Fisica Del Est. Solido-Guia 01-19-II
Fisica Del Est. Solido-Guia 01-19-II
Fisica Del Est. Solido-Guia 01-19-II
1. Consider a system of two types of charge carriers in the Drude model. The two carriers have the same density
(n) and opposite charge (e and –e), and their masses and relaxation rates are m 1, m2 and
τ1 , τ2 ,
respectively. (you may want to use the mobility, m , instead of τ and m). a) Calculate the
magnetoresistance, Δρ=ρ ( B )−ρ ( B=0 ) , where B is the magnetic field. b) Calculate the Hall
coefficient. c) In an undoped semiconductor, n=n0 e describes the temperature dependence of the
carrier concentration. What will the temperature dependence of the magnetoresistance and the Hall coefficient
2. The equation of motion of a free electron in a metal under influence of light polarized along the x-direction
d2 x dx e
may be written dt
+2 πγ
=− ( ) ( )
E exp (−2 πiνt )
m o , where the second term is a damping term.
Solve the equation for x and from it calculate the electric moment per unit volume. From this, show that the
real part of the dielectric constant ε =n2 −k 2 and the conductivity σ a are given by.
ne 2 ne 2 γ
ε =1− σ =nk ν=
πm ( ν 2 +γ 2 ) and 2 πm ( ν 2 +γ 2 )
Where n is the number of free electrons per cm • Show that 2 πτ where τ is the relaxation time
ne 2 τ
σ 0=
occurring in the static conductivity m . Also show that metals are transparent for frequencies
15 12 15
¿ 10 per second and that they are reflecting in the region 10 ≤ν≤10 per second.
3. In the Drude model the probability of an electron suffering a collision in any infinitesimal interval dt is dt/τ. a)
Show that and electron picked at random at a given moment had no collision during the preceding t seconds
with probability p1 = exp(-t/τ). Show that it will have no collision during the next t seconds with the same
probability b) Show that the probability that the time interval between two successive collisions of an electron
falls in the range between t and t+dt, is: dp2 = (dt/τ) exp(-t/τ).
4. A constant density current, J x , circulates along a metallic wire under the effect of an applied electrical field
Ex. A transverse magnetic field B= Bez, is also applied to the sample. Using Drude’s linear response theory:
a). Show that the longitudinal resistivity ρ=E x/jx is independent of B. b) A transverse electrical field E y due to
the Lorentz force is observed (Hall Effect). Determine the Hall’s coefficient R H=Ey/(B jX).
5. Assume that a conduction electron in a metal experiences two successive collisions at times t 1 and t2,
respectively. Let T = t2 –t1 be the time interval between the two successive collisions. a) Find the probability
density function for T. b) Evaluate the average T of the time interval between two successive collisions.
6. (a) Assume a scattering time τ and use Drude theory to derive an expression for the conductivity of a metal. b)
a.c. conductivity in this scenario. (a) Plot the real part and imaginary part of σ (ω ) as functions of ω
Show that the real part of the conductivity decays with a characteristic frequency of τ . b) Show that
( π) ∫ dωR σ (ω )
is a constant for a given material irrespective of temperature, density of defects, etc.
This is an example of a `sum rule. c) Starting from Maxwell's equation and assuming Ohm's law, derive the
wave equation for electromagnetic fields in the metal. If we take an arbitrary frequency ω what is the
solution of the wave equation?