Activities of Module 4
Activities of Module 4
Activities of Module 4
Cervantes Campus
Learning Check
Answer the following questions.
1. Give evidences in your life for each of the following:
a. God is sovereign, the supreme ruler, and all powerful
b. We must recognize God in everything we do
c. These are ways to enjoy life in God’s ways
2. Give ways by which you overcome each of the following hindrances to enjoy a
teen’s life;
a. Too many demands at home and in school
b. Never contended
c. Strong influence of entertainment
d. Lack of time for retreat and reflective exercise
e. Wrong attitude
Learning in Motion
Read each statement in the Moral and Spiritual Check List. If you agree with the
statement, put a check mark on the second column. If you disagree, put X mark instead.
Reflect on each statement and determine how each condition in the statement has
affected you as a person. Assess the extent of the effect it has on you by ticking the
proper column that represents your honest judgment. Use the 4-point scale below:
4-Has affected me very much
3- Has affected me much
2-Has affected me a little
1-Has not affected me at all
Agree or Extent of
Statements Disagree Effect on Me
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes Campus
Lesson 3
Living God’s Ways Freely and Responsibly
Cervantes Campus
3. Do you know some of your classmates who has more responsibilities than
yourself? What could be the reason for this?
4. Do you observe any freedom that has no corresponding responsibilities?
5. What is the relationship between freedom and responsibility?
Cervantes Campus
Lesson 4:
Living a Good Life According to God’s Law
Learning Check
Explain the following concepts:
1. A good life is a happy life.
2. Wealth may or may not lead us to a good life.
3. A virtuous life is being a person of others.
4. Using one’s intellect and will to do good leads one to a good life.
5. The Moral Law guides us to live a good life.
Learning Check
Identify the concept in each of the following items.
1. Judaism
2. Buddhism
3. Judaism
4. Christianity
5. Buddhism
6. Qur’an or Koran
7. Nirvana
8. Buddha
9. Nirvana
10. Reincarnation
11. Christianity
12. Islam
13. Christianity
14. Islam
15. Hinduism
Learning Check
Answer the following questions.
Cervantes Campus
1. Explain the meaning of faith and provide at least one example to illustrate your
2. What are your thoughts and feelings about your own faith after this lesson?
3. Write one paragraph on how your faith can lead you to a meaningful life.
Lesson 7:
Doing Good Works, Living One’s Faith
Learning Check
Essay: Answer the following:
1. Illustrate with at least one example how your faith is manifested in relation to
kapwa and to the environment.
2. How does faith affect your life as a teenager?
Lesson 8:
Keeping the Spirit Alive!
Learning Motion
It is one thing to talk about what you believe in, and another thing to apply it in daily life
and do something about it. How do you make your spirit come alive in relation to others
and to God? What are your assets and liabilities in terms of acting justly, loving tenderly,
and walking humbly with God? Can you make a balance sheet of your spirituality as
regards these three aspects of your life? Prepare your own Spirituality Balance Sheet.
Cervantes Campus
Learning Check
1. Write down how you can show a balanced spirituality.
2. What do you need to do to become a spiritual person? Cite some characteristics
of a spiritual person.
Learning Check
Create a comic strip reflecting the following moral values based on what you have
learned from this lesson. Your teacher will provide you an example on how to do this.
1. Love of God
2. Love of Truth
3. Respect for Authority
4. Respect for Life
5. Respect for Human Sexuality
6. Responsible Dominion over Material Things
Learning Check
A. What would be your position or action on the following moral issues?
1. Euthanasia
Cervantes Campus
2. Homosexuality
3. Cheating
4. Reproductive Technology
5. Abortion
B. Discuss your position and action. The teacher may opt to have the issue decided
in groups and presentation of the results of discussion may follow.
Lesson 14:
Learning Check
1. What is the importance of having inner peace?
2. What are the reasons why people do not experience real inner peace?
3. What should people do to attain inner peace?