session 1
Topic covered An Overview of Marketing Management – I and
Distribution Channel
Reading Kotler: Chapter 2, pp.31-35
Session 2
Topic covered FMCG Distribution
Case 1 Natureview Farm
Reading Kotler: Chapter 21 and 22
Session 3
Topic covered Physical Distribution and Logistics
Case2 Kalyan Pharma lta(IIMA case)
Reading Kotler: Chapter 21 and 22
Session 4
Topic covered Sales Force Design and Management
Reading Kotler: Chapter 20
Topic covered Managing Retailing , Wholesaling and Logistics
Reading Kotler. Chapter 22
Session 6
Topic covered Introduction to Marketing Communication: Objective
Case3 Mounten Dew
Readings Kotler: Chapter 17
Session 7
Topic covered Message Decision
Reading Kotler: Chapter 17
Session 8
Topic covered Media and Profitability decisions
Readings Kotler: Chapter 18, pp.457-465
Session 9
Topics Integrated Marketing Communication in Practices : Sales
covered Promotion
Case4 Boots Hair-Care Sales Promotion
Reading Kotler : Chapter 18; pp.466-471
Session 10
Topic covered Managing Digital communications :online, social media
and Mobile
Reading Kotler: Ch 19
Session 11
Topic covered Introduction to Marketing Research Process and Problem
Case5 -Nike: Associating Athletics , brand and perfermance: page 177
(Malhotra & Dash)
Reading Chapter1&2 (Malhotra & Dash)
Session 12
Topic covered Research Design
Case6 -Nike :Associating Athletics, brand and perfermance(Text Book)
Reading Chapter3 ()
Session 13
Topic covered Measurement and Scaling in Marketing Research : : Data
Collection Approaches
Reading Chapter8 and 9 (Malhotra & Dash)
Case7 IPL A
Session 14
Topic covered Sampling
Reading Chapter 11 (Malhotra & Dash)
Case8 IPL©
Session 18
Topic covered Marketing Strategy – I
Case10 Modi Revlon
Reading Kotler: Chapter 2, pp.34-45
Session 19 & 20
Topic covered Course Overview and project presentation