Satellite Communication Solutions (EC414)
Satellite Communication Solutions (EC414)
Satellite Communication Solutions (EC414)
At higher frequency attenuation is more hence more power will be required for signal
transmission to ensure that it reaches the destination with the required minimum power. Higher
power requirements involve the use of high power amplifiers with high ratings and heat sinks.
This will increase the weight and power supply ratings will not make any difference. However
for the satellite this will result in higher power consumption, which results in avoidable
Supermarket shops (ATM machines, stock sale updates and stock ordering).
Broadband direct to the home, Manufacturers - sales offices, service divisions, plants.
Financial institutes, Airlines, Hotel booking agencies, schools(distance education).
Keplerian Orbit is ellipse whose properties are constant with respect to time. In practice, the
satellite and Earth respond to many other influences including asymmetry of earth's
gravitational field, the gravitational field of sun and moon and Solar pressure. All of these
interfering forces causes the true orbit to be different from simple keplerian ellipse, results in
pertured orbit.
f) What are Azimuth and elevation angles? Define with proper diagram. (1/2 + 1/2)M
The coordinates to which an earth station antenna must be pointed to communicate with the
satellite are called look angles. These are expressed as Azimuth and elevation angle.
Azimuth is measured East word from geographical North to the projection of satellite path
on horizontal plane at the earth station. Elevation is angle measured upward from local
horizontal plane at earth station to satellite Path.
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)
g) What are the different types of spacecraft antennas used? Mention them.(1M)
h) Define Transponder.(1M)
A wireless communications device usually attached to a satellite. A transponder receives and
transmits radio signals at a prescribed frequency range. After receiving the signal a transponder
will amplifies and broadcast the signal at a different frequency. The term is a combination of the
words transmitter and responder.
Pr EIRP Gr Lp [ dBW ]
where EIRP 10 log PtGt [ dBW ].
Gr 10 log (4Ae / 2 ) [ dB ].
Lp 20 log (4R / ) [ dB ].
j) What is the difference between satellite Earth station and microwave link?(1M)
k) What are major sources of error in GPS receiver write the equation for C/A
2.a Explain about launch and launch-vehicles for the satellite. (3M + 3M)
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)
2.b A satellite is in a 322 km high circular orbit. Determine
a.The orbital angular velocity in radians per second
b.The orbital period in minutes; and
c. The orbital velocity in meters per second. (2M+2M+2M)
3.b what is keplers three laws of planetary motion? Give the mathematical
formulation of Kepler’s third law of planetary motion.(4M + 2M)
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)
4.a What is Doppler effect? Explain how it is useful for tracking?(2M + 4M)
The Doppler effect provides a convenient means of tracking a satellite that is emitting a
radio signal of constant frequency. The frequency of the signal received on the Earth changes
as the satellite is passing. If the received signal is combined with a constant signal generated in
the receiver to give rise to beats, then the beat can have a frequency that produces an audible
note, whose pitch decreases as the satellite passes overhead.
Lag time is directly related to the position of the spacecraft, which can be tracked using
its radio beacon. The radio beacon signal is used for tracking the spacecraft and for carrying
out some types of science experiments. Tracking takes advantage of the Doppler Effect to see
how position is changing. The Doppler Effect is routinely observed in the frequency of the
signals received by ground receiving stations when tracking spacecraft. If two widely-separated
tracking stations on Earth observe a single spacecraft in orbit about another planet, they will
each have a slightly different view, and there will be a slight difference in the amount of
Doppler shift observed by each station. For example, if one station has a view exactly edge-on
to the spacecraft's orbital plane, the other station would have a view slightly to one side of that
plane. The differencing of the two received signals can be used to describe the spacecraft's arc
through space in three dimensions. This data type, called differenced Doppler, is very accurate
as it is based upon measurements taken from the frequency of the downlink.
In order to get any useful information from the Doppler shift, however, an extremely
stable downlink frequency is required so that Doppler shifts on the order of fractions of a Hertz
may be detected out of many GHz over periods of hours. It would be impossible for any
spacecraft to carry the massive equipment on board required to generate and maintain such
high stability. The solution is to have the spacecraft generate a downlink based on the uplink it
Down in the basement of each DSN Signal Processing Centre, there looms a hydrogen
maser-based standard frequency generator in an environmentally controlled room. This is used
as a reference for generating an extremely stable uplink frequency for the spacecraft to use in
generating its downlink. The resulting spacecraft downlink has the same extraordinarily high
frequency stability as the massive hydrogen maser-based system in its controlled environment
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)
in the DSN basement. It is almost as if the signal is reflected off of the spacecraft. This signal
can be used for precisely tracking the spacecraft and for carrying out science experiments.
4.b Explain in detail about 6/4 GHz communication satellite sub system.
(Explanation 3M + diagrams 3M)
A communications satellite exists to provide a platform in geostationary orbit for
relaying of voice, video, and data communications. All other subsystems on the satellite
exits solely to support the communication system. Early communication satellites were
fitted with transponder of 250 or 500 MHz bandwidth, but had low gain antennas and
transmitters of 1 or 2 W output power. The total channel capacity of satellite that uses
500 MHz band at 6/4 GHz can be increased only if the bandwidth can be increased or
There are 3 methods for increasing channel capacity namely, frequency reuse,
polarisation and spacial isolation.
Figure below shows block diagram of a satellite communication subsystem for the 6/4
GHz band. The 500 MHz band is divided up into channels of 36 MHz wide, each handled
by separate transponder. Frequency division is shown below.
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)
Figure below shows a typical single conversion bent pipe transponder of the type
used on many satellites for 6/4 GHz band. The output power amplifier is usually a
solid state power amplifier unless avery high output power is required, when a
travelling wave tube amplifier would be used. The local oscillator is at 2225 MHz to
provide the appropriate shift in frequency from 6 GHz to 4GHz down conversion.
5.a Explain the function of spade DAMA satellite system with neat block diagram.
(Explanation 3M + diagrams 3M)
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)
5.b A TDMA system operates at 100M bits/s with a 2ms frame time. Assume that
all slots are of equal length and guard time 1 micro sec is required between
slots. Compute the efficiency of the communication resource for the case of
1, 2,5,10 slots per frame. (6M)
Let n = number of slots
For n 1 , there is no guard time, and therefore the efficiency ( ) is 100%
6.a A satellite at a distance of 36,000km from earth radiates a power of 5W from an
antenna with a gain of 16dB. Find the power received by an earth station antenna
with gain of 45dB. Operating frequency is 11 GHz. (2M + 2M + 2M)
Pr EIRP Gr Lp [ dBW ]
where EIRP 10 log PtGt [ dBW ] , Lp 20 log (4R / ) [ dB ].
Pr EIRP Gr Lp [ dBW ]
= 23 + 45 – 204.38 dBW
= - 136.38 dBW.
There are two main reasons for the up-link frequency being greater than down-link frequency.
Attenuation and Power limits.
On the earth, the transmitting station has a large bank of power and also may need to transmit to
multiple satellites. Higher frequency means the signal has higher energy (E=h/v), though this has
the effect of being attenuated easily by the atmosphere. Hence, the signal needs to be of higher
intensity to compensate.
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)
The attenuation faced by a high frequency wave is more than that faced by a lower frequency
wave. Since the resources on a satellite are precious, the satellite is allowed to transmit in low
frequencies (Down link) than the earth station (Up link).
Since the ground stations have rather larger sources of power as mentioned above, they can afford
the higher power consumption to get the signal to the satellite. Also, satellites only have so much
power source to amplify the received signal.
The satellite faces technical problems of its own.
Satellites are powered by solar panels and this calls for low power transmission. Low frequency
signals can only be transmitted efficiently by the satellite.
It also does not face the problem of signals getting reflected by the ionosphere. So lower
frequency signals are used by satellites.
This is not a problem to receiving stations on earth as they use sensitive circuits and can afford
to have large antennas that usually operate on LOS (Line Of Sight) which ensures the signal is
captured reliably.
The GEO satellite is used to link a large number of VSATs with the main switching centre in large city.
Each VSAT acts as the link to local switching centre in the village or rural community, with the final mile of
telephony link being carried over wireless local loop.
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)
8.b With the help of block diagram explain GPS receiver operation.
(Explanation 3M + diagrams 3M)
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)
The costas loop compensates the arbitrary phase of the received signal. The IF carrier is
recovered with special type of phase locked loop called costas loop. The demodulated signal
Thus Dm(t) which is recovered data message is recovered correctly in the receiver and S/N
should be atleast 17dB.
Satellite communication solutions (EC414)