NEB - Results
NEB - Results
NEB - Results
A North American family (family "16") with two affected siblings with severe NM was referred
for research studies to determine the genetic basis for their condition.
Parental history
At the time of the birth of patient 16-2, the mother was 25-year-old G7, P2-2-2-4 (seven
pregnancies, two term births, two preterm births, two abortions and four living children). There
was no family history of neuromuscular disease in either parent, and neither parent had signs
or symptoms of muscle disease.
Patient 16-2
This baby boy was born after a pregnancy complicated after 31 weeks by polyhydramnios,
and fetal movements were weak and infrequent. Birth occurred at 37 weeks gestational age,
and the boy required intubation in the delivery room. He was 47 cm in length, weighed 2,500
g, and had a head circumference of 37.5 cm. The patient had facial weakness; contractures
of the hips, knees, ankles, elbows and wrists; and other abnormalities, including a broad,
prominent forehead; downward-slanting palpebral fissures; micrognathia; a bulbous nose; a
cleft palate; ears that were low-set and posteriorly rotated; cryptorchism; and a small phallus.
His neurological findings were otherwise normal. He required tube feeding. Echocardiography
revealed a large patent ductus arteriosus with pulmonary hypertension. Electromyography
performed at one week of age was inconclusive. A biopsy of the right rectus femoris muscle
obtained at eight days of life revealed myopathic muscle with numerous nemaline bodies
and/or rods, which are diagnostic for NM (see below). He was ventilator-dependent until 28
days of life, when ventilator care was withdrawn and he was taken home. He died a few hours
Patient 16-4
This baby boy was born two years later to the same parents at 31 weeks gestational age by
spontaneous vaginal delivery, with Apgar scores of 1, 1 and 2 at one, five and ten minutes,
respectively. The pregnancy was complicated by oligohydramnios and preterm precipitous
onset of labor. In utero monitoring demonstrated poor fetal movement and contractures of the
upper and lower extremities. At birth, contractures were present at the elbows, wrists, fingers,
hips, knees and feet, with the first, second and fifth digits overlapping the third and fourth
digits of the hands. The infant had significant respiratory distress at delivery, with no
respiratory effort and poor color despite administration of 100% oxygen. Prior to delivery, the
parents had requested supportive measures only, and active treatment was discontinued
because of the patient's clinical findings and significant respiratory distress during his first day
of life. The patient died shortly thereafter.
Pathological studies
Patient 16-2
A right rectus femoris muscle biopsy taken at eight days of life revealed skeletal muscle with
small, round fibers and excessive variation in fiber size (Figure 1A). Numerous cells of all
sizes and fiber types contained granular red material in a diffuse cytoplasmic and
subsarcolemmal distribution, consistent with the presence of nemaline rods. No nuclear rods
were seen. There was a mild focal increase in perimysial fibrosis. The nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide (NADH) and succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) stains revealed type 1 fiber
predominance with appropriately sized type 2 fibers. No inflammation, excessive central
nucleation, corelike structures or myonecrosis was seen.
Figure 1. Histological findings in two brothers with severe NM. Gomori trichrome staining
(A) through (D) of frozen muscle tissue reveals punctate red inclusions (nemaline rods) within
the cytoplasm of skeletal muscle fibers. These structures are readily identifiable in a biopsy
specimen from the rectus femoris muscle of patient 16-2 (A), an autopsy specimen of the
psoas muscle from patient 16-2 (B) and autopsy specimens from the diaphragm (C) and
abdominal wall (D) muscles of patient 16-4. Toluidine blue staining of Epon-embedded
quadriceps muscle from patient 16-2 (E) reveals a diffuse distribution of nemaline rods and
marked variation in myofiber size. Note the variation in nemaline rod burden, fiber size
variation and fibrosis between individual muscles within the same patient. Ultrastructural
examination of this tissue (F) confirms the identity of the dense cytoplasmic inclusions as
nemaline rods. Scale bars = 200 μm for (A) through (E) and 40 μm for (F). NM, nemaline
The causes of death reported on the basis of autopsy findings were severe congenital NM
and patchy acute bronchopneumonia of the left lung. The lungs appeared mildly edematous
but without discrete lesions on the cut surface. The heart and all other organs were reportedly
unremarkable. The histological findings in cardiac muscle were normal at both light and
ultrastructural levels.
Frozen muscle from the psoas, quadriceps, diaphragm and cardiac muscles collected at the
time of autopsy were available for histological review. Gomori trichrome staining of the psoas
muscle (Figure 1B) revealed skeletal muscle with small, round fibers and excessive variation
in fiber size. The findings in this specimen were similar to those seen in the patient's earlier
biopsy, except that the degree of perimysial and endomysial fibrosis was more marked here
and a greater proportion of the fibers (approximately 80% to 90%) contained a diffuse
distribution of nemaline rods. No nuclear rods were seen. The quadriceps muscle had
moderate to severe variation in fiber size, mild perimysial fibrosis and a diffuse and
subsarcolemmal distribution of nemaline rods in some fibers (Figure 1E). Nemaline rods were
found in fewer fibers of the quadriceps muscle compared to the psoas muscle. Ultrastructural
examination of the quadriceps muscle further confirmed the presence of nemaline rods in
muscle fibers (Figure 1F). Focal Z-band streaming was also present. The mitochondria were
appropriate with respect to their size, shape, complexity and distribution. The diaphragm
displayed marked variation in fiber size with scattered round small fibers and a mild, focal
increase in perimysial fibrosis. Most muscle fibers in the diaphragm were much larger than
the fibers seen in any of the other specimens from this patient, including the prior muscle
biopsy. Scattered fibers contained subsarcolemmal aggregates of granular red material,
suggestive of nemaline rods. It should be noted, however, that these aggregates were much
smaller and less numerous than those seen in the other skeletal muscle specimens. No
inflammation, corelike structures or myonecrosis was seen in any of the specimens.
Patient 16-4
At autopsy, pulmonary findings included bilobed right lung, markedly hypoplastic lungs
bilaterally, and immature, minimally expanded lung parenchyma. Histologically, minimally
expanded alveoli contained scattered squamous cells and possible early hyaline membranes.
The right and left pulmonary veins were significantly smaller than expected (1 or 2 mm), but
the relationship and size of the vasculature were otherwise normal. Sections taken from the
thymus, trachea, esophagus, adrenal gland, spleen, kidney, pancreas, bone, bone marrow
and brain were unremarkable when visualized by light microscopy. The heart was structurally
normal for gestational age, with a patent ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale.
Evaluation of skeletal muscle from the diaphragm (Figure 1C) revealed small, round
myofibers containing large, peripherally placed nuclei consistent with neonatal muscle.
Gomori trichrome staining revealed numerous nemaline rods in most myofibers, with a diffuse
distribution of rods within the myofibers. NADH and ATPase staining allowed only poor
differentiation between oxidative and glycolytic fibers, but nemaline rods were present in both
fiber types. Skeletal muscle from the abdominal wall (Figure 1D) showed increased variation
in fiber size, with numerous small, round fibers and a greater degree of fiber size variation
than was seen in the diaphragm. The myofibers had large, peripherally placed nuclei with
coarse granular basophilic staining in many fibers. Gomori trichrome staining revealed
nemaline rods within many fibers, which were arranged in a predominantly diffuse distribution
within myocytes. The rods were readily found in both large and small fiber populations. NADH
and ATPase staining revealed that the small fibers were of both oxidative and glycolytic fiber
types, and nemaline rods were located within both fiber types.
Mutation analysis
Genetic studies of the ACTA1, TPM2, TPM3 and CFL2 genes, as well as the recurrent NEB
exon 55 deletion, were all negative in one or the other of the two affected patients. Genomic
PCR and denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (dHPLC) analysis of 159 NEB
gene (GenBank:NG_009382.1) exons revealed two distinct mutations, one each in the
patients' father and mother. Both affected boys were compound heterozygotes for these two
autosomal recessive mutations. The mutation inherited from the father was a splice site
mutation in the 5' splice site of intron 13 (GT > TT) (g.32596G > T, c.1152 + 1G > T) (Figure
2A), and the mutation inherited from the mother was a deletion AG leading to a frameshift in
exon 81 (g.129384_129385del, c.11318_11319del, p.Lys3774Argfs*10) (Figure 2B). Neither
of these mutations was identified in 236 control chromosomes analyzed by sequencing.
Exons 13 and 81 are both constitutively expressed, so patients with this combination of
mutations would not be expected to produce normal nebulin.
Figure 2. Severe NM in two brothers caused by compound heterozygous mutations for
an exon 13 splice site and an exon 81 frameshift. DNA sequence analysis of genomic
PCR products illustrates the two mutations found in these patients. (A) A splice site mutation
in the 5' splice site of intron 13 (GT > TT)(g.32596G > T) was found in both reported patients
and their father, but was not seen in their mother. (B) A deletion of two nucleotides was found
in exon 81 (g.129384_129385del) of both patients and their mother, but was not present in
their father. The results of PCR assays run in forward and reverse are shown to confirm the
presence of a frameshift mutation. The sequencing results for patient 16-4 were identical to
those shown for patient 16-2. Arrows indicate mutation sites.
Nebulin expression
Western blot analysis performed using protein extracted from quadriceps muscle from patient
16-2 revealed significantly lower nebulin content in comparison to control patients and
patients with exon 55 mutations who had been evaluated in a prior report [17]. Protein from
patient 16-4 could not be evaluated. The antibody against nebulin's N terminus showed no
detectable labeling, whereas the antibody against nebulin's C terminus detected a nebulin
isoform at the appropriate molecular weight (approximately 773 kDa), similar to what was
seen in control samples (Figure 3A). However, when normalized to myosin heavy chain
(MHC), labeling of nebulin's C terminus was approximately 90% less intense in the NM
patient compared with control (Figure 3D). Also, the antibody against nebulin's C terminus
detected a doublet (Figure 3C), which might be a reflection of the different mutations on each
of the alleles. In contrast, four patients with NM due to homozygous deletion of exon 55 of
NEB showed labeling of nebulin's C terminus approximately 72% reduced in comparison to
control [17]. Prior work using these samples [10,17] described a less severe clinical course
and less severe abnormalities seen on contractile studies using myofibers from these
Figure 3. Compound heterozygosity for the exon 13 and exon 81 mutations is
associated with dramatic reduction of nebulin protein levels in NM muscle. (A) Nebulin
expression in comparison to myosin heavy chain (MHC) expression is shown using extracted
protein from a control patient (Con) or from patient 16-2 (16-2). (B) Nebulin was detected
using antibodies directed against either the N-terminal (N-term) or the C-terminal (C-term)
regions of nebulin. Only the C-terminal antibody reacted with nebulin in the NM sample and
reveals a barely detectable doublet. (C) Comparison of nebulin expression in control patients
(Con), patient 16-2 (16-2) and a patient with nemaline myopathy caused by a mutation in
exon 55 (Ex 55). (D) Quantification of nebulin expression (normalized to MHC expression and
expressed as a percentage of the values seen in controls) in four patients with nemaline
myopathy caused by mutations in exon 55 in comparison to the expression measured in
patient 16-2. Values shown are means ± standard error of the mean (SEM).
Muscle mechanics
Recent studies using tissue from nebulin-knockout mice [18-22] and humans with NM due to
deletions of NEB exon 55 [17,22] have demonstrated an impaired capacity to generate force
because of shorter thin filaments and altered cross-bridge cycling. Here we used skinned fiber
preparations to determine the contractile properties of myofibers from patient 16-4, whose
clinical presentation and quantity of nebulin represent an intermediate phenotype between the
knockout mice and patients with the exon 55 deletion. Fibers isolated from a diaphragm
specimen had severely reduced maximal Ca 2+-activated active tension (4 ± 0.5 mN/mm 2
compared with 88 ± 5 mN/mm 2 in control) (Figure 4A), which is similar to the recent report of
contractile function in fibers of NM patients with NEB exon 55 deletions [17]. Because of the
use of autopsy tissue in these studies, we cannot rule out that postmortem protein
degradation contributed to the decrease in contractile performance, but the decrease was
consistent among fibers and similar in scale to findings in our previous studies of surgical
specimens. The rate of force redevelopment (k tr) was dramatically decreased from 3.2 ± 0.2
s-1 in control myofibers to 0.4 ± 0.04 s -1, even more so than in the previously described
patients [17] (Figure 4C). There was also a significant increase in tension cost (adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) consumption rate normalized to force) in fibers isolated from our patients
(9.7 ± 2.3 pmol/mN/mm/second) in comparison to controls (6.1 ± 0.6 pmol/mN/mm/second)
(Figure 4B). These findings are consistent with severely impaired force generation that can be
partly explained by altered cross-bridge cycling kinetics (slower cross-bridge attachment and
faster detachment), resulting in a lower fraction of bound force-generating cross-bridges
Figure 4. Weakness in severe NM with greatly reduced nebulin levels is associated with
reduced force generation with increased tension cost and slower force redevelopment.
Skinned myofibers from control patients (Ctrl) and patient 16-4 (16-4) reveal (A) a large
reduction in maximal tension measured at -log[Ca2+] (pCa) 4.5, (B) an increase in tension
cost and (C) a large reduction in the rate constant of force development (ktr). Control
myofibers were taken from three normal quadriceps biopsies, and analysis was limited to type
2 fibers, since the patient 16-4 biopsy expressed mainly type 2 myosin heavy chains. Values
are the means ± SEM of measurements from five myofibers. *P < 0.05.
While a number of NEB mutations have been described in patients with NM, the differences in
molecular pathogenetic pathways leading to variable disease severity are currently unclear.
Here we have described two siblings with compound heterozygote mutations in intron 13 and
exon 81 of NEB, resulting in severe congenital myopathy with profound muscle weakness,
arthrogryposis and neonatal death. The splice site mutation in intron 13 is expected to cause
exon 13 skipping, which would result in a protein lacking 39 amino acids in the N terminus
disrupting simple repeat M8 and super repeat 1. The frameshift mutation in exon 81 is
predicted to cause premature truncation of the protein at super repeat 14. These mutations
were associated with a marked decrease in the quantity of nebulin detectable by Western blot
analysis, which was found to be at even lower levels than those seen in patients with severe
NM due to exon 55 mutations in NEB [17]. Pathologically, the patient muscles showed a
variable degree of myopathic changes and nemaline body (rod) burden. Contractility testing of
skinned myofibers from the diaphragm revealed marked deficits in contractile performance.
Mutations in NEB are the most common cause of NM [4]. While the clinical findings in NEB-
associated NM are variable, the most frequent presentation of these patients is the so-called
"typical" form of NM. Patients with typical NM have congenital onset of weakness followed by
delayed attainment of gross motor milestones and a slowly progressive or nonprogressive
course. Although the severe form of NM, which is associated with a lack of spontaneous
movements or respiration at birth, sometimes with multiple congenital contractures or
fractures [25], is more frequently caused by mutations in ACTA1 [24], severe NM has been
reported in 13 families as a consequence of NEB mutation [14,24]. In the first report of severe
NM caused by NEB mutation, three of five families had mutations located in exon 184 [24],
suggesting that this might represent a hotspot for mutations causing severe disease.
However, none of the subsequently reported families had mutations of this exon [14],
although, notably, one of these families had a splice site mutation in intron 81 predicted to
lead to a defect similar to the exon 81 frameshift found in our family 16.
The particularly severe phenotype of both affected children in our study is reflected by the
presence of multiple contractures at birth, or arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC).
Rather than a specific pathological diagnosis, AMC is a description of a clinical phenotype
that occurs in 1 in 3,000 live births and is a characteristic of more than 300 different disorders
[26]. In cases of AMC that are associated with neuromuscular disease, contractures are
present at birth as a result of fetal muscle weakness causing insufficient movements. AMC
has been reported in some cases of severe NM due to mutations in NEB [25], but this is an
uncommon and particularly severe presentation of this disease. Our data suggest that low
levels of nebulin may be associated with such a severe NM presentation and AMC and also
that quantitation of the nebulin content in skeletal muscle might be useful in the workup of
patients with AMC.
A recent report described variably severe NM in patients with mutations in exon 55 of NEB,
which encodes an N-terminal portion of nebulin [10]. Mechanical and structural analyses of
muscle from these patients led to the discovery that the exon 55 deletions produced
decreased contractile force because of shorter and nonuniform thin-filament lengths, despite
a lack of significant changes in the molecular weight of nebulin [17]. Contractile studies of
Neb-knockout mice [27], the patients with exon 55 deletions [17,22] and our more severely
affected patients described herein all showed large reductions in maximal tension and k tr and
increases in tension cost. Whether the apparently greater diminution of k tr in muscle from
patient 16-4 is really associated with these boys' unusually severe clinical presentations will
require the identification and analysis of additional similar cases.
Our Western blot studies using antibodies against the N- and C-terminal portions of nebulin
revealed significant reduction of nebulin content with greater immunoreactivity detected using
antibodies against the C-terminal portion of nebulin rather than the N-terminal portion. Studies
of patients with deletion of exon 55 have also detected reduced quantities of nebulin of
appropriate molecular size and weaker immunoreactivity to antibodies directed against the N
terminus [17]. These findings confirm earlier results in patients with other nebulin mutations
and suggest that mutations affecting the N-terminal regions of nebulin can impair recognition
of nebulin using antibodies against the N terminus while leaving C-terminal immunoreactivity
intact [4,28,29]. Notably, the overall quantity of nebulin in muscle from patient 16-2 (estimated
to be 10% of normal) was markedly lower than the approximately 28% levels seen in four
patients with exon 55 deletion, suggesting that the greater severity of symptoms in our
patients might be related to the degree of nebulin deficiency. In contrast, a recent report
described clinical and mechanical findings in an NM patient with > 70% normal levels of
nebulin due to compound heterozygosity for two splicing mutations predicted to induce
skipping of NEB exons 3 and 22 [30]. In that study, the patient was a 46-year-old man with
the "typical" form of NM, with only mild (Medical Research Council (MRC) grade 4) weakness.
Remarkably, and in contrast to our findings in patients with a greater degree of nebulin
deficiency, muscle from this patient exhibited a normal force-sarcomere length relationship
and normal calcium sensitivity of force production. A more complete correlation between
nebulin expression and clinical severity is necessary, but, taken together, these data suggest
that levels of nebulin expression detected by Western blot analysis may be indicative of the
underlying molecular mechanisms of weakness and thus may be useful in predicting the
prognosis of patients with NM due to mutations in NEB.
Our studies provide further evidence that NEB mutations can cause marked impairment of
contractile performance that causes severe myopathic disease. The compound heterozygous
mutations described in this report represent another scenario in which NEB mutations can
cause severe NM that is associated with an even shorter life expectancy than that of the most
severely affected patients with exon 55 mutations. Single-fiber contractile studies from patient
16-2 in this study revealed marked decreases in contractile force compared with control
fibers, and these decreases exceeded the contractile force deficits reported in studies using
myofibers from NM patients with mutations in exon 55 of NEB [22]. Overall, the cases
described in this study represent the severe end of the clinical spectrum of NM, exceeding the
clinical and physiological deficits observed in patients with deletion of exon 55 of NEB.
Additionally, our results imply that low levels of nebulin protein detected by Western blot
analysis may correlate with a poor prognosis for patients with NM due to NEB mutations,
which would be diagnostically useful if this finding holds true in studies of larger numbers of