Renewable Energy: Brian Snyder, Mark J. Kaiser

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Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 1567–1578

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Ecological and economic cost-benefit analysis of offshore wind energy

Brian Snyder*, Mark J. Kaiser
LSU Center for Energy Studies, Energy Coast and Environment Building, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Wind energy has experienced dramatic growth over the past decade. A small fraction of this growth has
Received 18 September 2008 occurred offshore, but as the best wind resources become developed onshore, there is increasing interest
Accepted 9 November 2008 in the development of offshore winds. Like any form of power production, offshore wind energy has both
Available online 25 December 2008
positive and negative impacts. The potential negative impacts have stimulated a great deal of opposition
to the first offshore wind power proposals in the U.S. and have delayed the development of the first
offshore wind farm in the U.S. Here we discuss the costs and benefits of offshore wind relative to onshore
Offshore wind economics
wind power and conventional electricity production. We review cost estimates for offshore wind power
Ecological impacts
Cape wind and compare these to estimates for onshore wind and conventional power. We develop empirical cost
functions for offshore wind based on publicly reported projects from 2000 to 2008, and describe the
limitations of the analysis. We use this analysis to inform a discussion of the tradeoffs between
conventional, onshore and offshore wind energy usage.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Given the uncertainties associated with global climate change, it

is difficult to compare the societal costs and benefits of wind energy
Over the past 10 years, the onshore wind industry in the U.S. has to fossil-fueled energy. However, one way to develop a first-order
grown dramatically and as a result developers, citizens and the U.S. comparison of these costs would be include the costs of market
Congress have expressed interest in the development of an offshore based carbon offsets in the costs of conventional electricity. This
wind industry. Several companies have developed plans for assumes that the costs of carbon emission credits accurately reflect
offshore wind projects and the U.S. Mineral Management Service their ecological value which would occur if carbon credits actually
(MMS) is in the process of reviewing these applications and represent a reduction of the specified amount of carbon dioxide
developing regulations for the industry while the state of Texas has from the atmosphere.
already leased lands for at least one and possibly several additional It is perhaps less difficult to compare the costs of onshore and
offshore wind farms. Lawmakers, government agencies, corpora- offshore wind energy since they both have similar carbon emis-
tions, non-governmental organizations and private individuals are sions. In this case, one could simply compare the economic and
deciding whether or not to support or participate in the develop- ecological costs of onshore and offshore wind.
ment of an offshore wind industry, and the relative level of support There are several reasons why developers or lawmakers might
or encouragement to give this new industry. In making these prefer offshore wind power over fossil-fueled power or onshore
decisions, stakeholders will have to balance the ecological costs and wind power. Offshore wind power could be less expensive than its
benefits of offshore wind against its economic costs and compare to competitors, either at a local or national scale, it could have the
offshore wind energy’s most realistic competitors. The decision is potential to be less expensive than its competitors, or it could have
complex and requires balancing local and global environmental less severe social and environmental impacts than its competitors.
issues, historical conservation and economic costs. In this paper, we seek to address the question, ‘‘Is investment in
Offshore wind energy competes with both onshore wind energy offshore wind power preferred over investments in fossil-fueled or
and conventional fossil-fueled electricity. Onshore wind power and onshore wind power?’’ We focus primarily on coal-fired power as
natural gas fired power are the two fastest growing segments of the representative of fossil-fueled power since it is the dominant
electricity market. Coal power is the largest current producer of source of electricity in the U.S. and it is both inexpensive and
electricity in the U.S. Offshore wind will thus displace either coal, a major source of greenhouse gases.
natural gas or onshore wind. We begin with an overview of the commonly expressed criti-
cisms and benefits of offshore wind power. We discuss cost models
for offshore wind power and compare them to onshore wind power
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 225 578 4559. and conventional power. We also discuss the factors that lead to
E-mail address: (B. Snyder). higher costs through a first-order empirical cost function and

0960-1481/$ – see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1568 B. Snyder, M.J. Kaiser / Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 1567–1578

discuss how these costs can be decreased. We discuss the envi- property values in the viewshed of onshore wind turbines and
ronmental impacts of offshore wind power and how these factors found that in eight out of ten cases the property values in the
can be mitigated. We end the paper with the conclusions of the viewshed increased faster than the values in control sites.
analysis. Furthermore, in nine of ten cases the rate of property value increase
rose after the placement of the wind farm. Thus, there is no
2. Criticisms of offshore wind power empirical evidence to suggest that wind farms negatively influence
property values.
There have been a number of criticisms on offshore wind power In Denmark, Ladeenburg and Dubgaard [5] estimated the will-
in the U.S., mostly associated with the Cape Wind project (Table 1, ingness of citizens to pay for moving turbines further from shore.
[1,2]). The environmental impacts are discussed in more detail They found that respondents were willing to pay 46, 96 and 122
below, the rest of the concerns are discussed here. Euros per year per household in order to move a theoretical wind
farm to 12, 18 or 50 km away from the coast, relative to an 8 km
2.1. Navigational safety baseline [5]. Huaghton et al. [6] conducted a similar study on Cape
Cod and found that 22% of respondents were willing to pay, on
Any structure placed in federal water must receive a permit average, a onetime cost of $286 for windmills to not be built, while
from the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE). The ACE, through the 9% were willing to pay an average of $112 for windmills to be built.
Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA), has the authority to regulate The average net willingness to pay per person was $75. These data
obstructions to navigation in federal waters. The ACE considers suggest that on average the public views offshore wind turbines as
a multitude of factors in making RHA decisions, however, their visual disamentities, at least before they are built.
primary responsibility is protecting navigation, therefore they are
unlikely to permit offshore wind projects that pose serious threat to 2.4. Cost and risk
U.S. shipping lanes. However, densely spaced wind turbines could
provide a problem for recreational boats and small fishing vessels The offshore environment is significantly more uncertain and
attempting to navigate through a wind farm. Typically, turbines in difficult than onshore, and thus, more costly and risky. The offshore
a wind farm are spaced 500–1000 m apart and have blades that at environment involves personnel traveling to and from offshore
their lowest point are at least 20 m above the water. Small boats turbines; this increases equipment and time costs as well as
should therefore have no problem navigating among these turbine insurance costs due to increased risks. Offshore work involves
in good weather, however, some critics of the Cape Wind project increased risks of storms which affect the amount of time available
have pointed out that the coast of Massachusetts is infamous for for maintenance and installation which in turn influence capital
bad weather and shipwrecks. This is likely to be the case in many and operation costs. Offshore environments are corrosive to elec-
places in which offshore turbines are particularly profitable (i.e. trical and structural equipment and require turbines to be mari-
areas with high winds). nized with cathodic and humidity protection. Capital expenditures
for offshore wind projects depend on marine vessel dayrates which
2.2. Federal subsidies are unpredictable, and offshore foundations require more steel for
jackets and pilings than onshore foundations.
Opponents of offshore wind projects claim that offshore wind
power is not economically viable without federal ‘‘subsidies’’, by 2.5. Unpredictable power
which they mean federal tax credits for renewable energy. The
federal Production Tax Credit (PTC) gives a tax credit of $0.02/kW h One of the most substantive criticisms of wind power is that it is
of produced electricity for the first ten years of production from any unable to provide constant, predictable power to the grid. The
renewable source, including wind.1 Opponents of the PTC argue electricity grid is designed to send a constant AC load to consumers
that its original purpose was to help the renewable energy industry and it relies on large power plants producing predictable and
become established and because it originally became law in 1992, it steady electricity. Wind energy is not steady and varies on the scale
should now be allowed to expire. In fact, the PTC did expire in 2000, of minutes, hours, days and months and the changes in wind power
2002 and 2004 and is currently set to expire at the end of 2008. output are difficult to predict ahead of time [7]. Therefore, inte-
Interestingly, the pattern of wind capacity growth in the U.S. seems grating wind power into the electricity grid will require backup
to closely follow the expiration of the PTC [3]. In each of the years in systems (especially natural gas fired power plants) that can
which the PTC was allowed to expire, the growth in wind capacity respond quickly to changing production from wind farms [8]. This
slowed markedly. Given the relatively unfavorable economics of increases the total national cost of electricity. The DOE has esti-
offshore wind, it is reasonable to suggest that offshore wind energy mated that the supply up to 20% of the nation’s electrical use from
projects will need the continuation of the Production Tax Credit wind power would cost up to $5/MW h in integration costs [9].
(PTC) in order to be competitive.
3. Benefits of offshore wind power
2.3. Aesthetics
Offshore wind power shares all of the same benefits of onshore
wind power relative to conventional power sources (Table 1). Most
Opponents to wind power claim that wind turbines mar the
notably, wind power has very low carbon emissions over its life-
landscape or seascape. This is especially an issue for the Cape Wind
cycle, as well as negligible emissions of mercury, nitrous oxides and
project in which local activists are concerned about the views from
sulfur oxides. Wind power does not use fuel and is therefore freed
historic landmarks. There are some aesthetic issues that are beyond
from the price volatility associated with electricity generated from
the scope of analytic tools, however, the effects of wind farms on
oil, natural gas, biomass, nuclear and coal. Wind power does not
property values has been analyzed. Sterzinger et al. [4] analyzed
rely on large sources of freshwater as conventional sources of
power do [9]. In the near term, offshore wind power will be more
For example, if a 400 MW wind farm has a capacity factor of 50%, then it would
expensive than onshore wind power, however, there are several
produce about 1.7 billion kW h of electricity annually, and would qualify for 35 benefits of offshore wind power that are not shared by onshore
million dollars in tax credits each year for the first ten years of its operational life. wind; these benefits may or may not justify the additional costs.
B. Snyder, M.J. Kaiser / Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 1567–1578 1569

Table 1
Summary of arguments for and against offshore wind and comparison to onshore wind.

Applies to onshore Validity

wind power
Arguments against offshore wind
Ruins special/historic seascape Y Aesthetics subjective, but wind turbines are visual disamenity to most. No effect on property values.
Kills birds Y Expected death rate 1–10 birds per MW. Difficult to compare effects of wind and fossil fuels on bird
populations on a per MW h basis.
Harms fisheries N Likely to be significant impacts on local fisheries during construction, especially if monopiles are
used. During operation fishing success may increase.
Harms marine mammals N Likely to have impacts on marine mammals during construction, especially if monopiles are used,
potentially including mortality. During operation impacts will be negligible.
Requires subsidies Y Offshore wind power not economically competitive with onshore wind or fossil-fueled power.
Endangers shipping/navigation N Site dependent. USACE must permit projects and decide if they threaten navigation.
Hurts tourism N Offshore wind projects have caused net increases in tourism.
Arguments for offshore wind power
Mitigates climate change Y Wind power produces very little greenhouse gas emissions over its life cycle.
Decreases water use Y Each MW of wind capacity can offset 0.7–2.1 million gallons of water consumed per year
Improves air quality Y Cape wind estimated to prevent 11 mortalities per year (Kempton et al., 2005), but depends on fuel
mix of power actually displaced.
Reduces foreign fuel dependence Y Roughly 50% of U.S. electricity comes from coal; U.S. exports more coal than it imports. Roughly 20%
of electricity from natural gas. Roughly 20% of this natural gas is imported, almost entirely from Canada.
Creates jobs Y The Cape Wind project will create about 50 permanent jobs, plus 100 indirect jobs. Construction will
create several hundred additional jobs.
Creates electrical price stability Y Wind power provides price stability since cost of producing energy can be forecast, but even most
ambitious plans only imagine 20% of U.S. electricity supply to come from wind in 2030.
Close to population centers N Offshore sources are closer to population centers than onshore wind sources, but it is probably cheaper
to build new transmission systems from high-wind onshore sites.
Higher winds offshore N Winds are more powerful offshore, but COE of offshore wind is higher than COE of onshore wind, suggesting
that higher wind speeds do not make up for higher capital costs.
Reduced user conflicts N Site and plan specific; seems to be occurring in Texas, not in Cape Cod.

3.1. Location 3.3. Transport and construction

Onshore wind resources in the U.S. are localized in the middle of The marine cranes developed for the offshore oil and natural gas
the country, far away from large population centers. Offshore wind industry are capable of handling larger equipment than onshore
power is physically close to the major population centers of the cranes, thus allowing for larger turbines to be efficiently erected at
coastal United States, thereby removing the need for expensive sea. The transportation of the required enormous pieces of equip-
high voltage transmission [10]. However, with a large enough ment is also made significantly easier at sea [17]. The size of
investment, it may be more efficient to build these transmission onshore turbines is limited by the ability to transport the blades,
lines then it would be to invest in offshore wind power. Recent tower and nacelles of the turbines. As a result, cost reductions due
studies have evaluated the costs of producing 20% of the nation’s to the economics of scale are limited. However, at sea these
electricity from wind (primarily onshore wind). The cost to trans- constraints are not an issue and wind turbines already exceed
mit this electricity from the wind centers of the west and midwest 5 MW and may eventually exceed 10 MW. These larger turbines
to the population centers on the coasts has been estimated to be may make offshore wind power more economically attractive due
about $20 to $26 billion. This would add about $120 to $180 to the to the economies of scale.
capital costs of new construction making total capital costs about
$2000/kW, below current offshore costs of around $3000–4000/ 3.4. Design considerations
kW [9].
Onshore wind power, in some cases, has been stalled by local Offshore wind power also has several potential benefits that
opposition due to conflicts between alternative land uses [11]. One have not yet been realized due to its nascent nature; these benefits
potential benefit of offshore wind is that it may reduce this conflict are related to the potential for new turbine designs optimized for
[12]. Wind turbines can be placed far enough from the shore to be the offshore environment [18].
inaudible and, potentially, invisible. Local opposition to the Cape Turbine noise is an oft-cited criticism made by opponents to
Wind project remains strong, but does not seem to be the case in onshore wind power [19]. The offshore wind power industry does
the Galveston Offshore Wind Project [13]. not have to be as concerned about turbine noise as does the
onshore industry. As a result, the offshore industry can use far
3.2. Power larger turbines [17]. These larger turbines should make offshore
wind power more economically attractive due to scale economies.
Offshore winds are generally stronger and more constant than Additionally, if offshore turbines are freed from constraints of noise,
onshore winds. As a result, turbines are expected to operate at then turbine manufacturers could build turbines with downwind
their maximum capacity for a larger percentage of the time, and rotors, that is, rotors that are located behind (with respect to the
the constancy of wind speed reduces wear on the turbine and wind direction) the support tower and nacelle. In upwind rotors,
provides a more constant source of power to the electrical grid extreme wind speeds could deflect the blades back toward the
reducing the need for other sources of electricity to serve as tower. Thus the blades have to be made very stiff, increasing their
backups [14]. The increase in wind speed leads to a 150% increase price and weight (the increased weight also increases the expense
in electricity production for offshore wind turbines [15] and an of the tower, foundation and construction). In a downwind rotor
increase in the capacity factor of the wind farm from about 25 to the blade can be more flexible. However, as the blades pass through
40% [16]. the wind shadow caused by the tower they create a low frequency
1570 B. Snyder, M.J. Kaiser / Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 1567–1578

noise. Offshore wind farms would not need to be as concerned with again and in 2007 the price of wind generated electricity was $40/
this noise [20]. MW h (all prices in 2007 dollars). Even with this increasing price,
Offshore wind farms located over the horizon could also make wind power is competitive with conventional power sources; since
use of lattice towers instead of tubular towers. These lattice towers 2003 wind generated electricity has been at or below the average
require less material and are therefore lighter and cheaper than the national wholesale price of power.
more common tubular towers, however, they are rare for aesthetic Part of this rising price is attributed to the rising capital costs of
reasons [21]. Similarly, two bladed turbines were rejected by the wind farms. From the early 1980s to the early 2000s, capital costs of
European market for aesthetic reasons [20], however they are wind farms declined by $2700/kW. From 2001 to 2003 the capital
lighter (and therefore less expensive) than three bladed turbines. costs for onshore wind farms averaged about $1450/kW; by 2007
these costs had risen to $1710/kW. These increasing project costs
4. Cost estimates of wind power are due to increasing turbine costs which have increased as
demand and commodity prices have grown.
The economic costs of conventional, onshore and offshore wind The primary drivers of the COE are the capital costs of a wind
power are shown in Table 2. The estimate for conventional power farm and the capacity factor. COE increases with the capital costs
comes from an average of all power generation in the U.S. There is and decreases with the capacity factor [22].
a great deal of variation in the estimates for offshore wind costs
4.2. Offshore cost estimates
which is due to the assumptions of the analysts and the year in
which the estimates were performed. Commodity prices have
Musial and Butterfield [17] developed a model of the costs of
increased significantly in recent years, and the costs of turbine
offshore wind farms. They modeled a hypothetical 500 MW wind
construction and installation have also increased, both onshore and
farm composed of 100, 5 MW turbines. The farm was in shallow
offshore. Additionally, the methodology through which cost esti-
water, 15 miles from the coast. They assumed that the turbines
mates are made, and their potential application can differ signifi-
would cost $340 million, the foundations $100 million and the
cantly. What is clear is that the costs of onshore wind power are
electrical connections $160 million. This gave a total construction
competitive with conventional power sources, but that the costs of
cost of $1200/kW and a cost of energy of $54/MW h.
offshore wind power are more expensive than either onshore or
Fingersh et al. [23] modeled the costs of a single 3 MW turbine in
conventional electricity perhaps by a factor of 2–3. The exact price
shallow water, but included the per turbine costs of electrical
of the premium is time and site specific, but may be up to $50/
interconnection. The cost of electricity was a function of the annual
MW h. Since onshore wind is cost competitive with conventional
expenses divided by the annual energy production. The annual
electricity, the premium is similar for both energy sources and may
expenses included the rate of return on the initial capital invest-
be higher for onshore wind than for conventional power.
ment (11.85%) times the initial capital required ($6.3 million; $2100/
kW) plus the land lease costs ($12,000), operation and maintenance
4.1. Costs of onshore wind power
costs ($215,000 per year), and replacement and overhaul costs
($55,000 per year). Fingersh et al. assumed a capacity of 38% and
Data on the costs of offshore wind power is relatively sparse due
predicted the total costs to be $95/MW h. They used a similar
the limited number of installations and the lack of reporting. Data
method to estimate the costs of onshore wind power and found
on onshore wind power costs are more readily available. The price
them to be roughly half the costs of offshore wind power.
of onshore wind generated electricity (cost of energy; COE)
In the now defunct Long Island Offshore Wind Park (LIOWP)
declined from 1999 to 2005 from approximately $63/MW h in 1999
agreement between FPL Energy and the Long Island Power
to $36/MW h in 2005. However, in 2006 the price began to rise
Authority (LIPA), LIPA agreed to pay $94.97/MW h for offshore
Table 2
produced wind power. This rate was designed to increase annually
Capital costs and cost of energy of offshore wind farms. at 2.75% [24]. PACE Global Energy Services conducted an inde-
pendent report for LIPA and found that the costs of construction
Wind farm or type of estimate Year of Cost of Capital Source
prediction/ energy costs
were approximately $750 million ($5231/kW). This translated into
estimate ($/MW h) ($/kW) a cost of energy of $291/MW h. PACE also estimated the costs of
Generating costs of coal-fired 2003 49 [60] a future (2010) generic European offshore wind farm at $4000/kW.
electricity This high cost is due to the increasing price of materials [25].
National average wholesale 2008 58 [22]
price of power (primarily 4.3. Cost components
coal, gas and nuclear)
Generic estimate based on 2008 40 1710 [22]
The primary component costs for on and offshore wind based on
empirical data (Onshore)
Generic estimate based on 2005 40–95 1600–2600 [64] empirical studies are shown in Fig. 1. The primary capital cost for
small set of empirical data onshore wind projects is the turbine; installation costs make up
Theoretical w/3 MW turbine 2006 95 2100 [23] about 14% of the total capital costs. For offshore wind projects, the
Theoretical 500 MW farm, 2004 54 1200 [17] costs of installation is higher, approximately 20% of the total costs and
5 MW turbines, 15 miles
the costs of building and installing the foundations account for
from coast
LIOWP (cancelled) 2007 291 5231 [25] another 20% of capital costs. For offshore wind, operation and
Generic estimate for future wind 2007 4000 [25] maintenance costs make up a larger proportion of the overall
farm components of the COE [23]. This is likely due to the costs of accessing
General based on empirical data 2007 100 3200 [33]
offshore wind farms and maintaining turbines in operating condition.
Cape Wind 2007 122 [65]
Estimates from proposed 2001 48–70 [66]
5. Offshore cost functions
wind farms
Generic estimate based on all 2008 3354 Data in
available empirical data Table 3 5.1. Data source
Middelgrunden 2005 70 [26]
Theoretical Generic estimate 2006 3500 [18] We have compiled data from a variety of public sources on the
Empirical data 2003 2200–2600 [62]
costs of offshore wind farms built in Europe (Table 3). Construction
B. Snyder, M.J. Kaiser / Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 1567–1578 1571

Fig. 1. Costs of onshore and offshore wind. Sources: [23,31,33,62,63].

costs have ranged in price from $1462 to $7000/kW of capacity and inflated to 2008 dollars by converting the original cost to dollars
average $3354/kW of capacity. Excluding Beatrice, estimated costs using the average exchange rate in the year in which the estimate
for not yet completed wind farms and developments built before was given (assumed to be the year of construction unless otherwise
2000, construction costs for wind farms built between 2001 and indicated), then inflating to 2008 dollars using the U.S. Bureau of
2007 ranged from $1462 to $3125/kW. We believe the smaller Labor Statistics calculator.
sample is more representative of general trends and use it for all
further analyses. 5.2. Model specification
These data come from a variety of sources including developer
websites which we cannot independently verify. These data may We created multiple regression models of capital cost based on
not reflect the entire costs of construction in all cases such as the several factors. We hypothesized a cost model in which the
cost of transmission studies and permitting. The cost data were predictor variables were total capacity, water depth, distance to

Table 3
Costs of offshore wind farms in Europe.

Wind farm Nation Year constructed Capacity (MW) Total costa (million) Depth (m) Turbine Number of Distance to
size (MW) turbines shore (km)
Vindeby Denmark 1991 5 11.2 3.5 0.45 11 1.5
Lely Netherlands 1994 2 4.8 7.5 0.5 4 0.8
Tuno Knob Denmark 1995 5 11.2 4 0.5 10 3
Dronten Netherlands 1996 11 28.6 1.5 0.6 19 0.03
Bockstigen Sweden 1997 3 4.8 6 0.55 5
Blyth UK 2000 4 7 8.5 2 2 1
Middlegrunden Denmark 2001 40 53 6 2 20 2
Utgrunden Sweden 2001 10 14 8.6 1.425 7
Yttre Stengrund Sweden 2001 10 18 8 2 5
Horns Rev Denmark 2002 160 500 10 2 80 14
Nysted Denmark 2003 158 373 7.75 2.3 72 10
Samso Denmark 2003 23 52 20 2.3 10 3.5
North Hoyle UK 2003 60 148 12 2 30 7
Ronland Denmark 2003 17.2 26 1 2.3 8
Scroby Sands UK 2004 60 155 16.5 2 30 2.5
Arklow Ireland 2004 25 70 3.5 3.6 7 10
Kentish Flats UK 2005 90 217 5 3 30 10
Barrow UK 2006 90 190 17.5 3 30 7.5
Egmond aan Zee Netherlands 2006 108 334 18 3 36 10
Burbo Bank UK 2007 90 185 5 3.6 25 6.5
Beatrice UK 2007 10 70 45 5 2 22
Lillgrund Sweden 2007 110 300 7 2.3 48 10
Q7 Netherlands 2007 120 590 21.5 2 60 23
Lynn/Inner Downsing UK 2008 90 600 9.5 3.6 54 5
Robin Rigg UK 2008 180 765 5 3 60 9
Throton bank Belgium 2008 300 1250 14 5 60 27

Sources: [18,26,64,66–75].
Adjusted for inflation using the Bureau of Labor Statistics calculator and exchange rates at the time of construction.
1572 B. Snyder, M.J. Kaiser / Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 1567–1578

shore, year constructed, turbine size, and number of turbines. We foundations impractical and potentially requiring the use of
had no reason to assume that any interaction or higher-order terms expensive, jacketed foundations and expensive marine vessels for
would be appropriate. installation. Shallow water can restrict the access of some large
barges which could also restrict operations. Many cable laying
5.2.1. Total capacity vessels have deep drafts (up to 8 m); therefore shallow water may
Obviously, increasing the size of development will increase the necessitate the use of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) for cable
capital costs of the project and this parameter is needed in the laying operations. Use of ROVs and divers in offshore construction
model in order to control for varying sizes of developments. will significantly impact costs.
However, the costs are unlikely to scale linearly with the size of
development. Installation costs, and grid connection costs, and 5.2.5. Year of construction
even turbine costs are unlikely to scale linearly with the size of the There is a general expectation that technological learning will
wind farm. For example, for orders of over 100 turbines there is cause the cost of offshore wind installations to decrease [16]. This
approximately a 30% reduction in the list price [16]. Nonetheless, has occurred in the onshore wind industry with consequent
we expect that the total capital costs will increase with increases in expansion in capacity, and there is a great deal of expectation that
total capacity. a similar phenomenon will occur in the offshore wind industry.
Year of construction may be negatively associated with capital
5.2.2. Turbine capacity costs, but we do not suspect that the sample set is sufficiently large
There is a clear trend toward increasing turbine size in onshore to detect such effects.
[22] and offshore applications. This could decrease costs since
larger capacity turbines would require fewer foundations for the 5.3. Model results
same sized wind farm, however, larger components require larger
barges and cranes for construction which are less common and We checked the variables for colinearity using a correlation
more expensive than smaller barges. There is no relationship matrix and found no parameters with correlation coefficients
between turbine capacity and the per kW capital costs of offshore greater than 0.7. Therefore, we left all parameters in the model and
wind farms (Fig. 2) and so we do not hypothesize relationship applied various combinations of the 5 parameters and ranked the
between increasing turbine capacity and capital costs. models according to their adjusted R2 value. The models and their
parameter estimates are given in Table 4.
5.2.3. Distance to shore Three variables common to all three of the best models were
The distance to shore influences both the construction and total capacity, distance to shore, and turbine size. As expected, costs
operation and maintenance costs. During construction the ships increased with increases in total capacity and distance to shore, and
will have to make a number of trips between the site and shore to decreased with increases in turbine size. The year of construction
load additional equipment. This travel period is costly and therefore and water depth were not significant in any of the models. The
the closer an offshore site is to an industrial port facility, the less water depth value from the sample set ranged from 1 to 21 m which
expensive installation will be. Furthermore, the distance to shore is not sufficient to detect depth effects. The cost element is also too
also dictates the amount of transmission cabling required. During gross to expect time to play a significant role in the model.
operation a maintenance crew will need to make regular trips to
the wind farm to monitor the foundations, towers and turbines 5.4. Limitations of analysis
[26]. Locating this crew as close as possible to the wind farm will
decrease both the environmental impacts and the costs of main- The capital costs of offshore wind farms is governed by condi-
tenance. We expect distance to shore to be positively related to tions unique to the structure, site contractor and country as well as
capital costs. the prevailing environmental, engineering, market, operational,
and regulatory conditions at the time of the operation. The unique
5.2.4. Water depth nature of the offshore operations and construction objectives drives
Water depth is a primary factor in most offshore operations in the variability observed and can only be partially explained through
the oil and gas industry, and thus we suspect water depth will also factor analysis.
eventually play an important role in determining costs as offshore
wind farms are installed in ever deeper water. Increasing depths 6. Managing costs
increase the price of construction by making monopile and gravity
With a COE of up to $100/MW h (Table 2), offshore wind is not
currently cost competitive with either onshore wind or conven-
tional electricity. However there are a number of factors which may

Table 4
Parameter estimates from the three best models from multiple regressions.

Total cost (million $) ¼ b0 þ b*1 (year) þ b*2 (distance to shore (m)) þ b*3 (turbine
size(MW)) þ b*4(capacity (MW)) þ b*5(water depth (m))

Parameter Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

b0 21,029 (0.2281)a 18.02 (0.6929) 19,293 (0.2890)
b1 10.53 (0.2271) 9.66 (0.2887)
b2 9.28 (0.015) 9.97 (0.0007) 8.43 (0.0111)
b3 56.14 (.0204) 39.06 (0.0346) 57.68 (0.0229)
b4 2.45 (<0.0001) 2.65 (<0.0001) 2.53 (<0.0001)
b5 1.05 (0.5825)
Adj R2 0.92 (<0.0001) 0.91 (<0.0001) 0.91 (<0.0001)
P-values reported in parenthesis.
Fig. 2. Capital costs versus turbine size.
B. Snyder, M.J. Kaiser / Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 1567–1578 1573

lead to significant cost reductions in the future and there are many they have been installed in both clay and sandy soils, but, firmer
factors that may make offshore wind locally attractive. substrates require larger pressure difference between the outside
The COE for offshore wind power is determined by the capital and inside of the basket. Therefore, suction foundations may be
costs of installation, the interest rate, the operation and mainte- impractical in some shallow water applications.
nance costs, and the energy produced. Offshore wind developers Areas with extreme weather events, and even areas with a high
have little control over some of these factors (e.g., the interest rate), frequency of moderate weather events, can also influence costs.
but site selection and project planning can reduce costs and Moderate waves (above 2 m) can delay construction and effect the
increase revenues. Furthermore, the costs of offshore wind may proportion of time that maintenance crews can access the turbines.
decrease over time due to technological learning. Hurricanes could dramatically influence the costs of construc-
tion and insurance. Current onshore towers are built to withstand
6.1. Factors influencing revenue 120 mph winds; hurricanes often have winds that significantly
exceed this threshold. WEST, a company interested in building an
The wind profile at a site determines the COE and the revenue to offshore wind farm off the coast of Texas, has developed plans for
a wind farm operator by determining the number of kW h sold. a wind turbine that could withstand winds in excess of 150 mph
Since wind power scales with the cube of wind velocity, the [29]; it is unclear how much this might add to the cost of a turbine.
velocity of the air is likely to be the most important single factor in Given the frequency of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and the 20–
determining the placement of offshore wind farms and their 30 year lifetime of a wind farm, it seems prudent for any wind farm
profitability. The strongest winds offshore of the U.S. occur in the to plan on being impacted by one or more hurricanes over its
Aleutian Islands in Alaska, off the coast of northern California and lifetime.
southern Oregon, and in the Atlantic Ocean off the southern and
eastern coasts of Massachusetts. In all of these places wind speeds
6.3. Project specific impacts
at 50 m average 8.8–11.1 m/s [10]. While these are the largest
concentrations of strong winds, there may also be areas of class 7
The costs of installation are partly determined by how many of
winds (the most powerful wind class, considered superb by NREL
the components are assembled on land. In some cases, developers
for energy production) at 80 m off the coasts of Texas, Louisiana,
have assembled components and even complete turbines on land
North Carolina and Long Island [27], however, these winds were not
and then shipped them to the installation site. This may decrease
identified by some other studies [10].
the time in which barges are needed but increase the sizes of the
The value of energy is also determined by the time of the day in
barges needed for construction. Barge costs are determined by the
which these winds blow. Electricity is not equally valuable
market; if wind farm development increases barge utilization then
throughout the day and developers interested in site selection need
demand conditions will likely increase dayrates. Contracts with
to know not just the mean annual wind speed, but the time of day
barges can be on either a turnkey or dayrate basis. Turnkey
and time of year in which the wind is strongest.
contracts transfer the operational risks associated with construc-
Revenue is determined by costs of energy at the local level. In
tion to the contractor; the party who holds weather related delay is
the U.S. the average retail price of electricity ranges from 4.92 to
determined by the terms of the contract.
20.72 cents/kW h [28]. Thus an offshore wind farm may not be
practical in Washington (average retail price of electricity is
6.14 cents/kW h) but may be very profitable in Hawaii where the 6.4. Economies of scale
average price is over 3 times higher (20.72 cents/kW h).
Revenue is also impacted by what other marketable products The largest wind turbines in the world are built by two German
the wind farm generates. In states with Renewable Portfolio Stan- companies, Enercon and Repower. Enercon is building a 6 MW
dards (RPS), wind farm operators could sell renewable energy prototype land-based turbine while Repower sells a 5 MW turbine.
credits (RECs). States with RPS include most of the states with Physical principles suggest that these larger machines should be
offshore wind potential with the exception of Ohio, Georgia, Loui- more expensive per kW than smaller turbines because the material
siana and Michigan. The prices of RECs vary dramatically with the needed for a turbine should scale with the third power of rotor
most expensive RECs being about $45 to $55/MW h in Massachu- diameter while the power should scale with the square of rotor
setts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. diameter [16,20]. However, empirical data suggest that the cost per
The differences in local prices for electricity and RECs mean that kW of capacity has stayed relatively constant with increasing rotor
the Cape Wind project may be able to sell its electricity for about diameter due to technological innovation [20] and the weight of the
13 cents/kW h (average wholesale price of electricity in New blades and the nacelles has scaled with the exponents 2.3 and 1.5
England in 2007 was 7.7 cents/kW h; average REC price is 5.5 cents/ respectively, rather than the cube as expected [16]. This, combined
kW h), while the Galveston Offshore Wind project may only be able with the fact that operation and maintenance costs are lower for
to sell electricity at half that rate (average wholesale price of wind farms with fewer, larger turbines, means that as the scale of
electricity in Texas in 2007 was 5.7 cents/kW h; average REC price is wind farms increases, the costs of energy may decrease [30]. These
0.5 cents/kW h; [22,28]). These differences in revenue could cost reductions reach a limit for land-based wind farms due to the
determine if a wind farm would be competitive with fossil-fueled high costs of transporting huge turbines and blades. For offshore
fired electricity or not. turbines transportation over roadways is not an issue, and it is
likely that the size of offshore turbines may continue to increase
6.2. Site selection impacts above 5 MW [9]. We would expect that wind farms using large
turbines would therefore be cheaper on a per kW capacity basis,
Previously, we discussed the possible impacts of water depth but so far this has not occurred (Fig. 2).
and distance to shore on capital costs, however, other factors We might also expect larger wind farms to be less expensive on
associated with the site selection will also impact capital costs, for a per MW basis than smaller wind farms [31]. This could occur
example, seafloor geology. Most offshore wind farms have been through discounts with large turbine purchases, through learning
established using driven monopiles, however, monopiles are associated with installation of foundations, through operation and
impractical in rocky soil since they may require drilling. Suction maintenance efficiencies or through decreasing per MW electrical
caissons have been employed as foundations for some turbines and connection costs. However, neither the data for onshore wind
1574 B. Snyder, M.J. Kaiser / Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 1567–1578

farms seem to support this expectation [32] nor do the data for
offshore wind farms (Fig. 3).

6.5. Technological learning

Musial and Butterfield [17] predicted that the COE for an

offshore wind farm in shallow water would decline from $54/MW h
in 2006 to $32/MW h 2025 based on technological learning and
independent of cost reductions through scale economies.
There are several ways in which technological learning could
take place; it could occur through incremental developments, the
development of new main components, or through the develop-
ment of entirely new turbine concepts [18]. Incremental develop-
ment consists of developing new methods for turbine installation,
Fig. 3. Capital costs as a function of wind farm size.
advanced blade materials, easier access to the turbines, and more
reliable electronic components, and is expected to be the major
source of future price reductions2 [18,33]. Other options for tech- collisions. Using these data, it was predicted that approximately
nological cost reductions include the use of DC transmission, the 0.02% of birds would collide with turbines.
mass production of jacketed structures, and the assembly of turbine Wind farms can also pose barriers to birds. Birds often seem to
components onshore [16,18,33]. avoid flying through wind farms; this likely decreases their
mortality [37]. However, birds that avoid a wind farm must expend
7. Environmental impacts of offshore wind power a significant amount of energy flying around it, especially since
offshore wind farms can be quite large (tens of square miles). This
Offshore wind power has both positive and negative environ- could be of particular importance if a wind farm is located in
mental consequences. The negative environmental consequences between rookeries and feeding grounds [34].
are generally local, whereas the positive environmental conse-
quences are global and exist only insofar as offshore wind power
Table 5
displaces other forms of electricity generation. The environmental Environmental impacts associated with Cape Wind development according to the
impacts studied in the Cape Wind EIS are shown in Table 5, but EIS.
note that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has objected that the
Affected resource Construction Operation impacts
data used to make the determinations in the table were not impactsa
adequate. In general, the environmental impacts of offshore wind
Oceanography Currents No measurable Minor
are similar to those from onshore wind, however, offshore impacts
wind has additional environmental impacts, primarily associated Waves No measurable No measurable
with the effects of noise on marine animals, that onshore wind impacts impacts
Salinity No measurable No measurable
does not share.
impacts impacts
Temperature No measurable No measurable
7.1. Impacts on birds impacts impacts
Sediment transport Minor Minor
Water depth Minor Minor
One of the primary concerns surrounding wind farms is the risk
Birds Raptors No measurable No measurable
that they will cause excessive avian mortality through collisions. impacts impacts
The birds most at risk of collision will be seabirds, and in some cases Passerines Minor No measurable
migrating passerines. While bird mortality increases due to the risk impacts to Minor
Coastal species No measurable No measurable
of colliding with offshore turbines, the rate of mortality is relatively
impacts to Minor impacts to Moderate
low, from 0.01 to 23 mortalities per turbine per year (these data are Marine birds Minor to Moderate Minor to Moderate
from both on and offshore wind farms; [34]). On a per MW basis, Invertebrates Benthic invertebrates Minor Minor
fatalities range from 0.95 to 11.67 deaths per year [35]. Altamont Shellfish Minor Minor
pass in California became notorious for its bird mortality. While the Plankton No measurable Minor
annual collision rate per turbine was low (0.02–0.15 collisions per
Fisheries Finfish Minor No measurable
year), mortality was still sizable due to the fact that 7000 turbines impacts to Minor
were involved and many of the birds killed were golden eagles, Demersal eggs and Moderate
a charismatic species [34]. These data suggest that the fatality rate larvae
may be highly dependent on site specific factors. Fish habitat No measurable No measurable
impacts to Minor impacts to Minor
The estimates above were generally taken from studies in which Marine Marine Mammals Minor to Moderate No measurable
mortality was measured by counting dead birds found near Mammals impacts to Moderate
turbines and, in some cases, correcting for birds removed by Endangered Sea turtles No measurable No measurable
scavengers. In the offshore environment counting carcasses is likely Species impacts to Minor impacts to Minor
Cetaceans No measurable No measurable
to be very difficult due to the fact that many carcasses will not be
impacts to Minor impacts to Minor
found [36]. At Nysted, a thermal imaging system was placed on one Birds No measurable No measurable
of the turbines and could monitor 30% of the swept area for bird impacts to Minor impacts to Moderate
Minor impacts are those that can be completely mitigated against or are small
enough that the resource can recover completely on its own. Moderate impacts
One example of this could be the learning that occurred during the Horns Rev occur if either the impact is immitigable but the resource could recover on its own,
installation. Eighty turbines were installed at Horns Rev. At the start of construction or if the impact can be partially mitigated and the resource could then recover on its
the average installation time was 3 days; by the end of the construction period an own. Major impacts occur if the impact is immitigable, the viability of the resource is
average of 1.4 turbines was installed per day [16]. threatened and the resource would not fully recover.
B. Snyder, M.J. Kaiser / Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 1567–1578 1575

Finally, wind farms can remove essential habitat from seabirds. necropsy. Abbott and Bing-Sawyer [42] studied Sacramento black-
Many seabirds have restricted areas in which they can successfully fish and found that fish placed in cages close to the sound source
feed and in many cases these areas are shallow sand banks (45 m) experienced more damage than animals further away and
appropriate for wind farm development. If birds avoid wind farms, that damage was only found in animals exposed to 193 dB or more.
then even though the footprint of a wind turbine foundation is very CALTRANS [43] studied shiner surfperch and steelhead and
small, very large areas of habitat may be inaccessible to birds. This compared damage between fish experimentally exposed to pile
seems to have occurred among diving birds at the Horns Rev wind driving and fish that were transported to the site but not exposed to
park and long-tailed ducks at Nysted wind park. Similar patterns noise. They found that fish exposed to pile driving noise experi-
are seen for terns and auks at Horns Rev, although the trends are enced more damage than unexposed animals, but that there was no
not significant [38]. significant difference in mortality rates between control and
experimental animals. CALTRANS [44] also conducted an observa-
7.2. Impacts on marine mammals tional study of fish mortality during pile driving for the San Fran-
cisco–Oakland bay bridge and found dead fish out to 50 meters
Many cetaceans use echolocation to find food and many more around the construction. Finally, Abott [45] and Marty [46] studied
communicate via acoustic signals. As a result many cetaceans, the effects of a relatively small pile (2 feet in diameter) being driven
particularly porpoises, have very sensitive hearing which can be close (32 feet) to cages of shiner perch, Chinook salmon and
damaged by the loud noises associated with wind farms, particu- northern anchovies and they used control fish subjected to the
larly the sounds of pile driving. At the site of construction, the same conditions but without noise. They found no difference in
sound pressure level of pile driving a monopole for a 1.5 MW either mortality or pathology.
turbine is 228 dB [39]. Four-hundred meters away from pile driving There have also been a few studies on the effects of noise on
the sound pressure level is 189 dB. This would cause hearing loss in stress levels in fish. Chronic noise exposure is known to increase
seals. Hearing loss for porpoises would likely extend 1.8 km away stress levels in humans with consequential effects on health. Smith
from the source. Pile driving would be audible to porpoises and et al. [47] studied the effects of a continuous 170 dB noise on
seals for at least 80 km and might cause behavioral responses up to corticosterone (a stress hormone) levels in goldfish and found no
20 km away [39]. This sound pressure level is similar to, but slightly statistically significant results.
less intense than that used in naval sonar which has been impli- More subtle effects on fish behavior could also occur. Engas et al.
cated in the mass stranding of beaked whales [39]. During wind [48] and Engas and Lokkeborg [49], found that the catch rate of
farm operation the noise from the turbines may be detectable for haddock and cod decreased in areas after air gun use but returned
porpoises and seals up to about 1 km from the source [39]. to normal several days later suggesting that fish left the area and
At the Nysted Wind farm the population of harbor and grey seals gradually returned. Nedwell et al. [50] calculated the zones around
was monitored before, during and after construction. Wind farm which salmon and cod would show significant avoidance behavior
operation did not seem to significantly impact seal abundance, to be 1.4 km and 5.5 km, respectively.
however, piling driving operations that occurred at one foundation The only clear conclusions which can be drawn from this
site (Nysted uses gravity foundations) did decrease the number of research is that pile driving will effect fish; the degree of this effect
seals observed at a nearby breeding site. Also, while the total will vary and is not at all clear. Very close to pile driving some
annual population remained stable, after construction fewer harbor mortality may occur for some species and fish may temporarily
seals were present on nearby land sites in June (the breeding leave the area.
season) but more were present in July and August. This could Many species of fish are also sensitive to electric and magnetic
suggest that fewer seals are using the area around the wind farm for fields which can be caused by buried underwater cables. Fish use
breeding which could have an important effect on the viability of their perception of electric and magnetic fields for orientation and
the population. prey detection. Species that contain magnetic material, potentially
Harbor porpoises were shown to occur less frequently in the area for navigational purposes include several species of economically
around a wind farm during construction at both Nysted [40] and important fish including yellow fin tuna, and Chinook and sockeye
Horns Rev [38]. Presumably this is primarily due to animals fleeing salmon [51]. There is some evidence that the fish in the area of the
the noise. At Horns Rev, the porpoises seemed to return following Nysted wind farm may be affected by the electromagnetic fields
the construction period, however, even two years later porpoises at produced by the wind farm. Baltic herring, common eels, Atlantic
Nysted are less numerous then they were in baseline [38]. cod and flounder all showed asymmetries in the catch rate on
either side of the cables suggesting that the cables may retard
7.3. Impacts on fish migration [38].
In addition to these negative effects, there has been some
Wind farms could have both positive and negative impacts on discussion of the potential for positive impacts from offshore wind
fish. These effects could cascade up the food web to have either farms on fish and fisheries. After construction of an offshore wind
positive or negative effects on the birds and marine mammals that farm, turbine foundations could act as fish aggregating devices
consume them. (FADs). The foundations could add three dimensional complexity to
As with marine mammals, fish can be very sensitive to loud the environment and serve as a substrate for benthic invertebrates,
sounds and could be displaced during wind farm construction; thereby attracting fish. Offshore oil platforms are well known for
however, there is a great deal of variability among fish auditory this property. Although monopiles lack the structure of offshore oil
systems and different species of fish will respond differently to and gas platforms, Wilhelmsson et al. [52] have shown that they act
noise from underwater construction. Furthermore, bottom- as fish aggregating devices at the Yttre Stengrund and Utgrunden
dwelling will be affected differently from fish swimming in the wind farms. At the Horns Rev and Nysted wind farms there was no
water column due to the different propagation of sound through clear difference between fish densities inside and outside of the
sediment [39]. wind farms [38]. The difference in these results is likely due to the
There have been few studies on the effects of pile driving on fish different methodologies employed. The Swedish studies used scuba
(reviewed in [41]). In general, these studies have placed fish in divers to monitor fish while the Danish studies used hydro-acoustic
cages at various distances from the piles being driven and sampling. As a result, the Danish studies may have overlooked
measured mortality and other injuries through non-microscopic some of the smaller species observed in the Swedish wind farms.
1576 B. Snyder, M.J. Kaiser / Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 1567–1578

7.4. Environmental benefits of offshore wind power on the ecological services, in terms of water unused and carbon not
emitted, of offshore wind power relative to traditional fossil-fueled
Wind power is considered to be among the most environmen- power. The actual costs of offsetting a ton of carbon are not known,
tally benign sources of electricity available today and it is important but governments have set up trading systems in which offsets are
to consider the negative environmental impacts of wind power in exchanged. The costs of these offsets will be set by supply and
the context of alternative sources of electricity. For example, demand, and are expected to increase in the future. Current prices
concerns about the impacts of wind power on birds should be for the offset of one metric ton of CO2 are around $30. Each MW h of
compared to the impacts of fossil fuel use on birds on a per MW basis. coal-fired electricity produces 0.839 metric tons of CO2 [60]. Thus,
per MW h, the value of avoided CO2 emissions may be about $25.
7.4.1. Greenhouse gases
The primary environmental benefit of wind power is its negli- 8. Ecological mitigation
gible contribution to global climate change. The only greenhouse
gases produced by the establishment of a wind farm are those used 8.1. Mitigation through site selection
in the construction and operation of the wind farm. The greenhouse
gases released from construction and operation of an offshore wind Potential sites are avoided due to their potential impacts on the
farm are likely to be dominated by CO2 released from the ships used environment. Certain areas are known to be bottlenecks on the
in construction of the wind farm and the manufacturing of the steel migratory routes of large numbers of birds. Cape May, New Jersey,
used in the turbine towers and foundations. To our knowledge Delaware Bay, Grays Harbor Washington, Point Reyes, California,
there is no estimate of these emissions for offshore wind farms, but and the Barrier Islands of Louisiana are all important areas for avian
for onshore wind farms these emissions decrease the CO2 offset by migration and may be considered unacceptable for offshore wind
1–2% [53]. It is not clear whether offshore turbines would have power development. Similarly, planners for the LIOWP took the
higher or lower per MW CO2 output from construction. In general, migration routes of Right Whales into consideration in selecting
transportation via ship is more efficient than over land, but the a site. Whale migration routes will likely need to be considered on
operation and maintenance emissions may be higher for offshore the Pacific coast as well.
wind. Assuming an offshore wind turbine replaces electricity Placing offshore wind farms near nesting sites for seabirds may
generation from fossil sources at a rate equal to that for onshore also be ecologically hazardous. Seabirds generally avoid using the
wind farms, then each MW of wind capacity should displace about Horns Rev wind farm and direct mortality from collision with
1800 tons of CO2 per year [54]. turbines is relatively rare and in many cases not significant.
It is extremely difficult to predict the effects of climate change per However, because seabirds avoid entering offshore wind farms,
ton of CO2. While we can predict a per MW bird mortality associated their existence may reduce available foraging habitat or force birds
with wind power, we cannot make a comparable prediction for fossil to expend energy to fly around the wind farm. Both of these could
fuel use. Studies have indicated that climate change may be associ- have population level impacts on bird species. Offshore wind farm
ated with high rates of species extinction. Climate change is pre- construction could also have similar impacts on nearby populations
dicted to cause between 11 and 45% of all species to become extinct of marine mammals.
[55]. For birds, the subject of so much concern over wind power, it is From the perspective of conserving biodiversity, it is perhaps
estimated that 950–1800 species of terrestrial birds (out of 8750 most important for developers to avoid areas considered essential
studied) will be threatened due (in part) to climate change [56]. It is habitat for threatened or endangered species. The endangered
critically important, however, that there has been very few studies of species act requires that critical habitat for any listed species be
the adaptation of biodiversity to climate change, thus these esti- identified and it requires federal agencies that permit activities
mates must be taken as preliminary [57]. Still, the fact that climate consider the effects of permitting on these habitats. While there are
change may imperil the survival of species, especially species procedures in which the government may permit activities that are
endemic to high and low altitudes and latitudes and restricted detrimental to the critical habitat of an endangered species, it
geographical ranges, is in contrast to wind power which has no would seem prudent for developers to exclude critical habitats of
demonstrated population or species level effects on biodiversity. endangered species from development plans, if not out of
a perceived ethical responsibility for conservation, then out of the
7.4.2. Water risk of the failure of the permitting process and the associated
In many parts of the U.S. water resources are stressed. The six financial losses.
world climate models used in the Intergovernmental Panel on The areas of critical habitat for species managed by NOAA are
Climate Change (IPCC) generally predict that the U.S. will become listed at
drier by 2050. One of the models predicts that precipitation over and species managed by FWS are listed at
virtually the entire U.S. will decline by over 30% while the other five The critical habitat of the North Atlantic Right Whale and the Stellar
models show more modest declines [57]. Forty-eight percent of Sea Lion, both managed by NOAA, are the most likely to influence
total water withdraws and nine percent of total water consumption offshore wind placement. The critical habitat of the North Atlantic
(68 billion liters per day) is used by thermoelectric power plants Right Whale includes areas off the coast of southern Georgia and
(powered by coal, natural gas, nuclear, oil and biomass; [9]). the Atlantic Coast of Northern Florida as well as areas off the
Ethanol production also uses large quantities of water, from 3.5 to Northern and Eastern coasts of Cape Cod. The areas of critical
6 l of water for every liter of ethanol produced [58]. Wind power habitat that may conflict with offshore wind power development
directly uses no water. Per kW h, the amount of water used in fossil- for the Stellar’s sea lion consist of five small zones off the coast of
fueled plants ranges from about 0.2 to 0.6 gallons depending on the northern California and Oregon.
technology employed [59]. Assuming a 40% capacity factor, 1 MW of The impacts on local culture should also be considered. One of
offshore wind power can offset the use of between 0.7 and 2.1 the primary criticisms of the Cape Wind project is that it will spoil
million gallons of freshwater per year. the views from historic areas. Similarly, some areas of interest for
offshore wind development may be located near shipwrecks. These
7.4.3. Value of ecological benefits issues should be noted by wind power developers for two reasons.
Onshore and offshore wind have nearly identical ecological First, the MMS, in their guidelines on development of the OCS,
benefits on a per MW h basis. We can attempt to place a dollar value adopted a policy of consulting with State Preservation Authorities
B. Snyder, M.J. Kaiser / Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 1567–1578 1577

before permitting development and it is therefore possible that wind power face local opposition due to user conflicts. The
MMS would decline a permit for offshore wind energy if there were ecological impacts of offshore wind power affect a very different
significant cultural issues. Secondly, even if MMS were to allow ecosystem than onshore wind power and, as a result, their
development, construction can be seriously slowed by local ecological impacts are not directly comparable. However, like
community resistance. For example, the Cape Wind project will, if onshore wind, it is clear that offshore wind power does have
completed, have taken at least a decade to develop and have ecological impacts with the potential for population level effects.
required at least one protracted legal battle (Alliance to Protect Decreasing commodity costs or legislation capping greenhouse
Nantucket Sound v. United States Army). In contrast, WEST’s plans to gas emissions could increase the profitability of offshore wind but
build a wind farm off the coast of Texas have proceeded rapidly, would not change the fact that onshore wind will be a less expensive
despite less favorable wind conditions. This may be due to accep- alternative, even when transmission costs are included. Until land
tance by the local community, many of whom are familiar use conflicts in high-wind onshore sites become severe, or the
with offshore structures from experience with the oil and gas technology develops so that the higher offshore winds balance the
industry [13]. higher costs of installation, there seems to be little incentive for
a large offshore wind industry in the U.S. In sum, we do not envision
8.2. Mitigation through technology offshore wind producing a significant portion of the U.S. electricity
production until at least 2020.
Most of the offshore wind turbines constructed to date have It is much more difficult to analyze the ecological and economic
used monopole foundations. The ecological effects of the piling costs and benefits of offshore wind power relative to fossil-fueled
operations are a concern, however, there are alternavites to pile- power. Including a premium on coal-fired power of $25/MW h to
driven foundations. One option would be to use gravity founda- offset emissions may make coal and offshore wind power nearly
tions, as were used in the Nysted and Middlegrunden wind farms. price competitive, depending on the specific capital costs of
Gravity foundations are simple concrete structures with large offshore wind. This $25/MW h premium would give coal and
diameter bottoms that rest on the sea floor. They weigh thousands offshore wind similar greenhouse gas emissions, however, coal
of tons and use their weight to stabilize the turbine. Gravity would still use more water than offshore wind and would be
foundations do not require piling operations and therefore have associated with significant health effects. However, this would be
less potential to disturb marine mammals and fish. Also, gravity balanced against the ecological impacts of offshore wind in terms of
foundations have more three dimensional structure than monop- bird and bat mortality and marine mammal impacts. Thus, it is not
iles; this may provide additional habitat for benthic organisms. clear that offshore wind is preferable to coal-fired power, if the
Another alternative would be to use suction foundations, such as emissions from the coal plant are offset.
those considered in the Beatrice demonstration project. Suction Based on the analysis in this paper, it seems clear that the
foundations are simple steel baskets that are placed on the seafloor economic and ecological costs of offshore wind power are site
and form a seal with the ocean bottom. Suction is then applied to specific. These costs can be mitigated with current technology and
the inside of the basket and the resulting pressure difference causes detailed site selection. It therefore seems imprudent to conclude
the basket to bury itself in the sediment, much like a driven that all offshore wind development is inferior to all onshore wind
monopile. Again, installation is much quieter allowing for fewer development or fossil-fueled power. Instead, a more nuanced
environmental effects. approach which weighs the site specific costs and benefits of
Technologies are also being developed to allow the use of offshore wind power is necessary. In some cases, offshore wind
deeper water. Using deeper water would allow offshore wind farms power may be able to cheaply produce electricity with negligible
to be sited further from shore, increasing the wind speed and environmental impacts, however, in many more cases, offshore
decreasing the possibility of conflicts with local human and animal wind power will be more expensive than its competitors, even
populations. A survey conducted in New Jersey showed visitors and when the costs of carbon offsets are included.
residents simulated images of offshore wind farms at varying
distances from shore and found that as the distance increased the Acknowledgements
percentage favoring development increased [61]. Deep water
turbines could be placed over the horizon and thus be invisible This paper was prepared on behalf of the U.S. Department of the
from shore. This would also decrease their impact on seabirds Interior, Mineral Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS region,
which generally do not feed in the open ocean, and on migratory and has not been technically reviewed by the MMS. The opinions,
birds, which, with the exception of birds flying over the GOM, do findings, conclusions or reccomendations expressed in this paper
not migrate over open ocean. Additionally, these turbines are are those of the authors and do not neccisarily reflect the views of
placed on floating foundations that will likely have fewer envi- the MMS. Funding for this research was provided through the U.S.
ronmental impacts during construction. Department of the Interios and the Coastal Marine Institute, Loui-
One of the leading developers of floating foundations for siana State University.
offshore wind turbines is Blue H Technologies. They have recently
installed an offshore wind turbine in 108 m of water 20 km off the References
coast of Italy and also applied to MMS for a permit to study the
potential for a wind farm 23 miles off the southern coast of Cape [1] Firestone J, Kempton W. Public opinion about large offshore wind power:
Cod. If this technology becomes economically viable it could underlying factors. Energy Policy 2007;35(3):1584–98.
[2] Firestone J, Kempton W, Krueger A. Delaware opinion on offshore wind power.
decrease conflicts with coastal communities and would lessen the University of Delaware college of marine and earth studies, interim report;
environmental impacts of wind farms. January 2007.
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