Alu Inium Limited: A U Ium L D
Alu Inium Limited: A U Ium L D
Alu Inium Limited: A U Ium L D
Aluminium Ltd.
To, To,
Manager Manager
Dept. of Corporate Services Dept. of Corporate Services
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited The National Stock Exchange of India Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Tower, Exchange Plaza,Bandra Kurla Complex,
Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400 001 Bandra, Mumbai - 400 051
Fax: 022- 22723121/2037 /2039/2041 Fax:022-26598237/38,26598347/48
Scrip Code: 532906 Scrip Code: MAANALU
Sub: Confirmation Certificate in the matter of Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and
Participants) Regulations, 2018 for the Quarter Ended 301h June, 2021
This is to inform that as required under Regulation 74 (5) of the SEBI (Depositories and Participants)
Regulations, 2018, Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company i.e. M/s. Link Intime
India Pvt. Ltd. has confirmed to the depositories, in respect to the certificates of securities received for
dematerialization during the quarter ended 30111 June, 2021 that the securities comprised in the said
certificate have been listed on the stock exchanges where the earlier issued securities of the Company
are listed.
The RTA has also confirmed that the certificates of securities received for dematerialization have been
mutilated and cancelled after due verification and the name of the depositories have been substituted
in the register of members as the registered owner within the time lines.
The letter confirming the same from the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) of the
Company is enclosed for your reference.
Thanking you
Yours Faithfully
F&or Alulinium Limited ~/J\
V/ V(..
der Nath Jain
u-. 1 --1 )z- 1 .'I
9 Office: Building No.4/5, 9 Works: Plot No. 67 & 75, (' Phone: 91-7292-472500
I st Floor, Asaf Ali Road, Sector- I, Pithampur-454775, E-mail:
New Delhi-02. Tel.: 0 I 1-40081800 Dist. Dhar, M.P., INDIA [8J Website:
CIN: L30007DL2003PLC214485
Link lntime India Pvt. Ltd.
LI.•NKlntime Noble Heights , 1st Floor ,
Plot No. NH 2 , LSC, C-1 Block ,
Near Savini Market, Janakpurl,
New Oelhi-110058
Phone : 011-49411000
Fax : 011-41410591
E-mail :
July 3, 2021
Subject: Confirmation Certificate in the matter of Retrulation 74(5) of Securitie and Exchange
Board of India (Depositories and Participant ) Regulations, 2018.
Dear Sir,
In reference to the above captioned regulation, we hereby confirm that the securities received from the
depository participants for dcmaterialisarion during the quarter ended 30th June. 2021. were con finned
(accepted/rejected) to the depositories by us and that securities comprised in the sard certificates have been
listed on the stock exchanges where the earlier issued securities arc listed.
SEBI vide its Circular No. SEBIJHO/MIR D/RTAMB/P/ClR/2021/558 dated April 29.
2021 had extended the time line for processing the demat requests by the Issuer
Company/RT A. We hereby also confirm that the security certificates received for
dematerialisation have been mutilated and cancelled after due verification by the
depository participant and the name of the depositories have been substituted in the
register of members as the registered owner within the time lines mentioned in the
aforesaid circular. We request you to kindly take note of the above in your records.
Thanking you,
'wapan Kumar Nu~
(As ociate Vice-President)
Regd. Off.: C-101, 247 Park, L B. s. Marg, Vfkhroll (West), Mumbai. 400 083. Phone: 022- 4918 6000 Fax: 022 4918 6060 E-mail:
CIN: U67190MH1999PTC118368 Website: