Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Vahid Samavatian, Ahmad Radan
Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Vahid Samavatian, Ahmad Radan
Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Vahid Samavatian, Ahmad Radan
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Efficiency and dynamics of DC–DC converters play a major role in proficiency of renewable energy exploi-
Received 21 January 2014 tation. This paper presents a novel DC–DC interleaved buck–boost converter for fuel-cell applications.
Received in revised form 31 May 2014 While keeping the same step-up/step-down voltage transfer ratio, the proposed converter exhibits
Accepted 3 June 2014
non-pulsating I/O currents using interleave technique. A damping network is also added to improve
Available online 5 July 2014
the inner dynamics of converter. Besides the steady state operation based on state space averaging
(SSA) method, design considerations of converter are thoroughly elaborated. MATLAB/SIMULINK environ-
ment is used for simulating the steady state operation of proposed converter, and the experimental
Low-ripple I/O currents
Interleaved technique
results are presented, to verify the theoretical expected merits of the converter including high efficiency,
Non-inverting buck–boost converter non-pulsating I/O currents and low voltage oscillation. Prototype setup of 360 W and 36 V output voltage
High efficiency for a fuel cell with a brand of ‘‘FCgen 1020ACS’’ Ballard Power Systems, Inc was implemented. Experimen-
Fuel cell tal results including efficiency and time domain responses in the steady state show impressive benefits of
the proposed converter.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction with a boost one in cascade leading to a single inductor high per-
formance buck–boost converter for low voltage applications [5–7].
With ever-increasing use of DC–DC power converters in many Although other topologies, capable of working through high
applications such as battery charging, fuel cell systems, power fac- voltage applications, are reported in [8,9], their controlling systems
tor correction (PFC), hybrid electric vehicles, communication are completely involved. Another topology is KY buck–boost con-
power supply, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of photo verter with improving controlling system via eliminating right-
voltaic system (PVs) and for other renewable sources’ maximum half-plane (RHP) zero in continuous conduction mode (CCM)
energy extraction, a considerable number of studies have been [10],but it poses a major problem in four power switches which
conducted over these kinds of converters. On the whole DC–DC results in increasing the cost of the device. In order to mitigate this
converters fall into three categories; buck, boost and buck–boost. problem, new topology with two reduced active switches and
A buck–boost converter is required when the output voltage is aforementioned advantage is reported in [11].
within the input voltage range [1–12]. Most of the DC–DC converters mentioned earlier have the
Although there are many single-active-switch step-up/ drawback of pulsating input/output (I/O) currents resulting in a
step-down DC–DC converters such as Sepic, Cuk, and conventional high noise level and complicated controlling system as well as cur-
inverting buck–boost and flyback converters, the non-inverting rent limitations. In many applications, especially in hybrid electric
buck–boost one constructed by combining a boost and a buck circuit vehicles, power factor correction and fuel cell, low-ripple current is
in cascade with two independently controllable switches is a popu- preferred [13–15]. For subsiding this problem the two-switch tri-
lar choice for such applications requiring bidirectional conversion state buck–boost is proposed [16] and with regard to capability
capability, high efficiency and low component stresses [2–4]. of using large inductance in pseudo-continuous conduction mode
In addition to the above-mentioned step-up/step-down DC–DC (PCCM) [17,18], lower-ripple I/O currents can be achieved. Another
converters topologies, it is possible to combine a buck converter possible solution for this problem is to use the interleaved tech-
nique. Using this technique further benefits like harmonic cancel-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 88462408; fax: +98 21 88462066. lation, better efficiency, component stresses reduction, better
E-mail addresses: vahidsamavatian@ee.kntu.ac.ir, vahidsamavatian_90@yahoo. thermal performance, and high power density can be easily
com (V. Samavatian), radan@kntu.ac.ir (A. Radan). obtained [13,15,19–22]. The concept of interleaving is not new
0142-0615/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
V. Samavatian, A. Radan / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 63 (2014) 446–454 447
C1, C2, Cd input, interface and output capacitor S1–S4 Q1–Q4 Signal activations
D12 steady state duty cycle of boost stage Ts switching period
D34 steady state duty cycle of buck stage u unified controlling variable
d12(t) duty cycle of boost stage vC1, iC1 capacitor 1 voltage and current
d34(t) duty cycle of buck stage vC2, iC2 capacitor 2 voltage and current
iL1–iL4 inductor 1 through inductor 4 current vCd, iCd damping network capacitor voltage and current
M(u) converter voltage transfer ratio vg, ig input voltage and current
M(D12, D34) converter voltage transfer ratio vL1–vL4 inductor 1 through inductor 4 voltage
PRd power dissipation in damping network resistor vout, iout output voltage and current
and covers a wide area of applications [22]. In [13], the 16-phase buck and boost operating modes [15]. Proposes an interleaved non
interleaved bidirectional boost converter for hybrid energy storage inverting buck–boost converter with a low-output current ripple,
system (HESS) has solved I/O currents high ripple but this topology but in this topology counteracting the input voltage variation in
can just operate in the boost mode and it is not generalized in both wide range is not completely achieved. In [20], the double-switch
Fig. 2. Operating modes of proposed converter: (a) boost mode; (b) buck mode.
448 V. Samavatian, A. Radan / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 63 (2014) 446–454
buck–boost converter is proposed which can reduce the induc- Steady state operation and analysis of the proposed converter
tance, raise the conversion efficiency and have simple control
strategy, but component stresses have been remained high The proposed converter is shown in Fig. 1. This converter can
through this topology. Another solution reported in the study of operate both in boost and buck modes as shown in Fig. 2(a and
this paper is to utilize a non-inverting interleaved buck–boost con- b). The boost mode is achieved when the switches 3 and 4 (Q3
verter with a damping network, placed between a two-phase inter- and Q4) turn on permanently and switches 1 and 2 (Q1 and Q1)
leaved boost part and a two-phase interleaved buck part. In this operate in PWM. Similarly, in buck mode Q1 and Q2 turn off perma-
way the drawbacks of high I/O currents ripple, low converter effi- nently and Q3 and Q4 operate in PWM. The steady state operation
ciency and voltage oscillation have been improved by using inter- waveforms of this converter for both modes of boost and buck are
leaved technique, reducing component stresses as result of illustrated in Fig. 3(a) and (b) respectively. The last traces in these
combining boost stage and buck stage in cascade connection, two figures, namely S1 to S4, are allocated to logic activation signals
which has also less component stresses as a result, and employing of Q3 to Q4. The PWM activation signals of Q1 and Q2 are similar to
damping network respectively. Through increasing the number of each other with a delay of T3/2 for catering the interleaved pattern
interleaved phase in boost and buck stages, the proposed converter and their duty cycles are considered as d12(t). The same is true for
can be easily used as a modular converter which is suitable for Q3 and Q4 activation signals with considering d34(t) as their duty
transferring high power density in applications such as HESS and cycles. The duty cycle of switches is adjusted in such a way that
other individual storage systems requiring the capability of output voltage is regulated around a desired value (here is 36 V)
increasing power density. in both operational modes. Including a capacitor and resistor con-
The purpose of this paper is to analyze a cascaded combination necting in series, damping network plays the role of decaying input
of interleaved boost and buck converters connected through a voltage oscillation in buck mode where Q1 and Q2 are permanently
damping network. After discussing the steady state operation off.
and state equations of the proposed converter in the following sec- The two main methods used for obtaining the differential equa-
tion based on the depicted key waveforms, circuit design and its tions describing the dynamic behavior of interleaved converters
implementation as an application of fuel cell voltage regulation are state space averaging (SSA) methods [3] and signal flow graph
have been presented in Section 3. Section 4 focuses on the experi- (SFG) [23]. In this paper state space averaging method is preferred
mental results and the last section presents a conclusion for this due to simplicity.
Fig. 3. Key waveforms of proposed converter shown in Fig. 1 for Vout = 36 V, (a) currents and voltages in boost mode with Vg = 26 V (D24 = 1), and (b) currents and voltages in
buck mode with Vg = 43 V (D12 = 0).
V. Samavatian, A. Radan / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 63 (2014) 446–454 449
Interval 1: [t0 t1], Fig. 5(a). In this time interval Q1, Q3 and Q4
are in conducting mode causing inductor 1to start saving
energy and concurrently inductor 2 to transfer its stored energy
to output load and both output inductors via D2. Considering
Fig. 5(a), the differential equations describing the capacitors’
voltages and inductors’ currents can be given as follows:
mL1 ðtÞ ¼ L1 didtL1 ¼ mg ðtÞ
> mL2 ðtÞ ¼ L2 didtL2 ¼ mg ðtÞ mc1 ðtÞ
< mL3 ðtÞ ¼ L3 diL3 ¼ mL4 ðtÞ ¼ L4 diL4 ¼ mc1 ðtÞ mout ðtÞ
dt dt
> ic1 ðtÞ ¼ C 1 dmdtC1 ¼ iL2 ðtÞ ðiL3 ðtÞ þ iL4 ðtÞÞ mC1 ðtÞ
mCd ðtÞ
> ic2 ðtÞ ¼ C 2 dmdtC2 ¼ iL3ðtÞ þ iL4 ðtÞ moutRðtÞ
: i ðtÞ ¼ C dmcd ¼ mC1 ðtÞmcd ðtÞ
cd d dt Rd
Interval 2 and 5: [t1 t2 and t4 t5], Fig. 5(b). In this time inter-
val Q3 and Q4 are in conducting mode while Q1 and Q2 turn off.
Therefore the energy stored in inductors 1 and 2 starts transfer-
ring to inductors 3 and 4 via D1 and D2. Similar to time interval
1 a set of differential equations can be found for describing of
the capacitors’ voltages and inductors’ currents in this time
interval based on Fig. 5(b). One can find these equations in
Appendix 1.
Interval 3: [t2 t3], Fig. 5(c). In this time interval Q3 is in con-
ducting mode while Q1, Q2 and Q4 are off. Energy transfer in this
interval is completely similar to previous interval except that
the energy stored in both input inductor is transferred to the
inductor 3 only.
Interval 4: [t3 t4], Fig. 5(d). In this time interval Q2, Q3 and Q4
are in conducting mode while Q1 is off. Energy transfer in this
interval is as also similar to that of interval 1 except that the
functions of inductor 1 and 2 replace each other.
Fig. 5. Operating states. (a) Circuit diagram in interval 1, (b) circuit diagram in
interval 2, 5, (c) circuit diagram in interval 3, (d) circuit diagram in interval 4, and
Fig. 4. Switching pattern of converters’ MOSFETs. (e) circuit diagram in interval 6.
450 V. Samavatian, A. Radan / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 63 (2014) 446–454
The last expression of Eq. (3) yields the voltage transfer ratio of con-
verter M (D1, D2) as follows:
V out D34
MðD12 ; D34 Þ ¼ ¼ ð4Þ
Vg 1 D12
The converter operation in boost and buck modes is determined by
following conditions.
Boost mode : fD34 ¼ 1 and 0 < D12 < 1g
Buck mode : fD12 ¼ 0 and 0 < D34 < 1g
Fig. 6. Voltage conversion ratio of the proposed buck–boost converter.
For making the transition between two modes smooth, the voltage
transfer ratio M (D12, D34) should be written in terms of only one
control variable [4,7]. For establishing a meaningful relation Table 2
Required expressions for evaluating parameters’ values.
between D12 and D34, the variable u is defined:
Assuming Parameter Expressions
L1, L2 V g ðV out V g Þ
DiL1or2 V out T s
u ¼ D12 þ D34 ð6Þ L3, L4 V out ðV out V g Þ
DiL3or4 V g Ts
C1 ðV out V g Þ
Boost mode : 1<u<2 DmC1 R T s
ð7Þ C2 V out ðV out V g Þ
Buck mode : 0<u<1 DmC2 RV g
V. Samavatian, A. Radan / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 63 (2014) 446–454 451
PRd ¼ ð12Þ
Experimental results
Fig. 7. Proposed converter prototype, (a) power stage, (b) controller stage, and (c)
The proposed converter is designed as a voltage regulation sys- two isolated voltage sources for driving buck MOSFETs.
tem so that its output voltage is adjusted around 36 V when its
input voltage range varies from 26 to 43 V. The maximum output
power is limited to 360 W corresponding to a load resistance equal
to 3.6 Ohm. Using (4) and above data, it can be easily seen that the
duty cycles are limited within the ranges: 0 < D12 < 0.2777 and
0.837 < D34 < 1. The switching frequency is around 50 kHz and
the inductors’ current ripple and capacitors’ voltage ripple are lim-
ited to 1 A and 0.1 V respectively.
The proposed converter has been designed as a fuel cell voltage
regulation. The application requirements have been met so that
output voltage of fuel cell, with brand of ‘‘FCgen 1020ACS’’Ballard
Power Systems, Inc, is fixed around 36 for charging a battery bank.
Fuel cell input voltage range varies from 26 to 43 V. Using (4), the
expressions listed in Table 2 and the ripples specified earlier, the
list of components and their value are given in Table 3. It is worth
nothing here that for inductors the cores of Xinlli CORE Corpora-
tion and the calculation method of [3] have been selected.
Fig. 7 shows the top view of prototype in three stages; (a) the
power stage including MOSFETs, IRF840b, and SHOTTKY diodes,
MBR20100 and other main components denoted on figure, (b)
the controller stage with a micro controller ATMEGA16L, MOSFET
Table 3
Components for proposed converter.
Table 4
Current ripple comparison.
Fig. 10. Output current and output inductors’ current ripple in buck mode (a)
Vg = 43 V, and (b) Vg = 40 V.
driver ICs, ICL7667 and two fast optocouplers, 6N137 and (c) the
isolated voltage supplies. This section is organized in such a way Fig. 11. Capacitors voltage ripples in boost mode, (a) Vg = 26 V, and (b) Vg = 30 V.
V. Samavatian, A. Radan / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 63 (2014) 446–454 453
Fig. 12. Capacitors voltage ripples in buck mode, (a) Vg = 43 V, and (b) Vg = 40 V.
Fig. 13. Energy conversion efficiency for Vo = 36 V as: (a) function of the output
current for different input voltage levels; (b) function of the input voltage for
different output current levels.
The ripples of input, interface link and output voltages in both
operation modes are depicted in Figs. 11 and 12. Maximum ripple of several discontinuous conduction modes at light loads and
of input and capacitor voltages are restricted to 1 V, 0.2 V, 0.05 V RHP zero which are being worked to be solved and reported in near
(%0.14) respectively. future.
The energy conversion efficiency is the matter of any conver-
sion system. Efficiency traces are shown as a function of the output Appendix A
current iR for different input voltage levels in Fig. 13(a) and as a
function of the input voltage with different output current levels This appendix is provided to derive differential equations
in Fig. 13(b). With regard to Fig. 13, the maximum efficiency can describing the capacitors’ voltages and inductors’ currents in time
be obtained in both boost and buck modes and is not in the bound- intervals based on Fig. 5. These equations corresponding to first
ary of operating mode change because of mode transition. Maxi- interval have been explored in Section 2. However the other differ-
mum efficiency as function of the input voltage with different ential equations are expressed here.
output current levels occurs in all current levels when input volt- Interval 2 and 5: [t1 t2 and t4 t5], Fig. 5(b),
age in near to 36 V, because buck switches are permanently on in 8 diL diL
> mL1 ðtÞ ¼ L1 dt ¼ mL2 ðtÞ ¼ L2 dt ¼ mg ðtÞ mC1 ðtÞ
1 2
this situation and there is only conduction power loss. >
> di L di L
> mL3 ðtÞ ¼ L3 dt3 ¼ mL4 ðtÞ ¼ L4 dt4 ¼ mC 1 ðtÞ ¼ mout ðtÞ
Conclusions dmC
> iC 1 ðtÞ ¼ C 1 dt1 ¼ ðiL1 ðtÞ þ iL2 ðtÞÞ ðiL3 ðtÞ þ iL4 ðtÞÞ mC1 ðtÞ
mcd ðtÞ
A new non-inverting buck–boost DC–DC converter is obtained >
> iC2 ðtÞ ¼ C 2 dmdtC2 ¼ iL3 ðtÞ þ iL4 ðtÞ moutRðtÞ
through a cascade connection of an interleaved boost and an inter- : mcd
icd ðtÞ ¼ cd ddt ¼ mC1 ðtÞmCd ðtÞ
leaved buck stage and assisted by a damping network at the inter-
mediate capacitor to decay voltage oscillations and to improve Interval 3: [t2 t3 ], Fig. 5(c), ðA1Þ
converter inner dynamic. Simulation and experimental results of 8 di di
a prototype converter validate the predicted low-ripple I/O cur-
mL1 ðtÞ ¼ L1 dtL1 ¼ mL2 ðtÞ ¼ L2 dtL2 ¼ mg ðtÞ mC1 ðtÞ
rents due to application of interleaved technique. Efficiency studies >
> diL
> mL3 ðtÞ ¼ L3 dt ¼ mC1 ðtÞ mout ðtÞ
show that maximum efficiency can be achieved for buck mode, >
< m ðtÞ ¼ L diL4 ¼ m ðtÞ
where the switches boost stage are always OFF, and for boost L4 4 dt out
mode, where the buck stage switches are continuously ON. >
> iC 1 ðtÞ ¼ C 1 dmC
¼ ðiL1 ðtÞ þ iL2 ðtÞÞ ðiL3 ðtÞ mC1 ðtÞ mcd ðtÞ
> dt Rd
The capability of low-ripple I/O currents creates possibilities for >
many applications like battery, super-capacitor, PV panel, or fuel >
> iC2 ðtÞ ¼ C 2 dmdtC2 ¼ iL3 ðtÞ þ iL4 ðtÞ moutRðtÞ
: mcd
cell energy exploitation. There are still two remaining small prob- icd ðtÞ ¼ cd ddt ¼ mC1 ðtÞ
mCd ðtÞ
lems associated with the proposed converter, namely appearance
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