Interest/Activities: Skills: Communication

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Curriculum Vitae

Mr. Kevin Eduard M. Villanueva, 19

years old and currently live in Bakakeng
Norte, Baguio City. He had finished his
Senior High School at Naguilian National
High School with the strand
Science,Technology, Engineering and
mathematics (STEM ) at Naguilian La SKILLS:
Union. And finished his Quantitative  Communication
Research about Stevia Plant. Also currently
studying Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
Engineering at Saint Louis University,
Baguio City.

 Decision Making
 Time Management
 Self-motivation
 Conflict Resolution
 Leadership
 Adaptability
 Computer Skills
 Critical Thinking


 Reading books
 Playing Instruments
 Playing sports
 Interested in Parts of the machines
 Solving-mathematical problems


I made this portfolio to put up all the things I have learned and
accomplished through out the semester. My portfolio is like a guide for me
to share to you my specific tasks I have accomplished during our NSTP1
Subject.This portfolio helps me to keep the things I have done , my
realizations,my strength and weaknesses and the area of my improvements in
how can I develop my strength and overcome my weaknesses.

My portfolio encourages the readers to have a reflection on it and

use it as a basis of information that would help them to understand the
meaning of this portfolio and to have a inner knowledge within. As an
Engineering Student I love to learn a lot and enhance the skills I have
today to have a better performance as a engineering student.


 Pre-assessment
The first part of the questionnaire focuses on the values and competencies of NSTP that as student
should have acquired after taking the course. Place a check ( ✓) mark in the cell that applies to
your current level.

4 - Highly knowledgeable (able to train others)

3 - Knowledgeable (comfortable doing)
2 - Somewhat knowledgeable (needs help)
1- Not knowledgeable
Before taking the course, I am now able to: 4 3 2 1
1. demonstrate the significant roles of the youth in promoting civic consciousness,
nation- ✔
building, good citizenship, nationalism, and patriotism;
2. demonstrate the Louisian core values and CICM advocacies that promotes justice,
peace, integrity of creation, and indigenous people’s apostolate; ✔
3. illustrate how one’s capabilities can be a primary tool in community welfare
involvement while exhibiting Christian values ; and ✔
4. design a sustainable community project development that would contribute to the
pursuit of the common good of the community. ✔

II. The second part is for you to answer the following questions:

1. What are your expectations in this course?

My expectation in this course to know the significant roles of youth in all part of
the society in how to become a role model to other people and know my capabilities as
youth and how to help other people

2. As a student in this course, what will you do to achieve the required values and
As a student I will join in all kinds of activities that this course will
require to learn and know the things I need to do to achieve the required values and
competencies and by sincerely participating and reaching out people.

3.What are the positive and negative attitudes that your classmates, friends, family
and other people in the community observe in you for the past three weeks?
For me there are always a positive attitudes in my family, classmates, friends and
classmates. They see me as a hardworking student despite in all the problems they see
the hardworks and determination in studying but according to them the negative attitude
that they observe is ; I never cared about myself ,I didn’t eat in proper meal and
don’t have a proper sleep and because of them and this subject I learn to have a time

Activity 2: Self-assessment
Assess yourself to the following activities, put a check mark on the space provided
before the number that you have done during Corona Virus-19 Pandemic. Remember there is
no correct or wrong answer.

___/____1. I extended help in the distribution of relief goods.

___/___2. I donated food and groceries to those who are in need.
___/____3. I followed government’s health protocols by wearing mask and practice
social / physical distancing.
___/____4. I stayed at home and helped my family in doing household chores.
____/___5. I stayed at home and prayed to those who are sick, front liners, health
and our government.
__/_____6. I reached out to people in isolation through texting or calling them.
___/____7. I reached out to those who are struggling emotional and mental health by
advice or through entertainment either in the social media or writing inspiring
messages or songs.
_______8. I helped in surveying of affected families and areas and reporting it to the
___/____9. I did worthwhile activities at home like gardening, baking, tutoring and
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______10. I helped in the fundraising for people financially impacted by quarantine
______11. I helped limit the spread of misinformation to avoid panic to the community.
______12. I created awareness about basic do’s and don’ts by promoting advice from
experts and reliable sources.
___/___13. I shared positive news and acts of kindness within our community.

Other meaningful and relevant activities that you would like to share:
The most important things you must do is to thank God for everything thank him in
all the blessing you have received and pray and asked for wisdom and knowledge how to
help our parents and those who are in need.And as a student we can start answering
surveys via internet to earn money so that we can help our parents in financial
aspect.for the last activity is joining some fund raising programs to help other

Activity 3: Objectively go over the statements indicated below. If you

agree with the statement,mark X in the column marked agree. Otherwise,
mark with an X the box in the column marked disagree.

Statement/ Issues Agree Disagree

1. My faith in God is one of my greatest X
strengths and priorities.
2. I maintain a strong personal prayer life. X
4. I continually seek ways to strengthen my own X
5. My choice and decisions are fruits of X
prayerful reflections and discernment.
6. I believe that my blessings are brought about X
by God‘s providence and not
merely by my own works.
7. Death penalty/capital punishment is a good X
deterrent against crimes. Thus,
it should be regarded as an acceptable
8. Drugs are menace to society. X
9. Parents should inflict physical harm on their X
children to properly discipline
10. It is acceptable to have our elders cared X
for in the nursing homes and other
institutions for the elderly.

S- Seek God first and thank him for everything.

E- Encourage one another.
R- Relay in the word of God.
V- Valiant is must
I- In the name of the Lord there will be peace
C- Caring is loving. As a community we are a family.
D- Everyone must have faith in the Lord.

Activity 4

1. there are no traffic rules?

There would be chaos, anarchy, and many more high speed crashes. Driving in cities would become
impossible. Humans are not known for their logic, fairness, or empathy, so soon the most selfish and
irresponsible would control the roads. And this will become a serious problem in the society.

2. every person is free to do anything he wishes to another?

Our world become nightmare in everyday life, every time there are
crimes, war and chaos and peace does not exist anymore

3. There are no law-enforcers?

There will be no rights as a person anymore and no one will be at peace
In this situation

4. any country has the right to attack or invade another?

Our environment will be destroyed and many civil citizens will die and
there is no peace and no survivors either.
5. Ana used her personal tune in singing the national anthem?
Base in my opinion Ana can sing it with his personal tune not in
public and she can sing it within respect of the meaning of the anthem.

6. every household in your community do not segregate their garbage?

Toxic chemicals from hazardous waste seeps into the ground over time and pollutes the
ground water supply. Our environment will be destroyed and there will be a water and air

7. I did not finish and pass my requirements in NSTP?

There will be no accomplishment within the subject and you not
graduate in college.


Activity: Complete the table about the present social issues

that needs to be addressed and provide possible solution in
handling these issues.

SOCIAL ISSUES Identified Problem Possible Solutions

Health Issues  Sickness  Follow the
 covid government rules
 Go for a check up
Environmental problems  Pollution  Clean and green
 Global warming program
 Deforestation  Bring back
bayanihan program

Mental Health issues  Depression  Check ups

 Anxiety  Activities for
 Suicidal attempts positiveness
 Guidance care for
people with mental
health issues
Indigenous  Discrimination  Equality and
importance for the
indigenous people
 Respect of culture

Other issues?  There is  Equality to the poor

Equality to the poor discrimination in  Academic ease
poor people  Connect with the
Education in pandemic  There are students student needs
through online trying to have  Reach every student
illegal works to  Lessen work loads
have pay their
 There are suicidal
attempts because of
too much work load
of students

20. RISK

Family Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (50 points)

Rationale: During disasters, though one knows what to do, there will always be the point of confusion especially if only one or
no one in the family knows what should be properly done. Proper coordination is a must and there must be a common thing in
mind to do during emergency situations. Therefore, it is of prime importance to have already a clear, sound, and unified DRRM
plan for the whole family. Once available and disseminated to the whole family, it will just be easily followed during emergency
Encoding device (Laptop, PC, Tablet, etc.)

Specific Guidelines:

a. Plan with the present family members.

b. Using the given matrix, fill out the table with the appropriate things needed. An example on the first objective was given
for your guidance.
1. Prevention and Mitigation
A) Ensure (i.e. (June 1-2) (Mother, (separate trash
safe and Removing of Father, can for broken
secured glass, Siblings, glasses, boxes
place inside bottles, and me) for bottles or
and around other glasses that will
the vicinity breakables be disposed or
of the house in the main stocked)
passage in
the house to
ensure safe
and clear
passage in
case of

B) Ensure Having a (Nov.15- Mother, Deposit even a

source of savings/ban 17) Father, small amount of
fund in case k account to money
of loss of gradually
livelihood accumulate
due to enough
Disaster money in
case of
and also for
other needs

Ensure Always (Nov.16) Siblings, Through the help

access updated on me of social media,
to weather what is television, and
and happening other kinds of
other hazardaround us telecommunicatio
forecast. for the n
D)Ensure Identifying (Nov.17) Mother, It can involve
risk who among Father, monitoring and
assessment the member Siblings, reading available
knowledge of the family me health and safety
among every may be at information to
family risk and to minimize hazards
member determine
likelihood of
harm such
as an injury
or illness
and its

2. Disaster Preparedness
E) Ensure Seek a (Nov 17 – Emergency kit,
clear and safety place 18) community cellphone,
viable That you are workers cleaning tools.
evacuation not be Can goods
plan for any affected of
kinds of any kinds of
hazard hazard.

F) Ensure Always (Nov 18) Family Radio, T.V,

readiness to listen to the members, flashlight
evacuate current community
anytime news,
when prepare
needed foods, full
etc. that will
be able to
seek your
G) Ensure Prepare (Nov 19) community Bandage, medical
Basic Life medical kit, kit
Support canned
Training and goods,
Bandaging clothing,
techniques etc.
family Teach the
member proper way
or to show
how to
apply it
within your
H) Ensure Save (Nov 20) Family Cellphone, laptop
Knowledge emergency members,
of contact hotlines: PNP, BFP,
numbers of (BFP, PNP, barangay
concerned barangay captain,
authorities captain) and governmen
(i.e. be t
NDRRMC, connected
BFP, PNP, to their fb
etc. page

3. Disaster Response
I) Ensure To relay (Nov 21- Neighbors, Cellphone, and
coordination information 24) friends, other social
with proper family media
authorities governmen
during t
J) Ensure Having a 3 days Family, Cellphone,
stock of water, (depends rescuers, flashlight,
basic flashlights, on the time neighbors whistle, and rope
necessities medical kit of the
during and listen to disaster to
disaster the radio or prepare)
the news on
the T. V
K) Ensure Ask help (depends Family, Booklets and
capacity to from the on the rescuers others things that
address rescuers to situation of it may help to the
psychosocial brief the the person) patient
needs of family on
family how to
members handle the
during trauma,
disaster panic
L)Ensure Ask help 1 week Family, Flashlight,
capacity for from the (depends neighbors, shovel, whsitle
immediate rescue team on the and
search and (LANDSLIDE situation) rescuers
rescue )
operation in
case a family
member will
be separated
4. Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery
M) Ensure Considering 3-5 days Rescue Replacing or
capacity to the level of (depends teams, repairing
assess damage on the governmen destroyed assets,
damage, whether it situation) t stocks, or
loss and can be property to the
needs repaired or same conditions
assessment has been
after completely
disaster destroyed
N) Ensure Learning the 3-5 days Psychiatrist Organizing
capacity or resiliency of (depends , patient ourselves during
means to the family on the times of need
seek exposed to situation) and always be
psychosocial hazards to positive
support for resist and
one’s self recover
or family from the
members effects in a
after timely and
disaster efficient
O) Ensure Having a 1-3 month Governmen A person who is
connections relative or (depends t professional in all
for help to friend who upon the aspects like the
recover from is capable of damages) design,
damages repairing or construction, and
and losses replacing materials
P) Ensure The 1-3 month DSWD, High standard
capacity to restoration (depends Barangay materials so that
restore of livelihood on the officials it will not easily
livelihood in a good situation) destroy
after condition in
disaster quantity or
quality prior
to the
Activity 1: Instruction: Explain the importance of the following
considerations in implementing
community immersion.

1. Conduct a site or ocular inspection.

- Workplace inspections help prevent incidents, injuries and
illnesses. Through a critical examination of the
workplace, inspections help to identify and record hazards for
corrective action. Health and safety committees can help plan,
conduct, report and monitor inspections.
2. Establish partnership with the community stakeholders.
-  building relationships with stakeholders is to plan for the
unexpected. Every project, every initiative, will have something
occur that is not expected. When unexpected problems occur
without a relationship, it gives sponsors the feeling that you
are incompetent
3. Project Planning
- It provides a shared vision for what the project will accomplish – this common understanding
can bind the team together in completing actions that satisfy the project’s goals

4. Taking Documentation.
-  help ensure consent and expectations. It helps to tell the
narrative for decisions made, and how yourself or the client
responded to different situations. In this same manor, it
is important to record information that can help support the
proper treatment plan and the reasoning for such services.
I-Witness Certification
This is to certify that I, _Jennilyn Rillera____________________________, witnessed Mr. / Ms.
_Villanueva Kevin Eduard_____________________ did her/his portfolio project on her own.
Date Signed: ________________
______Jennilyn rillera____
Name and Signature Above
Witness Number 1
I-Witness Certification
This is to certify that I, ___Rendell Wallang__________________________, witnessed Mr. / Ms.
___villanueva kevin eduard_____________________ did her/his portfolio project on her own.
Date Signed: ________________
______Rendell Wallang_______
Name and Signature Above
Witness Number 2

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