Assignment 3: Exercise 0 (6 Points - 1 Point Per Question - No Program Required)

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The document presents a series of exercises related to C/C++ programming. The exercises cover topics like conditional statements, loops, functions, arrays, strings, structures and more. Correct implementation and understanding of concepts is important.

The exercises are intended to help students practice and reinforce concepts related to programming in C/C++ such as data types, operators, control flow, functions, arrays, strings etc. They also emphasize good programming practices like code readability, reusability and portability.

For Exercise 1, the student needs to write a program that prompts the user for a number, computes the factorials up to that number using long integers, and displays the results in a formatted table. Special considerations for portability across systems are also mentioned.

Assignment 3

C/C++ Programming I

Exercise 0 (6 points – 1 point per question – No program required)

Language standards compliance and appropriate header file inclusion is assumed. Testing code by
running it is sometimes misleading due to implementation dependence. These are not trick questions
and there is only one correct answer to each. Applicable notes from the course book are listed.

1. What is output: printf( "%d\n", !(6/3+2.2) + 3); (Notes 3.17 & 3.18)
(Note 3.2) A. value = 4 illegal switch value Got an 'A'
A. 3 B. value = 4
B. 7.2 C. illegal switch value
C. The output is implementation D. Got an 'A'
dependent. E. The output is implementation
D. 7 dependent.
E. garbage because the expression is type
double but %d specifies type int 4. What gets printed by:
putchar('A') + putchar('B');
2. Predict the output from: (Note 3.3)
if (5 < 4) A. AB only
if (6 > 5) B. BA only
cout.put('1'); C. either AB or BA
else if (4 > 3) D. either A or B but not both
cout.put('2'); E. A only
cout.put('3'); 5. What gets printed by:
cout.put('4'); putchar('A') && putchar('B');
(Note 3.15) (Note 3.3)
A. 4 A. AB only
B. 2 B. BA only
C. 24 C. either AB or BA
D. 4 or 24 depending upon D. either A or B but not both
implementation E. A only
E. Nothing is printed.
6. For int x = 5; what is the value and data type
3. Predict the output from: of the entire expression on the next line:
switch (2 * 2) sqrt(9.0), ++x, printf("123"), 25
{ (Note 3.11)
case 1+1: cout << "value = 2 "; A. 3.0 (type double)
case 29: cout << "value = 29 "; B. 3 (type int)
case 4: cout << "value = 4 "; C. 25 (type int)
default: cout << "illegal switch value "; D. 6 (type double)
case 'A': cout << "Got an 'A' "; E. implementation dependent

Submitting your solution

Using the format below place your answers in a plain text file named C1A3E0_Quiz.txt and send it to the
Assignment Checker with the subject line C1A3E0_ID, where ID is your 9-character UCSD student ID.
-- Place an appropriate “Title Block” here --
1. A
2. C
See the course document titled “Preparing and Submitting Your Assignments” for additional exercise
formatting, submission, and Assignment Checker requirements.

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1 Exercise 1 (3 points – C Program)
2 Exclude any existing source code files that may already be in your IDE project and add a new one,
3 naming it C1A3E1_main.c. Write a program in that file to compute and display a table of factorials. The
4 factorial of an integral value n, written n!, is the product of the consecutive integers n down through 0.
5 Since 0! is defined as having a value of 1 it can be omitted from the calculations since it doesn’t affect
6 the outcome. For example, 5 factorial (5!) can be calculated as 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 and has a value of
7 120. Here is a table of 1! Through 7!:
8 nbr nbr!
9 ----------------
10 1 1
11 2 2
12 3 6
13 4 24
14 5 120
15 6 720
16 7 5040
19 Your code must use a type long (not unsigned long) variable to represent the value of factorial nbr! in
20 the table above. The results must be correct up to the maximum value type long can represent on any
21 and every machine on which your unaltered code is compiled and run. Since compiler manufacturers
22 are allowed to make that maximum as great as they see fit as long as it is at least 2,147,483,647, it could
23 conceivably be so great that hundreds of digits would be required to represent it.
25 In addition to the above requirement, your program must:
26 1. prompt the user to enter an integer value greater than 0 and store it in a type int variable;
27 2. compute and display a table like the one illustrated above for all values 1! through the factorial
28 of the value entered by the user. Values must be displayed as decimal integers – no exponents
29 or decimal points.
30 3. align the least significant digits in both columns for all entries in the table. Do not attempt to
31 write code to compute the field widths needed for these columns. Instead, a fixed width of 2 for
32 the 1st column and 11 for the 2nd is fine for the factorial values tested in this exercise unless you
33 start getting misalignments or simply want to make them wider. Separate the fields with at least
34 one space so the numbers won’t run together.
35 4. not use floating point literals, floating point variables, floating point functions, or floating point
36 type casts;
37 5. not use arrays or recursion; recursion occurs when a function is called before a previous call to
38 that function has returned, for example, when a function calls itself;
39 6. not use more than 1 looping statement.
42 Manually re-run your program several times, testing with at least the following 3 input values:
43 1 25 36
44 If you find that any of the factorial values are incorrect determine if the expected values exceed the
45 maximum value supported by type long on your machine, in which case they should be incorrect. Even
46 if they are all correct they will eventually exceed the maximum if the user input value is increased
47 sufficiently. Suggest a possible way the program could be improved to extend its range, but don’t
48 incorporate your suggestion into the code you will be submitting for grading. Instead, merely place your
49 suggestion as a comment in the file’s “Title Block”.
51 Submitting your solution
52 Send your source code file to the Assignment Checker with the subject line C1A3E1_ID, where ID is your
53 9-character UCSD student ID.

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1 See the course document titled “Preparing and Submitting Your Assignments” for additional exercise
2 formatting, submission, and Assignment Checker requirements.
5 Hints:
6 Use 1 type int variable to get the user input value, another to represent the current factorial multiplier (1,
7 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.), and a type long variable to represent the result of all previous multiplications (the
8 factorial result). Then implement the following algorithm, which is completely independent of the
9 number of digits required to represent the maximum value type long can represent:
11 1. Get the user input value.
12 2. Initialize both the factorial multiplier and the factorial result to 1.
13 3. IF the factorial multiplier is less than or equal to the user input value:
14 a. Multiply factorial result by the factorial multiplier; the product becomes the new factorial
15 result.
16 b. Display the factorial multiplier and the factorial result.
17 c. Increment the factorial multiplier.
18 d. Repeat from step 3.

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1 Exercise 2 (5 points – C++ Program)
2 Exclude any existing source code files that may already be in your IDE project and add a new one,
3 naming it C1A3E2_main.cpp. Write a program in that file to reverse the digits of an arbitrary
4 user-entered integer value based solely upon its numeric value, not the individual characters entered. If
5 the value is negative the minus sign must be displayed last. Here are some sample input values and the
6 expected reversals:
7 Input Reversal
8 3987 7893
-2645 5462-
100 001
12 000120 021
13 -0023 32-
14 000 0
16 Your program must:
17 1. prompt the user to enter any integer value;
18 2. use cin >> to read the entire value at once into a type int variable;
19 3. display the variable’s value and the reversed value in the format below, placing double-quotes
20 around both for readability. For example if the user input is -0000000000000000000000026450
21 the following would get displayed:
22 "-26450" in reverse is "05462-"
23 4. not use any non-const variables that are not type int or type bool;
24 5. not use anything involving floating point types (the pow function, math.h, type double, etc.);
25 6. not use arrays or recursion; recursion occurs when a function is called before a previous call to
26 that function has returned, for example, when a function calls itself.
28 Manually re-run your program several times, testing with at least the following 6 input values:
29 3 -123 0 1010 -1010 -0007000
32 Submitting your solution
33 Send your source code file to the Assignment Checker with the subject line C1A3E2_ID, where ID is your
34 9-character UCSD student ID.
35 See the course document titled “Preparing and Submitting Your Assignments” for additional exercise
36 formatting, submission, and Assignment Checker requirements.
40 Hints:
41 The algorithm below picks off and displays the digits of the input value one-at-a-time moving
42 right-to-left. Since it uses integer division (both standard and modulo), which is not portable if either
43 operand is negative (Note 2.8), you must first test the user input. If it is negative change it to positive
44 and use a variable to remember that it was originally negative. Then implement the following
45 algorithm, in which the positive form is referred to as the "number":
47 1. Modulo-divide the number by 10, thereby producing the least significant digit (LSD), which is
48 then displayed.
49 2. Divide the number by 10; the quotient becomes the new number (which is the previous number
50 with its LSD removed).
51 3. IF the new number is not equal to 0 repeat from step 1.
52 4. Display a minus sign if the original user input value was negative.

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1 Exercise 3 (6 points – C++ Program)
2 Exclude any existing source code files that may already be in your IDE project and add a new one,
3 naming it C1A3E3_main.cpp. Write a program in that file to convert an arbitrary user-entered integer
4 value into words based solely upon its numeric value, not the individual characters entered. If the value
5 is negative the word minus must be first. Here are some sample input values and the expected words:
7 Input Words
00000 zero
10 593 five nine three
11 -593 minus five nine three
12 -500 minus five zero zero
13 -000500 minus five zero zero
16 Your program must:
17 1. prompt the user to enter any integer value;
18 2. use cin >> to read the entire value at once into a type int variable;
19 3. display the variable’s value and the equivalent words in the format below, placing
20 double-quotes around both for readability. For example if the user input is
21 -0000000000000000000000026450 the following would get displayed:
22 "-26450" in words is "minus two six four five zero"
23 4. not use any non-const variables that are not type int;
24 5. not use anything involving floating point types (the pow function, math.h, type double, etc.);
25 6. not use arrays or recursion; recursion occurs when a function is called before a previous call to
26 that same function has returned, for example, when a function calls itself.
27 7. not use any nested loops – they are totally unnecessary.
29 Manually re-run your program several times, testing with at least the following 6 input values:
30 3 -123 0 1010 -1010 -0007000
33 Submitting your solution
34 Send your source code file to the Assignment Checker with the subject line C1A3E3_ID, where ID is your
35 9-character UCSD student ID.
36 See the course document titled “Preparing and Submitting Your Assignments” for additional exercise
37 formatting, submission, and Assignment Checker requirements.
40 Hints:
41 Detailed hints are on the next page…

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1 Hints (for Exercise 3):
2 The optional algorithm below displays a user decimal integer input value in words, one-at-a-time
3 moving left-to-right. Since it uses integer division (both standard and modulo), which is not portable if
4 either operand is negative (Note 2.8), the input value is tested and made positive if necessary. There
5 are no nested loops, part A is completed before part B begins, and part B is completed before part C
6 begins. Only one instance of the code for each part is necessary:
8 Part A:
9 A1. Prompt the user, get his/her input, and output the display message up to the point where the
10 first word of the value is needed.
11 A2. If user input number is negative change it to positive and display the word “minus”, followed
12 by a space.
14 Part B (“for” loop is used):
15 Find a power of 10 divisor that will produce the most significant digit (MSD) of the positive
16 number as follows:
17 B1. Set a divisor variable to 1 and a dividend variable to a copy of the number.
18 B2. If the value of the dividend is greater than 9:
19 a. Multiply the divisor by 10; the product becomes the new divisor.
20 b. Divide the dividend by 10; the quotient becomes the new dividend.
21 c. Repeat from step B2.
23 Part C (“do” loop is used):
24 Pick off the digits of the positive number left-to-right and display them as words as follows:
25 C1. Divide the number by the divisor, which yields the MSD. Display it as a word using a
26 10-case switch statement (see below).
27 C2. Multiply the MSD found in the previous step by the divisor and subtract the result from
28 the number; the difference becomes the new number, which is merely the previous
29 number with its MSD removed.
30 C3. Divide the divisor by 10; the result becomes the new divisor.
31 C4. If the new divisor is not equal to 0, repeat from step C1.
34 About the recommended “switch” statement…
35 While the use of “magic numbers” is usually a bad idea, in some situations they are appropriate
36 such as for the “cases” used in the “switch statement” recommended for this exercise. Specifically,
37 each case represents a unique numeric value ranging from 0 through 9. There is no underlying
38 meaning to these values other than the values themselves, their purpose is obvious and
39 unmistakable, there is no possibility that they might ever need to be changed, and there is no
40 identifier (name) that would make their meaning any clearer. Thus, the literal values should be
41 specified directly, as follows:
43 switch (…)
44 {
45 case 0: …
46 case 1: …
47 case 2: …
48 etc.
49 }

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Get a Consolidated Assignment Report (optional)
If you would like to receive a consolidated report containing the results of the most recent version of
each exercise submitted for this assignment, send an empty email to the assignment checker with the
subject line C1A3_ID, where ID is your 9-character UCSD student ID. Inspect the report carefully since it is
what I will be grading. You may resubmit exercises and report requests as many times as you wish
before the assignment deadline.

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