Cambridge IGCSE: BIOLOGY 0610/33
Cambridge IGCSE: BIOLOGY 0610/33
Cambridge IGCSE: BIOLOGY 0610/33
* 8 0 4 7 4 3 1 0 8 1 *
BIOLOGY 0610/33
Paper 3 Theory (Core) May/June 2021
1 hour 15 minutes
● Answer all questions.
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● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
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● You should show all your working and use appropriate units.
● The total mark for this paper is 80.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].
DC (LEG/SG) 202244/4
© UCLES 2021 [Turn over
1 (a) State the name of the large group of organisms that includes insects, arachnids, crustaceans
and myriapods.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) Fig. 1.1 shows a key that identifies nine genera of invertebrates that have jointed legs.
Fig. 1.1
(i) Use the information in Fig. 1.1 to describe two features of Musca.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Fig. 1.2 shows one of the animals described in the key.
Fig. 1.2
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 4]
2 (a) (i) State the name of the process that occurs in the presence of chlorophyll.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the name of the mineral ion the plant needs to make chlorophyll.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) State the name of the structure that contains chlorophyll in a plant cell.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
Fig. 2.1
(i) State the letter that identifies the part of the leaf that contains the most chlorophyll in
Fig. 2.1.
......................... [1]
(ii) State the name of the tissue in the leaf that does not contain chlorophyll.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 5]
3 All living organisms need water. Most plants obtain water from the soil.
(a) (i) State the pathway taken by water as it enters and passes through a plant.
mesophyll cells root cortex cells root hair cells xylem vessels
(ii) Some of the water that enters the plant is used for transpiration.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(iii) State two ways a plant uses water other than for transpiration.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(b) Fig. 3.1 shows apparatus that can be used to measure water loss in a plant.
thermometer plant
plastic bag
pot of damp soil
325.0 g balance
Fig. 3.1
Suggest a reason why the pot of damp soil was placed inside a sealed plastic bag.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(c) The apparatus shown in Fig. 3.1 was used in an investigation. The results of this investigation
are shown in Fig. 3.2.
Readings were taken at hourly intervals during the day between 9:00 and 16:00.
2.0 35
rate of
water loss
from 1.5 30
100 g temperature
of leaves / °C
/ g per
hour 1.0 25
water loss
0.5 20
0.0 15
9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00
time of day
Fig. 3.2
the maximum rate of water loss from 100 g of leaves ...................................... g per hour
(ii) Describe the relationship between temperature and the rate of water loss from leaves
shown in Fig. 3.2.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 14]
Fig. 4.1
(a) (i) State the two parts of the central nervous system.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
not to scale
Fig. 4.2
H ........................................................................................................................................
K ........................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
© UCLES 2021 0610/33/M/J/21 [Turn over
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 9]
5 (a) The four boxes on the left contain definitions of processes carried out by the alimentary canal.
definition process
A mixture of yeast and fruit juice is placed in a jar. Fruit juice contains sugar.
A valve lets gas out of the jar but stops gas from entering the jar.
mixture of yeast
and fruit juice
Fig. 5.1
(i) State the name of the process that the yeast uses to make alcohol.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the name of the gas produced when yeast makes alcohol.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) State the name of the gas that must be stopped from entering the jar when alcohol is
being made.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iv) State the name of the group of chemicals that yeast uses to catalyse the breakdown of
glucose molecules.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 8]
6 Fig. 6.1 is a section of a flower that has both male and female parts.
Fig. 6.1
L ........................................................................................................................................
N ........................................................................................................................................
Q .......................................................................................................................................
M .......................................................................................................................................
P ........................................................................................................................................
R ........................................................................................................................................
S ........................................................................................................................................
(b) Fig. 6.2 shows a mature maize plant. Maize plants have separate male and female flowers.
male flowers
female flowers
Fig. 6.2
(i) Use the information in Fig. 6.2 to describe how the position of the male and female
flowers can increase the chance of pollination taking place.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Describe two ways pollen from an insect-pollinated flower differs from pollen from a
wind-pollinated flower.
1 .........................................................................................................................................
2 .........................................................................................................................................
[Total: 10]
herbivore ...................................................................................................................................
carnivore ...................................................................................................................................
(b) Fig. 7.1 shows some organisms collected from underneath a rotting log.
not to scale
Fig. 7.1
not to scale
Fig. 7.2
© UCLES 2021 0610/33/M/J/21
Some students used Fig. 7.2 to identify and count the numbers of each soil organism.
Table 7.1
herbivores carnivores
names of millipedes potworms slugs soil springtails centipedes ground rove
organisms mites beetles beetles
number of
organisms ..........
3 1 ..........
7 2 .......... ..........
number of 21 7
(i) Complete Table 7.1 by identifying and counting the four remaining named organisms in
Fig. 7.1.
(ii) Use the information in Table 7.1 to draw a pyramid of numbers in Fig. 7.3.
Write the names of the two types of organism in the spaces at the side.
The row for the rotting log (the producer) has been done for you.
Fig. 7.3
[Total: 7]
8 Fig. 8.1 shows an area of land where the trees have been cut down.
Fig. 8.1
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
3 ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Deforested land may be used for growing monocultures of crop plants.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) Replanting trees in deforested areas can help to conserve endangered species.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
[Total: 7]
The milk is pasteurised and some of the milk fat has been removed.
State two parts of a balanced diet that are missing from the label.
1 .......................................................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................................................
(ii) State the name of the group of organisms that produce milk to feed their young.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) (i) Describe the dietary importance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the human diet.
fats ....................................................................................................................................
carbohydrates ...................................................................................................................
proteins .............................................................................................................................
(ii) State the name of the element which is present in a protein but which is not found in fats
or carbohydrates.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(c) Some doctors recommend that people with a risk of coronary heart disease should drink
skimmed or semi-skimmed milk instead of whole milk.
State two risk factors for coronary heart disease, other than diet.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
[Total: 9]
10 (a) Fig. 10.1 shows the results of crossing a plant with red flowers with a plant with white flowers.
red flowers
white flowers
Fig. 10.1
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) The gene controlling flower colour in this plant species has two alleles:
Describe the evidence shown in Fig. 10.1 that supports the fact that R is the dominant
allele for flower colour in this species of plant.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Another plant with red flowers was crossed with a plant with white flowers.
Some of the offspring plants from this cross had red flowers and some of the offspring plants
had white flowers.
red-flowered white-flowered
plant plant
[Total: 7]
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