Development of Bi-Directional DC/DC Converter For Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle

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Development of bi-directional DC/DC

converter for fuel cell hybrid vehicle

Cite as: J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019);
Submitted: 03 March 2019 . Accepted: 10 July 2019 . Published Online: 29 July 2019

Hao Liu, Qingchao Song, Caizhi Zhang , Jiawei Chen, Bo Deng, and Jin Li


A comprehensive review of reactive power control strategies for three phase grid connected
photovoltaic systems with low voltage ride through capability
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 11, 042701 (2019); https://

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); 11, 044303

© 2019 Author(s).
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

Development of bi-directional DC/DC converter for

fuel cell hybrid vehicle
Cite as: J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512
Submitted: 3 March 2019 . Accepted: 10 July 2019 .
Published Online: 29 July 2019

Hao Liu,1 Qingchao Song,2 Caizhi Zhang,1,a) Jiawei Chen,2>,a) Bo Deng,3 and Jin Li4

School of Automotive Engineering; The State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissions; Chongqing Automotive Collaborative
Innovation Center, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
College of Automation, Chongqing University; Key Laboratory of Complex System Safety and Control, Ministry of Education,
Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
National Motor Vehicle Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd.,
Chongqing 401122, China
Chongqing Zongshen Power Machine Co., Ltd., Zongshen Industry Zone, Banan District, Chongqing 400054, China

Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed: and

Dual active full-bridge (DAB) DC/DC converters are widely used in energy storage systems with bidirectional energy flow, such as fuel cell
hybrid vehicles. This paper presents a robustness design method for DAB converter power system stabilizers. Based on the single-phase-shift
control model of the DAB converter, the small signal model and the multicell structure of the converter are established and the state equation
of the system is obtained. Then, the controller design problem is transformed into a linear quadratic regulator problem, which is solved by
linear matrix inequality. The controller designed by this method can make the DC/DC converter run stably even when the parameters are
uncertain, which is verified by simulation and experiments.
Published under license by AIP Publishing.

NOMENCLATURE P Uncertainty parameter

A Model matrix Pe Rated power
Bu Model matrix Q Soft switching intermediate variable
Co Output capacitance Qw Weighted matrix
d~ Phase shift ratio small signal R Output resistance
di Diode i Rw Weighted matrix
D Phase shift ratio Si Switch tube i
De Rated phase shift ratio Ts Half cycle time
DAB Dual active full-bridge ~
u Input parameter
DTs Advanced duty cycle Vab Primary side voltage
fs Switching frequency Vcd Secondary side voltage
G(P) System matrix Vi Input voltage
iL Inductance current Vo Output voltage
ioc Output current V~O Voltage small signal
k Gain ~x State parameter
Ls Inductor Y Variable
LMI Linear matrix inequalities DIL Inductance current increment
LQR Linear quadratic regulator
M Voltage gain I. INTRODUCTION
n Transformer ratio With the depletion of fossil energy sources and the increase in
N Multicell vertex environmental problems, fuel cell hybrid vehicles are currently

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-1
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

receiving much attention.1 Bidirectional DC/DC converters are the need to be improved. In Refs. 15 and 16, the double phase shift control
main power electronics in fuel cell vehicle power systems as shown in not only enables the system to have good dynamics and steady state per-
Fig. 1.2,3 Designing a bidirectional DC/DC topology and achieving bet- formance, but also increases the voltage range of the converter. In Ref.
ter control of the converter in fuel cell vehicles have been a hot research 17, a soft-start control strategy based on phase shift control is proposed,
focus.4,5 For the range extended fuel cell vehicles, the main driving which can establish the output voltage smoothly and quickly in the full
source is the power battery, so the main requirements for a bidirec- load range, effectively avoiding voltage and current surges. The DAB
tional DC/DC converter at the power battery terminal are high power, converter in Refs. 18 and 19 is further improved to form a resonant con-
high energy density, and high transmission efficiency. For some noni- verter, which can realize soft switching without an external buffer cir-
solated bidirectional DC/DC converters without transformers, the most cuit. The converter has considerable transmission efficiency. From the
common one is the BUCK/BOOST converter. They have the advan- above analysis, it can be seen that the research of the DAB bidirectional
tages of simple structure, fast energy transfer, and high efficiency. DC/DC converter mainly changes the topology of the converter to form
However, the two disadvantages of this kind of isolated converter are a resonant converter, or to optimize the modulation strategy to reduce
that it cannot achieve a large voltage ratio and electrical isolation,6 the back-flow power, reduce the conduction loss, and improve the trans-
which lead to its inapplicability in fuel cell vehicles. For isolated bidirec- mission efficiency. On the other hand, the control strategy mainly
tional DC/DC converters, a full-bridge converter uses more power adopts single closed-loop PI control, and the parameters of the PI are
switching devices than other types of converters, which make the cur- mainly set by engineering experience, which has certain contingency.
rent and actual operating voltage on power switching devices smaller, For fuel cell hybrid vehicle applications, a closed-loop controller
and the devices with the same power parameter level can transmit based on a multiunit structure is proposed in combination with a
more power, thus improving the utilization ratio of power devices.7 DAB converter. The multiunit structure is established according to the
Therefore, it is more commonly used in high power conditions and is range of actual system parameters, which effectively solves the prob-
suitable for the extended fuel cell vehicle. At the same time, dual active lem of system stability caused by parameter fluctuation. First, the state
full-bridge (DAB) bidirectional DC/DC converters also have the advan- mathematical model of the DAB converter is established by using a
tages of high reliability, soft switching, and high transmission efficiency, small signal modeling method, and the state equation is obtained.
so it has attracted the extensive attention of experts and scholars.8,9 Then, according to the range of actual parameters, the multielement
For the performance improvement of DAB bidirectional DC/DC structure is actually a set of state equations of the same form. Finally,
converters, Refs. 10 and 11 used a triple or multiple phase shift control the linear matrix inequalities-linear quadratic regulator (LMI-LQR)
strategy to increase the soft switching power range of the converter, method is used to obtain the optimal control parameters, and the
resulting in a higher transmission efficiency over a wider power range. hybrid control optimization strategy is used to improve the dynamics
References 12 and 13 reduced the reactive current in the converter by and steady-state performance of the system.
optimizing the control strategy, and thereby reduced the loss due to
reflow. Reference 14 used a three-phase dual-active full-bridge con-
verter, compared with a single-phase converter; it has a smaller ripple, A. Working principle of a DAB converter
less harmonics, less conduction loss, and higher efficiency on the low The DAB converter is shown in Fig. 2. The topology consists of
voltage side. However, more switches and complicated modulation are two sets of full bridge composed of eight identical MOSFET switches

FIG. 1. Power system of a range extended fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle.

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-2
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

have a driving signal, but the current flowing does not satisfy the
conduction condition, so the inductance current goes through anti-
parallel diodes d1 and d3. The primary side voltage Vab is Vi.
Similarly, secondary side S6 and S8 also do not satisfy the conduction
condition, and the secondary side voltage Vo is negative. The induc-
tance current starts to rise linearly, and the inductance current is 0
at t1.
Stage 2 (t1–t2): as shown in Fig. 4(b). After t1, the inductance current
continues to rise from 0. The primary side switch tubes S1 and S3 and
the secondary switch tubes S6 and S8 meet the conduction conditions
and turn on. The primary and secondary side voltages remain
unchanged, and the inductance absorbs energy from the input and
output terminals. In the t0–t2 stage, the slope of the increment of the
inductance current is given by

FIG. 2. Topology of a dual active bridge bidirectional DC/DC converter.

diL Vi þ nVo
¼ (1)
dt L
S1 –S8 and eight diodes d1 –d8 in parallel. The two bridges are con- This gives the following formula:
nected by a transformer with leakage inductance. When the value of diL DTs
leakage inductance is large, an auxiliary inductor can be connected iðt2 Þ ¼ iðt0 Þ þ DTs  ¼ iðt0 Þ þ ðVi þ nVO Þ: (2)
dt L
externally.20 The output terminal of the converter can be a DC power
supply capable of bidirectional energy flow or a resistive load with Stage 3 (t2 –t3 ): as shown in Fig. 4(c). At t2 time, the driving signal of
capacitive filtering for one-way energy transmission. the switch tubes S5 and S7 is positive. Switch tubes S6 and S8 are
turned off. But the secondary side current flows through d5 and d7 . So,
S5 and S7 cannot go through. The primary and secondary side voltages
1. Forward operating mode are positive, so the energy flows from the primary side to the second-
In this mode of operation, the voltage waveform of the primary ary side at this stage. In this stage, the total inductance current incre-
ment is given by
side bridge exceeds the duty ratio DTs of the secondary side bridge
voltage waveform. The input and output waveforms of the model are ð1  DÞTS
DIL ¼ ðVi  nVo Þ: (3)
shown in Fig. 3. From top to bottom, they are the driving signal of the L
switch tubes S1;3 and S5;7 , the voltage of the primary bridge Vab , the So, the maximum of the inductance current is
secondary side voltage Vcd , the inductance current iL , and the output
current before filtering iOC . ð1  DÞTs
iðt3 Þ ¼ iðt2 Þþ ðVi  nVo Þ ¼ ILmax : (4)
Stage 1 (t0–t1): as shown in Fig. 4(a), the inductance current iL at the L
beginning of this stage is less than 0. Switch tubes S1 and S3 already According to the symmetry,

FIG. 3. The input and output waveforms in a forward mode.

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-3
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 4. Equivalent circuit in a cycle in a forward working mode (a) Stage 1, (b) Stage 2, (c) Stage 3, (d) Stage 4, (e) Stage 5, (f) Stage 6.

Stage 4 (t3 –t4 ): as shown in Fig. 4(d). At this stage, there is already Stage 6 (t5 –t6 ): as shown in Fig. 4(f). At time t5 , the driving signal of
a driving signal in the initial segment of the switch tubes S2 and S4 , the switch tubes S5 and S7 is 0. The secondary side current of the
but the inductance current flows through d2 and d4 . So, the current transformer flows through d6 and d8 . The primary side of the trans-
is not satisfied with the conduction condition of the switch tube. former is still conducting S2 and S4 . The primary and secondary side
Similarly, the secondary side bridge does not satisfy the conduction voltages are negative; in this stage, the energy flows from the primary
condition. The voltage of the primary side is negative and of the side to the secondary side. In this stage, the total inductance current
secondary side voltage is positive. Inductance current begins to increases to
decrease linearly and the inductance current drops to 0 at t4 .
Stage 5 (t4 –t5 ): as shown in Fig. 4(e). The inductance current in t4 ð1  DÞTS
DIL ¼ ðnVo  Vi Þ: (6)
drops to 0 and continues to decline. Switch tubes S2 , S4 , S5 , and S7 L
meet the conduction conditions and turn on. The voltage of the If the system needs stable operation, the inductance current is sym-
primary side is negative and the secondary voltage is positive, and
metrical, so iðt0 Þ ¼ iðt3 Þ, and combined with the above formula can
the inductance absorbs energy from the input and output termi-
be introduced as
nals. In the t3 –t5 stage, the slope of the increment of the inductance
current is 8
> 1
< iðt0 Þ ¼ ½ð1  2DÞnVo  Vi 
4fs L
1 (7)
diL Vi þ nVo >
¼ : (5) : iðt2 Þ ¼ ½nVo  ð1  2DÞVi :
dt L 4fs L

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-4
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 5. Input and output waveforms in the reverse mode.

2. Reverse operating mode 3. Soft switching characteristics

Stage 1 (t0 –t1 ): The current inductance is positive at the initial stage, According to the forward operating mode, the soft switching
the inductance current flows through d2 and d4 , and the primary side conditions of the primary and secondary bridges are iðt0 Þ < 0 and
voltage is negative. The secondary side switch tubes S5 and S7 do not iðt2 Þ > 0. Suppose M ¼ Vi/nVo and Q ¼ RL/2fsL, then it can be con-
meet the conduction condition, the inductor discharges through verted into M > 1-2D and M < 1/(1-2D), and different values of D are
reverse parallel diodes d5 and d7 . Inductance current is reduced and taken to get the value of the area of M, as shown in Fig. 6.
the secondary side voltage is positive. At time t1 , the inductance cur- The realization condition of soft switching can be seen from Fig.
rent becomes 0. 6, and soft switching can be achieved when the area is surrounded by
Stage 2 (t1 –t2 ): After t1 , because the inductor current is less than 0, the two boundary lines. It is also shown that when the Q varies within a
secondary switches S5 and S7 satisfy the conduction conditions. The certain range, the soft switching range will vary with the duty cycle.
primary side switch tubes S2 and S4 also satisfy the conduction condi- When designing the parameters, the switch should be worked as far as
tion. The voltage on the primary side is negative, so the inductance possible in the soft switching area, so the range of selection in this arti-
current begins to increase in the reverse direction.
cle is 4–8. Thus, all the switches of the original side bridge and the
Stage 3 (t2 –t3 ): At this stage, the primary side switch tubes S2 and S4
drive the signal to 0 and turn off, and current flows through d1 and d3 .
There is no change in the primary side, and the inductance current
reaches the reverse maximum at t3 .
Stage 4 (t3 –t4 ): At this stage, the inductance current reaches a negative
maximum. Primary side switch tubes S1 and S3 do not satisfy the con-
duction conditions, the inductance current still flows through d1 and
d3 , and the primary side voltage is positive. The secondary side switch
tubes S5 and S7 drive signals to 0 and turn off, so the current flows
through d6 and d8 . Secondary side voltage is positive, and the inductor
current begins to decrease and becomes 0 at t4 .
Stage 5 (t4 –t5 ): After t4 , the secondary side switches S6 and S8 satisfy
conditional conduction. At the same time, the primary sides S1 and S3
are also turned on, and the primary side voltage is positive. Inductor
current continues to increase in the positive direction.
Stage 6 (t5 –t6 ): The driving signals of the primary side switching tubes
S1 and S3 are 0, and thus are turned off. The current flows through d2
and d4 , the secondary side S6 and S8 are still in conduction, and the
inductor current increases to a positive maximum.
The input and output waveforms in the reverse operation mode
are shown in Fig. 5. FIG. 6. DAB soft switch area.

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-5
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

2 3 2 3
auxiliary convenience bridge can be realized in soft switching, so as to 1 Vi
6 07 6 ð1  2De Þ 7
reduce the device loss and improve the conversion efficiency. A ¼ 4 RCo 5; Bu ¼ 4 2Co Lfs 5: (12)
1 0 0
A. Establishment of DAB small signal model B. Establishment of the DAB multicell structure
Because of the particularity of the DAB structure, its topology As can be seen from the results of the small signal model, some
and output waveforms in one cycle are symmetrical, so we can sim- parameters of the two matrices A and B are uncertain, representing a
plify the analysis process by analyzing a half cycle of model and get the converter model in a variety of situations by constructing a multicell
small signal model of DAB. model. Considering the actual situation, the auxiliary battery voltage
Through the analysis of the operating mode, the average value of will not be jumping under normal conditions, so only the step change
the current flowing through the transformer leakage inductance and of output load is considered.
the load inductance in half cycle of the forward operating mode are First, the multicell structure model is  defined as x_ ðtÞ
obtained as ~
¼ AðPÞ~x ðtÞ þ Bu ðPÞdðtÞ. System matrix GðPÞ ¼ AðPÞ BðPÞ is a
1 convex combination model consisting of a finite vertex matrix Gi , and
Id avg ¼ I ¼ ½ðiðt2 Þ þ iðt0 ÞÞDTs þ ðiðt2 Þ  iðt0 ÞÞð1  DÞTs  vector P is composed of uncertain parameters. In general, the uncer-
2Ts tainty parameter P is transformed in themaximum value
1  PMAX and
¼ Dð1  DÞVo : (8) the minimum value PMIN, that is: Pi 2 PMAX PMIN . In order to
2fs L reduce the influence factors of output voltage, the uncertain parame-
A simplified model of the converter consisting of a DC current ters are processed. Combined with the DAB converter model, a set of
source, an output capacitor, and a load resistor is shown in Fig. 7. uncertain parameters is selected
According to Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL), the dynamic aver-    
1 1 1 1
age model of the system can be obtained as P¼ ; 2 :
dVo 1 Id avg 1 1 Vi
¼ Vo þ ¼ Vo þ Dð1  DÞ : (9) It can be seen that the expression of A is linear with 1/R, con-
dt RCo Co RCo Co 2Lfs structing a multicell model with a vertex as N ¼ 2, the model contains
all possible values in the matrix, so the expression of the multicell
Adding small signal disturbances and splitting into DC and AC model of the DAB converter is as follows:
small signal components, the average output voltage and phase shift 8 2 3
duty can be expressed as >
> 1
>  0
( >
> 6 7
Vo ¼ Ve þ V~o >
> A1 ¼ 4 RMAX Co 5
(10) < 1 0
D ¼ De þ d: 2 3 (13)
> 1
In (9), there is no high-order term, so only the steady-state DC >
> 6 07
amount is discarded, and the AC small-signal expression of the system >
> A2 ¼ 4 RMIN Co 5:
is obtained as : 1 0

dV~o 1 ~ 1 Vi ~ In this way, the DAB converter multicell model can optimize the
¼ Vo þ ð1  2De Þd: (11) parameter uncertainty caused by the output load variation.
dt RCo Co 2Lfs
In order to make the steady-state Ð error zero, the model is aug- C. LMI-LQR problems
mented, and the status x~2 ðt Þ ¼  V~o dt is added. Then, the model •
becomes ~x_ ðt Þ ¼ A~x ðt Þ þ Bu dðtÞ, where A and B are, respectively, For the system ~xðtÞ ¼ A~x ðtÞ þ Bu dðtÞ, the optimal linear qua-
given as follows: dratic regulator (LQR) controller can minimize the (14) performance
index by introducing the state feedback gain21

J¼ ð~x 0 QW ~x þ u
~ 0 RW u
~ Þdt: (14)

In this, QW is a symmetric and semipositive definite matrix and

RW is a symmetric and positive matrix. The matrix made up of
ð A Bu Þ must be a controllable matrix. The weighted matrix Q indi-
cates which state quantity has a higher proportion and generally choo-
ses a diagonal matrix; the selection of the diagonal value depends on
the corresponding state quantity to control the specific gravity. The
FIG. 7. A simplified DC current source model for DAB converter. selection of the weighted matrix RW determines the size of control

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-6
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 8. Block diagram of hybrid control

optimization strategy.

1 1
actions. The selection of the two weighting matrices restricts the inten- At the same time, this paper replaced R2W YP1 Y 0 R2W with the X
sity of the control signal, usually the empirical value, so as to achieve variable, so it is rewritten as
the desired design requirements.
The LQR controller is obtained through the state feedback gain min TrðXÞ
K, so put u ¼ Kx in (14). Another expression Ð 1 that minimizes the per- 1 1

formance index can be obtained: J ¼ 0 ð~x 0 ðQW þ K 0 RW KÞ~x Þdt. s:t: X > RW
YP1 Y 0 RW
: (18)
Then, the trace operator Tr() is introduced and trace operators satisfy The use of the related lemma can be expressed as
aXb м Tr(Xba), so the performance index can also be expressed as 2 3
J ¼ 0 TrððQW þ K 0 RW KÞ~x ~x 0 Þdt. Only x is associated with t; it is 1
1 1 X R 2
also expressed as Tr[(QW þ K0 RWK)P], in which the matrix P is a pos- X > R2W YP1 Y 0 R2W () 4 1
W 5
> 0: (19)
itive definite symmetric matrix, and satisfy ðA þ Bu KÞP Y 0 RW
þPðA þ Bu KÞ0 þ ~x 0 ~x 0 0 ¼ 0. The ~x 0 in the formula is the initial value
of the state quantity ~x i . Based on the above, a multicell model of the DAB converter is
Then, the performance index can be represented by min J derived, which contains two vertices representing two limiting
1 1
min TrðQW PÞ þ TrðRW
Þ TABLE I. System parameters.
s:t:  ðA þ Bu KÞP þ PðA þ Bu KÞ þ ~x 0 ~x 00 < 0: (15)
Parameter Value
Notice that there are two minimization factors and their product
terms are nonlinear, so we introduce a new variable Y ¼ KP to replace Rated input voltage, Vi 96 V
the product terms, thus the performance index is written as Rated output voltage, Vo 270 V
Rated power, Pe 3 KW
1 1
min TrðQW PÞ þ TrðRW
YP1 Y 0 RW
Þ Switching frequency, fs 100 KHz
Voltage gain, M 1
s:t:  AP þ PA0u þ Bu Y þ B0u þ ~x 0 ~x 00 < 0: (16) Q 5
It is found that it is homogeneous from the restrictive condition Rated output resistance RL ¼ R 24.3 X
inequality. For any matrix P, this linear matrix inequality (LMI) is sat- Total inductor, Ls 24.3 lF
isfied, when u > 0, and up and uy can make the inequalities set up. Rated phase shift ratio, De 0.2764
Under such circumstances, K ¼ YP1 will not change with the change Output capacitance, Co 30 lF
of u. Therefore, if the matrix ðA~x 0 Þ is controllable, LMI can be rewrit-  3 
Weighted matrix, Qw 1e 0
ten as 0 1e7
ðA þ Bu KÞP þ PðA þ Bu KÞ0 þ I < 0: (17) Weighted matrix, Rw 1

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-7
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 9. Structural diagram of the DAB

converter control system.

parameters. As long as the two multicell models satisfy the constraint Once the minimum value of the constraint is obtained by the
conditions, all types of inclusions can satisfy the constraint conditions. LMI toolkit in Matlab,16 the state feedback gain K can be obtained
The complete LMI form of the LQR problem is from K ¼ YP1 .

min TrðQW PÞ þ TrðXÞ

P;Y;X D. Hybrid control optimization strategy
s:t: A1 P þ PA01 þ Bu Y þ YB0u þ I < 0 From the analysis of the DAB circuit, it is known that the size
A2 P þ PA02 þ Bu Y þ YB0u þ I < 0 and the direction of the transfer power of the converter are determined
2 1
3 by the duty cycle of phase shifting D. Controlling the phase-shift duty,
4 X1 RW
Y5 cycle D plays an important role in the robustness and dynamic perfor-
>0 P > 0: (20) mance of DAB converters. Although the system is stable, the open-
Y 0 RW
loop gain is too small, resulting in a large steady-state error. If D is

FIG. 10. Voltage and current waveform of the switch tube.

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-8
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 11. Output voltage waveform under

the forward model. (a) Output voltage
waveform under conventional LQR con-
trol. (b) Output voltage waveform of hybrid
control optimization strategy.

adjusted by a PI control,22 the simple structure also brings a lot of disad- current loop feedback parameter, Ve is the output reference voltage,
vantages, such as large overshoot and poor dynamic performance, and Ie is the load reference output current. The actual state feedback
enlarges the open-loop gain but reduces the cut-off frequency, and gain matrix is: K ¼ ½K1 K2 K3 , the algorithm of hybrid control opti-
reduces the steady-state error but slows the dynamic response. If PI mization strategy can be expressed as
control and feed-forward control are introduced,23 only the steady-state
accuracy can be improved, and the problem caused by load step TABLE II. Forward steady state simulation results.
response cannot be solved. In order to improve the sensitivity of the sys-
tem to load changes, a hybrid control optimization strategy is adopted. Conventional Control optimization
The optimal LQR closed loop parameter feedback (PI) control is used Forward steady state LQR control hybrid strategy
to ensure the basic stability, and the load current is introduced into the
control link to improve the dynamic response process. The block dia- Stability Stable (270 V) Stable (270 V)
gram of the hybrid control optimization strategy is shown in Fig. 8. Overshoot About 70 V About 45 V
In Fig. 8, De is the rated phase shift ratio; it can be obtained from Steady-state time About 0.03 s About 0.03 s
the relationship between the output voltage and the duty ratio. K1 and Voltage ripple Less than 5% Less than 5%
K2 are the optimized closed loop feedback parameters, K3 is the output

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-9
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

resistance and the rated load resistance RL ¼ R ¼ Vo2/Po are 24.3 X.
d~ ¼ u ¼ K1 ðVo  Ve Þ þ K2 ðVo  Ve Þ þ K3 ðIload  Ie Þ
The changing range of load resistance is set from 20 X to 30 X.
D ¼ De þ d: (21) According to the effect of voltage to M ratio and the Q value on soft
switching conditions, Q ¼ 5 is chosen in this paper. Then, according
to Q ¼ RL/2fsL, the sum of leakage inductance and series inductance is
L ¼ 24.3 lH. At the same time, the rated phase shift ratio De ¼ 0.2764
A. System parameter design is based on the expression of rated output voltage. According to the
1. Selection of circuit device parameters characteristics of DAB, the output capacitor need not be taken as very
large and Co ¼ 30 lF is obtained here.
Part of the circuit device parameters are displayed in Table I.
In the forward mode, the circuit device parameters are as follows:
2. Design of circuit control parameters
rated input voltage is Vi ¼ 96 V, output voltage is Vo ¼ 270 V, voltage
ripple is less than 10%, rated output power is 3 KW, and switching fre- The two weighting matrices Qw and Rw mentioned above are
quency fS ¼ 100 kHz. In order to meet the soft switching range of the obtained from experience based on the proportion of state variables.
DAB converter switch tube, the voltage gain M should be satisfied Therefore, according to the requirements of the system, static and
0:8 < M < 1:5, the transformer ratio is 270/96, and so the equivalent dynamic, focus is provided for strengthening the integral function. At

FIG. 12. Output voltage waveform of load

increase. (a) Output voltage waveform of
load increase under conventional LQR
controls. (b) Output voltage waveform of
load increase under hybrid control optimi-
zation strategy.

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-10
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 13. Output voltage waveform of load

decrease. (a) Output voltage waveform of
load decrease under conventional LQR
controls. (b) Output voltage waveform of
loassd decrease under hybrid control opti-
mization strategy.

the same time, a smaller phase shift ripple is made to the control signal
and the value of the weighted matrix is selected
TABLE III. Forward dynamic state simulation results.
1e 0
Qw ¼ ; Rw ¼ 1: Forward steady state Conventional Control
0 1e7
(load increases/ LQR control optimization
Replacing two values with an LMI complete expression, using the load decreases) hybrid strategy
MINCX function in MATLAB, the optimal state feedback control
matrix k ¼ (0.083418 3162.28) under constraint conditions can be Quadratic stability Stable (270 V)/ Stable (270 V)/
obtained. For load current feedback control value, this paper empiri- stable (270 V) stable (270 V)
cally selects K3 ¼ 110. The optimization parameters of hybrid control Range of voltage Large/large Small/small
are obtained: K ¼ (K1 K2 K3) ¼ (0.083418 3162.28 110). fluctuations
Recovery time About 0.055 s/ About 0.052 s/
about 0.053 s about 0.045 s
B. Simulation of DAB converter and control system
Voltage ripple Less than 5%/ Less than 5%/
The DAB converter model is built in SIMULINK, and the struc- less than 5% less than 5%
tural diagram is shown in Fig. 9. The g1;3 , g2;4 , g5;7 , and g6;8 are the

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-11
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 14. Reverse charge voltage


Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) control signals of the 4 sets of switch voltage ripple increases, but it eventually stabilizes, so the designed
tubes on the bridge. DAB inputs the actual output voltage and output LMI-LQR controller in a certain range can keep the quadratic stability
current into the optimal controller, the controller generates a phase of the system, no matter whether the load becomes larger or smaller.
shift signal to the phase shift signal generator through the error value At the same time, by comparing the hybrid control optimization strat-
and completes a closed loop control. egy control method with the conventional LQR control method, it can
be seen that adding the current feedback to the controller can speed
up the regulation process and make the voltage overshoot or ripple
A. Simulation results and analysis of the forward smaller, so the control performance is better.
steady state
Figure 10 shows the voltage and the current waveform of the C. Simulation results and analysis of the reverse steady
switch tube. The black line is the voltage waveform and the red line is state
the current waveform. It can be seen that the zero voltage switch In the reverse mode, it is hopeful to use the recovered energy to
(ZVS) is realized as shown in the enlarged figure, so the transmission recharge the battery. The reverse output voltage of the system is stabi-
efficiency can be improved. lized at 96 V around 0.017 s, and the overshoot is 3.5 V as shown in Fig.
Figure 11(a) shows the output voltage waveform under conven- 14. Figure 15 shows that the state of charge (SOC) of the battery is
tional LQR control and Fig. 11(b) shows the output voltage waveform increasing, indicating that the converter is in reverse mode to recharge
under the control of the hybrid optimization control strategy. The for- the lithium battery.
ward steady state results are shown in Table II. It can be seen that both
control methods can make the system stable. However, the overshoot D. Experimental result
of the hybrid control optimization strategy is reduced by 25 V, The instrument used in this experiment is hardware-in-the-loop
accounting for 56%, so the hybrid control optimization strategy has simulation platform Typhoon HIL 602 and a digital oscilloscope, Fig.
better control ability than the conventional LQR control in steady-
state performance overshoot.

B. Simulation results and analysis of forward dynamic

Figure 12(a) is a waveform that increases the load resistance in
0.04 s to 30 X under conventional LQR control. In Fig. 12(b), under
the hybrid control strategy, the load resistance is increased to 30 X at
0.04 s. Figure 13(a) is a waveform that reduces the load resistance in
0.04 s to 20 X under conventional LQR control. In Fig. 13(b), under
the hybrid control strategy, the load resistance is reduced to 20 X at
0.04 s. The forward dynamic state results are shown in Table III.
When the load jump increases, the voltage immediately increases
showing an upward trend, then begins to decline, and finally the volt-
age stabilizes at the set value. When the load jump decreases, the FIG. 15. Battery SOC waveform in the reverse operation of the converter.

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-12
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 16. Soft switching waveform.

FIG. 17. Forward steady-state waveform.

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-13
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 18. Reverse steady-state waveform.

FIG. 19. Steady-state waveform after increasing the resistance to 30 X.

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 044303 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5094512 11, 044303-14
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 20. Steady-state waveform after reducing the resistance to 20 X.

16 shows the current and voltage waveforms of the switches in the process. Finally, the feasibility of the controller is proved by simulation
hardware-in-loop (HIL) platform; it can be seen that the soft switch is and experiment.
realized, which reduces the switching loss and improves the efficiency.
Figures 17 and 18 show the waveforms of forward and reverse steady- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
states, respectively, which means that the controller can meet the
steady-state requirements and keep the required boost and buck ratio. This work was supported in part by the National Key Research
Figure 19 shows the steady-state waveform after increasing the resis- and Development Program (No. 2018YFB0105402), the National
tance to 30 X. Figure 20 shows the steady-state waveform after reduc- Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51806024), the Chongqing
ing the resistance to 20 X. From the experimental results, it can be seen Research Program of Foundation and Advanced Technology (No.
that increasing or decreasing the load in the experimental system will cstc2017jcyjAX0276), and Research Projects of Chongqing University,
affect the output voltage, but it will change in an acceptable range, China (Nos. 0244005202014, 106112017CDJPT280005,
which is less than 10% of the set value, so it is considered that the LMI- 106112016CDJXZ338825, and 106112017CDJQJ338812).
LQR controller can satisfy the stability of the system when the parame-
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