J1939-13 Off-Board Diagnostic Connector
J1939-13 Off-Board Diagnostic Connector
J1939-13 Off-Board Diagnostic Connector
SURFACE J1939-13
Issued 1999-07
RECOMMENDED Revised 2004-03
Superseding J1939-13 JUL1999
This series of SAE Recommended Practices have been developed by the Truck and Bus Control and
Communications Network Subcommittee of the Truck and Bus Electrical Committee. The objectives of
the subcommittee are to develop information reports, recommended practices, and standards concerned
with the requirements design and usage of devices which transmit electronic signals and control
information among vehicle components. The usage of these documents is not limited to truck and bus
applications. Other applications may be accommodated with immediate support being provided for
construction and agricultural equipment and stationary power systems.
These SAE Recommended Practices are intended as a guide toward standard practice and are subject
to change to keep pace with experience and technical advances.
1. Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 2
2. References............................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 Applicable Publications .......................................................................................................... 2
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SAE J1939-13 Revision MAR2004
1. Scope
These SAE Recommended Practices are intended for light- and heavy-duty vehicles on- or off-road as
well as appropriate stationary applications which use vehicle derived components (e.g., generator sets).
Vehicle of interest include but are not limited to; on- and off-highway trucks and their trailers; construction
equipment; and agricultural equipment and implements.
The purpose of these documents is to provide an open interconnect system for electronic systems. It is
the intention of these documents to allow electronic devices to communicate with each other by providing
a standard architecture.
2. References
The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise
indicated, the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.
ISO 11783-2—Tractors and Machinery for Agriculture and Forestry – Serial Control and Communications
Data Network – Physical Layer
ISO 11898—Road vehicles—Interchange of digital information—Controller Area Network (CAN) for high
speed communication
This section describes the Off-Board Diagnostic connector used on the vehicle to get access to the
vehicle communication links.
The diagnostic connector defined supports both the twisted shielded pair media (SAE J1939-11), the
Reduced Physical Layer unshielded twisted pair (SAE J1939-15) as well as the twisted unshielded quad
media (ISO 11783-2). The designations of the individual signal wires are CAN_H and CAN_L. For SAE
J1939-11, a third connection for the termination of the shield is denoted by CAN_SHLD. For SAE J1939-
15 and ISO 11783-2, this same third connection is not connected.
SAE J1939-13 Revision MAR2004
In addition to the designations of the CAN media wires, the designations of the SAE J1708 physical
media wires, power and ground are: SAE J1708 (+), SAE J1708 (–-), Battery (+) and Battery (–). There
are two pins designated for proprietary vehicle OEM use.
The connector shall be mounted inside the cab in a location that is easily accessible according to the
guidelines as follows.
a. For on road heavy trucks, the connector should be mounted on the driver side and if possible,
accessible from the ground next to the cab.
b. For busses, the connector should be located within reach of the operator’s seat. For rear engine
busses, an additional connector may be mounted in the engine compartment that will allow access
from the ground next to the bus.
c. For construction and agricultural equipment, it is recommended that the connector for the tractor bus
be located behind the operator’s seat or under the dash at the operator’s knees. This connector must
be labeled as the diagnostic connector. A diagnostic connector may be located elsewhere, in
addition to a connector at the recommended location.
d. The cable stub length for the diagnostic connector is specified in the governing document (eg. J1939-
11, J1939-15, and ISO 11783-2).
The connector shall be serviceable allowing field replacements of contacts and seals.
a. The connector shall comply with SAE J2030 or SAE J2202 or both except the number of
connect/disconnect cycles shall be 1000.
b. The receptacle shall support/provide positive and friction-locking mechanism versions. It shall
provide alignment before contact engagement to ensure proper engagement of the connector. The
connector shall be capable of engagement with one hand.
c. The connector shall have easily identified keying arrangement by sight and touch.
The connector shall be available in both sealed and unsealed versions. A dust cap shall be available.
For Environmental Requirements the connector shall meet the test requirements of SAE J2030 or SAE
J2202 or both.
SAE J1939-13 Revision MAR2004
a. The pins/sockets shall be sized commensurate with 2, 1, 0.8, and 0.5 mm2 conductors
(corresponding to 14, 16, 18, and 20 AWG). The size of the mating end of the contact is 16 AWG,
regardless of wire size.
b. CAUTION: Appropriate conductor seals are necessary to ensure the sealing integrity of the
c. The connector shall have nine pins designated as follows:
Pin A Battery (–)
Pin B Battery (+)Unswitched - with Unconditioned 10 A fuse
Pin C CAN_H Tractor Bus
Pin D CAN_L Tractor Bus
Pin E CAN_SHLD (for SAE J1939-11) or No Connection (for ISO 11783-2)
Pin F SAE J1708 (+)
Pin G SAE J1708 (–)
Pin H Proprietary OEM Use or Implement Bus CAN_H
Pin J Proprietary OEM Use or Implement Bus CAN_L
d. For information regarding cable termination, including the shield, reference SAE J1939-11, Appendix
The dimensional characteristics of the diagnostic connectors are shown in Figures through . Pin
designations on the connector are preferred but not required. Any pin designation applied to the
connector must conform to Figures 1 through 5.
SAE J1939-13 Revision MAR2004
SAE J1939-13 Revision MAR2004
SAE J1939-13 Revision MAR2004
Not applicable.
These SAE Recommended Practices are intended for light- and heavy-duty vehicles on- or off-road as
well as appropriate stationary applications which use vehicle derived components (e.g., generator sets).
Vehicles of interest include but are not limited to; on- and off-highway trucks and their trailers;
construction equipment; and agricultural equipment and implements.
The purpose of these documents is to provide an open interconnect system for electronic systems. It is
the intention of these documents to allow electronic devices to communicate with each other by providing
a standard architecture.
Reference Section
SAE J1939-15 —Reduced Physical Layer, 250K bits/s, Un-Shielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
ISO 11783-2— Tractors and Machinery for Agriculture and Forestry – Serial Control and
Communications Data Network – Physical Layer
ISO 11898—Road vehicles—Interchange of digital information—Controller Area Network (CAN) for high
speed communication
Developed by the SAE Truck and Bus Control and Communications Network Subcommittee