Ridge Gourd in English
Ridge Gourd in English
Ridge Gourd in English
1. Introduction:-
Ridge gourd is a very important Indian vegetable crop and it can be grown throughout
the year. It belongs to cucurbitaceae family. The Ridge gourd vegetable in green stage and
leaves with stem are used as vegetable, it is very famous vegetable in south and east India.
Health Benefits of Ridge Gourd are excellent blood purifier, Possessing laxative properties,
Beneficial for diabetes, Ridge gourd is extremely rich in dietary fibre, Aiding in weight loss,
Anti-inflammatory and antibiotic. It is a creeper and has a climbing or trailing habit. There is
a wide variation in shape and length of fruits.
2. Land selection and Preparation:
Ridge gourd can be grown in all kinds of soil, loam, clay loam and silt soils are best
suited for its cultivation. The land is prepared by ploughing for three to four times, followed
by planking. A well-pulverized soil promotes good soil aeration and enhances root formation.
Prepare the field as early as possible to give enough time for the weeds and stubbles of
previous crops to decompose. Plough the soil with chisel plough and harrow 2 to 3 times
alternately with intervals of one week. Plough at a depth of 15 to 20 cms. Harrow twice to
break the clods and level the field. Ridge gourd grows in a wide range of soils but it thrives
best in sandy and loamy soils. The suitable PH range is 6.5 to 7.5. Adding organic manure
and farmyard manure will make the soil rich. This paves way for better yield and quality
vegetable can be expected. Once adding FYM @ 10-15 tons and Neem Cake @ 250 Kg per
acre along with Azospirillum 5 Kg and 6.5 Kg of Pseudomonas after 2nd ploughing. to soil is
complete, cover the manure with soil and arrange mulching sheet and drip irrigation system
makes land preparation complete.
2.1 Mulching sheet
The arrangement of a Mulching sheet is very important because it is impermeable to water
and prevents the direct evaporation of moisture from the soil and thus limits the water losses
and conserves moisture. Mulch can facilitate fertilizer placement and reduce the loss of plant
nutrient through leaching. Mulches can also provide a barrier to soil pathogen and prevent
germination of annual weeds from receiving light.
2.2 Drip irrigation
Overhead irrigation wets the plants but produces runoff. In contrast, drip irrigation is a much
more controlled irrigation method. It works by exposing the roots to a direct supply of water.
Drip irrigation system release water in a slow and steady fashion and controlled amount of
water is supplied to plants at regular intervals.
3. Season and Climate:
Warm and humid climate is favourable for its growth and development. The optimum
temperature requirement is 25-300C. Long day and high temperatures favoured the
development of more female flowers. Luffa can be cultivated up to 500 m MSL. Ridge gourd
can be grown in all kinds of soil but loam, clay loam and silt soil with pH of 6.5 to 7.5 are
best suited for its cultivation. Proper drainage is highly beneficial. Excessive water can
results in poor growth and root diseases.
4. Selection/ variety/planting material/nursery raising
Desi Chaitali.
Pusa Nasdar.
Phule Sucheta.
Kankan Harita.
b) Seed Rate:
The seed rate is 1 to 2 kg/acre.
4.1 Seed treatment:-
The seeds of ridge gourd are very hard and having a very smooth surface and may take
more time to germinate. In order to enable for earlier germination of seeds, they are to be first
roughed lightly with rolling over a sand paper and soaked in luke warm water over night.
Before sowing, the seeds are to be treated with Trichoderma viride @ 4 gm per kg or
Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 10 gms per kg of seeds.
4.2 Transplanting
The seeds can be directly sowed three numbers in a pit or can be grown initially in a
polythene bag filled with same soil and transplanted at the pits after a healthy growth of the
plant. Thinning to two plants after healthy growth of plants to be carried out.
4.3 Spacing
The plants are sown at a spacing of 150 X 200 cm.
4.4 Methods
The seeds are sown following two methods.
Bed type the other is Pits or furrows type.
a) Bed type method is followed for Trellis or raised type of growing.
b) Pits type is followed for ground trailing method of growing. In ground trailing method,
the fruits will have a flat side whereas in raised method the fruits will be round shape.
5. Water management:
Install drip system with main and sub-main pipes and place the in line lateral tubes at
an interval of 1.5 m. Place the drippers in lateral tubes at an interval of 60 cm and 50 cm
spacing with 4 LPH and 3.5 LPH capacities, respectively.
6. INM
A) Introduction: Integrated Nutrient Management refers to the maintenance of soil fertility
and of plant nutrient supply at an optimum level for sustaining the desired productivity
through optimization of the benefits from all possible sources of organic, inorganic and
biological components in an integrated manner.
6.1 Organic: Apply 10 kg of FYM per pit, neem cake @ 100 kg before last ploughing
6.2 Bio-Fertilizer: Apply Azospirillum and Phospho bacteria @2 kg/acre and Pseudomonas
2.5 kg/acre as a basal dose along with FYM.
6.3 Chemical fertilizer:
N-P-K at the rate of 60-85-75 kg per acre before sowing and N @ 50 kg per acre after
30 days.
Spray Ethrel @ 2.5 ml per 10 litres of water after 15 days of sowing and once in a
week after that. This will help increase in yield.
6.4 Speciality fertilizer:
Soil: Apply DNP-G @3-4bags per acre as a basal dose along with 10kg of each PH-50 and
6. Mosaic
Viral disease are causing extensive damage to different cucurbits like pumpkin and squashes,
water melon, ridge gourd, bitter gourd, ash gourd, melon, cucumber and coccinia. Viral
diseases are becoming serious due to intensive and continuous cultivation of a crop with
indiscriminate use of plant protection chemicals. Several viruses like aphid transmitted
cucumber mosaic virus, watermelon mosaic viruses like aphid transmitted cucumber mosaic
virus, watermelon mosaic virus, mechanically transmissible tobacco virus group, non-sap
transmissible but white fly transmissible yellow vein mosaic virus etc. cause malformation
and damage to plants. Symptoms expressed by host plant vary with virus and crop. Mosaic
mottling, curling and twisting of leaves, shortening of internodes, stunted growth are
common symptoms and vegetative growth, flowering and productivity are adversely affected
once crop is infected.
Management: Complete control of the diseases is not possible. Adoption of practices like
collection of seeds from healthy virus free plants, seed treatment with hot air (70oC for 2
days) or hot water (55oC for 60 minutes), clean cultivation and removal of alternate hosts
particularly weeds, avoiding relay cropping of susceptible crops, prophylactic spray of
organic pesticides, control of vectors by spraying insecticides, use of biocontrol agents,
cultivation of tolerant / resistant varieties, avoiding cropping during mosaic prone season and
areas, either alone or in combination have to be tried for raising a mosaic free crop. Selection
of methods for control of viral diseases should be based on intensity of infection, mode of
transmission, etc.
8. Weed management:
Removal of weeds and earthing up of soil to the plants to be carried out before
application of fertilisers. Application of Fluchloralin @ 2.5 kg per acre or Bensulide @ 15 Kg
per acre to the filed 15 days before sowing helps control weeds.
9. Cultural practices:
9.1 Staking and Trellising
Ridge gourd grows very fast and vines elongate rapidly within four weeks after seed
germination. Thereafter, the plant sends out lateral stems. Staking and trellising increase the
ridge gourd yield and size reduce fruit rot and make spraying and harvesting easier.
9.2 Pruning
Ridge gourd develops many side branches that are not productive. To improve yield,
remove lateral branches until the runner reaches the top of the trellis. Leave 4-6
laterals and cut the top of the main runner to induce early cropping.
We can trellise the ridge gourd crop with bamboo poles, wood stakes, PVC pipes or
other sturdy material. These are used to provide support and keep the fruit and foliage
off the ground. The trellis is arranged either in a lean to or in tunnel structure.
Horizontal stakes are installed at the top joining all other beds. The stakes support the
climbing vines and lateral stems. Strings are used to secure adjoining stakes. Plantings
are easier to manage and more productive when 2 m high rather than 1 m high. String
trellises are used for the tunnel type; plants are grown inside an arch shape structure
made of either PVC or galvanized iron pipe.
10. Harvesting:
Crop is ready for harvest in about 60 days after sowing. Both crops are picked at
immature tender stage. Fruits attain marketable maturity 5-7 days after anthesis. Over-
mature fruits will be fibrous and are unfit for consumption. To avoid over-maturity,
picking is done at 3-4 days interval. Harvested fruits are packed in baskets to avoid
injury and can be kept for 3-4 days in a cool atmosphere.