"Transforming The Jing Into Qi" WLP

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Detailed Explanation of the restorative method of “Transforming the Jing

into Qi” in the The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic text
By Master Wang LiPing

讲授 | 孤独居士王力平
笔受 | 胡乔


Depending on the area of interest and research, t he Yellow Emperor

Inner Classic (Inner Classic for short) expounds from the
fundamentals of basic human physiology into a life science that
encompasses the relationship of Man with the greater cosmos and
man’s place within the Heaven and Earth. About the latter, the
Inner Classic explores the dynamic relationships of timing and
of place and with man. Specifically how man ought to live
naturally by consciously taking advantage of correct timing and
living within correct spaces and the optimal dynamics between
things within our environment, with the hope to live a longer,
healthier life without dis-ease and illness. So if you suffer
from a wind chill then it would cause the body to undergo some
small changes naturally without developing into an y serious

On the section on human organs and their functions, the Inner
Classic is interested to know what should be done once a person
develops some sort of medical condition. How can one restore the
original order and balance of one’s body’s life-form. In the
ancient days after a major illness or epidemic, the symptoms of
patients may have abated but the natural order of the body’s
life-form has not been totally restored. So whether you are a
normal (unaffected)person around the patient or the patient
themselves, everyone will invariably be affected one way or
another with possible imbalances in the mind-body, pulse or
internal organs/visceral. The Inner Classic describes four stages
one must undergo to restore the natural order of the body:
1)Readjust; 2)Recondition; 3)Restore; 5)Recuperate

During the Readjustment stage, one lives in harmony and in
attunement with the natural rhythms of nature in accordance to
correct timing and correct living space and in addition uses
external agents like herbs and food to regulate internal
functions of the organs, including the Qi of the Jing and Qi of
the blood, to restore order within the body. For the next stage
of Reconditioning, the focus is to regulate the emotions and the
psychology/psyche of the person. The Restoration stage attempts
to restore specific organs, the Qi of the Jing and the Blood. At
this point, the order within the body life-form is more or less
restored but the physical body still requires time to recover and
recuperate from the weakness from the illness. The internal
organs still require further support and attention so various
active movement approaches eg Ba Duan Jin exercises, Yi Jin Jing
exercises or taichi are recommended for the final Recuperation

1 用移精变气修复自己

1 Restoring Oneself through Transforming the Jing into Qi


During the restorative process it is important to fill one’s

body completely with Jing and Qi to allow the blood and Qi to
return to a normalized state. One method to achieve these goals
is through Transforming the Jing into Qi. The ancients made use
of their own Yi Nian, Yi Shi and Shen Yi to mobilize their body’s
internal Jing Qi and Blood Qi to regulate the meridians, internal
organs, body surfaces so as to shift a chaotic state within the
body into a more orderly and balanced state, towards what is more
natural and normal.

(1) 用意念调整四肢和躯干的运动,充实身体的精气,使我们的活动能力更
(2) 用意念和意识调整呼吸与四肢、躯干的运动,使精气、血气通畅,逐步
(3) 以意念、意识与神意调动我们自身体内的精气和血气,按我们的意识所

The ancient art of Transforming Jing into Qi is done in 3 steps:

1) use Yi Nian to regulate the four limbs and body’s movements
to fill the body up with Jing Qi so that daily activities can be
performed normally;
2)use Yi Nian and Yi Shi to regulate the breathing, four limbs
and body movements so that the Jing Qi and Blood Chi can circulate
freely within the body, the breathing becoming more gentle and
developing a sense of inner calm, peace and relaxation;
3) use Yi Nian, Yi Shi and Shen Yi to regulate the Jing Qi and
Blood Qi by directing one’s Yi Shi to restore the inner organs,
clear the meridians and smoothen out the Qi within the body. So
that all the tissues and organs of the body function optimally,
the meridians get filled with Jing Qi/Blood Qi and the internal
organs and body regaining back the natural order of the life-


There are numerous methods to Transform the Jing into Qi but we

recommend the Taoist approach to regulate the Upper Warmer and
Lower Warmer. There are 4 methods here: standing, sitting,
meditative pose and an active pose. The training method and
breathing for the 3 passive poses are similar and it entails the
use of one’s Yi Shi, Yi Nian, Shen Qi and Shen Yi

2 姿势
2 Positions
Standing pose

Get into the Wuji standing position. Stand naturally, feet

shoulder width or slightly more than shoulder width apart. Both
arms naturally drop by the side. Shoulder, arms, elbows, wrist
all relaxed. Palms facing inward and towards one another. Spine
straighten, relax the chest and pelvis, both knees slightly bent
and 2 feet clasping the ground

Sitting Position


Sit on a bench or chair. Both legs drop naturally, relax both

feet but touching the ground. Fingers from both hands naturally
apart, palms facing down, gently placed over the knees. This
mudra is also known as the “Ping An” pose

Meditative Sitting Pose


Naturally sitting or open sitting. Once in position, place both

palms downwards gently over the knees. Relax whole body
3 预备式
3 Starting/Preparation Positions


When you are in position and finish regulating yourself, both

eyes look forward, look into the distance, the further the better.
Your Yi Nian is at the distance. Slowly bring back the Shen Guang,
till the point between the eye brows and gently close your e yes.
Be still. Focus your Yi Nian on your breathing, regulate your
breathing until it is gentle, even and long. In and out breath
must be even. Slowly relax the physical body. Stabilize the heart

4 行功
4 Practice
Regulating the Upper Warmer

(1) 吸气: 用鼻深深吸气,意念在胸腔和两肺,一边吸气一边收紧,气达胸

收紧。 停息: 此时不吸不呼,停一会儿,停息中用意念加力、发力,肋
骨、胸腔及两肺扩大,此时脊柱微微正直。再停息,坚持一会。 呼气:
(1)Breathe in: Breathe in deeply through the nose. Yi Nian is in
the chest cavity and both lungs, breathe and contract at the same
time until the Qi reaches the chest cavity and both lungs
(“Filling the Golden Room with Qi”). Breathe until you are
unable to breathe, both ribs exert some pressure and contract.
Stop breathing. Do not inhale or exhale for a while. Increase
pressure from Yi Nian and then push out, expand the ribs, lungs
and chest cavity. The spine is now slightly straighten. Continue
to hold your breath. Persist a while longe r. Breathe out: very
slowly use your nose or nose/mouth to breathe out. At the same
time totally relax both your ribs, chest cavity, both lungs,
spine. Ensure you expel all the dirty Qi from both the lungs

(2) 吸气: 再用鼻深深吸气,用意念和意识将胸腔和两肺收紧,尽量把气吸

满,注意让两肺的肺尖和底部尽量吸满。 停息: 不吸不呼,停一会儿,
一点一点往上挺。再停息,待一会。 呼气: 然后用鼻(或口鼻一起)慢

(2) Breathe in: Continue to breathe deeply through the nose, use
your Yi Nian and Yi Shi to contract chest cavity and both lungs
so that they are completely filled with Qi. Ensure that the tips
and bottom of the lungs are completely filled and not left out.
Stop breathing. No inhalation or exhalation. Pause. Use your Yi
Nian and Yi Shi to exert more pressure on both lungs and ribs so
that the chest cavity is fully expanded. The spine has a slight
upward movement. Continue to hold the breath for a while more .
Breathe out: very slowly use your nose or nose/mouth to breathe
out. Ensure you expel all the Qi from both lungs

(3)吸气: 用意念、意识吸气到两肺,两肺收小,再吸气、再收紧,收到再
也不能吸。 停息: 不吸不呼,停一会儿,然后用意念、意识和神意让肺部、
胸腔和肋骨都增大,想办法让胸腔甚至全身发热,以精气肥腠理。 呼气:

(3) Breathe in: Use Yi Nian, Yi Shi to breathe into both lungs,
contract both lungs. Breathe in again, contract again, contract
until you are unable to breathe in further. Stop breathing. No
inhalation or exhalation. Pause. Use Yi Nian, Yi Shi and Shen Yi
to expand the lungs, chest cavity and ribs. Try to warm up the
chest cavity and your entire body. Fill up interstitial cavities
with Jing Qi. Breathe out: Hold your breath a little longer before
you slowly expel all the qi from your body

Regulating the Lower Warmer

(3) 吸气: 用鼻深深吸气,提肛、收前阴、收小腹,提肛是为了封住食谷之

前后能贴上,吸到不能吸。 停息: 不呼不吸,停住。此时用意念让小腹
外部和小腹都增大,再停息,坚持一会儿。 呼气: 然后慢慢地用口(或

(4) Breathe in: Breathe deeply through the nose, contract anus(to
seal the passage way of the Qi of the food grain/solids), genitals
(to seal the passage way of the Qi of the water/fluids) and
xiaofu. Use Yi Nian to contact xiaofu, the tighter the better,
best if the front of the body is in contact with the back of the
body, breathe in until you are unable to breathe in anymore. Stop
breathing. No inhalation or exhalation. Pause. Use Yi Nian to
expand the exterior of the xiaofu and the xiaofu. Pause further.
Persist a while longer. Breathe out: slowly breathe out through
the mouth or nose/mouth, relax the exterior or the xiaofu and
xiaofu at the same time.
(5) 吸气: 再吸气,提肛、收前阴、收小腹,收紧,再收紧,收到不能收。
停息: 不吸不呼,停一会儿,然后小腹用力,使小腹内腔尽量增大,再停
息,坚持一会儿。 呼气: 再慢慢用口(或口鼻一起)呼气。

(5) Breathe in: Breathe in, contract anus, genitals and xiaofu.
Contract and contract until you can contract no more. Stop
breathing: no inhalation or exhalation. Pause a while. Xiaofu
exert force to expand the xiaofu cavity. Stop breathing. Persist
a while longer. Breathe out: slowly breathe out through the mouth
or nose/mouth, breathe out.

(6) 吸气: 再吸气,提肛、收前阴、收小腹,加重意念、意识和神意,收紧,

再收紧,收到不能收。 停息: 不吸不呼,停一会儿,然后小腹用力,使小
想办法让腹腔甚至全身发热,以精气肥腠理。 呼气: 再慢慢用口(或口鼻

(6) Breathe in: Breathe in, contract anus, genitals and xiaofu.
Increase Yi Nian, Yi Shi and Shen Yi. Contract and contract until
you can contract no more. Stop breathing: no inhalation or
exhalation. Pause a while. Xiaofu exert force to expand the xiaofu
cavity, xiaofu and the exterior of the xiaofu. Expand until you
cannot expand any more. Stop breathing. Persist a while longer.
Try to warm up the xiaofu cavity and your entire body. Allow the
Jing Qi filled up the interstitial cavities. Breathe out: slowly
breathe out through the mouth or nose/mouth, breathe out

上述调整上焦与下焦的(1)~(6)步为 1 组,若体力有余,可以接着做第 2 组、
第 3 组。
(1) to (6) above constitutes one set. If you are physically fit
you can repeat the same set 2 to 3 rounds
Things to Take Note

1. 上、下焦一定要连续做。分别修炼上焦与下焦时,炼哪块,神意就在哪,
1.Upper Warmer practice must be done with Lower Warmer Practice
together. Focus your Shen Yi on the part of the body where you
are practicing on. There could be extraneous movements occurring
at other parts of the body but ignore them.

2. 做上焦时,眼睛闭目平视,微微往下看,看胸腔。到下焦时,眼睛闭目
2.While doing the Upper Warmer practice, eyes closed look ahead,
gently look downwards at the chest cavity. While at the Lower
Warmer, eyes closed and look downwards, with Yi Nian quickly
shift the eyes from chest cavity to xiaofu cavity.

3. 所有与移精变气相关的功法必须要有停息与闭气这一个环节,否则无法
变气的根本所在。3.For all the practice intending to Transform the
Jing into Qi, the part on stopping breathing and holding the
breath is critically important, otherwise the “transformation”
will not happen. However, in order to avoid con fusion among the
enthusiasts who have not undergone such practices under
supervision, the section on holding the breath has been omitted.
One positive sign after the practice is that the body will feel
very warm, this shows that the Qi is being fundamental ly

5 沐浴
5 Mu Yu (“Bathing”)
Depending on one’s physical fitness, relax the whole body after
the practice, get into either a quiet standing position or in
meditation sitting position. Wait for changes of the Qi within
the body. Do not have random thoughts at this stage. Focus on
your body. If there is too much random thoughts then you may rub
your face, rub your hands, get up and finish off the practice.

6 总结
6. Conclusion


The purpose of regulating the Upper Warmer and Lower Warmer is to

strengthen one’s immune system (through the Wei Qi) and further
consolidate the internal organs and visceral. During the
practice, one can experience the warming up of the chest cavity,
xiaofu cavity including the entire body. This is a sign that the
Wei Qi is being filled up. It is through the Wei Qi that the
interstitial cavities are being filled up. So in essence this
practice is to activate the Wei Qi so that we are protected from
within to outside, covering our muscles, hair pores , interstitial
cavities. In this way the external harmful negative energies are
prevented from entering our bodies. In conclusion, it is
advisable for those who have the time to engage in this
beneficial practice diligently daily

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