LCA 2021 Results Circular Final

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Coimisiún na Scrúduithe Stáit

State Examinations Commission

Corr na Madadh, Baile Átha Luain, Co. na hIarmhí
Cornamaddy, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.N37TP65


Leaving Certificate Applied Results, 2021

To the Boards of Management /Authorities of Second Level Schools

The 2021 Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) provisional results are available from Friday 3
The SEC recognises that the experience of candidates for the 2021 Leaving Certificate was
greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The choices available to candidates in relation
to their Leaving Certificate this year recognised that it would be unfair to have candidates
rely entirely on the examinations as the sole means of assessment for their Leaving
Certificate qualification in 2021.

The SEC had responsibility for the delivery of the examinations and the system of Accredited
Grades. It was decided that there should be no link between examinations performance and
Accredited Grades either at an individual candidate level or at the overall system level. The
SEC has operated both processes entirely independently of each other, bringing them
together only for the purposes of determining the higher result in a particular subject for
those candidates who have opted for both examinations and Accredited Grades.

The SEC has sought to ensure that all aspects of the 2021 Leaving Certificate are of the
highest quality, and that candidates are treated fairly and equitably. To ensure the accuracy
and the integrity of the results, sufficient time was allowed not only in the parallel operation
of examinations and Accredited Grades, both complex processes in their own right, but also
in the integration of the results to ensure that candidates are provided with a set of Leaving
Certificate results that comprises, based on their individual options on a subject by subject
basis, examination results, Accredited Grades or the higher of the two. This has meant that
the results issue date is later than in a normal year. Following the issue of the provisional
results, from 5pm on Tuesday 7 September details of performance in examinations and
Accredited Grades will be provided to individual candidates and to schools.

The purpose of this circular is to provide you with details of the arrangements for accessing
the results by both candidates and schools as well as providing important information in

relation to the post result services.

This circular is divided into three Sections;

▪ Section 1 sets out the arrangements for access to results by schools and candidates
▪ Section 2 sets out the arrangements schools should put in place to support
candidates receiving results
▪ Section 3 sets out the arrangements for the post results and Appeals processes

A matrix showing the results for each candidate was posted to schools on Thursday 2
September 2021.

1. Arrangements for access to results for candidates and schools including accessing the
Schools’ Examinations Portal

The 2021 Leaving Certificate Applied comprises the results of the examinations and the
Accredited Grades. This is provided for in the legislation which underpins the system of
Accredited Grades, the Education (Leaving Certificate 2021) (Accredited Grades) Act 2021.
The results from both processes have equal status and the provisional statements of results
and the final certificates will not distinguish examination results from Accredited Grades.

Accessing Results – Candidates

Leaving Certificate Applied candidates will have access to their provisional results on the
Candidate Self Service Portal from 10 am on, Friday 3 September. Candidates can view their
results and will also be able to print a statement of their provisional results. At this point,
candidates will only see the single award that they have received based on the credits that
have been accumulated over the four sessions and in the final examinations (Pass, Merit,
Distinction, Record of Credits). The total number of credits awarded over the four sessions
of the programme will also be displayed. This is out of a total of 190 credits. The statement
of provisional results will provide a breakdown of the number of credits received for the
completion of modules, tasks, subjects and vocational specialisms.

On Wednesday 25 August, a Short Guide to the Accredited Grades Data Collection, National
Standardisation and Quality Assurance Processes was emailed to all candidates which
provided them with information about the system of Accredited Grades. The Short Guide
has also been published on and on the SEC’s website

By now all candidates should also have received a copy of the Candidate Information Guide
to Results and Appeals which issued in an email on Wednesday 1 September. It sets out
details of the SEC’s policies and procedures in relation to all aspects of the Leaving
Certificate results and appeals for both examinations and Accredited Grades. This Guide has
also been published on and on the SEC’s website

On Friday 3 September, neither candidates nor schools will know whether the provisional
result awarded was from an examination or an Accredited Grade.

Following the issue of the provisional results, from 5pm on Tuesday 7 September details of
performance in examinations and Accredited Grades will be provided to individual
candidates and to schools.


The helpline for schools is available at 1800 520 540 from 9 am to 5 pm from 3 September
to 13 September.

This line will deal exclusively with post result issue enquiries from school authorities. The line
is not linked to the switchboard and should only be used for queries on the Leaving Certificate
results. If you call the number for any other reason it will not be possible to transfer your call
to any other section within the SEC.

For this service to operate effectively it is essential that the free-phone number is made
available only to bona fide representatives of the school for their use on matters related to
the issue of the Leaving Certificate results alone.

The SEC Candidate helpline will be available at 1800 111135 or 1800 111136 from 9 am to 5
pm from 3 September to 13 September. Outside of these hours queries may be e-mailed to Please note this helpline is provided for queries relating
to the Candidate Self Service Portal and the services provided through the portal.

Candidates have been advised that they should contact their school if they wish to schedule
a visit to meet with members of the Student Support Team such as Guidance Counsellors,
Year Heads, Tutors and Chaplains, and that the arrangements for this will be in line with
public health advice, the schools COVID-19 Response Plan and the school’s visitor policy.

Accessing Results – Schools.

Schools will have access to the Leaving Certificate Applied results in two formats:

(i) A Matrix report

(ii) Report also from the SEC’s new Schools’ Examination Portal which will open
from 10 am on 3 September
The Schools’ Examination Portal is a new service for the 2021 examinations. This is a
different system to the Accredited Grades Data Collection System and the ESINET system
that was used by the Department of Education to deliver the calculated grades results to
schools in 2020.
By now schools should have logged on to the portal and printed a PDF test file using the
Username and Password and link provided by the SEC. The Username and password letters

issued to schools on Thursday 26 August, and the link was provided by email on Monday 30

On 3 September, schools have access to a printable matrix report in PDF format of the
provisional results by candidate and subject for all of the candidates in the school. Schools
will not know whether the provisional result awarded was from an examination or an
Accredited Grade.

On Tuesday 7 September, schools will be able to access a more detailed report in

spreadsheet format (which can be imported into the school’s CMS for analysis) which will
set out the following for each candidate for each of their subjects;

i. Examination grade (if applicable)

ii. Accredited Grade (if applicable)
iii. Final provisional grade

Understanding the Results

A Candidate Information Guide 4 – Guide to your Examination Results by Subject will be

made available on Monday 6 September which will assist candidates with understanding
their results.

On Tuesday 7 September you will receive by post a Supplementary Report in respect of any
candidate who has a result that is not based on all mandatory components of the subject.
Further information in relation to the details of what will be provided in the Supplementary
Report will accompany the report on Tuesday.

Data Privacy, GDPR and Data Breaches

As you are aware the General Data Protection Regulation and related Data Protection Act
2018 are in force. Examination scripts, Schools Results Matrix and Supplementary Reports
containing candidates’ personal data should be treated with absolute regard to
confidentiality and security. Extreme care should be taken when accessing candidates’
personal information when accessing the school portal and or the hard copy of the School

There is now a requirement for organisations to report personal data breaches to the
relevant supervisory authority, where the breach presents a risk to the affected
individuals. Where applicable the SEC will notify the Data Protection Commissioner (DPC)
within 72 hours of Data breaches that are advised to the SEC.

If in the course of accessing candidates’ Provisional results, you think there might be a
possible Data Breach, please immediately contact the SEC Data Protection Officer by
sending an e-mail to

Accredited Grades

Schools are asked to remind students and teachers of the following:

The process of providing estimated marks is governed by a piece of legislation called the
Education (Leaving Certificate 2021) (Accredited Grades) Act, 2021. At the time the
estimated marks were being provided by schools, candidates nor anyone acting on their
behalf was permitted to discuss their estimated marks with their teachers or with the
principal or deputy principal or any other member of the school authority.

Under the legislation, seeking to improperly influence the process of providing estimated
marks, or providing false information about those marks, carries with it very serious
consequences including the withholding of a Leaving Certificate result. It should be noted
these provisions remain in effect in the context of the Accredited Grades appeal process. It
continues to be the case that candidates, or anyone acting on their behalf, is not permitted
to discuss their estimated marks with their teachers or with the principal or deputy principal
or any other member of the school authority. A breach of this provisions in the course of
the appeals process could lead to a provisional result being withdrawn. If false or misleading
information is provided in the course of the appeals this could also lead to a result being

2. Details of the arrangements that schools should make to support candidates receiving

Schools have always provided an important role in offering guidance and support to Leaving
Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied candidates on results day. It is recognised that for
the Leaving Certificate class of 2021 the tradition of coming back to school to celebrate the
results with teachers and classmates on the day that the results issue will not be the same as
in normal years.

In particular, schools are asked to have regard to the fact that, at the time of writing, the
incidence of COVID-19 in Ireland is continuing to increase. Schools are asked to bear in mind
the strong probability that Ireland is not yet at the peak of the incidence of the Delta variant.
Therefore, caution in making arrangements in relation to Leaving Certificate 2021 Results Day
is strongly advised.

In recognising the unusual set of circumstances for Leaving Certificate candidates of 2021 who
are to receive their Leaving Certificate results, schools will be able to put a number of
measures in place to support candidates on the day and in the following number of days.
These measures, which have been approved by the Department of Education, recognise the
role that schools played in nurturing and supporting students throughout their years in post-

You are asked to provide support to candidates in an appropriate way today, through enabling
candidates to come to the school if they wish at a scheduled time, to meet with members of
the Student Support Team such as Guidance Counsellors, Year Heads, Tutors and Chaplains.
The arrangements for this should be in line with public health advice, the schools COVID-19
Response Plan and the school’s visitor policy.

Former students who attend the school for a scheduled visit will be required to respect
physical distancing requirements and to behave in a responsible way. Gathering groups of
students in one venue is not recommended at this time. This is in order to minimise the risk
of COVID-19 for staff, students, families and the wider community. The health and safety of
the entire school community must be considered.

You also have flexibility to ask some classes of current students not to attend school on that
day to ensure adequate social distancing in schools.

From mid-morning (3 September) and for the following week, you will have discretion to
release Guidance Counsellors and other members of the support team from lessons, using
the Supervision and Substitution scheme. This is to allow support to be provided to candidates
in person or on the phone. These planned interactions with candidates are intended to
support wellbeing and to discuss future education and career options. There should be no
discussions about school estimated percentage marks submitted as part of the Accredited
Grades process. Guidance Counsellors will play a crucial role in supporting these young people
to navigate the next steps in their education and career journey by providing up to date
information and reassurance in a calm and positive manner.

The wellbeing of the candidates who receive Leaving Certificate results will be supported
through a number of additional measures.

a. The Leaving Certificate candidate helpline, at 1800 265 165, which is provided by the
National Parents Council post-primary will be available from 11 am on 3 September for
students to reach a guidance counsellor with any queries that they may have. This
helpline will operate until after the CAO first round offers and is staffed by qualified
guidance counsellors. Further details can be found at
b. HSE/HSE-funded service providers will be available to support students through the
provision of e-mental health services.
c. Wellbeing resources developed by the National Educational Psychological Service are
available at
d. Information available from the Central Applications Office (CAO) is available at

3. Viewing of scripts and Appeals Services

(a) Viewing service

Candidates must apply to view examination scripts through the Candidate Self Service Portal
between 5pm on Tuesday 7 September and 8pm on Wednesday 8 September.

There is a very tight timeframe for applying to view scripts. The application deadline will
be strictly applied and it will not be possible to accept late applications. This is necessary
in order to ensure that the other stages of the appeal process can be completed as quickly
as possible.

Marking schemes will be available on from 12pm on Wednesday 8


Please note that LCA scripts will not be included in the boxes of scripts delivered to
schools. LCA scripts will be sent to the Organising Superintendent separately by post after
the candidate has made their request on the Candidate Self Service Portal.

Viewing Sessions - Saturday 11 September

Session 1: 9 am – 11 am
Session 2: 12 pm – 2 pm
Session 3: 3 pm – 5 pm

Schools have been given flexibility to arrange a session on the morning of Sunday 12
September. Holding a Sunday viewing session is at the discretion of the school.

(a) Appeals Service

Candidates can apply to appeal through the Candidate Self Service Portal.

From: 9 am on Saturday 11 September 2021

To: 12 pm on Monday 13 September 2021.

In order that the SEC can process the appeals as quickly as possible, the appeal application
deadline will be strictly applied. Late applications will not be accepted.

If candidates sat the examination and opted for an Accredited Grade in a subject, they can
apply for both of these appeal processes regardless of which process generated their
provisional results. Given that the examinations and the Accredited Grades are two separate
processes, they must apply to appeal separately for each process on a subject by subject
basis. They may choose to appeal none, one or both grades.

If they sat the examination only in a subject, they will have access to the examination
appeals process. If they opted for an Accredited Grade only in a subject, they will have
access to the Accredited Grades appeal process.

Every effort will be made to process appeals as quickly as possible but it is not possible at
this time to commit to a date for the issue of the appeal results. Candidates will be notified
of this date as soon as possible.

Please note that the review of results procedures are individual candidate led processes.
There is no provision for a school or group/class-based appeal. Any requests from schools
for a review of the results of a group of candidates will be responded to on the basis that
any candidate who has a concern in relation to his/her result can make an application to
appeal their result. Candidates who sat examinations can also view scripts.

Both appeals processes will include further recourse to Independent Appeals Scrutineers
whose role is to check to ensure the correct procedures were followed throughout the
appeals processes. Once all internal processes have been exhausted, decisions of the SEC are
open to review by the Office of the Ombudsman, or in the case of candidates under 18 years
of age, by the Ombudsman for Children.

Written Examinations Appeals

The appeal process involves a full review of every part of every question by an experienced
examiner, other than the original examiner, of the work submitted by the candidate in the
examination. It is essential that school authorities do not dispose of, or return to
candidates, any practical or coursework pieces until the appeal process has fully concluded,
even in instances where a candidate has not appealed a result in that subject, as the SEC
may need access to the material during the appeals and related quality assurance processes.
For that reason, the integrity of the examinations system requires that the materials
continue to be securely stored by the school.

Accredited Grades Appeals

The Accredited Grades Appeals process involves the following stages;

Stage 1: Checks will be undertaken on the forms completed by the school to check
that the information was transferred correctly from the forms to the data collection

Stage 1 will be completed by the school which provided the estimated mark on candidates’
behalf. The SEC will provide each school with a report of appeal applications for that school.
The school will undertake checks to ensure that, in the case of each Accredited Grade
appealed, the estimated percentage mark provided in each case was correctly recorded and
transferred to the data collection system. An Accredited Grade aide (in the school) will
extract the documentation in respect of each appeal; and confirm that the data was
accurately transferred from the relevant forms to the data collection system. The school will
be required to submit a return to the SEC that all procedures were correctly followed and
then return the documentation in relation to results which were the subject of an appeal to
the SEC for quality assurance checks.

Stage 2: A review will be carried out to ensure that the data was correctly received
and transmitted through the systems used in the national standardisation process
conducted by the SEC

In Stage 2, data checks will include a check to ensure that the Class ID for the subject has
been preserved in the standardisation process and that candidates placed on the same
school-estimated mark in the same subject taken by the school are conferred with the same
Accredited mark.

The Independent Appeals Scrutineers will check to ensure the correct procedures were
followed throughout the appeals process. The Scrutineers will have access to the records
and documentation considered at Stages 1 and 2.

Please ensure that the contents of this circular are brought to the attention of the Career
Guidance teacher(s) in your school.

Again, we are very grateful to school authorities for your continued support and assistance
with the 2021 examination process.

Majella Smyth
Acting Director of Operations
State Examinations Commission

September 2021

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