AP Accounts Code Vol-2
AP Accounts Code Vol-2
AP Accounts Code Vol-2
Andhra Pradesh
Accounts Code
Volume II
Md Zakir Ali
Art. No. Page No.
Classification of transactions in Treasury Accounts
A. General …………………………………………………………… 4-5 130
B. Transactions with other Governments—
I. In State Treasuries ……………………………………………… 6-8 130
II. In Central Treasuries ………………………………………….. 9 131
C. Transactions on behalf of Railways ………………………………….. 9-A 131
D. Transaction on behalf of Governments of other counties ……………. 10 132
E. Account with Reserve Bank ………………………………………….. 11 132
F. Transactions with Depts. which drawn money by cheques …………...12-16 133
G. Remittances—
I. Cash Remittances ………………………………………………17-21 133
II. Reserve Bank of India Remittances …………………………… 22 134
III. Military Treasure Remittances ……………………………….. 23 134
H. Adjustments by Transfer …………………………………………… 25-26 135
Accounts to be kept at Treasuries
SECTION I — General Directions
A. Introductory ……………………………………………………………27-28 135
B. Treasurer’s Records—
I. Cash …………………………………………………………….29-30 135
II. Stamps and Opium ……………………………………………. 31 136
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Accounts of Military Treasure Remittances …………………… 86-89 162
Miscellaneous Accounts ……………………………………….. 90-91 162
Accounts returns to be rendered by Treasuries
A. General ……………………………………………………………… 92-94 165
B. Compilation of Monthly Accounts— ………………………………..95-97 165
I. Cash Accounts and List of Payments
II. Supporting Schedules:
(a) General …………………………………………………... 98-99 165
(b) Schedule of Income-tax Receipts ………………………. 100 172
(c) Schedules for Railways and Departmental Disbursing
Officers …………………………………………………. 101-104 173
(d) Schedules of Deposit Transactions …………………….. 105-108 173
(e) Schedule of Seamen’s Money Orders ………………….. 109 175
III. Plus and Minus Memoranda:
(a) General ………………………………………………….. 110 175
(b) Deposits ………………………………………………… 111 176
(c) Stamps…………………………………………… 112, 113, 114 176
IV. Statement of Lapsed Sub-treasury Cash Orders …………… 115-116 177
C. Submission to Accountant-General …………………………………. 117-127 177
Accounts of Small Coin Depots
[Omitted] ……… ………………………………… 184
Md Zakir Ali
Treasury Accounts
The directions contained in this Volume deal primarily with the initial accounts to
be kept at treasuries and with the accounts returns to be rendered by treasuries to
Accountant-General. They are supplementary to the general directions in Volume I.
which shall apply to all treasuries unless there be something repugnant in the subject or
context except to the extent that they are modified by the directions in this Volume.
x x x x x x x x
Article 2. The forms of initial accounts prescribed in this Volume should be
regarded as standard or model forms which may be modified by Government according
to local requirements in consultation with the Accountant-General concerned, Similarly,
as regards accounts returns, the Accountant-General may introduce such changes in detail
as he may deem necessary.
(2) “The Bank” means the Reserve Bank of India, or any branch or agency of the
Reserve Bank of India and includes any branch of the State Bank of India acting as the
Agent of the Reserve Bank of India in accordance with the provisions of the Reserve
Bank of India Act, 1934 (Act II of 1934).
Note:—It includes also the State Bank of Hyderabad and its branches acting as
Agents of the Reserve Bank of India.
(3) “Bank Treasury” means a treasury the cash business of which is conducted by
the Bank.
(4) “Non-Bank Treasury” means a treasury other than bank treasury [See item (3)
[A. Code—9]
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(6) “Government” when used in relation to a Central treasury means the Central
Government and when used in relation to a State treasury means the State Government.
Article 4. Save as provided hereafter in this Volume each item of receipt and
payment occurring at a treasury should be broadly classified in the treasury accounts.
(b) Secondly, with reference to the department of such heads of receipts and
expenditure as may be required by the Accountant-General.
Note :—The transactions of Railways, through they form part of the transactions
of the Central Government should, for the purpose of this Article and other Articles of
this Code, be treated as separate from other General transactions.
I. In State Treasuries
Article 6. The transactions of the Central Government in a State Treasury should
be accounted for in sets of books and registers separate from those of the State
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the accounts of the State Government under the suspense head “886-Adjusting Account
between Central and State Governments”.
If the net payments or receipts during a week in all the treasuries, departmental
accounts and transfer entries etc., on behalf of the Madras Government come to Rs. 10
lakhs or more, they should be cleared by the Accountant-General, Andhra Pradesh by the
issue of weekly advices to the Central Accounts Section of the Reserve Bank of India,
Nagpur for monetary settlement between Andhra Pradesh and Madras. Where the net
transactions on any particular day happens to be Rs. 10 laths or more it should be cleared
as and when they occur. Otherwise, the adjustments will be made at longer intervals, but
positively once in a month after the accounts are closed. In order to enable the
Accountant-General, Andhra Pradesh to affect the monetary settlement at more frequent
intervals than once a month, if necessary, as indicated above, all Treasury Officers will
arrange to send to the Accountant-General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, weekly
statements of inter-State transactions between Andhra Pradesh and Madras which are
accounted for under the head “893. Inter-State Suspense Accounts-Madras State” in a
form similar to T.A. XV prescribed in Andhra Pradesh Account code, Volume II in
respect of Central transactions. In cases, where the net payments or receipts are Rs. 10
lakhs or above, on any particular day, daily advices should be sent to the Accountant-
General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad for being cleared forthwith. In all such cases the
Weekly advices make a specific mention of the daily advice and the amount, so as to
enable the Accountant-General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad to exclude these figures for
the purpose of the weekly settlement.
[Government Memo No. 829941Aects159- 1, dated 6-2-1960]
Md Zakir Ali
Note :- The transactions of Railways at officers, and branches of the State and the
Reserve Banks will be taken against the Railway Fund in the books of the Reserve Bank,
direct and such transactions will not pass through the treasury accounts.
1. All the transactions relating to Burma which arise in State treasuries in the
State of Andhra Pradesh other those initiated by departmental officers of the Central
Government should be taken initially against the balances of the Andhra Pradesh
Government and accounted for under the major head ‘879. Accounts with Governments
of other Countries’ Burma with suitable detailed heads. Separate schedules with
necessary particulars should be enclosed in support of the figures booked against the
detailed beads in the account. The Accountant-General, Andhra Pradesh, will arrange for
the final settlement of these transactions with the Government of Burma.
3. The transactions relating to Burma which arise and ate finally brought to
account in the treasuries of the State of Andhra Pradesh, and which are initiated by
officers of the Civil Department of the Central Govt. such as Income-tax Officers, should
be accounted for under the exchange account, head ‘897. Exchange Accounts - A.
Account between Civil and Civil-Account between Central Revenues and Andhra
Pradesh - Items adjustable by the Accountant-General, Central Revenue”, e.g., a refund
of income-tax which is authorized by an Income-tax Officer in Andhra Pradesh and is
debitable to the Government of Burma should be debited to the head mentioned above.
Md Zakir Ali
Article 13. Pay and Allowances and Contingencies of officers of the Public
Works Department and the Salt Organization of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry
drawn on regular bills should be classified under the particular heads of classification
noted on those bills.
The above proviso, applies also to the Electricity Department except in regard to
charges on account of ‘contingencies’ for which permission has been given, as a special
case, to draw cheques on the treasury.
Pay and traveling allowances bills of officers and establishments of the electric
systems paid at treasuries should be debited to the head “M. Remittances - Cash
remittances and adjustments between Officers rendering Accounts to the same A.G./
Accounts Officer P.W. remittances” in the treasury accounts, instead of to the regular
service heads.
Article 14. Payments on account of compensation for lands for the Public Works
Department made by Land Acquisition Officers not acting as Public Works Disbursers
should be entered in the treasury account as debitable to the Public Works Department,
the name of the division or office being specified in such case.
Article 15. Earnest money deposits made by intending tenders of the Forests and
Defence Departments, either direct or through the Departmental Officers concerned,
should be credited as “Security Deposits” and should not be earned to the credit of those
I. Cash Remittances
Article 17. A remittance, whether direct or through currency chests, between any
two treasuries should be classified as follows in the treasury accounts :—
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Note :— x x x x x
(b) payments made by an office of the Reserve Bank to a Local Head Office of
the State Bank of India or Hyderabad from the currency chest in consideration of an
equal amount being deposited by it and the branches in its jurisdiction into the currency
chest or vice versa.
Article 20. Remittances from a district treasury, whether bank or non-bank to the
Mint should be accounted for in the treasury accounts as payments on account of the
Central Government and classified as “Foreign Remittances”. When, however, the
treasury and the Mint render accounts to the same Accountant-General the remittance
should be classified as “Local Remittance” within the accounts of the Central
Article 22. All transactions connected with the drawings and encashments of
Telegraphic Transfer and Drafts on Reserve Bank Account should be classified in the
accounts of the treasury as “Reserve Bank of India Remittances” - Receipts or Payments
as the case may be.
Md Zakir Ali
Article 25. When a payment is authorized to be made “by transfer” that is, by
entry of the amount in the accounts and received under some head of receipt, the amount
should be debited to the appropriate heads of payment by per contra credit to the receipt
head concerned.
Article 27. The directions contained in this Chapter shall apply primarily to
accounts kept at District treasuries. Except as specifically provided in this code and
subject to such modifications as may be authorized by the Accountant-General, they shall
also apply to accounts kept at sub-treasuries.
Article 28. In the State of Andhra Pradesh where classified accounts are rendered
by sub-treasuries to the Head treasury and by the latter to the Accountant-General. the
directions in this Chapter shall have effect subject to such modifications as may be
authorized by the Accountant-General, Andhra Pradesh, to suit the special arrangements
obtaining in that State.
I. Cash
Article 29. Under the Treasury Rules of the Government concerned the Treasurer,
where the cash business of the treasury is not conducted by the Bank, will maintain a
simple cash book (without subsidiary registers), in which each receipt and payment will
be posted at the time and on the date on which they actually occur and in the order of
occurrences. Payments made “by transfer” will not find a place in the cash book as no
payment of cash takes place. Cheques received in payment of value of service stamps
will, however, be entered on both sides of the cash book.
Note :—The directions in Chapter II of this volume shall not apply to the
Treasurer’s cash book.
2. Every treasury should maintain a separate register in the same Form as the cash
book showing particulars of all exchanges of coins.
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Article 30. When stamps, match excise banderols or opium are sold, the total
sales will be entered in the Treasurer’s cash book before it is closed for the day and a
memorandum will be prepared and forwarded to the Accountant, so that necessary entry
may be made in the account books.
Article 31. Under the relevant rules or orders of the Government concerned, stock
registers will be maintained for stamps, match excise banderols and opium in the custody
of the Treasury Officer in such forms as may be prescribed by competent authority after
consultation with the Accountant-General.
The rules and orders regarding the maintenance of stock registers for stamps and
opium in the custody of treasuries are contained in the Stamp Manual and the Excise
Manual. These rules and orders are also applicable to the maintenance of stock registers
for match excise banderols in the custody of treasuries.
I. Cash Book
Articles 32, 33, 34. [Deleted].
[N.B. — The day-book used in the treasuries of the State of Andhra Pradesh
corresponds to the cash book mentioned in the Comptroller and Auditor-General’s Rules
2. There should be two day-books, one for Central transactions and the other for
State transactions. Separate subsidiary registers should also be maintained for Central and
State transactions respectively.
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4. A monthly total should be struck in each subsidiary register and compared with
the corresponding entry in the monthly account of the treasury before the monthly
account is signed.
Article 41. Special forms of registers are prescribed in Sections 2 to 5 for receipts
and payments relating ‘o certain departments which draw money by cheques and for
deposits, bills and other specified classes of transactions.
Md Zakir Ali
(a) General
Article 42. Where the cash business of a State treasury or sub-treasury is
conducted by the Bank, the Bank renders two daily accounts of receipts and
disbursements of Central and State Governments, the latter embracing transactions not
only on behalf of the State iii which the Bank is situated but also on behalf of other State.
Such accounts, however, rendered in respect of Central treasuries and sub-treasuries
consist of a single account for the Central Government, all transactions on behalf of any
State Government being taken by the Bank against the balance of the Central
Article 43. The transactions reported by the Bank in the daily statement of
receipts and payments should, after examination with the chalans and vouchers
accompanying it, be posted into the cash book either direct or through some subsidiary
register, in the same way as transactions taking place in non-bank treasuries.
Md Zakir Ali
Note1 :—The net amounts only of payments are entered in the statements of the
Bank; for example, when a deduction is made from the amount of a bill on account of
income-tax the daily statements of the Bank shown only the net amount paid after
x x x
Note 2 :—When the Cash book and the subsidiary are posted the voucher should
be numbered and arranged according to the register in which they are entered.
1. The Bank will maintain the following books for recording Government
transactions :—
(2) A pass book (or register of daily receipts and payments), which should be
daily forwarded to and returned by the Treasury Officer.
3. The Manager or the Agent of the Bank, as the case may be should, after
satisfying himself as to the accuracy of the daily accounts, forward to the Treasury
Officer at the close of every day a pen carbon copy of the scroll cash book together with
the register of daily receipts and payments (pass book) and all the appertaining vouchers
and chalans arranged according to the classification in the accounts. The documents
should be sent to the Treasury Officer in a locked box, so that there may be no possibility
of any alternation or abstraction of any paper before they reach the hands of the Treasury
With the concurrence of the Accountant-General, the pen carbon copy of the
scroll cash book may be submitted on the morning following the day to which it refers,
instead of at the close of the same day.
Note :—The Accountant-General has authorized the submission of the scroll cash
book on the morning of the next working day except on the 10th (or the 9th, if the 10th
happens to be a holiday) and on the last working day of the month.
4. The Manager or the Agent as the case may be should see that all vouchers sent
to the Treasury Officer are conspicuously marked with the word paid so that they cannot
be used fraudulently to support a further claim in the event of their falling into
unscrupulous hands.
Md Zakir Ali
5. The register of daily receipts any payments (pass book) has the columns for (1)
the date; (2) the total receipts for the day; (2) the total payments of the day; (4) the initials
of the Manager or the Agent, as the case may be; and (5) the initials of the Treasury
Officer. It should be written up and forwarded to the Treasury Officer with the pen
carbon copy of the scroll cash book; the Manager or the Agent, as the case may be,
should write his initials in the fourth column as a certificate that the entries are correct.
The Treasury Officer should check the receipts and disbursements columns of the pen
carbon copy of the scroll cash book, compare the totals with the figures entered in the
register and examine the vouchers. After writing his initials in the fifth column of the
Register in token of his verification, he should be return the register to the Manager or the
Agent, as the case may be, the same day or the following morning.
The Government transactions put through by the Bank on days when the treasury
is closed should be incorporated in the treasury cash book and subsidiary register under
the dates on which they actually occurred although the actual posting is done on
subsequent dates.
Article 44. The net difference between the total receipts and the total payments as
shown in the Bank’s daily statement should be posted in a subsidiary register called the
Register of Reserve Bank Deposits (Form T,A. 6). In State treasuries this register should
be kept in two volumes - One for the Central Government and another for the State. The
figures posted in the registers should be checked and agreed with the pass book
forwarded by the Bank along with its daily account and also, in the case of State
treasuries, with the totals as shown in the daily schedule rendered by the Bank to its Head
Office, a copy of which is forwarded to the Treasury Officer.
Article 45. Transactions that may be classified incorrectly in the daily account
rendered by the Bank should be taken by the Treasury Officer to the correct heads of
account and posted into the appropriate subsidiary registers but on no account should be
figures under the head “875. Deposits with Reserve Bank be rectified in the treasury
accounts. Any differences resulting from the rectification of Bank’s misclassification of
Central transactions as pertaining to a State or of State transactions as pertaining to the
Centre, should be taken in the treasury accounts to the head “886. Adjusting Account
between Central and State Governments Misclassifications by the Bank” in the manner
indicated below.
Article 46. State transactions erroneously entered in the Bank’s daily statement of
transactions of the Central Government and vice versa, should be entered in the Register
of Misclassifications by the Bank (Form T.A. 7). The form is divided into two parts, viz.,
(1) Central transactions included in the State statement; and (ii) State transactions
included in the Central statement so that separate totals may be struck for each part. The
total receipts posted into the first part should be taken in the cash book for State receipts
but in one lump sum under the head “886. Adjusting Account between Central and State
Government-Misclassifications by the Bank”. In the cash book for Central
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receipts, the misclassified items should be taken under correct heads of Central receipts;
and there should also be a deduct entry under the head “886. Adjusting Account between
Central and State Government-Misclassifications by the Bank”, corresponding to the total
amount taken to the identical head in the cash book of State receipts. In the same way
Central payments wrongly classified by the Bank as pertaining to a State should be
posted under appropriated and correct heads in the cash book of Central payments and set
off by deduct entry in lump under the head “886. Adjusting Account between Central and
State Governments, while the total amount of such misclassified disbursements should he
posted in lump in the cash book of State payments under the head “886. Adjusting
Account between Central and State Government”. Similar postings should be made of the
items of the second category in the Central and State cash books,
Note :—Any correction under the head “875-Deposited with Reserve Bank”
which will be necessary as a result of the adoption of the correct classification by the
Treasury will be made by the Accountant - General through the Central Accounts Section
of the Reserve Bank.
2. Every day each sub-treasury should prepare for submission to the district
treasury a daily sheet (Form T.A.8) reporting the receipts, payments and balance of the
day. The receipts and payments are copied from the totals in column 3 of the classified
lists — See Local Ruling 2 under Article 95-99 in Chapter IV. The daily sheet should be
sent to the district treasury, supported by all paid vouchers (except pension vouchers
which may be sent bi-monthly in two batches) and the prescribed chalans (except the
receipted chalans relating to commercial taxes and land revenue chittas which may be
retained and filed at the sub-treasury).
The daily sheets should be numbered consecutively and one should be sent even
on a day when there are no transactions unless it is a holiday and the sub-treasury is
closed. These sheets enable the district treasury to submit lists of payments to the
Accountant-General on due dates and also to keep of the District Treasury Officer
informed of the State of the balances at the sub-treasury. They also enable the district
officials to check periodically the accounting of miscellaneous receipts in sub-treasuries.
Md Zakir Ali
Note 1 :— In order to ensure that the paid vouchers and chalans are not lost in
transmission to the District Treasury, the daily sheet containing the vouchers and chalans
should be despatched to the District Treasury by “Express Delivery” - cover duly
obtaining certificate of post I rig. When it is impossible to despatch the daily sheet and
vouchers and chalans together in an ‘Express Delivery cover” under certificate of posting
owing to the postal timings, a separate packet should be made of the paid vouchers and
chalans and sent to the Post Office in time for despatch of the same in “Express Delivery
Cover” under Certificate of Posting and the daily sheet may be posted later in the
evening, without a certificate of posting and Express Delivery.
Note 2 :—Some of the chalans, e.g., personal deposit chalans, and some of the
vouchers e.g., deposit repayment vouchers, which have to be entered in the prescribed
registers in the district treasury, should be entered immediately on their arrival.
Article 48. The following items of receipts or payments in the daily sheets of sub-
treasuries should be excluded from the accounts of the district treasury in which they will
remain as part of the balance—
(i) Remittances of cash to and from a sub-treasury from and to another sub-
treasury within the district or the district treasury,
Note :—This direction shall not apply if the cash business of the remitting or
receiving treasury or sub-treasury is conducted by the Bank - See Article 19.
1. Remittances of cash between the district treasury and any of its sub-treasuries
or between two sub-treasuries in the district as also transfers between currency and
treasury made under Subsidiary Rule 4 under Treasury Rule 30 should appear as payment
or receipts, as the case may be, in the cash and day-books of the district treasury and! or
sub-treasuries concerned and also in the daily sheets of sub-treasuries — See Local
Ruling 5 under Articles 3 2-34. At the end of the month the items should be excluded in
posting the monthly classified abstract, since they do not effect the total balance of the
district. The Treasury Officer should keep a check over these remittances by the
examination of the daily sheets received from sub-treasuries — See Local Ruling 2 under
Article 47.
Md Zakir Ali
Note 1 :—If the Bank transacts the cash business of the remitting or receiving
treasury, the remittances and transfers should be treated as local cash remittances; debits
for remittances sent and credits for remittances received should then appear in the
classified accounts and lists of payments of each treasury concerned and in its daily
sheets if it is a sub-treasury.
Md Zakir Ali
Article 54. Any amount fund surplus or deficit in treasury balances should be
brought to account at such in the cash book on the receipt or payment side, as the case
may be.
2. The Treasurer and the Accountant should see that their accounts agree before
the office is closed for the night. The process of closing the accounts is as follows
(a) At the close of business for the day, the several totals of the subsidiary
registers should be carried into the Accountant’s day-book, which should then be totalled.
The opening cash balance for the day should be entered below the total receipts and
added thereto. The total charges should be entered below this total and subtracted. This
balance represents the closing cash balance of the treasury (or sub-treasury).
(b) Meanwhile, the Treasurer (or the Shroff in a Sub-treasury) should also sum
up both sides of his cash book and draw up his absence memorandum in the form of the
Treasurer’s (or Shroff’s) daily balance sheet in Form 31 (or 32) in the Andhra Pradesh
Treasury Code.
(c) The closing balance of cash in the Accountant’s day-book should be agreed
with that in the Treasurer’s (or Shroff’s in a sub-treasury) balance sheet and a certificate
so that effect should be written in the Accountant’s day-book and signed by the Treasury
(or Sub-treasury) Officer before signing the day-book and the Treasurer’s (or Shroff’s)
cash book. The certificate of agreement “Agreed with the Accountant’s day-book” should
also be signed in the Treasurer’s (or Shroff’s) balance sheet.
(d) For the purpose of reconciling the daily closing balance of cash shown in
the Accountant’s day-book with that shown in the Treasurer’s cash book, the several
totals of the receipts and payments of the Central subsidiary registers should first be
transferred to the Central day-book. The totals of the receipts and payments in the Central
day-book as thus determined should transferred to the State day-book. The balance in the
State day- book will represent the treasury closing balance for the day according to the
day-book. The Central day-book should be closed to a nil balance by making deduct
entries of the total receipts and payments in the respective columns indicated in Form
(e) Two classified lists of receipts and payments should be prepared daily from
the day books, one for Central transactions and the other for State transactions. The
receipts carried over from the Central day-book to the State day-book should be credited
in the State classified list to the suspense head “886. Adjusting Account between the
Central (Non-Railways) and State Governments” and the disbursements similarly debited
to the same suspense head. Transactions relating to other States should be taken to the
suspense head “893. Inter-State Suspense”. The transactions relating to Railways should
be taken to suspense head “887. Adjusting Account with Railways”, Transactions on
different accounts and on behalf of different Governments and Railways should be
entered under the appropriate sub-heads under the suspense heads mentioned above. The
Md Zakir Ali
entries made on the receipt and disbursements, sides of the Central day-book. [See clause
(d) above] should be credited and debited. respectively wider “886. Adjusting Accounts
between Central (Non-Railways) and State Government” in the Central classified list.
3. In the case of treasuries which transact their cash business through the bank, the
Bank will send daily to the treasury pen carbon copies of the scroll cash books separately
for Central and State transactions with the chalans and vouchers supporting the
transactions. The vouchers which have already been approved and registered by the
Treasury Officer which first be marked off in the register of chalans issued and the
register for orders for payment, that is, the date of discharge will be noted against the
entries relating to the several items in the registers. In this process, the vouchers should
be numbered and arranged according to the register in which they are entered, as the
number of the payment order cannot serve also as the number of the voucher in the actual
accounts. Each item of receipt or payment will then be posted from the carbon copy of
the scroll cash books with its chalans or vouchers in the day-books either direct or
through subsidiary registers in the same way as in the non-bank treasuries. The net
difference between the total receipts and the total payments as shown in the State scroll,
cash book should be posted in the Register of Reserve Bank Deposits relating to the State
Government, and similarly the net difference in the central scroll cash book should be
posted in the Register of Reserve Bank Deposits relating to the Central Government. The
register is provided with three columns to show (1) the date, (2) payments, and, (3) the
receipts of the day, and there will be only one entry in column (2) or (3), as the case may
be, against each date. When the total receipts exceed the total payments, the difference
will be posted in column (2) and when the total payments exceed the receipts, the
difference will be posted in column (3).
The total figures in the both columns ‘in cash’ and ‘by adjustment’ in the Central
subsidiary registers should be carried over daily to the Central day-book. The total figures
in column ‘by adjustment’ in the Central day-book should then be transferred daily to the
State day-book before the latter is closed. The figures so transferred should be classified
under “886. Adjusting Account between Central and State Governments” in the State
day- book and classified list. The adjustment columns of the Central day-book, should be
closed daily to a nil balance by deducting the total of receipts and payments in the
respective columns by a minus entry, the totals thus deducted being classified under
“886. Adjusting Account between Central and State Governments” in the Central day-
book and classified list.
4. The following are some of the more important duties to be fulfilled by the
Treasury Officer (or Sub-treasury Officer at a sub-treasury) before closing the accounts
for the day :—
(i) He should check every chalan with the entry in the number book and see
that every credit entry in the number book has been brought into account in the
prescribed subsidiary register or the day-book, as the case may be; as each item is
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checked, he should tick off the entries in the subsidiary register and the number book
corresponding to the chalan or bill. He should initial each entry in the subsidiary register
as it is checked — See Subsidiary Rule 11(a) under Treasury Rule 10.
Note :—The number book in a treasury dealing with the Bank exhibits only
transfer transactions taking place at the treasury. The entries of cash and transactions in
the Bank’s daily sheet should be ticked off in the same way as is done in the number
book, as entries are made in the subsidiary registers or day-book, and need not be copied
in the number book. A memorandum as shown below should be drawn up in the day-
book in agreement of the daily total:
Rs. Ps.
Daily total as per number book ……..
Total …….
Head Accountant.
(ii) He should compare each entry of a payment in the Accountant’s day- book
or a subsidiary register with the corresponding payment order — See subsidiary Rule 32
under Treasury Rule 16 — and tick of each voucher and the entry as it is compared. (This
will not be necessary if the Treasury Officer adopts the alternative plan of having the
account entry presented to him for initials at the same time as he signs the order for
payment). If any portion of the voucher is paid by transfer, he should see that there are
corresponding debit and credit entries in the transfer columns of the registers and should
tick off each pair of entries.
(iii) He should see that the totalling in the subsidiary registers have been
correctly made and carried to the day-book, initialling the totals and ticking off the
entries in the day-book as he thus compares them. This must be done, in the case of
receipt registers, even when the total for the day is blank; but it is not necessary to initial
blank payment registers. If the number of blank receipt registers is great, the following
plan may be adopted. Such registers as are only rarely required for making entries may be
bound in a single volume and kept under the Treasury Officer’s own lock. When the
volume is required for making an entry, he should give out the register for the purpose,
and he should receive it back at the time of signing the daily accounts, carefully seeing in
doing so that all new entries in it are correctly carried to the day-book, and initialling
them accordingly. It is obviously necessary to guard against fraud or mistake in omitting
to bring an entry from these registers to the day-book, and this precaution is not complete
if the Treasury Officer examines only those registers from which an entry has been
carried to the day-book.
Note :—As a result of rules (i) to (iii) above every entry in the day-book should
be checked and ticked off by the Treasury (or Sub-treasury) Officer.
(iv) He should check the correctness of the totals and of the opening balance in
the day-book.
Note :—In a district treasury the Treasury Officer may have the totalling of the
Accountant’s day-book verified by some principal subordinate officer other than the
Accountant, who should initial them as correct.
Md Zakir Ali
(v) He should see twice a week that all the vouchers are properly arranged
- see Local Ruling 15 under Articles 95-99 in Chapter IV.
(2) Before signing the Treasurer’s daily balance sheet, he should roughly verify
the balance in the sole charge of the Treasurer, as shown in that sheet and satisfy
(ii) that no more small silver and copper coin is so left than is actually required
for current use; and
(iii) that the whole balance in sole charge of the Treasurer does not exceed his
current requirements - see also Subsidiary Rule 3(b) under Treasury Rule 11.
Note :—In a sub-treasury the Sub-treasury officer should similarly verify the cash
balance and stamps under single lock and check the Shroffs balance sheet before signing
the Shroff’s cash book - See also Subsidiary Rule 8 (g) under Treasury Rule 11.
5. The Treasury Officer (or Sub-treasury Officer in a sub-treasury) should sign the
Treasurer’s (or shroff’s in a sub-treasury) balance sheet on the evening of the day itself to
which it refers, after it has been compared and agreed with the Accountant’s books before
closing the treasury for the day. When however, the pressure of work in a district treasury
renders this impossible, the comparison with the Accountant’s books may be postponed
till the following morning, except on days preceding gazetted holidays when the Treasury
Officer should see to the reconciliation before the office closes. When the comparison is
postponed under this rule the certificate over the Treasury Officer’s signature at the foot
of the Treasurer’s balance sheet should be altered in manuscript by canceling the words
“Agreed with the Accountant’s day-book and” before the form is signed by the Treasury
Officer, which must be before the closing for the day. The Treasury Officer should then
sign an additional certificate in the form “Agreed with the Accountant’s day-book” to be
added in the book on the following morning.
6. The daily account of the Bank transacting the cash business of a treasury may,
with the concurrence of the Accountant-General, be sent to the Treasury or Sub-treasury
Officer on the morning of the day following that to which it relates. In such cases the
signature and comparison of the Accountant’s books may be made in the evening instead
of in the morning of the day on which the Bank’s account is received, that pressure of
work renders it necessary so to postpone it. In the case, however, of all district treasuries
dealing with the Bank and the sub-treasuries at Vizianagaram and Rajahmundry, the
Accountant’s day-book for the first four working days of each month may be closed on
the day following that on which the Bank’s account is received.
7. When cheques in payment of taxes and other amounts due to the Government
are received at the Bank from district headquarters sub-treasuries the amount of the
cheques should be credited to the Government account under the head “Cash Remittances
- Reserve Bank of India”. On receipt of the challans duly receipted by the Bank, the Sub-
treasury Officer should debit the amounts realized under the head “Cash Remittances -
Reserve Bank of India” and at the same time credit the amounts under the relevant receipt
head or heads in his accounts.
Md Zakir Ali
Receipts”. Any excess found in a currency chest in a treasury that does not transact its
cash business through the Bank should also be credited to the State Government under
the above head. Any excess found in a currency chest in the joint custody of the
Government and the State Bank of India/Hyderabad (Treasury Pay Office) or in the sole
custody of the State Bank of India/Hyderabad should be credited to the State Bank.
Article 55. As it is absolutely necessary that the figures given in the different
receipts, accounts and returns exchanged with other departments should agree exactly
with those shown in the treasury accounts, the formal closing of their accounts of the
several sub-treasuries for the month should be fixed for the latest day by which any risk
of failure to receive that day’s returns at the headquarter’s treasury before the end of the
month will be eliminated any transactions of a later date should be included in the returns
of the treasury for the next month. The headquarters accounts for March must, however,
be kept open until receipt of daily sheet of every sub-treasury for 31st March, in order
that all receipts and payments taking place at sub-treasuries within the official year may,
without exception, be brought into the accounts of the year. Every endeavour should be
made to )o the March accounts not later than the 5th of April. Au correcting entries
affecting inter-governmental adjustments and the Adjusting Account with Railways
should be intimated to the Accountant-General so as to reach him by the 12th of April, at
the latest.
If any amount is paid into a sub-treasury at the end of a month after the accounts
of the month have been closed, it should be accepted and brought into the accounts of the
succeeding month. Similarly, payment from a sub-treasury should not be refused on the
ground that the accounts for the month have been closed. Payments should be made and
brought into the accounts of the following month.
2. In the case of bank treasuries, the difference between the totals of the two
money columns of the Register of Reserve Bank Deposits should, at the close of the
month, be carried into the cash account if the total of the column for receipts exceeds the
total of the column for payments, or into the list of payments if the total of the column for
payments exceeds the total of the column for receipts.
3. The books of the Central Accounts Section of the Reserve Bank are closed for
the month of March on the 15th April following, after that date no inter-governmental
adjustments can be earned out in the accounts of the previous financial year. Special steps
should, therefore, be taken to settle as promptly as possible all cash and book transactions
Md Zakir Ali
involving inter-governmental adjustments that originate towards the close of the year, so
that the Accountant-General may, as far as possible send the necessary advices to the
Central Accounts Section of the Reserve Bank before the 15th April of the succeeding
year. Such adjustments origination in the accounts for February and previous month
should be completely settled in time for the advices to be sent to the Central Accounts
Section of the Reserve Bank before the end of March. Treasury Officers should submit
intimations of all correcting entries affecting inter-governmental adjustments included in
the treasury accounts for March so as to reach the Accountant-General by the 12th April
at the latest. As the March Final Accounts are closed early in June, all communications
affecting the accounts of a previous year should be submitted to the Accountant-General
before the end of May.
(a) name of the work for which the original amount was sanctioned;
(b) name of the Public Works Officer from whom received; and
When a refund relates to compensation for land, the month in which the payment
was originally debited to the Public Works Departments and the item in which it was
included should be specified in the Register of Receipts.
4. The treasury should record all payments made on cheques drawn by Public
Works Officers in the “Register of cheques paid against letters of credit” (Form T.A. 11)
Md Zakir Ali
but no entry should be made in the column for “balance”, since no letters of credit are
issued in favour of Public Works Officers.
1. All sums paid into a treasury by a Forest Officer or on his account (except
earnest money deposits tendered by contractors or purchasers of forest produce) should
be credited to the Forest Department as ‘Forest remittances’. Earnest money deposits
tendered by contractors or. purchasers of forest produce should be credited to Security
deposits. Tree owners fees in respect of trees tapped for toddy should, as and when they
are realized be credited to the department. body or administration, which is in charge of
the trees.
2 The Treasury Officer should verify the monthly list of cheques drawn received
from a Forest Officer and return it after counter signature to that officer without delay.
Article 59 and 60 [Deleted].
Article 61. in all the cases covered by the directions in this section, the Treasury
Officer should arrange to have a monthly settlement of account with the Departmental
Officer concerned in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed by
1. The Treasury Officer should send the schedules with voucher or challan to the
respective Executive Engineer every month in respect of amounts booked under P.W. III
other Remittances Debit/Credits. [Memo. No. 76347/1 392/Accts/66-2 Finance, Dt. 24-3-
2. (a) The Treasury Officer should have the accounts of a Divisional Officer,
Public Works Department, for each month settled very early in the following month. That
is, the Treasury Officer should have the pass book written up with cheques cashed during
the previous month. The Treasury Officer should not merely check the entries in the
Remittances/Pass Book with his register in Form T.A. 10 but should also check and agree
the Certificate of Treasury Receipts/Certificates of Treasury Issues with amounts brought
to account under S.A. 63. lit token of this check the Treasury Officer should certify (in
the Certificate of Treasury Receipts/Certificate of Treasury Issues) in the form given
below that the agreement has been effected
(a) Rs ………. difference shown in the previous month since adjusted in the
Treasury account of this month.
(b) At the time of signing the remittance book, the Treasury Officer should
reconcile the difference between the Certificate of Treasury Receipts/Certificate of Trea
Md Zakir Ali
sury Issue and the amount entered in the Remittances/Pass Book and rectify any
differences due to misclassification and should also endorse on the Remittance/Pass Book
that the reconciliation has been affected and that the misclassifications of the previous
month have been corrected by Alteration Memo. No dated He should also furnish the
Divisional Officer with a certificate of total issues as follows :—
I hereby certz5’ that the total issues made from this treasury on cheques drawn
against the account of Mr. ………………. Officer-in-charge ………… division during
……….. 19, amount to Rs ………. ( …………… in words)
Article 62. No item should be credited as a deposit save under formal order of
competent authority. Further more, no sums should be credited in any deposit register
which can be carried to any other head of account; for example, revenue paid to Govt. on
account of a demand not yet due should at once •be carried finally to the proper revenue
head, and should not be placed in deposit.
Article 63. The amount of a lapsed deposit refunded under the rules Government
should appear in the treasury accounts as a miscellaneous refund and not as a payment of
1. Except in the case of certain Civil and Criminal Court’s Deposits (See Articles
71 and 72 and the Local Rulings thereunder), the detailed accounts of all classes of
deposit transactions are maintained in the treasury. When the detailed accounts of Civil
and Criminal Court’s Deposits are not kept in the treasury, they are kept in the Court
concerned. The detailed rules prescribing the accounts to be maintained and the returns to
be furnished for all classes of deposits are contained in the sections that follow in this
chapter and in Chapter IV.
Article 64. Each item of Deposit received should at once be entered in a register
(Form T.A. 20) and numbered. There should be a separate series of numbers for each
register, beginning a new each year. The Treasury Officer should check carefully the
amount and particulars of each entry and then. set his initials in the proper column against
each. A daily total only should be carried from each register to the cash book.
Md Zakir Ali
Article 65. Every item should be recorded in the name of the person from whom,
not that of the Government official through whom, it is received; it should be passed
through the accounts even though repaid on the day of receipt, and be kept distinct,
however small it be, till finally disposed of, never being consolidated with others.
Article 66. Each repayment, of deposit should at once be recorded both in the
Register of Repayments, Form T.A. 21, from which the daily total should pass into the
cash book, and in that of Receipts, Form T.A. 20, in the latter the date and amount of the
repayment also being noted.
Article 67. When a deposit is adjusted by transfer to some other head of account,
the head of account to which it is transferred, and the item in which it is included in the
treasury account, should be noted both in the Register of Receipts. and in the Register of
Repayments, and it should be credited separately in the cash book or the subsidiary
register concerned. The voucher submitted with the list of repayments should state these
facts, the statement being attested by the signature of the Treasury Officer.
Note :—The provisions of the above Articles and the following Local Rulings
apply also to other classes of deposits such as deposits for work done for Public bodies,
individuals, etc., for which detailed account are kept in the treasury.
When a deposit is made by one party to be repaid to another party the name of the
second party should be clearly stated in the column ‘Nature of deposit’ in the Register of
Receipts of deposit as a precaution against a refund of the amount by mistake to the
depositor or his agents or creditors.
(a) Civil Court’s deposits which include a large number of items such as unspent
witness batta, etc., may be recorded under the designation of the presiding judge of the
Court concerned;
(b) Deposits made by purchasers at sales of immovable property under Rule XXII
of the rules under the Madras Co-operative Societies Act (Madras Act VI of 1932) may
be recorded under the designation of the Deputy Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Md Zakir Ali
4. When a treasury which transacts its cash business through the Bank repays a
deposit by issuing an order on the Bank, the entry in the Register of Receipts of deposits
should be made when the order on the Bank is issued and the entry in the Register of
Repayments should be made when the repayment is reported in the Banks daily sheet.
5. When deposits are made under the provisions of the Madras Estates Land Act
(Madras Act I of 1908), the Treasury or the Sub-treasury Officer should send the
Revenue Divisional Officer concerned a weekly statement in Form T.A. IV showing the
receipts and repayments relating to such deposits.
(a) Cash Deposits -T. Deposit and Advances - Part II - Deposit not bearing
interest -C. Other Deposits Accounts - Departmental and Judicial Deposits.
Treasury Officers should see that the items are recorded in the deposits registers
in sufficient detail in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 65 and the
above Local Rulings so as to distinguish each individual item. Particulars of the
Returning Officer, the name of the candidate and of the constituency should be given
against each item.
If the deposit is forfeited it will be credited under the detailed head “Other
receipts” under 065. Other Administrative Services - B. Elections Fees, fines and
forfeitures, (Memo. No. 90444/2619/Accts/64-3, Finance, dated 4-9-1964)
Article 67 (A). In April each year, the Treasury Officer should examine the
registers of Receipts of Deposits (Form T.A. 20) of the second preceding year and
transfer to a Clearance Resister in Form T.A. 43 with suitable change in the headings, all
the outstanding balances which are not reported for lapse under the rules of Government
(Vide Art. 127). To this Clearance Register should also be transferred any items in the
last preceding Clearance Register but one, that are for special reasons not allowed to
lapse to Government.
Md Zakir Ali
Note :—It is not intended that the Clearance Register should be used in District
Treasuries; the repayment of items entered in the Clearance Register should continue to
be recorded therein the original Receipt Registers vide Art. 66.
Rs. Ps.
Balance on the 31st March prior to the last year but two
3. At the beginning of each financial year, each Civil Court dealing with a
Treasury which transacts its cash business through the Bank should submit to the
Treasury Officer a Clearance Register for all balance outstanding for more than one
financial year, excluding there from the item of deposits reported for lapse. The deposits
authorized to be paid but not yet paid by the treasury should be detailed at the foot of the
Register and the grand total agreed with the balance as shown in the plus and minus
A memorandum of balance for the last four years should also be given at the foot
of the register in the form prescribed in Local Ruling 2 above.
Md Zakir Ali
The procedure for the issue of cash orders, etc., is described in Subsidiary Rules
35 and 37 under Treasury Rule 16 and Part II of the Andhra Pradesh Treasury Code.
Article 70. The daily totals of receipts and payments should be carried from the
personal ledgers (Forms T.A. 22 and T.A. 23) into the Register of Personal Deposits
(Form T.A. 24) from which again the aggregate daily total only should be carried to the
cash book.
Md Zakir Ali
4. The Treasury Officer should pay special attention to the following rules in
maintaining the Personal Deposit Registers (Forms T.A. 22, 23, 24 and 45)
(i) For recording the issue of each orders of each sub-treasury, a few pages in
Form T.A. 23 and a separate column in Form T,A. 22 should be maintained;
(ii) For every Court of Wards or attached estate a register in Form T.A. 22 and a
separate column in Form T.A. 24 should be maintained;
(iv) When an attached estate payment is made from a sub-treasury an entry should
be made in Form T.A. 22 as soon as the bill or cheque is received from the sub- treasury;
(v) When an estate receipt is paid into the district treasury, an entry made in Form
TA. 22;
(vi) When an estate bill or cheque is about to be paid from the district treasury
(vii) When a cash order is issued from the district treasury, an entry should be
made in Form T.A. 23;
(viii) When a cash order is paid from a sub-treasury, two entries should be made
in Form T.A. 23 on receipt of the paid cash order from the sub-treasury;
At the close of each day, the totals of items (v), (vi), (vii) should be calculated,
care being taken not to include any items of the types (iii), (iv) and (viii), These totals
should be entered in the corresponding columns of Form T.A. 24 and the total district
receipts and payments of the day entered in the last column and in the day-book.
At the end of the month, the rejected items of types (iii), (iv) and (viii) entered
during the month should be totalled up and the total entered in a line in Form T.A. 24
below the entries of the last day of the month. All the columns Form T.A. 24 should then
be totalled and the totals entered in Form T.A. 45, the opening balances being copied
from the closing balances of the previous month and the closing balances of the current
month calculated.
Columns 3 and 6 of Form T.A. 45 should be totalled and agreed with the total
receipts and payments shown in Form T.A. 24 and with the totals in the Posting Register
(See Local Ruling 3 under Articles 95-99 in Chapter IV) and the monthly accounts.
All items which are received or paid at sub-treasuries, i.e., items of the nature
(iii), (iv) and (viii), should be entered in the red ink so that they may be distinguished
from items (v), (vi) and (vii) which are to be carried daily to the day-book.
(ii) the Register of daily receipts and payments of personal Deposits (Form T.A.
(Ruling 5 Ins, by G.O. Ms. No. 37, Fin. & P1. Dt. 2-3-1981)
Md Zakir Ali
Article 71. There are two methods in which the accounts of Civil and Criminal
Court Deposit may be kept.
(1) When each deposit is separately paid into and drawn from the treasury upon
documents passed by competent authority and setting forth the particulars necessary for
the entries in the deposit registers, the accounts of Civil and Criminal Courts Deposit
should be kept in the manner prescribed in Articles 64 to 77 for revenue deposits,
although the sets of registers and returns should all be separated from those of the
revenue deposits proper.
(2) In cases where the Civil Courts and Magistrates merely bank with the treasury,
remitting without detail their gross deposit receipts for credit in a personal ledger, and
making repayments by cheques on the treasury, the accounts at the treasury should be
kept in the forms prescribed in Articles 68 and 70 for personal deposits, but quite separate
from those of personal deposits proper; and the deposits should be designated as Civil
Court or Criminal Court Deposits.
Whenever the latter system is permitted the detailed record of deposit transactions
should be kept by the Court concerned in the form prescribed in Articles 64 to 66 for
Treasury Officer’s accounts of Revenue Deposits with such adaptations and
modifications as may be Authorized by the competent Judicial authority after
consultation with the Accountant-General.
(b) The Treasury Officer should forward to each mufassal Civil Court dealing
with a treasury which does not transact its cash business through the bank a weekly
statement in the following form
Amount Amount
Debit Credit
Rs.P. Rs.P.
Number or
Number of challan
Do Do
Do Do
Do Do
Balance to Balance brought
credit forward
Total Total
As soon as this memorandum is received, the Court should compare the serial
numbers of the challans and orders issued with those entered in the treasury statement
and, by leaving out of account those not yet included by the treasury, ascertain whether
its accounts correspond with the treasury accounts.
Md Zakir Ali
(b) Civil and Criminal Courts in Hyderabad City maintain the registers of
Receipts and Repayments of deposit separately for each class of deposits.
(c) Under this method each transaction of receipt or repayment relating to a Civil
or Criminal Court deposit should be initialled by -
(ii) in the case of the High Court, by any gazetted officers of the Court; or
(d) The Treasury Officer should forward to a mufassal Civil Court dealing with a
treasury which transacts its cash business through the Bank a weekly statement in the
form prescribed in Local Ruling 1(b) above. As soon as the memorandum is received, the
court should check the details with its accounts in the manner prescribed in that clause. It
should then total up the Register of Receipts and the Register of Repayments and show at
the foot of the latter, register (1) cheques issued but not paid during the month and (2)
cheques of the previous month paid during the month. The aggregate amount of the first
should be deducted and that of the second should be added to the total of the entries in the
Register of Repayments.
3. The Court shall prepare extracts of registers and the list of repayments and send
them to the Treasury. The Treasury Officer retains the documents.
[Memo. No. 4507 l/Accts/64-10, Fin., Dated 11-4-19691
4. Civil Courts’ Deposits :—At the end of the every quarter the presiding Judge of
each Civil Court dealing with a Treasury which transacts its cash business through the
Bank should record a certificate in the following form on the Extract Register of Receipts
transmitted to the Treasury
“I do hereby certify that I have personally examined the Register and that the
entries are made with ‘he utmost care and regularity “.
The Treasury Officer should certify at the end of each quarter at the foot of the
consolidated extract Resister of Receipts that the Certificate is the above form was
furnished by the presiding Judge of each Civil Court in the District dealing with a
Treasury which transacts its cash business through the Bank.
Each Court should also write up a plus and minus memorandum of the balance of
deposits on the Extract Register of Receipts transmitted to the Treasury Officer as shown
Md Zakir Ali
Rs. Ps.
Balance at the beginning of the Month:
Article 72. In States where all branches of the Civil Administration, Revenue,
Criminal and Civil are under the same officer, the system may be adopted of including all
deposits of the district in one register as revenue deposits, or the Treasury Officer may
receive and keep the accounts of all such deposits in exactly the same way as revenue
deposits but in separate registers and returns under the designation of “Civil Courts and
Magistrates’ Deposits”.
Article 73. The transactions of all Local Funds, including Municipal and
Cantonment funds, should be recorded in the forms used for personal deposits (Forms
T.A. 22 and T.A. 24), but should be kept quite distinct, and should pass into the treasury
accounts as Deposits of Local Fund, and not as Personal Deposits.
[For a definition of the term “Local funds” and a list of “Local Fund”, see
Instructions 1 and 2 in Chapter IV in Part III of the Andhra Pradesh Treasury Code,
Volume I].
Article 74. The transactions of each fund should be entered in a separate column
in the register (Form T.A. 24) which should provide a separate column for every such
fund in the district. Unless the funds are very few in number, there should be registers
and totals for municipal and cantonment funds separate from those of other funds.
Name of payer
(The last column should clearly show the nature of the receipt).
Md Zakir Ali
empowered to repay on his own authority without formal authority from the district
treasury, a register of such deposits should be kept at the sub-treasury in addition to that
at the district treasury.
Article 77. In regards to repayment, the sub-treasury account in which the credit
originally appeared should be indicated clearly so that it may be easy to trace the item
and to charge off payment correctly in the district account.
This register which will be separate for each financial year should be page
numbered and the pages should be ruled and lines numbered in the column headed
“Name of the applicant”. (Memo. No. I 206515261Accts/7 1-8, Finance, dated 27-2-
Article 79. The Treasury Officer (or Sub-treasury Officer) should send an advice
of Reserve Bank remittances drawn by him during the day to the treasury or bank drawn
upon in the form prescribed by the Reserve Bank (advices of remittance sold) on the very
day on which the Telegraphic Transfer or Draft is drawn. Detailed instructions in this
behalf will be found in the Treasury Rules of Government.
[These are contained in Chapter V, Part II of the Andhra Pradesh Treasury Code,
Vol. I]
Md Zakir Ali
(The day-book used in the treasuries in the State of Andhra Pradesh corresponds
to the cash book mentioned in the Comptroller and Auditor-General’s Rules).
Article 83. Where Reserve Bank of India remittances are drawn by or encashed at
sub-treasuries the sub-treasuries will maintain Register in Forms T.A. 25, T.A. 25-A and
TA. 26 prepare the schedules of drawings and encashment in duplicate and submit daily
the original copy direct to the Accountant-General in the same way as district treasuries.
The Sub-treasury Officer will forward the duplicate copy of the schedules of drawings
and encashments to the Treasury Officer along with the daily lists in the usual way
together with a certificate that all the schedules for the day have been despatched to the
Accountant-General. The Treasury Officer should arrange to check the duplicate copy
with the daily lists to see whether all the schedules have been forwarded by the sub-
treasuries to the Accountant-General. He should in this way. ensure that all the schedules
are promptly sent to the Accountant-General on the same day of the transactions. Sub-
‘ treasury schedules for all the days of the month upto and including the date of closing
the sub-treasury accounts for that month should prominently marked as relating to the
accounts for that month, the schedule for subsequent days of the month being marked as
pertaining to the accounts of the month following.
(The total drawings and encashments for the day should be incorporated in the
sub- treasury accounts just as any other sub-treasury transactions).
Article 84. When a Reserve Bank of India remittance is cancelled, the fact of
cancellation should be noted in the Issue-cum-Drawing Schedule Register against the
relevant entry and intimation sent to the treasury (or the Bank) drawn upon, by which the
fact should be noted conspicuously on the advice originally received. The amount when
refunded by the drawing treasury should then be entered in the Register of Reserve Bank
of India Remittances Encashed and it must appear in the Register even though issue and
cancellation take place on the same day. The amount of the cancelled Draft should
simultaneously be entered in the proper columns of the schedule of Drafts Encashed for
the day in which cancellation takes place, suitable remarks being made in the schedule
indicating that the payments is on account of cancellation of a Draft already drawing by
the treasury. The cancelled Draft should accompany the schedule of Encashments.
(Memo. NO. 12065/526/Accts/71-8, Finance, dated 27-2-1974)
Md Zakir Ali
Article 85. When a Draft is exchanged for another, the originally should be
treated and entered as a Draft presented for payment and the amount again credited as
received for the issue of a new Draft.
Articles 86-88. x x x x
Article 90. In every treasury from which revenue advances are made, one or more
plus and minus memoranda (Form T.A. 46) should be kept, in which the advance should
be debited and all recoveries credited. One of these plus and minus memoranda should be
the ordinary account of revenue advances; and other special accounts may be opened
from time to time for any special officers authorized to make such advances, who may,
under the orders of revenue authorities, keep and submit accounts separate from the
accounts of the district officer. Unless the Government requires otherwise, the treasury
shall keep no detailed accounts of these advances.
1. In the Andhra Pradesh State, the treasury keeps plus and minus memoranda for
the following classes of advances and other recoverable amounts:-
(i) cost of survey of estates not under the management of the Court of wards;
2. Cost of survey of estates not under the management of the Court of wards:- The
Treasury Officer should maintain a plus and minus memorandum for each estate for
watching the amount deposited, the expenditure recoverable and the balance available.
Md Zakir Ali
He should enter in the debit column the amounts shown in the Survey Officer’s monthly
bills for recovery from that estate, and in the credit column the amounts already
recovered. The balance on account of each estate should be work out monthly so as to see
that sufficient funds remain to cover the anticipated further expenditure. If at any time it
is found that the balance is insufficient, prompt intimation should be given to the officer-
in-charge of the survey of the estate to enable him to call for a further deposit from the
proprietor and stop the survey in default of payment.
Every Government servant who is authorized to make advances should see that
the debits and credits made to his account in the plus and minus memoranda correspond
accurately with those which enter his own registers and returns. A departmental officer
should obtain from the treasury a copy of the plus and minus memorandum with which
he is concerned. Special care should be taken to see that, when any recovery is paid into
the treasury, the amount of principal and interest recovered are shown separately and
distinctly. The recovery towards principal should be credited both in the plus and minus
memorandum and in the treasury account, while the recovery of interest should be
credited in treasury account alone.
Advances to cultivator made by the Director of Industries and Commerce and the
Director and Deputy Directors of Agriculture on account of pumping installations and
agricultural implements should be debited in the plus and minus memorandum (but not in
the body of the treasury account) on receipt of the intimations from the Accountant-
General. Repayments received by the treasury on account of such advances should be
adjusted in the plus and minus memorandum in the manner prescribed in the previous
4. Survey advances :—The treasury should maintain a separate plus and minus
memorandum for each survey party for advances under the head “Revenue advances -
Revenue survey advances - Survey Officers”.
Md Zakir Ali
A plus and minus memorandum should also be kept in the treasury for the head
“Revenue advances - Cost of survey marks - Survey officers - No Party” for watching the
amounts recoverable by Collectors. When advances are drawn in one district on account
of survey operations in another district, the Collector should, on receipt of the monthly
cost rate statement in duplicate from the Survey Officer, forward one copy to the
Treasury Officer of his district and the other to the Collector of the district in which the
survey operations take place. The Collector of the latter district should work out the
demands and effect recoveries, and the debit of the advance should therefore be made in
the plus and minus memorandum of the treasury of this district, quoting reference to the
advice from the other Collector. The debit in the treasury account should, however, be
made in the district which the advances was drawn.
6. When any advance becomes irrecoverable it should be written off the plus and
minus memorandum in the treasury under the orders of the Accountant-General after the
competent authority has sanctioned the write-off from the accounts. It should
nevertheless be registered by the departmental officer concerned in a separate account or
record in order that any possible eventual recovery may be made. If any recovery is made
after an advance has been written off the plus and minus memorandum, it should be
credited as revenue in the treasury account, but should not be credited in the plus and
minus memorandum.
Article 91. In addition to the registers prescribed in the foregoing Articles, the
following subsidiary registers should be kept for the record of transactions specified
against each. Separate registers should be kept, where necessary, in State treasuries for
transactions relating to the Central Government :—
(i) Register in Form T.A. 31 for the record of the advances (other than those
mentioned in Article 90) made/recovered under the heads “Loans and Advances” and
“Advances Repayable”.
(ii) x x x x
(iii) Register in Form T.A. 33 for payments of Pensions. Separate registers should
be kept for different classes of pensions, such as pensions debitable to “268.
Miscellaneous General Services Pensions in lieu of resumed Jagirs, Land, Territories,
etc.” and “266. Pension and other retirement benefits” etc., “363. Compensation and
Assignments to Local Bodies and Panchayat Raj Institutions”, etc.;
Md Zakir Ali
Article 92. Except as specified otherwise the directions in this Chapter shall apply
to all bank and non-bank treasuries at the headquarters of the district. In Andhra Pradesh
in which the treasuries render classified accounts to the Accountant-General, the
directions in this Chapter shall apply subject to such modifications as may be authorized
by the Accountant-General, Andhra Pradesh, to meet local requirements.
Article 93. The returns prescribed in this Chapter should be prepared from the
Accountant’s cash book and the registers subsidiary thereto and despatched to the
Accountant-General punctually on the prescribed date. The returns due for despatch on a
holiday may be sent one day (but not more than one day) late.
All treasury returns, except those which the Bank is required to furnish under the
special orders of the Government or the Accountant-General, should be prepared in the
treasury and not in the Bank.
(a) General
Articles98&99. x x x x
1. The Treasury Officer should render separate monthly classified accounts to the
Accountant-General for transactions of the Central Government and for transactions
taken against the State Government; each of these accounts should be supported by
separate list of payments, schedules, vouchers etc. The main treasury account as well as
the account relating to Debt and Remittance heads should be split up into two parts, one
for Central and the other for State transactions. Similarly, there should be separate lists of
payments for Central and for State transactions for each of the subsidiary accounts. The
consolidated list of payments should also be prepared separately for Central transactions
and State transactions.
Md Zakir Ali
The opening and closing balances of the treasury will appear only in the State
section of the main treasury account. The Central section of the main treasury account
will be a balanced account with no opening and closing balances as explained in clauses
(d) and (e) of Local Ruling 2 under Articles 50-54.
2. Daily classified list of receipts and payments :—A classified list of each day’s
receipts and payments should be prepared in Form T.A. VII from the Accounts day-book.
Before being entered in this list, the items in the day-book should be arranged in the order
of the heads under which they will ultimately appear in the monthly classified account.
The heads of account under which items of the same nature are classified should be
entered in column 1 of the list and the detailed sums under that head will appear in
column 2, the total of all items under the same head of account being entered in column
The receipts and charges entered in the classified list should be totalled and
agreed with the totals in the day-book.
The classified list should be laid before the Head Accountant along with the day-
book and he should sign the list after satisfying himself that the entries have been
correctly classified. Each sheet of the classified list should be signed by the Head
Accountant. The entries in the classified list are then posted into the posting register, and
the classified list is filed in the poster’s file.
The sub-treasury posting register should be posted from the daily classified lists
before the despatch of the vouchers to the district treasury.
The posting register of a district treasury is used for compiling the transactions of
the whole district. The transactions of the district treasury itself should be posted daily
from the daily classified lists - See Local Ruling 2 above. The sub-treasury figures should
be posted at the end of the month from the respective monthly sub-treasury classified
accounts below the posting of the district treasury. A grand total should then be struck for
the whole district under each head of Account.
Note :—The Treasury Officer should prescribe the heads of account to be opened
in the sub-treasury posting register. It is not always necessary to have a separate column
for every detailed head. The subsidiary registers maintained in the sub-treasury give the
total receipts and charges of each detailed head concerned for the month and the totals of
those detailed heads required for entry in the sub-treasury monthly account can be taken
from them. In such cases it is sufficient to post only the totals from the subsidiary register
in the posting register.
4. Monthly classified treasury account :—The grand totals from the posting
registers should be posted against the heads in the appropriate classified district treasury
account, details of vouchers being given on the expenditure side in the column provided.
Md Zakir Ali
departmental and debt head accounts. After all the subsidiary accounts prescribed have
been compiled and the major head totals therein posted into the main treasury account the
figures in the latter should be totalled and the account closed by effecting an agreement in
the State section of the account between the total opening balance of the month plus the
receipts during the month and the total of the disbursements plus the closing balance of
the month.
In the case of the head “886. Adjusting Account between Central (Non-Railways)
and State Governments”, the gross figures in the posting registers for receipts and charges
should not be taken separately to the receipts and payments sides of the treasury account.
Only the net difference between two figures should be taken to the appropriate side
(receipts or disbursements) of the treasury account.
Note 2 :—In the printed forms of the monthly classified sub-treasury account only
such heads as are frequently used are given; when receipts and charges occur under other
heads they should be opened manuscript. To determine the correct heading a copy of the
monthly classified district treasury account should be obtained from the district treasury
and kept corrected for ready reference. The instructions at the foot of each page of the
district treasury account should be carefully noted and observed in classifying items.
Special attention should also be paid to the complication of the appendices and the plus
and minus memoranda to be attached to the monthly account …….
Note 3 :—In case where new sub and detailed heads have been included in the
Budget and when no such printed heads appear in the Treasury Accounts, the Treasury
Officers themselves may open such heads in manuscript in the Treasury Account with
reference to the Budget, without any authorization from the Accountant-General.
5. Transfer slips :—The grand totals in the posting register may sometimes
require alteration before they are posted into the monthly district treasury account.
In support of each such alteration a transfer slip in Form T.A. VIII should be
prepared and signed by the Head Accountant.
(i) one major head on the credit side and one major head on the debit side;
(ii) one major head on the credit side and two or more major heads on the debit
side; or
(iii) one major head on the debit side and two or more major heads on the credit
Md Zakir Ali
It should not have several major heads on both the debit and credit sides.
Care should be taken to see that the debit is supported by Vouchers when debited
to a charge head and by a properly certified extract from the accounts when debited by
deduction from receipts sufficient to show that the item really exists before it is expunged
and that it has not been previously expunged. The credit given by the transfer slip, when
given to a receipt head, should be notified to the departmental officer concerned so that
he may take credit for it independently in his Departmental Accounts, and may not
remain in ignorance of the credit until communicated to him or his superior officers
through the treasury accounts.
Each transfer slip should be given a serial number and a new series of number
should be started at the beginning of each month.
When the item is posted in the monthly account, the serial number of the transfer
slip should be entered against the item and the page of the posting register should be
entered on the transfer slip to ensure that one slip is posted in two places and to facilitate
If the transfer slip effects both charges and receipts, it will affect the grand total of
charges and the grand total of receipts, In such cases the necessary plus or minus entries
should be made against the grand totals. and these should also be supported by the
transfer slip number.
When the entries are completed, the posting registers should be put up to the Head
Accountant who should initial all the entries in the posting register affected by the
transfer, and also initial the transfer slip in token of the fact that it has been duly posted.
Every transfer slip should be pasted into the poster’s file, unless sent as a voucher
to the Accountant-General.
6. The Treasury Officer should always personally satisfy himself of the necessity
01 any alteration in classification which the district treasury proposes to make while
compiling the sub-treasury accounts of the month. The clerk concerned should be
instructed not to accept any alteration memorandum affecting the sub-treasury account
which does not bear the Treasury Officer’s initials.
Ryotwary Local Funds,
Rent, etc.,
on Fisheries
Rs. Rs.
12th 50-A 80
Md Zakir Ali
Should an entry affect two subsidiary registers, the corrections may be made in
the same way. A reference letter should be entered against the original plus entry and the
corresponding correcting minus entry or entries. Each correcting entry should be
initialled by the check incharge and by the Head Accountant.
If a mistake is discovered after the subsidiary register has been closed for the
month, or affects a head for which there is no Subsidiary Register it is corrected by
making a minus entry below the total of the column in the posting register in which the
transaction was incorrectly entered and reducing that total and by making a plus entry
underneath the total of the column in which it should have been entered and increasing
that total. Each of these corrected totals should be signed by the Sub-treasury Officer and
a short note made of the reasons for the correction. If such entries are numerous, a
consolidated transfer slip should be prepared in support of them, signed by the Sub-
treasury Officer and filed in a separate file.
8. When, after the despatch of the monthly treasury account, the Treasury Of-,
fleer discovers that the classification of any item in that or in a previous month’s account
is erroneous or when a departmental officer brings any misclassification in the accounts
to the notice of the Treasury Officer, he should prepare an alteration memorandum in
Form T,A. IX explaining clearly the necessity for the alteration and showing the addition
or deduction to be made under each head of account affected and sign it in full. The
Treasury Officer should certify in every alteration memorandum that he has personally
satisfied himself that the alteration proposed is necessary.
The alteration memorandum need not be sent to the Accountant General for
previous approval; and the alterations may be carried out in the accounts of the month
under preparation at the time without his formal permission. The alteration memoranda
should, however, accompany the next treasury account in support of the additions or
deductions made therein on account of the corrections. If any mistake is deducted by the
Accountant-General, the account will be corrected and communicated through the
outgoing objection statement.
9. The above procedure should not, however, be followed in the case of alteration
affecting the accounts of a past year or those relating to April, May and June which affect
fasli returns or those affecting Forest Remittances, or Forest Accounts. In those cases
alteration memoranda should be submitted to the Accountant-General for approval. He
will make the necessary corrections in his accounts by means of transfer entries and
Md Zakir Ali
send intimation in the prescribed form. On receipt of the intimation, a note should be
made against the original head of account. As an exception to the above rule, alterations
in the accounts of a previous year affecting deposit heads should be adjusted through the
treasury accounts.
Alterations for sums not exceeding Rs. 10 affecting revenue or service heads
should not be proposed to the Accountant-General, as the rules prohibit transfer entries
for such sums. A note of the error should be entered in the treasury account and in the
departmental registers.
10. All corrections affecting the accounts of a previous year should be submitted
to the Accountant-General by the 20th May. Any alteration sent after that date should be
accompanied by an explanation for not detecting the error before that date. If the
explanation is unsatisfactory, the Accountant-General will submit it to the Government
for orders.
Note :—In the case of districts where the Jamabandi work extends to June, the
corrections in the accounts of the previous year relating to land revenue receipts may be
reported up to 1st July, but corrections which can be communicated by the 7th June
should be sent by then.
(a) As each voucher is received from the Treasurer after being paid at the district
treasury, it should at once be entered in the departmental list of payments or schedule
prescribed for the purpose by the Accountant-General. Similarly vouchers received from
sub-treasuries should be entered each in these lists of payments or schedules as they are
received. In the case of transactions relating to service heads the totals of the next
amounts of the departmental lists of payments should be entered in the main list of
payments (Form T.A. X). In the case of debt and deposit heads the total of the gross
transactions should be entered in the main list (Form T.A.X), the sums abated being
treated, as if they were cash realizations.
Exception :—In the ease of postal Insurance premia and Income-tax deducted
from the pay and pension bill of officers and establishments under the jurisdiction of
another accounting circle, the gross amount of the bills should be charged to the state
concerned and the deductions an account of premia and Income-tax credited direct to the
Postal Departments and to “021. Taxes on income other than Corporation tax”
respectively. The main list of payments should thus indicate the gross debit in these
(b) Each entry in the departmental list of payments or schedule should be given a
monthly serial number which should also be entered in the top right hand corner of the
(c) On the 10th and on the last day of each month, each departmental list of
payments and schedule should be totalled and the total entered in the main list of
payments (Form T.A. X) which should then be totalled.
Md Zakir Ali
(d) The list of payments should then be despatched with the vouchers and
schedules by registered post to the Accountant-General.
Note 1 :—Deposit repayment vouchers paid up to the 10th of the month should be
retained till the despatch of the second list of payments - see Local Ruling 1 under Article
108 below.
Note 3 :—In the case of village service charges, and cattle-pound transactions
which are subject to local audit at the treasury (see Part II of the Special Funds Code), the
vouchers for the charges which are subject to local audit should be retained in the
treasury itself, but in support of the debits in the treasury account, consolidated
statements of village service charges and cattle pound transactions should be furnished to
the Accountant-General in such form and on such dates as may be prescribed by him.
Note 4 :—It is not necessary to send separate covering schedules for the vouchers
relating to withdrawals by Local Funds and from personal deposit accounts to the
Accountant-General along with the lists of payments. If the University authorities desire
that covering Schedules for vouchers relating to the University Fee Funds should be sent
to them, the Accountant-General will instruct the treasuries to submit separate schedules
for these vouchers along with the lists of payments.
12. Safe custody of vouchers :—As soon as the vouchers received from the
Treasurer have been entered in the appropriate lists of payments or schedules (see Local
Ruling 11 above), the Head Accountant should lock them up.
Vouchers which have been entered in the schedules may be secured in separate
boxes but all the keys should remain with the Head Accountant. All vouchers should be
secured under the Head Accountant’s lock and key every evening.
14. The schedules of receipts or payments should be written up daily before the
office closes in order to ensure the punctual despatch of the list of payments on the 11th
of the current or the following month.
15. The monthly classified account, the lists of payments, the schedules of
receipts or payments prepared from day to day, the vouchers supporting them and all
other prescribed returns and accounts should be despatched to the Accountant-General on
Md Zakir Ali
prescribed dates. The District Treasury Officer should see that there is no avoidable delay
in submitting them. The Treasury Officer see that all returns and accounts which have to
be sent to the Accountant-General are written up daily before the treasury closes.
Note 1 :—Under Local Rulings 11 and 12 above the vouchers pertaining to each
list of payments or schedule be numbered in separate series and kept under lock and key,
in the order of payment till they are despatched; before despatch of the list of payments
and schedules, the Treasury Officer should, after inspection, satisfy himself that the
required vouchers are all attached. He will find it profitable at intervals during the month
to take up a list of payments or schedule and see that all the vouchers relating to it are
present and in proper order. (See Local Ruling 4(v) under Article 50-54.) There should be
a voucher for every disbursement other than a remittance of coin or notes.
The Treasury Officer should see that the totals of the different lists of payments or
schedules agree with the entries in the treasury account and list of payments.
The Treasury Officer should also see that the total under each major head in a
sub-account agrees with the corresponding entry in the main accounts.
16. The Accountant-General will issue a calendar of returns due to him from
Treasury Officer showing the date on which each should be despatched. The Treasury
Officer should have it kept up to date, and should see daily what returns are due and
arrange in time for their punctual despatch, nothing in a check register the actual date of
despatch as each return is posted.
Note 1 :—Similarly the Treasury Officer should issue a calendar of returns due to
him from sub-treasuries, showing the date on which each should be despatched. The Sub-
treasury Officer should see that the returns are punctually despatched on the prescribed
dates, maintaining check register as in the case of the district treasury.
Note 2 :—The returns due for despatch on a postal holiday may be sent one day
(but not more than one day) late.
17. If the Treasury Officer should find it necessary to retain any paid vouchers in
the treasury for any purpose when despatching the first list of payments, he should briefly
explain either in the remarks column of the list of payments against the entries relating to
the vouchers or in a separate memorandum attached to the list the reason for not sending
them with the list, but the list of payments should embody all paid bills whether enclosed
with it or not. If the note in the remarks column or the memorandum shows that the
retention of the vouchers is not due to any irregularity in the working of the treasury, the
Accountant-General will not count it as an irregularity against the treasury in the record
of irregularities maintained in his office.
Article 100. Apart from the schedules of income-tax receipts, if any, required by
the Income-tax Officer concerned, two separate schedules of receipts should be prepared
Md Zakir Ali
in respect of income-tax deductions from bills for salaries and pensions - (a) one for the
tax collected on salaries and pensions wholly debitable to the Central Govt. and (b)
another for income-tax deducted from salaries and pensions debitable to other
Governments. If income-tax is recovered at a higher rate from any Central Government
servant or pensioner or account additional income from properties situated in a State. the
entire amount of tax realized should, nevertheless, be taken to the schedule relating to
deductions from Central emoluments. Similarly the income-tax deducted from a pension
which is debitable partly to the Central Government and partly to the State Government,
should be taken to the schedule relating to deductions from Central emoluments. Any
refund allowed in such a case during the course of the year should also be taken to that
Article 101. Save as provided in Articles 102 to 104 below, the schedules of
receipts and expenditure for Railways and those Departments which render separate cash
accounts to Audit and Account Offices (vide Article 57) should be prepared in the same
forms and with the same details as have been prescribed in Chapter III for the Registers
of Receipts and Payments of those Railways and Departments concerned.
Article 104. For each Railway and the Public Works Departments, x x x a
separate schedule of cheques paid payments made on account of each department should
be prepared in Form T.A. 42 and attached to the List of Payments.
The cheques on which payments have been made at a treasury to officers of the
Forest and the Public Works Departments should be sent by the Treasury Officer to the
Accountant-General in support of the debits in his accounts accompanied by a covering
list working up to the total debit. The covering list should show the serial number; the
number of the cheque and the amount of the cheque.
Md Zakir Ali
3. Civil and Criminal Courts Deposits :—(a) In regard to deposits in Civil Courts
in the mufassal dealing with treasuries which do not transact their cash business through
the Bank and deposits in all Criminal Courts in the mufassal, the procedure prescribed in
Articles 105-107 should be followed.
(b) In regard to deposits in Civil Courts in the mufassal dealing with treasuries
which transact their cash business through the Bank, the detailed record of the deposit
transactions is kept by the Court concerned and not by the Treasury - see Article 71. Each
of these Courts should send to the Treasury Officer concerned every month an extract of
the registers of receipts and repayments in Forms T.A. 43 and 21 (omitting the last four
columns anti altering the heading of the later form). The Treasury Officer should then
consolidate the extract registers received from all such Courts in his district and send the
consolidated extract to the Accountant-General. In consolidating the lists of repayments,
the Treasury Officer should include only the items actually paid during the month; the
“Paid” orders of the Civil Courts received from the Bank should be attached to the extract
register in support of payments.
(c) Civil or Criminal Courts in Hyderabad City maintain the registers of receipts
and repayments relating to deposits in the Court. (See Local Ruling 2 (b) under Article
71.) These Courts, with the exception of the City Court of Small Causes, should send
monthly to the Accountant-General extract registers of receipts and repayments. The
detailed records of deposits in the City Court of Small Causes are kept in the Court.
4. Sub-treasury extract registers of deposits :—On the day on which the sub-
treasury accounts are closed for the month, extract registers of receipts and repayments of
revenue deposits and Civil and Criminal Courts deposits for the entire month should be
submitted to the district treasury in Forms T.A. XII and Xlii. A schedule of cash orders
paid should also be appended.
5. (a) Deposits for work done for public bodies, etc., .—The Treasury Officer
should forward extract registers monthly (in Forms T.A. 43 and 21;) to the Accountant-
As soon as the Land Acquisition Officer issues an award, the full amount thereof
should be paid by the local body concerned and credited in the treasury account. The
Md Zakir Ali
award statements should contain a certificate of credit in the treasury account and should
be forwarded to the Accountant General invariably with the extract register for the month
in the treasury account of which the amounts awarded have been credited. In cases,
however, where the estimated cost of compensation is paid in advance by local bodies
before the passing of the awards, a note should be made in the extract register of deposits
that the necessary award statements will be furnished as soon as the awards have been
On the orders or vouchers on which payments are made should be entered the
head 843. Civil Deposits - “Deposits for work done for public bodies etc”. The number
and date of the award statement as well as the date on which the amount was credited in
the treasury should be noted on the vouchers before they are forwarded to the
Accountant- General with the list of repayments of the deposits;
(b) Local Funds :—At the end of each month the Sub-treasury Officer should
forward an extract from the register of receipts of Universities (see Local Ruling under
Articles 73-74) to the Treasury Officer. The latter should prepare a similar extract from
his own register for the purpose and enter at the foot of the page the total amount shown
in the extract received from each sub-treasury. Items relating to sub-treasuries should not
be included in the body of the district treasury extract. The grand total, which should,
agree with the credit in the treasury account should then be worked out and the several
extracts should be forwarded in original to the Examiner of Local Fund Accounts.
Article 109. x x x x
(a) General
Article 110. Plus and Minus memoranda should be prepared in Form T.A. 46 for
the transactions on account of each class of deposits including cash orders of each Local
Fund, of each kind of stamps (non-judicial, Court-fee, postage etc.), of match excise
banderols (India and Burma), tobacco excise duty labels and of excise opium. The
deductions from balance should tally with the corresponding entries of receipts in the
accounts (except as regards stamps referred to in Article 114 and stamps sent to other
treasuries or sub-depots), and the closing balances should be certified as agreeing with
the stock registers and accounts maintained in the treasury. Memoranda may also be
required of the outstanding balances of any class of advances which the District or other
Revenue Officer has authority to make [vide Articles 90 and 91(i)].
The monthly plus and minus memo in Form T.A. 46 to be rendered to audit
office, in respect of Revenue Deposits will indicate the opening balance in respect of
each detailed head of Security Deposits. The plus and minus memoranda of Civil and
Criminal Court Deposits will give similar particulars in respect of each Court, The
payments will be supported by vouchers containing full details of payments.
(Memo. No. 45071/Accts/64-lO, Finance, dated 11-2-1964)
Note 1 :—The plus and minus memoranda should be prepared in such separate
parts as may be determined by the Accountant-General. Those relating to particular
departments may be furnished wherever this is possible on the reverse of the receipts
schedules concerned.
Md Zakir Ali
Note 2 :—No difference should ever exist between the closing balance of one
month and the opening balance of the next, any addition to or deductions from the
balance should be made by a special entry to be explained by a foot note.
(b) Deposits
Article 111. Each head of deposit and each Local Fund should be detailed
separately in the appropriate memorandum. The balance in the plus and minus
memorandum of deposit transactions fort the month of April, should be reduced by the
amount reported for lapse under Article 127, so that it may agree with the aggregate of
repayable deposit balances upon the deposit register.
Note :—In the case of local funds, which have a State balance, the balance
columns should not be filled up.
(The note applied to local funds which have accounts in more than one district).
2. Each sub-treasury should submit to the district treasury a plus and minus
memorandum for Revenue Deposits and Civil and Criminal Courts Deposits, along with
the extract registers on the day on which the monthly accounts are closed. At the end of
every quarter, the actual items outstanding should be totalled up and agreed with the
closing balance of the plus and minus memorandum.
(c) Stamps
Article 114. The value of damaged and obsolete stamps should be deducted from
the plus and minus memorandum after they have been destroyed or otherwise disposed of
in accordance with the prescribed rules.
1. (a) In the case of stamps received back from vendors, the debit in the treasury
account should be supported by the following certificate :—
“Certified that the amount of refund has been correctly calculated as under :—
Treasury Officer
(b) When spoiled stamps are presented for issue of fresh stamps in lieu thereof the
value of the spoiled stamps should be debited to “Refunds” by transfer credit to the
appropriate receipt head.
2. The Treasury Officer should see that in the case of spoiled stamps, the debits in
the treasury account agree with the entries in the plus and minus memorandum of
Md Zakir Ali
stamps attached to the account. In the case of funds on account of serviceable stamps, the
debits in the treasury account will be less than the entry in the plus and minus
memorandum of stamps by the amount of discount that was allowed when the stamps
were sold.
1. Cost of survey of estates not under the management of the Court of Wards :—
The Treasury Officer should append to the treasury account a copy of the plus and minus
memorandum working out the balance recoverable on account of each estate. The debit
should be supported by the Survey Officer’s bills.
2. Advances to cultivators :—The plus and minus memorandum for each class of
advance should be submitted with the monthly treasury accounts. The Accountant-
General will verify whether the memoranda accurately represent the credits, debits and
balances as shown in his accounts for revenue advances of the district or office
3. Imp rests for minor irrigation works :—At the end of each financial year, the
Treasury Officer should send a statement of imprests outstanding against each taluk in
the district to the Accountant-General after verification with the plus and minus
memorandum. The statement should also show the amount sanctioned, if any for the
following financial year and the reasons for any excess in the amount outstanding over
the amount sanctioned.
Article 115. A Statement of Cash Orders which are held as lapsed under the rules
of Government should be prepared monthly specifying (i) in the case of cash orders
issued for service payments, the number and date of the vouchers in which the charges
were drawn originally and the name of the officer by whom they were drawn, and (ii) in
the case of cash orders issued on behalf of a Ward’s Estate or a Municipality, the number
and date of the cheques.
Article 116. The total amount of cash orders included in the monthly statement
should be deducted from the closing balance in the plus and minus memorandum (Article
110) and a note should be made at the same time against the items concerned in the
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Ledger (Form T.A. 23) that they have been reported to the Accountant-General for
adjustment as lapsed.
The Treasury Officer should carry out the adjustments referred to in this Article in
the accounts of a month in respect of cash orders which lapsed in the previous month
owing to their not having been cashed within three months from the date of issue and
attach to his accounts a statement in Form T.A. XIV giving the details of the amounts so
adjusted. The total amount adjusted as per column 5 of the form should be debited to
“Personal deposits” by per contra credits to the head indicated in column 6 which will be
determined with reference to the purpose for which the cash order was issued as indicated
(a) In the case of each order issued for service charges in respect of bills presented
at the treasury, the head of account to be noted in columns 6 should be “Suspense
accounts - Recoveries of service payments - Cash orders”. The clearing of this later head
will be attended to by the Accountant-General.
(b) In the case of cash orders issued for ward’s or attached estates, the head of
account should be “843, Civil Deposits Personal deposits” and a reference to the number
of the items of the lapsed statement should be made in the plus and minus memorandum
of the wards or attached estates concerned in support of the balances raised, and an
intimation should also be simultaneously sent to the Administrator of the Estates and the
surrender of the lapsed cash orders demanded. The surrendered orders can be destroyed at
Article 117. On the 8th, 16th, 24th and the last day of each month (or on the
previous open day if any of these days is a holiday), or at such other convenient intervals
as may be settled between the Accountant-General and the Government of the State, State
non-bank treasuries should forward to the Accountant-General a statement in Form T.A.
47 showing separately (i) Central transactions other than Railways, and (ii) Railways, the
later being further classified by each Railway separately. No voucher should accompany
these statements.
(In lieu of Form T.A. 47, the Government have prescribed tin cc special Forms for
the purpose - see Forms TA XV to XVII).
Article 118. Statement in the same form should be submitted to the Accountant-
General by the treasury weekly or after such periodical intervals as may be settled
between the Accountant-General and the Government separately in respect of (i) Central
transactions other than Railways and (ii) Railway transactions occurring in State non-
bank sub-treasuries subordinate to a State bank treasury.
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Treasury Officers should send to the Accountant-General on the 8th, 16th, 24th
and the last day of each month statements showing Central (non-railways) transactions in
non-bank treasuries in Form T.A. XV. Treasury Officers should send similar statements
to the Accountant-General in regard to railway transactions in Form T.A. XVI on the 8th,
16th and 24th of the month and the 3rd of the succeeding month.
Treasury Officers should also send to the Railway Accounts Officers concerned
on the 8th, 16th and 24th of the month and the 3rd of the succeeding month lists of
payment and schedules of receipts in Form T.A. XVII (separate statements being
invariably prepared for payments and receipts) with the statement in Form T.A. XVI-A
“nil” statement in Form T.A. XVI should be sent to the Accountant-General if there are
no transactions on account of Railways during a week.
Note :----The Treasury Officer should see that the totals of the four weekly lists of
payments and schedules of receipts agree with the figures shown under the head “887.
Adjusting accounts with Railways” in the monthly treasury accounts and, if any
difference is noticed in the final compilation, a special supplement list of payments and
schedule of receipts in Form T.A. XV should be sent to the Accounts Officers of the
Railway concerned copies thereof being sent to the Accountant-General so as to reach his
office before the 6th of the next month.
Article 119. x x x x
Article 120. The following and such other schedules as the Accountant-General
may require (vide Article 98) should accompany the accounts mentioned above. (See also
Note 2 to Local Ruling 11 under Articles 95-99).
(Schedules relating to the Central transactions which do not affect the treasury
accounts have been omitted from the list below Articles 120).
(1) Schedule of Forest Remittances ……… Form T.A. 39 (vide Article 102)
(2) Extract from Register of Railway Receipts In the same form as the registers
(3) Extract from the Register of Public Works (vide Article 101).
Department receipts.
(1) Schedule of Forest Cheques paid In the same form as the Register
(vide Article 101).
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(1) Extract Register of Receipts and Form T.A. 45 (vide Article 108)
Payments of Personal Deposits
(supported by the original paid cheques).
(2) Plus and minus Memoranda Form T.A. 46 (vide Article 110)
Article 121. The Cash Account should be signed and certified by the District
Treasury Officer.
Article 122. (1) The Cash Account should be supported by a certificate that the
cash balance shown in the account has been verified according to prescribed rules and
agrees with the balance reported in the Cash Balance Report of the treasury for the last
day of the month.
(The procedure for the verification of the cash balance in the treasury is
prescribed in Subsidiary Rule 7 under Treasury Rule in Part II of the Andhra Pradesh
Treasury Code, Vol. 1),
(2) Where the cash business of the district treasury or any of its sub-treasuries is
conducted by the Bank, a certificate to the following effect should be given on the Cash
“Certified that the net amount credited/debited under the head “875. Deposits
with Reserve Bank - Deposits with Reserve Bank” Central/State agrees with the net
disbursements/receipts shown in the daily statements of Central/State receipts and
disbursements received from the Bank during the month, the totals of which were checked
and agreed with the totals shown in the copy, received in this treasury, of the daily
schedule rendered by the Bank to its Head, Office “.
A statement reconciling the next account debited or credited to the head “875.
Deposits with Reserve Bank - Deposits with Reserve Bank’ State” during a month by the
Bank with that appearing in the treasury account for the month should be furnished along
with the monthly account for each of the treasuries and sub-treasuries banking with a
Article 123. (1) The plus and minus memoranda in respect of stamps and opium
transactions should be accompanied by a certificate of actual count or weighment of
stock in the treasury and the sub-treasuries subordinate to it. The certificate should be
given in such form and at such intervals as may be prescribed by Government in
consultation with the Accountant-General.
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(2) A certificate should also recorded monthly on the plus and minus
memorandum for cash orders (Article 110) or Form T.A. 45 to the effect that the balance
of cash orders on sub-treasuries shown in Form T.A. 45 corresponds with the totals of the
outstanding shown in detail in Form T.A. 23.
Stamps :—(i) Treasury Officers should attach to the plus and minus memorandum
for September and March, rendered to the Accountant-General a certificate of actual
examination and count of stamp in stock as required in Standing Order No. 73 of the
Stamp Manual.
(ii) Treasury Officers should also in the monthly plus and minus memorandum
that the balance of stamps of each kind shown therein agrees with that shown in the
various stock registers and accounts kept at the treasury.
“I do hereby certify that the spoiled stamps to the value of Rs …….. entered in the
stamp account for ……. 19 ………. last as detailed below were counted and destroyed
and burnt in my presence :—
Rs. P.
1. Stock-Damaged Stamps -
A. Judicial Stamps –
B. Non-Judicial Stamps –
Non-judicial stamps
Destroying Officer”.
Articles 124 & 125 :—Deleted by G.O. Ms. No. 37, Fin. & Pin., Dt. 2-3-1981.
Article 126. For other classes of deposits which are accounted for as personal
deposits, a certificate from the administrator of every personal ledger account to the
effect that the balance claimed by him is of a named amount, and detailing his
outstanding cheques m order to explain the difference between his balance and that
admitted by the Treasury. Officer in his plus and minus memorandum should be sent with
the Clearance Register.
Md Zakir Ali
Note 2 :—lf the certificate of balances are not received from the Administrators
by the Treasury Officer within the stipulated time (six months) the Treasury Officer may
withhold further payment. In respect of cheques presented direct at the Bank also the
treasury can advise the Bank not to honour the cheques of the Administrators in the event
of non-furnishing of certificate of Balances of the Administrators by the stipulated time.
(G.0. Ms. No. 45, Fin. & Plug. Dt. 24-2-1987)
“I do hereby certify that the balance on the 31st March, 19 personal deposits
relating to the wards and attached estates shown below are Rs. and that the credit balance
or each estate as shown below agrees with the balance of the Treasury Officer and there
were no outstanding cheques on that date:-
Rs. Ps.
Estate A
Estate B
Estate C
Total _____
Date 19 Administrator”.
“I do hereby certify that the balance on the 31st March, 19 of personal deposits
relating to the sub-treasuries shown below is Rs……. and that the credit balance of each
account agrees with the sum of the cash orders ascertained to be outstanding :
Rs. Ps.
Sub-treasury A
Sub-treasury B
Sub-treasury C
Total _____
Article 127. Immediately after 31st March each year, a list of deposits or balances
of that year, which lapse under the rules of Government, should also be submitted to the
Accountant-General in Form T.A. 49. The list should be signed by the District Treasury
For this purpose, the registers of deposits should be taken up early in March and
an extract made on ruled paper of those of each class which will, in ordinary course,
whether from age or pettiness, lapse at the end of the month. This list should then be
reviewed by the District Treasury Officer, and any item which in his opinion should not
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be so dealt with should be struck out and at the same time (if it be an item lapsing from
age) entered on the first page of the Clearance Registers (vide Article 125) for that class,
full detail of the reasons why it is not to laps being given in a covering memorandum.
Similarly, if any item is repaid in the course of the month, it should be struck Out of this
list at the same time as the payment is entered in the registers of receipt and repayment.
On the 31st March, each of these lists should be checked again with the register of
receipts in which the items pertaining to the list should be marked off as having lapsed
and been credited to Government on 31st March.
1. General :—The treasury Officer should simply deduct the total amount of
lapses front the plus and minus memorandum of deposits for March and not make any
transfer adjustments of it in his account as this is made in the office of the Accountant-
General after the statements have been verified.
2. Civil Courts’ deposits :—(a) The High Court and the City Civil Court :—The
High Court and the City Civil Court will prepare annual statement of lapses and send
them to the Accountant-General.
In the case of the City Court of Small Causes, when deposits lapse by efflux of
time, the Court clears the deposit head by actually drawing a cheque to the credit of the
Government out of the deposits and remitting it to the bank for adjustment.
(b) Mufassal Civil Courts :—(i) Courts dealing with treasuries which do not
transact their cash business through the Bank — Each year the Judge should sent to the
Treasury Officer two statements of sums received in his Court and in Courts subordinate
to it as deposit which have lapsed under the rules and are to be credited to the
Government under the orders of the competent authority. The Statements should specify
for each deposit the date of receipt, the number and the existing credit balance. One of the
statements should include deposits not exceeding five rupees, unclaimed for one whole
year ending with the 31st December, of the previous year, balances not exceeding five
rupees of deposits partly repaid during that year and of all sums deposited in the Court on
account of batta to witnesses, and of all sums paid into such Court for securing the
services of Government Officers, which balances and sums have been unclaimed for the
whole of that year. The Judge should attach a certificate to the Statement stating that he
has accorded sanction for crediting to the Government, the items shown in the statement.
This statement should be sent to the Treasury Officer on or before the 15th March of each
year. The other statement should include all sum other than those mentioned in the
statement of items not exceeding five rupees, etc., lapsing on the first January of that
year, if they have remained unclaimed for more than three full years, the period of three
full years being computed with reference to the date of last payment and not from the
date of original deposit. The Judge should append a certificate to the statement that he
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has accorded sanction for crediting to the Government the items shown in the statement.
This statement should be sent to the Treasury Officer by the 15th March each year.
(ii) Court dealing with treasuries which transact their cash business through the
Bank - At the end of each financial year the presiding Judge of each Court should furnish
direct in the Treasury Officer of the district two statements of lapses in the manner
prescribed in clause (I) above.
6. Lapsed deposits in sub-treasuries :—In April of each year the Treasury Officer
should prepare statements of lapses of revenue and Criminal Courts’ deposits and
forward them to the sub-treasuries of the district. Mufassal Civil Courts should prepare
statements of lapsed City Courts Deposits in April of each year and send them to the sub-
treasury Officer concerned through the Treasury Officer. On receipt of these statements
the Sub- treasury Officer should make an entry under his own initials, of the lapsing of
each deposit in the register of receipts.
When the month accounts are closed, the sum lapsed should be substracted from
the balance in the plus and minus memorandum.
[Note :—This chapter relates solely to Central transactions and has therefore been
Md Zakir Ali