Hat72 Ats Controller User Manual: Zhengzhou Smartgen Technology Co.,Ltd
Hat72 Ats Controller User Manual: Zhengzhou Smartgen Technology Co.,Ltd
Hat72 Ats Controller User Manual: Zhengzhou Smartgen Technology Co.,Ltd
English trademark
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form
(including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means or other) without the
written permission of the copyright holder.
Smartgen Technology reserves the right to change the contents of this document without
prior notice.
If colors of actual products are different from those mentioned within this manual, please
take the actual product as the standard.
Software Version
Version Date Note
1.0 2007-12-01 Original release.
1.1 2015-03-11 Modify some details.
1.2 2015-04-21 Modify some details.
1 OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................... 5
5 TERMINAL ........................................................................................................ 9
Working conditions:
Weight: 0.2kg
◎ Operating
Module has two states: MAN state and AUTO state: the state can be switch by MAN/AUTO
button, the state can be display by Auto state led and Man state led.
MAN state
When Man state led is lighten, the module is at man state. Here, push(CLOSE Mains)
button, the relay of close mains will output, push(CLOSE Gens)button, the relay of close
Generator will output.
At this state, the relay of start generator is unable.
AUTO state
When Auto state led is lighten, the module is at auto state. When mains is normal,
Terminal 1(B-):connect to the cathode of battery
Terminal 2(B+):connect to the anode of battery
Terminal 3(Close Generator Input):Generator supply closed auxiliary input, connect
to (B-) is active
Terminal 4、5(Generator Start Output):output of Relay of start generator
(volts free ,5A250V)
Terminal 6、7(Generator AC Input):Generator AC Input
Terminal 8、9(Mains AC Input):Mains AC Input
Terminal 10、11(Close Mains Output):output of Relay of close mains
(volts free ,16A250V)
:output of Relay of close generator
Terminal 12、13(Close Generator Output)
(volts free ,16A250V)
Terminal 14(Close Mains Input):Mains supply closed auxiliary input, connect to (B-)
is active
Terminal (LINK):connect to PC by SG72
6 CASE DIMENSIONS(cutout:67*67mm)