SQL Server Mission Critical Performance TDM White Paper

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Microsoft SQL Server

Achieving mission-critical
application performance
with SQL Server

The volume and complexity of data is increasing everywhere, and

the ability to use it is becoming more important for organizations
across industries. Digital transactions and experiences are
expected to be available across geographies and time zones.
Today the data generated by those millions of interactions
touches every device, application and process.
IT organizations must balance the impact of this explosion in
data against the need for constant uptime, worldwide availability,
increasing regulatory compliance, and an evolving digital world
where customers expect and demand more.
More than ever, companies need mission-critical performance,
stability, security, availability, and the ability to use their data to
develop real insights about their business.
This white paper describes how the continuing advancement
of Microsoft SQL Server is designed to deliver all of those
capabilities at a lower cost and higher return.
The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft
Corp. on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft
must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a
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any information presented after the date of publication.
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Executive Summary.......................................................................................................... 4
SQL Server evolution....................................................................................................... 5
Mission-critical application performance with SQL Server..................................... 7
Performance............................................................................................................................................. 7

In-memory online transaction processing......................................................................................................................... 8

30x performance gains........................................................................................................................................................... 8

Reduced database size and increased performance: data and backup compression............................................ 9

Native JSON support............................................................................................................................................................... 9

Security and compliance........................................................................................................................ 9

Secure by default: lowering vulnerability............................................................................................................................ 9

Transparent Data Encryption..............................................................................................................................................10

Backup Encryption................................................................................................................................................................10

New in 2016: Always Encrypted........................................................................................................................................11

New in 2016: Row-Level Security.......................................................................................................................................12

Built-in tools for enabling compliance: SQL Server audit tools.................................................................................12



Enhanced AlwaysOn.............................................................................................................................................................14



The cloud and mission-critical systems.....................................................................16

Traditional bare-metal deployment..................................................................................................................................16

Hybrid solutions....................................................................................................................................17

Cloud deployment: public cloud and private cloud.....................................................................................................18

Private cloud...........................................................................................................................................................................19

Stretch Databases..................................................................................................................................................................19

Always Encrypted..................................................................................................................................................................20

Comparing the cost of mission-critical capabilities................................................21

Expecting the fundamentals..............................................................................................................21

Understanding options.......................................................................................................................21

More information............................................................................................................23
Executive summary
Web interactions, brick-and-mortar transactions, mobile apps on cellular phones, and intelligent devices on the
factory floor: Today there is an explosion of data sources that is driving an exponential boom in the volume of data.

It may seem overwhelming, but the good news is organizations of all types have the opportunity to use that data
to drive smarter decisions. Today data is a currency, a compass, and a new natural resource that can be tapped to
provide new forms of value.

Companies that recognize this are differentiating themselves, and thriving. A recent IDC study looked at companies
that have a data-centric culture versus those without. The results showed a massive “data dividend” for companies
adapting to this new data-heavy environment — as much as $1.6 trillion in new value worldwide.

Hungry to harness those returns, organizations are looking at data in new ways. They want to use information that
is both relational and nonrelational, internal and external. They are applying new analytical models on historical
data to predict the future. They are finding new insights and sharing them broadly in the organization. And they
are doing all of this at speed — near real time in many cases. The result is more productivity, more efficiency, and
faster innovation, all of which help increase sales and revenue streams.

These realities of business are driving the next wave of innovation on the Microsoft platform. To support those
needs for today and tomorrow, we are investing heavily into several core areas as SQL Server continues to evolve:

• Performance: SQL Server’s integrated in-memory toolset goes far beyond isolated features and
provides support for improving performance dramatically in a wide range of scenarios.

• Security and compliance: As SQL Server progresses, we’re adding new capabilities to protect
data both at rest and in motion, with new features like Always Encrypted and Row-Level Security.

• Availability: Already known for rock-solid, reliable performance, SQL Server is adding significant
new enhancements to AlwaysOn, better load balancing, and new features for flexible and efficient

• Scalabilty: New advancements in compute, storage and networking will provide a direct impact
on mission-critical SQL Server workloads.

• Cloud services: New tools in SQL Server and Microsoft Azure make it even easier to scale to the
cloud; to build patching, backup and disaster recovery solutions; and to access resources wherever
they are — on-premises, private cloud or public cloud.

This white paper discusses the new features, and those that are coming soon, that continue to make SQL Server
the most cost-effective, flexible and powerful solution for managing data today.

SQL Server evolution
We believe our customers want to utilize the key capabilities that SQL Server and the broader Microsoft Data Platform have to
offer, and this is the unique design approach we took back when
we first started improving analytics by building in-memory into
PowerPivot for millions of rows of data analysis in Excel.

In SQL Server 2012, we expanded our in-memory footprint with

the same built-in approach by adding in-memory to Analysis
Services so IT could build data models much faster. In SQL Server
2014, we covered the final workload by introducing an in-memory
online transaction processing (OLTP) solution — to significantly
speed transactional performance. We also enhanced the in-
memory columnstore with faster performance and significantly
higher data compression so memory utilization can be optimized.

Customers have responded to this evolution by continuing to show

confidence in using SQL Server to manage their mission-critical
data. Industry analysts have also responded positively. Gartner
recently rated SQL Server as having the most complete vision of any
operational database management system (Figure 1).

In addition, SQL Server has consistently added groundbreaking

functionality over the past 15 years (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Gartner Magic Quadrant for operational database

management systems1

SQL Server 2016 continues this tradition of innovation, and in

fact may be the biggest leap forward in Microsoft’s data platform
history, with real-time operational analytics, rich visualizations
on mobile devices, built-in advanced analytics, new advanced
security technology, and new hybrid cloud scenarios.

SQL Server 2016 delivers breakthrough mission-critical

capabilities with in-memory performance and operational
Figure 2: SQL Server functionalities added across releases
analytics built in. Comprehensive security features like new
Always Encrypted technology help protect your data at rest and
in motion, and a world-class high-availability and disaster recovery solution adds new enhancements to AlwaysOn technology.

Organizations will gain deeper insights into all of their data with new capabilities that go beyond business intelligence to
perform advanced analytics directly within their database and present rich visualizations for business insights on any device.

You can also gain the benefits of hyper-scale cloud with new hybrid scenarios enabled by new Stretch Database technology that
lets you dynamically stretch your warm and cold transactional data to Microsoft Azure in a secured way so your data is always
at hand for queries, no matter the size. In addition, SQL Server 2016 delivers a complete database platform for hybrid cloud,
enabling you to easily build, deploy and manage solutions that span on-premises and cloud.

Gartner, http://www.gartner.com/technology/reprints.do?id=1-237UHKQ&ct=141016&st=sb, October 2014

SQL Server 2016 introduces many new features and enhancements:
• Enhanced in-memory performance provides up to 30x
faster transactions, more than 100x faster queries than
disk-based relational databases and real-time operational
• New Always Encrypted technology helps protect your
data at rest and in motion, on-premises and in the
cloud, with master keys sitting with the application,
without application changes
• Stretch Database technology keeps more of your
customers’ historical data at your fingertips by
transparently stretching your warm and cold OLTP data
to Microsoft Azure in a secure manner without
application changes
• Built-in advanced analytics provide the scalability
and performance benefits of building and running your
advanced analytics algorithms directly in the core SQL
Server transactional database
• Business insights through rich visualizations on
mobile devices with native apps for Windows, iOS and
• Simplified management of relational and nonrelational
data by querying both with T-SQL using PolyBase
• Faster hybrid backups, high-availability and disaster
recovery scenarios to back up and restore your on-
premises databases to Microsoft Azure and place your
SQL Server AlwaysOn secondaries in Azure

Mission-critical application
performance with SQL Server
Today the dramatic shift toward complex, unstructured data types requires organizations to embrace back-end solutions that
support all data sources, while also providing high-performance, mission-critical capabilities.

IT organizations need to balance this amplified importance of data with other pressures, such as globalization, conservative
budgets, and ever-tightening compliance policies and regulations that are increasingly strict in many areas of the world. And
they need to accomplish it all with higher levels of uptime and performance, with layered defenses that provide the utmost

For SQL Server 2016, we are continuing to push the envelope on mission-critical performance with new innovations across
many components covering performance, security, availability and scalability.

Figure 3: An overview of new features coming in SQL Server 2016

Data volume is increasing exponentially, and the ability of today’s analysis and business intelligence tools to derive insight from
that data is more important than ever. Modern database technologies must be able to take advantage of these amplified data
streams across faster, parallel processors and great reservoirs of storage in order for businesses to compete.

With SQL Server 2014 and the upcoming SQL Server 2016, performance is enhanced with a number of new technologies,
including in-memory, query store, JSON, and temporal support, to name a few.

SQL Server’s integrated in-memory toolset goes far beyond isolated features and provides support for improving performance
dramatically in a wide range of scenarios. These technologies include in-memory OLTP, primarily for transactional workloads,
and in-memory columnstore, primarily for decision support workloads (this last one is discussed in the Deeper Insights white

The new query store feature allows you to monitor query plans to optimize them for particular application scenarios, providing
additional performance-tuning opportunities. Native JSON support in the core database engine is another new feature that
provides support for working with schema-free data within SQL Server. The new temporal database features allow you to
record, audit and query data changes over time.

Read on for a deeper dive into each of these evolving capabilities.

In-memory online transaction processing

SQL Server was originally designed when it could be assumed that main memory was very expensive, so data needed to reside
on disk except when it was actually needed for processing. This assumption is no longer valid as memory prices have dropped
enormously over the past 30 years. At the same time, multicore servers have become affordable, so that today one can buy a
server with 32 cores and 1TB of memory for under $50K.

Because of this trend to much more available memory and many more cores, the SQL Server team at Microsoft began building
a database engine optimized for large main memories and many-core CPUs. This increased performance is obtained by making
changes in three main areas compared with the previous disk-based storage for our relational data.

1. Data structures. Completely new data structures have been designed for the rows and indexes of In-Memory
OLTP. These structures are designed with multiversioning in mind, and are also designed to be updateable with
no locking required.

2. No Locking and Latching. Locking is one of the most common causes of long wait times and slow responses
in a multiuser OLTP system. Because of the way the In-Memory OLTP data structures have been designed, no
locking is required for any data manipulation operations. In addition, because data is not read in from disk
into memory buffers, and the rows are not stored on pages, no page latches are needed for In-Memory OLTP
data processing.

3. Native compilation. Even though we talk about “recompiling” for our queries and procedures in SQL Server,
the code is not truly compiled. It is translated into a lower level of code that can be interpreted, but it is
not compiled into machine code. So execution of normal operations on disk-based tables requires line-by-line
interpretation of each operation. But In-Memory OLTP supports natively compiled procedures that can access
memory-optimized tables that will be truly compiled and then loaded as DLLs.

These major changes in data storage and access, plus many smaller changes, including much more efficient log writes, allow the
incredible performance improvements obtained with SQL Server 2014 In-Memory OLTP.

30x performance gains

In-memory technology for SQL Server dramatically improves the throughput and latency of SQL Server OLTP capabilities. It
is designed to meet the requirements of the most demanding transaction processing applications, and Microsoft has worked
closely with a number of companies to prove these gains — Dell has achieved a 9x increase in performance. Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center has cut query times by 75 percent while tripling its data storage from 30 days to 90 days.

We are continuing with our design point of workload optimized in-memory, but now allowing you to gain real-time insights on
operational data with the ability to run a columnar index over your in-memory or on disk row store.

What’s unique here is you can gain the speed of In-Memory OLTP and have the ability to gain operation analytics. Even if you
are not using in-memory you can gain operational insights. Also you can apply our in-memory technology to more of your
applications than ever before with expanded T-SQL surface area support.

For SQL Server 2016, we are still keeping to the workload-optimized approach as customers want to optimize in-memory by
workload. When it comes to In-Memory OLTP you will now be able to apply this tuned transaction performance technology to
a significantly greater number of applications with expanded T-SQL surface area. In addition to providing up 30x performance
gains you will now be able to gain real-time operational insights on your operational data. This data can be in-memory or on

Reduced database size and increased performance: data and backup compression
Many organizations want to increase speed and reliability by putting more data onto specialized disk arrays or a SAN, but often
they are prohibited by the cost of these high-end disk resources. Backup and data compression in SQL Server can free up space
by dramatically reducing the size of databases. Reduced data size also can increase performance. With additional space, more
data can be stored on the SAN. And because storing data on the SAN is more reliable, it also increases availability.

In addition, SQL Server enables data compression for people who use Unicode UCS-2. This capability enables organizations
that have global language sets in their data storage to take advantage of data compression and experience the benefits of

New in SQL Server 2016:

Native JSON support

JSON is the storage format used in several NoSQL engines, including Azure DocumentDB. DocumentDB uses Azure Blob
storage to store schema-less documents but provides a rich SQL query dialect that allows you to conduct SQL queries over the
data contained in the documents.

In addition to DocumentDB, Azure Search also utilizes JSON. Azure Search is a fully managed search solution that allows
developers to embed sophisticated search experiences into Web and mobile applications without having to worry about the
complexities of full-text search and without having to deploy, maintain or manage any infrastructure.

The combination of SQL Server’s new support for JSON with these other Microsoft tools enables many scenarios for moving
data back and forth between relational and schema-less storage and the applications that access such data.

We have added native JSON support in the core database engine so now you have support for schema- free data to tackle
more diverse data types right in SQL Server. We also added temporal database support so you can record, audit and query data
changes over time.

Security and compliance

The security landscape has changed dramatically over the years, but it’s as important as ever. Today organizations must contend
with an explosion in devices and device types, varying network technologies across the world, and data that resides in a
multitude of formats and platforms — including the cloud.

How do you protect data that is constantly in motion? How do you provide the right access to the right people at the right
time? As SQL Server continues to evolve, we’re adding new capabilities to protect data both at rest and in motion, with new
features like Always Encrypted and Row-Level Security. Other new features enhance security in a multitenant environment, with
fine-grain access control based on user attributes such as location, role and more.

With new capabilities for 2016, SQL Server is continuing to evolve to provide the kinds of finely tuned, granular control that
companies need today.

Secure by default: lowering vulnerability

Microsoft and the SQL Server team take security seriously. More than 10 years ago, Microsoft implemented the Trustworthy
Computing initiative. The initiative requires SQL Server engineers to take regular security training and carry that responsibility
for security across their job duties, regardless of the group in which they reside. This companywide discipline to protect security
and privacy was developed to create software that is secure by design — and to reduce by default the overall risks related to

To that end, according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) public security board, SQL Server reportedly
has the lowest number of security vulnerabilities across the major database vendors. In addition, SQL Server has been deemed
“the most secure database” by the Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC).2

Information Technology Intelligence Corp. (ITIC), SQL Server Delivers Industry-Leading Security, September 2012

The ability to encrypt data no matter where it resides and while it’s in transit enables the kinds of anytime, anywhere access that
ensures only the right person with the right credentials can read the data but can do so on any device, virtually anywhere in
the world. SQL Server 2016 will provide a number of enhancements to data encryption that ensure that data is safe no matter
where it goes, but is still consumable by users in today’s dynamic business environment.

For 2016, SQL Server continues to refine the ways in which it can handle and secure sensitive data. These enhancements are
designed to help companies remain agile and competitive, while at the same time maintaining compliance with today’s more
convoluted regulatory landscape.

Transparent Data Encryption

SQL Server’s Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) allows organizations to encrypt data when it is stored on a disk, and decrypt
it when it is read into memory. TDE uses a database encryption key (DEK), which is stored in the database boot record for
availability during recovery. The DEK is a symmetric key secured by using a certificate stored in the master database of the
server or an asymmetric key protected by an EKM module.

Simply put, TDE protects data at rest, meaning the data and log files. This enables software developers to encrypt data by using
AES and 3DES encryption algorithms, without changing existing applications. Encryption and decryption operations are handled
by the database engine in the background. Therefore, organizations do not have to make changes to their applications for SQL
Server to secure their data. Because encryption is built into the database engine, it is transparent to applications and users —
and it is included in SQL Server Enterprise edition.

In addition, extensible key management works with TDE to store encryption keys outside of the database. With extensible key
management, organizations can use a hardware device or a third-party encryption tool to create encryption keys. Storing the
keys separately from the encrypted data makes it even harder for unauthorized users to gain access to encrypted data.

For databases protected by TDE, backups of those databases are also encrypted.

Enhanced in SQL Server 2016:

TDE now supports storage of memory-optimized OLTP Tables. This allows for greater security along with the performance
enhancements provided by memory-optimization.

Dynamic Data Masking limits exposure to sensitive data by obfuscating it for nonprivileged users. This feature enables you to
set up policies at the table and column level that provide multiple masking functions, such as obfuscating the first eight digits
and displaying the last four digits of an ID or credit card number. Once the policies have been set up, these masks are applied in
queries. You can allow certain privileged logins to see the data unmasked.

Backup Encryption
SQL Server has the ability to encrypt the data while creating a backup. By specifying the encryption algorithm and the
encryptor (a certificate or asymmetric key) when creating a backup, you can create an encrypted backup file. On-premises and
Window Azure storage locations are supported. In addition, encryption options can be configured for SQL Server Managed
Backup to Windows Azure operations, a new feature introduced in SQL Server 2014. To encrypt during backup, you must specify
an encryption algorithm, and an encryptor to secure the encryption key. The following are the supported encryption options:

• Encryption algorithm: The supported encryption algorithms are: AES 128, AES 192, AES 256, and Triple DES.

• Encryptor: A certificate or asymmetric key.

Enhanced in SQL Server 2016:

Backup encryption is now supported with compression.

New in 2016: Always Encrypted
SQL Server 2016 introduces several security innovations. Always Encrypted adds a unique capability to have your data
encrypted while at rest and in motion with the ability to query that data while it is encrypted. This is optimal for internal
compliance, especially in regulated industries or for handling very sensitive data, and is accomplished with minimal overhead.
We are calling this capability Transparent Queryable Encryption.

TDE does not prevent a security administrator or DBA from accessing the encrypted data. The new Always Encrypted feature
in SQL Server 2016 protects sensitive data stored in a SQL database from DBAs and other high-privileged yet unauthorized
users. Always Encrypted transparently encrypts data in an Always Encrypted-enabled client driver, before the encrypted data is
uploaded to the database (or transparently decrypts data prior to returning it to the application). SQL Server guarantees that
the data and the corresponding keys are never seen in plain text on the server, yet SQL Server can process queries against the
encrypted data.

Always Encrypted is the first data platform solution on the market providing queryable encryption. SQL Server 2016 supports
deterministic encryption, which allows equality comparisons on encrypted columns. Equality operations include joins, group
by and distinct operators. This will allow encryption of sensitive data such as identification or credit card numbers, which
are typically only involved in lookup operations. All other operations will fail gracefully as unsupported when executed on
encrypted columns. This means, for example, that an application could run a SELECT statement against a particular credit card
number, without any credit card numbers being visible to unauthorized users (even users with SA credentials) (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Queryable encryption with Always Encrypted

Using Always Encrypted with client applications requires very few changes either on the client or the server, so the development
costs to realize the benefits of this feature are minimal. It does require an Always Encrypted-enabled client driver to sit
between the client and the database, though. Whether you are setting up Always Encrypted with a new or existing application,
implementation is straightforward using SSMS or SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and is supported with tools to make the process
as easy as possible.

With new applications, you select the columns to be encrypted and encryption settings, set up the content master key (CMK)
and the content encryption key (CEK) using the key setup tool, and identify any impacts on the schema or application queries
using the schema analysis tool (SSDT only).

With existing applications, the setup additionally requires encrypting the (previously) plain text data in the selected columns.
This can be accomplished in two ways:

4. Creating new, encrypted columns and copying the data from the unencrypted columns, then swapping the old
columns for the new in the schema and recreating any dependencies from the old to the new. This process is
facilitated by the encryption tool.

5. If you are migrating the database to a new target server, you can use the encryption tool in conjunction with
Import/Export to migrate the data into an encrypted column.

New in 2016: Row-Level Security

SQL Server is in the clear leadership position when it comes to security for your mission-critical applications. We are also
delivering what you have been asking for some time, Row-Level Security. Row-Level Security provides fine-grained access
control over rows in a table based upon conditions you set up.

Using RLS, you can store data for different customers, departments
or tenants in the same table, while restricting access to rows based SQL Server is in the clear
on a query’s execution context. RLS works transparently at query
time, with no application changes required. It uses a centralized
leadership position when it
security logic that resides inside the database and is schema-bound comes to security for your
to the table it protects, providing greater security. Implementing RLS
in the database can greatly reduce client application maintenance mission-critical applications.
and complexity.

In RLS, you first create a predicate function that encapsulates your

access logic. This is simply a user-defined, inline table-valued function that implements the security logic. It can be as simple
or complex as you need it to be and it can reference as many tables as needed. The predicate function filters the rows that any
given user can access.

For example, imagine a function allows hospital staff to access rows in a patient table only where there is a match between the
staff member’s assigned hospital wings and the dates that they were assigned to each wing. RLS will allow the hospital to create
a security policy that binds the search function to one or more tables. Once bound to the table, all access to the table is routed
through the security policy. So a staff member who queries patients would only see those patients who were in her wing during
the time she was assigned to that wing.

Built-in tools for enabling compliance: SQL Server audit tools

Database auditing is built into SQL Server to make auditing easy because it is continually available, and to help organizations
audit database activities, including database reads, with minimal impact to performance. As compliance policies get increasingly
tighter, organizations can use built-in tools such as the following:

• SQL Server Audit (all editions): Enables organizations to extend the benefits of SQL Server Audit from
Enterprise edition to all SQL Server editions. This extensibility allows for more thorough auditing practices
across SQL Server databases, and it enables standardization, better performance and richer features.

• User-Defined Audit: Allows the middle-tier application to write custom events into the audit log, which enables
more flexibility to store audit information.

• Audit Filtering: Provides greater flexibility to filter unwanted events in an audit log.

• Audit Resilience: Gives the ability to recover auditing data from temporary file and network issues to help
ensure that audit logs are not lost during failover.

Today’s world of business spans geographies and time zones. In this 24/7 environment, there are no longer any acceptable
windows for downtime. Simply put, companies need their apps up and running. SQL Server continues to refine its availability
features to provide mission-critical uptime, fast failover, improved manageability, and better use of hardware resources.

Already known for rock-solid, reliable performance, SQL Server is getting new features in the coming months that will make it
more dependable than ever. AlwaysOn continues to get better and more powerful with every release, and SQL Server 2016 adds
significant new enhancements to AlwaysOn. SQL Server 2016 also adds better load balancing, resolves compatibility issues with
Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) and SSIS, and provides new features for flexible and efficient backups.

Introduced in SQL Server 2012, AlwaysOn maximizes the availability of
a set of user databases for an enterprise. SQL Server 2014 expanded
on those capabilities by delivering an integrated and enhanced
high-availability and disaster recovery solution that provides
redundancy within and across datacenters to help enable fast failover
of applications during planned and unplanned downtime. AlwaysOn
delivers a suite of capabilities rolled into a single solution.

We continue to work to make AlwaysOn better and more powerful

with every release, and SQL Server 2016 will deliver even more from
this powerful feature. The next version of SQL Server will support
up to three synchronous replicas, as well as readable asynchronous
replicas. These replicas can exist in different domains and be either
on-premises or on Azure virtual machines. We have also added in
better load balancing of replicas using a round-robin methodology,
and the Distributed Transaction Coordinator allows you to synchronize
transactions across different databases, especially beneficial to
customers with IBM, Oracle and SQL, for example, who want to
replicate transactions across their distributed systems.

For 2016, we are enhancing the high-availability and scalability

capabilities of Standard Edition by adding AlwaysOn basic for two-
node failover and removing core and memory restrictions. However,
all of the in-memory, security and enhanced HA capabilities are only
included in Enterprise Edition.
Figure 5: Unified high-availability solution

SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups is a high-availability and disaster recovery solution that provides an enterprise-
level alternative to database mirroring. Availability Groups are an integrated set of options that include automatic and manual
failover of a group of databases, support for as many as eight secondary replicas (“secondaries”), faster failover for applications,
and automatic page repair. Each availability group is a container for a discrete set of user databases known as availability
databases that fail over together. An availability group can have many possible failover targets (secondary replicas). Moreover,
organizations can easily configure secondary replicas to support read-only access to secondary databases and back up
secondary databases. The addition of Availability Groups removes the requirement of shared disk storage such as storage area
network (SAN) or network-attached storage (NAS) for deployment of a Failover Cluster Instance.

SQL Server AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances enhance SQL Server Failover Clustering and support multisite clustering
across subnets, which helps enable failover of SQL Server instances across datacenters. Faster and more predictable failover of
instances is another key benefit that helps ensure faster recovery of applications. By supporting Windows Server Cluster Shared
Volumes, AlwaysOn further improves use and management of SAN storage through increased resilience of storage failover and
avoidance of the drive-letter limitation in SAN.

SQL Server AlwaysOn Multiple, Active Secondaries enables use of as many as eight secondary instances for running report
queries (many times faster than replication) and backup operations, even in the presence of network failures, which helps in
repurposing idle hardware and improving resource utility. It also helps to dramatically improve performance for both primary
and secondary workloads because they are no longer competing for resources.

SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups Listener enables faster failover in client connections for AlwaysOn in scenarios
that employ multiple subnets. Now, client applications can achieve failover across multiple subnets (as many as 64) almost as
fast as they can achieve failover within a single subnet. Meanwhile, the ability to set the connection from within applications to
read-only (instead of read and write) empowers organizations to control the type of workloads that run on their high-availability
servers, so they can more efficiently manage their resources.

SQL Server AlwaysOn to Azure Virtual Machine enables organizations to add secondary replicas in an Azure Virtual Machine
through the Add Azure Replica Wizard. They can then use this replica for disaster recovery, reporting and backup operations.
This configuration can lower capital expenses by eliminating the need to purchase additional hardware for AlwaysOn

Enhanced in SQL Server 2016:

Enhanced AlwaysOn
SQL Server 2016 makes major improvements in AlwaysOn in the areas of scalability and manageability. For scalability, SQL
Server 2016 adds in load balancing of readable secondaries. This allows you to define one or more groups of readable
secondaries to load balance. Connections are assigned round-robin to members of the group.

Figure 6: AlwaysOn — readable secondary load balancing

This version also increases the number of auto-failover targets from two to three. Finally, log transport performance has been
improved. With In-Memory OLTP and other technologies pushing database speeds, the high-availability pipeline becomes more
critical. SQL Server 2016 offers improvements in both throughput and latency.

Manageability has also been improved in several areas with SQL Server 2016, including support for Distributed Transaction
Coordinator (DTC) — enrolled transactions for Availability Group (AG) databases. DTC resources are tied to the database instead
of the instance so, on failover, the DTC sees the same resource on the new primary, and transaction outcomes can be resolved.

Another manageability improvement is database-level health monitoring. In SQL Server 2014, AG health only monitors the
health of the instance. A database can be offline or corrupt, but as long as the instance itself is healthy, SQL Server won’t trigger
a failover. SQL Server 2016 allows you to optionally change the health monitoring to also consider the health of the databases
in the AG.

Group managed service accounts (GMSA) are another manageability improvement. GMSAs are domain-level accounts that
are automatically managed. These are similar to the default service account, but with a domain scope. This enables setting
permissions for network resources across the AG instances without requiring user accounts.

Whether it’s running analytics on huge datasets or running a retail site on Black Friday, today’s business environment demands
scalability. The interaction between SQL Server and Windows Server is an area that can lead to large improvements in scalability,
and SQL Server can take advantage of the full feature set in Windows Server for a number of areas.

From advancements in compute, to storage and networking,

all have a direct impact on mission-critical SQL Server
workloads. With SQL Server and Windows Server, physical Whether it’s running analytics
processing now scales up to 640 logical processors, and
virtual machines scale up to 64 logical processors. SQL on huge datasets or running a
Server also utilizes storage spaces and network virtualization
to optimize resources in new ways. A number of other tools
retail site on Black Friday, today’s
and techniques can help boost scalability as well. business environment demands
SQL Server also has several enhancements that can make scalability.
setting up a private cloud much easier. In addition, SQL
Server is integrated into Microsoft’s Cloud Platform System,
discussed below, which provides new possibilities for scaling
a private cloud very quickly.

The in-memory columnstore index is the standard for storing and querying large data warehousing fact tables. It uses
column-based data storage and query processing to achieve up to 10x query performance gains in your data warehouse over
traditional row-oriented storage, and up to 10x data compression over the uncompressed data size. This very high level of data
compression can reduce your data warehouse storage cost significantly. Plus, for analytics they offer an order of magnitude
better performance than a btree index. They are the preferred data storage format for data warehousing and analytics

Starting with SQL Server 2016 Community Technology Preview 2 (CTP2), you can use columnstore indexes for real-time analytics
on your operational workload.

Reasons why columnstore indexes are so fast:

• Columns store values from the same domain and commonly have similar values, which results in high
compression rates. This minimizes or eliminates IO bottleneck in your system while reducing the memory
footprint significantly.

• High compression rates improve query performance by using a smaller in-memory footprint. In turn, query
performance can improve because SQL Server can perform more query and data operations in-memory.

• Batch execution improves query performance, typically 2 to 4x, by processing multiple rows together.

• Queries often select only a few columns from a table, which reduces total I/O from the physical media.

The cloud and mission-critical systems
There is no question the cloud is here to stay, and will only become more central to the way organizations operate in the future.
As companies look to move more data to the cloud, SQL Server is evolving with new capabilities to facilitate the move, and
keep data safe, no matter where it resided.

New tools in SQL Server and Microsoft Azure make it even easier to scale to the cloud; to build patching, backup and disaster
recovery solutions; and to access resources wherever they are — on-premises, private cloud or public cloud.

These tools provide an easy on-ramp to the cloud for on-premises SQL Server databases, enabling customers to use their
existing skills to take advantage of Microsoft global datacenters. This is achieved by an architecture that was designed to
facilitate hybrid solutions, while also maintaining simplicity in common tasks and providing a set of consistent tools that work in
a similar manner whether operating on-premises or in the cloud.

Traditional bare-metal deployment

Despite massive improvements in virtualization technology in the past 10 years, the fact remains that there is still a significant
performance penalty for virtualizing
certain workloads. Large, complex,
and mission-critical online
transactional processing systems
(OLTP) remain the province of
massive, dedicated servers that have
the operating system and database
platform installed directly “on the

In situations where the ability to scale

up matters and every bit of extra
performance counts, organizations
need to retain this capability.
These situations usually involve
organizations that need to extract
the most performance possible out
of, in many cases, some of the largest
server machines money can buy. As
a consequence, applications typically
have specific server hardware
dedicated to their operation.

A key benefit of running significant dedicated hardware resources is that there are many opportunities for advanced physical
tuning. The most significant area for a database deployment such as SQL Server is the physical configuration of the storage
subsystem. The ability to perform physical tuning is something organizations lose when they move to a purely cloud

Hybrid solutions
The concept of hybrid cloud recognizes that organizations typically have a portfolio of different applications deployed across
their business and a breadth of environments with unique requirements. Some applications require detailed and complex
hardware configurations that defy deployment into the type of commoditized, “one-size-fits-all” environment offered by cloud
computing. Equally, there are workloads in many businesses that are extremely compelling for massive-scale public clouds —
it can be economically infeasible to allocate sufficient levels of hardware for applications that experience massive peaks and
troughs in demand.

Thus, as organizations look to take advantage of cloud computing, the availability of cloud-enabled database systems will be
critical to their success. SQL Server allows the hybrid IT vision to gain leverage and makes it available across the spectrum of
deployment approaches that organizations adopt today (Figure 7).

Figure 7: Modern IT departments can meet business needs through a combination of on-premises and cloud-hosted delivery

The Microsoft goal for hybrid cloud is to offer organizations breadth of choice in how and where they run their applications,
while at the same ensuring they can use a common set of server products, tools and expertise across a portfolio of solutions
(Figure 8).

Figure 8: Each approach to database deployment brings unique benefits and challenges — organizations increasingly are moving workloads to
the cloud

Cloud deployment: public cloud and private cloud
While a private cloud may have all the characteristics of a public cloud, that does not necessarily mean it must have all of those
characteristics. For example, many private clouds do not implement a full chargeback accounting mechanism. Nevertheless, as
organizations mature their private cloud strategy, the service and service levels offered by private clouds begin to align more
closely with those offered by public cloud providers.

Pooled and virtualized resources

Server virtualization underpins both private and public cloud environments. However, a cloud-based approach to computing
requires more than just the mere virtualization of workloads. Many on-premises virtualization environments have specific
application targets. Though the environment is virtualized, applications must run on specific, dedicated server hosts. In some
cases, this is by technical necessity; in others, because a particular department “owns” that node. A cloud environment is
predicated on the pooling of hardware resources, and while virtualization is a key to pooling capacity, it is not enough in and of

Pooling is the mechanism by which resources are aggregated and then made available as a homogenous pool of capacity
capable of running any workload. Workloads that run in a pooled cloud environment are agnostic as to the physical hardware
on which they are actually deployed.

Because of the advanced physical tuning required, the Tier-1 workloads discussed above are a pooling anti-pattern. For
example, a SQL Server workload that requires a particular approach to physical tuning and certain hard drive spindle layouts
could be virtualized, but does not lend itself to the use of pooled resources because it has unique resource demands that are
unlikely to be demanded by other applications. Put those specific spindle configurations into a pool, and chances are nobody
else will want to use them.


Elasticity refers to the ability of the cloud to respond to peaks and troughs in demand. Many business processes are seasonal
in nature. For example, during the annual haymaking process, most farmers bring in outside contractors with the necessary
machinery to make hay because it is uneconomical to have the requisite large tractors and hay balers lying idle for most of
the year. Information technology workloads also are highly seasonal, yet the machinery deployed to support them is typically
purchased in sufficient capacity to meet the peak load and “stored in the shed” for the remaining time.

A typical example of a seasonal workload is the sale of tickets for sporting and cultural events. When a large event goes on
sale, the number of customers seeking tickets can, in many cases, outstrip supply. Historically, customers would camp all night
outside the ticketing office to obtain their tickets. In the online world, this natural queuing mechanism breaks down, and
instead prospective event-goers swarm the virtual ticketing office, often overloading it.

Because cloud resources are both generic and pooled, it is easy to justify having spare capacity. Cloud providers, whether public
or private, typically try to have a portion of their capacity available at all times to deal with peaks. Public clouds are at a distinct
advantage here. Because public clouds operate at massive scale, with thousands of customers accessing their pooled resources,
they are able to maintain significantly more absolute headroom than a smaller private cloud: One percent of a 100-server
cloud does not permit much of a spike in load, whereas 1 percent of a 10,000-server cloud does. Elasticity is the most difficult
cloud characteristic to achieve in a private datacenter because it requires an organization to have capacity lying idle. However,
avoiding idleness is usually a key justification for cloud-based deployment in the first place.

Some workloads are not feasible in a private cloud environment. A good test of a cloud’s caliber is to ask the question, “How
many times more capacity does the cloud have deployed than my expected elastic demand?” Capacity should be measured in
orders of magnitude and not just mere multiples. If you expect to need tens of servers on a burst basis, then look for a cloud
that has at least thousands of nodes.

Private cloud

Self-service in cloud computing addresses two complementary goals. First, it helps to further drive down the costs of providing
the service by reducing or eliminating the labor typically required to provision resources. Second, if done well, it is a measure
that benefits users by providing self-service capability.
Cloud consumers are empowered to directly access
resources. There is no complicated approval process and no
need to wait for the request to become a business priority With SQL Server 2016 Stretch
for IT administrators.
Databases, you can stretch an
A cloud environment gives users delegated rights to
provision resources on demand from the pool. It ensures
on-premises table to Microsoft
that users’ workloads cannot interfere with other workloads Azure transparently for near-
and that users may only provision resources up to the
capacity level to which they are entitled (or in the case of a infinite capacity with low TCO
public cloud, the limit their credit limit extends to). Self-
service drives business agility by allowing organizations
to try new things and reach new markets quickly. Whether
in a private cloud inside the enterprise or out in Azure,
applications can be taken from development to production
much more quickly than through other deployment approaches.

New in SQL Server 2016:

Stretch Databases
Data is continuously growing at a high rate, and users generally want to retain all data — including closed business (archive/
cold) data — for many possible reasons, such as these:

• Regulatory compliance (for example, taxes)

• Audit (for example, fraud investigation)

• Planning (for example, comparing past results)

• Nature of business (for example, retailer transaction details history)

• Inability to determine with certainty what can be safely deleted (for example, what might a government agency
or major institutional investor ask for?)

Traditional archiving solutions typically require third-party software and a completely different data store and application to
access. Some archiving solutions depend on backups or offline storage. These may be acceptable for some environments, but
many enterprises want their archive stored where the data was born. They also want it accessible using the same application, as
needed, without having to wait for the data to be restored or brought online.

With SQL Server 2016 Stretch Databases, you can stretch an on-premises table to Microsoft Azure transparently for near-infinite
capacity with low TCO storage. Applications continue to work without code changes; existing database administrator (DBA)
skills and processes remain relevant; and developers can continue using current tools and APIs. With Stretch Databases, you
do not have the complexity or costs associated with managing external archiving and hardware. Stretch Databases is a unique
feature that solves these common problems.

Stretch Databases can help you selectively begin migrating data to the cloud as needed. It can also help enhance existing
applications and facilitate DBA tasks, especially on larger databases.

Figure 9: The Stretch Databases feature migrates selected data to the cloud from on-premises SQL Server

Always Encrypted
Always Encrypted adds a unique capability to have your data encrypted while at
rest and in motion with the ability to query that data while it is encrypted. This is
optimal for internal compliance, especially in regulated industries or for handling
very sensitive data, and is accomplished with minimal overhead.
The new Always Encrypted feature in SQL Server 2016 protects sensitive data
stored in a SQL database and in the cloud. Always Encrypted transparently
encrypts data in an Always Encrypted-enabled client driver, before the encrypted
data is uploaded to the database (or transparently decrypts data prior to
returning it to the application). SQL Server guarantees that the data and the
corresponding keys are never seen in plain text on the server, yet SQL Server can
process queries against the encrypted data.
Always Encrypted is the first data platform solution on the market providing
queryable encryption. SQL Server 2016 supports deterministic encryption, which
allows equality comparisons on encrypted columns. This will allow encryption of
sensitive data such as identification or credit card numbers, which are typically
only involved in lookup operations. Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is applied
at rest, in transit, and in use by selective encryption of individual columns in
a table with keys that are never given to the database system or cloud service

Comparing the cost
of mission-critical capabilities
In a technology landscape where organizations expect vendors to intuitively know what “mission critical” means and to provide
easy and cost-effective solutions, Microsoft answers these expectations with enterprise-class tools and abilities that are built
into database technology — without the need to purchase costly add-ons. SQL Server delivers the mission-critical capabilities
required by organizations to compete in a dynamic digital world. The features discussed in this paper are all included in SQL
Server Enterprise Edition and don’t require costly options to deliver a complete and modern database solution.

Expecting the fundamentals

Many legacy vendors deliver limited functionality in their premium editions and only provide mission-critical requirements
through additional options or feature packs. Examples of additional options are security features, high-availability, performance
and spatial capabilities. Organizations have evolved — and it’s no longer optional for vendors to ensure enterprise-grade
security features, availability, performance, or support for complex data types, to name a few.

Just like home buyers expect a roof, windows and doors to be included in their purchase, an organization can expect an
enterprise-class database to include built-in availability, performance and security features. Figure 11 shows the difference
between two similar database solutions, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database, with the budget impact of adding options
to arrive at a similar end state.

Figure 10: SQL Server and Oracle Database compared

Understanding options
Table 1 highlights the options required across the major database management system (DBMS) vendors to meet mission-critical
needs in modern organizations. What used to be optional is more often required by organizations to meet the new standard
in mission-critical operations. It is easy to see how achieving mission-critical readiness by adding options or feature packs can
dramatically change the total cost of a database solution.

Microsoft SQL Server Oracle Database
(all options not shown)
Enterprise Edition base license $27,496 $95,000
(includes 1-year support)
Data availability Included $11,500 (Active Data Guard)

$23,000 Total
Performance and scale Included $11,500 (Advanced Compression)

$23,000 (Database In-Memory)

$11,500 (Partitioning)

$11,500 (Real Application Testing)

$7,500 (Diagnostics Pack)

$5,000 (Tuning Pack)

$140,000 Total
Enterprise security Included $15,000 (Advanced Security)

Free Download $11,500 (Label Security)

$53,000 Total
Any data, built-in Included $17,500 (Spatial & Graph)

$35,000 Total
Total cost $27,496 $346,000

Table 1: Comparison of mission-critical solutions from Microsoft and Oracle

Note Microsoft prices are based on estimated retail price. All Microsoft and Oracle prices are per-processor (based on a quad
core Intel Xeon processor) database pricing for purchases within the United States and are in U.S. dollars. Pricing is based on
information available on vendor websites. Oracle prices are based on the Oracle Technology Global Price List, April 9, 2015.

In addition to its mission-critical database functionality, SQL Server Enterprise includes a range of capabilities for data
integration, data management, data warehouse, data cleansing, and end-to-end business intelligence. According to the Gartner
Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse and Data Management Solutions for Analytics , Microsoft is positioned as a leader in
bringing enterprise data warehouse platform to companies by product innovation such as in-memory columnstore technology.
In addition, according to the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms, Microsoft is positioned
as a leader in helping organizations to enable broad end-user insight and productivity — balanced with IT oversight through
managed self-service business intelligence tools that work both as standalones and within Microsoft SharePoint. SQL Server
delivers access to these industry-leading business intelligence capabilities, without requiring costly add-ons. With SQL Server,
business intelligence tools are built into the base Enterprise license and are also available in the new Business Intelligence
edition. Organizations also can increase cost-savings through built-in data integration, management and cleansing tools. These
tools enable data quality managers to easily cleanse and manage data through SQL Server Integration Services, Master Data
Management and Data Quality Services. Similar business intelligence and data management tools with other vendors can add
up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional costs.

Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse and Data Management Solutions for Analytics, February 2015
Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms, February 2015

SQL Server delivers a new standard in enabling mission-critical operations — with true enterprise-class availability, performance
and security features built into the solution. Integrated high-availability solutions enable faster failover and more reliable
backups — and they are easier to configure, maintain and monitor, which helps organizations reduce the total cost of ownership
(TCO). SQL Server also delivers mission-critical performance and scale, with predictable performance across server activities
including complex queries, data integration and analysis. Because SQL Server is designed to security standards, it has minimal
total surface area and database software that is inherently more secure. Enhanced security, combined with built-in, easy-to-use
tools and controlled data access, helps organizations meet strict compliance policies. SQL Server supports complex data types
and nontraditional data sources, and it handles them with the same attention — so organizations experience seamless support
for a variety of platforms and heterogeneous environments. Finally, SQL Server delivers mission-critical capabilities at low TCO
— with full enterprise capabilities that are built into the solution, not provided as costly add-ons. Ultimately, organizations can
rely on a comprehensive, integrated solution that helps to contain costs and manage compliance requirements while meeting
the demands of the evolving digital world.

More information
For more information about topics discussed in this white paper, see the SQL Server website at http://www.microsoft.com/en-


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