Horizontal Pressure Vessel Designe Project One: Acknowledgement
Horizontal Pressure Vessel Designe Project One: Acknowledgement
Horizontal Pressure Vessel Designe Project One: Acknowledgement
First of all great thanks to my god which help me and with on every things of my activities and
also who achieved me to this two and half year life, and who made me a person who take this
project course.
I would like to give my deepest appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Beyene Gadisa, for their
invaluable guidance, constructive criticism and encouragement during the course of this project.
Grateful acknowledgement is made to all the staff and faculty members of Mechanical
Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Wollega University for their guidance on
different things.
Pressure Vessel is an important part of many industries such as chemical industries, oil and gas
industry, marine applications, power industry. A pressure vessel is a container used to store
fluids, gases and substances at a pressure more or less than the atmospheric pressure. Pressure
vessels are used to store toxic gases, cryogenic substances, chemicals, water and steam at
extremely high or low temperatures. The pressure differential causes bursting of pressure vessel
which is hazardous to people working around and also a big loss for the industry. Therefore the
design of pressure vessel is critical and standard codes are required to be used for the design
purpose. For the industries based on pressure vessel design and manufacturing software are
developed which eliminate the hectic task of doing analytical calculations.
Vertical vessels are massive structures used in storing and different fluids. Due to the
massiveness of the structure and pedestal considerations, an octagonal foundation is designed in
place of a simple rectangular footing. The design includes analyzing of loads from
superstructure, design of base plate and foundation bolt, design of pedestal and footing. The
design of pile is not considered in the present study. The main objective of the study is to
evaluate the manual method of design procedure. The same footing is modeled in different
commercial finite element software. Performance of the designed foundation as obtained from
the finite element analysis is then compared with that obtained from manual calculations.
Maximum moment obtained from the software for the given support forces are found to be
higher than those calculated manually according to Process Industry Practices guideline.
Therefore, the design process outlined in PIP underestimates the bending moment demand as per
the present study. However the present study is based on one typical case study.
σall = allowable tensile stress for the pressure vessel, N/mm2
Sut = ultimate tensile strength for the pressure vessel material, N/mm2
Syt = yield strength for pressure vessel material, N/mm2
δy – yield strength
F.S – safety factor
V h=volume of the head
Vs=volume of the shell
D = internal diameter of the shell
L=length of the shell
p = internal pressure
σ = maximum allowable stress
V= volume of cylinder
CA = corrosion allowance
ρ = density of material selected
g = acceleration due to gravity
t = thickness
db = bolt diameter
M = gasket factor
B = inside diameter of flange for can pipe
2b = effective gasket pressure
tf = Flange thickness,
G’ = mane diameter of gasket,
WT = Total weight
WS = Weight of shell
WH = Weight of head
WIO = Weight of inlet and outlet
WC = Weight of content
Table of Content
Table of contents…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………iv
Pressure vessel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….1
1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….1
3 methodology………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….14
CHAPTER SIX……………………………………………………………………………44
6.1 CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………….………...44
Appendix B…………………………………………..…………………………………47