Salem Advocates Bar Association, Tamil Nadu v. Union of India: The Case That Changed The Course of Civil Litigation in India
Salem Advocates Bar Association, Tamil Nadu v. Union of India: The Case That Changed The Course of Civil Litigation in India
Salem Advocates Bar Association, Tamil Nadu v. Union of India: The Case That Changed The Course of Civil Litigation in India
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1 author:
Swapnil Tripathi
National Law University, Jodhpur
All content following this page was uploaded by Swapnil Tripathi on 05 March 2018.
Mr.Swapnil Tripathi∗
Case Analysis:
Name of the Case: - Salem Advocate Bar Association, Tamil Nadu
v. Union of India1
Provisions Involved:-
• Section 80 of the Civil Procedure Code
• Section 148 of the Civil Procedure Code
• Section 89 of the Civil Procedure Code
Brief Facts-
Main Issue-
Arguments/ Pleadings
The case in depth discussed the report put forward. The report
was classified into three parts, each one of them was discussed in
great lengths.
Report One-
• The report dealt with a very niche area in Court
proceedings i.e. service of summons through courier. It
was contended that the courier’s report about the
defendant’s refusal to accept service is likely to lead to
serious malpractice
• The parties also raised a contention with respect to the
costs in a suit. It was contended that unscrupulous parties
take advantage of the fact that either there is no awarding
of costs by the Court or nominal costs are awarded on the
unsuccessful parties. It was submitted that only costs
which are reasonably incurred by successful parties
should be granted.
• Section 80 of the Civil Procedure Code, was also brought
into discussion wherein it was contended that prior notice
should be served to the government before filing of a suit
unless the matter is urgent and in need of an interim
• Section 148 of the Civil Procedure Code, was also
mentioned wherein the power of Court to enlarge time was
discussed. Reliance was placed on the case of Mahanth
RamDas v. Ganga Das,2 and it was submitted that
extension should be provided if the act could not be
provided within 30 days for reasons beyond the control of
the party but not for acts where the Limitation Act
provides for limits.
Report Two-
2 Mahanth Ram Das v. Ganga Das, (1961) 3 S.C.R. 763 (India).
3 Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (India).
4 P Anand Gajapathi Raju v. P.V.G. Raju, (2000) 4 S.C.C. 539 (India).
Bharati Law Review, Jan. – Mar., 2016 275
Further, it was also submitted that even if the arbitration
or any other proceeding is not successful, the Court would
not be barred to try the suit afterwards.
Report Three-
losing parties in every circumstance have to bear the cost, will be
negated. It will further lead to no frivolous claims being raised by
any party, as they will be aware that they will be penalized for the
same. The report has also taken into account various unforeseen
circumstances that may come up before a party, providing for
various extensions in form of time, so as to prevent denial of
justice merely on procedural rigmaroles.
This judgment has also been revered for its idea of introduction of
case management flow in the Indian judiciary. Case flow
management despite being a nascent concept in India, is of
central focus in the administration of judiciary in countries like
the United States of America.5Case flow management primarily
includes number of processes, starting from filing of disposition to
the dismissal or trial.6
5 Robert J Brink, Court Records- Review, Preservation, Storage and Access,73 LAW
LIBR. J. 997(1980).
161(Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall 1977).
Bharati Law Review, Jan. – Mar., 2016 277
occurred in the Court of Hong Kong, where more than a 1000
cases were listed to be heard in a span of 3 days.7
The judgment despite being one of its kind also suffers from
certain flaws. The author has listed these drawbacks in this part
of the paper.
1. Contradictory Stance
the former provision is more specific in nature, as it deals with
appealable cases alone. However, the Court in the judgment by
allowing the commission to record any statement even including
appealable cases has accepted the latter rule, hence overriding a
specific interpretation over a more general one.
However, the above stated view of the Court goes against the
settled definition of mediation, wherein a neutral third party
assists the parties in dispute to reach an amicable solution
without resorting to trial.10Contradictorily, the stance of the court
in the present case gives it the upper hand.
9 Justice R Raveendran, Alternate Dispute Resolution under Section 89 of the Code
of Civil Procedure Rules, (Sep. 8, 2015, 6:30:54 PM) available at
10 Ararammal Parkum A.B. & Ors. v. Panangadan Vachali Subhadra & Ors.,
2008(2)K.L.J. 508 (India).
11 Afcons Infrastructure Ltd. and Anr. v. Cherian Varkey Construction Co. (P) Ltd.
and Ors., (2010)8S.C.C. 24 (India).
Bharati Law Review, Jan. – Mar., 2016 279
5. Procedure envisaged goes against the basic premise of
Alternative Dispute Resolution Forum
The Court accepted the proposal of the Report, that the judge has
the discretion to accept the plaint after the expiry of 90 days or
not. The reason for the same was that there might be certain
factors that might have not let the plaintiff file the plaint on time.
However, a better suggestion to deal with the delay of filing a
plaint, was provided by the 253rdLaw Commission Report, 2015.12
The Commission provided for acceptance of plaint only till 120
days and a blanket ban after that. This recommendation of the
law commission seems to be a better alternative, as four months
is a reasonable time which takes into account all circumstances
that might arise and lead to a delay in filing the plaint. In the
past, when the discretion to accept a plaint or not was left with
the judges it has led to exorbitant delays in the cases being filed
and reaching the trial.
A major problem that the courts face today despite having efficient
reforms is that of implementation. A suggestion to tackle that
front is the constitution of a Compliance Committee, which checks
the implementation of the said guidelines and ensures
12 253 Law Commission Report, 2015 available at
Bharati Law Review, Jan. – Mar., 2016 280
compliance. Such a committee can be headed by the Chief Judge
of the Court.