Self-Styling, Popular Culture, and The Construction of Global-Local Identity Among Japanese Food Lovers in Purwokerto
Self-Styling, Popular Culture, and The Construction of Global-Local Identity Among Japanese Food Lovers in Purwokerto
Self-Styling, Popular Culture, and The Construction of Global-Local Identity Among Japanese Food Lovers in Purwokerto
People are currently faced with the kaleidoscopic flux of dishes, that almost everyone encounters various foods
from around the world, one of which is Japanese Food. The presence of Japanese food in Purwokerto City, Central
Java is the consequence of the global power with its capability to produce thoughts and ideas, real or illusory,
related to their products and all of which influence local values and cultures. This research studies the impacts
of globalization as reflected in the formation of identity and lifestyle in connection with Japanese food
consumption. The research’s objective is to study some powers the decision to consume Japanese food is based
on from the perspective of popular culture’s influence. The research result shows that according to the
participants, media and popular culture products contribute to the formation of layered identities. The
globalization of Japanese food consumption culture does not produce cultural homogenization process, as one
of many powers in the participants’ life, and media has encouraged heterogenization. Through concept and
practice of appropriation processes, Japanese food consumption has become part to communicate their cultural
identity. The presence of Japanese food is one factor of the emergence of a new lifestyle, namely “Japanese
lifestyling”, which is one lifestyle practiced by some people of Purwokerto which serves to enrich its consumers’
identity to be individuals who attempt to embrace the world through eating experience.
Appropriation, cultural homogenization, cultural heterogenization, Japanese lifestyling, food culture
©2020 I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication, Vol. 1 No. 1 (February-June)
cooking books, and particularly manga, anime, how is the homogeneity or heterogeneity
TV show and Japanese dramas, even long before expressed through Purwokerto society’s
they are actually present at surrounding lifestyle?
restaurants or shops.
According to JETRO (Japan External Globalization: Global-Local Connection
Trade Organization), for ASEAN territory, Giddens (1990) states that globalization will lead
Indonesia is the second biggest target after to an intensification of social relation which
Thailand as the target country of Japanese connects one place with another allowing a
culinary development (Jetro, 2013)1. Therefore, certain implication as the result of an event
Indonesia is deemed as one country which occurring in a geographically distant place.
massively accepts the influence of Japanese
culture, as shown with successful distribution of The intensification of worldwide social
Japanese popular cultures, such as anime, manga, relations which link distant localities in
music and fashion, which serve as such a way that local happenings are
entrepreneurial opportunities for youths, which shaped by event occurring many miles
away and vice relations
has currently reached to culinary business. This
within locale or place are being
may be identified with the presence of Japanese ’disembedded’ and ‘…lifted out’ from
food with any of its variations as we may find local contexts of interaction and
from luxurious restaurants to cafés, shops and restructured across time and space.”2
stands on the roadside. Japanese food has
become one outdoor culinary destination of the The existing social relation is a global
Indonesians (Wicaksono, 2013; Pinilih & Shaferi, relation, such as one occurring with a local
2015). eating habit influenced by an eating habit from
This research aims at investigating media’s another corner of the world. Local activities are
influence on the decision to consume Japanese formed by ‘events existing tens of kilometers
food by exploring how Japanese popular away’. This means that various celebrations or
cultures (manga, anime, etc.) influence the sense other events occurring in a place are clearly
of cultural identity and how this identity is later influenced and formed by events existing
expressed through a decision to consume kilometers away. This is the effect of
Japanese food. The decision to focus on the globalization with regard to time narrowing. In
channels is based on the fact that Japanese addition, the concept of distance also changes.
popular cultures are the media which present Robertson (1992) reveals something which may
much information of the lifestyle phenomena. well explain spatial distance in globalization as
This study investigates the impacts of follows:
globalization as reflected in formation of identity
and lifestyle with regard to Japanese food Globalization as a concept refers both to
consumption by the people of Purwokerto, the compression of the world and the
Central Java. intensification of consciousness of the
world as a whole…both concrete global
Through an ethnographic research, this
interdependence and consciousness of
study is based on three big questions: First, does the global whole in the twentieth
Japanese food consumption influence century.”3
Purwokerto society’s ‘sense of cultural identity’?
Second, does Japanese food consumption, which Furthermore, Laksono (2009, p. 9) argues
is present through magazines, televisions or that in the globalization process, there are
internet, lead to Purwokerto society’s cultural processes of adaptation or resistance to the
homogeneity or cultural heterogeneity? Third, incoming waves, both locally and regionally.
Lusiana, Laksono & Hariri, Self-Styling, Popular Culture, and the Construction of Global-Local Identity
Therefore, every region is touched by global states that although human’s increased physical
interconnection which makes local communities mobility is an important cultural aspect in the
or localities in all corners of the world can no global modernity, but for most people, the
longer be deemed isolated and exotic globalization aspect which is felt is not in travel,
communities4. This research employs the but in the aspect of not going anywhere
globalization approach as the basic framework physically or, in other words, staying at home.
to get an understanding of localization process Mazzarella (2004, p. 356) states that the
which will illustrate the global-local connecting concept of mediation is the main concept in
process of Japanese eating culture in viewing culture in the framework of
Purwokerto. The global-local relation serves as globalization phenomena. Globalization causes
the reference of how interaction is performed changes to the concept of culture of which initial
by local community in the process to go boundaries are clear to be something very
worldwide through eating experience. This complex. The fact influences the cultures and
globalization approach views how the existing identity of a group of community which are
process is a non-linear, unavoidable process initially clear (differences and similarities) to be
which seems to make local culture eliminated, difficult to identify. In observance of this,
overlapped (Appadurai, 1996) and disconnected Mazzarella proposes the concept of mediation
(Appadurai, 1990; 1996). through information technology development as
embodied in the main form of mass media.
Mediated Globalization Furthermore, mass media serves as the key
Global-local relation serves as the reference of aspect to create significant values in a culture.
how interaction is performed by local Mazzarella optimistically views the existing
community in the process to go worldwide process in media’s work as the one to form
through eating experience. This globalization culture itself.
approach views how the existing process is a Globalization allows foods and eating
non-linear, unavoidable process which seems to cultures from all corners of the world to move
make local culture eliminated, overlapped (and across space and time. Therefore, it is not
disconnected (Appadurai, 1990; 1996). Another surprising that we find various typical foods of
interesting thing is the concept of mediated other regions in a place and that almost
globalization, which is a process of going everyone throughout the world has become
worldwide occurring through media and fanatic consumer of goods or foods from out of
communication (Rantanen, 2005, p. 8). In other their own geographical area. Such a condition
words, humans in the world connect with each may be illustrated with a term “kaleidoscopic flux
other because of global current’s influence of dishes”, a condition where various foods come
brought by media. from around the world (Laemmerhirt, 2010, p.
The idea of the concept of mediated 232). This fact allows an individual to have an
globalization refers to the fact that an individual adventure of taste, have a taste of and consume
or community may remain living in a place various foods from around the world without
physically, but may become the subject of or having to leave their home or domestic
play an active role in the globalization process, territory.
as stated by Tomlinson (1999, p. 150) that
“Though increased physical mobility is an Glocalization: A Melting-Pot of the Global and
important cultural aspect of global modernity as the Local
a whole, it is fair to say that for most people One characteristic of globalization is open
most of the time is the impact of globalization is possibilities of global and local interaction
felt not in travel but in staying at home.” He (Tomlinson, 1999, p. 181). Contemporary eating
©2020 I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication, Vol. 1 No. 1 (February-June)
culture cannot be separated from the concept Hybridization and Appropriation Strategy
of globalization. Cultural globalization has The emergence of glocalization will in turn lead
created a cultural space where there are, on one to cultural complexion called by Canclini (1995)
hand, cultural uniformity, homogenization and as “hybrid culture” or as cultural logics of
cultural imperialism; on the other hand, there globalization as stated by Kraidy (2005) as
are very complex cultural crossing, exchange “hybridity” or ‘glocal culture”, since
and enriching (Piliang, 2009)5. globalization itself is a process of ‘hybridization’,
The issues presented by globalization as revealed by Neverdeen Pieterse
such as Americanization, new colonization and “globalization as hybridization” (Ibrahim &
cultural imperialism are criticized, for example, Akhmad, 2014, p. 27). Hybridization may also be
by a view which tends to see that globalization called mixing or fusion. In this case, there is
also creates cultural adaptation and mixing of food material, cooking method,
accommodation through a process called by serving method and how to eat a dish which
Roland Robertson (1995, p. 145) as then produces new, previously unimaginable
‘glocalization’. The term is adopted from culinary culture. Hybridization process is a
Japanese language, dochakuka6. In a conference creative process to combine various aspects of
“Globalization and Indigeneous Culture” in 1997, a food in a creolization process. Pieterse (2004)
Robertson states that glocalization ‘means states that improved quality and quantity are
simultaneous emergence of universal and expected in this fusion process. The fusion takes
centralized tendency”. Some state it as think place with an element which is deemed
globally and act locally (Sigismondi, 2005) and excellent, which is then taken and combined
globalization with local flavor (Budiharjo, 2015). with other element which is also deemed
We may state that glocalization is an attempt to excellent.
adapt a product or service for it to be accepted Appropriation is a process to adapt to the
throughout the world, in adaptation to local taste, to adopt terms used and use the existing
taste and needs. The adaptation does not surrounding materials, make them different and
necessarily change the product, but a change in bias original culture. Appropriation is an act to
marketing strategy may be sufficient to draw a make something foreign to be ‘its own’
new market from a new community. (Laksono, 2009, p. 19). The concept of
Globalization illustrates that eating appropriation assumes that when an individual
cultures are moving, taken or moved from their buys and uses an object, he will willingly or
roots, from their region or place of origin and unwillingly modify it by trying to fuse it into daily
distributed to other places throughout the routines. A process where an individual makes
world. In its journey, when they meet and his own goods and makes them suitable for him
interact with other eating cultures, they create is called ‘appropriation working method’
new hybrid culture. We here find the impact of (Carrier, 1995; Miller 1987 in Niva, 2008).
cultural diffusion and corporate glocalization. In The researchers assume that one of the
this case, the researchers will investigate what interesting aspects in this research is the
and how global media’s exposure to the possibility to explore further the respondents’
respondents will influence their identity possible hybrid identity. The discussion will
formation, particularly regarding global-local continue to explore of to what extent media has
identity formation formed and conveyed encouraged creation of mixed identity. It will
through consumption style. also explore the behavior of how Japanese food
has been used to express hybridity.
Lusiana, Laksono & Hariri, Self-Styling, Popular Culture, and the Construction of Global-Local Identity
Food, Culinary, and Popular Culture a signifier of social status. He explains how taste
Food is more than just a fuel for bodies. It is a is formed socially and serves as the
site of consumption process, pleasure, morality ‘differentiator’ of individual’s social status. In
and art. As Krishnendu Ray (2007, p. 57) asserts addition, the proponent of French eating culture
the “very visibility of something that was ‘Brillat-Savarin’ states that we may identify a
mundane, trivial, and habitual is somewhat person’s personality and a country’s culture
embarrassing but the source of discomfort for from the food they consume continuously “Tell
some may be the dissolution of boundary me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.”
between the life world and the art world”. In this context, eating culture actually
Meanwhile, Chamberlain (2004, p. 468) concurs cannot be understood monodisciplinarily, such
that food permeates relationship between as anthropology, psychology or sociology.
humans, enters language and imagination worlds Reviewing food in human life actually reaches
and exists around human life. Food as popular the domain of how humans construct meaning
culture exists saturating human visual and personally, which is at the same time
sensory modes through television, magazine, constructed by socio-cultural situations in which
newspaper, specialist food blogs and recipes there is power relation. Eating culture has
sharing sites (Chamberlain, 2004). become part of cultural studies. Ashley et al.
Through print culture, broadcasting, (2004) then seriously studies food from the
advertisement and branding, food enters perspective of cultural study. For almost a
capitalism domain, as formation of wish or decade, cultural studies explore food issues in
desire and distribution of certain food through relation to the history and textual analysis of
cultural rules or codes of mass media. Media food media, such as recipe books, cooking
culture is a cultural industry organized with program in television, emergence of celebrity
mass production model and shown to mass chefs and eating out practice.
audiences pursuant to certain type, rule and Here, popular culture becomes an arena
code. Media culture integrates culture and of contestation where new narrations, change in
technology. Media culture leads audience, identity and its practice become part of
defines what is deemed good and bad, positive contemporary subject making. This is made by
or negative and morel or immoral (Keller, 1995, making projection of the future, searching for
p. 1). Media culture show shows which eating alternative reality and proving that various
behaviors are healthy and which are unhealthy, interests, closeness and aspirations or a
who may consume such food and where to collective imagination may become the
consume. The presence of food in mass media background of social agent or movement. In this
makes food as part of popular culture. case, imagination may be political, since it comes
Popular culture may influence individual’s to form and regulate a social practice and
change in taste to choose a food. Individual’s discourse (Appadurai, 1996, p. 4).
acceptance of a popular culture may change the In this domain, the relation between food
society’s behavioral pattern. Initially, all issues of and popular culture is built when eating activity
taste are deemed individual, private, subjective is human’s very important experience which
and entirely personal. Taste is a preference depends on material, physique and body. We
which is based only on personal interest. are aware of how complicated the relation
However, according to Bourdieu (1984), taste is between body and imagined reality, such as
not something natural. In his opinion, taste is not desire, imagination, memory and dream existing
a person’s ‘choice’. It is a social construction in and around body which influence individual’s
which is built, particularly through education growth is. Where do the desire, imagination,
and nurturing. In further process, taste serves as memory and dream come from? Parasecoli
©2020 I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication, Vol. 1 No. 1 (February-June)
(2008) states that imagination, image or idea will then becomes the media to construct identity
be out of the body but keep shadowing our by consuming goods.
thought, which is derived from exposure to Gerke (2002) states that in China and
popular culture. In his opinion, popular culture Indonesia, identity and status construction
contains visual element, idea, practice and shown through consumer product are
discourse which influence the body, regarding unavoidable, that eventually social meaning
what we eat and use through all systems which becomes inherent in goods. This leads to
will ensure that we will obtain what we imagine interrelation between the expansions aspects of
with all of social and political consequences consumerism to be mid-class lifestyle in
(Parasecoli, 2008). Indonesia. The increase in the number of mid-
Fiske (in Suwarno, 2012, p. 13) states that class society is closely related to educational
popular culture is new culture and will keep system improvement, thus there is a hope for
developing in line with the development of upward mobility, better income, consumption
information media as the consequence of improvement and lifestyle. This may be
globalization. Food as one form of popular observed from an increased number of
culture which has reached many countries is ownerships of private cars, private motorcycles
closely related to the globalization process. and modern housing complex.
‘Food and globalization cannot be separated’ Furthermore, Gerke (2002) also reveals
said Alexander Nutzenadel and Frank Trentman that the Indonesian mid-class society is not equal
(2008, p. 1). In their opinion, there is relatively to that of other countries such as Europe,
high correlation between globalization process America and Asia. The characteristics and
and food, where food may trigger globalization identification of the Indonesian mid-class society
movement, while globalization may change cannot be grouped based on their occupation,
perception of food. education and income. Gerke (2002, p. 145)
Furthermore, Ibrahim (in Suwarno, 2013, states that in Indonesia there is no clear line
p. 3) states that popular culture contains between mid-class and other social classes, thus
elements which are not only related to art and it is difficult to identify who are in mid-class and
norms, but also contains political values of how who are not when the parameters for
cultural productions progress. The relation developing countries are used. The classical
between popular culture and food lies on how parameters commonly used to identify mid-class
popular culture may influence our decision to in America and Europe (SES=occupation,
choose, buy, consume and enjoy food. In income, education) cannot be used to explain
addition, the worldwide distribution of the Indonesian mid-class. Gerke concludes that
communication media presents us information the Indonesian mid-class grouping cannot be
of what we should eat and how we should live made with the three parameters, but with social
our life, how to live a lifestyle. behavior and lifestyle.
He states that the Indonesians tend to
Lifestyle and Symbolic Consumption view individual’s social class through the lifestyle
Review on lifestyle and consumption may, for they choose and show, although the Indonesian
example, be viewed from food choice. mid-class society is economically weak. Such a
Globalization and economic growth, according behavior is called by Gerke as lifestyling.
to Belk (in Chua, 2002, p. 5), do not only change “Lifestyling refers to the symbolic dimension of
community’s lifestyle, but also change the consumption and can be defined as the display of
function of community’s consumption. standard of living that one is in fact unable to afford”
Consumption becomes part of lifestyle which (Gerke, 2002, p. 137).
Lusiana, Laksono & Hariri, Self-Styling, Popular Culture, and the Construction of Global-Local Identity
It is an act made to show certain social of people outside Japan, one of which is
class identity by consuming various items which Indonesia. Culinary enthusiasts in the country
represent that class but without buying or are getting more familiar with yakiniku, sushi,
consuming the real items. This symbolic shabu-shabu, sukiyaki, udon as well as takoyaki and
consumption is also said to be virtual matcha (Halo Jepang, 2014, p. 22). As reported
consumption used in place of real consumption. by tabloid Halo Jepang on December 28, 2012,
This virtual consumption is called by Gerke as a although many foreign culinary foods enter
substitute for real consumption, thus showing Indonesia, but the foods and drinks from this
modern symbols is a substitute for buying items Land of the Rising Sun shows an increasing
of that lifestyle (Gerke, 2002). Pambudy (2012) trend, as may be viewed from 19 Japanese snack
calls they who make this lifestyling like to and soft drink companies’ plan to enter
consume and imitate. In his research, the Indonesian market in 2013. These products may
researchers will try to observe the functions of be easily obtained in supermarkets, such as miso
Japanese food consumption by the Purwokerto (Japanese typical fermented soybean), shoyu
society, whether to the Purwokerto society, (Japanese salty ketchup), peppermint, ice cream,
Japanese food is part of real consumption and biscuit, bread, spices, Kewpie mayonnaise and
also shows symbolic consumption as revealed by shitake (mushroom
Gerke. Japanese food is not only popular in big
cities, but also in small city, such as Purwokerto,
Globalization of Japanese Food a city in Central Java. Here, we may find various
Based on the investigation summarized by the types of restaurants, stalls or shops which serve
research team of, an online media or site various Japanese delicacies on the sides of main
which presents news, article and infographics streets. Everything is within reach, where we do
(Wibisono, 2017), the presence of Japanese not necessarily go to Japan to enjoy sushi,
food in Indonesia may roughly be divided into sashimi, ramen, udon, or snacks such as
four generations. The first generation, Japanese okonomiyaki and takoyaki. Japanese menu is even
food was present in restaurant Kikugawa present in renowned American based fried
established by Kikuchi Surutake in 1969. The chicken fast food outlets, Kentucky Fried Chicken
second generation, restaurants emerging in (KFC). This new menu is named KFC bento,
1970-1980s, namely restaurant Keyaki, a warm serving of rice box with chicken strips as
Japanese restaurant at Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, and its topping and sauce (there are choices of
Hoka-Hoka Bento, the first fast food restaurant sauces, including Barbeque, Blackpepper and
in Indonesia, established by Hendra Arifin in Oriental) and the latest one is Japanese Teriyaki
1985. The third generation, restaurant emerging sauce.
in 1990-2000, such as Ajihara, located in Melawai Until now, KFC remains the only existing
which is known as Little Tokyo, and Tenpura outlet of fast food fried chicken specific
Hana, a Japanese restaurant in Yogyakarta. The international franchise in Purwokerto. One of
fourth generation, restaurants which were the evidences of its distribution may be
present in 2000 and later, such as Pepper Lunch, observed with various Japanese terms, such as
Yoshinoya, Marugame Seimen, Aeon Mall (the first sushi and tempura which are used without
Japanese styled shopping center in Indonesia, translation into any target language. Similarly,
located in BSD City, Tangerang) and Yamazaki many Japanese words are adopted by world
Baking (Japanese biggest bread company which language dictionaries. For example, in the
produces Myroti). English-Japanese dictionary Shogakukan Random
Japanese food is not only consumed in its House there are 950 words derived from
country of origin, but is also present and favorite Japanese. By genre, the cuisine and food related
©2020 I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication, Vol. 1 No. 1 (February-June)
words in the dictionary are dominating constructed the meaning and interpreted it in
(Kumakura, 2000). their respective way, and they eventually found
a way to express it through their taste of food
METHOD consumption.
This research was conducted in the paradigm of The research subjects were the people of
cultural and media studies, a research on the Purwokerto who consume Japanese food and
people’s lives which had been influenced by Japanese restaurant owners. Meanwhile, the
globalization, particularly culturally, and focuses research object was Japanese food and Japanese
on how its relation with identity and lifestyle food interpretation process made by
which have become the main theme of cultural Purwokerto society. The research on
studies (Barker & Dariusz, 2001, p. 2). Besides consumption experience was conducted with
studying the impacts of globalization on culture, three groups of the society, namely those who
this research also studied the impacts of media. came to restaurant and chose to eat Japanese
This approach was taken in attempt to explore food, those who came to Japanese festival and
the influence of media in the form of television, Japanese food business owners or
internet and magazine. During the research on entrepreneurs.
cultural identity, the researchers assumed there
was significant relationship between media FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
roles, particularly when culture was deemed ‘a Japanese Food in Purwokerto
life order where humans build meaning through Purwokerto is the capital of Banyumas Regency,
practice of symbolic representation’ Central Java, situated on the slope of Mount
(Tomlinson, 1999, p. 18). Slamet and where the biggest river in Java Island,
Meanwhile, Tomaselli (2005, p. 35) states Serayu, passes through. Purwokerto is a small
that cultural and media studies emphasize city in the western part of Central Java,
criticism and interpretation, based on which this renowned as the center of Banyumasan culture.
research employed the interpretative and In the context of Javanese culture development,
constructive approaches. Since this research Koentjaraningrat (1984) states that Banyumas is
was related to cultural identity and its form of an integral part of Javanese culture. In regard to
expression as identified through consumption typical food, Purwokerto is currently not only
activity, the interpretative approach was known for its mendoan7, that its culinary
employed in attempt to explore “how people delicacies get wider and richer. The presence of
understand their social world and how they foreign food starts to enrich the people’s taste.
express it through personal style and social The modern menus and delicacies which are
ritual.” commonly only present in big cities start to be
The research then explored the media’s present in this city of kripik, from restaurants
consumption aspect and the respondents’ eating which serve Western styled cuisine, typical of
method or lifestyle. The research would study Italia, Pizza Hut, and doughnut shop with a brand
how these two things influence each other and of J-Co, XO Suki Signature to cafes which offer
create meaning. The fact was based on the country specific cuisine like sushi and kimchi.
assumption of cultural and media studies that The Japanese style in Purwokerto may be
the fact was present, deliberately built and considered something interesting considering
constructed, instead of just found (Tomaselli, that the development and distribution of
2005, p. 39). Based on the two approaches Japanese culture does not only take place in big
employed, the authors hoped to explore how cities, of which connectedness with Japan is
media constructed the meaning and reality for higher and more varied. Similarly, there are no
the respondents, with the emphasis on how the really many Japanese people in Purwokerto, and
respondents made appropriation which then
Lusiana, Laksono & Hariri, Self-Styling, Popular Culture, and the Construction of Global-Local Identity
we may even state that there is no company There were various competitions in the
with Japan’s investment there, even if Japanese Japanese cultural festival, including eating sushi,
industrial products may be easily found, from takoyaki and ramendoan (abbreviation of Ramen
household instruments to vehicles on the road. and Mendoan) as shown by Figure 1, which was
eating ramen with mendoan as one of its
However, it does mean that the interest
toppings. This ramendoan was served by putting
of people of Purwokerto–particularly the
a piece of mendoan on top of ramen. The
youths—in Japanese culture non-existing at all.
committee required the participants to eat
This may be observed from the lively Japanese
ramen using chopsticks and slurp the soup. “We
festival held almost once annually and the
put mendoan in order to preserve our culture,
emergence of Japanese culture lover groups
of which flavor is not inferior to that of foreign
Harajuku Nation (Hana, established March 2008),
cuisine. The ramen soup must be slurped,
J-Fans (established January 1, 2010) and Pujakomu
intending to introduce Japanese culture” (Mega,
(Purwokerto Japanese Community, established
FJU committee, interviewed on March 3, 2017
April 1, 2010 on Facebook and June, 2012 on
in Purwokerto).
Twitter @pujakomu).
There is Oramen, a restaurant which
The Japanese cultural communities carries the theme ‘Japanese ramen shop with
regularly hold Japanese events, one of which is J- Banyumasan flavor’, always full of visitors, most
Fest which was held on May 2017. Based on the of them are of Junior and Senior High School
data obtained from akihabaranation.com8, in students. The restaurant, open December 12,
Purwokerto and its surrounding there are about 2012, names itself ‘Oramen’ so it is easy to
11 (eleven) Japanese culture lover communities. remember. The word ‘ora’ in Banyumas
Their existence is supported with the language means ‘not’ or ‘no’, thus Oramen means
establishment of Japanese Literature Study it is not original Japanese ramen noodle, but
Program in Jenderal Soedirman University, Banyumasan ramen noodle instead. This Oramen
which presents Japanese performance or event shop serves the main menu Ramen with some
under Festifal Jepang Unsoed (FJU), held at least variations such as Seafood Ramen (Masamune),
once annually since 2011 in Purwokerto. Sausage Ramen (Ieyasu Tokugawa), Beef Ramen
(Oda Nobunaga) and Chicken Ramen (Sanada
The Japanese nuance is not only inherent
in food menu, but also in the interior design.
Japanese restaurant, including in restaurant
specialization category, has tone and decoration
in adaptation to the typicality of food served
(Marsum, 2005, p. 11). The concept carried by
Japanese restaurant is Japanese culture, which
may be observed through its interior ornaments
with bamboo, cherry blossoms and kawai
Figure 1. Ramendoan (source: instagram hijasu The cooking process is also not different
unsoed) from that of Japanese culture, for example with
kitchen at the front. In addition, the waiter/
waitress and the cook also wear Japanese typical
One activity which attracts visitors’ suit and hachimaki (headband), politely saying
attention the most was music and feast events. irasshaimase (welcome) and konnichiwa (good
©2020 I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication, Vol. 1 No. 1 (February-June)
afternoon), as may be found in Japanese The sushi ngapak dish is included in the
restaurant “Warung Jejepangan” (Figure 2). makizushi and nigirizushi groups, which is sushi
made by clenching cooked rice and making it
oval, with various toppings added on top of it.
Sushi Ngapak, besides using Banyumasan or
ngapak term, in addition to sliced cooked fish,
cayenne pepper and onion topping (Sushi
Sementlep) as well as sambal uleg (Sushi Njletor)
are also added (Figure 3). These types of sushi
are offered ranging from 27 thousand to 34
Figure 2. Warung Jejepangan (source: research thousand Rupiahs.
documentation) Some Japanese food creations in
Purwokerto (Figure 4) are presented below. In
Situation in ‘Warung Jejepangan’, serving the figure, the sushi offered is not like that
teppanyaki and ramen, kitchen outside of commonly served by Japanese people, since its
restaurant, with interior dominated by various shape has been modified into that of doughnut
Japanese ornaments and bamboo nuance. (a) and of heart (b).
Furthermore, Japanese food may also be found
at restaurant Hangout café & Restaurant, namely
“Sushi Ngapak Banyumasan”. The restaurant,
which is situated at Jalan HR. Bunyamin No 41
Bancar Kembar, Purwokerto offers ‘sushi
ngapak’ consisting of Sushi Nyelekamin, Sushi
Mbamba, Sushi Njetor, Sushi Sementlep, Sushi
Njeblug, Sushi Semreset, Sushi Remed’s, Sushi
Kemriyik and Sushi Nyelekitho. (a) (b)
(c) (d)
Lusiana, Laksono & Hariri, Self-Styling, Popular Culture, and the Construction of Global-Local Identity
offered by Cafe Djoeragan Purwokerto, under trend in big cities like Jakarta and Yogyakarta.
the name of Kimono Teriyaki and Kimono Cheese She observed that the awareness of health does
(kimono is Japanese traditional garment) (see not only occur to her, but also most of the
Figure 4, part d). Purwokerto society.
Other Japanese food business owners,
Media, Popular Culture, and the Imagination of Sheila (22 years old, student, born to Javanese
Japan family, owner of Sansei Food) and Icha (24 years
Japanese food is one type of food which attracts old, student, and owner of restaurant Oramen)
many people’s attention in the world, one of stated that the background of their food
whose is Dian (36 years old), a Javanese woman business was inspired by Japanese food. The two
living in East Purwokerto. Her knowledge of students consider Japanese food as one favored
Japanese food is the result of reading and by the youths and targeted school children
information collected from media such as TV (Junior and Senior High School students) as well
show and posts in social media. She presented as college students. They had not ever been to
her opinion of Japanese food at Hokke Sushi, a Japan, and the information of Japanese food was
restaurant serving Japanese food fusion. acquired from the internet.
I got to know Japanese food like sushi, This Sansei food is the joint business
sashimi and ramen from television shows between I and my younger sister. She
and from friends’ posts in social media, liked cooking and learnt the recipes and
Instagram and Facebook (Dian, 35 years how to cook Sansei Food from the
old, interviewed on February 25, 2017, internet, Youtube, self-trial, found it
Purwokerto). delicious, and got an idea to sell it. Why
choosing Japanese food to sell? Well,
For Dian, Japanese food had become part besides deliciousness and preference, we
see it is the current trend, popular among
of introduction to knowledge and widening of
the youths and adolescents. It is simple to
discourse, “Supaya tidak dianggap ndeso (not to consume, delicious, nutritious and may be
be deemed rustic),” she said. She stated that made affordable. It is quite suitable for
Japanese food was a choice of eating out for college students (Sheila, 22 years old,
health reason (not using much oil, cheese or interviewed on February 13, 2017,
salt) and she was happy when her only child Purwokerto).
liked Japanese food since it was deemed to make
her child smart (consume fish in sashimi and In the young mothers’ opinion (Dian and
sushi). However, with regard to taste, Dian said Cincin), Japanese food is good for consumption
that she had Indonesian original taste, prefer by children since it is healthy and its fish-based
Javanese or Padang cuisine for daily material may make them smart. The knowledge
consumption. of Japanese was obtained from television shows,
Meanwhile, Cincin (37 years old, owner such as TV Champion, Waku Waku Japan and
of Japanese restaurant, Hokke Sushi) revealed Channel Japan in Metro TV. Cooking and cuisine
her knowledge of Japanese food when she was show are one of the themes they love.
adolescent (born and growing in Jakarta) and However, a slightly different reason was
when she was in a study overseas. Cincin who given by Shela (21 years old) and Lina (18 years
grew in a Chinese family expressed her concern old), that they consumed Japanese food since
about the high use of MSG in Chinese cuisine. they wanted to try what they had read in manga
This encourages her and her husband to open a and watch in anime. They wanted to taste what
Japanese restaurant. Besides health concern, she they had found so far in books, television, social
also observed that Japanese food becomes a media or internet. They wanted to confirm the
©2020 I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication, Vol. 1 No. 1 (February-June)
images and information they obtained of The presence of foreign foods in our
Japanese food from the media they read and environment starts with frequent TV broadcasts
watched. Was it really tasteful just like what like Asian Food Channel, Waku waku Japan,
they had imagined? domestic cooking shows which are presented in
more interesting ways, travel books, magazines
My hobbies are watching drama and and tabloids specially discussing foods and how
anime and reading manga. I frequently saw to make them, posts of recipes at social media
Japanese people eating ramen, sushi, flooding our timeline. Information of various
takoyaki, sashimi and bento. I have longed
types of food materials, cuisines, cooking
to have a taste of them that I haven’t ever
been to the Land of the Rising Sun, thus I processes, and origin of cuisines, cooking
could only drooling over them. methods and info of new restaurants almost
Fortunately, it happened to exist in my emerges every day, filling our mind through our
own town, making me very happy. senses of hearing and sight.
Reading reviews in Instagram, there were Furthermore, after getting to know of
some good places with delicious Japanese eating culture in television, our desire
affordable food, and I immediately went
to try emerges. The presence of restaurants or
there. Ah.., I’m so happy…even though it
is surely different from the original taste food shops which serve Japanese food in
in its country of origin, but it is alright for Purwokerto and various Japanese typical food
now (Shela, 21 years old, interviewed on materials or ingredients sold are welcome well
March 20, 2017, Purwokerto). by Japanese pop culture lovers. The presence of
restaurants or food shops increases the
For Dian, Cincin, Shela and Lina, their snacking behavior, while the presence of
knowledge of Japanese food is clearly obtained Japanese typical food materials or cooking
from media and popular culture products, which ingredients causes cooking at home behavior.
are the main factor of further process: We may state that the respondents have
consumption. Their acquired knowledge results successfully caught the important essence of
in imagination of Japanese food which may make mediated globalization, where currently the
them healthy, smart with its cute and interesting media may provide easy and quick access to
shapes, making them try to have a taste of it. distant places without having to travel there
Media exposure presents knowledge of various physically. Through media and popular culture
foreign foods, including Japanese food, which products, the respondents have successfully
Dian, Cincin, Shela and Lina perceive to widen explored their imagination since they have
their horizon or insight of the world. explored the world without leaving their home
Through media and popular culture (Barker, 1999, p. 3). Some of the Purwokerto
products, they are exposed to new methods of society’s hunt of Japanese food in restaurants
consuming food, trying completely foreign foods and food shops and trial to make Japanese food
(for example, trying to consume sashimi and at home to have an adventure of taste open new
wasabi), instead of giving negative perception, different things, making them knowledgeable of
for example because of commonly used Japanese culture.
materials (such as mirin or other In other words, Japanese food serves as
materials/ingredients with alcohol content). the media to explore and build a new identity as
They enjoy reading and watching anything about modern and cosmopolitan society. Although the
Japan through TV shows, anime, manga and respondents’ Javanese and Chinese cultural
many posts in internet and social media. These identities become the eating taste foundation,
media channels make them adventure to a new but media exposure have contributed to their
place, Japan (as done by Cincin and Shela). eating taste. What they have received through
Lusiana, Laksono & Hariri, Self-Styling, Popular Culture, and the Construction of Global-Local Identity
media and popular culture products present to adapt to my original taste, with
different variations of experiences and widens Indonesian spices and ingredients. For
their insight of food consumption. example, sushi. I do not eat raw food, thus
all ingredients of sushi will be made
cooked, with original Indonesian taste
Homogenization and Heterogenization in Food
(Ajeng, interviewed on March 20, 2017,
World: Getting more similar taste or unique Purwokerto).
Regarding the meeting of local and global
Of what expressed by Ajeng above, we
cultures, when it is assumed that the “local” is
may assume that it is difficult to compromise the
at a subordinate position and the “global” at a
choice of taste. A taste which has been tasted
dominating position, and with the understanding
since childhood, even from pregnancy can hardly
that it gets more difficult to change the taste of
be replaced by other or different taste.
a food, the meeting of Japanese and Purwokerto
Rejection of raw fish’s fishy smell is the result of
cultures will cause tension, leading to tactics or
cultural learning. The instilled definition that
strategy as an effort to live together.
non-cooked flesh consumption is hazardous that
The Purwokerto society has different
it contains bacteria makes the taste of raw fish
eating culture from that of Japanese people,
not present.
from the food materials used, ingredient, and
Japanese food is one choice of food for
cooking method to how to serve it. The
the Purwokerto society. Initially consumed only
Purwokerto society does not know any cuisine
at expensive restaurant, sushi may currently be
served with raw materials, that almost all
found at Toko Aroma as well as other fast food
cuisines have strong taste, with varied cooking
traditional cuisines, and takoyaki may currently
method and simultaneous serving and everyone
be easily found and deemed snack for school
may take cooked rice, side dish and vegetable of
children. In addition, Japanese typical spices such
their choice themselves. The underlying
as teriyaki and nori are currently not considered
difference between Japanese food and
unique, exotic foods which are difficult to
Purwokerto food is on the material used, raw
obtain. Although Japanese food is acceptable to
the Purwokerto society, however, their
Nuri (22 years old), a college student,
presence does not always form homogenization
states that the first impression in her mind of
process. In the face of globalization flow in the
Japanese cuisine, particularly with raw fish as its
form of the presence of cultural flow of Japanese
material, is unhealthy, hazardous, fishy, strange
food, local community strongly responds to it by
taste and goose bumps. “How can raw fish be
restraining the incoming cultural flow of
eaten?” she said. In addition, Ajeng (23 years old)
Japanese food by mixing it and creating hybrid
We may observe this from the various
Living in a small town like this, at
Japanese food products offered by some
subdistrict town, with eating hobby,
requires me to think smartly of how to restaurants. In this regard, we may observe that
taste delicious food without having to go the globalization flow does not necessarily
out of town. Plus, there is no Go-food of create cultural homogenization, since
my favorite cuisines here, I have to hybridization and fragmentation take place in
choose go-dapur application, Sushi- the field with relatively equal power.
sushian, steak-steakan, ramen-ramenan, The heterogeneity aspect also seems to
bento-bentoan, since I like all of these
be the result of Japanese eating culture
types of food, but they must have
Indonesian taste. Thus, be it Western, exposure in Purwokerto, with not only enjoying
Japanese or Korean, it must be modified its own typical traditional food, but also Japanese
©2020 I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication, Vol. 1 No. 1 (February-June)
typical foods/drinks, such as sushi, ramen, ‘from yucs to yummy”. This change opens a new
tempura, takoyaki, ocha, etc. The people of insight of healthy food, which is raw fish based
Purwokerto have currently created new menus foods, sushi and sashimi. The respondents’ first
using Japanese typical foods or ingredients, such experience of tasting sashimi (raw sliced flesh
as nori, teriyaki ingredient, and ocha drinks. The eaten raw) and sushi (seasoned clenched cooked
cultural mixing phenomena are called rice with various sliced raw fishes) is something
hybridization process, which cannot be uncomfortable. Raw food, in this case sliced fish
separated from the appropriation strategy, since flesh, is not part of the Purwokerto society’s
hybridization phenomena in the form of eating culture. Their animal based food should
combination, crossing or mixture may be a be fully cooked in order to remove any existing
combination of basic ingredients, mixed bacteria. For acceptance (without feeling
ingredients, mixed cooking techniques, mixed nauseated or disgusted when consuming raw
tastes, etc. Such hybridization is commonly fish), the idea of raw food is adapted by covering
made by performing an appropriation strategy, it with healthy food idea, that the sliced raw fish
which is borrowing material, form, technique, flesh in sushi is nutritious and good for the body.
style, etc. Moreover, a group of mothers clearly explain to
In regard to Japanese food, the their children that eating raw fish is one way to
Purwokerto society negotiates their taste and be smarter.
flavor, and its presence results in various The second conceptual appropriation,
cuisines as a combination of taste and flavor, as regarding beliefs and risks. The presence of
may be observed from creation of Ramendoan Japanese food is considered by most of the
(Figure 1) and Sushi Ngapak Banyumasan (Figure respondents as something good, and is presence
3). The practice of mixing of two or more eating in Purwokerto is believed to have passed
cultures is called a work of hybrid, which is a various supervisions and thus considered safe.
mixture of two or more certain food materials, Japanese food is not consumed regularly, but
cooking techniques or cultural elements in a once in a while at certain moment. However,
work as shown in Figure 4. the people also demands clarity of the Japanese
The field result shows appropriation to foods marketed, particularly ones directly
Japanese food may be classified into two, namely imported from Japan. These foods must be
conceptual appropriation and practical under official approval before they are sold in
appropriation. The main idea of the conceptual the market and their marketing must be under
appropriation concept is to understand that an the Government’s supervision, at least there
object (something which may be observed and should be MUI’s approval for halal label.
perceived by senses) carries and has meaning, Furthermore, practical appropriation is in
and in the object there is human’s daily thinking. relation to material and daily matters, which is
Objects around humans do not only exist in relation to the part of the material properties
physically, but also in ‘human’s mind’ as seen in of objects used and found in daily life. The
how we view and think of the world. This objects must become real or concrete part of
conceptual appropriation does not completely life. They become part of our daily life, and we
work individually; they occur in social-cultural do not necessarily question or debate of its
scope, forming meaning of the object or presence anymore.
commodity. Practical appropriation to Japanese food
The existing conceptual appropriation to may be observed from the naming of
Japanese food includes, first, regarding the new restaurants, dining spots or food carts in
view of health, constituting the change in view Purwokerto, as that of Kedai Oramen, Shibuya
of Japanese food from ‘Nauseating to delicious’ or Japanese Snack, Warung Jejepangan, Nihon no
Lusiana, Laksono & Hariri, Self-Styling, Popular Culture, and the Construction of Global-Local Identity
Ryouri, Kedai Kimochi and Takoyaki Jaya. The food cooked fish flesh, there is also cayenne pepper
business players borrow Japanese terms for and onion topping (Sushi Sementlep) and sambal
their part of work. Kedai Oramen is a restaurant uleg (Sushi Njletor) as shown in Figure 3.
which carries the theme “Kedai ramen Jepang The form of practical appropriation also
rasa Banyumasan (Japanese ramen shop with occurs with the place where Japanese food is
Banyumasan flavor)”. The word oramen consists offered. Japanese food as a foreign food cannot
of two words, ora and ramen. The word ora in only be found at mall or restaurant. Japanese
Banyumas languge means ‘not’ or ‘no’, while foods like sushi, ramen, okonomiyaki, takoyaki and
ramen is a dish of noodle with soup as well as dorayaki may be found and are sold at street-side
various toppings from Japan. The word Oramen with a sidewalk concept. For most of the
may be defined as “not original Japanese ramen, Purwokerto society, at least until the early
but Banyumasan ramen noodle”. 2000s, sushi is still known as one of Japanese
After the form of practical appropriation typical cuisines offered only at restaurant, thus
to the naming of dining spot, the next expensive and exclusive impressions are
appropriation strategy takes place with the inherent in this food. However, in Purwokerto,
naming of menu. The example of menu naming in the last few years, Japanese typical food starts
is that in Kedai Oramen. This shop provides to be sold at street—at side-walk stalls, at
ramen as its main menu, besides offering other street-side. The Japanese food is served at dining
various Japanese typical foods, such as sushi, spots with food shop and angkringan concepts.
okonomoyaki and takoyaki. The niche ramen The word angkringan comes from Javanese
menus are named with Japanese names, such as social language ‘angkring’ or perch which means
Masamune for seafood ramen, Ieyasu Tokugawa to sit relaxed and feeling free. Consumer sitting
for ramen sausage, Oda Nobunaga for beef ramen on a long wooden benches that placed around
and Sanada Yukimura for chicken ramen. the angkringan carts can enjoy the food erved
Japanese typical names are used as menu names, while lifting of folding one leg up onto a chair.
such as Masamune, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Oda The Japanese foods that served there are
Nobunaga and Sanada Yukimura, which are the offered at cheap price, more affordable than
names of Japanese samurai warriors. Besides similar foods offered at restaurant.
menu, in Kedai Oramen, the names of samurai One of the renowned Japanese food
are also used as the name of sushi served at shops is Shoppu Atto, which may be called
Hokke Sushi & Kitchen, which is Hattori Hanzo sidewalk dining spot with five-star taste. It
Roll. Sushi is the main menu at Hokke Sushi. This serves various types of sushi at affordable price
sushi constitutes rolled rice containing nori, cut but with taste and serving not different from
cucumber and chicken meat, while sliced raw those of restaurant. An example of a dining spot
salmon and a pinch of fish eggs (tobiko) are put with angkringan concept is angkringan
on top of it. Shushimake. Its presence shows practical
Furthermore, the form of practical appropriation, which is a change in design of
appropriation may also be observed with the technology (dining spot) since it uses local
menu offered by Hangout café & Restauran, culture.
“Sushi Ngapak Banyumasan”. This restaurant The conceptual and practical
offers ‘Sushi Ngapak’, consisting of Sushi appropriations performed by culinary business
Nyelekamin, Sushi Mbamba, Sushi Njetor, Sushi players in Purwokerto are their form of
Sementlep, Sushi Njeblug, Sushi Semreset, Sushi appreciation and also criticism of the existence
Remed’s, Sushi Kemriyik and Sushi Nyelekitho. of Japanese food at local environment. The
Sushi Ngapak, besides using Banyumasan or appropriation practice they do shows that
ngapak terms, for the toppings, besides sliced Japanese food consumers in Purwokerto
©2020 I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication, Vol. 1 No. 1 (February-June)
actively face the globalization flow of Japanese who believe that eating culture and taste which
food. The existing mixing or hybridization have become a group of society’s habit will be
phenomena with the eating culture cannot be difficult to change (Linton: 1984; Foster &
separated from appropriation strategy Anderson, 1988; Sanjur, 1982; Kardjati, Kusin
implementation, since hybridization phenomena and deWith, 1977; Saptandari, 2004). In regard
in the form of crossing or mixing may be in the to food, there is belief which is based on taste,
form of a combination of concepts or practices. habit, dignity and honor. Eating habit is called a
Such hybridization is usually achieved by set of cooking activities and related to
performing appropriation strategy of borrowing preference or dislike, folk wisdom, beliefs,
of form, technique, style, material, etc. taboos, superstitions related to food
Such borrowings take place in conceptual production, preparation and consumption. In
and practical domains. Japanese food other words, food is included into important
hybridization in the form of fusion is the local cultural category (Foster and Anderson, 1988;
community’s strategy to face homogenization of Sumartono, 1986; LeMay, 1988).
Japanese culture which has been widely The process of adaptation to local taste
disseminated throughout the world. Through with appropriation strategy presents the type of
appropriation process, the Purwokerto local food fusion10. Fusion food means cooking style
society is born as the actors with active which uses materials and techniques from
capability to negotiate, contribute and identify throughout the world, producing diversity and
the elements they deem necessary for unique quality of taste. Mixing process which is
themselves and their group. The existing dialog part of adaptation process is an overview that
interaction process in the globalization process local eating culture may compromise with local
does not lead to universal (general) symptom. expression, in mixture into a collaboration of
There is a possibility that globalization operates tastes. The capability to cooperate and
with the same stages, but its derivatives tend to collaborate in taste gives a room for local
accommodate local values, knowledge and culinary culture and community to resist and
cultures. negotiate with global culture. With the ethos of
What the Japanese food consumers this fusion or collaboration, culinary business
experience and their observation of the players and consumers may experiment, make
Japanese food they consume in Purwokerto city something different, be creative, and ‘play’ with
conform to the main criticism of the food or cuisine they create.
homogenization concept, where they do not
acknowledge the fact that “people creatively Japanese Lifestyling
modify the messages they are given from the media Consuming Japanese food for some of the
and elsewhere to fit their own ways of thinking and Purwokerto society becomes part of their new
living” (Lull, 2000, p. 64). This is the case since lifestyle. The view that Japanese food is healthy,
individual plays a role as an agent with active making people smart and halal makes the people
capability to manipulate text, so that it may be creatively work pursuant to their capability and
adapted to local context they have (Appadurai, taste. They who are curious about how Japanese
2003, p. 7). food taste may have a taste of it at an affordable
Japanese food in Purwokerto is the result price (may be found, for example, at Shappo
of local value accommodation process, which is Atto, D’Lavina or Nihon Ryouri) or of Japanese
present through an “akur9 (mutual)” agreement food which is close to authentic, but with less
as the requirement for the Japanese food to be affordable price (such as at Meteor Café, All
in harmony with the Purwokerto society’s taste. Rich and Hokke Sushi).
This is in line with the opinion of anthropologists
Lusiana, Laksono & Hariri, Self-Styling, Popular Culture, and the Construction of Global-Local Identity
The wish or desire to consume Japanese but they must have Indonesian taste. Thus, be it
food, from watching or listening to mass media, Western, Japanese or Korean, it must be
makes them ones who use food as an effort to modified to adapt to my original taste, with
enrich their self-identity, who attempt to Indonesian spices and ingredients.” (Ajeng,
embrace the world through eating experience. interviewed on March 20, 2017 in Purwokerto).
But, they cannot consume Japanese food in real
Japanese food for several reasons, for example CONCLUSION
because basically Japanese food uses ingredients With regard to food, we cannot actually say that
that are not in accordance with traditional a food is originated from a certain region since
eating culture (using raw fish raw materials, there is no single type of food which is actually
tasteless, and spices that are considered to be originated from a region. Purwokerto city, with
halal, and the price is expensive). Javanese culture and relatively thick Chinese
The presence of Japanese food in culture, has a diversity of eating cultures. We
Purwokerto is one factor of the emergence of may state that the complexity around identity,
new lifestyle. This “lifestyling” is one lifestyle particularly in relation to eating culture, has
taken by some of the Purwokerto people to be been present before the mediated globalization.
in good terms with current trending lifestyle The text flow of media throughout the
demand, namely “Medang, Madhang lan Mojok” world has certainly had influence at different
as written on a banner at a cafe called Djagongan levels. Media’s influence on the formation of
Cafe. Medang is a Javanese term that means identity tends to operate at a more general and
drink. But not just drinking activity, this activities indirect level. Japanese food consumption is one
must be accompanied by snack such as consequence of the exposure to media which
mendhoan, while madhang or madang means give people ideas, illustration and various
eating (meal). The word Mojok is identical to the cultural practices from around the world.
activity of chatting with friends in the corner of Instead of embracing Japanese cultural
the room. These activity become lifestyle that imperialism or homogenization, various ideas
associated with eating out. and practices which are present through this
Japanese food consumption may be media channel interact with local cultural
performed virtually (Gerke’s term) by influence, creating various cultures and
consuming Japanese food pursuant to one’s heterogeneity.
capability. The form of conceptual and practical The people of Purwokerto are able to
appropriation to Japanese food reveals that negotiate with Japanese culture by appropriating
Japanese food cannot only be consumed at mid- strategy conceptually and practically, generating
upper class restaurants, but also at street-side, a hybrid eating culture. Japanese food in
at food stalls with the sidewalk concept. The Purwokerto is the result of accommodation
existing form of conceptual and practical process of local values, which exist through a
appropriation gives the opportunity to those “akur” mutualagreement as the requirements
who hardly consume the ‘real’ one by economy. for Japanese food to be in harmony with the
For example, by having Japanese food at a Purwokerto society’s taste. The existing mixing,
sidewalk food shop of Jalan Ovis ‘Nihon no matching or crossing in the food world are not
Ryouri’; eating various affordable types of sushi merely non-meaningful mixture, but may be
at Shoppu Atto, student-friendly ramen at observed as a struggle for continuous
Kotaro Ramen, to takoyaki sold at street-side negotiation of cultural ideas, notions and
carts or motor-carts. Just like Ajeng said, “Sushi- practices by expressing local and global ones in
sushian, steak-steakan, ramen-ramenan, bento- a shared space.
bentoan, since I like all of these types of food, Furthermore, the Purwokerto society in
©2020 I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication, Vol. 1 No. 1 (February-June)
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1The survey which was conducted on December 4-18, remainder responded with other answers.
2013 aimed at examining the foreign food consumers’ Furthermore, for the inquiry about the reason they
habit and examining their opinions about Japanese choose Japanese food, the first most answers were for
food. The cities serving as the research subjects were its deliciousness (88%) and the second most answers
Jakarta (Indonesia), Moscow (Russia), Ho Chi Minh were since Japanese food was deemed as healthy food
(Vietnam), Bangkok (Thailand), San Paolo (Brazil) and (53%). Results of JETRO’s Survey on Japanese Foods
Dubai (United Arab Emirates). The survey stated that Directed at Overseas Consumers - Japanese dishes rank top
Japanese food took the first place (38.4%), higher than as most popular foreign cuisine in six-city survey of emerging
Chinese and Italian foods, as the favorite foreign food. markets – Press Release. March 28, 2014
Indonesia in this case was represented by the Jakarta 2Anthony Giddens, 1990. The Consequences of Modernity.
society, which was the second country to choose Cambridge: Polity Press, p. 21.
Japanese food as its favorite foreign food. One of the 3Roland Robertson. 1992. Globalization: Social Theory and
questions inquired in the survey was “What is your Global Culture. London: Sage, pp. 56-89.
favorite foreign food to have at a restaurant?” About 83% 4P.M. Laksono. (2009). Peta Jalan Antropologi Indonesia Abad
respondents responded with Japanese food, the Kedua Puluh Satu: Memahami Invisibilitas (Budaya) di Era
©2020 I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication, Vol. 1 No. 1 (February-June)