American Feng Shui Institute FS201 - Advanced Feng Shui

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American Feng Shui Institute

FS201 – Advanced Feng Shui

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 1

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Thank you for enrolling and we hope you enjoy the class!

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 3

Table of Contents
How the online class works:..................................................................................................................3
Foundation Knowledge.........................................................................................................................6
Yin and Yang....................................................................................................................................7
The Five Elements............................................................................................................................8
Three Cycles...................................................................................................................................10
Eight Trigrams................................................................................................................................13
Sitting and Facing...........................................................................................................................14
The 24 Directions................................................................................................................................17
24 Letters .......................................................................................................................................18
Yin and Yang Colors......................................................................................................................18
Twenty-Year Cycles............................................................................................................................20
The Spring Establishment...............................................................................................................21
Floating the Sitting and Facing Numbers............................................................................................22
Finding the Yin and Yang Pattern..................................................................................................24
Reading the 9 Period Charts................................................................................................................25
Mountain and Water Numbers........................................................................................................29
Floating the Water/Money numbers...............................................................................................35
The Important "5" Exception...............................................................................................................40
Practice Workshop..........................................................................................................................41
Practice Workshop Answers...........................................................................................................42
The Four House Types........................................................................................................................43
Remedies for the Four House Types...................................................................................................47
The Fifth House Type..........................................................................................................................48
The Solution...................................................................................................................................50
Water as prosperity enhancement...................................................................................................51
Practice Workshop..........................................................................................................................51
Practice Workshop Answers...........................................................................................................52
The 180 Year Life Cycle.....................................................................................................................53
Interpreting the Numbers.....................................................................................................................54
Applications and Examples.................................................................................................................56
Practicing taking a Feng Shui Reading...........................................................................................56
Case Studies........................................................................................................................................57
Reading a House.............................................................................................................................57
Reading a Restaurant......................................................................................................................61
Sample Reading Form.........................................................................................................................64
Slide Show...........................................................................................................................................65
Message from Master Sang.................................................................................................................66
Certificate Notification........................................................................................................................66
Advanced Class Reference Charts......................................................................................................67

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 4

Welcome to the Advanced Feng Shui class! We are very pleased that you are continuing your studies
into the deeper theories and application of Feng Shui with us.
You will find this a challenging class and one that should be taken slowly and that the material should
be repeatedly practiced until you completely understand it. Do not be afraid to ask questions either.
Most people struggle with the formulas and then suddenly a light bulb goes on and all is illuminated.
This class will take you through the advanced Xuan Kong floating number methods. You will learn
about the four types of houses and how to remedy them as well as a fifth house that can really change
the nature of a home. We examine the life cycle of a house and look at how the timing of the universe
affects the qi.
We also have some case studies as well to look at and interpret together. Finally, you will be asked to
look at and discuss some cases on your own.
We even have a slide show that you can see visually how the environment really affects the home or
Be sure to go to the Class Forum at Advanced Feng Shui Class Forum to post an introduction about
This class will work as follows. Each week, you should work on a new set of lessons here. You should
read and absorb as much as possible and then post any questions to the bulletin board. The instructor
will also post relevant comments there as well. Be sure to use the search function to locate any relevant
questions and answers that might already have been asked.
We hope you enjoy the course and should you need any administrative assistance, please contact us at

IMPORTANT: If you wish to have your Certificate of Completion issued in with a different last
name or with a different spelling than that with which you enrolled, please contact us immediately at
the above email address.

The American Feng Shui Institute
We hope you enjoy the course and should you need any assistance, please contact us at

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 5

Foundation Knowledge
In this chapter, we will explore the essential knowledge needed to map the “Qi” in a house. It is highly
recommended that “The Principles of Feng Shui” – Book 1, be read first before delving into this
knowledge. The intent of this course is that although it builds upon the knowledge of the Beginning and
Intermediate classes it introduces a much more detailed analysis of a building. To get there though, we
need to review some of the basics. This is not meant to teach you the concepts that you should have
learned in the first two classes, but rather to reinforce and refresh these concepts. We recommend you
read through them again to ensure you have the basic understanding of the foundation principles before
moving on to the next section.

The most basic and yet most difficult concept to grasp is that of Qi. Some have called it “heavenly
breath.” Qi is the energy that is both within and around us. It is both air and energy. Many people are
familiar with the Chinese martial art of Tai Ji. This martial art looks at harnessing and utilizing the qi
energy within us. Feng Shui, on the other hand, looks at manipulating the qi energy within built
structures to provide supportive, prosperous and comfortable living spaces for people.
Qi, while invisible in most cases, can be witnessed. When the air moves across the leaves in a tree or
when you feel the Sun’s warmth, you are experiencing qi. Qi can be subtle or very strong. A tornado is
qi at its extreme. A warm breeze is qi that is more comforting. Feng Shui means wind water. We
understand that wind disperses the qi and water stores the qi. Feng Shui is about creating a balance of

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 6

Yin and Yang
The primary concept necessary to look at Feng Shui in depth is that of Yin and Yang. These two basic
concepts describe the nature of qi around us.

Yang Yin

Active Passive

Hot Cold

Life Death

Summer Winter

Male Female

Day Night

Odd Even

Sun Moon

Fire Water

Above is shown the contrasting aspects of Yang and Yin. It is important to note that Yang is heat and
rising and is always correctly represented on the left. Yin is cold and descending and correctly
represented on the right. Yang is male and Yin is female. They are in harmony together and are
dependent on each other. There is a small amount of Yin within Yang and a small amount of Yang
within Yin. This shows that they are not completely yang or yin at any point. There is always an aspect
of the other within.

Learn this well because as simple as it seems, it is a basic foundation that will guide you in many
advanced Chinese theories.

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 7

The Five Elements
The Five Elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. We use the five elements to remedy the qi
in each area. It is important that you understand these elements and the elemental cycles.
Wood is living wood. It recycles qi and also can redirect qi. Wood furniture and other objects made
from wood do not affect qi, so they are not counted as the Wood element in Feng Shui. It is represented
by the color green.

Fire is the most Yang qi. It is the actual element of fire. It can be an actual flame or the color red. We
tend to like to use the color red as fire itself can be dangerous.

Earth is a grounding qi. It can be stone or terra cotta. Its colors are brown and yellows. Pottery, statues,
and earthen plates all make for earth remedies.

Metal is a very common remedy. It can take the form of metal wall hangings, metal furniture, metal
sculptures, and a lot of other assorted metal objects. The type does not matter, so long as it has either a
lot of surface area or it has a lot of volume (is very heavy). Wind chimes can be a metal remedy, but we

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 8

rarely recommend these because of their strong effect. They are usually too strong and harsh for a
proper remedy. Silver, gold, and white are the colors used for metal.

Water stores qi. It is commonly used in the form of fountains, ponds, waterfalls, aquariums, and water
sculptures. The water needs to be clean and moving. The colors of blue and black are used for water.

Remember that all of these remedies need to be applied in proportion to the area that you are
remedying. Additionally, you should make these remedies a very natural part of the environment. If it
looks like a place has been “Feng Shui’d,” then it is not good Feng Shui.

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 9

Three Cycles
In Feng Shui, there are three elemental cycles we refer to. They are the Productive Cycle, the
Domination Cycle, and the Reductive Cycle. These three cycles show the interaction of the qi and the
elements. The Productive Cycle is the “ideal” cycle. This is the optimum arrangement or combination
of qi. It flows as follows:
Wood produces Fire. Fire produces Earth. Earth produces Metal. Metal produces Water. Water
produces Wood.

The Domination Cycle is used to identify the problem combinations. Elemental qi found in this sort of
combination is inauspicious and needs to be remedied using the reductive cycle. It flows as follows:
Wood dominates Earth. Earth blocks Water. Water puts out Fire. Fire melts Metal. Metal pierces

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 10

The Reductive Cycle is the solution to the dominations. The Reductive Cycle is the same as the
Productive Cycle, but it works in a reverse order. It is a soft correction and is the preferred method for
applying an elemental remedy.
Wood reduces Water. Water reduces Metal. Metal reduces Earth. Earth reduces Fire. Fire reduces

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 11

People often ask: “What if you have multiple elements in a room at the same time? This requires that
you look at the calculations you are about to learn and then determine what an area requires. Another
question asked is “How do you know which element to add?” Look at what is creating the problem and
then apply the reductive cycle to reduce the element that is creating the problem. Remember that the
reductive cycle is like Robin Hood. It takes from the aggressor and gives to the impoverished.

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 12

Eight Trigrams
Shown below is the Eight Trigram Grid. This arrangement is also known as the Master Trigram.

The Eight Trigrams

The Ba Gua diagram (literally 8 trigrams, also spelled as Pa Kua) is a basic tool for the Feng Shui
analysis. When a Feng Shui analysis is performed, the practitioner refers to these basic concepts to
analyze the situation within each area of the building. From this representation, the basis of the
mathematical calculations are found. In other words, it is a tool for calculating the attributes of a
building, not a general overlay to be used on a floor plan. Additionally, the trigrams hold the keys to
understanding the “who”, or “what” is affected by the Feng Shui of a building. Even beyond that,
certain personalities can be found in the trigrams relating to both people and their buildings.
The three by three matrix, shown above, is called the Eight Trigrams. (It is also known by the name of
“Later heaven trigram arrangement.” Within the Eight Trigrams structure is a wealth of information.
Each section is one Trigram. A Trigram is the 3 level combination of Yin and Yang.
The trigrams are arranged in a specific pattern. Numerically it is perfect balance. Any three squares
sum to 15 in any direction. But more than that, if you take just the opposites and exclude the center,
they all sum to 10! This is often referred to as the magic square. This arrangement is an overlay of the
elements on Yin and Yang, or balance.
Yin and Yang theory is the first concept needed to understand to use this tool. Each Trigram contains 3

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 13

bars. These bars might be Yin or Yang depending on which Trigram we are working with. These bars
individually represent either Yin or Yang. Yang is a solid bar and Yin is a broken bar as shown here:

These Yin and Yang representations are stacked three high in a combination that yields a lot of
symbology including, the elemental representation, the family representation, a symbology, and a
bodily area is represented. The trigrams are viewed from the bottom up based on:

Sitting and Facing

Sitting and facing is the easiest concept to explain and the most difficult concept to use. The theory
behind it is simple but its application is difficult because there are so many varying architectural styles
and designs.
What is the sitting and facing of a house or building? Essentially, it is the Yin and the Yang sides of a
building. Every building has its own unique nature of Yin and Yang. In Chinese, it is described as the
Open or Closed side of a building. The Facing is open, and the Sitting is closed.
While many books and practitioners emphasize the front door as the key to finding the orientation, this
is not correct. The door does not determine the nature of the building. Rather, it is the entry point for
the Qi in the building. Just like a woman’s dress may button on any side (down the front, down the
back, down the side, etc.), the dress distinctly has a front or back. The same is true for a house. Doors
may be located at the front, at the side or even entering from the rear, but the orientation of the house is
not dependent upon the door.
The sitting side or the Yin side determines the orientation of the house. Again and again, we see that
the Sitting is important. This is not to say that Facing is not important. The sitting side is the Yin side.
When determining the orientation of a house or building, we measure the orientation from the sitting
side (Yin) side.
How does one determine the sitting and facing? We already mentioned that the sitting is Yin and the
facing is Yang. Another way of thinking about it is that the sitting is the closed side or the plain side
and the facing is the open or decorative side. Some other distinctions are:

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 14

Sitting Facing

Yin Yang
Closed Open
Plain Decorative (façade)
Flat Wall (long) Short Walls (broken)
Private Public
Heavier Lighter
Bedrooms Living or Public Rooms
Darker Brighter

These are no absolutes and it takes a lot of practice to understand fully which is the sitting side and
which is the facing side of any particular building.
Another helpful, but not always consistent way of determining sitting and facing, is to look at what the
architect’s intent was for the sitting and facing of a building. Many times in custom homes, the
architect will intentionally face the building a certain way. Many times, this is the case when the house
overlooks a significant feature, such as a beach house or a house on a golf course. The sitting side
might be the street side and the facing would be towards the ocean or the golf course. In the case of a
beach house, the main entrance might be on the street side, yet the house opens up to the ocean. The
sitting is the street side and the facing is the ocean.
Another way to visualize the sitting and facing is to imagine if a scale model of the house were
balanced evenly on a tight rope. Whichever side would fall down (heavier side) is typically the sitting.
Remember that sitting is Yin. Yin flows down and is the heavier side.
In the layout of the floor plan, the master bedroom is often on the sitting side. Interestingly enough,
many new homes have the master bath on the sitting side of the master bedroom. It is an architectural
way of putting the most private rooms away from the public area. Other sitting side rooms might
include the kitchen, the den or the utility room. In a business, the computer rooms and utility closets are
often located in the sitting. So, too, is the owner’s or president’s office.
The facing side is usually the public area. This is where the lobby or reception area is. In a home, it is
the front room and often the dining room. It is the area that was intended for visitors. It is also the area
with a lot of traffic, whereas the sitting is quiet with little traffic.
Another interesting way of determining sitting and facing is to look at the exterior walls. The sitting is
usually long, plain and flat. The facing is usually decorative, broken lines, and much more appealing. It
is intended to be the showy side.
Remember that you cannot make blanket generalizations about structures and their sitting and facing,
there are clues that can help. For example, in an apartment, frequently the balcony is on the facing side.
In track homes, often they are facing the street. Once you have determined the facing direction, then
you know the sitting direction. Never though assume that all buildings follow these rules. You need to
look at each one individually and assess the sitting and facing.
With practice, you will see that the sitting and facing can be very apparent. Many times, it might be

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 15

confusing. Just remember to look at the whole picture and to find the side that is Yin and the side that is
Yang. This is the key to the rest of the analysis. Remember that it is the starting point to understanding
the nature of the building.

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 16

The 24 Directions
In the beginning Feng Shui class, you learned how to use the Luopan. With the Luopan reading, you
were able to determine which of the eight directions a house sits. In the Advanced level of Feng Shui,
we look at buildings in an even more precise manner. Each of the eight directions is divided into 3
sections. Each section has exactly 15 degrees. We measure “Which 15 degrees of North?” or “Which
15 degrees of West?” a house may be sitting. From this, we can accurately determine the “Feng Shui
Blueprint” of the building. Let’s look at the Luopan in more detail:

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 17

24 Letters
As we look at the Sang’s Luopan, we see that there are 24 letters around the circumference. The letters
are from A through X in a clockwise fashion. Y and Z are excluded, as there are 26 letters, but only 24
directions. Each of the letters corresponds to 15 degrees. There are actual Chinese names for them, but
Master Sang has simplified it for the first-time, western student as letters. The corresponding Chinese
characters are located in the next ring in from the letters. These are the actual names for these 15-
degree segments and consist of the trigrams, stems, and branches. (The explanation of the stems and
branches is out of the scope of this class and is covered in a later class.)
A key thing to remember is that the letters start in the North with A and continue in a clockwise
direction until X. When you are floating the numbers, remember that the letters at the bottom of the
grid might look backwards, but it is because they are listed clockwise! Each letter has a corresponding
opposite such as X and L or R and F.

Yin and Yang Colors

When you look at the Luopan, you will notice that each of the 24 letters is colored either Red or Black.
This shows the direction’s native Yin or Yang attribute. Red means yang and black means yin. Since
each direction has three segments, there is a pattern of yin and yang. This pattern is determined not by
the direction, but rather the number found in that direction.
These yin or yang attributes are determined by the “Gender” or Odd or Even property of the number in
the grid segment of the sitting and facing. For example in the East, the original number is 3 and
because the number three is odd, it takes on the pattern “odd, even, even” or “yang, yin, yin.” To make
it easier, here is a reference chart:

# Odd/Even “Gender” Pattern

1 Odd – Yang Yang, Yin, Yin +--
2 Even – Yin Yin, Yang, Yang -++
3 Odd – Yang Yang, Yin, Yin +--
4 Even – Yin Yin, Yang, Yang -++
6 Even – Yin Yin, Yang, Yang -++
7 Odd – Yang Yang, Yin, Yin +--
8 Even – Yin Yin, Yang, Yang -++
9 Odd – Yang Yang, Yin, Yin +--

Look closely at the image below at the outer ring and notice the Red and Black markings.

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 18

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 19
Twenty-Year Cycles
Xuan Kong is known as the time and space theories of Feng Shui. A building is influenced by the qi
from the Heaven and the qi from the Earth.
The first thing one needs to examine in calculating the advanced Xuan Kong method of Feng Shui is to
find out when the house or building was constructed. You can think of this also as when the Qi
from Heaven no longer flows to the Earth. Also, it can be when the Qi is "captured" in the house. This
is the space concept.
Before a building is built, the Qi flows freely over the land and energies radiate down from the heavens
and up from the earth. Soon, a foundation is placed and directional orientation is created. Then the
walls are put on and finally the roof. When the roof is put on, the Qi inside the house is now captured.
This captured Qi remains where it is until the building is torn down. During the life of the building,
there are influences from Qi that visits each year, but the nature of the Qi remains fixed.
When calculating the “Qi map” of the house, we start with “when”. This is the time concept. The
construction date of the house is the basis for all calculations of this level and without it, we can only
examine the building at a rudimentary level.
The date within the year the building was built can have an effect too. Just like the annual number
calculation, the twenty-year cycle numbers follow the Spring Establishment date of February 4 or 5.
We will examine the Spring Establishment more in the next section. If the construction date is before or
after February 4 of the particular year that the twenty-year period starts, then it will determine which
cycle. Let us look at the cycles themselves.

Lower Middle Upper

Cycle 1864 to 1884 to 1904 to 1924 to 1944 to 1964 to 1984 to 2004 to 2024 to Cycle
continues 1883 1903 1923 1943 1963 1983 2003 2023 2043 continues

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

This is 180-year snapshot in time. It is the time cycles for cycles 1 through 9 in our recent generations.
The cycle number relates to the same numbered trigram and its attributes. This cycle continues, both
back and forward indefinitely. You will see that the nine cycles are split into thirds. These are the sixty-
year cycles that roughly correspond to the 59-½ year convergence of Jupiter and Saturn. The ancients
followed astronomy very closely and determined that these two heavenly bodies cycled very close to
sixty years. The sixty-year cycles are referred to as the lower, middle and upper cycles.
If there is a house built in 1964, then the question needs to be asked: “When was the building roof put
on, capturing the Qi and covering the ground?” Heaven no longer meets Earth. Did it finalize before or
after February 4, 1964? Why February 4th? We will learn more about that in the next section.

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 20

The Spring Establishment

The Lunar Calendar

Each Chinese year can be looked at with two different calendars. The common calendar is the lunar
calendar, which is based on the cycles of the moon. This calendar is the basis for Zi Wei Dou Shu
astrology. It is best known for being the celebratory time during which the Chinese mark the New
Year. This date varies from mid-January until mid-February. It is based on the moon and it changes
from year to year. Feng Shui is not based on the lunar cycle, but rather the solar cycle.

The Solar Calendar

Feng Shui developed as a feudal study of the environment including for the farmers who were
planting. They created a calendar based on the seasons. This was a calendar based on the Sun and
seasonality. The solar calendar determined when to plant and when to harvest. Further though, it was
an accurate and consistent calendar. Each year begins approximately February 4. The question is no
longer what week is the New Year, but rather what hour and minute. One year may begin at 11:10 am
on February 4 and another might begin at 12:23 pm. This was the official start of spring. This is the
point halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.

When we are looking at the larger time cycles, the beginning of these cycles is February 4 of that
year. So when looking at when the building was completed, if it is on a cutoff year, then we need to

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ensure whether the roof went on and captured the Qi before or after February 4 of that year.
If you need to find out the exact time of the cutoff for a particular year, you need to use a 10,000-year
calendar. In Chinese it is called the Wan Nian Li. This is sort of a Chinese Almanac, showing both the
Lunar and Solar Calendars. If you do not have one, you may purchase one through our online

We see that even the calendar plays an important role in the Feng Shui of the building. In Xuan Kong
Feng Shui, we look at the time and space. In the next chapter, we will see how to calculate the Qi based
on the time and orientation.

Floating the Sitting and Facing Numbers

To map the Qi that was captured in a house or building at the time when it was built, we “float” the
numbers of the trigrams to determine the energy blueprint. By overlaying this qi blueprint on a floor
plan, we can see what remedies might be necessary to bring a room or area into balance.
In the Intermediate class, you learned about the basic Xuan Kong system of floating the House trigram
numbers with the Annual numbers. In this class, we are learning a new set of numbers based on time
and space. These numbers are more specific and accurate than those you learned previously.
To learn the advanced floating numbers, please keep in mind that we are not using the house trigram,
or the annual number now. We will use those in the overall analysis, but for now, just focus on the
new material.

Lower Middle Upper

Cycle 1864 to 1884 to 1904 to 1924 to 1944 to 1964 to 1984 to 2004 to 2024 to Cycle
continues 1883 1903 1923 1943 1963 1983 2003 2023 2043 continues

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 22

To begin, we find which twenty-year cycle during which the house was built. We are currently in a “8”
or Gen cycle. A house built between February 4, 2004 and February 3, 2023 is in the Gen time cycle.
Remembering how to float the numbers, we float the numbers into the grid based on direction.
 Center
 Northwest
 West
 Northeast
 South
 North
 Southwest
 East
 Southeast
Starting in the center we write the construction number based on the construction 20 year period. We
then add one number and write that number in the Northwest. We then put the next number in the
West. We continue until all nine numbers have been filled in. If during the floating, we reach nine, then
the next number is one. Remember: The Construction Number is always floated in ascending order (ie.
1,2,3,4,…)Let us try this below. We have a house that was built in 1988. (cycle 7)

The next step is to identify the orientation of the house. We are going to use a sample house called the
“Smith House” and having taken a Luopan Reading, we have determined it was Sitting to the North
and Facing to the South.

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In the Advanced Level however, we are looking even more specifically at the orientation. So it is not
just sitting to the North, but rather it is sitting in the first third of North or “X” on the Sang’s Luopan.
The Facing is South, or the “L” part of South. (Note: the shorthand we use for this is "X --> L”.) We
can write the letters in the chart as shown:

Finding the Yin and Yang Pattern

We need to identify the Yin and Yang nature of the sitting and facing, so we have labeled the letters
with red or black. Red being Yang and Black being Yin. This is determined by the “Gender” or Odd
or Even property of the number in the grid segment of the sitting and facing. So because the number
three is odd, it takes on the pattern “odd, even, even” or “yang, yin, yin.” To make it easier, here is a
reference chart:
# Odd/Even “Gender” Pattern
1 Odd – Yang Yang, Yin, Yin +--
2 Even – Yin Yin, Yang, Yang -++
3 Odd – Yang Yang, Yin, Yin +--
4 Even – Yin Yin, Yang, Yang -++
6 Even – Yin Yin, Yang, Yang -++
7 Odd – Yang Yang, Yin, Yin +--
8 Even – Yin Yin, Yang, Yang -++

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9 Odd – Yang Yang, Yin, Yin +--
Because the house sits to the X direction and faces to the L direction, we circle these two letters on our
grid along with the corresponding yin or yang. Please note that 3 is an odd number in the sitting and so
it gets the yang, yin, yin pattern. 2 is even and gets the yin, yang, yang pattern. Remember to always
mark the letters and the yin and yang pattern in a CLOCKWISE direction.

Reading the 9 Period Charts

On the following pages are the 9 construction cycle charts. These charts can be a little confusing at
first. Let's see if we can clear up any confusion first.
For your reference, we have presented here the 9 different charts that show the construction number of
each of the nine 20-year cycles having been floated and having the appropriate yin and yang pattern
applied. Depending upon which period a house was constructed in, determines which of the 9 charts,
you would use. Houses built in 1985 or 1992, or even 2001 all belong to a 7 cycle.
Please notice that the Yin and Yang pattern (- + + or + - - ) is represented by the white and black dots
(white = + and black = - ). The important thing to note here is that the pattern is based on the number
in the directional segment, not on the direction!! Each chart can have a different pattern for Southwest
for example. One might be + - - and during a different construction cycle it is - + + depending upon
how the numbers lay out.
A solid black filled dot represents Yin and an open dot represents Yang. You should note that the

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pattern of yin, yang, yang or yang, yin, yin is based on the floated number (odd or even) and not the
direction. The pattern relates to the odd or even number, not the direction. For example, below we see
that in the SW, there are two charts with Yang, Yin, Yin and one chart with Yin, Yang, Yang. Do you
see why? (Hint: It is the number in the SW that determines the pattern.)
Each wheel in the chart is based on one of the nine construction cycles. In the center is the
construction cycle number for that chart. Around the chart, the construction numbers have been
floated based on the center construction number cycle. This is the arrangement of the Xuan
Kong Construction cycle numbers. This is based on the cycle of which a building was built. This is
not the House Trigram, nor is it the Annual Number. We will leave those out for this class. Later after
having mastered this classes information, you can layer them all together.
Please use these charts as a reference while learning this system to find the Construction Numbers.

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Mountain and Water Numbers
Now that you have the construction numbers floated and have determined the Sitting and Facing
number genders, we can proceed to float the next numbers. These are called the Mountain and Water
numbers. The Mountain number goes to the left and the Water number goes to the right. When
floating these numbers, we need to keep a couple of things in mind:

Left Right
Mountain Water
People Money
Sitting Facing
Yin Yang

As a reference, we use to designate sitting. It is the Chinese character for Mountain. An arrow
usually designates facing.
So the next step is to bring the Sitting number 3 into the center grid to the Left side and the Facing
number 2 into the Right side as shown:

Now we can begin to float the Mountain and Water numbers (also referred to as the People and Money
numbers). To keep it simple, lets just float the Mountain numbers to begin with. So we see that the 3 in
the sitting relates to the pattern of X A B and + - -. Since the house was sitting to the X direction, we

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will use the direction shown by the corresponding pattern. The Yin and Yang pattern that corresponds
to X is + or Yang. Since Yang is rising, this means that the 3 will be floated in Ascending direction (3,
4, 5, 6, …). So the next number will be 4 in the Northwest. Follow along in the next few pictures of our
calculations for the Smith House. We determined from our Luopan reading that the house was sitting
North facing South and specifically sitting X facing L or in
shorthand X-> L:

As shown below, we circle the Directional Letter and the corresponding Yin or Yang. This will show
us the direction the number will be floated. It is either ascending or descending depending upon
whether it is a plus or a minus. (Ascending is 1,2 3,4... and Descending is 9, 8, 7, 6, ...) So in this case
we will start to float ascending with the 3.

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In the following images, we will float the mountain (or people) number:

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Thus we have floated all the mountain numbers. In the next page, we will complete the floating, by
floating the water numbers.

Floating the Water/Money numbers

Having floated all the Mountain/People Numbers, we can now look at the Water/Money Numbers.
Since the 2 is even it has the pattern of - + + and the corresponding letters for the South are L,M,N.
Since the Luopan reading was X -> L, we are using the yin pattern that corresponds to the “L.” So we
are going to be floating in the Yin direction or Descending (2, 1, 9, 8, 7….). Follow along in the next
few examples:

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Until finally we get the completed chart:

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Congratulations, you have just completed the first advanced chart!

The Important "5" Exception

The number 5 earth is the center. Because it is the center, it does not relate to either Yin or Yang.
When you get a 5-construction number in either the Sitting or Facing, the 5 is like a chameleon. It
adopts the “gender” or Yin and Yang pattern of the original center construction number. So if you have
a 5 on the sitting side and the original construction number was 6, then the pattern would be - + +.If the
5 is on the sitting side and the construction number is 7, then it would be + - -. This would apply if the
five were on the facing side as well. Let's look at an example below:

You can see in the example above, that the 5 in the Sitting Side is floating in descending order. (5, 4,
3, 2, ...) The 5 takes on the pattern of the 2 construction number. So the pattern is - + +.

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Practice Workshop
The steps to floating the Advanced Xuan Kong numbers are as follows:
1. Determine the sitting and facing.
2. Determine the exact orientation. Write the letters on the chart in a clockwise order for the sitting and
facing (ie. L, M, N and X, A, B or F,G, H and R, S, T).
3. Float the construction number based on the cycle in which the house was built.
4. Based on the construction number in the sitting and facing, put the “gender” pattern in. Remember
that we write the pattern in a clockwise direction.
5. Circle the letter that the house sits and faces along with the corresponding yin or yang gender.
6. Float the sitting number from the center left and proceed to ascend or descend depending upon the
sitting’s yin or yang indication.
7. Float the facing number from the center right and proceed to ascend or descend depending upon the
facing’s yin or yang indication.
Now try the following houses as practice. Work these out by hand. Remember that the short hand X-L
is read Sitting X, Facing L. The first four examples are shown on the next page. Look up the answers
for the last 5 houses in the reference charts at the end of the class notes. This will help you learn to read
the reference charts. If you have questions, please post them. If you are still struggling, keep working
on other examples for yourself. The more you do this, the easier it becomes. It is entirely practice.

Note: the Chinese character for Mountain is often used to denote the Sitting side and the arrow
is used to indicate the facing direction.
1. 1954 P-D
2. 1966 P-D
3. 2008 B-N
4. 2034 B-N
5. 1952 X-L
6. 1965 X-L
7. 1972 A-M
8. 1997 R-F
9. 1978 J-V

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Practice Workshop Answers
Here are the charts for the first four houses shown on the prior page. You should have practiced these
by hand, before looking up the answers! The last five answers can be looked up in the reference charts
at the end of the class material.

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The Four House Types
There are four basic house types that you can identify from the completed Xuan Kong chart. They are:
 Wang Shan, Wang Shui
 Double Sitting
 Double Facing
 Reverse
To determine the nature of the house, look at the original center construction number. Then determine
where else in the grid that it shows up again. It will always be either in the sitting or facing sections. If
not, check your floating process, because you probably made a mistake. But, it could be in either or
perhaps both the sitting and facing segments of the grid.
The ideal situation is to have the sitting number in the sitting section and the facing number in the
facing section. More specifically, the sitting number should be on the left (or sitting side) of the sitting
section. The facing number should be on the right (or facing side) of the facing section. This is
considered properly balanced and is called “Wang Shan, Wang Shui.” Literally, it means Prosperous
Mountain and Prosperous Water. Alternatively, it also means good people, good money.
When the construction number appears in the sitting side of the sitting grid segment and also in the
facing side of the sitting grid segment, then it is called a double sitting house. The facing or money qi is
displaced. This is considered a double sitting house. It is good for people, and unfavorable for
When the construction number appears in the sitting side of the facing segment and the facing side of
the facing segment, then the people qi is displaced. This house is referred to as a double facing. It is
good for money, but unfavorable for people.
Lastly, when the construction number appears in the sitting side of the facing grid segment and the
facing side of the sitting grid segment, then it is considered a Reverse house. Both the people and
money qi are displaced. Thus, it is unfavorable for both people and money.

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The four house types are summarized as follows:

House Type Interpretation Explanation

Wang Shan, Wang Shui Good for People, Sitting Number in the Sitting
Good for Money section of the grid, the facing
(Literally means Good Mountain, number in the facing side of
Good Water) the grid.

Double Sitting Good for People, Sitting number in the sitting

section of the grid, facing
Not Good for Money number in the sitting section
of the grid.

Double Facing Good for Money, Both the Sitting and Facing
numbers in the Facing section
Not Good for People of the grid.

Reverse Not Good for Money, The Sitting and Facing

numbers are in the reverse
Not Good for People positions of where they
belong. The sitting number is
in the facing and the facing
number is in the sitting.

While the four house types can use any construction number, from any construction cycle, below is an
example of each for a construction cycle 7. Note: South is the facing and north is the sitting.

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Wang Shan, Wang Shui
Good for People and Good for Money

Double Facing
Good for Money, Not Good for People


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Double Sitting
Good for People, Not Good for Money

Reverse House
Unfavorable for both People and Money

When a house is good for money, then there is prosperous income. If it is good for people, then
relationships, health and well-being are good. If it is bad, then things are a struggle. Bad for money
means that it is difficult to hold money and to make money. Bad for people means that relationships
can be difficult and health can be a problem.
Master Sang prefers that the people aspect be the priority before the money. As he puts it “If you have
your health, you can work for the money, but if you are sick then no money will come.” The focus
should be on creating good Feng Shui environments for people. After the people aspect is remedied,

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then focus on the money.

Remedies for the Four House Types

Now that we can identify the four types of homes, we need to remedy them where possible. Looking
back at our interpretation table:

Left Right
Mountain Water
People Money
Sitting Facing
Yin Yang

We see that People and Sitting relate to the Mountain; Money and Facing relate to Water. So those are
the two remedies we will be using.
For a Wang Shan, Wang Shui house, we do not need to do anything for it is already an ideal house.
For a Double Sitting house (the sitting number in the sitting section and the facing number in the
sitting section), we see that the facing number is displaced. We need to add water to support and assist
the money qi. The water is placed in the sitting of the house. It is always placed outside the house. We
are trying to remedy the entire house, not just a section.
The water remedy should be a large amount of water. Remember, you are trying to remedy the entire
house. A small fountain will not do. Regarding fountains, try to not use a stone or earthen fountain,
unless you have a very large amount of water relative to the earth. (Remember from the Beginning
class that Earth dominates Water.) Swimming Pools, Koi Ponds, very large fountains, Natural
waterfalls are all examples of excellent water remedies.
For a Double Facing house (the sitting number in the facing section and the facing number in the
facing section), we have the opposite situation where the sitting number is the one displaced. Here we
need to add Mountain, or raised up-earth in the facing to support the people qi. This needs to be in the
outside facing area of the house.
The Mountain remedy needs to be raised. Usually the remedy should be large boulders, or perhaps a
stone wall. A general recommendation is that the higher the better, but it should fit naturally in the
environment. Often, large stones are used in the facing to provide the mountain effect. Landscaping
and attractive plants can make these large stones very natural. There should not be a lone boulder as a
remedy as it looks like a tombstone. Make it a natural part of the landscape. Remember, that all Feng
Shui remedies should be natural and not look out of place!
For a Reverse house (The sitting number in the facing section and the facing number in the sitting
section), we need to add both water outside in the sitting side of the house and mountain in the outside
facing side.
Master Sang uses the analogy of a fish on land needs water to feel comfortable and a tiger on a raft
needs earth to feel comfortable. The same can be said of a reverse house. You need to have the water
to aid the money qi and mountain/earth to aid the people qi.

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The remedies are the same as in the double sitting and double facing house types. But in a reverse
house, you need both, water in the sitting and mountain in the facing.

The Fifth House Type

In looking at a house, we have already leaned of the four house types. These are the permanent nature
of the house. There is one other house type to be aware of. Sometimes referred to as the fifth house
type, this is a house type that can come and go with time. This fifth house type is commonly called a
“Locked House.”
This locked house type is a house where the people or money qi is locked or restricted for a certain
time period. As we have learned earlier, there are 20-year periods of time. During particular 20-year
periods, a house can be locked for the duration of that cycle.The Chinese refer to this concept as
“imprisoned.” Essentially, all houses have the potential of being locked depending upon the period it
was built and the orientation.
What exactly does a locked house mean? It is a time period where it is difficult for relations (people) to
prosper, or it is a time when money is very restricted and difficult. There will be little, if any,
advancement in either relationships or money. If the lock is on people, it can also be difficult to become
pregnant. It could also mean that it is easy to suffer ill health. On the money side, finances will be
difficult and money will be difficult to be retained.
A lock will occur when the current time cycle is the same as either the People number or the
Money number in the Center section of the house grid.
The numbers in the center section are the only numbers that determine a lock. Numbers in a directional
segment of the grid do not indicate a lock. Currently, if a home has the number 7 in either the people or
money number position in the center of the grid, then the house is locked. This house might have been
built during any cycle. The key is if the 7 appears in the People or Money position. In 2004, the number
8 will be the current time cycle. A house with an 8 in either the mountain or water position in the center
section will be locked for the duration of the 8 cycle.

The following house chart shows a house that is locked on the People side during the Dui (7) cycle:

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The following shows a house locked on money during the Dui (7) cycle:

The following shows a house that is locked on People during the Gen (8) cycle: (Note that this house
has a 7 in the construction position. This does not mean that it was locked during the Dui cycle. It is
only the People or Money position that gets locked. Not the construction number.)

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The Solution
The solution to a locked house is to have a significant amount of water. By significant, we mean a lot!
The lock affects the entire house. A small fish tank will not work. Generally, for a locked house, a large
fountain outside or even a swimming pool can help. The water should be on the outside of the house,
however, water around the interior of the house, where appropriate (meaning it does not create a
situation that is harmful because of the qi that is in that space) can help.
The water has to be clean and circulating.
When making recommendations, be creative. Water can take many forms. Swimming pools, fountains,
ponds are all excellent remedies, but can sometimes be expensive. Some other creative ideas are:
• Several half wine casks with water cascading downwards and recirculating to create a natural
• Water in a large trough (natural or artificial) with fountain or waterfall
• Koi Ponds
Taking this a step further, we can see that a house on the ocean or a large lake will not become locked.
It already has a sufficient body of water to break the lock. Historically, buildings near water have
always been prized and fetched higher values. Even palaces have moats or lakes or rivers near them to
prevent this. Most prosperous cities are located near water. Water has always been known to help a
place thrive. A lock can be resolved by adding water anywhere outside the house, so long as it is clean,
moving, and of sufficient volume in proportion to the house. Remember a simple rule: When a house
is locked, add water.

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Water as prosperity enhancement
As we mentioned water anywhere outside near the house can break the lock. But we can enhance
prosperity by putting water in the East and Southwest whether or not there is a lock. So an unlocked
house can also benefit if water is added. Water in these directions can bring prosperity until 2043, so
this is a good area to recommend a pool or fountain. (Note: provided that it does not create an
imbalance of the nature of the building or conflict with the qi.)
The reason for this is simple. The direction opposite the Wang cycle is a prosperous direction for water,
in a 7 (Dui/West) period it would be East and in the 8 (Gen/Northeast) period, it would be Southwest.
Consider the Wang direction like the sitting and the opposite like the facing. Thus, the facing is the
water direction.
The second direction is found by taking the Wang number plus or minus 5. If the Wang number is 7
(Dui/West), you subtract 5 and the result is 2 (Kun/SW). If the Wang number is 8, then you need to
subtract 5 to get 3 (Zhen/East). So in Period 7, the two directions for water are East and Southwest. By
coincidence, the directions for water Period 8 would be Southwest and East. If the Wang period were
Period 1, then you would add 5 to get 6 (Qian/NW). The rule is simple, if it is less than 5, add 5 to the
Wang number and if the Wang number is more than 5, subtract 5.
Avoid placing water in the Wang direction (Northeast in Period 8). This can reduce the prosperity of
the house.

Practice Workshop
Review the earlier Practice Workshop where you floated the Xuan Kong numbers for five
different houses. Review them and see if any of them are locked in period 8 or were locked in
period 7. Keep in mind that period 7 locks are now over. This is just for your understanding of
What makes them locked?
How would you remedy them?

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Practice Workshop Answers
Review the earlier Practice Workshop where you floated the Xuan Kong numbers for five
different houses. Review them and see if any of them are locked or will be locked soon. (Hint:
look for cycles 7 or 8)
1) 1952 X-L
2) 1965 X-L
3) 1972 A-M
4) 1997 R-F
5) 1978 J-V --> J-V Cycle 6 was locked in period 7 (1984-2003) on the Money side.
6) 1954 P-D --> P - D Cycle 5 is locked in period 8 (2004 to 2023) on the Money side.
7) 1966 P-D
8) 2008 B-N
9) 2034 B-N
What makes them locked?
They are locked because the facing number in the center is the same number as the current 20 year time
How would you remedy them?
Use lots of water outside the house, preferably in the East or Southwest. If it is a Double Sitting or
Reverse house, you need water in the sitting anyway.

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The 180 Year Life Cycle

Above are shown three wheels. These wheels represent the life cycle of 180 years. Each of the wheel
section represents a 20-year construction period.
Lower Middle Upper

Cycle 1864 to 1884 to 1904 to 1924 to 1944 to 1964 to 1984 to 2004 to 2024 to Cycle
continues 1883 1903 1923 1943 1963 1983 2003 2023 2043 continues

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Interpreting the Numbers
Now that we are aware of the 180-year cycles, we can take a closer look at the interpretation of the
numbers. Earlier in the Intermediate class, you had an interpretation of the 9 numbers. While that still
holds basically true, here you will see that depending upon the life cycle stage that the number is
currently in, that the number can take either a positive or negative interpretation.
Shown below is the Advanced Level Interpretation of the numbers:

No. In Prosperity (Wang) or Life (Sheng) No. In Decay (Shuai) or Death (Si) cycle

1 Fame, Wealth 1 Malicious Influence on Female

2 Authority, 2 Pain, Sickness, Miscarriage

Powerful Position

3 Wealth 3 Gossip, Arguments, Lawsuits

4 Scholastic Achievement, Writing, 4 Trouble from Sexual Encounter

Reading, Creativity

5 (Should restrict Activity or stay 5 Lawsuits, Sickness and Pain, Casualties


6 Great Wealth, Power 6 Lonesome

7 Wealth, Promotions 7 Robbery, Imprisonment, Fire, Bleeding

8 Fame, Wealth 8 Harmful to the Youth

9 Scholastic Achievement 9 Insanity, Miscarriage, Fire, Loss of Job

Now at the advanced level, we interpret the numbers based on the location of the cycle that the number
is in. For example, the number 7 was in its Wang period from 1984 to 2003. Dui is Wealth and
Promotions. During the wang cycle Dui is showing its good side. Now though, we have moved to cycle
8 and Gen is at the peak or Wang. As such, we will see the Decay influence on number 7. In fact, we
are starting to see some of this now. The number 7 represents Robbery, Imprisonment, Fires and
Bleeding. Also understand that the 7 cycle is Dui or the mouth. At its peak it was a time of
communication. People such as attorneys, actors, and politicians did well during this time.
Now we are in period 8, Gen. Gen represents the mountain and also youth. Mountains tend to be

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immovable, so there is a tendency towards inflexibility and also youthful folly. Children are a key
aspect of period 8. Occupations involving children will do well. Also the leaders will be more
The number 6, which was once a very powerful number (the time of very strong leaders), is now in its
decay period. During its Wang cycle, the Qian strong metal was apparent in the hard leaders of the
time. But 6 is also a lonely number. It is said that it is “lonely at the top.” The 6 cycle houses are now
showing traits of this loneliness.

Left Right

Mountain Water

People Money

Sitting Facing

Yin Yang

It is important to notice the placement of the number within any grid segment. Is it on the left or people
side? Or, is it on the right, or money side? An 8 on the people side could mean good health and perhaps
even additional children. The 8 placed on the money side means great wealth. Similarly, a 5 on the
money side can mean money delays and a lot of problems related to money. A 5 on the people side can
mean accidents and health problems. Look at each number and see what you can find in the number
depending upon the placement of the people side or money side. You can see very specific things in
each grid segment.
As an example, let’s consider a 9-5 entrance versus a 5-9 entrance. A 9-5 entrance means that money
will be very difficult, with a lot of delays. A 5-9 entrance means that the people can suffer from ill
health, have accidents, or other mishaps. When interpreting the numbers, look carefully at where the
numbers fall, on the people side or the money side. This determines how the situation will be affected.
It is also useful to look at the interpretations shown in Master Sang’s “The Principles of Feng Shui.”
These number combinations can help you in both the Intermediate level, but also at the Advanced
Level. In fact, knowing the Advanced level interpretation makes the references in the book more
understandable and illuminated.

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Applications and Examples
Practicing taking a Feng Shui Reading
Thus far, we have seen a lot of information. But to review on just how to go about taking a Feng Shui
reading (which is more than just reading the compass), we need to do the following:
1. Observe the Outside Environment
2. Observe the Inside Environment
3. Determine the Sitting and Facing
4. Get the compass reading based on the direction of the Sitting side
5. Float the numbers (Construction, Sitting and Facing, Annual, and House Trigram)
6. Look at the East/West teachings (A-H) for the house and find the East/West directions for the
When doing a reading, the number one thing to do is to avoid creating any sha in the owner. Remember
that you are there to remove sha (negative influence) and assist. Do not take the reading and say “Oh
wow! You live in a bad for people house!”Rather, say “This house is good for money and by adding
mountain in the front of the house, we can ensure that you will have good health.” Always be positive!
When you first arrive at the building, before even opening up the Luopan, walk around. Observe the
environment around you. Take note of any environmental features that are good or unfavorable and at
the same time, look for the indications of the Sitting and Facing. Only after you have the sitting and
facing and are comfortable that you have seen everything in the environment, and then take the
compass reading. As mentioned in the beginning class, take three or more readings at the sitting side of
the house and determine the trigram and precise compass reading. We typically say a house is X to L or
R to F and know that it is a Kan house or a Dui house.
Then you can either sit down and do the analysis or excuse yourself and ask to come back later if you
are just learning. Correctly float the numbers and analyze the numbers with the floor plan. Focus on the
areas where the people spend time. The priorities should be for a house:
• The Main Entrance or Door
• The Bedroom
• The Kitchen
• The Den or areas where people spend time
• The office area or home workspace
For an office, it would be similar:
• The Door used to primarily enter the office
• The Workspace
• Any other area where a lot of time is spent
We will now look at a couple of practical case studies from Master Sang’s files.

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Case Studies
Reading a House
We are going to look at a typical example of how a house is analyzed. The following is a house that
was built in 1975 and sits J and faces V (J-V). It was analyzed in 1983.

We see that this is a double

facing house built in the cycle 6
period. It was locked for money
in period 7 until 2003.

A different Feng Shui Master

evaluated the house several years
ago. He recommended that for
better finances, they needed to
move the door from the center of
the front of the house to the
living room space.

The prior Master only had

knowledge of the East/West
teachings and knew that by
moving the door to the North,
they would be putting the door in
the A direction. (Or at least he
knew they had a 1 in 3 chance of
getting a better qi.)

Additionally, that Master knew

that a long hallway was not good
because the qi is too strong.

The owners experienced a lot of

problems afterward so they then
called Master Sang.

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This is the result of a lot of time and expense
by the owners based on the prior Feng Shui
Master’s recommendations. But if we check
the numbers, we see that they actually put
the door in a 1-2 area.

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Master Sang recommended that
unfortunately, they needed to move the door
back to the center section because of the 6-6
area is much better than a 1-2.

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They also needed to correct the
double facing to they needed
Mountain earth in the facing. Then
for the areas where they spend time,
he recommended that they add metal
to the Master Bedroom and also to
the living room to remedy the 7-5
bedroom and the 1-2 living room.

Adding a fish tank to the entry

blocked the qi flow down the hallway
and also softened the 6-6 in the NW

Lastly, placing fire in the 8-4 helped

to balance the domination. If this
were a child’s room, it would
definitely need to be remedied as 4 is
dominating the 8 which is children.
This could result in broken bones.

Since this reading was done prior to

1983, there was no lock in place at
that time. In cycle 7 though, they
would have needed water to remedy
the lock outside.

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 61

Reading a Restaurant
The following is another case study from Master Sang. This was a restaurant in Hong Kong. The owner
asked Master Sang to assist him in improving the business. This building was built in 1986 and sits X
-> L.


Here you see the original layout,

before any suggestions from Master


Let’s look at the numbers floated out:

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 62

Take notice of a few things. What type of house is this? (Reverse, Wang Shan Wang Shui, Double
Sitting, or Double Facing?) What does this mean? Which are the good combinations and which are the
unfavorable combinations?
Looking at the existing combinations, we see some things immediately. First, the door is in the 9-5.
This is the worst possible combination. This can mean delays in Money (5 is on the money side). It can
also mean accidents or even fires. Next, the best combination, the 6-8 is wasted on the bathroom.
Properly placed, this could mean a lot of money, especially when 8 is on the money side.

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 63

Here is what Master Sang
recommended. This is a double
facing building, but in Hong
Kong, there are nothing but high-
rises everywhere, so most
buildings have “mountains”
already in front. You will see that
the most obvious thing is that the
doorway is in the center 7-7 area
now. Since 7 was in the Wang
cycle at the time of the reading, it
is the best entrance possible for
this unit.

You will see that the fish tank

has now been moved to the east.
This has two beneficial effects.
The first is that the water will
strengthen the 1-4 and promote
the name of the restaurant.
Additionally, the East is an
auspicious direction to have
water during cycle 7 and for the
next 20 years.

The kitchen has been reversed

with the bathroom. That way the
fire of the kitchen can strengthen
the 6-8 or money. This is also a
1-6-8 area. The best you can

The cashier has moved to the

Sitting NW. Why? Because Gen/NE is
mountain and is very solid and
Something that you may not realize is that the circular tables in the immovable. We want movement
middle promote additional business. Circle is a shape that promotes around the cash register. The NW
the flow of qi. This is true of homes as well. We do not like circular will help again to promote the
rooms or homes as it creates instability and movement. For a restaurant’s reputation (4-1), plus
restaurant though, this is good, as you do not want people lingering NW is power and authority.
too long. You want circulation so that you can make more money.

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 64

Sample Reading Form
The following is a sample form for you to use on your readings. Or, you can create something
completely different. It is only a suggestion.
Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________
Date of Birth:__________________ Spouses DOB: _____________
Year Bldg was Built: ____________ Location: _________________
Residential: _______ Office: _______ Commercial: _________

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 65

Slide Show

We will now have an on-line slide show. To access the slide show, please go to:

The slide show will show various external environments, with comments on what makes them good or
unfavorable. They will hopefully give you an idea of what to watch for in the environment.

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 66

Message from Master Sang
Congratulations on completing the AFSI Advanced Class. You now have the
basic knowledge of the Feng Shui. What you need now is to practice and
practice to polish your skills. With my many years of Feng Shui teaching
experience, the most difficult part in Feng Shui practice is to judge the sitting
and facing. It is also the easiest way for the Feng Shui learner to make
mistakes. Many incorrect readings are due to a practitioner's lack of practical
experience resulting in the wrong sitting and facing determination. For
example, solely using the door to determine the facing is a common mistake.
As you learned in the curriculum you have just completed, once you get the
incorrect sitting, all calculations are meaningless. Unfortunately, as far as I
know, many published books lack clear instruction on how to determine the
correct sitting and facing. Therefore, the Institute, has developed and setup an online course to clarify
the proper technique to determine the sitting and facing. It is our desire that each student has the correct
sitting and facing determination technique. By my experience, after a variety of practical cases with
different building layouts, close to 100% of our Sitting and Facing class students are accurate in
judging even the more difficult sitting and facing cases. Therefore, I highly recommend that any
student, who wants to develop their skills to a professional level, take the class in person or online.
Again, congratulations on completing the Advanced Class. I hope that this has been a valuable
experience for you and with this knowledge you can enrich your life and the lives of those around you.

Larry Sang

Certificate Notification
Lastly, we need to have you notify the Institute that you have completed the material. Since there is no
test in the Advanced Class, we need for you to email the Institute. Please include your name, the fact
that you have completed the Advanced Class, and (especially important) the exact spelling of your
name as you wish your Certificate of Completion to be shown.
Please send the email to .
Once you submit it, then we can then prepare your Certificate.

Thank you for participating in this class! We hope you have enjoyed it. Please find the Advanced
Xuan Kong reference charts attached.

© 2006 American Feng Shui Institute 67

Advanced Class Reference Charts
The following are the reference charts for all 24 houses over all 9 time periods. Please use these as a
self-check reference. Do the calculations yourself and then check against these charts. This is the best
way to learn the Advanced Floating method. Remember that all the charts have South at the top of the

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