Republic of The Philippines University Town, Northern Samar Web: Email
Republic of The Philippines University Town, Northern Samar Web: Email
Republic of The Philippines University Town, Northern Samar Web: Email
Subjective Data: HYPERTHERMIA Core body • Maintain core Assess neurological responses, High fever accompanied
temperature above the temperature within normal noting the level of consciousness by changes in mentation
fever normal diurnal range range. and orientation, reaction to stimuli,
due to failure of reaction of pupils, and presence of Central hypertension or
thermoregulation. • Be free of complications, posturing or seizures. postural hypotension can
Objective Data: such as irreversible brain occur.
Abnormal posturing; or neurological damage Monitor blood pressure and
seizure and acute renal failure. invasive hemodynamic parameters Hyperventilation may
initially be
Flushed skin; skin • Identify underlying cause if available
warm to touch; or contributing factors and present, but ventilatory effor
vasodilation importance of treatment, as Monitor respirations. may eventually be
well as signs/symptoms impaired
Hypotension; Administer replacement fluids and
requiring further
tachycardia; electrolytes by seizures or
evaluation or intervention.
tachypnea; apnea hypermetabolic state
Maintain bedrest (shock and acidosis).
• Demonstrate behaviors to
Irritability; lethargy;
monitor and promote Administer medications, as
stupor; coma to support circulating
normal thermia. indicated, to treat underlying cause, volume and tissue
such as antibiotics (for infection),
• Be free of seizure
dantrolene (for malignant to reduce metabolic
hyperthermia), or beta-adrenergic demands and oxygen
blockers (for thyroid storm). consumption perfusion.