Cursod Albert Projectproposal
Cursod Albert Projectproposal
Cursod Albert Projectproposal
(School Beautification)
Project Time-frame : August 15 – 25, 2021
I. Project Contacts
V. Project Methodology
Meeting with the PTA officers and parents about campus beautification.
Indicate in the meeting the plan regarding the school campus beautification. Plant
flowering plants such as Santan, Rose, Yellow Bell & many other flowering plants.
Advised learners to plant flowering plants on their home during vacation and bring
it on “Brigada Eskwela”. Advised them also to provide a used “Gulong” and bring it
on school which can use for landscaping. Divide the parents of every grade level to
do an assigned task. Ask the PTA to solicit if they give consent. Solicitation from
local organizations will help greatly to buy a needed material for the school campus
building park
Aug. 24, 2021 Building park Cheey NHS Campus 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Aug. 25, 2021 Checking and assessing who is the Cheey NHS Campus 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
B. Project Deliverables
August 28, 2021
Created an eco-friendly school campus.
Built butterfly garden inside the school campus.
Built subject park for all subject areas/grade levels.
Planted flowering plants in respective area of every grade level.
Achieve a well – maintained safe and attractive learning environment for both
learners and teachers.