Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education
Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education
Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education
3rd,4th and 5th floors, Neeladri Towers,Sri Ram Nagar,6th Battalion Road,
Atmakur(V),Mangalagiri(M), Guntur-522 503, Andhra Pradesh Email:
Hrs. per
Year Semester Paper Code Subject
General Fundamentals: Introduction to computers: Block diagram of a computer,
characteristics and limitations of computers, applications of computers, types of computers,
computer generations.
Introduction to Algorithms and Programming Languages: Algorithm – Key features of
Algorithms, Flow Charts, Programming Languages – Generations of Programming
Languages – Structured Programming Language- Design and Implementation of Correct,
Efficient and Maintainable Programs.
Introduction to C: Introduction – Structure of C Program – Writing the first C Program –
File used in C Program – Compiling and Executing C Programs – Using Comments –
Keywords – Identifiers – Basic Data Types in C – Variables – Constants – I/O Statements in
C- Operators in C- Programming Examples.
Decision Control and Looping Statements: Introduction to Decision Control Statements–
Conditional Branching Statements – Iterative Statements – Nested Loops – Break and
Continue Statement – Goto Statement
Arrays: Introduction – Declaration of Arrays – Accessing elements of the Array – Storing
Values in Array– Operations on Arrays – one dimensional, two dimensional and multi
dimensional arrays, character handling and strings.
Functions: Introduction – using functions – Function declaration/ prototype – Function
definition – function call – return statement – Passing parameters – Scope of variables –
Storage Classes – Recursive functions.
Structure, Union, and Enumerated Data Types: Introduction – Nested Structures – Arrays
of Structures – Structures and Functions– Union – Arrays of Unions Variables – Unions
inside Structures – Enumerated Data Types.
Pointers: Understanding Computer Memory – Introduction to Pointers – declaring Pointer
Variables – Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic – Null Pointers - Passing Arguments
to Functions using Pointer – Pointer and Arrays – Memory Allocation in C Programs –
Memory Usage – Dynamic Memory Allocation – Drawbacks of Pointers
Files: Introduction to Files – Using Files in C – Reading Data from Files – Writing Data to
Files – Detecting the End-of-file – Error Handling during File Operations – Accepting
Command Line Arguments.
1. E Balagurusamy – Programming in ANSIC – Tata McGraw-Hill publications.
2. Brain W Kernighan and Dennis M Ritchie - The ‘C’ Programming language” -
Pearson publications.
3. Ashok N Kamthane: Programming with ANSI and Turbo C, Pearson Edition
4. YashavantKanetkar - Let Us ‘C’ – BPB Publications.
A. Measurable
1. Assignments (in writing and doing forms on the aspects of syllabus content and
outside the syllabus content. Shall be individual and challenging)
2. Student seminars (on topics of the syllabus and related aspects (individual activity))
3. Quiz (on topics where the content can be compiled by smaller aspects and data
(Individuals or groups as teams))
4. Study projects (by very small groups of students on selected local real-time problems
pertaining to syllabus or related areas. The individual participation and contribution of
students shall be ensured (team activity
B. General
1. Group Discussion
2. Try to solve MCQ’s available online.
3. Others
Course Objectives
To introduce the fundamental concept of data structures and to emphasize the importance of
various data structures in developing and implementing efficient algorithms.
Arrays: Introduction to Linear and Non- Linear Data Structures, One- Dimensional Arrays,
Array Operations, Two- Dimensional arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Pointers and Arrays,
an Overview of Pointers
Linked Lists: Introduction to Lists and Linked Lists, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Basic
Linked List Operations, Doubly Linked List, Circular Linked List, Atomic Linked List,
Linked List in Arrays, Linked List versus Arrays
Binary Trees: Introduction to Non- Linear Data Structures, Introduction Binary Trees, Types
of Trees, Basic Definition of Binary Trees, Properties of Binary Trees, Representation of
Binary Trees, Operations on a Binary Search Tree, Binary Tree Traversal, Counting Number
of Binary Trees, Applications of Binary Tree
Searching and sorting: Sorting – An Introduction, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort,
Searching – An Introduction, Linear or Sequential Search, Binary Search, Indexed Sequential
A. Measurable
1. Assignments (in writing and doing forms on the aspects of syllabus content and
outside the syllabus content. Shall be individual and challenging)
2. Student seminars (on topics of the syllabus and related aspects (individual activity))
3. Quiz (on topics where the content can be compiled by smaller aspects and data
(Individuals or groups as teams))
4. Study projects (by very small groups of students on selected local real-time problems
pertaining to syllabus or related areas. The individual participation and contribution of
students shall be ensured (team activity))
B. General
1. Group Discussion
2. Others
1. Write a program to read ‘N’ numbers of elements into an array and also perform the
following operation on an array
a. Add an element at the begging of an array
b. Insert an element at given index of array
c. Update a element using a values and index
d. Delete an existing element
2. Write a program using stacks to convert a given
a. postfix expression to prefix
b. prefix expression to postfix
c. infix expression to postfix
3. Write Programs to implement the Stack operations using an array
4. Write Programs to implement the Stack operations using Liked List.
5. Write Programs to implement the Queue operations using an array.
6. Write Programs to implement the Queue operations using Liked List.
7. Write a program for arithmetic expression evaluation.
8. Write a program for Binary Search Tree Traversals
9. Write a program to implement dequeue using a doubly linked list.
10. Write a program to search an item in a given list using the following Searching
a. Linear Search
b. Binary Search.
11. Write a program for implementation of the following Sorting Algorithms
a. Bubble Sort
b. Insertion Sort
c. Quick Sort
12. Write a program for polynomial addition using single linked list
13. Write a program to find out shortest path between given Source Node and Destination
Node in a given graph using Dijkstrar’s algorithm.
14. Write a program to implement Depth First Search graph traversals algorithm
15. Write a program to implement Breadth First Search graph traversals algorithm
Semester Course Code Course Title Hours Credits
Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to introduce the design and development of databases with
special emphasis on relational databases.
Overview of Database Management System: Introduction to data, information, database,
database management systems, file-based system, Drawbacks of file-Based System, database
approach, Classification of Database Management Systems, advantages of database approach,
Various Data Models, Components of Database Management System, three schema
architecture of data base, costs and risks of database approach.
Entity-Relationship Model: Introduction, the building blocks of an entity relationship
diagram, classification of entity sets, attribute classification, relationship degree, relationship
classification, reducing ER diagram to tables, enhanced entity-relationship model (EER
model), generalization and specialization, IS A relationship and attribute inheritance,
multiple inheritance, constraints on specialization and generalization, advantages of ER
Relational Model: Introduction, CODD Rules, relational data model, concept of key,
relational integrity, relational algebra, relational algebra operations, advantages of relational
algebra, limitations of relational algebra, relational calculus, tuple relational calculus, domain
relational Calculus (DRC), Functional dependencies and normal forms upto 3rd normal form.
Structured Query Language: Introduction, History of SQL Standard, Commands in SQL,
Data Types in SQL, Data Definition Language, Selection Operation, Projection Operation,
Aggregate functions, Data Manipulation Language, Table Modification Commands, Join
Operation, Set Operations, View, Sub Query.
PL/SQL: Introduction, Shortcomings of SQL, Structure of PL/SQL, PL/SQL Language
Elements, Data Types, Operators Precedence, Control Structure, Steps to Create a PL/SQL,
Program, Iterative Control, Procedure, Function, Database Triggers, Types of Triggers.
1. Database System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, and S. Sudarshan,
2. Database Management Systems by Raghu Ramakrishnan, McGrawhill
3. Principles of Database Systems by J. D. Ullman
4. Fundamentals of Database Systems by R. Elmasri and S. Navathe
5. SQL: The Ultimate Beginners Guide by Steve Tale.
A. Measurable
1. Assignments (in writing and doing forms on the aspects of syllabus content and
outside the syllabus content. Shall be individual and challenging)
2. Student seminars (on topics of the syllabus and related aspects (individual activity))
3. Quiz (on topics where the content can be compiled by smaller aspects and data
(Individuals or groups as teams))
4. Study projects (by very small groups of students on selected local real-time problems
pertaining to syllabus or related areas. The individual participation and contribution of
students shall be ensured (team activity
B. General
1. Group Discussion
2. Try to solve MCQ’s available online.
3. Others
Introduction to Java: Features of Java, The Java virtual Machine, Parts of Java
Naming Conventions and Data Types: Naming Conventions in Java, Data Types in Java,
Operators in Java: Operators, Priority of Operators
Control Statements in Java: if... else Statement, do... while Statement, while Loop, for
Loop, switch Statement, break Statement, continue Statement, return Statement
Input and Output: Accepting Input from the Keyboard, Reading Input with
Java.util.Scanner Class, Displaying Output with System.out.printf(), Displaying Formatted
Output with String.format()
Arrays: Types of Arrays, Three Dimensional Arrays (3D array), arrayname.length,
Command Line Arguments
Strings: Creating Strings, String Class Methods, String Comparison, Immutability of Strings
Introduction to OOPs: Problems in Procedure Oriented Approach, Features of Object-
Oriented Programming System (OOPS)
Classes and Objects: Object Creation, Initializing the Instance Variables, Access Specifiers,
Methods in Java:Method Header or Method Prototype, Method Body, Understanding
Methods, Static Methods, Static Block, The keyword ‘this’, Instance Methods, Passing
Primitive Data Types to Methods, Passing Objects to Methods, Passing Arrays to Methods,
Recursion, Factory Methods
Inheritance: Inheritance, The keyword ‘super’, The Protected Specifier, Types of
Polymorphism: Polymorphism with Variables, Polymorphism using Methods,
Polymorphism with Static Methods, Polymorphism with Private Methods, Polymorphism
with Final Methods, final Class
Type Casting: Types of Data Types, Casting Primitive Data Types, Casting Referenced Data
Types, The Object Class
Abstract Classes: Abstract Method and Abstract Class
Interfaces: Interface, Multiple Inheritance using Interfaces
Packages: Package, Different Types of Packages, The JAR Files, Interfaces in a Package,
Creating Sub Package in a Package, Access Specifiers in Java, Creating API Document
Exception Handling: Errors in Java Program, Exceptions, throws Clause, throw Clause,
Types of Exceptions, Re – throwing an Exception
Streams: Stream, Creating a File using FileOutputStream, Reading Data from a File
uingFileInputStream, Creating a File using FileWriter, Reading a File using FileReader,
Zipping and Unzipping Files, Serialization of Objects, Counting Number of Characters in a
File, File Copy, File Class
Threads: Single Tasking, Multi Tasking, Uses of Threads, Creating a Thread and Running it,
Terminating the Thread, Single Tasking Using a Thread, Multi Tasking Using Threads,
Multiple Threads Acting on Single Object, Thread Class Methods, Deadlock of Threads,
Thread Communication, Thread Priorities, thread Group, Daemon Threads, Applications of
Threads, Thread Life Cycle
Applets: Creating an Applet, Uses of Applets, <APPLET> tag, A Simple Applet, An Applet
with Swing Components, Animation in Applets, A Simple Game with an Applet, Applet
Java Database Connectivity: Database Servers, Database Clients, JDBC (Java Database
Connectivity), Working with Oracle Database, Working with MySQL Database, Stages in a
JDBC Program, Registering the Driver, Connecting to a Database, Preparing SQL
Statements, Using jdbc–odbc Bridge Driver to Connect to Oracle Database, Retrieving Data
from MySQL Database, Retrieving Data from MS Access Database, Stored Procedures and
CallableStatements, Types of Result Sets
1. Core Java: An Integrated Approach, Authored by Dr. R. Nageswara Rao &Kogent
Learning Solutions Inc.
2. E.Balaguruswamy, Programming with JAVA, A primer, 3e, TATA McGraw-
Hill Company.
3. John R. Hubbard, Programming with Java, Second Edition, Schaum’s outline Series,
4. Deitel&Deitel. Java TM: How to Program, PHI (2007)
A. Measurable
1. Assignments (in writing and doing forms on the aspects of syllabus content and
outside the syllabus content. Shall be individual and challenging)
2. Student seminars (on topics of the syllabus and related aspects (individual
3. Quiz (on topics where the content can be compiled by smaller aspects and data
(Individuals or groups as teams))
4. Study projects (by very small groups of students on selected local real-time
problems pertaining to syllabus or related areas. The individual participation and
contribution of students shall be ensured (team activity
B. General
1. Group Discussion
2. Try to solve MCQ’s available online.
3. Others
1. Write a program to read Student Name, Reg.No, Marks[5] and calculate Total,
Percentage, Result. Display all the details of students
2. Write a program to perform the following String Operations
a. Read a string
b. Find out whether there is a given substring or not
c. Compare existing string by another string and display status
d. Replace existing string character with another character
e. Count number of works in a string
3. Java program to implements Addition and Multiplication of two N X N matrices.
4. Java program to demonstrate the use of Constructor.
5. Calculate area of the following shapes using method overloading.
a. Triangle
b. Rectangle
c. Circle
d. Square
6. Implement inheritance between Person (Aadhar, Surname, Name, DOB, and Age)
and Student (Admission Number, College, Course, Year)classes where ReadData(),
DisplayData() are overriding methods.
7. Java program for implementing Interfaces
8. Java program on Multiple Inheritance.
9. Java program for to display Serial Number from 1 to N by creating two Threads
10. Java program to demonstrate the following exception handlings
a. Divided by Zero
b. Array Index Out of Bound
c. File Not Found
d. Arithmetic Exception
e. User Defined Exception
11. Create an Applet to display different shapes such as Circle, Oval, Rectangle, Square
and Triangle.
12. Write a program to create Book (ISBN,Title, Author, Price, Pages,
Publisher)structure and store book details in a file and perform the following
a. Add book details
b. Search a book details for a given ISBN and display book details, if available
c. Update a book details using ISBN
d. Delete book details for a given ISBN and display list of remaining Books
This course aims to introduce the structure and organization of a file system. It emphasizes
various functions of an operating system like memory management, process management,
device management, etc.
What is Operating System? History and Evolution of OS, Basic OS functions, Resource
Abstraction, Types of Operating Systems– Multiprogramming Systems, Batch Systems, Time
Sharing Systems; Operating Systems for Personal Computers, Workstations and Hand-held
Devices, Process Control & Real time Systems.
Processor and User Modes, Kernels, System Calls and System Programs, System View of the
Process and Resources, ProcessAbstraction, ProcessHierarchy, Threads, Threading Issues,
Thread Libraries; Process Scheduling, Non-Preemptive and Preemptive Scheduling
Concurrent and Dependent Processes, Critical Section, Semaphores, Methods for Inter-
process Communication; Process Synchronization, Classical Process Synchronization
Problems: Producer-Consumer, Reader-Writer.
A. Measurable
1. Assignments (in writing and doing forms on the aspects of syllabus content and
outside the syllabus content. Shall be individual and challenging)
2. Student seminars (on topics of the syllabus and related aspects (individual
3. Quiz (on topics where the content can be compiled by smaller aspects and data
(Individuals or groups as teams))
4. Study projects (by very small groups of students on selected local real-time
problems pertaining to syllabus or related areas. The individual participation and
contribution of students shall be ensured (team activity
B. General
1. Group Discussion
2. Try to solve MCQ’s available online.
3. Others
Dept of Computer Science,
Vikrama Simhapuri University
Govt. Degree College,
Dept of Computer Science
Acgharya Nagarjuna University,
Nagarjuna Nagar