Performance Evaluation of Bullock Drawn Multi Crop Inclined Plate Planter
Performance Evaluation of Bullock Drawn Multi Crop Inclined Plate Planter
Performance Evaluation of Bullock Drawn Multi Crop Inclined Plate Planter
Research Paper :
Performance evaluation of bullock drawn multi crop inclined plate planter
Received : July, 2011; Accepted : September, 2011
Sanjay Kumar Nirala (2011). Performance evaluation of bullock drawn multi crop inclined plate planter. Internat. J. Agric. Engg., 4(2) : 193-
Key words : Bullock drawn, Inclined plate planter, Field capacity, Field efficiency
of the history of man’s fight for survival through the ages, drive system. The unit was extensively used for sowing
as it records his various effects to improve his first method groundnut, sorghum. Bengal gram etc. with its satisfactory
of a sowing, which was broadcasting the seed by hand work performance.
on the top of the furrowed soil. From the beginning of Kumar (1984) designed and fabricated a manually
recorded history up to year 1731, very little work had operated single row planter using different seed plates
been accomplished towards making a machine for sowing having differences in size of cells. The seed plates were
grain. In 1799, the first grain drill was built in United States devided into two halves so that they could easily be
of America, but it could not do the accurate and uniform replaced. This planter was tested for maize, pea, and arhar
sowing. Davidson and Chase (1908) studied that a sort seeds. It was suggested that the size of drive wheel should
of drill plough was developed in Assyria long before the be increased to facilitate better seed placement with more
christian era. Broadcasting seed over broken soil and spacing between the two seeds by obtaining more ground
covering them with some type of harrow was common clearance.
method of planting untill about 1840. MandaI and Ojha (1986) developed a manually
According to Bernacki (1972), the first European operated four rows seed drill. Separate wooden discs were
drill was developed in 1636 by Joseph locatelli of Corinth. used for metering different size or number of drilling for
The machine was named as “Sembradore”. It has a different seeds. Each disc was splited into two halves to
cylindrical wooden tank inside which a shaft with spoon make it easy to replace by lock nut into the collar which
rotated throwing seeds through holes into sagging tube was fixed on the shaft. The seed cut off device was of
falling on the soil surface. The machine could not deposit thick belt and a frame rubber pad on it. This seed drill
seeds in the ground but laid them only in rows on the was tested and per formance was founded to be
surface none the less, in comparison with manual sowing satisfactory.
seed location was less confused.
Fertilizer metering / placement:
Seed metering/placement: Sethi and Prakash (1973) designed and developed a
Roy (1947) suggested that the planter employing fertilizer metering device and then tested. They concluded
inclined plates were capable of uniform metering of seeds. that the parabolic hopper with diamond opening and anger
It was essential that the cells in the plates fit seed to be type agitator did not allow any bridge formation due to
planted. The diameter of the cell should be 1/64 inch larger the two way action and helps for free flow fertilizer
then the maximum diameter of the seed to ensure proper towards the opening, head of fertilizer had no significant
clearance. Movement of seed through cell could be effect on average delivery of fertilizer. In case of anger
further improved by tapering the cell wall from top to type agitator, it has no effect at all.
bottom. The tapering to an inclined angle of approximately Jadhav and Bote (1990) developed a low cost and
120 C was sufficient to ensure free movement of seed high utility device at Agricultural Engineering Research
through the cell. Centre, Pune to transport wet land paddy with a
Under ICAR Co-ordinated scheme on farm recommended plant geometry of 0.15 x 0.20 m and to
implement and machinery at pune centre, a three rows facilitate applying urea supper granules (USG) during
animal drawn multi crop planter was developed for Tamil transplanting at recommended rates without damaging the
Nadu, popularly known as planter. It is used for planting granules. This device is called the row plant spacmg
various crop like groundnut, sorghum. Bengal gram, green (RPS) marker-cum-USG dispenser.
gram etc. Different rotors were provided for different
crops and seed rate was also controlled by the size of the Furrow openers:
rotor s. This unit was extensively tested and its Verma (1982) conducted trials on different type of
performance were found to be satisfactory (Devnani, 1982 seeding machineries in farmers field under All India Co-
a). ordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture in
Under the similar scheme at Ludhiana centre, a Hashiyarpur district. None of the furrow openers used
tractor drawn seed-cum fertilizer drill-cum- planter was with these seed drills were found suitable for deep sowing.
developed for Punjab. For drilling seeds, fluted rollers Farmers liked deep furrow seeder with simple design for
metering device was used. For planting unit, inclined plates its easy handling.
with not shed cells were used. The cell plates were Shukla et al. (1987) developed a roatary blade till
selected according to crop (Devani, 1982 b). The plant to attachment for direct sowing operation. The machine could
plant spacing was regulated by changing the speed of be operated by a tractor of 35 HP and above. The machine
was evaluated for sowing wheat after maize and paddy – Type of furrow openers : Shoe type
and maize after wheat. Randomized Block Design was – Dia. of ground wheel
used for the evaluation in comparison to the conventional Top dia. = 62 cm
tillage and sowing practices. Both mechanical and Base dia. = 45 cm
chemical weeding treatment were studied. Germination – Height of peg star wheel: 8 cm
count and the yield was comparable to the conventional – Number of pegs : 12
tillage and sowing practices. Saving in time, fuel and – Location of star : Side of the planter
production cost over the conventional tillage and sowing – Type of power transmission: Chin and gear drum
practices were 4.33 to 11.33 h/ha, 50.79 to 70.03 per cent – Type of seed metering mechanism :
and 2.68 to 14 per cent, respectively Inclined plate rotor type
Khan et al. (1990) suggested that inverted “T” – Type of fertilizer metering mechanism : Fluted
furrow openers are best suited for better seed germination roller with adjustable opening
while establishing technical consideration for the selection – Speed ratio
of seed-cum- fertilizer drill. This type of drill could be Ground wheel to seed metering mechanism:2.64: 1
used in both cultivated and no till field conditions and for Ground wheel to fertilizer metering mechanism:
direct seeding of wheat in rice stubble fields. 2.64: 1
Considering above points a bullock drawn inclined – Crop suitability : Multicrop planting, maize,
plate planter (C.I.A.E. model) was tested with following sunflower, wheat, gram, pea etc.
objectives: to calibrate multi crop planter for seed (maize)
and fertilizer metering, to evaluate planter under field Location of the experimental site:
condition and to compare the economics of sowing with The bullock drawn 3 row inclined plate planter was
traditional method. tested in the actual field near the Farm machinery shed
of C.A.E.,R.A.U., Pusa. The farm is located at an altitude
METHODOLOGY of 52.92 m above the sea level, 25029’N latitude and
This chapter deals with the methodological approach 83°49' longitude. The climate of the area is humid with
followed in the laboratory as well as in actual field for average rainfall of 1270 mm and temperature goes up to
testing of bullock drawn 3-row inclined plate planter. 450C in June-July and minimum about 60C in December.
The soil was calcareous sandy loam. Bulk density ranged
Description of 3 row multicrop bullock drawn from 1300-1400 kg/m3
inclined plate planter:
– Make : C.I.A.E. Bhopal Experimental procedure:
– Power source : Pair of bullock Laboratory testing of machine:
All the moving components of the machine were
– Overall dimension: lubricated properly. It was attached with bullock to
- Length : 182 cm observe the movement pattern. It was then calibrated for
- Width : 127 cm proper seed rate and fertilizer rate.
- Height : 94 cm
– Seed box Calibration of inclined plate planter:
- Shape : Trapezoidal The procedure of testing the planter for correct seed
- Length : 17.7 cm and fertilizer rate is called calibration of planter. It is
- Bottom width : 7.5 cm necessary to calibrate the machine before putting it in
- Depth : 20.50 actual use to find out the confirmation of desired seed
– Fertilizer tank rate and fertilizer rate.
- Shape : Trapezoidal The following procedure was adopted for calibration
- Length : 78 cm of bullock drawn inclined plate planter.
- Width : Top width = 24 cm Number of furrow openers in planter = N
Bottom width = 20 cm Distance between two furrow openers=W
- Depth : 21.50 cm Diameter of drive wheel = D
– Rated working width of the machine : 180 cm Working width of the planter = NxW
– Number of rows :3 Distance covered in 10 revolution of drive wheel
– Row to row spacing : 60 cm = π D x 10 m
Field performance of planter for sowing maize: observing actual time requirement and area covered.
After getting satisfactory performance in the Before testing the machine, the various soil parameters
laboratory, the machine was taken to the field for actual like moisture content, mean mass diameter and bulk
testing by sowing maize. The seed rate was found 20.60 density were recorded. The actual and theoretical field
kg/ha, fertilizer rate 124 kg/ha and row to row spacing 60 capacity for sowing maize crop was found to be 0.230
m. Wheel skid was measured by operating the planter ha/hr and 0.45 ha/hr, respectively and field efficiencies
for five revolution of the ground wheel. Initially, the were calculated as 51.1 %.
distance covered by planter for 10 revolution of the ground
wheel at no load was measured. The machine was then Economics of use of machine:
operated at load, putting the seed metering and fertilizer The cost analysis for use of multi crop inclined plate
metering equipment in function and the actual distance planter with bullock and desi plough were calculated. The
traveled was measured. The wheel skid of planter was cost of sowing with the bullock drawn planter was found
found to be 4.53 %. to be Rs. 27.50/hr whereas with desi plough by placing
For sowing maize crop, the average depth of furrow seed and fertilizer behind the plough was found to be only
was found to be 50 mm width depth placement of seed Rs. 23.75/hr. The actual field capacity of the bullock
and fertilizer as 41 mm and 50 mm, respectively, lateral drawn planter and desi plough was 0.230 ha/hr and 0.055
distance between seed and fertilizer placement for maize ha/hr, respectively. Thus the cost of sowing per hectare
crop was found to be 45.39 mm. with bullock drawn planter and desi plough was Rs. 119.5/
ha and Rs. 431.82 /ha, respectively. Therefore, it may be
Draft measurement: said that sowing with bullock drawn planter is 3.5 times
The draft requirement for sowing maize was economical than traditional method. In addition to
measured with the help of spring dynamometer. The economy, the timely completion of sowing operation as
dynamometer was tied between yoke of bullocks and beam well as enhanced production is an unparellel advantage
of the planter. The deflection of dial was recorded during for the use of planter.
operation of the planter. The draft measurement set-up
has been shown in Table 4. Summary and conclusions:
This 3 row bullock drawn is known multi-crop inclined
Table 4 : Measurement of draft plate planter and developed under C.LA.E., Bhopal for
Depth Pull,P Draft=P Cos θ, (kgf) sowing different type of crops. Thus the project was
Pull (kg)
(cm) (average) where, θ = 36.80°
undertaken with the following objectives:
4.5 100,105,110,125, 112 89.6 – To calibrate multi crop planter for seed (maize)
120 and fertilizer metering.
7.5 125,120,115,130, 123 98.4 – To evaluate planter under field condition.
125 – To compare the economics of sowing with
10 150,206,160,175, 172.2 137.76 traditional method.
170 – To achieve the above objectives calibration of
planter was done in the laboratory for the seed
The recorded data revealed that the magnitude of and fertilizer rate. Wheel skid, depth and
draft increased as the depth of operation increases. At distribution pattern of fertilizer with respect to
depth of 4.5 cm the draft was 89.6 kgf while at 10 cm seed, field capacity and field efficiency were
depth the draft increased to a level of 137.76 kgf (Table measured in actual field condition for maize crops.
4). Different soil parameters such as moisture
Row to Row distance 60 cm content, bulk density and mean mass diameter
Plant to plant distance 20 – 25 cm were also recorded
Plant population 10 to 13 plant /m2 Based upon above experimentation the following
No. of seed per hill 1 to 2 seed conclusion was drawn out:
– The inclined plate planter could be easily attached
Field capacity and field efficiency of the planter for with the bullocks
sowing maize: – The fertilizer rate was found to be from 9.3 kg/
The actual field capacity and field efficiency of the ha to 124.3 kg/ha
machine was evaluated in the experimental field by – The seed rate was found to be 20.60 kg/ha
– Plant population was found from 10 to 12 plants Devnani, R.S. (1982 b). Seed-cum-fertilizer drill-cum-planter (for
per square meter. Punjab). Agric. Engg. Today, 6 (4) : 33-35.
– Row to row distance was 600 mm and plant to Jadhav, R.V. and Bote, N.L. (1990). Design development and
plant distance varied from 200 to 250 mm. field evaluation of RPS marker-cum-USG Dispenser.
– Depth of sowing was 50 mm. Agricultural Mechanisation in Asia, Africa & Latin America,
– Spacing between seed and fertilizer was observed 21 (2) : 17-20.
to 41.2 mm. Khan, A.S.,Tabassum, M.A and Khan, J. (1990). Selection of
– Field capacity and field efficiency of planter were seed-cum-fertilizer drill :Technical consideration, Agricultural
0.23 ha/hr and 51.15, respectively. Mechanisation in Asia, Africa & Latin America. 21 (1) : 35-39.
– The cost of sowing per hacter with bullock drawn Kumar, A. (1984). Design and fabrication of manually operated
planter and desi plough was Rs. 119.5 /ha and single row planter, M.Sc. (Agril. Engg.) Thesis, Allahabad
431.82/ ha, respectively. Therefore, it may be said Agricultural Institute, ALLAHABAD, U.P. (India).
the sowing with bullock drawn 3 row inclined plate
Mandal, T.C. and Ojha, T.P. (1986). Manually operated four
planter is 3.5 times economical than traditional. row seed drill for small seeds. Agric. Engg. Today, 10 (4) : 4-6.
The seed damage due to metering mechanism was
found to be nil. Sethi, C.P. and Prakash, C. (1973). Design, Development and
Testing of Fertilizer Metering Device. Unpublished Project
Report, RSc. Agril. Engg., Allahabad Agricultural Institute,
ALLAHABAD, U.P. (India).
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