6.hydraulic Structure Lab Manual
6.hydraulic Structure Lab Manual
6.hydraulic Structure Lab Manual
Hydraulic Structure
Lab Manual
Submitted To: Dr. Muhammad Noor Khan
Submitted by: Salik Haroon Abbasi
Registration No: 2018a-MS-CEH-01
All thanks and gratitude to ALMIGHTY ALLAH, The most gracious, most merciful
and most beneficent, who enabled us to complete this job within time.
We would like to express sincere and heartiest thanks to our thesis supervisor, Prof. Dr.
Noor Muhammad Khan, for his excellent supervision, encouragement and self-reliance
advice. His guidance, keen interest, personal involvement and support to carry out the lab
work and writing lab report were all the real source of courage, inspiration and strength
for the completion for this lab report
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Experiment No. 1
1.1 Objective:
1.2 Apparatus:
1.3.1 Weir:
A weir is a barrier across the horizontal width of a river that alters the flow
characteristics of the water and usually results in a change in the height of the river level.
There are many designs of weir, but commonly water flows freely over the top of the
weir crest before cascading down to a lower level.
Weirs are commonly used to prevent flooding, measure water discharge and help Render
Rivers more navigable by boat
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Figure No 1: Weir
➢ Rectangular weir
➢ Triangular weir
➢ Trapezoidal weir
➢ Sharp-crested weir
➢ Broad- crested weir
➢ Narrow-crested weir
➢ Ogee-shaped weir
Hydraulics Structures Lab
The flow of water over a spillway may be controlled by installing gates over the
spillway crest. In such a case, the spillway is known as a controlled spillway. The out
flow can be controlled in such spillways and hence, preferred in modern days. However,
some spillways are left just by constructing their crest at normal pool level. As water will
flow over such a spillways, depending upon the reservoir level and corresponding head
over the spillway, such uncontrolled spillways are guided only by available water head,
and hence, are called uncontrolled spillways.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
explains why ogee spillway crests are usually designed considering a design head equal
to the maximum operation head
Ogee weirs are usually designed in the shape of ogee curve. The crest of the ogee
weir is slightly rises and falls into parabolic form.
Generally ogee shaped weirs are provided for the spillway of a storage dam.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
The flow over an ogee weir can be computed using following equation.
H=Total energy head over the crest of weir including velocity head
Hydraulics Structures Lab Procedure:
➢ Set the flume to a zero slope, turn on the pump, open the valve and allow water to
enter the flume. Keep the discharge constant for this slope until it gets uniform.
➢ Measure the manometer reading h1 and h2 and find out Δh.
➢ Find out discharge from the rating curve or against Δh.
➢ Measure the total energy head over the crest of weir at a distances of 4-6H
upstream of weir.
➢ Increase the discharge in the flume slowly in small slope and for each discharge
repeat the above procedure for 3-6 times.
➢ Calculate the coefficient of discharge by using Q=CLH3/2
➢ Plot the graph between Q and C.
➢ Plot the graph between height of water upon weir and coefficient of ogee weir.
➢ Plot the graph between height of water upon ogee weir and discharge.
H1 H2 ΔH Q H
Sr No Cw P/H H/Q H^(3/2)/Q
mm mm mm m^3/s m
1 845 835 10 0.004 0.0375 1.836 6.184 9.375 1.815
2 865 845 20 0.00566 0.042 2.192 5.521429 7.420 1.521
3 885 855 30 0.00693 0.0464 2.311 4.997845 6.696 1.442
4 890 835 55 0.00938 0.049 2.883 4.732653 5.224 1.156
5 900 830 70 0.01068 0.053 2.918 4.375472 4.963 1.142
6 905 825 80 0.01131 0.06 2.565 3.865 5.305 1.299
Hydraulics Structures Lab
1.5 Graphs
Cw ~ Q
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014
Cw ~ P/H
3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Cw ~ H/Q
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Cw ~ H^3/2/Q
1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Hydraulics Structures Lab
1.6 Precautions
➢ The basic precaution is that the tip of the hook gauge should just touch the water
➢ Safety measures should also be considered.
1.8 Recommendations:
There was no proper arrangement for side seals of ogee weir. Due to that water passes
through sides of ogee weir and result vary from ideal conditions. Therefore ogee weir
should be proper sealed through sides.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Experiment No. 2
2.1 Objective:
2.2 Equipment:
Hydraulics Structures Lab
2.3.1 Weir:
A weir is a barrier across the horizontal width of a river that alters the flow
characteristics of the water and usually results in a change in the height of the river level.
There are many designs of weir, but commonly water flows freely over the top of the
weir crest before cascading down to a lower level.
Weirs are commonly used to prevent flooding, measure water discharge and help Render
Rivers more navigable by boat
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Figure 2.3(weir)
➢ Rectangular weir
➢ Triangular weir
➢ Trapezoidal weir
➢ Sharp-crested weir
Hydraulics Structures Lab
The flow of water over a spillway may be controlled by installing gates over the
spillway crest. In such a case, the spillway is known as a controlled spillway. The out
flow can be controlled in such spillways and hence, preferred in modern days. However,
some spillways are left just by constructing their crest at normal pool level. As water will
flow over such a spillways, depending upon the reservoir level and corresponding head
over the spillway, such uncontrolled spillways are guided only by available water head,
and hence, are called uncontrolled spillways.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
crest is negative and the discharge coefficient increases. Under designed ogee spillway
crest (spillway designed considering a design head smaller than the maximum operation
head) is thus more efficient from a discharge capacity point of view. Indeed, for a given
upstream head, it enables the release of a higher discharge than a spillway designed with
a higher design head. However, negative relative pressure on the crest opens the door to
flow detachment in case of connection of the lower part of the nappe with the atmosphere
(for instance close to piles or at the end of short spillway chutes) or induces a risk of
cavitation if the pressure falls locally below the water vaporization pressure. This
explains why ogee spillway crests are usually designed considering a design head equal
to the maximum operation head
Ogee weirs are usually designed in the shape of ogee curve. The crest of the ogee weir is
slightly rises and falls into parabolic form.
Generally ogee shaped weirs are provided for the spillway of a storage dam.
2.3.4 Pressure:
It is the perpendicular force per unit area or the stress at a point within a confined fluid.
In SI units, pressure is measured in Pascal, one Pascal equals one newton per square
The pressure exerted by a column of liquid of height h and density ρ is given by the
hydrostatic pressure equation:
P = ρgh
Hydraulics Structures Lab
2.4 Procedure:
➢ Set Ogee weir connected to manometers at different, in the flume ensuring proper
➢ Note down weir depth P.
➢ Adjust the slope of flume to 0.
➢ Allow the water to flow over weir by turning on pump.
➢ Turn off pump and note down readings of manometers.
➢ Allow the water to flow over weir by turning on pump.
➢ Note down value of flow.
➢ Plot the Results.
B = 300mm
Hydraulics Structures Lab
2.6 Graphs
Q ~ ΔP1
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Q (m^3/s)
Q ~ ΔP2
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Q (m^3/s)
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Q ~ ΔP3
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Q (m^3/s)
Q ~ ΔP4
Q (m^3/s)
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Q ~ ΔP5
ΔP5 (mm)
Q (m^3/s)
Q ~ ΔP6
ΔP6 (mm)
-1 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Q (m^3/s)
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Q ~ ΔP7
ΔP7 (mm)
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Q (m^3/s)
Q ~ ΔP8
ΔP8 (mm)
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Q (m^3/s)
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Q ~ ΔP
15 Q ~ P1
10 Q vs p2
Q vs P3
-5 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 Q vs P4
-10 Q vs P5
-15 Q vs P6
Q (m^3/s) Q vs P7
Hydraulics Structures Lab
5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45
Horizontal Distance (m)
2.7 Precautions
➢ The basic precaution is that the tip of the hook gauge should just touch the water
➢ Safety measures should also be considered
➢ Piezometer should be examined properly (leakage and blockage).
2.9 Recommendations:
There was no proper arrangement for side seals of ogee weir. Due to that water passes
through sides of ogee weir and result vary from ideal conditions. Therefore ogee weir
should be proper sealed through sides.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Experiment No. 3
3.1 Objective:
3.2 Apparatus:
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Hydraulics Structures Lab
It is very common in the field of hydraulics to use hydraulic jump. It is used to perform
different functions. Some of the effects of the hydraulic jump are as under:
➢ Actually the hydraulic jump usually acts as the energy dissipater. It clears the
surplus energy of water.
➢ Due to the hydraulic jump, many noticeable able disturbances are created in the
flowing water like eddies, reverse flow.
➢ Usually when the hydraulic jump takes place, the considerable amount of air is
trapped in the water. That air can be helpful in removing the wastes in the streams
that are causing pollution.
➢ Usually hydraulic jump reverses the flow of water. This phenomenon can be used
to mix chemicals for water purification.
➢ Hydraulic jump usually maintains the high water level on the downstream side.
This high water level can be used for irrigation purposes.
➢ It prevents the scouring action on the downstream side of the dam structure.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
The Length between two sections where one section is taken before the hydraulic jump
and second section is taken just after the hydraulic jump is termed as the length of
hydraulic jump.
Length= 5-7 times of depth.
Three cases are possible for the occurrence of hydraulic jump
1) d2 = yn2
𝑑2 = [1 + √1 + 8𝐹12 ] …………………….....3.1
yn2 is called the tail water depth or normal depth on the downstream side.
If this condition occurs then the jump will be at the toe of the obstruction it is the ideal
case we will achieve the maximum energy loss and no damage will be done on the
downstream side.
2) d2 < yn2
In this case the jump will occur just before the toe. And there will be more safety against
the scouring on the downstream side.
3) d2 > yn2
Hydraulic jump will move away from the toe of the weir it is least desired.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
𝐸2 = 𝑑2 + 2𝑔 …………………………….4.4
(𝑑2 −𝑑1 )3
∆𝐸 = …………………………….4.5
4 𝑑1 𝑑2
∆𝐸 = 𝐸1 − 𝐸2 …………………………….4.6
F = (1-2.5):
In this hydraulic jump undulation travel at very short length at downstream side.
F = (2.5 – 4.5):
It produces irregular fluctuations of flow. It causes turbulence downstream the jump.
F = (4.5 – 9):
Undulations are nearly the same. It is strong jump. Its performance is best and energy
dissipation is 45- 70%. It does not depend upon the tail water depth.
F > 9:
A lot of turbulence is formed and turbulence is very rough
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Jump Type ∆E
No Jump Less than 5 %
Weak Jump 5-15 %
Oscillating Jump 15-45 %
Steady Jump 45-70 %
Strong Jump 70-85
3.4 Procedure:
Sr ΔH Q Y u/s V1 E1 Y d/s V2 E2 Fr Type of Theortical
No No Jumps Loss %
mm m^3/s m m/s m m m/s m %
1 30 0.00693 0.014 1.650 0.153 0.078 0.296 0.0825 46.01 4.45 Oscillating 15 - 45
2 40 0.008 0.016 1.667 0.158 0.08 0.333 0.0857 45.64 4.21 Oscillating 15 - 45
3 50 0.00894 0.017 1.753 0.174 0.085 0.351 0.0913 47.43 4.29 Oscillating 15 - 45
4 65 0.0102 0.019 1.789 0.182 0.088 0.386 0.0956 47.49 4.14 Oscillating 15 - 45
5 70 0.01068 0.023 1.548 0.145 0.09 0.396 0.0980 32.48 3.26 Oscillating 15 - 45
Hydraulics Structures Lab
3.6 Precautions
➢ The basic precaution is that the tip of the hook gauge should just touch the water
➢ Safety measures should also be considered
➢ The amount of energy dissipated in a jump increases with the rise in Froude number
of the supercritical flow.
➢ More Energy is losses occur as compare to other impact block and friction block
(table of comparison is provided in next Job)
3.8 Recommendations:
To measure the accurate values of energy losses measure the y1 just upstream of hydraulic
jump and y2 where the depth become constant on just downstream of the hydraulic jump.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Experiment No. 4
4.1 Objectives:
4.2 Apparatus:
Hydraulics Structures Lab
4.3.1 Flume:
A flume is a human-made channel for water, in the form of an open declined gravity chute
whose walls are raised above the surrounding terrain; Laboratory Flume is a man-made
channel for water provided with manual or mechanical adjustment of slope.
Channel having uniform cross sectional area and bed slope is called as Prismatic channel.
4.3.3 Manometer:
4.3.4 Spillway:
A spillway is a structure used to provide the controlled release of flows from a dam or
levee into a downstream area, typically being the river that was dammed. Spillways
release floods so that the water does not overtop and damage or even destroy the dam.
Except during flood periods, water does not normally flow over a spillway.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Energy dissipaters are devices designed to protect downstream areas from erosion by
reducing the velocity of flow to acceptable limits.
External Dissipaters
External dissipaters are used where:
• the estimated outlet scour hole is not acceptable
• a moderate amount of debris is present
• the culvert outlet velocity (Vo) is moderate (Fr ≤3)
Internal Dissipaters
Internal dissipaters are used where:
• the estimated outlet scour hole is not acceptable
• the right-of-way is limited
• debris is not a problem
• moderate velocity reduction is needed
➢ Flow transitions
➢ Scour hole
➢ Hydraulic jump
➢ Tumbling flow
➢ Increased resistance
➢ USBR Type IX baffled Apron
➢ Broken-back culvert
➢ Outlet weir
➢ USBR stilling Basin
➢ USBR impact basin
Ordinarily, the excess water is drawn from the top of the reservoir created by the dam and
conveyed through an artificially created waterway back to the river. In some cases, the water
may be diverted to an adjacent river valley.
In addition to providing sufficient capacity, the spillway must be hydraulically adequate and
structurally safe and must be located in such a way that the out-falling discharges back into
the river do not erode or undermine the downstream toe of the dam. The surface of the
Hydraulics Structures Lab
spillway should also be such that it is able to withstand erosion or scouring due to the very
high velocities generated during the passage of a flood through the spillway.
The flood water discharging through the spillway has to flow down from a higher elevation
at the reservoir surface level to a lower elevation at the natural river level on the downstream
through a passage, which is also considered a part of the spillway. At the bottom of the
channel, where the water rushes out to meet the natural river, is usually provided with an
energy dissipation device that kills most of the energy of the flowing water. These devices,
commonly called as Energy Dissipaters are required to prevent the river surface from getting
dangerously scoured by the impact of the out falling water. In some cases, the water from the
spillway may be allowed to drop over a free over fall, as in Kariba Dam on Zambezi River in
Africa, where the free fall is over 100m.
The water flowing down from the spillways possess a large amount of kinetic energy that is
generated by virtue of its losing the potential head from the reservoir level to the level of the
river on the downstream of the spillway. If this energy is not reduced, there are dangers of
scour to the riverbed which may threaten the stability of the dam or the neighboring river
valley slopes. The various arrangements for suppressing or killing of the high energy water at
the downstream toe of the spillways are called Energy Dissipaters.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
4.3.7 Steps:
First, on the spillway surface itself by baffles and/or steps along the spillway. It is worth
comparing the performances of stepped and smooth chutes. The larger mean bottom shear
stress, observed with stepped chute flows, implies larger hydrodynamic loads on the steps
than on a smooth invert. Stepped chutes required reinforced stepped profile compared to a
smooth chute for identical inflow conditions. On the other hand, larger energy dissipation
takes place along a stepped spillway compared with a smooth chute. Hence, the size of the
downstream stilling basin can be reduced with a stepped chute.
On stepped chutes, the channel roughness (i.e. steps) contributes to the energy dissipation.
In practice, a stilling basin is often added at the downstream end, but its size is smaller
than that required for a smooth chute with identical flow conditions.
The steps on stepped spillways can be used for energy dissipation. However, they tend to
only be effective at dissipating energy at low flows (i.e. skimming flow).
In many modern spillway designs, increased energy dissipation is achievedby using free-
falling jets, either at the end of a ‘ski-jump’ or downstream of a flip bucket (Figs 5.2 and
Hydraulics Structures Lab
5.3). The ski-jump spillway was first used by Coyne (1951), and was later further developed
by detailed model studies. Its use brings substantial economies where geological and
morphological conditions are favourable, and particularly where the spillway can be placed
over the power stationor at least over the bottom outlet works (Novak and Cˇábelka, 1981).
The head loss in the jet itself, whether solid or (more frequently) disintegrated, is not very
substantial – only about up to 12% (Hor ˇení, 1956). The energy loss on a ski-jump spillway
can be substantially enlarged by splitting the overfall jet into several streams or by using two
spillways with colliding jets. A substantial benefit for energy dissipation from jet spillways is
in the third phase at impact into the downstream pool. Here most of the energy losses in the
first three phases occur through the collision of masses of water, and through the
compression of air bubbles, both those contained in the overfall jet as well as those drawn
into the downstream pool at the point of impact. The decrease in energy in this phase may be,
therefore, enhanced by having a dispersed and intensively aerated jet before impact.
The flip bucket is a version of a ski-jump spillway that is usually used as an end to a chute or
tunnel spillway whenever the geological and topographical conditions are suitable. Flip
buckets (just as ski-jump spillways) are usually tailor-made for a given project, and the
designs are developed with the aid of scale models.
The key parameters for the flip bucket design are the approach flow velocity and depth, the
radius of the bucket, and the lip angle. For a two-dimensional circular bucket the pressure
head can be computed for irrotational flow; experimental data confirm these values for the
Hydraulics Structures Lab
maximum pressure head but (in contrast to the theory) show a non-uniform pressure
At low flow the bucket acts like a stilling basin with water flowing over the lip and the
downstream face; the foundation of the flip bucket has, therefore, to be protected against
erosion. As the flow increases a ‘sweep-out’ discharge is attained at which point the flip
bucket starts to operate properly with a jet.
The jet trajectory is hardly affected by air resistance for velocities below 20 ms1, but for
velocities of 40 m/s the throw distance can be reduced by as much as 30% from the
theoretical value, given by (2/g) sin 2. The designer’s main concern is usually to have the
impact zone as far as possible from the bucket to protect the structure against retrogressive
erosion. Many designs with skew jets and various three-dimensional forms of flip buckets
have been developed. Heller et al. (2005) give an analysis of ski-jump hydraulics and Locher
and Hsu (1984) discuss further the flip bucket design.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Water flowing over an ogee spillway contains a high kinetic energy that can cause erosion
at its downstream end and leads to dam failure. Therefore, stilling basins of different
designs are used to dissipate the energy of the flowing water and establish safe flow
conditions to protect the downstream end of the spillway from erosion.
Many researchers carried out experimental works for increasing the turbulence through
the hydraulic jump by using different shape of roughness placed on the bed in order to
minimize the hydraulic jump length and consequently the stilling basin length.
Rectangular concrete blocks properly anchored into the cistern floor and projecting up to
one fourth the full supply depth are simple, effective and commonly used devices for
dissipating surplus kinetic energy in Hydraulics Structures. The spacing between the
blocks is kept about twice the height of the blocks. Depending upon the need, two or more
staggered rows of Friction Blocks may be provided.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
4.4 Procedure:
Flip Arrangement
ΔH Q Y u/s V1 E1 Y d/s V2 E2 Theortical
Sr No Loss Fr No
Loss %
mm m^3/s m m/s m m m/s m %
1 35 0.00748 0.013 1.918 0.200 0.053 0.470 0.0643 67.94 5.37 45 - 70
2 45 0.00848 0.016 1.767 0.175 0.035 0.808 0.0682 61.02 4.46 15 - 45
3 50 0.00894 0.017 1.753 0.174 0.034 0.876 0.0732 57.86 4.29 15 - 45
4 60 0.009795 0.018 1.814 0.186 0.03 1.088 0.0904 51.33 4.32 15 - 45
5 65 0.010195 0.019 1.789 0.182 0.028 1.214 0.1031 43.38 4.14 15 - 45
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Hydraulics Structures Lab
ΔH Q Y u/s V1 E1 Y d/s V2 E2
Sr No Loss Fr No
mm m^3/s m m/s m m m/s m %
1 35 0.00748 0.019 1.312 0.107 0.051 0.489 0.0632 40.84 3.04
2 45 0.00848 0.02 1.414 0.122 0.049 0.577 0.0660 45.87 3.19
3 50 0.00938 0.023 1.359 0.117 0.06 0.521 0.0738 36.97 2.86
4 60 0.01020 0.025 1.359 0.119 0.068 0.500 0.0807 32.26 2.74
Hydraulics Structures Lab
4.6 Precautions
➢ The basic precaution is that the tip of the hook gauge should just touch the water surface.
➢ Safety measures should also be considered
➢ Maximum energy dissipation is in ski jump (68%) so it is best energy dissipater among
all others used in experiment.
➢ Energy Dissipation with hydraulic jump is approximately the same as that dissipated from Ski
jump as the values of discharges increased.
➢ It is observed from calculations that the energy dissipation with the with friction block is less as
compared with gravel bed
➢ Minimum energy dissipation takes place with only gravel bed in place which is 21%.
➢ Minimum energy dissipation takes place with zero layer of friction block
➢ Energy dissipation increased with the increase the no of layers of friction blocks.
➢ Energy dissipation decreased with the increase in the discharge values.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
4.8 Recommendations
➢ Ski jump buckets are found to be most suitable for dams. On the other hand, hydraulic
jump stilling basin would prove to be more problematic, not only from consideration of
deficient tail water depth and longer training walls, but also due to the concern arising
from the falling of debris from the steep slopes into the stilling basin.
➢ In practice, design engineers must ensure that a stilling basin can operate safely for a
wide range of flow conditions. Damage (scouring, cavitation) to the basin and to the
downstream natural bed may occur in several cases:
1. poor shapes of the blocks, sill and drop resulting in cavitation damage
2. flow conditions larger than design flow conditions
3. unusual overflow during construction periods
Hydraulics Structures Lab
5.1 Objective:-
5.2 Apparatus:
➢ Self-contained glass sided tilting flume,
➢ Siphon spillway
➢ Hook gauge
➢ Manometer
➢ Inlet tank
5.3.1 Spillway:
A spillway is a structure used to provide the controlled release of flows from a dam or levee into
a downstream area, typically the riverbed of the dammed river itself. In the United Kingdom they
may be known as overflow channels. Spillways ensure that the water does not overflow and
damage or destroy the dam.
Hydraulics Structures Lab
Floodgates and fuse plugs may be designed into spillways to regulate water flow and reservoir
level. Such a spillway can be used to regulate downstream flows – by releasing water in small
amounts before the reservoir is full, operators can prevent sudden large releases that would
happen if the dam were overtopped.
Other uses of the term "spillway" include bypasses of dams or outlets of channels used during
high water, and outlet channels carved through natural dams such as moraines.
A syphon spillway essentially consist of a syphon pipe, one end of which is kept on the upstream
side and is in contact with the reservoir, while the other end discharges water on downstream
side. Two typical installations of syphon pipes are shown in Fig. 1 and 2.Both these types of
Hydraulics Structures Lab
syphon spillways are the variations of a saddle syphon spillway or simply called a syphon
Figure No: 5.3 Syphon installed over the overflow spillway to increase its effectiveness and
discharging capacity
Hydraulics Structures Lab
The velocity of flow at the outlet of the syphon can be obtained by equating the effective head
H1 (i.e., the difference of water level in the reservoir and the tail water level, for submerged
outlet) to the velocity head.
𝑄𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑟 = 𝐶𝑑 𝑏√2𝑔𝐻3/2
The discharge over the syphon considered as a pressurized conduit is given by following relation
𝑄 = 𝐶𝑑 𝐴𝑡 √2𝑔ℎ
The above equation clearly shows that the discharge, through a syphon spillway is sufficiently
independent of the water surface elevation of the reservoir. If the water surface in the reservoir
rises, the discharge through the spillway is affected to less extent because change in H1 is small
as compared to the corresponding change in head over an ogee type spillway. Hence the
discharge through the syphon is nearly always at capacity, when once the water level has risen
above the normal pool level. This makes the syphon spillway particularly advantageous in
disposing of sudden surges of water, such as may occur in canals and fore bays when the outlet
gates are closed rapidly. As the rise of water above the crest level is smaller (because of higher
discharging capacity even at the start of inflow flood above normal pool level) the height of the
non-overflow section of the dam can be kept smaller for the same height of overflow section.
5.3.5 Priming
If now a flood enter the reservoir, the water level in the reservoir would start rising and a sheet of
water would start flowing over the spillway crest. Since the water level would then be above the
inlet of the deprimer hood, the air entry at the inlet gets sealed. The air entry at the outlet is also
sealed by tail water, etc. Hence, the water spilling over the crest, sucks all the remaining air from
the hood within minutes.Syphonic action gets established after the air in the bend over the crest
has been completely exhausted. This action is known as Priming.
5.3.6 Depriming
During receding flood, when water level has gone down just to the reservoir level (Normal pool
level), air enters through the mouth of the deprimer, dome, and the symphonic action is broken.
This action is called deprimimg of the syphon and is achieved through deprimer dome.
5.4 Procedure
Hydraulics Structures Lab
➢ Open the inlet valve and gradually increase the flow to the syphon, taking great care not
to overload the syphon. It takes a little time for the syphon to prime and increasing the
flow too quickly will cause the inlet channel to over top.
➢ Slowly allow the upstream and downstream channels to fill so that both syphon inlet and
outlet are submerged. Downstream submergence can be produced by a weir or flume
placed in the channel, or by the downstream tailgate.
➢ Observe and note the priming and de-priming process.
➢ Change the level of the breather tube and observe and note the effect this has on the
upstream water level during priming and de-priming cycles.
➢ At different settings of the breather tube, operate the syphon so that it continues to run
fully primed.
➢ Measure the discharge at different upstream water levels whilst maintaining a constant
downstream water level using the tailgate.
➢ Operate the syphon so that it is fully primed. Gradually raise the tail water level and
measure the effect of this on the upstream water level.
➢ Using the pressure tapings, measure the pressure profile along the syphon barrel when it
is flowing full.
5.5 Calculations:
Sr. No. ΔH Q P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
1 4 0.00253 205 208 200 170 156
2 7 0.00335 208 209 202 174 158
Hydraulics Structures Lab
5.6 Precautions
➢ The basic precaution is that the tip of the hook gauge should just touch the water surface.
➢ Safety measures should also be considered
5.7 . Comments
➢ The higher working head of a siphon permits greater discharge, improved flood control
and a relatively compact spillway structure.
➢ In a simple siphon a small change in head reduces a sharp increase or decrease in the
discharge through the spillway. This can lead problems if the discharge entering the
reservoir is greater than the spillway flow but less than the black water flow
➢ In case of Siphon present in flume priming case in siphon was observed after some time
when the discharge became stable
➢ Coefficient of discharge is directly proportional to the Discharge
➢ In pesence of siphon the discharge coefficient is less than 1
➢ The co-efficient of discharge during syphoning action should be 0.75 to 0.9 but our value
is less than 0.4. the reason may be different experimental conditions used
➢ As breather pipe is opened to atmosphere then siphonic action is reduced and discharge
carrying capacity is also reduced.
➢ Priming is observed when air is totally removed from the syphon and then siphonic action
takes place. Accordingly, de-priming is seen when breather pipe is opened to atmosphere,
here the discharge carrying capacity of the system reduces as it starts to behave as an
ogee weir.
5.8 Recommendation
Hydraulics Structures Lab