Torres Essay c6
Torres Essay c6
Torres Essay c6
A person will continue to criticize the bully’s victim if he simply ignores what the bullied does to
him/her. The child who has been bullied victim is often weak, quiet, shy, disabled, and do not know how
to fight which drives Bullies to oppress them because they know they cannot resist. Through bullying, the
victim can be affected physically, emotionally, socially and/or morally which can lead to severe depression
and if it gets worse it can even lead to their death. Therefore, this essay was written to provide information
on the effects of bullying to the children and to encourage some “bullies” to stop their bad activities.
To curb bullying, it is important to know the source and reason why the hurt and intimidation
occurs. Every case of intimidation or bullying is different and the causes need to be examined. To
understand the conflict situation, it is important to have different perspectives about it. It can be individual,
group, organization, and society. In our experience, many schools remain with their own perspectives and
only look at the side of the victim. We need to open and widen our minds to see other things, such as group
safety, the leadership of an organization or class of society.
Truth behind intimidation and bullying: First, Bullying refers to physical harm or hurtful words
over a long period of time. They do this to people who are incapable of self -defense. Second, Twenty -
eight percent of teens from grades six through 12 fall victims to teasing. Third, Teachers often ignore such
incidents in their school. Fourth, Parents need to know if their child is being bullied, give a little time to the
child. Fifth, there are four types of bullying: physical, verbal, relational and reactive. Sixth, Bullies often
think highly of themselves and users. Seventh, Oppressors believe what they want to believe in order to
continue to oppress and for fear that they may become victims of intimidation and teasing. Eight, the
oppressor has negative consequences, to the same victim of the oppressed. And lastly, there are several
ways to prevent being bullied and a bully, as well as by parents, school, and co-workers to prevent it at
school or at work.
What are the different types of bullying? There are five types of bullying: Physical bullying this
includes beating, kicking, pinching or otherwise attacking others. Verbal bullying refers to the use of hurtful
words that include insults, profanity, excessive teasing, teasing or intimidation. Relational bullying Not
including someone in the gang is usually caused by threats, spreading gossip and other forms of bullying.
And, Reactive bullying a former victim of bullying seeks other victims to bully. It happens more often in
boys than girls, especially in high school or beyond. Men are closer to physical and verbal bullying. Women,
on the other hand, are more often close to relational bullying.
Who is the target? In Physical physique adolescence are having a unique physical physique causes
them to be the target of temptation. A child with a pair of glasses, tall, ages 13 and a child with big ears can
be a victim of temptation because of their physical appearance. Any physical trait that may be engaging can
be reason to fall victim to insult. In Race adolescents who are of a different race than the majority are
victims of teasing because of this. This usually happens in schools where the body is often the same. In
America, Muslim students or professing Muslims, are close to teasing because of their race. In Lack of
knowledge or other illnesses often the victimized is weak, they are believed to be weak physically and
mentally. Students with chronic illnesses, students in wheelchairs, students diagnosed with ADHD,
Asperger’s, dyslexia, autism and, asthma and other conditions can be the target of temptation. Students with
mental and physical disabilities need additional care to be protected from bullies at their school. And, In
Gender alienation students identified as gay or lesbian, bisexual, transgender, asexual or non-binary are
more likely to be the target of temptation. Brutal bullying because of a person’s gender can lead to extreme
intimidation. Supervisors can set a good example to students to avoid these incidents at school whether it
is in a private school or public school.
In short, the risk that a victim of conflict may face including low social awareness, tends to
experience anxiety or depression. Weight loss can be attributed to being a victim of abuse. Young gay,
lesbian, bisexual or transgender people are more likely to be victims of bullying than the normal gender.
Children with disabilities, foreigners or the mentally retarded are often oppressed. People who fight have
often been the victims of bullying/victims in the past. They are more aggressive in intimidation or teasing
than those who have never been victims of bullying or teasing. They were probably not very famous, more
often bullied, otherwise abused, neglected, and it came from low -status families in life. There are children
who become victims of bullying who sometimes do not know the cause. The person who intends to harm
others is the only one responsible.
We can all be victims of bullying, even children who lead their class, celebrities, and political
related individual. One is often envious of the reason why many are despised. Avoid being jealous of others
in order to avoid evil deeds.
B. Effects of School Bullying on Children (Poster)