SMDM Paper
SMDM Paper
SMDM Paper
1. The Question paper contains 08 questions out of which you are required to answer any 04 questions.
The question paper is of 70 marks with each question carrying 17.5 marks.
2. The total duration of the examination will be 4 hours (Four hours), which includes the time for
downloading the question paper from the Portal, writing the answers by hand and uploading the
hand-written answer sheets on the portal.
3. For the students with benchmark disability as per Persons with DisabilityAct, the total duration of
examination shall be 6 hours (six hours) to complete the examination process, which includes the
time for downloading the question paper from the Portal, writing the answers by hand and uploading
the hand-written answer sheets on the portal.
4. Answer should be hand-written on a plain white A4 size paper using black or blue pen. Each question
can be answered in upto 350 words on 3 (Three) plain A4 size paper (only one side is to be used).
5. Answer to each question should start from a fresh page. All pages are required to be numbered. You
should write your Course Name, Semester, Examination Roll Number, Paper Code, Paper title, Date
and Time of Examination ofthe first sheet used for answers.
Note: Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q. 2. When do we use mean, mode, and median? Explain the context of types of data types and objective
of analysis. Also explain relative advamages/disadvamages of one over another.
Q.3. Elaborate on the concept of null hypothesis, p-valueand confidence interval 7 What is one and uvo
tail in the above context ? Calculate the critical value for 75 % confidence and 85% confidence.
Q.4. What is the difference between correlation and regression ? Derive the link between coefficient of
regression, standard deviation, covariance, variance and correlation for two interval data types V
and X.
Q. 5. What is probability distribution ? Elaborate on importance of norma! distribution. Show the linkages/,
associalion/conversion/approximation between normal, Poisson and binomial distribution.
Q.6. Brielly describe z test, l test, ANOVA. In which context we use which test ?
Q*7. Elaborate usage Ol'Chi-Stjuare distribution. t;,iseljer distribution and T distribution. Mention rite null
hypothesis in each case. How l%chor test is linked to regression analysis, elaborate with help ()!
quantitative example ( one can assume data).
Q.8. The National Health Care Association is concerned about the shortage of nurses (he health care
profession is projecting for the future. To learn the current degree ofjob satisfaction among nurses,
the association sponsored a study of hospital nurses throughout the country. As part of this study. 50
nurses a sample indicated their degree of satisfaction with their work, their pay, and their
opportunities for promotion. Each of three aspects of satisfaction was measured on a scale from 0 to
100, with larger value indicating higher degrees of satisfaction. The data collected also showed the
type of hospital employing the nurses. The types of hospitals were Private, Veterans Administration
(VA), and University. A portion of the data is .shown here.
Managerial Report
Use methods of descriptive statistics to summarize the data. Present the summaries that will be
beneficial in communicating the results to others. Discuss your findings and comments on the
a) On the basis of the three job satisfaction variables, what aspect of the job is most satisfying
for the nurses? What appears to be the lease satisfying? In what area(S), if any. do you feel
improvements should be made? Discuss.
b) On the basts of descriptive measures of variability, what measure ofjob satisfaction appears to
generate the gieatest difference in the opinion among the nurses? Explain.