Sugar Industry

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Department of Chemical Engineering

School of Engineering and Architecture

Saint Louis University


A Project Presented to the

Faculty of Department of Chemical Engineering
School of Engineering and Architecture
Saint Louis University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

LIIS, Nemuel Cyzar F.
SARIO, Glen G.
DE GUZMAN, Trisha Nicole DL.
LEONARDO, Jessirene Ira R.
NASTOR, Kate Clarence A.
PATAGAN, Erylle Jane B.

December 2019


Proposed Wastewater Treatment for Sugar IndustryError: Reference source not found

TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................Error: Reference source not found

LIST OF TABLES...............................................Error: Reference source not found

LIST OF FIGURES............................................Error: Reference source not found

Chapter 1: Introduction......................................Error: Reference source not found

Chapter 2: Waste Characterization........................................................................8

Chapter 3: Water Treatment Process...................................................................10

Chapter 4: Conclusion..........................................................................................10


Table 2.1 DAO 2016-08 Effluent Standards Concentration...................................5


Figure 1.1 Characterization of Wastewater from a Typical Sugar Plant................3

Figure 2.1 Schematic Diagram for Wastewater Treatment....................................6



Sugar is a collective term for a large number of carbohydrates present in many

plants. Sugar occurs as a mixture not readily separable in plants. Juices of sugarcane
(Saccharum officinarum) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) are rich in pure sucrose and are
the primary sources of commercial sucrose or the manufactured sugar. 

There are various stages involved in the production of sugar, which are as
follows: 1) Procurement of sugarcane, 2) milling of sugarcane, 3) juice preparation, 4)
juice concentration, 5) syrup processing and crystallization, 6) sugar crystal separation,
and lastly 7) bagasse utilization. 

The sugar industry is seasonal and operates only about 120-200 days a year. In
the Philippines, the sugar industry uses sugar cane as the raw material for production
and various chemicals to increase the final product's value. The industry generates a
large amount of wastewater since it uses a massive amount of water during its
processes. The sugar industry is one of the more extensive water consuming industries.
Water is required as a feed in a boiler, a cooling agent for a condenser, and as process
water for maceration, lime preparation, dilution for control of Brix, and dilution in
evaporators massecuite dilution, filter mud, fly ash handling, and cane wastewater. Oil
and grease are the usual contaminants in the wastewater from the mill house. Spillages
of oil and grease on the floor of the mill house during floor washing are washed away.
The process and mill house wastewater are highly contaminated with process
chemicals, which are being used at different processing stages. Sugar cane entering
the industry is usually 70-80 % moisture; thus, even with water reuse, the industry
needs to dispose of the excess water. For each ton of cane, crushed 0.73 m3 of water,
completely separated from the sugar, is produced. In the sugar mills, water is mostly
required as a mill floor.

Sugar industry wastewater is produced typically via cleaning operations.
Washing of milling house floor, various division of boiling houses like evaporators,
clarifiers, vacuum pans, centrifugation, etc. generates a huge wastewater volume. Also,
wash water used for filter cloth of rotary vacuum filter and periodical cleaning of lime
water and SO2 producing house becomes a part of wastewater. Heat exchangers and
evaporators are periodically cleaned with NaOH and HCl to remove the scales on the
tube surface contributes organic and inorganic pollutant loadings to sewage. Leakages
from pumps, pipelines, centrifuging house also contribute to sewage produced.

Sugar industry wastewater contains wash water with lost cane juice in various
operations, detergents, bagasse particles, oil and grease used for lubrication, and lost
sugar solids in process. The sugar industry wastewater is distinguished by the
temperature of water, color, ash, low pH, and dissolved inorganic and organic matter, of
which 50% may present as reducing sugars. In addition to the sugar mill, wastewater
carries constituents such as Biochemical Oxygen demand, Chemical Oxygen demand,
and oil and grease. The effluent amounts can be seen in the table on the next page.

Figure 1.1 Characterization of Wastewater from a Typical Sugar Plant from




The sugar industry wastewater is distinguished by the temperature of water,

color, ash, low pH, and dissolved inorganic and organic matter, of which 50% may
present as reducing sugar6. Due to some sugar residues in the wastewater, the
wastewater color was observed as dark brownish, having a fishery and cane-like odor
because of the gases produced by the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. The
wastewater's observed temperature ranged from 43- 46°C, which was above the
Central Pollution Control Board's expected value.

Sugar wastewaters are produced predominantly by cleaning operations. The

usage of NaOH and HCl for the cleaning of evaporators and heat exchangers
subsidizes organic and inorganic pollutants to the wastewater. Wastewater from sugar

industries usually contains nutrients, oil and grease, chlorides, sulfates, carbohydrates,
and heavy metals. 

The general practice followed for effluent disposal from a sugar industry is letting
the wastewater into sea or rivers either without treatment or with partial treatment. In
some places, it is being treated and disposed of along with domestic sewage. In other
facilities, they reduce their pollution load by recycling some of the waters used for
various processes.

Table 2.1 DAO 2016-08 Effluent Standards Concentration

Water pollutant Effluent standard concentration, mg/l
Suspended solids 100
Oil and grease 5
Iron 7.5
Phenol 0.5
Sulfate 550
Chloride 450
Cyanide 0.2
The above shows the standard concentration of the industrial wastewater effluent. To

meet the standard imposed by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources,

the researchers aimed to design a wastewater treatment plant that would reduce and

also eliminate the toxic substances and pollutants that the sugar industry produces.



The sugar industry’s fresh effluent may threaten the health of its surrounding

community if not treated properly. The decomposition of the new effluent may only take

a few hours after being stagnant. It can cause damages if the wastewater reaches the

clean sources of water. The wastewater may also cause pungent odor, black color, and

fish mortality due to biological oxidation and anaerobic stabilization. Because of this, the

effluent of this industry is treated using the following methods.

Primary Treatment/Physical Treatment

1. Screening – This process is used to remove large floating objects like rags and

paper. This is done to prevent choking the pipes, clogging the pumps, and

damaging the other equipment. The bar screen used was 10 mm wide and 50

mm deep, arranged with 20 mm between two adjacent bars.

2. Oil and grease removal – The influent containing oil and grease can damage

the biological treatments and the pumping units, so oil and fat are removed in this

process. Adsorption is used to extract oil and grease, as well as TDS and TSS.

The adhesion of ions, atoms, or molecules to a surface, is called adsorption,

which creates a film of the adsorbate on the adsorbent's surface. Adsorption is

commonly used in wastewater treatment, including the effluent from the sugar

industry. Activated charcoal, fly ash, Mgo, Bentonite, and Lignite are adsorbents

that can be used in treating the effluent of the sugar industry. The adsorbents

mentioned above can be very helpful in effluent treatment due to its 80%

efficiency in removing TDS, TSS, and oil and grease. They can also lower COD,

BOD, color, and smell. According to the study of Sunitha and Rafeeq in 2009,

activated carbon is the most effective among them. Though activated carbon is

beneficial in its purpose, it is ten times more expensive than Bentonite and

Lignite. Even though activated carbon is a little more useful than Bentonite and

Lignite, the latter adsorbents will be used in this study because they are less

expensive but are still highly effective (Sunitha & Rafeeq, 2009). The spent

adsorbents can be easily disposed of together with wood and coal in the boiler,

increasing caloric values due to the adsorbed substances that were converted

into carbon dioxide and water.

3. Grit removal – This process is needed to remove 95% of grit and stones.

These materials may block the pipe works and may cause abrasion and wear to

the machines. 

4. Equalizer – This process controls and minimizes sudden changes in the

wastewater properties and flowrate. It prevents the shock loading of biological

systems by dampening the organic fluctuations. It maintains pH and minimizes

flow surges. It also provides the natural system a continuous feed. Equalization

tanks temporarily store influent during plant maintenance, and it is a way to dilute

and distribute toxic waste discharges, which may inhibit secondary biological


5. Mixing tank – This is used to mix the influent held in the equalization tank.

Mechanical stirrers are used for mixing.

6. Rapid mixing – In this process, the mixer will rapidly disperse the coagulant in

the wastewater to increase the collision opportunities and coagulation efficiency

before the influent undergo flocculation.

7. Flocculation – Due to rapid mixing, the fine particulates have greater chances

to clump together into a floc. The flocs formed may float on top of the liquid or

settle to the bottom of the wastewater. 

Secondary Treatment/ Biological Treatment

1. Anaerobic process: UASB reactor – This process is used to treat the wastewater

pollutants. It is the most widely used in industries, including the sugar industry.

Compared to the aerobic process, the anaerobic treatment method requires less energy

due to methane production from organic matter degradation. It also produces less

sludge, which makes the industry save more in sludge treatment and disposal.

Anaerobic fixed-bed reactors (AFR), up-flow anaerobic fixed bed (UAFB) reactor, UASB

reactor, and anaerobic batch reactor are generally used anaerobic treatment of sugar

industry wastewater. Using AFR, 90% of COD can be removed after a retention time of

4 days. But in this wastewater treatment facility, the UASB reactor will be used.

2. Aerobic process: Aeration Tank – It is the process where the air is circulated through

to induce degradation of organic materials with the aid of oxygen.

3. Activated sludge – It is the production of an active mass of microorganisms that

stabilizes organic materials using dissolved oxygen. Bacteria are one of those

microorganisms which are responsible for the flocculation of the activated sludge.

4. Trickling filter - is a bed of coarse materials like stones, slats, or plastics wherein

wastewater is discharged from fixed nozzles. The medium is stationary, and wastewater

is passed over a biofilm at intermittent doses. To increase the treatment efficiency and

meet the secondary effluent standards, multistage and high rate filters are designed.

5. Clarifiers – These are settling tanks responsible for the continuous removal of solids

deposited through sedimentation. These are generally used for concrete particulate

disposal of wastewater. The concentrated impurities called sludge are discharged from

the bottom of the clarifier. In this wastewater treatment facility, a primary and a

secondary clarifier is included.

Tertiary Treatment/Advanced Treatment Processes

1. Disinfection – After a lengthy procedure on a particular industry, another process

needs to be done for wastewater to be utterly harmless as an effluent. Bacteria and

viruses are some of the dangers that should be observed in releasing wastewater.

These pathogenic organisms can cause host illnesses like salmonella, typhoid fever,

cholera, polio, etc. Disinfection is one way to remove unwanted pathogens in

wastewater, designed to inactivate or kill pathogenic microorganisms. It is crucial in the

treatment since the wastewater discharge goes to water bodies that can be used in

another area that could be in contact with a human.

Disinfection is most commonly accomplished by chemical, physical agents, or by

radiation. Chemical agents are more likely used because of the readily available

chemicals used like chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and ozone.

According to a study from the Wastewater Treatment Facility of HIDECO Sugar Milling

Company in Kananga, Leyte, Philippines, the wastewater coming from a sugar

manufacturing industry contains many suspended solids high BOD, which when treated

with microbial activity can decrease the strength of these wastes. Comparing their

obtained effluent parameters compared to DENR, this sugar manufacturing company

has passed the standards with plant efficiency of 98.5 % by using activated sludge in

treating their organic wastewater.

As discussed in the study above, the process of disinfection is a second option for this

particular sugar manufacturer. Activated sludge is already efficient as wastewater

treatment but with proper maintenance like desludging for every five years. Inefficiency

could be obtained when the systems’ capacity is overloaded with wastewater. This is

only when it is recommended to add chlorine or hydrogen peroxide to control the excess

organisms that cannot be further removed by the activated sludge. But in this

wastewater treatment facility, chlorine dosing is included to ensure that the pathogens

won’t contaminate the effluent.

2. Ion Exchange – Hardness, suspended particles, and pathogenic microorganisms

should not be present in the water. In the sugar industry, hard water causes difficulties

in crystallizing sugar from molasses (Ambasta, 2008). For reducing scaling in

evaporators and other heat exchange equipment, ion exchange processes are many

methods to be used (Pollio & McGarvey).

A reversible chemical reaction, called ion exchange, is where dissolved ions are

removed from the solution and is replaced with other ions of the same or similar

electrical charge. The resin itself is composed of organic polymers that form a network

of hydrocarbons. Throughout the polymer’s matrix are ion-exchange sites, where so-

called “functional groups” of either positively-charged ions (cations) or negatively-

charged ions (anions) are affixed to the polymer network. These functional groups

readily attract ions of a negative charge (What Is Ion Exchange Resin and How Does It

Work? 2017). 

In the sugar industry, ion exchange resins have a problem with regeneration waste

disposal since the regeneration effluent contains a high sodium chloride concentration

and colored organics. 

3. Nanofiltration – Wastewater from the sugar industry should be adequately cleaned

before discharge to the environment because of a high level of organic compounds

expressed as COD and BOD. It is then characterized as ten times higher compared to

municipal waste.

The sugar industry's goal is to make sure the removal of the almost total organic mass

and compounds through the applied methods of wastewater treatment. Since most of

the highly developed countries use closed water circuits and heat recovery, the most

commonly used method for water treatment in a closed cycle is the physiochemical

methods such as chemical precipitation, sorption, and membrane filtration. However,

nanofiltration or reverse osmosis is a more expensive yet more modern technology for

treating wastewater and more effective purification. This effectiveness in purification

gains an advantage because of no impurities such as semi-finished products of

pollutant decomposition due to the treatment process. The efficiency of the

nanofiltration process for all membranes was adequate for deionized water filtration.

After the nanofiltration process, the wastewater can be reused for an agricultural

purpose like irrigations and for cleaning the industry's machines.

Design Parameters:

Flash Mixing:
T= 40C
Q= 2736.29 m3/ day
µ= 0.653 x10-3 Pa-s (Mackenzie)

 Assume cylindrical mixing basin

 Assuming G= 1000 /s

t= 10 seconds (for flash mixing)

V= 2736.29 m3/ day ( 241dayhrs )( 3600
1 hr
(10 s) = 0.3167 m 3

 Assume radial impellers (Np= 5.7, Mackenzie): D= 0.2 m, 0.3 m, 0.4 m

H= T

0.3167= (T)2 (T)

T= H= 0.7387 m

D= 0.7387 m

B= (0.7387 m)

B= 0.2462 m

Ion Exchange:

The following data were obtained from Bhoramdev Sugar Industry Ltd Kavardha.

The resin Information was obtained from FILTERWATER using their CQ WSR
1000 premium grade resin

The final hardness was obtained using table 7.1 and the design parameters were
obtained from Table 8.2 of the textbook (Water and Wastewater Engineering by
Mackenzie L. Davis)

BP = 2736.29 m3/day

Ca2+= 180 mg/L

Mg2+= 80 mg/L


Shipping Weight = 850 g/L

xvii Moisture = 48%

SG = 1.29

TEC = 2.0 eq/L-min = 4.5 eq/L-min

CB = 100 mg/L

( 5012)=783.3333 mgL as CaCO =15.6667meq CaCO ¿

( 5020 )+80 mgL Mg
2+ ¿ 3 3

mg 2+¿ ¿
TH=180 Ca

2763.29 =Q T +Q B

2736.29 ( 100 )=Q T ( C T ) + Q B ( 783.3333 ) ; Q T C T =0

m3 m3
Q T =2386.9764 ;Q B=349.3136
d d

Assume SLR = 800 m3/d-m2

Q 2386.98
Ac = = =2.98 m2
SLR 800

Ac = D 2=2.98 m 2
4 C

D C =1.95 m ; 3 D C =H C ; H C =5.85 m

π 2 HC
V R= DC H R ; H R =
4 1.5

V R=11.65 m3

EBCT = =7.0281 min

Q m3
SFR= =204.8907
VR d∗m2

m R =11.65 m 3∗1290 ( 1−0.48 ) =7814.82kg dry resin

In one day:

m3 meq
Hardness Removed=2386.9764
d (
L )( 1000
1m )
=3.7396 ×10 meq

m dry resin =3.7396× 107 ( 10001eqmeq )( 1 kg4.5dryeqresin )=8310.2318 kg

m wet =8310.2318 kg ( 1−0.48 )=15981.21503 kg


Jmax = 30 L/m2-h = 0.03 m3/m2-h

TMP = 20 – 100 kPa

Area Membrane/Module = 30 m2/ module

Backwash = 1 min

Backwash Interval = 90 min/cycle time

Q = 2736.29 m3/d


A= 3
=3800.4028 m 2
m 24 hrs
0.03 2 ×
m −h 1 day

3800.4028 m2 modules
number of modules= 2
m cycle time

cycle time racks
number of racks= =90
min cycletime
cycle time

number of racks=90 ( 1−0.25 )=68 racks

Therefore, 68 racks plus 1 back up

cycle time modules
number of modules per rack = =1.8629
racks rack
cycle time


modules 3 hrs
1.8629 ×68 racks ×30 m × 24
rack d


Freundlich Parameters are taken from table 3 of the journal Modified activated carbon
and bentonite used to adsorb petroleum hydrocarbons emulsified in aqueous solution
by Emam, E.A

Influent Concentration of Oil and Grease = 60 mg/L

Adsorbent: Bentonite; ρ = 2.2 g/cm3 = 2200 g/L

EBCT = 10 min

Q = 2736.29 m3/d

Freundlich Capacity Factor K = 0.801

Freundlich intensity parameter 1/n = 1.138

max specific throughput =
0.801 60 ( L ) =1.4093
LH2O Treated

mg g Bentonite

1 g Bentonite
min CUR= =0.7095
1.4093 2 O Treated 2 O Treated

g Bentonite

mass bentonite=10 min 2736.29
d ) ( 14401 dmins )(2200 Lg )( 1000
) ( 1 kg
1000 g )
=41805 kg Bentolite

1000 g
41805 kg ( )
1 kg
Qtreated = =58922m3 H 2 O
g Bentonite 1000 L
0.7095 ( )
LH 1m3
2 O Treated

58922 m3
Bed Life= =21.5335 days

The following data were obtained from Bhoramdev Sugar Industry Ltd Kavardha.

1. Influent Flowrate = 2736 m3/day

2. BOD5 = 200 mg/L

3. TKN = 35 mg/L – 60 mg/L (40 mg/L)

4. Temp = 20 C

5. pH = 7.2

6. DO to maintained = 2.5 mg/L

7. μm = 0.5 d-1

8. Safety Factor = 2.5

9. Concentration of Microorganisms = 2000 mg/L

10. Concentration of growth limiting substrate = 20 mg/L

11. Fraction of Nitrifiers = 0.08

A. Maximum Growth Rate

μ=0.5 e0.098 (40−15) [ 1.3+2.5 ]
[ 1−0.833 (7.2−7.2 ) ]=3.8120 d−1

B. Maximum Rate of Substrate

Let Y = 0.2

k '= =19.06 d−1

C. θcM


θcM =0.2658 d

θc =2.5(0.2658)=0.6645 d

D. Design Substrate

Utilization Factor for NH3 oxidation

=0.2 ( U NH )−0.05
0.6645 3

U NH =7.7745

E. Solve for NH3 concentration in the effluent

k' N
k n+ N

k n=100.051(40)−1.158=7.6208


F. BOD Removal

=0.5 ( U BOD )−0.06

U BOD=3.1298/d

G. Hydraulic Detention Time

2000 ( θ BOD )

θ BOD=0.0288 day

2000 ( 0.08 ) ( θ NH )

θ NH =0.0279day

Since θ NH <θ BOD


BOD will determine aeration tank value

V tank =0.0279 day 2736 ( day )
=76.3344 m3

@ k=1.25

O2=8.34 (2.5)(0.7228)¿



The sugar industry is among those industries with the most immense water

demand. However, the wastewater generated from these industries bears a high degree

of pollution load. Untreated sewage from sugar industries can cause water and land

pollution. Since the sugar industry operates seasonally, the production of wastewater is

also seasonal. There is a considerable variation in the quality and quantity of

wastewater produced in different sugar mills. Since the wastewaters usually have a high

COD, BOD, suspended solids, and an acidic pH, equalization and lime treatment should

be done before further treatment. The treated effluents of sugar industries may be

utilized for industrial processing again.

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John Brady, William Garber and James F. Stahl, “Chapter 10: Disinfection and

Chlorination,” in Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Volume I,

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Chemical Science: Wastewater Treatment Facility of HIDECO Sugar Milling

Company in Kananga, Leyte, Philippines

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