Activity 2
Activity 2
Activity 2
*Physical and
*Special education
occupational *Therapeutic
*Speech-language *A Deaf -also called special therapy recreation specialist
*Audiology - are Interpreter (DI)
needs education, the (CTRS) - is a
pathologists health care professionals education of children -The most basic
professional who
difference between
(SLPs) work to who identify, assess and -is a specialist who who differ socially, works to improve
mentally, or physically physical therapy and
prevent, assess, manage disorders of provides interpreting the mental,
from the average to occupational therapy
diagnose, and treat hearing, balance and services and other emotional, and
other neural systems. such an extent that is that a PT focuses on
speech, language, visual and tactual physical well-being
they require improving the
communication forms of sick or disabled
social communication, modifications of usual patient's ability to
used by individuals who individuals.
cognitive school practices. move their body
are Deaf, hard of
communication, and whereas an OT
hearing, and deafblind.
swallowing disorders focuses on improving
in children and adults. the patient's ability to
perform activities of
daily living.
Social Worker Health
Services Services
Special Education
Education Physical and
Special Interpreter occupational
Education Programs and for the deaf therapy
Teacher Services
Otologist or
Otoralynglogy Counseling