Van Richten's Tower
Van Richten's Tower
Van Richten's Tower
T h e E s s e n t i a l C u r s e o f S t r a h d C o m pa n ion
Platinum Tier
• Adrian E.
• Alex Rosalez
• Brenton Snyder
• David Despoth
Disclaimer: Lunch Break Heroes is not liable for • Gas the Koopas
any loss of limbs, sanity, or soul that may arise as • Jason Haase
a result of using this guide to traverse the lands of • Kevin Brandon
Barovia. We are additionally indemnified against • Kevin R. Cannon
the effects that any player might experience after • Monica Jones
eating at Morgantha’s diner. • Morgana
• Thomas Stanley
• Thomas van Iersel
• Warmaster James
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Curse of Strahd, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eber-
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Lunch Break Heroes and/or other authors.
Van Richten’s Tower V2. Tower Door
n the shore of Lake Baratok stands a crum- As noted previously, replace Khazan’s name above the
bling edifice that was once the property of door with that of Exethanter. This area is otherwise
the wizard, Khazan. The tower serves as a unchanged.
relative safe-haven for characters, in that it
is the only area safe from Strahd’s scrying spell. Aside V4. Tower, First Floor
from that, it is little more than a base of operations or
Scattered around this room are four wooden crates.
a small stop on the way to other locations.
These were brought to the tower by Rudolph van
This chapter aims to add interest to the area by
Richten to store extra supplies.
adding intriguing elements to the tower. It also aims to
Between three of the crates, characters can find 30
eliminate confusion around the tower’s original owner.
days of dried rations, 300 feet of hempen rope, 5 pints
of oil, two healer’s kits, and one hunting trap. The
Video Companion fourth crate contains van Richten’s monster hunting
Watch the companion video for this chapter on YouTube. equipment. Inside, characters will find 7 vials of holy
water, 10 wooden stakes, 10 bulbs of garlic, and a
heavy crossbow with 20 bolts.
Goodbye, Khazan V5. Tower, Second Floor
To streamline your game’s lore and alleviate any con- The floor here is sturdy, and does not collapse when
fusion, this guide recommends that Khazan should be characters step on it. The floor is littered with molder-
removed from your game’s lore and his history merged ing books of various subjects, many of which lay open
with that of Exethanter. at random pages. Time and the elements have ren-
This is done to alleviate player confusion. Firstly, dered most of the books unreadable. All of the books
Khazan’s name sounds too similar to that of Kavan, here are non-magical.
the ancient barbarian at Yester Hill. Secondly, the Within the western wall, four feet above the floor, is
presence of Khazan as a lich within Barovia’s history a small alcove, inside of which sits the bust of a mid-
means that there is a strong possibility that players dle aged man. The bust is of exquisite craftsmanship,
may conflate Khazan and Exethanter. and has been affixed within the alcove with Sovereign
Instead of Khazan, Exethanter served as Strahd’s Glue.
archwizard and constructed the tower on the shores As characters ride the elevator, any character with
of Lake Baratok. All references to Khazan within the a passive Perception score of 10 or higher gets the
tower should be replaced by a reference to Exethanter, impression that the eyes of the bust are following
such as the name above the tower door in area V2. them. If any character approaches within five feet of
Areas of the Tower the bust, it will speak and exuberantly introduce itself
as “Buster”.
The following sections describe updates to the areas
of the tower. Any area not listed here should be run as Buster the Bust
it is written in the module, or adjusted to your liking. Shortly after the creation of the tower, Exethanter
used his magic to give sentience to a marble bust,
V1. Ezmerelda’s Wagon fashioned after his own likeness.
Ezmerelda’s wagon is a staple of many groups’ stories Although Exethanter granted the bust intelligence
of their arrival to the tower. Due to the difficult nature and personality, he did not bother to give it a name.
of discovering the booby trapped door, and the high Buster gained his name only recently after a lengthy
damage of the resulting explosion, this is also the site conversation with Ezmerelda D’Avenir on the subjects
of many character deaths. of literature and history. She decided that no creature
If Ezmerelda is not with the party, this guide rec- of such intelligence should go unnamed, and thus
ommends—at your discretion—moving Ezmerelda’s dubbed the sentient bust “Buster”.
wagon to the outskirts of Krezk, where she may be Although Buster is quite fond of Ezmerelda (“She’s
found inside the Abbey of Saint Markovia. This pro- turned several pages for me!”), he has a very low
vides a much less lethal introduction to the tower. opinion of the tower’s previous occupant, Rudolph van
Richten. Upon first arriving to the tower, Van Richten
ruthlessly interrogated Buster for information, at one
point threatening to burn all of the books in the tower.