Burley Tobacco Production Guide - Virginia Tech (Pdfdrive)

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Publication 436-050
Revised 2008
Virginia Tech and Virginia State
Virginia’s Land Grant Universities
in cooperation with
Burley Stabilization Corporation
2008 Burley Tobacco
Production Guide

Prepared By:

Danny R. Peek, Extension Specialist, Tobacco

T. David Reed, Extension Agronomist, Tobacco

Charles S. Johnson, Extension Plant Pathologist, Tobacco

Paul J. Semtner, Extension Entomologist, Tobacco

Carol A. Wilkinson, Associate Professor, Agronomy

We are indebted to the Burley Stabilization Corporation for making the printing
of this publication possible.
The text for this publication was prepared by Margaret J. Kenny.
Design and layout by Mark Chorba

Commercial products are named in this publication for information purposes
only. Virginia Cooperative Extension does not endorse these products and does
not intend discrimination against other products which also may be suitable.

Extension Personnel Working with Burley Tobacco

The following are the county Extension personnel with burley to-
bacco responsibility as of January 1, 2008.

County Name Telephone

Bland Jim Atwell (276) 688-3542

Dickenson Brad Mullins (276) 926-4605
Grayson Kevin Spurlin (276) 773-2491
Lee Harold Jerrell (276) 346-1522
Montgomery Barry Robinson (540) 382-5790
Patrick Travis Bunn (276) 694-3989
Russell Scott Jessee (276) 889-8056
Scott Scott Jerrell (276) 452-2772
Smyth Walter Robinson (276) 783-5175
Washington Phil Blevins (276) 676-6309
Piedmont Counties
Campbell Scott Reiter (434) 332-9538
Charlotte Bob Jones (434) 542-5884
Mecklenburg Taylor Clarke (434) 738-6191
Pittsylvania Stephen Barts (434) 432-7770
Prince Edward (434) 392-4246

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Table of Contents
Transplant Production......................................................... 1
Plant Bed Mechanization.................................................... 2
Varieties ........................................................................... 4
Transplanting and Spacing................................................. 7
Fertilization........................................................................ 9
Topping and Sucker Control................................................ 16
Suggested Topping and Sucker Control Programs............... 17
Greenhouse Management Practices..................................... 23
Tobacco Transplant Production in Outdoor Float Beds......... 31
Float Bed Construction........................................................ 32
Suggested Sizes of Outdoor Float Beds................................ 34
Heating of Outdoor Float Beds............................................. 35
Covers for Outdoor Float Beds............................................. 36
Disease Control for Burley tobacco...................... 37
Disease Control in Tobacco Greenhouses............................. 38
Specific Diseases Important in Virginia............................... 39
Application Methods............................................................ 41
Disease Resistance Levels of Selected Burley Varieties........ 43
Diseases of Tobacco Seedlings ............................................ 44
Field Diseases of Tobacco ................................................... 45

Weed Control in burley tobacco............................... 49

Important Considerations in Herbicide Use......................... 49
Relative Effectiveness of Herbicides for Tobacco................... 52
Weed Control in Burley Tobacco Fields................................ 53

TOBACCO Insect MANAGEMENT....................................... 56

Integrated Pest Management .............................................. 56
Insect Control on Transplants Produced in the Greenhouse 58
Insect Control on Newly Transplanted Tobacco.................... 60
Remedial Control of Insects on Larger Tobacco.................... 65
Insecticide Application Methods.......................................... 71
Insects on Field Tobacco...................................................... 74
Harvesting, curing, stripping, and marketing...... 83

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Agronomic Information 

Agronomic Practices
Danny R. Peek, Extension Specialist, Burley Tobacco
T. David Reed, Extension Agronomist, Tobacco

The production of an ample supply of uniform, healthy plants that
are available reasonably early in the transplanting season is the
first step for a successful crop. The best practice is to produce your
own transplants. Doing so will reduce the likelihood of importing
disease and pest problems onto your farm. The next best alterna-
tive is to buy transplants from someone in your local community.
If you must import transplants, purchase only certified disease-
free transplants.
Below is an outline of plant-bed management practices that have
proven effective over the years. If you follow these suggestions, most
of the risks in plant production should be reduced or eliminated.
1. Locate the bed on a deep, fertile soil with good surface and in-
ternal drainage and a southern or southeastern exposure. The
site should be near an adequate water supply and protected by
windbreaks on the north and west sides.
2. Seed 75 to 100 square yards of plant bed for each acre of to-
bacco to be planted. (Proper plant bed clipping may reduce the
plant bed area needed to 60 to 80 square yards per acre).
3. Prepare a good seedbed. The soil should be well pulverized,
smooth, and free of clods. Avoid flat and saucer-shaped beds. To
assure good surface drainage, use a moldboard plow to break
the beds to the center so that the center of the bed is 2 to 3
inches higher than the surrounding area. In the later stages
of plant-bed preparation, do not use heavy equipment that will
tend to pack the soil.
4. Fumigate soil with methyl bromide when the soil moisture is
right for cultivation and the air temperature is 55ºF or higher,
preferably in the fall.
5. Apply 50 pounds of 12-6-6 fertilizer per 100 square yards and
disc into the top 2 to 3 inches of soil. If extra nitrogen is needed,
you can use 3 to 6 pounds of calcium nitrate (15.5-0-0) per 100
square yards as a top dressing. To avoid plant injury and pos-
sible loss of transplants, do not use organic forms of nitrogen on
plant beds.
6. Sow 1/6 to 1/8 ounce of seed per 100 square yards, cover with
a thin layer of straw, and place cover directly on straw (15 to 20
pounds of straw per 100 square yards).

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

 Agronomic Information

7. In dry weather, frequently water beds covered with porous ma-

terials (Reemay, cotton, etc.). Frequent, light applications dur-
ing the germination period often mean the difference between
a good stand and plant-bed failure. One-fourth inch (about 140
gallons per 100 square yards) every other day should be suffi-
cient for germination and establishment of plants. As the plants
develop in size, about 1/2 inch of water twice a week is usually
adequate. Apply water slowly enough so that it is absorbed and
the force of the water does not dislodge the seedlings. Water
plant beds when the soil is dry, regardless of the temperature.
Plants can perish in cold weather as well as warm weather.
8. Control diseases and insects using only approved chemicals.
9. Consider clipping beds two to four times about five days apart
beginning at a height of 4 inches and ending at a height of 8 inch-
es to improve plant uniformity and/or delay plant growth. Clip
approximately 1/2 inch above the bud of the largest plants.
The lack of sufficient water is perhaps the most frequent cause
of an inadequate plant-bed stand and transplant shortage. Mois-
ture is particularly necessary for seed germination and seedling
establishment. Natural rainfall often is not adequate and must
be supplemented with irrigation to ensure production of adequate
Deficiencies of sulfur or magnesium may be corrected by broad-
casting 5 pounds of Epsom salts per 100 square yards or 3 pounds
per 100 square yards of Sul-Po-Mag. You may also use potassium
sulfate at a rate of 3 pounds per 100 square yards to correct a sul-
fur deficiency. Apply these materials to dry plants and follow with
a light irrigation.


Narrow Raised Plant Beds
A narrow (4 to 6 feet wide) raised plant bed has many advantages
over the more traditional 5-yard-wide bed. The narrow bed facili-
tates the use of tractor-mounted equipment for spraying, clipping,
and undercutting. In addition to reducing labor and increasing
efficiency of transplant production, raised narrow beds are bet-
ter drained and easier to undercut than traditional beds. Raised
beds, which are flat across the top, may be formed with a tilrova-
tor or bedformer. Acceptable raised beds may also be formed by
breaking the bed to the center with a turning plow and disking
with the angle taken out of the back section of the disk.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Agronomic Information 

Mechanical Seeding
Mechanical seeding that will ensure a uniform rate of seed is
becoming more popular in tobacco transplant production. Most
precision seeded beds utilize pelleted or coated seed that can be
metered for specific seed spacing. Commercial seed companies are
now marketing most of the popular varieties as pelleted seed. The
Stanhay Precision planter has been used most frequently and has
given good results.

Clipping Plants
Clipping (removing a portion of the leaves above the bud) has been
shown to increase uniformity among plants and increase the per-
centage of usable plants in a bed. Removing leaves from the larger
plants permits light to penetrate to smaller plants, allowing them
to catch up and produce a higher percentage of desirable plants
in one pulling. Clipping is also a good management tool to salvage
overgrown plants or to hold back the excessive growth of plants in
the bed during adverse field conditions. Two clippings spaced four
to five days apart can delay transplanting by seven to ten days.
You can clip with a modified high suction lawn mower or a tractor-
mounted rotary mower with rear-mounted gauge wheels. Tractor-
mounted mowers work best on narrow (6 feet wide) raised plant
beds, but can be used on wide (15 feet) beds by running one set of
wheels down the center of the bed.
Plants should be clipped when the largest plants reach a height
of 4 inches; repeated clipping can be done four to five days apart.
Care must be taken not to cut the buds off. The mower should
be washed with a 1:1 solution of household bleach and water be-
fore and after each use to minimize the possible spread of virus

Plant Bed Undercutting

Undercutting, a new technique accomplished by pulling a blade
just below the root system of transplants, loosens the soil around
plant roots and makes pulling easier and faster. Research con-
ducted at North Carolina State University by R.C. Long showed
that pulling labor can be reduced by 50 percent to 60 percent on
clipped beds with undercutting. Undercutting is most advanta-
geous on beds with a high percentage of uniform, useable plants;
therefore, plants should be clipped two or three times before un-
dercutting. A narrow plant bed (4 to 6 feet wide) is suggested where
undercutting will be used.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

 Agronomic Information

Danny R. Peek, Extension Specialist, Burley Tobacco
Carol A. Wilkinson, Associate Professor, Agronomy
Selecting the right burley tobacco variety for your farm is one of
the most important decisions you make in producing a profitable
crop. Individual farmers have different requirements for the vari-
ety or varieties grown on their farm. Consider your requirements
for disease resistance, yield potential, ease of growing, maturity,
curing, and market acceptance when selecting a burley tobacco
variety. Another important consideration for growers in the pied-
mont area of Virginia is holding ability. Many of the burley vari-
eties commonly grown in the traditional burley area of Virginia
begin to decline in yield four weeks after topping in the piedmont
area. So a variety that can stand longer from topping to harvest
and continue to increase, and not decrease, in yield is desirable.
The most important factor to consider when selecting a burley to-
bacco variety is the disease history of the farm where tobacco will
be grown. Diseases such as black shank, blue mold, black root
rot, and virus complexes are the diseases that result in the most
significant yield losses for burley tobacco. For all these disease
problems there is some level of varietal resistance. However, no
one variety currently has total resistance to the combination of all
these diseases. Simply selecting a variety based on its yield poten-
tial over another variety could result in disaster.
Black shank is the number one disease to consider when choosing
a variety. If black shank exists in the field tobacco is to be planted
in, select a variety with at least medium resistance. Varietal re-
sistance along with labeled fungicides and crop rotation will help
minimize yield losses to black shank. In the past when selecting
for higher black shank resistance to both race 0 and race 1, va-
rieties sacrificed yield potential. Much of the yield loss due to the
lower yield potential of resistant varieties compared to nonresis-
tant varieties has been eliminated with the recent release of burley
varieties KT 204 LC and KT 206 LC.
KT 206 LC (tested as KTH 2404) was released jointly by the Univer-
sity of Kentucky and the University of Tennessee and offers some
improvements. KT 206 LC has a good disease package and the
best black shank resistance currently available. It has a 10 level
to race 0, indicating no black shank symptoms would be expected
in fields with only race 0 black shank, and a 7 level to race 1. With
many burley-growing areas now reporting the presence of race 1
black shank in combination with race 0, KT 206 LC is expected
to provide good black shank tolerance. In areas with heavy race 1

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Agronomic Information 

black shank pressure, products containing mefenoxam (Ridomil

Gold or Ultra Flourish) are still recommended for KT 206 LC.
KT 206 LC has also shown some tolerance to blue mold. Tolerance
to blue mold is not as good as NC 2002, so KT 206 LC will not be
symptom free. It should be comparable to TN 90 LC in terms blue-
mold tolerance.
N 7371 LC was released by Newton Seeds Inc. in 2007. Early in-
dications are that its resistance to black shank early in the sea-
son may be fair, but preliminary tests indicate that the resistance
does not hold up later in the season. However, results may vary
depending on the predominant black shank race and the weather
during the growing season. N 7371 LC is a late maturing variety
with a high number of long but narrow leaves and is a high-yield-
ing, good-quality variety. Topping may be slower than comparable
varieties due to the smaller upright leaves in the top of the plant
at topping time.
Hybrid 404 LC is expected to be released by Clays Seed Inc. for
the 2008 season. This variety must meet final approval before it
can be officially released. It is described as high yielding, semi-
upright, and medium green in color. In limited testing during
the 2007 growing season, it appeared to hold up very well under
drought conditions. It is reported to have black root rot resistance,
which would make it a better choice than Hybrid 403 LC for sec-
ond-year tobacco. It does not have black shank resistance and
should not be used in fields with a history of black shank. Yield
potential is expected to be similar to Hybrid 403 LC.
HB 3307P LC is expected to be released by F.W. Rickard Seed
Company for the 2008 growing season. This variety must meet
final approval before it can be officially released. HB 3307 PLC is
described as a medium maturity variety with good yield potential
and quality. It is expected to have high resistance to race 0 black
shank and moderate resistance to race 1. It should have moder-
ately high yield.
KT 204 (tested as KTH 2006) was released jointly by the Univer-
sity of Kentucky and the University of Tennessee. It is a moderately
late maturing hybrid with high yield potential. KT 204 has moder-
ately high resistance to black shank, in comparison to other bur-
ley varieties, and is recommended for growers with serious black
shank problems. It has a high level of resistance to black root rot.
KT 204 is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, wildfire, and the virus
complex (potato virus Y, tobacco etch virus, and tobacco vein mot-
tling virus). KT 204 has a higher cured-leaf quality than does KT
200, thus, it would be a better choice for controlling black shank.
KT 204 is not as tolerant to blue mold as is TN 90.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

 Agronomic Information

NC 7 (tested as NC 2001) was developed by North Carolina State

University. It is a moderately high yielding hybrid with resistance
to tobacco mosaic virus, the virus complex, and wildfire. NC 7 has
a high level of resistance to fusarium wilt and black root rot. NC 7
has a high level of resistance to race 0 black shank and a low level
of resistance to race 1 black shank. NC 7 seems to hold up well in
the piedmont area of Virginia compared to many other varieties.
Seed is available from Gold Leaf and Workman Seed Companies.
NC 2002 (tested as DH 6008) was developed by North Carolina
State University. It has moderate yield potential of a high-quality
cured leaf. NC 2002 has good blue mold resistance, very similar
to NC 2000. NC 2002 is late maturing but about five to seven days
earlier than NC 2000. It is susceptible to black shank, the virus
complex, and has a low level resistance to black root rot. It is re-
sistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Seed will be available from F.W.
Rickard Seed Company.
The agronomic characteristics of the burley tobacco varieties test-
ed at the Southwest Virginia Agricultural Research and Extension
Center in 2007 are shown in Table 1. Disease resistance of the
burley varieties is discussed in the disease section of the produc-
tion guide on page 43. For more detailed information on varieties,
contact you local Extension agent.

Table 1. Yield and agronomic data for released varieties tested at the Southwest Virginia
Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Glade Spring, 2007.
Plant Top Leaf
Yield height Leaf Days L W
Cultivar or Line lbs/A inches no. to flower --inches--
KY 14 x L8 LC 3413 48.5 18.6 62 23.0 10.9
HB 3307 LC 3180 48.3 20.4 71 20.2 9.1
TN 90 LC 2981 50.1 19.6 68 20.6 9.4
TN 97 LC 3249 49.9 21.7 69 22.3 9.7
KT 204 LC 3189 50.1 20.8 69 20.1 9.5
KT 206 LC 3275 49.6 23.3 75 21.5 8.9
NC 3 3253 48.4 19.4 70 21.0 9.5
NC 5 3253 47.0 20.1 69 21.2 9.3
NC 6 3205 47.9 17.5 72 20.1 9.4
NC 7 3240 48.2 20.6 77 20.1 9.8
NC 2000 3129 49.9 22.0 77 18.4 8.4
NC 2002 3051 49.1 21.4 69 20.9 9.5
NC BH 129 2925 44.8 18.8 65 22.8 9.6
R 630 LC 2968 50.5 19.9 66 22.5 11.1
R 712 LC 3123 51.3 20.1 67 21.3 10.1
HB04P LC 3162 45.0 18.7 65 24.7 11.7
N 7371 LC 3110 53.9 23.2 77 19.9 8.5
Clay’s 403 LC 3331 45.8 18.7 66 23.3 10.1

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Agronomic Information 


The time of transplanting depends largely upon when the plants
reach transplant size. It is good to plan to have the plants ready for
transplanting about May 15. Early transplanting, before June 1,
is better than a later planting because the moisture conditions for
quick, early growth are usually better. Good stocky plants with a
healthy root system are essential to obtaining a full stand without
replanting. Plants 6 to 8 inches in length with stems about the di-
ameter of a pencil live better and grow more rapidly than smaller
or larger plants.
Using a properly adjusted mechanical setter is highly desirable
and results in a stand with better early growth than a hand-set
stand. Replanting missing plants is usually not an economical
practice if the original stand is 90 percent or more. With a limit on
the pounds of burley that can be marketed, growers should strive
for efficiency and lower cost of production to increase their income.
Under the poundage control program, growers are now permitted
certain practices either were not feasible or not permitted under
the program of acreage control.
Some suggestions which may be helpful are:
1. At transplanting, plan for a 95 percent or better stand without
replanting by setting only strong, stocky plants about 6 inches
long (from ground to bud) and using sufficient water at time of
2. Use a wider spacing. Space plants 18 to 24 inches apart. This
will result in more weight per plant so that fewer plants will need
to be handled at setting, harvesting, and stripping. The acreage
used will need to be slightly larger than that used previously.
3. Plant eight to ten rows and skip one so that a tractor sprayer
may be used to apply any needed insecticides and the sucker
control chemical. This will also facilitate harvesting operations
by permitting easier dispersal of sticks before cutting and more
convenient pick-up of tobacco when housing.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

 Agronomic Information


Row Spacing in Rows (Inches)
Width (Inches) 16 18 20 22 24
42 9334 8297 7467 6788 6222
44 8912 7920 7128 6480 5940
46 8523 7576 6818 6198 5682
48 8167 7260 6534 5940 5445

Yields and values of burley tobacco (from three fertility treatments
with two plant spacings) at the Southwest Virginia Research and
Extension Center.
Plant Yield Value Value
Treatments1 Spacing lb/acre $/Cwt $/acre
150-200-300 18” 2662 117.39 3125
24” 2598 117.51 3053
200-200-300 18” 2634 117.08 3084
24” 2553 117.66 3004
150-200-475 18” 2749 117.35 3226
24” 2573 117.41 3021
Average of 18” 2682 117.26 3145
Average of 24” 2575 117.51 3026
Pounds per acre of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Percent of tobacco by quality, group, and color (as affected by three

fertility treatments with two plant spacings) at the Southwest Vir-
ginia Research Station.

Percent by weight
Plant Quality X&C Poor
Treatments1 spacing 1,2,3 group color
150-200-300 18” 85 61 3
24” 83 43 2
200-200-300 18” 83 45 2
24” 81 43 0
150-200-475 18” 83 60 7
24” 85 57 2

Pounds per acre of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Agronomic Information 

The 18-inch spacing produced a higher acre yield than the 24-
inch spacing at each fertility level, with an average 4.15 percent
increase for the closer spacing. The 18-inch spacing requires 2075
more plants to be produced, transplanted, harvested, housed, and
stripped. As an average of the three fertility levels, plants at the
18-inch spacing returned $37.90 per 100 plants, while plants at
the 24-inch spacing returned $48.63 per 100 plants or 28.31 per-
cent more per plant.
There was a slight trend for tobacco from the 24-inch spacing to
be a little better in value. There was little or no difference in the
percentage of quality tobacco produced from the two spacings, but
there was a slight trend for the tobacco from the wider spacing to
be heavier in body. Tobacco produced from the 24-inch spacing
was slightly better in color.

A tobacco fertilization program should supply the nutrients needed
to produce a good yield of high-quality tobacco and also maintain
and/or build up the nutrient level of the soil. Of the many factors
that influence burley tobacco production, fertilization practices
are among the more important. Fertilizer requirements for burley
tobacco are higher than for most other agronomic crops and you
must give special attention to this phase of production to realize
the highest net profit.

Nutrient Rates
The first step in determining fertilizer needs is a soil test. It will
indicate the level of phosphorus and potassium in the soil and aid
in determining if lime is needed to keep the pH in the desirable
range (6.0 - 6.5) and to supply needed calcium and magnesium.
The Soil Testing Laboratory at Virginia Tech will run a soil test,
for in-state commercial farmers, at no charge, $3.00 for organic
matter, and $3.00 for soluble salts. Soil testing is also available
through commercial laboratories and farm supply dealers. In ad-
dition to results of the soil test, consider the following factors when
determining fertilizer rates:
1. Amount and quality of manure to be applied
2. Stand and growth of legume to be turned under
3. Cropping and fertilizer history of the field
4. Yield and quality of tobacco generally produced on the field

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

10 Agronomic Information

Although the fertilizer program begins with a soil test, it ends with
your experience. Your past results should be a major consideration
when arriving at fertilizer rates.
Because many factors must be considered when making fertilizer
recommendations for a particular field, data in the following table
can be used only as general recommendations for nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P2O5), and potassium (K 2O).

Soil Test Fertilizer Recommendations (lb/A)

Level N P2O5 K2O
L 175-200 150-250 250-350
M 175-200 60-100 200-250
H 175-200 40 100-200
VH 175-200 40 50-100

Nitrogen usually affects the yield and cured-leaf quality of burley

tobacco more than any other nutrient. Failure to apply enough
nitrogen will result in small plants, early firing, and low yield
and quality. Excess nitrogen can cause plants to grow too large
and become difficult to harvest and cure. Present research in-
dicates that a total of 175 to 200 pounds of nitrogen per acre is
necessary to produce high yields of good quality burley tobacco.
The total amount of nitrogen supplied may come from commercial
fertilizer, manure, legumes, and other crop residues. Dairy ma-
nure will normally supply about 5 pounds of available nitrogen per
ton. However, dairy manure should not be applied in excess of 10
tons per acre because of chlorine and soluble salts.

Yield of Burley Tobacco by Nitrogen Rate – Average of 12 Experiments

2004-2006 Tennessee, Virginia, and Kentucky
Preplant Nitrogen (lbs N/acre)
Sidedress 80 160 240
(lbs N/acre) ------------- Yield (lbs/acre)-------------
0 2358 2520 2643
50 2527 2660 2659
100 2648* 2647 2652

*Yields in bold type are not different from each other by statistical tests.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Agronomic Information 11

These results, across a wide variety of soils and growing condi-

tions, show that burley yields top out at no more than 180 pounds
per acre of nitrogen when split into a preplant and sidedress ap-
plication, and at no more than 240 pounds per acre without sid-
edressing. Applying 160 pounds per acre without sidedressing ac-
tually maximized yield in nine out of 12 trials, but in three cases
in wet seasons, the tobacco did respond to an extra 50 pounds
sidedressed. Across all 12 experiments, including some wet years,
there was never a yield response to sidedressing when 240 pounds
of nitrogen were applied preplant. These results are consistent with
university recommendations, especially when the N is partly ap-
plied as a sidedress. In this case, farmers can consistently reach
top yields with less than 200 pounds nitrogen per acre.
Phosphorus is probably the most excessively used nutrient in
tobacco fertilization in Virginia. Repeated applications of larger
quantities of phosphorus than plants can absorb with essentially
no loss from leaching have resulted in a general buildup of this el-
ement. Fertilizer sales indicate that generally about twice as much
phosphorus is used on tobacco as is needed. Based on a summary
of soil analyses of tobacco fields by the Virginia Tech Soil Testing
Laboratory, approximately 88 percent of the soils had a medium
or higher phosphorus level. Present research indicates that 40 to
60 pounds per acre of P2O5 is adequate for tobacco if the soil test
shows phosphorus to be medium or higher.
Potassium probably affects the quality or usefulness of the cured
leaf more than any other element. Potassium is necessary not only
for growth, but it also enhances the burning quality of tobacco.
Potassium promotes the spread, or width, of the leaves and makes
them light bodied. A deficiency of this element will be noticeable
in the growing plant at the leaf tips and margins, which will have
a bronze yellow appearance and tend to turn down or curl under.
The tips of the leaves may deteriorate and fall off in the field, giving
the tobacco a ragged appearance. Tobacco deficient in potassium
is more subject to leaf diseases such as wildfire and brown spot.
The amount of potassium to apply for the burley crop may vary
from about 100 pounds per acre of K 2O for soils testing in the up-
per high range of availability to 300 or more for soils testing in the
low range.
Since high levels of chlorine in tobacco can result in poor curing
and poor leaf characteristics (“wet dog”), you should use nonchlo-
rine sources of potash, i.e. potassium sulfate (0-0-50) or potas-
sium nitrate (13-0-44). Do not use muriate of potash (0-0-60). Do
not apply than 30 pounds of chlorine per acre to burley tobacco.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

12 Agronomic Information

Selecting the Fertilizer Grade

Once the N, P2O5, and K 2O requirements have been determined,
you should consider the options available to supply the required
nutrients at the most economical prices. The following table gives
some of the available fertilizers blended for burley.
Nutrients Contained In:
Amount lbs/A
Analysis lbs N P2O5 K2O
5-10-15 1000 50 100 150
8-16-24 1000 80 160 240
10-6-18 1000 100 60 180
11-6-20 1000 110 60 200
34-0-0 100 34 0 0
16-0-0 100 16 0 0
15-0-14 100 15 0 14
13-0-44 100 13 0 44

The analysis of a fertilizer gives the percentage of nitrogen, phos-

phorus (P2O5), and potassium (K 2O) contained in the material.
The analysis determines the amount of nutrients supplied. For
example, a 5-10-15 supplies 5 pounds of nitrogen, 10 pounds of
phosphorus (P2O5), and 15 pounds of potassium (K 2O) for each
100 pounds of fertilizer. Custom blended fertilizer materials are
available in most areas and can be used to meet fertility needs
more precisely. By shopping for the best price, you can obtain a
less costly fertilizer program.

Transplant Starter Solutions

Using soluble fertilizer materials in the transplant water has his-
torically resulted in reductions in plant stand and stunted growth.
The probability of such an effect is great enough to discourage
the use of starter solutions. If any benefit is to be expected from
their use, it would be the ready availability of phosphorus to the
transplant when soil availability may be lacking. This would be
most important in years with a cool, wet spring. In recent years,
new materials with relatively high phosphorus levels have become
available. In 1993, a study evaluated five of the many products
available. The study evaluated starter fertilizers using both plant
bed- and greenhouse-grown transplants. Treatments tested in-
cluded the following.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Agronomic Information 13

Trt No. Product Analysis Application rate

1 Untreated ----- ----
2 Exceed 10-10-10 2 qts/a
3 Jump-Start 8-31-4 2 qts/a
4 Charge 8-32-5 2 qts/a
5 Pro-Sol 10-52-8 10 lbs/a
6 Miller 12-48-8 10 lbs/a

The products tested differ in analysis (N:P:K) and no attempt was

made to apply similar nutrient levels with each product. Products
were applied at labeled rates; and therefore, nutrient levels are not
equal among the treatments.
Measurement of plants in the field indicated that Treatments 3
through 6 (high P) resulted in more rapid early-season growth
than observed with the low P fertilizer (Treatment 2) or untreated
plants (Treatment 1). As plants neared topping stage, differences
between the treatments tended to diminish. However, plants in
Treatments 3 through 6 did come into top earlier than those in
Treatments 1 and 2. There was no apparent difference in the re-
sponse of plant bed- and greenhouse-grown transplants to the fer-
tilizers. Research conducted previously has shown the benefit of
available P on early-season growth; however, no benefit has been
observed in the final yield of the crop. Such was the case with this
study. There was no significant difference in the yield of any of
the treatments for both plant bed and greenhouse transplants, re-
gardless of the observed early-season growth effects (see Table 7).

Table 7. Topping and yield data for six transplant water treatments applied to plant bed-
and greenhouse-float transplants, Southern Piedmont AREC, 1993.

Percent of plants
Starter topped by July 19 Yield (lbs/a)
Fertilizer GH PB GH PB
Untreated 33 30 3456 3471
Exceed 23 30 3365 3400
Jump-Start 69 88 3094 3424
Charge 59 64 3440 3525
Pro-Sol 81 88 3122 3399
Miller 86 59 3169 3356
GH = greenhouse and PB = plant bed grown transplants

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

14 Agronomic Information

A liming program, based on a soil test, should be a part of the
overall management program for burley tobacco production. Ac-
cording to a summary of soil analyses from the Virginia Tech Soil
Testing Laboratory, approximately 31 percent of the tobacco fields
in Virginia need liming. With the shift to higher analysis fertilizer
grades containing less lime filler, there is a greater need to supply
calcium and magnesium through a liming program. Calcium and
magnesium can be obtained at a lower cost from lime than from
The desirable pH range for burley tobacco in Southwest Virginia
is 5.8 to 6.2. Applying dolomitic lime when needed will lower soil
acidity (raise pH) and reduce the exchangeable aluminum, which
can be toxic to plants. Increasing the soil pH will also reduce the
available manganese contained in the soils. The efficiency of plant
uptake and use of phosphorus and other nutrients is increased
when soils are properly limed. Since limestone contains magne-
sium and/or calcium, these nutrients are increased as lime is ap-
plied. The approximate amounts of limestone to attain a pH of
6.2 (on unlimed sandy, loamy, and clayey soils) are shown in the
following table:
Approximate Amounts of Limestone to Attain a Desired pH of 6.2
pH of Soil Type
Unlimed Soils Sandy Loamy Clayey
--------Lime, Tons/Acre--------
5.0 2.50 3.25 3.75
5.4 1.50 2.0 2.5
5.8 0.75 1.00 1.25

Lime should be applied as indicated by a soil sample. Tobacco

fields should not be overlimed because of the possibility of increas-
ing certain disease problems (black root rot and black shank) and
causing an imbalance of certain micronutrients such as boron.
Manganese Toxicity
Acid soils increase the availability of manganese. This element,
though essential for plant growth, may be taken up in sufficient
amounts to be toxic to the plants. There usually is no trouble with
manganese toxicity when the acidity level is pH 5.5 or higher, but
it can be expected to occur if the soil reaction drops to pH 5.2 or
Under conditions of manganese toxicity, the leaves of the plants
take on a light greenish yellow to a pale white, mottled appearance

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Agronomic Information 15

with dark green areas along the

veins. The leaves also may ap-
pear to have a hard, semi-glossy
surface. If the condition is not
severe, the plants may seem to
fully recover and return to nor-
mal appearance. Applying lime
as a sidedressing cannot be ex-
pected to correct the trouble for
the immediate crop.
Figure 1. Manganese toxicity in burley tobacco

Secondary Elements and Micronutrients

In addition to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, burley tobac-
co requires sulfur, calcium, and magnesium to produce normal
Sulfur is amply supplied to tobacco as a naturally occurring ele-
ment in the soil, as a constituent of rain water, and as a chemical
compound used in the preparation of fertilizers.
Land that has recently been limed to reduce soil acidity and has
a pH between 5.5 and 6.0 should contain sufficient calcium for
burley tobacco. It is not necessary to supply additional calcium in
the form of fertilizer.
Since most tobacco fertilizers contain magnesium and nearly all
ground limestone contains some magnesium, this element is usu-
ally supplied in adequate amounts through the normal fertilizing
and liming practices.
Other elements needed in very minute amounts are boron, zinc,
manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum, and chlorine. The soil
types on which burley is produced contain these elements to some
degree, and the recommended pH level favors their availability to
the plant. Also, fertilizers contain varying quantities of these ele-
ments. There is no evidence at this time to indicate that the appli-
cation of micronutrients should become a general practice in the
fertilization of burley tobacco.

Method of Application
On a fertile soil, it makes little difference whether subsequent fer-
tilizer applications are plowed under or broadcast and disked-in
after plowing. Row applications in excess of 500 pounds per acre
of high-analysis mixed fertilizer should not be used because of the
danger of root injury.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

16 Agronomic Information

Sidedressing burley tobacco is not generally recommended. How-

ever, sidedressing will be beneficial when nitrogen or potassium
deficiency symptoms appear early in the season because of exces-
sive rainfall or lack of fertilization before planting. Use about 50
pounds of nitrogen and/or 100 pounds of potash per acre, incor-
porated into the soil by cultivation.

Foliar Fertilization
Using water-soluble fertilizers as a foliar application has not been
proven to increase yields. Research from the University of Ken-
tucky showed no advantage other than greening up the crop.


Research has shown that burley tobacco benefits from early top-
ping before the development of the full flower stage. Generally,
you should try to top tobacco at the elongated-bud to early-flower
stage. Allowing a crop to reach full flower throughout an entire
field before topping results in reduced yield of a lower quality to-
bacco, more difficult sucker control, increased likelihood of plants
blowing over in the wind, and decreased drought tolerance. Suck-
ers greater than one inch long should be removed at topping.

Chemical Sucker Control

Three types of chemicals are currently available for sucker con-
trol. Growers must have a basic understanding of how the various
chemicals work in order to use them successfully.
1. Contacts (fatty alcohols) quickly kill suckers by burning and
must come in direct contact with the sucker buds to be effec-
tive. Suckers should turn brown within an hour after contact
application. It requires a sufficiently concentrated solution of
contact material to obtain adequate sucker control. Use a 4-
percent solution or 2 gallons in 48 gallons of water.
2. Systemic chemicals or maleic hydrazide (MH) restrict sucker
growth physiologically by stopping cell division. The only growth
made after MH is applied is in the expansion of cells already
present in the plant. Maleic hydrazide should be applied as a
course spray to the upper 1/3 of the plant. MH should be ap-
plied in a total spray volume of 50 gallons per acre.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Agronomic Information 17

3. The local systemic (Prime+ and Butralin) stops cell division in

a localized area and must wet the sucker buds in each leaf axil
to be effective. Prime+ has no true contact activity and does
not turn the sucker black. Treated suckers will have a yellow,
deformed appearance.


The following topping and sucker control programs may be

Program I. Early Topping with Contact and Systemic

1. Apply a contact sucker control at a 4-percent concentration (2
gallons in 48 gallons of water or 5 ounces in 1 gallon of water)
when plants reach the button stage.
2. A labeled rate of MH should be applied one week later. Alterna-
tives to MH alone include:
• A tank mix of Prime+ or Butralin at 2 quarts per acre with
1 to 2 gallons per acre of MH or 4 fluid ounces of Prime+ or
Butralin and 16 fluid ounces of MH in 3 gallons of water.
• FST-7 alone at 3 gallons per acre or tank mixed with Prime+
or Butralin (FST-7 is a commercial product combining MH
with contact fatty alcohol).

Program II. Late Topping with MH Alone

Apply a labeled rate of MH when plants are in the elongated button
to full flower stage. Remove all suckers greater than one inch long.
Alternatives to MH alone include:
• A tank mix of Prime+ at 2 quarts per acre with 1 to 2 gallons
per acre of MH.
• FST-7 alone at 3 gallons per acre or tank mixed with Prime+
(FST-7 is a commercial product combining MH with contact
fatty alcohol).

Program III. Prime+/Butralin Individual Plant Method

Apply Prime+ with a dropline, backpack, or jug when plants reach
the elongated-bud stage. Usually two or three trips are required
to remove tops and treat all plants in the field. Individual plants
should not be treated more than once. You must comply with
all label directions regarding worker protection standards

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

18 Agronomic Information

Precautions with contacts:

1. Apply when suckers are small (not over one inch long).
2. Never spray foam from tank; this will burn plants.
3. Do not spray extremely succulent tobacco (tobacco with a light
green to creamy white bud area). This indicates a fast rate of
4. Rain within an hour after application of contacts may reduce
their effectiveness.
5. Avoid weak solutions of product (see Table 5). Contact solutions
should be at least a 4-percent concentration in order to kill
both primary and secondary suckers. It may be necessary to
increase the concentration to 5 percent when applications are
made under cool, overcast weather conditions.

Precautions with local systemics:

1. Rain occurring within 2 hours after spraying may reduce
2. Applications to leaning plants, wet plants, or wilted plants may
reduce effectiveness.
3. Applications made before the elongated-button stage of growth
may result in chemical topping or distortion of leaves that were
too immature at time of application.
4. If suckers are not contacted by the material, they will grow
vigorously and become very large.
5. Prime+ carryover residues may injure small grain and corn
and have been reported to stunt early season growth of to-
bacco when used with dinitroaniline herbicides such as Prowl.
A number of precautions have been added to the Prime+ label
to apprise growers and applicators of the potential carryover
and subsequent stunting of rotational crops that can occur if
Prime+ is applied excessively. Fall disking and deep tillage are
suggested to minimize this potential.

Precautions with systemics:

1. Do not apply during the hot part of the day when stomata are
closed and leaves are wilted.
2. Rain within six hours after application of MH may reduce its
effectiveness. Recent research by Seltmann in North Carolina
showed that if a significant rain occurs more than three hours
after application, only a half rate of MH should be reapplied to
maintain good sucker control.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Agronomic Information 19

Butralin is a local systemic material, similar to Prime+ in chemis-
try and use. The current label allows butralin to be applied with a
boom type sprayer, knapsack, or jug application. Butralin should
be mixed at 1.7 fluid ounces per gallon of water. One gallon of the
mixture should treat approximately 200 plants. Larger quantities
may be mixed with 2 quarts of butralin in 35 gallons of water.
Butalin may be used alone or in combination with MH-30 or other
maleic hydrazide containing products. According to label, if tank
mixed with MH-30 the mixture should contain 1.5 to 2.0 gallons
of MH-30 and 2 quarts of butralin in 50 gallons of water per acre.
Applied alone, butralin should be applied at a rate of 2 to 3 quarts
in 50 gallons of water per acre. If tank mixing butralin and MH-
30 for knapsack sprayer, use 4 fluid ounces of butralin and 12
fluid ounces of MH-30 in 3 gallons of water. No matter which ap-
plication method is used, apply as a course spray that provides
adequate contact with each leaf axil.


Read and follow all label directions regarding EPA Worker Pro-
tection Standards (WPS). Proposed WPS rules will have a dramat-
ic impact on how Virginia growers apply sucker control chemicals.
Required personal protective equipment (PPE) and restricted-entry
intervals (REI) following application will make hand application of
Prime+ and contacts impractical. Hand topping following contact
application provides the best level of sucker control, since the top
serves to funnel the material down the stalk to contact each leaf
axil. However, topping within the restricted-entry interval means
workers must wear all required personal protective equipment to
comply with WPS. Growers are also responsible for the instruction
of early-entry workers on how to prevent, recognize, and give cor-
rect first aid for heat illness (too much heat stress).

2. Observe all restrictions and precautions on pesticide
3. Store all pesticides behind locked doors, in original con-
tainers with labels intact.
4. Use pesticides at correct dosages and intervals to avoid
excessive residues and injury to plants and animals.
5. Apply pesticides carefully to avoid drift.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide


Suggestions for Application of Sucker Control Materials

Type of Product When to Apply Time of Day Application Rate Application Procedure
Contacts st When plants are turgid 3-4% solution or 2 gal in 48 gal of Hand Application
1. 1 appl. at 50% button
(fatty alcohols) and leaves dry water and apply at 50 gal of spray
2. Later applications (mid-morning to material per acre. 20 psi max. and 1/2 to 2/3 fl
should be made 1 wk mid-afternoon) oz per plant
apart (if needed) Power Spray
20 psi using 3 solid-cone
nozzles per row (i.e. TG-5 and
2 TG-3’s)

Prime+ or Butralin 1. Individual plants When leaves are dry 2% solution or 1 gal in 49 gal of coarse spray (20 psi and TG-3

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

at elongated-button water (2.5 fl oz of Prime+ per gal or 5 nozzle) or drench using
stage (droplines or jug of water) jugs and apply 1/2 fl oz per
application) plant.
2. 7-10 days after 1st
contact application
Agronomic Information

Systemics (MH) When used as part of se- In morning, after leaf sur- 1 1/8 to 2 1/4 lb of MH 40 to 60 psi using 3 hollow-
quential control program faces are dry. Do not apply cone nozzles per row (i.e.
- apply 7 to 10 days after during the middle of hot (3/4 to 1 1/2 gal of 1.5 lb/gal TX-18)
last contact application. days (plants wilted). product)
Direct spray toward upper
(1/2 to 1 gal of 2.25 lb/gal product) third of the plant.
Apply 40 to 50 gal of spray mate-
rial per acre.
Greenhouse Transplant Production 21

Greenhouse Transplant Production

Danny R. Peek, Extension Specialist, Burley Tobacco
T. David Reed, Extension Agronomist, Tobacco
Starting the growing season with an adequate supply of quality
transplants is the first step to producing a high-yielding and high-
quality crop. Greenhouse transplant production has become the
primary method of transplant production. There are several advan-
tages to producing transplants in the greenhouse in comparison to
traditional plant beds. Three of the most often cited advantages of
greenhouse transplant production include: reduced labor required
for transplant production, greater control of environmental condi-
tions, and increased uniformity of transplants resulting in a more
even growing crop in the field. Greenhouse culture does require
increased capital investment in transplant production compared
to plant beds. Furthermore, the production of plants in a soilless
growing medium using hydroponic (float) techniques requires at-
tention to new aspects of plant production. Finally, greenhouse
producers have limited pest control options available, while the
potential for serious disease problems is greatly increased with
greenhouse transplant production.
Spiral Roots can be a significant problem in some tobacco trans-
plant greenhouses. A spiral-root seedling occurs when the root tip
of the germinating seedling is damaged and grows aerially or on
top of the media and not down into the media (Figure 2). Often the
seedling develops a secondary root
that grows into the media and the
seedling will survive. However, in
most cases the seedling’s growth
is delayed and usually it will not
result in a useable transplant.

Figure 2. Example of spiral-root seedling and

normal seedling

The specific cause of spiral-root seedlings is not fully understood.

Early research indicated that inadequate media aeration (too little
air, too much moisture) played an important role in spiral-root
seedling occurrence. This has largely been remedied by growers
through better attention to tray filling and not over packing the
media in trays. Differences may occur between different brands
of media, but these incidences usually result from quality control
problems associated with specific batches of media rather than a
consistent problem with a specific brand.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

22 Greenhouse Transplant Production

Recent research suggests a combination of factors is responsible

for spiral-root seedlings. These factors include seed pellet, vari-
ety, soilless media, and environment. Research has shown that
the seed pellet is an integral factor in the cause of spiral root-
ing. Tests have shown differences in the incidence of spiral root is
dramatically decreased with the use of unpelleted seed. However,
using unpelleted seed is not practical due to the fact that it’s sig-
nificantly slower and virtually impossible to determine if a seed
is placed in each cell of the tray. Tests have also shown differ-
ences between seed companies’ pelleting processes. Other factors
such as growing media and environmental conditions seem to be
important in how they interact with the seed pellet to allow the
pellet to dissolve or breakdown. The basic properties of the seed
that impact seed vigor play an important role and this is further
impacted by the nature of the pellet and how well it separates with
the emerging seedling on the media surface. This is a problem
when the breakdown of the seed pellet is less than desired. This
situation is further complicated by differing wetting properties of
the various brands of media and their impact on breaking apart
the seed pellet.
Consistent differences have shown up among burley varieties and
the incidence of spiral rooting. For example KY14xL8 has proven
to result in more spiral-root seedlings than most other varieties.
As described above, many of the causes of spiral-root seedlings
may be largely out of the hands of the growers. Growers cannot
alter the properties of the seed and/or pellet. Growers should not
try to alter the properties of a growing medium but rather avoid
using a medium that is either too dry or too wet. Growers should
be mindful of the environmental conditions of their greenhouse. A
thermometer placed at tray level, and not the thermostat controls,
should be used as an indicator of temperature. The optimum tem-
perature is 70°F. Although it’s not practical to expect this temper-
ature to remain constant throughout the germination process the
least amount of fluctuation should result in the fewest spiral-root
seedlings and the most uniform stand of plants.
Seed Covering to Reduce Spiral Roots. Research has evalu-
ated the practice of covering seeds to reduce or eliminate spiral-
root seedlings. The purpose of covering the seed is to provide a
more consistent environment around the seed pellet. Research
conducted at Virginia Tech and North Carolina State University
has shown that covering with growing medium and vermiculite is
very effective in reducing the incidence of spiral rooting. However,
even distribution of small amounts of these materials is difficult.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Greenhouse Transplant Production 23

Uneven or excessive covering of the seed can result in decreased

uniformity of seedling emergence and may result in a reduced
plant stand. Ag-Gromate, a commercial product, has been tested
as a seed covering material with results similar to that of covering
with growing medium. One advantage of this new product is that
it lends itself to automated application procedures. However, use
rates are relatively low and excessive rates could be detrimental to
plant stand. Thus, a calibrated applicator is necessary.
At the present time, covering tobacco seed is not recommended as
a standard practice. However, growers who have significant prob-
lems with spiral-root seedlings may want to cover a few trays to
evaluate this practice for their operation. Since covering seed could
delay seedling emergence by one to three days, growers should
delay fertilization one to three days after seeding to reduce the
chance of salts injury. Additionally, growers should contact their
local Extension agent for information on covering seed.

Figure 3: Effects of covering seeds from burley variety TN 90 with different materials and
methods on the incidence of spiral-root seedlings

Spiral Root (%)
Raked Tapped Check Ag-Gromate

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

24 Greenhouse Transplant Production


Greenhouse production of tobacco transplants involves a much
greater level of supervision and management than is required with
a plant bed. The following is a brief description of the important
management practices required for successful production.

1. Sanitation
Sanitation is the primary means of pest control available to
greenhouse tobacco producers. The four most important areas
for sanitation include: the area in and around the greenhouse,
people entering the greenhouse, float trays, and clipping equip-
ment and the clipping operation. Specific information on sani-
tation is presented in the Disease Control section of this guide.

2. Ventilation and Air Circulation

Ventilation is necessary to remove moisture that naturally ac-
cumulates inside the greenhouse and to prevent high temper-
atures. Air circulation within the greenhouse is beneficial to
reduce temperature stratification, reduce condensation on the
greenhouse cover, remove moisture from the plant canopy (drier
foliage), and evenly distribute greenhouse gases. The most com-
mon style of greenhouse used for tobacco transplant production
utilizes side curtains that provide ventilation for cooling and
allows fresh air exchange which is critical for reducing con-
densation within the greenhouse. The use of horizontal air flow
(HAF) or a polytube system is highly recommended to provide
increased air circulation.

3. Temperature Control
It is difficult to precisely control the temperatures in greenhous-
es used for tobacco transplant production. It’s more difficult to
keep temperatures cool than it is to keep it warm enough, es-
pecially on sunny days. The most demanding period for heating
is during the germination of the seed. The ideal temperature
for seed germination is 70ºF. However, preliminary research
shows you can reduce the temperature to 60ºF at night and al-
low the temperature to increase to 80ºF during the day and still
reach 95 percent germination in 12 days. Extended periods of
cooler temperatures will delay germination. After germination,
the minimum temperature may be reduced to 55ºF. Preventing
high temperatures is equally as important as providing neces-
sary heat for a greenhouse. Young seedlings are particularly
sensitive to high temperatures, thus the temperature should
be kept below 95ºF during the two- to four-leaf stage. As seed-
lings grow, they are better able to withstand increasingly higher

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Greenhouse Transplant Production 25

temperature; although, to reduce stress on the seedlings, the

temperature should not be allowed to exceed 105ºF. High tem-
peratures place greater stress on the tobacco seedlings due to
increased water usage and concentration of fertilizer salts with-
in the growing medium.
Primed tobacco seed is specially processed seed that is “pre-
germinated” under controlled conditions and then pelleted. The
use of primed seed will reduce the heating requirement and is
recommended, especially in outdoor float beds. The germina-
tion rate of primed seed at 60ºF will be similar to unprimed
seed at 70ºF. However, the final germination percentage will
usually not differ between primed and unprimed seed of the
same variety.
Greenhouse temperatures should be measured at plant level to
more accurately measure conditions impacting the seedlings.
The use of a recording thermometer to measure daily high and
low temperatures is an excellent management practice.

4. Media and Tray Filling

Media and tray filling may be the source of the greatest number
of problems for Virginia greenhouse tobacco producers in re-
cent years. Dry cells and spiral roots are each related to media
handling and the tray filling operation. Assuring that all cells
within a tray are uniformly filled and that all trays are similar
will improve the uniformity in seed germination and seedling
growth. Cells must be completely filled for their entire depth to
wick properly and prevent dry cells; but avoid over packing the
cells to prevent the occurrence of spiral-root plants. Proper me-
dia moisture content is critical for adequate tray filling and the
use of a premoistened medium is highly recommended. How-
ever, avoid excessively moist media since better plant stands
are generally obtained with a medium having a dry consistency
rather than a medium with more moisture and, therefore, a
heavier consistency. Media should have only enough moisture
to keep from falling through the trays before floating. If trays
wick properly, watering over the top should not be necessary to
assist with seed germination. However, if you water trays, use
only a fine mist should be used to prevent packing and water
logging of the media.

5. Fertilization
Fertilizers used in float greenhouse transplant production are
formulated to function with a soilless growing medium. Such
fertilizers should contain at least 50 percent of their nitrogen
as nitrate and should contain minimal urea, which may injure

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

26 Greenhouse Transplant Production

young seedlings under certain conditions. In addition to using

the correct fertilizer material, proper fertilization requires an
accurate concentration of fertilizer solution to ensure that seed-
lings are not injured by excessive fertilizer salts. The amount of
fertilizer necessary for a float bay is determined by the volume
of water in the bay, the fertilizer analysis, and the desired nutri-
ent level of the float bay. Additional information on fertilization
is presented on pages 27 and 29.

6. Water Quality
Water quality is a critical factor to consider with greenhouse
production. Although water sources across the flue-cured to-
bacco producing area of Virginia pose little difficulty for most
growers, sporadic instances of water-quality problems have oc-
curred for some growers. The only means of predicting such
problems is through water testing and interpreting the results
for plant production rather than as drinking water.

7. Clipping
Clipping is an essential management practice for direct-seeded
greenhouse tobacco production. Begin clipping when plants are
at least 2 inches to the bud. If seedling growth is unusually un-
even, earlier clipping will allow the smaller plants to catch up.
Research conducted in Virginia indicates that the timing of the
first clipping, the severity of clipping, and the number of total
clippings does not have a significant impact on the stem di-
ameter of the transplants. However, the above factors were im-
portant in controlling the growth rate of the seedlings and the
size of the field-ready transplant. Very early clipping (1.5 inches
to bud or less) resulted in shorter than desired transplants.
Growers should be able to produce good, uniform transplants
by clipping three to five times. A higher number of clippings
indicates the greenhouse was seeded too early. Seeding earlier
than necessary will increase heating costs and the potential for
disease problems.

Suggested Clipping Program

• Begin clipping when plants are 2 to 2.5 inches tall (bud height)
• Set mower blade at 1 to 1.5 inches above bud
• Clip on a three-day interval between the first three clipping
dates and every five days thereafter

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Greenhouse Transplant Production 27

Plant clippings must be collected to reduce the likelihood of dis-

ease development and spread throughout the entire greenhouse.
The mower used to clip plants should be thoroughly cleaned and
sanitized with a 50-percent chlorine bleach solution following each
The description of greenhouse tobacco transplant production is
greatly abbreviated. Additional information is available from your
local Extension agent and is detailed in the Float Greenhouse To-
bacco Transplant Production Guide, Virginia Cooperative Exten-
sion publication 436-051.

Float Fertilization Programs

Fertilization program suggested for float greenhouse tobacco pro-
duction, depending on management level.
Fertilizer Addition I II
--- ppm N ---
at seeding 0 75
3-5 days after seeding 75
4 weeks after seeding or 100 100
at 1st clipping

Under normal circumstances no additional fertilizer should be

necessary beyond the total of 175 ppm N. However, if the green-
house is seeded too early and the production season is extended
or if transplanting is delayed, a late-season addition of fertilizer
(50 to 75 ppm N) may be necessary to maintain adequate seedling
nutrient levels.
Program I is the preferred fertilization schedule. This program
delays fertilization until the trays have wicked. This helps to mini-
mize fertilizer salts injury to young seedlings, increasing the total
number of useable transplants. Research conducted at the South-
ern Piedmont AREC showed that delaying the addition of fertilizer
by even one day resulted in lower conductivity of the media in the
upper part of the cell as much as 21 days after seeding. Recently
germinated seedlings need low levels of nutrients and most com-
mercially available tobacco mixes will provide these nutrients. Ni-
trogen at 75 ppm is adequate for burley transplants for the first
four weeks. Not allowing the fertilizer levels to become excessive
will help reduce disease levels and the number of clippings neces-
sary to produce a quality transplant.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

28 Greenhouse Transplant Production

Program II provides seedlings with 75 ppm N fertilizer level at

seeding, making it easier to uniformly distribute the fertilizer
across a bay. This program would primarily be used in outdoor
float beds. Outdoor float beds result in less water evaporation thus
decreasing the potential for salt injury due to over-fertilization.
However, such injury observed in Virginia is generally the result of
errors in fertilizer addition, poor media quality, or improper fertil-
izer materials.
Comparison trials with fertilizer rates ranging from 0 to 250 ppm
N indicate that algae growth will occur at any level of fertilization
(50 ppm N and greater). Withholding any fertilizer until one or two
weeks after seeding will reduce algae growth at the expense of
slower seedling growth.
Program III is to be used in greenhouses equipped with fertilizer
injectors. Fertilizer injectors are used to add water containing a
specified nutrient level to float bays. A concentrated fertilizer solu-
tion contained in a stock tank is diluted with the injector to obtain
the desired nutrient level. The suggested fertilization program us-
ing an injector is to add 125 ppm N to the bays each time water is
needed (including the original filling). Actual nutrient levels pres-
ent in the float bays should be monitored to insure that adequate
fertility is maintained. Research conducted on-farm in grower
greenhouses in Virginia has shown that nutrients are taken up by
the plants at a greater rate than water and fertility levels reached
very low levels in some instances.

Calculation of Water Volume and Fertilizer Concentration

1. The number of gallons of water in a float bay may be calculated
length (ft) x width (ft) x depth (in) x 7.48 gal/ft3
Example: 16 ft x 5.5 ft x 4 in x 7.48 = 217 gal
2. The amount of fertilizer required per 100 gal of water is calcu-
lated by:
desired nutrient concentration (ppm) x 1.33
nutrient content of fertilizer (%)

Example: 150 ppm N x 1.33 = 10 oz per 100 gal

20% N

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Greenhouse Transplant Production 29

Table 1. Amount of selected fertilizer grades to produce fertilizer solutions with 50 to 200
ppm nitrogen.
ounces of fertilizer per 100 gals of water at various
nitrogen (N) concentrations (ppm)
Fertilizer 50 75 100 125 150 200
20-10-20 3.3 5.0 6.7 8.3 10.0 13.3
17-5-24 3.9 5.9 7.8 9.8 11.7 15.6
17-5-24 2.6 3.9 5.2 6.6 7.8 10.5
and and and and and and and
15-0-15a 1.5 2.2 2.9 3.7 4.4 5.9
or 4.2 6.2 8.3 10.4 12.5 16.6
15-5 -15 4.3 6.7 8.9 11.1 13.3 17.7
Fertilization program with 2 parts 17-5-24 and 1 part 15-0-15.

Proper Tray Filling and Seeding are essential to produce a high

percentage of usable plants. The media used for float transplant
production is a specially formulated material and cannot be satis-
factory substituted with common potting media used with house-
plants. Greenhouse tobacco mixes should be available from most
farm supply dealers. When filling trays, media should have suf-
ficient moisture to prevent it from falling out of the cells. Fresh
media should not need any additional moisture. Tobacco mixes
should not be carried over from one year to the next. The wetting
agent degrades and thus, the cells don’t wick.
When filling trays by hand, distribute the potting mix in a system-
atic manner to fill all cells with the same amount of mix. Dry cells
occur when media does not fill the entire cell and thus fails to wick
properly. Seed in dry cells do not germinate and thus a potential
transplant is lost. A second problem related to tray filling is the
occurrence of spiral-root plants. This condition occurs when the
root of a germinating seed does not penetrate into the media. Such
plants will eventually die and again a potential transplant is lost.
The cause of spiral-root plants is not completely understood; how-
ever, it does appear to be related to inadequate media aeration (too
little air/too much water). Media must not be packed too tightly
into trays or excessively moistened. If float trays are watered over-
the-top to help dissolve seed coatings, water should be applied as
a fine mist. Large droplets can result in excessive packing and
water logging of the media.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

30 Greenhouse Transplant Production

Tray selection will influence both the productivity and manage-

ment of a greenhouse. Most trays used today are made of poly-
styrene and manufactures control the density of the tray by the
amount of material put into the mold. Higher density trays seem
to be more durable and have a longer useable life than low-density
trays. However, higher density trays are also more expensive. Low-
er density trays may be useful for produces selling transplants and
plan to purchase new trays annually to reduce disease pressure.
A relatively new tray on the market is the “glazed tray” made in
a process where the manufacturer seals the inner surface of the
cells. The tray is reduced in height by approximately 0.5 inch;
however, the same amount of polystyrene is used so the tray is of
higher density. This tray should be durable enough to be reused
for several seasons, but it is more expensive.
An additional tray for 2008 season is a “shallow tray.” This tray is
the same length and width as a regular tray. However, the tray is
only 1.5 inches deep compared to 2.5 inches deep for the normal
tray. The only real advantage to the shallow tray is the need for
less soilless media. Limited research shows little difference in seed
germination and seedling growth. More research is needed to con-
firm that the number of useable transplants is not reduced by the
minimal savings in soilless media cost.
Most of the Styrofoam float trays used for tobacco production are
the same size but differ in the number of cells or plants per tray
(see Table 2). The advantage of high cell-count trays is the in-
creased productivity of a given size greenhouse. For example, 44
percent more transplants could be grown using 288 cell floats in-
stead of 200 cell floats. However, the level of management is great-
er with the higher density float trays. Both root volume and stem
diameter decrease with increasing cell number; therefore, greater
clipping frequency will be required to ensure adequate stem size.
In addition, the increased crowding of the seedlings necessitates
more critical ventilation and moisture reduction within the green-
house to prevent environmental conditions that favor the develop-
ment of disease.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Greenhouse Transplant Production 31

Table 2. Float trays commonly used for greenhouse tobacco production.

Cells per Vol. per Plants per

tray cell (cc) sq. ft.
200 27.0 80
242 23.5 97
253 16.0 101
288 17.0 115
338 8.6-11.2 135
392 13.6 157

Research conducted in Virginia evaluated the impact of float cell

number on transplant size and growth in the field. Stem diam-
eter and plant size of 200 and 288 cell transplants were simi-
lar. Transplants from 338 cell trays, and to a greater extent 392s,
were significantly smaller than those from 288 or fewer cell trays.
However, there were no differences in plant stand, early-season
growth, and yield of plants from any of the float trays tested.
The biggest difference between the float cell numbers is the cost per
transplant. The larger transplants from a 200 cell float cost more
to produce since fewer can be grown per square foot of greenhouse.
For tobacco growers in Virginia, the 253 or 288 cell floats would be
a good compromise between transplant size and transplant cost.
This is especially important with outdoor float-bed growers who
must balance the transplant number needed against the ability to
adequately heat the float beds.
Attention to seeding the trays will result in a greater number of us-
able transplants. Tray cells not seeded or double seeded will reduce
the number of transplants. Proper tray dibbling (creating shallow
depressions in each cell) will provide better seed/media contact
and position the seed in the center of the cells. The date that a
greenhouse is seeded has a significant impact upon the manage-
ment of the greenhouse. Seeding too early increases heating costs,
lengthens the exposure of plants to possible pest problems, and
requires excessive clipping. Sixty to 65 days is a conservative es-
timate of the time needed to allow for growing plants from seeding
to transplanting time in a direct-seeded outdoor float bed.

Tobacco Transplant Production in Outdoor

Float Beds
Outdoor float beds are a low-cost method of greenhouse tobacco
transplant production for limited acreage. Seedlings in outdoor
float beds may be started by two different methods. The first is

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

32 Greenhouse Transplant Production

direct seeding, as in a conventional transplant greenhouse. The

alternative is to produce transplants using a seedling transfer pro-
duction method.
Transfer beds are used only to grow plants off from a small seed-
ling stage to transplant size. Seeds are not actually germinated in
the outdoor transfer float bed. As a result, the heating requirement
is greatly reduced since frost protection is the primary concern.
The disadvantage of transfer beds is the increased labor neces-
sary for hand transfer of the small seedlings to the float trays. The
plug-and-transfer method was the original method of producing
burley transplants using the float system. Commercially grown
“miniplugs” or small seedlings are purchased in special trays
and transferred by hand to conventional float trays. Seedlings are
grown to transplant size in either an outdoor float bed or green-
house. Although miniplugs represent an additional expense, they
do reduce the risk and management associated with other float
transplant production methods. In the seed-and-transfer method
seedlings are started from conventional, uncoated seed and trans-
ferred to float trays in outdoor beds. Detailed directions for seed-
and-transfer tobacco transplant production may be found later in
this section of the production guide.

Float Bed Construction

Outdoor float beds may be designed and constructed in many
different ways. Individual growers should consider the materials
available and the desired expense when considering how to con-
struct float beds. Factors to consider include: 1) adequate strength
of the top, 2) providing sufficient heating, and 3) ease of access
for observation and management of seedlings. Outdoor float beds
evaluated at the Southern Piedmont AREC in 1993 and 1994 uti-
lized a narrow design with a separate frame for the top that can be
completely removed from the bed. Such a design allowed for excel-
lent access to the seedlings, complete ventilation of the float bed,
and clipping of the seedlings with a tractor-mounted bush hog.
The size of the float bed(s) to be constructed will be determined by
the required number of transplants, the ability to provide adequate
heating, and the float tray cell size to be used. Float trays are ap-
proximately 13.5 inches wide and 26.5 inches long and vary in the
number and size of cells in which the seedlings grow. Comparative
information on the different float trays available is presented later
in this section of the production guide.
The frame of the float bed should be sized to hold the desired num-
ber of trays and have approximately 2 inches of additional space

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Greenhouse Transplant Production 33

along the length and width of the bed to allow easy removal of float
trays. Larger amounts of exposed water will encourage excessive
algae growth.
One example of an outdoor float bed to grow transplants for the
average-size burley tobacco producer would be a 40-tray float bay.
Trays in the bay could be arranged 5 wide (side-to-side) and 8 trays
long (end-to-end). The inside dimensions of the float bay frame (2 x
6 in lumber) would be as follows:
length = 8 trays x 26.5 in. + 2 in. = 17 ft. 10 in
width = 5 trays x 26.5 in. + 2 in. = 5 ft. 10 in.
The number of transplants produced from this 40-tray float bed
will be influenced by the float-tray cell number and the percent-
age of usable transplants produced from each (dependent on
Number of transplants from 40 trays
Float tray cell number 75% usable 90% usable
200 6000 7200
253 7590 9108
288 8640 10,368
338 10,140 12,168
392 11,760 14,112

If an increased transplant number is needed, larger beds may

be constructed. However, growers are reminded to consider the
heating requirement, necessary structure strength of the top,
and ease of management with larger float bed sizes.
The length of the bed can be made from one or more lengths of 2 x
6 treated lumber and joined securely. Short wooden stakes driven
into the ground along the length of the bed will keep the frame
from bowing under the weight of the water contained inside. The
cover over the float bed may be constructed in one of many differ-
ent ways. Factors to consider include:
• The top must have adequate strength to support any accumu-
lation of rain or snow. Strength is dependent on construction
materials used and spacing of the bows over the float bay.
• The height of the top over the trays should be sufficient to
shed water. However, if too great, heating will be made more

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

34 Greenhouse Transplant Production

• A top that can be easily removed and replaced will improve

management. A completely removable top will allow for bet-
ter observation of plants, ease of clipping, and allow for better
The bed frame should be lined with a single layer of 6 mil black
plastic to hold water in the float bay. The ground under the plastic
should be smoothed and may be covered with a thin layer of sand
or rock dust to reduce the likelihood of sharp objects puncturing
the plastic liner. Any leaks that do occur should be repaired. Float
beds should be located on a site receiving full sun and near elec-
tricity if necessary. The site should be leveled to provide uniform
depth of water throughout the float bays. Sand or rock dust may
be used for leveling and will reduce drainage problems and muddy
areas around the bays.

Suggested Sizes of Outdoor Float Beds

The following are suggested dimensions for the style of float beds
evaluated at the Southwest Virginia and Southern Piedmont
ARECs. These beds consisted of a 2 x 6 frame for the water bed
and a 2 x 4 frame (turned up on the 2-inch side) around the water
bed to attach cover support bows made from 0.75-inch flexible wa-
ter pipe. The 2 x 4 cover frame can be completely removed from the
float bed to provide ventilation and allow for clipping.
Inside Dimension
Tray Number 2 x 6 in. bed frame 2 x 4 in. frame for cover
Width Length Total L1 W1 L2 W2
3 6 18 13´ 5´´ 3´ 7´´ 13´ 10´´ 4´ 6´´
3 8 24 17´ 10´´ 3´ 7´´ 18´ 3´´ 4´ 6´´
3 10 30 22´ 3´´ 3´ 7´´ 22´ 8´´ 4´ 6´´
4 6 24 13´ 5´´ 4´ 8´´ 13´ 10´´ 5´ 1´´
4 8 32 17´ 10´´ 4´ 8´´ 18´ 3´´ 5´ 1´´
4 10 40 22´ 3´´ 4´ 8´´ 22´ 8´´ 5´ 1´´
5 6 30 13´ 5´´ 5´ 10´´ 13´ 10´´ 6´ 3´´
5 8 40 17´ 10´´ 5´ 10´´ 18´ 3´´ 6´ 3´´
5 10 50 22´ 3´´ 5´ 10´´ 22´ 8´´ 6´ 3´´
10 60 22´ 3´´ 6´ 11´´ 22´ 8´´ 7´ 4´´
6a 14 84 31´ 1´´ 6´ 11´´ 31´ 6´´ 7´ 4´´
18 108 39´ 11´´ 6´ 11´´ 40´ 4´´ 7´ 4´´
6a 22 132 48´ 9´´ 6´ 11´´ 49´ 2´´ 7´ 4´´
The size of a removable top constructed with a 2 x 4 frame may be too large with float beds wider
than 8 feet or longer than 15 or 20 feet.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Greenhouse Transplant Production 35

Bows supporting the cover can be made from 0.5- or 0.75-inch

plastic PVC pipe. Space bows 18 to 24 inches apart. The length of
the bows should be 90 inches for a float bed 4 trays wide and ap-
proximately 104 inches for a bed 5 trays wide.
Constructing float beds wider than 6 trays or longer than 15 or 20
feet will make a removable top difficult to lift. In this case, other
provisions must be made to provide adequate ventilation and ac-
cess to the float trays.

Heating of Outdoor Float Beds

Supplemental heat will be necessary for reliable production of
transplants in outdoor float beds. Transfer beds may require limit-
ed heating for frost protection. Heat lamps strung above the plants
for the length of the float bay (100 watts per 100 square feet) or
water-bed heaters should provide adequate frost protection. Di-
rect-seeded beds require more extensive heating to obtain satis-
factory germination. The low-cost, temporary nature of outdoor
float beds limits the available options for heating. Early research
with outdoor float beds evaluated the use of ceramic heaters for di-
rect-seeded outdoor float beds. However, the use of such heaters is
discouraged due to the potential electrical hazard associated with
outdoor float beds. The high electrical demand of ceramic heaters
coupled with safety considerations limit their usefulness in heat-
ing outdoor float beds. Each ceramic heater requires a separate 20
amp circuit with a ground fault interrupt.
Water-bed heaters (heat mat placed under the bed liner) have suc-
cessfully been used for heating direct-seeded float beds. One heat-
er per 20 trays should be sufficient if other necessary procedures
are followed. Thermostats should be set at 80ºF. Empty trays (one
per water bed heater) should be placed in the bed to allow heat to
move from the water to the air above the trays.
Heat loss, and therefore, the heating requirement can be signifi-
cantly reduced by covering beds with solid plastic to reduce heat
loss occurring at night by radiation. Such covers should be provided
when low temperatures are predicted to fall to 35ºF or below.
Growers must exercise extreme caution and follow all safety
rules pertaining to electrical wiring and the use of electrical
equipment in the outdoor environment and near water.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

36 Greenhouse Transplant Production

Covers for Outdoor Float Beds

Clear, solid plastic should not be used as a cover material for
outdoor float beds. High temperatures may buildup very rapidly
under solid plastic and kill young seedlings. The typical outdoor
float bed does not have sufficient ventilation to prevent the buildup
of excessive heat. Fabric plant bed covers, such as Reemay and
Typar, are better suited for float beds. Although not essential, two
layers of Reemay or a heavier weight cotton cover may be used to
further insulate the beds during cold weather, particularly dur-
ing germination of the seed. Vispore, a plant-bed cover material
made by Tredegar Industries, is a perforated plastic cover that has
been evaluated on outdoor float beds at the Southwest Virginia
and Southern Piedmont ARECs. The very small holes in this mate-
rial are large enough to reduce the buildup of excessive heat, but
are so small that rainfall cannot pass through the cover onto the
plants. It is recommended that the heavier (2.5 mil) grade of this
cover be used for float beds, and that the cover be turned with the
rough side up to better shed water.
Resent research has shown the use of a 50 percent white shade
plastic to be a very effective cover for outdoor float beds. Growers
should be sure that the shade plastic is actually 50 percent. If the
covering is higher percent shade, seedlings will become spindly
for lack of sunlight; however, less shade would allow too much
sunlight resulting in temperatures high enough to damage or kill
An on-farm study showed fewer incidences of spiral-root seedlings
when produced using the 50 percent shade plastic with the out-
door float bed than in a traditional greenhouse. This is thought to
be a result of higher humidity in the float bed and less drying of
the seed and pellet.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Disease Control 37


Charles S. Johnson, Extension Plant Pathologist, Tobacco
Good disease control results from accurate diagnosis of disease
problems, careful consideration of disease severity in each field,
and prudent use of disease control practices. Crop rotation, early
root destruction, and resistant varieties should always be used
in conjunction with disease control chemicals because consistent
disease control depends on the use of several control practices
Accurate Diagnosis of Disease Problems is the first step in con-
trolling burley tobacco diseases. Note any signs of disease during
the growing season. Take plant and soil samples and have them
analyzed to identify the cause of the problem. Do not forget to re-
cord what the problem was determined to be, where and when it
occurred, and how bad it eventually became, so that you can plan
appropriate control practices for the future.
Crop Rotation is particularly effective in helping to control to-
bacco diseases and also provides many agronomic benefits. The
length of rotation (the longer the better) and the types of alter-
nate crops are among the most important rotation considerations.
Table 1 lists some possible rotation crops.
Table 1. Usefulness of Various Rotation Crops for Tobacco Disease Control1

Tobacco Tobacco Black

Rotation Black Granville Root-Knot Cyst Mosaic Root
Crop Shank Wilt Nematodes Nematodes Virus Rot
Fescue H H H H H H
Small grain H H H H H H
Lespedeza H H H - H L
Soybean H H L3 H H L
Corn H M L H H H
Sweet H M L4 - H H
Cotton H M N - H L
Milo H M L H H H
Peanuts H L N H H L
Pepper H N N2 L N H
Potato, Irish H N L L H H
Tomato H N N3 N N M
Adapted from Table 9-2, Flue-Cured Tobacco Information 2006, North Carolina Cooperative
Extension Service. Ratings indicate the value of each rotation crop for reducing damage caused
by each disease in the subsequent tobacco crop and assume excellent weed control in each rota-
tion crop; H = highly valuable, M = moderately valuable, L = Little value, N = no value – may be
worse than continuous tobacco, - = unknown.
May be highly valuable for some species or races of root-knot nematodes

However, root-knot resistant cultivars are highly effective rotation crops for tobacco.

Root-knot resistant sweet potato cultivars are moderately effective rotation crops for tobacco.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

38 Disease Control

Early Destruction of Roots also reduces overwintering popu-

lations of nematodes and disease-causing organisms, as well as
many insects, grasses, and weeds. The earlier and more complete
the destruction of tobacco debris, the better the disease control.
Table 2 lists the steps involved in this important tobacco disease
control practice.

Table 2. Steps in Early Stalk and Root Destruction

1) Plow or disc-out stubble as soon after harvest as possible. Be sure to pull

roots completely out of the soil.
2) Re-disc the field two weeks after the first operation.
3) Plant a cover crop when root systems are completely dried-out and dead.

Disease-resistant Varieties may be the most cost-effective way to

control disease, but significant losses can still occur under heavy
disease pressure. Crop rotation and early root destruction should
be used along with resistance. Fungicide use is often necessary
when susceptible varieties are planted frequently in fields with a
history of black shank.


Disease-causing organisms can enter a greenhouse in soil or plant
debris. Entrances should be covered with asphalt, concrete, grav-
el, or rock dust, and footwear should be cleaned or disinfected
before entering a greenhouse. New float-bay liners should be used
each year and should be free of soil and plant debris. Greenhouse
equipment should also be sanitized periodically. A 1:10 solution of
household bleach and water is sufficient for these purposes, as are
most disinfectants.
Not seeding tobacco greenhouses and float beds until March, and
eliminating any volunteer tobacco plants within these structures,
should be an essential component of each grower’s disease control
plan. As a general rule, plants closely related to tobacco (tomatoes,
peppers, etc.) should not be grown in greenhouses used for trans-
plant production.
Float trays should be cleaned and then fumigated with methyl
bromide or aerated steam (140ºF to 175ºF for 30 minutes) to mini-
mize Rhizoctonia damping-off and sore shin. Dry trays should be
loosely stacked no more than 5 feet high and completely enclosed
in plastic. One pound of methyl bromide will fumigate 300 cubic
feet (400 trays). Trays should be fumigated 24 to 48 hours, then
aerated for at least 48 hours before use. Be sure to read the label
for space fumigation and follow it exactly.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Disease Control 39

Do not fill float bays with water from surface water sources like
streams or ponds, as water from these sources may be contami-
nated. Avoid introducing disinfestants into water intended for plant
uptake. Moving water from one bay to another can increase spread
of water-borne pathogens. Filling bays with water long before float-
ing the trays can make Pythium disease problems worse.
Start a weekly application of 0.5 pound of Dithane DF per 100 gal-
lons of water (1 level teaspoon per gallon) approximately one week
after seedlings are big enough to cover the tray cells. Increase
the spray volume from 3 to 6 gallons per 1,000 square feet as
plants grow. Continue fungicide applications until seedlings are
Minimize overhead watering and potential splashing of the me-
dia from one tray cell to another. Correcting drainage problems in
and around the greenhouse will also help avoid excess humidity.
Running horizontal airflow fans and lowering side curtains near
sunset will help equalize air temperatures between the inside and
outside your greenhouse and reduce condensation in the green-
house, making conditions less favorable for disease.
Sanitize mower blades and decks with a 1:1 bleach:water solution
between greenhouses and after each clipping. Plant debris left on
trays after clipping is one of the primary causes of collar rot prob-
lems. Use high vacuum mowers to clip tobacco seedlings. Dump
clippings, unused plants, and used media at least 100 yards from
the greenhouse.
Bacterial soft rot causes a slimy, watery rot of leaves and stems
and can easily be confused with damage from collar rot. Green-
house management practices that help minimize collar rot will
also help prevent bacterial soft rot. Management practices for an-
gular leaf spot and wildfire (two other diseases caused by bacteria)
can also help reduce bacterial soft rot as a side effect.


Black Root Rot causes roots of infected plants are usually black
in color and decayed, causing plants to grow poorly early in the
growing season. Plants may appear to recover as temperatures
increase. Black root rot may be controlled by keeping soil pH be-
tween 5 and 6, planting a resistant variety, avoiding early plant-
ing into cold soils (65ºF), promoting good soil drainage, and us-
ing a three-year rotation with small grains or corn. Red clover,
soybeans, or other legumes should not be planted in black root
rot-infested fields.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

40 Disease Control

Black Shank is caused by a fungus-like pathogen that lives in soil

and attacks tobacco roots and stalks. Disease losses usually can
be avoided by planting highly resistant cultivars in fields that have
been rotated in and out of tobacco production. The longer the in-
terval between tobacco crops, the less black shank to be expected.
Burley tobacco cultivars possessing the L8 and Ph genes are
highly resistant to race 0 of the black shank pathogen, but
susceptible or much less resistant to race 1.
The following table presents recent Virginia on-farm test results
comparing survival of burley tobacco varieties in black shank-in-
fested fields with high disease pressure (without a soil fungicide).

Race 1 Race 0
KY-TN % Survival KY-TN % Survival
Rating Rating
Variety (0-10) 2007 (0-10) 2005 2007
KT 206 7 29.3 not tested 99.7
KT 204 7 25.6 24.7 98.1
KT 200 6 30.3 20.1 not tested
TN 90 4 3.6 16.9 82
NC 5 4 2.2 74.5 not tested
NC 7 7 1.0 53.0 not tested
KY14xL8 0 0.4 55.4 not tested
NC 2000 0 not tested 6.4 not tested
NCBH 129 1 0.1 1 0.1 34.2

Using a soil fungicide cannot guarantee adequate black shank

control in fields planted with tobacco every year (no crop ro-
tation). Soil fumigation is not as effective against black shank as
it is when used to manage Granville wilt or nematodes.
Nematodes are microscopic worms that live in the soil and feed on
tobacco roots. Significant nematode problems are usually found in
fields continuously planted with tobacco. The selection of rotation
crops is very important. Legumes such as red clover, vetch, and
soybeans are as susceptible to root-knot and lesion nematodes as
is tobacco. NC 5, NC 6, NC 7, and Clay’s Hybrid 402 are resistant
to common root-knot nematodes (M. incognita races 1 and 3). Bur-
ley tobacco is generally resistant to tobacco cyst nematodes.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Disease Control 41

Blue Mold can be reduced by obtaining transplants locally rather

than production areas outside Virginia. Apply blue mold fungi-
cides as soon as the Blue Mold Forecast System (on the Internet
at www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/pp/bluemold/) predicts a moderate to
high risk of blue mold in your area. Dithane, Forum tank-mixed
with Dithane, and Aliette should be applied to maximize coverage
of all leaves.
The following table illustrates the spray volumes required.
Gallons of Spray Mixture/Acre
Crop Stage Air blast Sprayer Hydraulic Sprayer
Before layby 10 20
Near layby 20 40
Waist-high plants 30 60
Chest-high plants 40 80
Near topping 50 100

Use hollow-cone type nozzles to ensure thorough coverage of all

leaves. You can use air blast sprayers for small plantings. Mix
fungicides at twice the normal concentration when using an air
blast sprayer. However, cut the spray volumes in half when using
an air blast sprayer.
Complete coverage is not required when using Actigard for blue
mold control. However, tobacco plants need four to five days after
an application of Actigard before they are fully protected from dis-
ease. Initial use of Actigard should occur within three days of any
previous fungicide application. If this is not possible, tank mix-
ing the first Actigard spray with a fungicide will also help protect
your crop while the plants are developing “systemic acquired resis-
tance” to blue mold. Burley tobacco is sensitive to Actigard. Follow
the Actigard label very closely to minimize potential yellowing or
stunting of the crop.
Products such as bleach and household cleaners may appear to
control the disease at first, but in university tests, have actually
made blue mold problems worse.

The performance and safety of a chemical depends on proper ap-
plication methods. Improper use of agricultural chemicals can re-
duce yields as severely as any pest and will not provide satisfac-
tory disease control. Proper pesticide use depends upon correct
diagnosis of the problem, a clear understanding of the label for

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

42 Disease Control

each chemical being applied, adequate calibration of application

equipment, and strict adherence to label directions and all federal,
state, and local pesticide laws and regulations.
Preplant Incorporated (PPI) – Refer to section under weed
Foliar Spray (FS) – Greenhouse applications should not begin un-
til seedlings are at least the size of a dime, but should be repeated
at five- to seven-day intervals up to transplanting. Use flat-fan,
extended-range tips at approximately 40 psi to maximize results.
Field sprays should generally be performed using hollow-cone tips
to apply a fine spray of 20 to 100 gallons per acre to maximize cov-
erage as plants increase in size. Spray pressures should generally
range between 40 and 100 psi. Using drop nozzles will significant-
ly improve disease control after layby by improving spray coverage
on bottom leaves, where foliar diseases are usually concentrated.
Fumigation: F-Row – Inject the fumigant 6 to 8 inches deep with
one chisel-type applicator in the center of the row. Seal the soil
in the same operation by bedding the fumigated row area with
enough soil to bring the soil surface 14 to 16 inches above the
point of injection. F-Broadcast - Space chisels 8 inches apart and
inject fumigant 10 to 12 inches below the soil surface. Seal the soil
immediately with a roller, drag, or similar piece of equipment.
Precautionary and Restriction Statements - Take labels seri-
ously. Read and follow all directions, cautions, precautions, restric-
tions, and special precautions on each product label. This publi-
cation must not be used as the only source of precautionary and
restriction statements.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide


Black Shank Black Tobacco Aphid
Rating for Race 0 Rating for Race 1 Root Fusarium Mosaic Brown Blue Transmitted
Variety Verbal KY/TN 2 Verbal KY/TN 2 Rot Wilt Virus Wildfire Spot Mold Viruses
KT 206 H 10 MH 7 H -- H H -- 4 H/M4
NC 7 3 H 10 L-M 3-4 H H H H -- 0 H/M4
KY 910 H 10 M 4 H L H H -- 0 H/M4
NC 5 3 H 10 M 4 H S H H -- 0 M
NC 6 3 H 10 L 2 H S H H -- 0 M
KY 14xL8 H 10 S 0 M M H H T 0 S
KT 204 LC MH 7 MH 7 H L H H -- 0 H/M4
KT 200 LC M 6 M 6 H S H H -- 0 H/M4
TN 97 LC M 5 M 5 H S H -- -- 0 H/M4
VA 509 M 5 M 5 L L S H VS 0 S
TN 86 LC M 4 M 4 H S S H -- 0 H/M4
TN 90 LC M 4 M 4 H S H H -- 2 M
R-630 M 3 M 3 M L H H -- 0 H/M4
KY 907 LC L 2 L 2 H M H H -- 0 H/M4
NBH 98 L 2 L 2 M L5 H H -- 0 S
NC BH-129 S 1 S 1 H S H H -- 0 S
Clay’s 403 S 0 S 0 M M H H -- 0 S
HB 04P S 0 S 0 H -- H H -- 0 S
NC 2000 S 0 S 0 L VS H H S 7 M
NC 2002 S 0 S 0 L VS H H S 7 S
R-711 S 0 S 0 M L H H -- 0 S
R-712 S 0 S 0 H S H H -- 0 S
VS=very susceptible; S=susceptible; L=low resistance; M=moderate resistance; H=high resistance; T=tolerant.
Rating on a 0-10 scale where 10=most resistant; Developed by the University of Kentucky-University of Tennessee Tobacco Task Force.
Resistant to races 1 and 3 of the common root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita).
Highly resistant to Tobacco Vein Mottling Virus (TVMV) but moderately resistant to Tobacco Etch Virus; TVMV is the most commonly occurring of the aphid-trans-
mitted viruses on burley tobacco.
Disease Control 43

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Disease Material Rate Remarks
Angular Leaf Spot Agrimycin 17, Bac-mas- 100-200 ppm 100 ppm = 4 oz/50 gal or 0.5 lb/100 gal for preventative sprays. 200
or Wildfire ter, Firewall, Farmsaver, (2-4 tsp/3gal) ppm = 0.5 lb/50 gal or 1 lb/100 gal after disease occurs.
(Pseudomonas) Streptomyin, Streptrol,
Anthracnose Dithane DF 0.5 lb/100 gal Apply as a fine spray to the point of run-off to ensure thorough cover-
(Colletotrichum (1 level tsp/gal) age. Begin applications before disease has been observed, but not
gloeosporoides) before seedlings are the size of a dime. Use 3 gal of spray mixture
Blue Mold /1000 sq. ft. (or 100 sq. yd.) when plants are about the size of a dime.
(Peronospora Use 6 to 12 gal /1000 sq. ft. (or 100 sq. yd.) when the canopy has
tabacina) closed and plants are close to ready for transplanting. Repeat ap-
Target Spot plications on a 7-day interval to protect new growth.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Blue mold (Peronos- Aliette WDG 0.5 lb/50 gal water For preventative control of blue mold. Can cause leaf burn if
pora tabacina) washed into greenhouse media or float water. Only 2 applications
allowed. Do not exceed 0.6 lb product/1,000 sq. ft. per application.

Pythium Root Rot Terramaster 35WP 2 oz/100 gal of float Can be used before or after symptoms appear, but no earlier than
(Pythium spp.) bed water 2 weeks after seeding. If symptoms reappear, a second application
Disease Control

can be made no later than 8 weeks after seeding. MUST BE EVENLY

DISTRIBUTED; when mixing, first form dilute slurry, then distribute
slurry evenly and thoroughly in float-bed water.
Terramaster 4EC Preventative: Can be used before or after symptoms appear, but no earlier than
1 fl oz/100 gal 2 weeks after seeding. If symptoms reappear, a second application
Sequential: can be made no later than 8 weeks after seeding. No more than 2.8
0.9 fl oz/100 gal fl. oz./100 gallons of water may be applied to any crop of transplants,
Curative: 1.4 fl regardless of the number of applications. MUST BE EVENLY DIS-
oz/100 gal TRIBUTED. When mixing, first form dilute emulsion, then distribute
2nd Curative: 1-1.4 emulsion evenly and thoroughly in float bed water.
fl oz/100 gal


Root and Stem Diseases
Black Black Root Granville
Product Rate/A Application Method1 Shank Rot Wilt
Ridomil Gold EC 1-2 pt Preplant F — —
Ultra Flourish 1-2 qt Preplant F
Ridomil Gold EC 1.0 pt + 1.0 pt Preplant + layby G — —
Ultra Flourish 2 qt + 2 qt Preplant + layby G
Ridomil Gold EC 1.0 pt + 1.0 pt 1st cultivation + layby G — —
Ultra Flourish 2 qt + 2 qt G
Ridomil Gold EC 1 pt + 0.5 - 1.0 pt + 0.5 - 1.0 pt Preplant + 1st cultivation + layby VG — —
Ultra Flourish 1 qt + 1-2 qt + 1-2 qt VG
Telone C 17 10.5 gal F-Row P-F F G
Chlor-O-Pic 3 gal F-Row P-F F G
Chloropicrin 100 Pic Plus 3 gal F-Row P-F F G
4 gal F-Row P-F F G

F-Row – inject 8 inches deep in row with single shank in center of row. Do not use more than a total of 3 qt. of Ultra Flourish, 3 pt. of Ridomil Gold EC, or 3 lb. of
Ridomil Gold WSP per acre. Drop nozzles should be used to apply these fungicides at layby.
Control rating - F=fair; G=good; VG=very good; (X)=Will reduce disease losses but no current information on disease control performance; — =No disease control or
not labeled for this disease.
Disease Control 45

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide



Foliar Diseases – Blue Mold

Chemical Material Rate1 Application Method2 Comments

Systemic Fungicides Actigard 50WP 0.5 oz/20 gal/A Foliar Begin application when blue mold threatens and
Acibenzolar-S-methyl plants are 18 inches tall. Up to 3 sprays are allowed,
no more than 10 days apart. Treated plants require 4
to 5 days to fully respond to each application.
Mefenoxam Ridomil Gold EC 0.5-1 pt + 0.5 pt/A Preplant + Layby Strains of the blue mold pathogen are often insensi-
tive to mefenoxam. However, mefenoxam will control
sensitive strains early in the season, as well as Py-
thium damping-off. Read precautionary and rotation
Ultra Flourish 1-2 pt + 1 pt/A Preplant + Layby crop restrictions.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Protectant Fungicides Acrobat MZ 2.5 lb/100 gal of water Foliar Spray Begin sprays when the Blue Mold Advisory predicts
Dimethomorph and Acrobat 50WP 7.0 oz/100 gal water conditions favorable for disease. Continue ap-
Mancozeb plications on a 5- to 7-day interval until the threat
+ Dithane DF + 2.0 lb/100 gal water of disease subsides. Apply 20 to 30 gal/A of spray
Disease Control

Rainshield solution during the first several weeks after trans-

planting and gradually increase spray volume as the
crop grows. Spray volumes should reach 40 gal/A by
Forum 7.0 fl oz/100 gal water layby and should range between 80 and 100 gal/A
+ Dithane DF + 2.0 lb/100 gal water on tobacco ready to be topped. Do not exceed 2.5
Rainshield lb/A of Acrobat per application (10 lb/A per season).
Do not apply after the early button stage or within 21
days of the first harvest.
Fosetyl-aluminum Aliette WDG 2.5-4.0 lb/A Foliar Spray Do not apply Aliette within 3 days of harvest or 4
lb/A of Aliette per application (20 lb/A per season).
Do no tank mix Aliette with copper compounds, fo-
liar fertilizers, surfactants, or adjuvants that increase
pesticide penetration.


Foliar Diseases - Target Spot, Frogeye, and Blue Mold
Chemical Material Rate1 Application Method2 Comment
Blue mold Quadris 6-12 fl. oz. Foliar Spray Remarks: First application for blue mold should
(Peronospora tabacina); be made at first indication of disease in the area;
Frogeye for target spot, spray at or soon after layby; don’t
(Cercospora nicotianae); spray Quadris “back-to-back” for blue mold, but
alternate with another fungicide; spray sufficient
Target Spot ( water volume for complete coverage and canopy
Thanatephorus cucumeris) penetration; may enhance weather flecking, but this
shouldn’t affect yield or quality; up to 4 applica-
tions/year allowed; may be applied up to the day of
harvest; tank mixing with insecticides formulated
as ECs or containing high amounts of solvents may
cause some crop injur

Use higher rates of protectant fungicides for mature plants.
Foliar spray - apply at 40-100 psi in 20 to 100 gal of water. The amount of water depends on size of plant. Use hollow-cone nozzles (TX12, etc.) Use drop nozzles to
apply fungicide to both the top and bottom leaves. Preplant + layby - first application preplant followed by a second spray just before last cultivation.
Disease Control 47

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide



There Are No Chemical Controls for the Following Diseases
Disease Comments
Botrytis Blight This disease is restricted to tobacco greenhouses. A wet rot is often first observed on stems or leaves. A gray,
(Botrytis cinerea) downy material may be present on the surface of diseased areas. The only control methods available involve reduc-
ing surface moisture on leaves and stems (by correct watering and improving ventilation) and by the collection and
removal of loose leaf material resulting from transplant clipping operations.
Brown Spot Can be severe on mature tobacco, especially during periods of high humidity. Avoid practices that would leave
(Alternaria alternata) mature leaves in the field or delay the maturity of the tobacco. Harvest early when lesions appear on dry leaves.
Collar Rot Symptoms of this disease (occurring only in greenhouse and float bed systems) resemble damping-off. Small
(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) groups of plants have brown, wet lesions near the base of stems. Leaf rot may be seen that appears to progress
from leaf margins or tips toward the stem. White, cottony, mold may be visible. Irregularly shaped, white to black

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

objects (sclerotia) may also be found attached to severely infected plant parts. Sclerotia may be carried to the field
by infected plants. Infected plants, as well as plants immediately adjacent to diseased areas, should be discarded
as soon as possible. Improving ventilation and reducing excess moisture will help reduce spread of the causal
organism. Proper clipping procedures may also help.
Frenching This disorder has been associated with toxins produced by a nonpathogenic bacterium, Bacillus cereus, and other
Disease Control

(nonpathogenic causal nonpathogenic microorganisms. Frenching is more prevalent on wet, poorly aerated soils. This problem can be
agent) more severe on neutral or alkaline soils and is sometimes associated with lack of available nitrogen or other miner-
als. Proper drainage and fertilization can be beneficial. Do not plant in alkaline soils and avoid heavy applications of
Weather Fleck This disorder appears as small brown to tan leaf spots in the plant bed and field. The major cause of this problem
(ozone) is ozone from car, industrial, and natural sources. Hot, humid days followed by heavy rains increase severity of
Weed Control 49


Charles S. Johnson, Extension Plant Pathologist, Tobacco

Good weed control uses crop rotation, early root destruction, cul-
tivation, and the appropriate use of herbicides. Using an herbicide
will reduce dependence on the first cultivation for early-season
weed control. Some herbicides may also be applied to the row mid-
dle after the last cultivation to obtain full-season weed control.
Herbicide use should be based upon the specific weeds present
in each field, the weed-control program that integrates best with
overall farm management practices, and herbicide cost in rela-
tion to performance, crop safety, and anticipated rotational crops.
Herbicide performance and safety depend upon the use of correct
application methods. Make a special effort to apply all herbicides
exactly as stated on the product label.
Selecting the Proper Herbicide
Weed Identification - Identifying the problem weeds in each field
should be the first step in any weed control program. Check her-
bicides to ensure that the products are active against the desired
weeds. The use of herbicides with rotation crops may reduce popu-
lations of hard-to-control weeds in tobacco fields and avoid some
of the problems associated with use of tobacco herbicides. The ta-
ble on page 52 is a summary of herbicide performance for weeds
found in burley tobacco fields in Virginia.
Soil Texture and Organic Matter Content - Herbicide rates should
increase as the percent organic matter increases and as the soil
texture changes from coarse to fine. However, the lowest recom-
mended rate should always be used when the percent organic
matter is less than 1 percent, regardless of soil texture. The soil
textures listed in herbicide labels and recommendations are as
follows: Coarse Soils - sands, loamy sands, and sandy loams; Me-
dium Soils - sandy clay loams, loams, silt loams, and silts; Fine
Soils - clay loams, silty clay loams, and clays. You can determine
the percent organic matter of your soils by taking a soil sample
and submitting it to a soils laboratory for analysis.
Proper Herbicide Application
Soil Preparation - Most herbicides used in tobacco fields control
weeds by preventing seed germination. Thoroughly work all weed
growth and crop stubble into the soil prior to application of most
tobacco herbicides. The soil should be moist and loose, with all
clods broken up, before an herbicide is applied.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

50 Weed Control

Spray Equipment - Use a standard low-pressure (25 to 50 psi) boom

sprayer to apply herbicides in 20 to 40 gallons of water per acre.
Check for clogged nozzles and screens frequently while spraying.
Use 50-mesh screens in strainers, nozzles, and suction units.
Clean or replace dirty or worn-out sprayer, boom, and nozzle parts
to ensure uniform application. Be sure to calibrate the sprayer
before use to avoid crop injury and/or poor herbicide performance.
Ensure that the spray solution is continuously agitated. Do not
apply an herbicide in strong wind, since wind can cause uneven
coverage. Poast must be applied at higher pressures (40 to 60 psi)
using smaller spray volumes (5 to 20 gallons of water per acre).
Use only hollow-cone or flat-fan nozzles to apply Poast. Never leave
a spray mixture in a sprayer overnight!
Herbicide Incorporation - Herbicides should generally be incorpo-
rated as soon after application as possible. Use a field cultivator or
a combination, tandem, double disc, or disc harrow set to cut 4 to
6 inches deep. Avoid using a large field disc to incorporate PPI her-
bicides. Discs should be no more than 24 inches in diameter and
8 inches apart. Shallow incorporation with implements set to cut
less than 2 inches deep can result in erratic weed control. A single
cultivation does not adequately incorporate herbicides, and
may increase crop injury and decrease weed control. Incorpo-
rating equipment should be operated in two different directions, at
right angles to each other, at 4 to 6 mph. PTO-driven equipment
(tillers, cultivators, hoes) perform best on coarse soil types. Set
PTO-driven equipment to cut 3 to 4 inches deep and do not oper-
ate at a speed greater than 4 mph. Tillage is often required with
over-the-top (OT) herbicide use. Irrigation is also often required to
incorporate tobacco herbicides applied at layby. Using incorpora-
tion equipment and/or tractor speeds not listed on the product la-
bel may result in poor or erratic weed control and/or crop injury.
Undesired Effects of Herbicide Use
Effect of Preplant Applications on Early-season Tobacco Growth -
Herbicides applied before transplanting sometimes inhibit the root
development of transplants, delaying plant growth during the first
month after transplanting. Full-season weed control can be ob-
tained, and possible early-season growth reductions avoided, by
applying herbicides at transplanting and layby.
Effects of Herbicides on Rotation Crops - Residues from some to-
bacco herbicides may reduce the growth of crops following tobac-
co. These effects are discussed in the labels for the particular her-
bicides involved. Potential carry-over can be reduced by: 1) using
the minimum labeled rates for the chemical for your weed prob-
lems on your soils; 2) applying herbicides in a band at transplant-

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Weed Control 51

ing and/or layby rather than broadcast PPI; 3) fall tillage for early
root and stalk destruction; and, 4) by deep plowing before seeding
the winter cover crop.
Preplant Incorporated Herbicides (PPI)
Apply the herbicide in an even broadcast application. Avoid spray
overlap! Use fan-type (8004, etc.), flood-jet (TK2, TK4, etc.), or rain-
drop nozzles. Incorporate the herbicide immediately after applica-
tion using recommended equipment.
Over-the-top after Transplanting and Layby Herbicides
An OT application can be made as either a band or broadcast ap-
plication within seven days of transplanting. Tillage is required im-
mediately before or at the time of an OT application if the applica-
tion is made more than two days after transplanting or if rain has
fallen or irrigation was applied since the crop was transplanted.
1. Band Application - Apply the herbicide in a 14- to 24-inch band
over the top of transplants during transplanting. Use fan-type,
even-spray nozzles (8004E, etc.). The amount of herbicide re-
quired per acre of crop is reduced with band application and
can be determined by the following formula:
Lbs of Band Width (inches)
= x Broadcast Rate
Product/Acre Row Spacing (inches) in Lbs/A
2. Broadcast Application - Apply the herbicide in an even broad-
cast application using a sprayer equipped with fan-type nozzles
(8004, etc.). Be sure to use the recommended amount of prod-
uct per acre.
Apply layby herbicides as directed sprays to row middles imme-
diately after the last normal cultivation. Use drops equipped with
flat, flood-jet (TK2, TK4, etc.) or even, flat-fan (8004, etc.) nozzles
to apply the herbicide solution in a 16- to 30-inch band in the row
middles. Use nozzles that apply one-half (1/2) the normal number
of gallons per acre where spray nozzles on the end of the boom
pass over the same row middle twice (to prevent over-application).
Use the formula above to determine the amount of product to use
for a band application. Irrigation will be required if 1 to 2 inches
of rain do not fall within seven to ten days after application (to
ensure herbicide activation).
Precautionary and Restriction Statements
Read and follow all directions, cautions, precautions, restrictions,
and special precautions on each product label. Take labels seri-
ously. This publication must not be used as the sole source of
precautionary and restriction statements.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide



Grasses and Nutsedge
Barnyard- Bermuda- Broadleaf Crab- Crowfoot Fall Fox- Goose- Johnsongrass Texas Nut-
Herbicide grass grass Signalgrass grass grass Panicum tails grass (seedling) Panicum sedge
Command E P-F E E E E E E G G P
Devrinol G P F E E G E E F -- N
Poast F-G G E G F E E G E E N
Prowl or Pendimax G P G E E G E E G G N
Spartan F P P F F F F F F F E
Tillam G P P E E G E G G P G

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Broadleaf Weeds
Herbicide Carpet- Cockle-bur Galinsoga Jimson- Lambs- Morning- Pig- Purs- Prickly sida Rag-weed Sickle- Smart-weed
weed weed quarters glory weed lane pod
Command P F P-F G G P P G E F-G P G
Weed Control

Devrinol G F P-F P G P G G P F P P
Poast N N N N N N N N N N N N
Prowl or Pendimax G P P P G P G G P P P P
Spartan G F-G F F-G G G G G P P -- G
Tillam G P P P G P G G P P P P

*E = 90 to 100% control; G = 76 to 90%; F = 50 to 75%; P = 20 to 50%; N = Less than 20%; -- = no data. This table gives general ratings of relative herbicidal activity.
Activity varies with weather conditions, soil type, and application method. Under non-optimal conditions, activity may be less than indicated.
Soil1 Lbs Active Product per Application2
Weed Problems Texture Ingredient/A Acre Method Remarks
Pigweed, lambsquarters, night- carfentrazone Aim Pretransplant Aim is a contact “burndown” herbicide
shade, purslane, smartweed, 0.012-0.024 0.5-1.0 oz. burndown; shield- for controlling emerged and actively
velvetleaf, spurred anoda, carpet- ed or hooded growing broadleaf weeds. Can be tank
weed, cocklebur, cotton, ground- Aim EC or spray before layby mixed with other herbicides, but should
cherry, morningglory, common Aim EW be added first, WILL BURN TOBACCO
ragweed 0.013-0.023 0.8-1.5 fl. oz LEAVES ON CONTACT.
Barnyardgrass, broadleaf signal- clomazone Command ME OT Use the higher rate for heavy weed
grass, crabgrass, field sandbur pressure or heavy soils. Do not use in
(suppression), foxtails, seedling Coarse 0.75 2.0 pt plant beds.
Johnsongrass, fall panicum, vel- Fine 1.0 2.7 pt
vetleaf, jimsonweed, lambsquarter,
prickly sida, purslane, spurred
anoda, venice mallow, common
ragweed, smartweed, cocklebur
(suppression), shattercane
Barnyardgrass, carpetweed, napropamide Devrinol DF PPI, OT, Layby For PPI application, incorporate the
crabgrass, fall panicum, foxtails, Coarse 1.0 2.0 lb same day as applied. Small-grain
goosegrass, johnsongrass from Medium 1.0-1.5 2.0-3.0 lb injury may occur with PPI application
seed, lambsquarter, pigweed, Fine 2.0 4.0 lb PPI only method.
common purslane, ragweed (sup-
pression), ryegrass, check label for Devrinol 2E
uncommon weeds. Coarse 1.0 2 qt
Medium 1.0-1.5 2-3 qt
Fine 2.0 4 qt

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Weed Control 53


Soil1 Lbs Active Product per Application2
Weed Problems Texture Ingredient/A Acre Method Remarks
Grass weeds and volunteer small All types sethoxydim Poast post-emergence Apply to actively growing grasses at
grain 40-60 psi in 5-20 gal/A through hol-
Single 0.28 1.5 pt + 2.0 pt low-cone or flat-fan nozzles. May be
use: oil concentrate banded or applied broadcast. Do not
apply more than 4 pt/A per season or
0.19 1.0 pt + 2.0 pt within 42 days of harvest.
Sequen- oil concentrate
tial use:
Annual spurge, barnyardgrass, pendimethalin Prowl 3.3 EC or For silt and silt loam soils, use 2.4-3.0
carpetweed, crabgrass, crowfoot Pendimax 3.3 pt/A of Prowl 3.3EC or 2.5 pt/A of

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

grass, Florida pusley, foxtails, Coarse 0.74-0.99 1.8 – 2.4pt PPI only Prowl H2O for PPI applications. Rates
goosegrass, johnsongrass from Medium 0.74-1.24 1.8 - 3.0 pt are for broadcast application and must
seed, lambsquarters, panicums, Fine 0.99-1.24 2.4 - 3.0 pt be adjusted for banded sprays based
pigweed, purslane, signalgrass on the width of the intended spray
Coarse 0.50 – 0.74 1.2 – 1.8 pt band and soil texture. Applied accord-
Weed Control

Medium 0.74 – 0.99 1.8 – 2.4 pt Layby only ing to directions and under normal
Fine 0.74 – 0.99 1.8 – 2.4 pt growing conditions, Prowl should
not harm transplanted tobacco, but
Prowl H20 can temporarily retard growth under
Coarse 0.95 2.0 pt stressful conditions (cold/wet or hot/dry
Medium 0.95 – 1.19 2.0 – 2.5 pt PPI only weather). Layby applications should be
Fine 1.19 2.5 pt made as a directed spray in a 16- to
24-inch band centered between rows.
Coarse 0.71 1.5 pt Spray contacting tobacco leaves may
Medium 0.95 2.0 pt Layby only cause deformations. Crop injury may
Fine 0.95 2.0 pt result if winter wheat and winter barley
are no-till planted in the fall after spring
application of Prowl. Do not feed forage
or graze livestock for 75 days after
planting wheat or barley in Prowl-
treated land.
Soil1 Lbs Active Product per Application2
Weed Problems Texture Ingredient/A Acre Method Remarks
Cocklebur, Florida pusley, hairy sulfentrazone Spartan 75DF After bedding, be- Apply this product only as specified
galinsoga, goosegrass, ground- fore transplanting on the label. Do not apply to soils
cherry, jimsonweed, seedling Coare 0.25 5.3 oz classified as sands with less than 1%
Johnsongrass, lambsquarters, organic matter and shallow ground-
morningglory, wild mustard, Medium 0.31 6.7 oz water. Most tobacco fields in Virginia
nightshade, nutsedge, orchard- contain coarse to medium textured
grass, pigweed, prickly sida, Fine 0.38 8.0 oz soils. Do not impregnate on fertilizer.
Suppresses barnyardgrass, After bedding, be- Apply to soil surface after field has
crabgrass, crowfootgrass, foxtail, fore transplanting been prepared for planting and within
panicums, signalgrass. Check 14 days of transplanting. Do not apply
label for uncommon weeds. Spartan 4F at or after transplanting. Do not disturb
treated soil below a 2-inch depth. Crop
Coarse 0.25 8 fl oz (0.50 pt) injury can occur when incorporation is
poor, transplants are set too shallow,
Medium 0.31 10 fl oz (0.62 or heavy rain falls near transplanting.
pt) Do not apply Spartan more than once
Fine 0.38 per season. Do not seed small grains
12 fl oz (0.75 within 4 months of application. Do not
pt) plant cotton or canola within 18 months
of use.
Barnyardgrass, bermudagrass, All types pebulate 4.0 Tillam 6E PPI Incorporate immediately after applica-
crabgrass, crowfootgrass, Florida 2.6 qt tion. Read precautionary statement.
pusley, foxtails, goosegrass,
ground cherry, lambsquarters,
henbit, pigweed, purslane, purple
and yellow nutsedge
When the soil has less than 1% organic matter, use the rate for the coarse soil texture recommendations. Coarse - sands, loamy sands, sandy loams; Medium - sandy
clay loams, silts; Fine - clay loams, silty clay loams, clays.
PPI - Preplant incorporated. Delay in growth may result under adverse conditions and/or when poor application practices have been used.
OT - Over-the top after transplanting as a band or broadcast application. Layby - Application of herbicide in row middle after last cultivation.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Weed Control 55
56 Insect Control


Paul J. Semtner, Extension Entomologist
Several species of insects pose serious threats to tobacco in the
field, the greenhouse, and the curing barn. Insects damage the
roots, destroy the leaves and buds, reduce leaf quality, and trans-
mit several important tobacco diseases.


Integrated pest management (IPM) combines cultural, natural,
and chemical controls to maintain insect pest populations below
levels that cause economic damage to the crop. IPM promotes us-
ing insecticides only when they are needed. A certain amount of
insect damage does not reduce crop value enough to pay for the
cost of treatment. In addition, tobacco plants often compensate for
insect damage. IPM helps to maximize profits; reduce pesticide
residue levels, environmental contamination, and human expo-
sure to pesticides; and it optimizes natural control provided by
beneficial organisms.
Cultural controls
Several cultural practices help reduce insect infestations and de-
crease the need for insecticide applications. The following cultural
practices aid in the management of insect pests on tobacco.
1. Plow early in the spring at least four weeks before trans-
planting to reduce cutworm infestations and aid in wireworm
2. Use recommended rates of nitrogen. Excessive rates of ni-
trogen fertilizer may delay maturity and make tobacco a more
favorable host for hornworms and aphids after topping.
3. Adjust the transplanting date to reduce tobacco susceptibil-
ity to insect pests. Early-planted tobacco is often less favorable
for aphids, splitworms, and hornworms and more favorable for
budworms and flea beetles. Late-planted tobacco is highly sus-
ceptible to hornworm and tobacco splitworm damage and may
have lower yield and quality. Aphids are usually most serious
on tobacco transplanted near the middle of the transplanting
4. Destroy greenhouse transplants immediately after trans-
planting is completed to keep aphids and other insects from
developing high populations on the transplants and migrating
to the field tobacco.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Insect Control 57

5. Manage field borders to reduce insect habitat. Keep field mar-

gins clear of weeds and tall grass to reduce feeding, breeding,
and overwintering sites for grasshoppers and other insects that
move from these sites into tobacco fields. After tobacco is estab-
lished and growing, leave uncut barriers between tobacco fields
and hay fields that are heavily infested with grasshoppers.
6. Top in the early flower stage to eliminate food sources for
budworms and to make the crop a less desirable host for aphids
and hornworms.
7. Obtain effective sucker control to reduce food sources for
hornworms, budworms, and aphids.
8. Destroy crop residues immediately after harvest is completed.
Stalk cutting and root destruction reduce feeding and over-
wintering sites for hornworms, budworms, and flea beetles.
This practice is most effective when done on a community-wide
9. Plan crop rotations to reduce infestations of soil-inhabiting
insects. Rotate tobacco with crops that are poor hosts of cut-
worms, white-fringed beetles, and wireworms.
10. Use conservation tillage to manage insect infestations. Con-
servation tillage, including no tillage and strip tillage, reduces
aphid and flea beetle populations, but it may increase cutworm
and slug infestations.
Natural Control
Beneficial organisms, including predators, parasites and patho-
gens, provide valuable control of several insect pests. For example,
parasites often kill more than 80 percent of the budworms in tobac-
co fields, control similar to that obtained with foliar insecticides.
Hornworms are parasitized by Cotesia congregata whose larvae
feed inside the caterpillars. When the larvae mature, they emerge
through the backs of the hornworms and form egg-like cocoons.
Tiny wasps emerge from these cocoons in a few days, mate, and
seek out new hornworms to parasitize.
Stilt bugs are long-legged, slender, brown bugs that feed on horn-
worm and budworm eggs, aphids, and even small amounts of to-
bacco sap. Since stilt bugs feed on plant sap, systemic insecticides
may kill them.
Aphids are attacked by the adults and larvae of several species of
lady beetles, lacewings, and syrphid fly larvae, A red-colored midge
larvae also feeds on aphids after topping. A pathogenic fungus fre-

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

58 Insect Control

quently controls aphids from July through September, especially

in wet seasons. Although lady beetles, lacewings, and syrphid fly
larvae are usually abundant on aphid-infested tobacco, they may
not keep aphids below levels that will cause economic damage.
To preserve beneficial insects, scout fields and use economic
thresholds to time insecticide applications and select insecticides
with low impact on beneficials. These insecticides include Bacil-
lus thuringiensis (Bt), pymetrozine (Fulfill), emamectin benzo-
ate (Denim), spinosad (Tracer), and methomyl (Lannate). Trans-
plant-water and tray-drench applications of imidacloprid (Admire
Pro) and thiamethoxam (Platinum) have limited direct impact on
Chemical control
Economic thresholds and field scouting are important tools in IPM.
The economic threshold is that pest population or injury level that
requires treatment with an insecticide to prevent economic dam-
age to the crop. Fields are scouted or sampled at regular intervals
(once a week) to determine when insect pests reach their thresh-
olds. Foliar insecticides are then applied when scouting indicates
that one or more pests have reached their economic thresholds.
Insecticides applied as foliar, transplant-water, tray-drench, and
soil treatments are extremely important tools in an IPM program.
Many cultural and natural controls help reduce insect outbreaks,
but it is almost impossible to grow a top-quality, high-yielding to-
bacco crop without using some insecticides.
Insect Control on Transplants Produced in
the Greenhouse
Almost all of the tobacco transplants used in Virginia is produced
in greenhouses. So far, insects have caused minor problems in
greenhouses. However, if recommended cultural practices are not
carried out, several insect species could become serious pests.
Ants can remove seeds from the trays and cause poor stands.
Cricket feeding damage often destroys newly emerged tobacco
seedlings, reducing stands and initial growth. Shoreflies, tiny
flies that look like small houseflies, are frequently numerous in
greenhouses. Their larvae (maggots) feed on young seedlings and
may reduce stands during the first two weeks after germination.
Mice also remove the seeds from float trays, seriously reducing
plant stands. If stand loss is severe, the entire greenhouses must
be reseeded due to this damage. In greenhouses with overhead
watering systems, green June beetle grub may uproot seedlings
in the trays.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Insect Control 59

Cutworms, crickets, vegetable weevils, and slugs usually feed

on stems and leaves at night. Cutworms also cut off and destroy
plants. Crickets, cutworms, slugs, and yellow-striped army-
worms may destroy individual leaves on larger seedlings; this
damage appears to do little harm. Vegetable weevil adults and
larvae often feed on the leaves and stems and destroy the buds of
Aphids often infest tobacco seedlings in the greenhouse building
up high populations that reduce plant vigor, and they may be car-
ried to the field on infested plants.
Cultural controls in the greenhouse
Sanitation is the most important practice for managing insect
pests in tobacco greenhouses. The following practices reduce the
potential for insect infestations in greenhouses.
• As soon as transplanting has been completed, discard all un-
used plants and clean out the greenhouse.
• Keep the area in and around the greenhouse clean and free of
weeds, decaying plant material, plastic, rocks, wood, metal, and
other habitats for insects and other pests to live and feed.
• Do not plant fall and winter gardens near the greenhouse. Aphids
can survive on various vegetables and related weeds during the
winter and develop winged aphids that can fly into the green-
house and establish colonies on the tobacco seedlings.
• If greenhouses are used to produce other crops, there should
be a fallow period to keep pests from moving from the other
crops to the tobacco seedlings. Whiteflies or aphids could be-
come problems if they move from these earlier crops to tobacco.
• Use extreme temperatures to kill insects hiding in the green-
house. Close the greenhouse in the summer to increase the tem-
perature and promote cold temperatures in the winter to reduce
potential pest problems.
• Seed the entire greenhouse at the same time. Do not seed tobac-
co in greenhouses that are infested with large numbers of shore
flies because the shore flies will lay eggs on the seedlings and
the larvae will injure the emerging seedlings, reducing stand
and seedling uniformity
• Clean the greenhouse thoroughly just before seeding in the

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

60 Insect Control

Chemical control in the greenhouse

Acephate (Orthene) is the only effective insecticide labeled for use
on tobacco transplants grown in greenhouses (Table 1). It should
be applied as a foliar spray when insect infestations are observed.
It provides good to excellent control of aphids, yellow-striped ar-
myworms, cutworms, flea beetles, and vegetable weevils. Do not
apply acephate in the irrigation water or the float water. Acephate
also gives effective control of ants when applied in the greenhouse
before the float beds are set up. Apply the proper rate because too
much acephate can injure or kill young plants.
Metaldehyde (Deadline Bullets) bait controls slugs and snails in
the greenhouse. In the early evening, apply methaldehyde along
walkways and the outside margins of the float beds. Do not apply
methaldehyde directly to seedlings or use it in float beds. Mice
should be controlled with baits labeled for their control.

Table 1. Insecticides for use on transplants grown in greenhouses

Insect Insecticide and formulation Rate per 1,000 sq ft

Aphids, Acephate (Acephate AG) 75SP 1 tbs/3 gal of water (1
cutworms, lb/acre)
flea (Acephate) 97UP 0.75 tbs/3 gal of water (0.75
beetles lb/acre)
(Orthene) 97PE 0.75 tbs/3 gal of water (0.75
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Over application can
cause plant injury. Do not apply through an irrigation system or in the
float water.
Snails and Metaldehyde (Deadline Bullets) 0.25 to 0.5 lb
slugs 4% bait
Remarks and precautions: Slug damage is usually associated with
shiny slime trails. Apply to alleys, walkways and vacant areas in
late afternoon. Do not apply to float water or directly on foliage. It is
deactivated by water.
Ants Acephate (Acephate AG) 75SP 1 oz/5 gal of water
(Acephate) 97UP
(Orthene) 97PE 0.75 oz/5 gal of water
Remarks and precautions: Apply 1 gal of mix to each mound area
by sprinkling the mound until it is wet and treat a 4 ft diameter circle
around the mound. Treat only once during the season.

Insect Control on Newly Transplanted

Wireworms are hard, yellowish-brown, wire-like larvae of click
beetles that live in the soil, feeding on the roots and tunnel-
ing the piths of young tobacco plants. This injury stunts plant

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Insect Control 61

growth, causing irregular stands and lower yields. Although

wireworms feed throughout the growing season, the most seri-
ous damage occurs during the first month after transplanting.
Wireworms take one to five years to complete their life cycle.
Most of this time is spent in the larval stage. The larvae emerge
from eggs in the summer and fall, feed on the roots of various
host plants, and overwinter into the next year. Larvae then feed
on the newly transplanted tobacco. Pupation and emergence as
adult click beetles occurs in late spring and early summer.
Wireworms are most common in fields with a history of wireworm
problems, or in those previously planted after grass sod, weeds,
corn, or small grains. In these situations, apply an insecticide
labeled as soil, tray-drench, or transplant-water treatments for
wireworm control (Table 2). Apply soil insecticides (Lorsban or
Mocap) as broadcast treatments and incorporate them at least
two weeks before transplanting. Another option is to use Admire
Pro or Platinum applied at the wireworm rates as transplant wa-
ter or transplant-drench treatments. The most effective cultural
practice for wireworm control is to use sturdy, healthy trans-
plants that are less susceptible to wireworm damage than tender,
young transplants. After wireworm damage has occurred, it is
too late to apply an insecticide. Where damage is light to moder-
ate, cultivation and irrigation may help injured plants recover
and produce near normal yields although crop maturity may be
delayed. If wireworms seriously reduce the stand replanting may
be necessary. The field can be rebedded or turned under and
replanted after a recommended soil insecticide is applied.
Cutworms are active at night, feeding on roots or leaves or cut-
ting off entire plants. This injury can cause enough damage and
stand loss to require replanting. However, since tobacco compen-
sates well, less than 5 percent stand loss usually has no impact
on yield. Cutworm infestations are very sporadic and difficult to
predict, but they are most likely to occur in weedy fields that are
plowed less than a month before transplanting. Plowing fields
in the early spring usually reduces cutworm populations. Scout
fields for cutworm damage once or twice a week during the first
month after transplanting to determine when a remedial foliar
treatment is needed (Table 8). For optimum control of this night-
feeding pest, apply a foliar insecticide in the late afternoon or
early evening when 5 percent or more of the plants in a field have
recent cutworm damage.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

62 Insect Control

Whitefringed beetles
Whitefringed beetle grubs have become serious problems in some
flue-cured and burley tobacco fields. Outbreaks usually occur
in tobacco grown in rotation with clover, soybeans, or alfalfa.
Most legumes are excellent food plants for the grubs, while most
grasses are unfavorable hosts. Grubs feed on the outer surface
of the taproots and tunnel into the pith of newly transplanted
tobacco killing or stunting the plants and causing serious yield
reductions. Whitefringed beetles spread very slowly because all
adult beetles are flightless female weevils. They are transported
to new fields on farm equipment, water, and hay and other crops.
No insecticides are currently registered for the control of white-
fringed beetles on tobacco. The rotation of tobacco with good
stands of grass containing few legumes or broadleaf weeds may
help reduce grub damage.
Soil-incorporated insecticides
Pretransplant soil applications of insecticides can provide effec-
tive control of aphids, cutworms, flea beetles, wireworms, and
nematodes on tobacco. However, foliar insecticides applied at the
economic thresholds usually control insects feeding on the foli-
age and cost less than systemic insecticides applied to the soil.
Several factors should be considered before selecting a soil
• Is there a field history of wireworms or nematode problems? If
so, sample the field for nematodes as described in the disease
control section of this guide and submit the samples to your lo-
cal Extension office to be sent off for analysis. Fall sampling is
• If a tobacco field has been in sod, weeds, or small grains during
the previous year or has a history of wireworm problems, apply
an insecticide for wireworm control.
• Mocap, Capture, and Lorsban are broadcast soil treatments for
wireworm control (Tables 2 and 3).
• Admire Pro or Platinum applied as transplant water or trans-
plant drench treatments may be a better choice for wireworm
control because they also control aphids and flea beetles
(Tables 2, 4, and 5).
• Soil fumigants provide little control of insects in the soil or
on the foliage because many insects are below the zone being

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Insect Control 63

Table 2. Ratings of soil, greenhouse tray drench, and transplant water treatments for
control of insects and nematodes on burley tobacco.

Leaf feeding
insects Soil insects Nematodes 1
Flea Root-knot Tobacco
Insecticide Aphids beetles Cutworms Wireworms and other Cyst
Acephate AG/TW2; 2 3 3-4 0 0 0
Acephate UP;
Orthene 97 (TW)2
Admire Pro/Nuprid 5 2 0 3 0 0
Admire Pro/Nuprid 5 4 0 3 0 0
Capture 2EC PPI, 0 0 3 3 0 0
Lorsban 4E PPI 0 1 3 4 1 (5 qt/acre) 0
Mocap 6EC PPI 0 1 2-3 3-4 1 0
Platinum/TMOXX 2F 5 3 0 3 0 0
Platinum/TMOXX 2F 5 4 0 3 0 0

Ratings are based on a scale of 0 to 5 where 0 = not labeled or no control, 1 = poor control,
2 = fair control, 3 = good control, 4 = very good control, and 5 = excellent control.
Ratings for nematode control were made by Dr. Charles S. Johnson.

TW = Transplant water, TD = Transplant drench, PPI=Preplant soil incorporated.


Table 3. Insects on field tobacco - pretransplant soil treatments

Insect Insecticide and formulation Rate per acre

Wireworms, Cutworms Ethoprop 1.33 to
(Mocap) 6EC 4 qt
(Mocap) 15G 13 lb
Chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 15G 13.5 to 20 lb
(Lorsban) 4E 2 to 3 qt
Bifinthrin (Capture) 2EC 2.56 to 6.4 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Make broadcast applications at least 2 weeks before trans-
planting. Band applications are usually less effective than broadcast treatments. Use a
suitable device to incorporate insecticides into the soil to a depth of at least 4 inches
immediately after application. Lorsban and Capture are also registered for cutworms
and flea beetle larvae. These chemicals are restricted use.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

64 Insect Control

Table 4. Insects on field tobacco - transplant-water treatments

Rate per acre or 1,000

Insect Insecticide and formulation plants
Flea beetles, Acephate (Acephate AG) 75SP 1 lb/acre
cutworms, thrips,
suppression of
(Acephate) 97UP 0.75 lb/acre
(Orthene) 97PE 0.75 lb/acre
Aphids, flea Imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 0-5 to 0.6 fl oz/ 1,000 plants
(Nuprid) 2F 1.0 fl oz/ 1,000 plants
Thiamethoxam 0.5 to 0.8 fl oz/1,000 plants
(Platinum/TMOXX) 2SC or 3 to 5 fl oz/acre
Wireworms, thrips Imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 0.8 to 1.2 fl oz/ 1,000 plants
for suppression of 4.6SC
tomato spotted wilt
virus (Nuprid) 2F 1.4-2.8 fl oz/ 1,000 plants

Thiamethoxam 0.8 to 1.3 fl oz/1,000 plants

(Platinum/TMOXX) 2SC or 5 to 8 fl oz/acre
Remarks and precautions: Acephate provides flea beetle control for 3 to 4 weeks
after transplanting and suppresses aphid infestations for 4 to 6 weeks. Admire Pro and
Platinum usually gives excellent season-long control of aphids. Apply treatments in at
least 100 gal of water/acre. Higher amounts of water should be used for greenhouse
transplants. Calibrate transplanters and allow tanks to run low before refilling.

Table 5. Insects on field tobacco-drench application to greenhouse transplants

Insects Insecticide and formulation Rate per 1,000 plants

Aphids, flea Imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 0.5 to 0.6 fl oz/ 1,000 plants
beetles 4.6SC
(Nuprid) 2F 1.0 fl oz/ 1,000 plants
Thiamethoxam (Platinum) 2SC 0.5 to 0.8 fl oz
Wireworm, Imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 0.6 to 1.2 fl oz/ 1,000 plants
Thrips for 4.6SC
(Nuprid) 2F 1.4 to 2.8 fl oz/ 1,000 plants
of tomato
spotted wilt Thiamethoxam (Platinum) 2SC 0.6 to 1.3 fl oz
virus (TMOXX) 2SC 0.6 to 1.3 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a drench to plants in trays or flats prior to
transplanting. Mix with water before application. Keep agitated or mix regularly to
avoid settling in tank. Water the plants in the trays before treatment and again im-
mediately after application using enough water to wash the residue from the foliage
into the media. Transplant within 3 days.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Insect Control 65



Scouting for Insects

Tobacco fields should be scouted at least once a week through-
out the season to determine when insecticide applications are
1. Take representative samples from the entire field except for the
outside rows. Take samples in Z or N patterns across the field.
Do not sample the same plants each week. Look for insect
pests and their damage on at least 50 plants in a field (1 to 10
acres). Make counts and record the data for five consecutive
plants at ten locations throughout the field. Select the plants
before you see them. If a field is planted on two different dates
or if there are great differences in plant size within the field,
divide the field into two or more sections and sample each sec-
tion separately. Large fields (more than 10 acres) will require
larger samples. Sample an additional ten plants for every 2
additional acres.
2. During the first four weeks after transplanting, check tobacco
for feeding holes or missing, stunted, or cut plants. Cutworms,
flea beetles, wireworms, and other insects may damage these
3. Beginning about three to four weeks after transplanting,
aphids, budworms, flea beetles, and hornworms are the pri-
mary targets of an insect scouting program.
4. When a field is being scouted for insects that feed on tobacco
foliage, individual plants should be examined and recorded in
a notebook as follows:
a. Check the bud region for budworm damage. If damage is
present, look carefully for budworms and the white cocoons
of the budworms parasite, Campoletis sonorensis. If there is
budworm damage, but no worm, do not count the plant as
b. Examine the entire plant for hornworm damage, locate,
count the hornworms at least 1 inch long, and determine
whether they are parasitized by Cotesia congregate (white
egg-like cocoons on hornworm’s back).

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

66 Insect Control

c. Examine the undersides of upper leaves for aphids and the

upper surfaces of the middle and lower leaves for honey-
dew, flea beetles, flea beetle feeding holes, and mines of the
tobacco splitworm.
d. If you find an unidentified insect that appears to be damag-
ing the crop, collect the insect and samples of its damage,
put them in a container, and take them to a local Extension
agent for identification. This is important because benefi-
cial insects are often mistaken for pests. In addition, the
misidentification of a pest may lead to the selection of the
wrong insecticide for its control.
5. Tobacco fields should be treated when one or more insect pests
meet or exceed the threshold levels shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Economic thresholds for various insects on tobacco.

Insect Economic threshold Time when insect is a problem

(weeks after transplanting)
Aphids 50 or more aphids on any up- 4 weeks after transplanting to final
per leaf on 5 of 50 plants. harvest
Budworms 10 plants with one or more 3 weeks after transplanting to 1
budworm per 50 plants until 1 week before topping
week before topping.
Cutworms 5 out of 100 plants with recent 1 to 4 weeks after transplanting
cutworm damage.
Flea beetles 4 beetles per plant on tobacco Transplanting to 4 weeks after
less than 2 weeks old, 8 to transplanting and from topping to
10 beetles per plant on 2 to 4 final harvest
week-old plants, 60 beetles
per plant on plants more than 4
weeks old.
Grasshoppers 10 grasshoppers per 50 plants. 6 weeks after transplanting to final
Hornworms 5 larvae (worms) at least 1 3 weeks after transplanting to final
inch long per 50 plants. Do not harvest. Can be a problem on air-
count parasitized worms with cured tobacco in curing structures.
the egg-like cocoons on their
backs. For hornworms 1/2 to
3/4 inch long, treat when there
is 1 hornworm per plant.
Wireworms Not determined 1 to 6 weeks after transplanting

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Insect Control 67

Tobacco Budworms
Tobacco budworms feed in the buds of young tobacco plants
causing many holes in the tiny developing leaves. As the leaves
grow, these feeding holes become larger and give the plants a
ragged, distorted appearance. Tobacco plants usually compen-
sate for this damage so yield and quality may not be affected.
However, budworms sometimes top the plants prematurely caus-
ing early sucker growth that may stunt the plants and require
extra labor to remove the suckers. After the button stage, bud-
worms rarely cause economic damage. Apply foliar sprays for
budworm control with one or three solid-cone or hollow-cone
nozzles over each row using 40 to 60 psi to deliver 10 to 25 gal-
lons of spray mixture per acre. Control with foliar sprays rarely
exceeds 80 percent. See insecticide performance ratings in Table
3 and insecticide options for budworm control in Table 8. When
checking tobacco for budworms, look for the cocoons of a wasp
(Campoletis) that parasitizes budworms on the leaves near the
bud. These cocoons are about 1/4 inch long and white or gray-
ish in color with two black bands or dots. Campoletis and other
parasites provide good natural control of budworms on tobacco
in Virginia.

Tobacco and tomato hornworms are large caterpillars (up to 4
inches long) that eat large amounts of tobacco leaf. Infestations
may develop anytime from transplanting until harvest, but dam-
age is usually most severe during August and September. Treat
for hornworm control where there are five hornworms 1 inch long
or longer per 50 plants. Do not count parasitized hornworms.
Parasitized hornworms with the white egg-like cocoons of the
parasitic wasp, Cotesia congregata, on their backs eat much less
than healthy hornworms and they provide a food source for para-
sites that help reduce the next generation of hornworms. Preda-
tors also kill large numbers of larvae that are less than 1 inch
long. For this reason, hornworms less than 1 inch long are not
considered when determining the economic threshold because
they cause very little damage and have no effect on yield or qual-
ity. However, if a field has large numbers of hornworms less than
1 inch long, the field should be rechecked in three to four days.
For optimum control of hornworms, direct the spray to the upper
one-half of the plants. See insecticide ratings in Table 3 and the
labeled insecticides in Table 9. Several cultural practices help
reduce the susceptibility of tobacco to hornworms. Early top-
ping, early transplanting, effective sucker control, and fertiliza-

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

68 Insect Control

tion with recommended rates of nitrogen help reduce late-season

infestations. When used on an area-wide basis, stalk cutting and
root destruction immediately after harvest reduce overwintering
hornworm populations.

The tobacco or green peach aphid has been the most severe
insect pest of tobacco in Virginia. Aphid populations increase
rapidly, doubling in size in about every two days under favorable
conditions. High populations of aphids can reduce tobacco yield
by 5 percent to 25 percent (100 to 500 pounds per acre) or more.
As aphids feed, they excrete honeydew that contains the excess
sugars obtained from the plant sap. This sticky, shiny honeydew
and tiny white exoskeletons are deposited on the leaves below
the feeding aphids. A dark, sooty mold that gives the leaves a
dark tint often grows on the honeydew. The combination of sooty
mold and honeydew interferes with curing, reduces leaf quality,
and often remains on tobacco after aphids have been controlled.
Aphids are most severe on field tobacco from late June to Sep-
tember. Tobacco plants become infested when winged aphids
fly into fields and deposit young wingless nymphs on the up-
per leaves. Watch for increases in aphid populations from early
June to the end of August. Examine the undersides of leaves
from all portions of tobacco plants to assess the extent of aphid
The following practices can be used to manage aphids on

1. Preventive Control
a. Apply systemic insecticides before or at transplanting.
Admire Pro or Platinum applied as transplant drench or trans-
plant water treatments usually provide excellent season-long
control of aphids (Table 2).

2. Remedial Control of Aphids

a. Make remedial applications of a foliar insecticide at the
economic threshold level before populations become too high
(Table 3). Aphids are then much easier to control for the rest of
the season.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Insect Control 69

b. Rotate insecticides for resistance management. The con-

tinuous use of the same insecticide year after year increases
the chances that aphids will develop resistance to it. Rotating
insecticides with different modes of action reduces the chances
that resistance will develop. The insecticides available for
aphid control on tobacco are in several different groups based
on their modes of action (the way they kill aphids). Orthene/
Acephate is in group 1b, Lannate is in group 1a, Fulfill is in
group 9a; and Admire, Platinum, Nuprid, Provado, and Actara
are in group 4a. When applying several insecticides for aphid
control over the growing season, change from one group to
another. Do not apply a neonicotinoid such as Provodo, Actara,
or Assail to tobacco already treated with another neonicotinoid
such as Admire or Platinum. Instead, apply Orthene or Fulfill
because they are in different chemical groups.
c. Assess control after three or four days. It takes one to three
days after application of most insecticides for the aphids to
die. If control is not adequate, determine whether the weather
conditions, spraying equipment, improper calibration, or other
factors contributed to the poor control.
d. Higher gallonage, higher sprayer pressure, drop nozzles,
and spreader-stickers can improve coverage. For optimum
aphid control with foliar insecticides, the sprays must come in
contact with the aphids concentrated on the undersides of the
e. Continue to scout the crop after satisfactory control is ob-
tained because aphid populations may return to damaging
levels and require additional insecticide applications.

3. Cultural Control of Aphids

Most cultural practices do not keep aphid populations
below the economic threshold, but they can improve the ef-
fectiveness of foliar insecticides and reduce the need for in-
secticide applications after topping. Useful cultural practices
a. Not planting cole crops such as cabbage and turnips near
greenhouses. These plants are sources of aphids that can
infest tobacco plants early in the growing season.
b. Controlling aphids in greenhouses. Destroy greenhouse
transplants immediately after transplanting is completed.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

70 Insect Control

c. Transplanting early. Early planted tobacco may become

infested with aphids earlier, but it matures earlier and the
aphids have less impact on it than they do on tobacco planted
near the middle of the recommended planting period.
d. Use recommended nitrogen rates on burley tobacco. Too
much nitrogen fertilizer causes the leaves to remain green
later in the year and it promotes excessive sucker growth that
favors aphid infestations.
e. Topping early and controlling suckers. Aphid populations
often decline rapidly after topping, especially in hot, dry
weather. However, aphids may still reach damaging levels that
require insecticide treatment.
Tobacco Flea Beetle
Adult tobacco flea beetles feed on the leaves and stalks of to-
bacco, while the grubs or larvae feed on tobacco roots. Extensive
feeding by both beetle stages on newly set transplants may cause
stunting and uneven stands. When checking tobacco fields for
flea beetles, look for the characteristic shot-hole feeding damage,
and then count the beetles on 20 plants (two per field-sample
location). Apply treatments for flea beetles on newly set to-
bacco when there are four or more beetles per plant. Larger
plants can tolerate very high flea-beetle densities. Apply an in-
secticide when the base of the lower leaves have a netted appear-
ance or densities exceed 60 beetles per plant. Flea-beetle control
ratings for systemic and foliar insecticides are listed in Tables 2
and 7, respectively. Insecticides for flea-beetle control are listed
in Tables 3, 4, 5, and 9). Harvesting at the normal time and stalk
cutting and root destruction immediately after the last harvest
are the most effective cultural practices for reducing flea-beetle
damage. Tobacco with nitrogen deficiency appears to be more
susceptible to flea-beetle damage after topping.
Flea beetles are difficult to control after topping because the
insecticides that can be used at this time provide only short re-
sidual control and flea beetles are emerging from the soil over an
extended period.
Managing thrips to control tomato spotted wilt virus
The tobacco thrips, Frankliniella fusca, is the primary vector of
the tobacco pathogen, tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). TSWV
caused serious stand reductions in tobacco fields in parts of
Virginia in 2002 but it has occurred at very low rates since then.
Foliar treatments for thrips control are not effective for manag-
ing TSWV after the disease is observed in the field. However,

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Insect Control 71

tray drench or transplant water applications of Admire Pro and

Platinum suppress TSWV. Tray drenches are more effective than
transplant water treatments.
Tobacco splitworm
The tobacco splitworm, or potato tuberworm, is a leaf-mining
caterpillar that is sometimes a late-season problem on tobacco.
Splitworms live in tunnels or mines that appear as grayish,
translucent blotches on the leaves. Splitworms can also feed in
the midvein and stalk. Old mines turn brown and brittle and
may destroy over 50 percent of the leaf. Although the mines are
most common on the lower leaves, they can occur on any leaf.
Splitworm damage increases the amount of dead leaf tissue and
may reduce crop yield and value. Since splitworms feed within
the leaves, they are difficult to control with insecticides. Current-
ly, no insecticides are registered for splitworm control on tobacco.
However, Denim, Tracer, and Acephate applied in high volumes
of water provide fair to good control. Denim was the most effec-
tive treatment. Early-season applications of Warrior appear to be
effective but are rarely necessary and no early-season thresholds
have been established. Therefore, it is important to avoid planting
or storing Irish potatoes near tobacco fields because they are an
important source of this pest in tobacco. If splitworm mines are
observed on the lower leaves, the leaves should be harvested and
cured as soon as possible. Since splitworms continue to develop
inside the leaves after they are harvested, removing infested
leaves and dropping them on the ground will not reduce the
problem and may make it worse.


Apply insecticides properly for optimum insect control. On small
tobacco, obtain effective control by directing one solid-cone or
hollow-cone nozzle per row to the bud. Operate equipment at 40
to 60 psi, do not exceed 5 miles per hour, and use at least 6 to
8 gallons of finished spray per acre. After tobacco is 2 feet tall,
use one or three cone nozzles per row. If three nozzles are used,
orient the two side nozzles at a 45-degree angle toward the upper
one-third of the plant. Use 40 to 60 psi and 20 to 50 gallons of
spray mixture per acre. Set the nozzles 8 to 12 inches above the
tobacco. Drop nozzles oriented to the undersides of the leaves
and used in combination with one or three nozzles over the row
may improve aphid, splitworm, and flea beetle control. Plant to-
bacco uniformly so that the space between rows is constant. This
makes it easier to orient the spray nozzles over the plants during
the spraying operation.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

72 Insect Control

Table 7. Rating of foliar insecticides for control of insect pests on burley tobacco.

Insecticide Aphid BW1 CW1 FB1 G1 HW1

Actara/TMOXX 4 0 0 3 0 0
Assail 4 2 0 2 0 4*
Bacillus thuringiensis Spray
Agree, Crymax/Dipel/Javelin/
Lepinox/XenTari 0 2 0 0 0 5
Capture 1 3-4 4 3 3 5
Denim 0 4 0 0 0 4
Fulfill 3 0 0 0 0 0
Lannate 2 3 0 3 0 5
Acephate 97UP 4 3 4 3 4 5
Provado/Nuprid 4 0 0 3 0 0
Sevin 0 2 3 3 3 4
Tracer 0 4 0 0 0 4
Warrior 1 3 3 3 3 5

BW = Budworm; CW = Cutworm; FB = Flea Beetle; G = Grasshopper;
HW = Hornworm. Rating is as follows 0 = not labeled, 1 = poor, 2 = fair, 3 = good, 4 = very good, 5
= excellent, *effective, but not labeled.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Insect Control 73

Table 8. Restricted entry intervals and preharvest intervals for various insecticides used
on burley tobacco in Virginia.

Restricted Preharvest
entry Intervals interval (PHI)
Insecticide (REI) (hours) (days)
Foliar treatments
Acephate (Orthene/Acephate AG/Acephate UP) 24 3
Acetamiprid (Assail) 70WP, 30WG 12 7
Bacillus thuringiensis (Agree/Crymax/Dipel/
Javelin/XenTari) 4 0
Bacillus thuringiensis (Lepinox) 12 0
Bifenthrin (Capture) 12 Do not apply
after layby
Carbaryl (Sevin) 12 0
Endosulfan (Golden Leaf Tobacco Spray/
Phaser/Thiodan) 24 5
Imidacloprid (Nuprid/Provado) 1.6F 12 14
Methomyl (Lannate) 48 7
Pymethozine (Fulfill) 12 14
Spinosad (Tracer) 4 3
Thiamethoxam (Actara/TMOXX)) 12 14
Soil treatments
Aldicarb (Temik) (Check label for reentry 48 Applied before
restrictions after first rainfall or irrigation) transplanting
Bifenthrin (Capture) 12 Do not apply
after layby
Chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 24 “
Ethoprop (Mocap) 48 “
Metaldehyde (Deadline Bullets) 12 “
Greenhouse float tray or transplant water treatments
Acephate (Orthene/Acephate) 24 Applied at
or before
Bifenthrin (Capture) 12 Do not apply
after layby
Imidacloprid (Admire Pro/Nuprid) 12 Applied at
or before
Thiamethoxam (Platinum/TMOXX) 2F 12 “
Acephate (Orthene 97/Acephate 97UP) 24 “

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

74 Insect Control


Table 9. Insects on Field Tobacco - Foliar Treatments

Insect Insecticide and formulation Rate per acre

Aphids Acephate (Acephate AG) 75SP 0.67 to 1 lb
(Acephate) 97UP 0.5 to 0.75 lb

(Orthene) 97PE 0.5 to 0.75 lb

Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray in 10 to 50
gal/acre. Use highest rate for heavy infestations or if control was
poor with previous application. If tobacco is large and aphids are
established on the lower leaves, drop nozzles that orient spray to
undersides of leaves improve control. Prime before treating.
Acetamiprid (Assail) 70WP 0.6 to 1.7 oz
(Assail) 30WG

Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray in at least 20

gal/acre. Do not apply to tobacco already treated with Admire
Pro, Platinum, Provado, or Actara. Also provides fair control of
Bifenthrin (Capture) 2EC 2.56 to 6.4 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply after layby.
Restricted use.
Imidacloprid (Provado) 2F 2 to 4 fl oz
(Nuprid) 2F 2 to 4 fl oz

Remarks and precautions: Apply as spray. Do not apply to

tobacco treated with Admire Pro, Assail, Platinum, Provado,
Methomyl (Lannate) 90SP 0.25 to 0.5 lb
(Lannate) 2.4LV 1.5 pt
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Several applica-
tions may be necessary to control aphids. Restricted Use
Pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50WG 2.75 oz
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply more than 5.5 oz/acre/
year. Allow 7 days between applications.
Thiamethoxam (Actara) 25WDG 2 to 3 oz
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply to tobacco already
treated with Platinum, TMOXX, AdmireAdmire Pro, Assail, or
Provado. Apply only once during the growing season.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Insect Control 75

Table 9. Insects on Field Tobacco - Foliar Treatments (Cont’d)

Insect Insecticide and formulation Rate per acre

Armyworms Bifenthrin (Capture) 2EC 2.56 to 6.4 fl oz
(beet, fall and
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply after
layby. Restricted use.
Emamectin benzoate (Denim) 0.16EC 6 to 12 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Restricted Use. Apply in sufficient water
for through coverage.
Lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1EC 1.9 to 3.8 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Restricted Use. Apply as a spray.
Observe the 40-day preharvest interval. Orthene is labeled for army-
worms on other crops.
Budworms Acephate (Acephate AG) 75SP 1 lb
(Acephate) 97UP 0.75 lb
(Orthene) 97PE 0.75 lb
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. When using hand spray-
er apply in 10 to 50 gal/acre.
Bacillus thuringiensis Sprays
(Agree) WG 1 to 2 lb
(Crymax) WG 0.5 to 2 lb
(Dipel) DF 0.5 to 1 lb
(Dipel) ES 1 to 2 pt
(Javelin) WG 1 to 1.25 lb
(Lepinox) WDG 1 to 2 lb
(XenTari) WDG 0.5 to 2 lb

Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Do not allow diluted

sprays to stand in the sprayer more than 12 hours.
Bifenthrin (Capture) 2EC 2.56 to 6.4 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply after layby. Restricted use.
Carbaryl (Sevin) 80S 1.25 to 2.5 lb
(Sevin XLR Plus) 4F 1 to 2 qt
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Do not apply until plants
are established and growing. The tobacco aphid often becomes a
problem on tobacco following two or more applications of Sevin.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

76 Insect Control

Table 9. Insects on Field Tobacco - Foliar Treatments (Cont’d)

Insect Insecticide and formulation Rate per acre

Budworms (cont’d) Emamectin benzoate 8 to 12 fl oz
(Denim) 0.16EC
Remarks and precautions: Restricted Use. Apply in suf-
ficient water for thorough coverage. Apply before damag-
ing infestations occur.
Lambda-cyhalothrin 1.9 to 3.8 fl oz
(Warrior) 1EC
Remarks and precautions: Restricted Use. Apply as a
foliar spray after field scouting indicates the population
has reached the threshold as indicated by field scouting.
Observe the 40-day preharvest interval.
Methomyl (Lannate) 90SP 0.5 lb
(Lannate) 2.4LV 1.5 pt
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Make appli-
cations as needed. Direct the spray into the buds before
buttoning. Restricted Use.
Spinosad (Tracer) 4F 1.5 to 2 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Use higher rates for large
larvae or high infestation. Use at least 20 gal of water per
Cabbage loopers Acephate (Acephate AG) 75SP 1 lb
(Acephate) 97UP 0.75 lb
(Acephate) 97UP 0.75 lb
(Orthene) 97PE 0.75 lb
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray in 10 to 50
gal of water
Bacillus thuringiensis
See rates and formulations
under budworms
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Do not al-
low prepared sprays to stand in tank more than 12 hrs.
Bifenthrin (Capture) 2EC 2.56 to 6.4 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply after layby.
Restricted use.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Insect Control 77

Table 9. Insects on Field Tobacco - Foliar Treatments (Cont’d)

Insect Insecticide and formulation Rate per acre

Cabbage loopers Lambda-cyhalothrin 1.9 to 3.8 fl oz
(Warrior) 1EC
Remarks and precautions: Restricted Use. Apply as a spray.
There is a 40-day preharvest interval.
Methomyl (Lannate) 90SP 0.5 lb
(Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 pt
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Restricted Use.
Spinosad (Tracer) 4F 1.5 to 2 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray
in at least 20 gal of water per acre.
Cutworms Acephate (Acephate AG) 75SP 1 lb
(Acephate) 97UP 0.75 lb
(Orthene) 97PE 0.75 lb
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray overtop of plants in
affected areas when 5% of plants are injured by cutworms. Make
application during late afternoon using at least 25 gal of spray per
Bifenthrin (Capture) 2EC 2.56 to 6.4 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply after layby. Restricted
Lambda-cyhalothrin 1.9 to 3.8 fl oz
(Warrior) 1EC

Remarks and precautions: Restricted Use. Apply in the late

afternoon when cutworms are causing damage. Do not apply
within 40 days of harvest.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

78 Insect Control

Table 9. Insects on Field Tobacco - Foliar Treatments (Cont’d)

Insect Insecticide and formulation Rate per acre

Flea beetles Acephate (Acephate AG) 75SP 0.67 lb
(Acephate) 97UP 0.5 lb
(Orthene) 97PE 0.5 lb
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Prime before treating
Bifenthrin (Capture) 2EC 2.56 to 6.4 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply after layby. Restricted
Carbaryl (Sevin) 80S 1.25 lb
(Sevin XLR Plus) 4F 1 qt
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Do not apply until
plants are established and growing. Aphids often become problems
on tobacco following two or more applications of Sevin.
Imidacloprid (Provado) 1.6F 4 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Apply as spray. Do not apply to
tobacco already treated with Admire Pro, Assail, TMOXX, or
Lambda-cyhalothrin 1.9 to 3.8 fl oz
(Warrior) 1EC
Remarks and precautions: Restricted Use. Apply in sufficient
water for coverage.
Methomyl (Lannate) 90SP 0.25 to 0.5 lb
(Lannate) 2.4LV 1.5 pt
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Restricted Use.
Thiamethoxam (Actara) 25WDG 2 to 4 oz
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply to tobacco already
treated with Admire Pro, Assail, Platinum, Provado, or TMOXX. Ap-
ply only once during the growing season.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Insect Control 79

Table 9. Insects on Field Tobacco - Foliar Treatments (Cont’d)

Insect Insecticide and formulation Rate per acre

Grasshoppers Acephate (Acephate AG) 75SP 0.33 to 0.67lb
(Acephate) 97UP 0.25 to 0.5 lb
(Orthene) 97PE 0.25 to 0.5 lb
Bifenthrin (Capture) 2EC 2.56 to 6.4 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply after layby.
Restricted use.
Carbaryl (Sevin) 80S 0.67 to 1.88 lb
(Sevin XLR Plus) 4F 0.5 to 1.5 qt
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Treat crop and a
strip around field to reduce grasshopper movement into the field.
Lambda-cyhalothrin 1.9 to 3.8 fl oz
(Warrior) 1EC
Remarks and precautions: Restricted Use. Apply in sufficient
water for coverage. There is a 40-day preharvest interval.
Hornworms Acephate (Acephate AG) 75SP 0.67 lb in water (1.5
(Acephate) 97UP tbs/gal of water
(Orthene) 97PE 0.5 lb
0.5 lb (1 tbs/gal)
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Treat infested
fields before worms are more than 1-1/2 inches long. Direct
insecticides toward the upper half of the plants. Prime before
Bacillus thuringiensis
(Agree) WSP 1 to 2 lb
(Crymax) WG 0.5 to 2 lb
(Dipel) DF 0.25 to 1 lb
(Dipel) ES 0.5 to 1 pt
(Javelin) WG 0.13 to 1.25 lb
(Lepinox) WDG 1 to 2 lb
XenTari WDG 0.5 to 2 lb
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Do not allow dilute
sprays to stand in tank more than 12 hours. Dipel can be tank
mixed with maleic hydrazide (MH-30).

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

80 Insect Control

Table 9. Insects on Field Tobacco - Foliar Treatments (Cont’d)

Insect Insecticide and formulation Rate per acre

Hornworms Bifenthrin (Capture) 2EC 2.56 to 6.4 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply after layby. Restricted use.
Carbaryl (Sevin) 80S 1.25 to 2.5 lb
(Sevin XLR Plus) 4F 1 to 2 qt
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray.
Emamectin benzoate 8 to 12 fl oz
(Denim) 0.16EC
Remarks and precautions: Restricted Use. Apply in sufficient water
for through coverage before damaging infestations occur.
Lambda-cyhalothrin 1.9 to 3.8 fl oz
(Warrior) 1EC
Remarks and precautions: Restricted Use. Apply as a spray. There
is a 40-day preharvest interval.
Methomyl (Lannate) 90SP 0.25 to 0.5 lb
(Lannate) 2.4LV 0.75 to 1.5 pt
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Restricted Use.
Spinosad (Tracer) 4F 1 to 2 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray in at least 20 gal of
water per acre.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Insect Control 81

Table 9. Insects on Field Tobacco - Foliar Treatments (Cont’d)

Insect Insecticide and formulation Rate per acre

Japanese beetles Acephate (Acephate AG) 75SP 0.67 to 1 lb
(Acephate) 97UP 0.5 to 0.75 lb
(Orthene) 97PE 0.5 to 0.75 lb
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray in 10 to 50
gal/acre. Prime before treating.
Carbaryl (Sevin) 80S 1.25 lb or 3 tbs/
gal of water.
(Sevin) 50W 2 lb
(Sevin XLR Plus) 4F 1 qt
Bifenthrin (Capture) 2EC 2.56 to 6.4 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply after layby.
Restricted use.
Imidacloprid (Provado) 1.6F 4 fl oz
Thiamethoxam (Actara) 25WDG 3 oz
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Damage is
usually less severe than it appears. Repeated applications with
sevin or pyrethroids may flare up aphid.
Lambda-cyhalothrin 1.9 to 3.8 fl oz
(Warrior) 1EC
Remarks and precautions: Restricted Use. Apply as a
spray. There is a 40-day preharvest interval.
Slugs Metaldehyde (Dealine Bullets) 4 % Bait 12 to 40 lb/acre
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a broadcast treatment
to the soil surface in the late evening. Metaldehyde is most
effective after irrigation or a rain.
Stink bugs Acephate (Acephate AG) 75SP 0.67 to 1 lb
(Acephate) 97UP 0.5 to 0.75 lb
(Orthene) 97PE 0.5 to 0.75 lb
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Stinkbug injury
is usually much less severe than it appears.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

82 Insect Control

Table 9. Insects on Field Tobacco - Foliar Treatments (Cont’d)

Insect Insecticide and formulation Rate per acre

Stink bugs Bifenthrin (Capture) 2EC 2.56 to 6.4 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply after layby. Restricted use.
Lambda-cyhalothrin 1.9 to 3.8 fl oz
(Warrior) 1EC
Remarks and precautions: Restricted Use. Apply as a spray. There
is a 40-day preharvest interval. Restricted use.
Thrips Acephate (Acephate AG) 75SP 0.67 to 1 lb
(Acephate) 97UP 0.5 to 0.75 lb
(Orthene) 97PE 0.5 to 0.75 lb
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray in 10 to 50 gal/acre. Use
highest rate for heavy infestations or if control was poor with previ-
ous application. Prime before treating. Foliar applications for thrips
control are not effective for reducing tomato spotted wilt virus after the
disease is observed.
Bifenthrin (Capture) 2EC 2.56 to 6.4 fl oz
Remarks and precautions: Do not apply after layby. Restricted use.
Lambda-cyhalothrin 1.9 to 3.8 fl oz
(Warrior) 1EC
Remarks and precautions: Apply as a spray. Foliar applications for
thrips control are not effective for reducing tomato spotted wilt virus
after the disease is observed.. There is a 40-day preharvest interval.
Whitefringed No chemical controls
Remarks and precautions: Cultural control: Rotate tobacco with
grass crops. Control legumes and broadleaf weeds. Do not plant
tobacco after legumes.
No insecticides are currently registered for whitefringed beetle control
on tobacco

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Harvesting, Curing, Stripping, and Marketing 83


Danny R. Peek, Extension Specialist, Burley Tobacco
Growers should only harvest mature, ripe tobacco. Burley tobac-
co usually matures and is ready for harvest three to five weeks
after topping, at which time the upper one-third of the plant
should have a distinct pale green to yellow appearance, and the
bottom of the plant should be completely yellow. The midribs of
the leaves should fade from a green color to a pale yellow color
as the plant ripens. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied will
have some influence on the time of maturity and, more directly,
the quality of the tobacco at maturity. There are also differences
among varieties in time of maturing or ripening. Ms KY 14 x L8 is
the earliest maturing variety available and NC 2000 is the latest
maturing variety. Growers are often hesitant to allow the upper
leaves to ripen for fear of losing some of the lower leaves. Howev-
er, the added growth and weight of the upper leaves will usually
more than make up for the loss of downstalk leaves. Generally,
growers in the southwest portion of Virginia gain a tremendous
amount of yield by waiting at least four to five weeks after top-
ping before harvesting (Figure 1.). However, this may be different
for burley growers in the piedmont area of Virginia. Yields are
generally maximized at four weeks after topping and can start
to decrease between four and five weeks after topping (Figure
2.). Thus, growers in the piedmont area should look at how long
it will take to harvest their crop. If it can be harvested in week
they should let the tobacco stand 4 weeks after topping. However,
if it’s going to take longer they should start at three weeks af-
ter topping. Burley tobacco should not be cut sooner than three
weeks after topping.


2477 2790 3285
Yield (lbs/ac)




Harvest Interval (Weeks After Topping)

Figure 1. Burley tobacco yields averaged across ten varieties harvested three, four, and five weeks
after topping. Glade Spring, 2006

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

84 Harvesting, Curing, Stripping, and Marketing

2640 2767 2763


Yield (lbs/ac)



Harvest Interval (Weeks After Topping)

Figure 2. Burley tobacco yields averaged across ten varieties harvested three, four, and five weeks
after topping, Blackstone, 2007
Currently there are several methods of cutting burley tobacco.
Some growers allow the tobacco to be cut and placed in piles
of five to six stalks, and then return to place this tobacco on a
stick. Others use a two-person team, one cuts the plants and
hands it back to the other person to spear the plant on the stick.
The most efficient method is for one person to cut and spear the
tobacco as he or she goes through the field. Tobacco should be
cut and speared onto a stick so that the butts of the plants are
towards the sun to minimize sunburn damage. Sunburned to-
bacco can result in a cured leaf with an undesirable green color.
Immature tobacco is much more likely to sunburn than mature
Tobacco should not be left in the field longer than three to five
days unless it is scaffolded. It is especially important that the
tobacco not be allowed to get muddy. Tobacco placed on scaffolds
may be left in the field for up to 12 days with little or no damage
from the weather and will lose about 40 percent in weight.

Curing burley is not a simple drying process but involves a series
of physical and chemical changes that begin when the plant
is cut and ends when the plant is dry. The major steps include
wilting, yellowing, browning or coloring, and drying. The entire
process requires six to eight weeks.
Optimum curing conditions occur when the temperature is in the
general range of 60º to 90ºF and the relative humidity is 65 per-
cent to 70 percent. In the early stages of curing, it is impractical
to attempt to maintain these optimum ranges through a 24-hour
period. In normal weather, the humidity within a barn filled with
green tobacco will approach 100 percent each night. A good cure
can still be obtained if ventilation is provided to dry out the barn
the next day.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Harvesting, Curing, Stripping, and Marketing 85
Houseburn may be a problem in curing burley. It may be called
many other names such as barn rot, pole sweat, stem mold, leaf
rot, and others; but it is a partial decay of tobacco tissue during
the curing process. It is caused by several species of fungi and
bacteria that are present on tobacco leaves. Injury occurs when
these microorganisms attack leaves that become moist during
periods of high humidity that last longer than 24 hours. Dam-
age can be measured in weight loss and lowered leaf quality and
can range from mild to severe. Symptoms include a white or gray
mold and an odor of rotting tobacco. Injury is worse on the lower
tiers and on the leeward side of the barn.
Supplemental heat can be an advantage during rainy weather or
prolonged periods of high humidity. The objective in using heat
is to raise the temperature within the barn only 6º to 8ºF or just
enough to dry the leaf surface and thereby prevent the prolifera-
tion of organisms that cause houseburn. Use some type of heat
spreader on burners to prevent hot spots that can set undesir-
able colors in the curing leaf. Maximum temperature increases
should not exceed 10º to 15ºF. Heat can also be used to prevent
setting green color by freezing on freshly harvested, late-cut to-
bacco. Few growers have the capability of adding heat and must
rely on managing air flow.
Many curing problems can be relieved or prevented by properly
manipulating the barn equipment. Generally, ventilators and
doors should be open during fair weather and closed during
rainy weather and at night. This process can be reversed dur-
ing extremely dry weather when tobacco is curing too fast. New
barns should be located on high ground with good air circulation
and with the long side exposed to prevailing winds.
Much tobacco in Virginia is cured on some type of field-curing
structure. The curing environment is managed primarily by stick
spacing and cover management. Stick spacing should be much
closer in this type of structure, approximately 4 inches. All cur-
ing structures should be covered and managed. Curing burley
tobacco on curing structures without covering and management
reduces quality and yield of cured leaf. A general recommenda-
tion would be to leave the sides of the cover up during the yel-
lowing stage of curing and then lower the sides for the rest of the
curing process. An exception would be during hot, dry conditions
when the sides should be lowered during the day to slow down
the curing process. Tobacco should be removed from the field-
curing structure as soon as possible after the curing process is
completed. This will minimize damage due to weather, primarily

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

86 Harvesting, Curing, Stripping, and Marketing

Stripping and Marketing

Stripping the leaves from the stalk and sorting into groups
enables leaf buyers to obtain the specific grades needed by the
manufacturer. The one-price market in the early 1990s resulted
in much of our burley being graded into one or two grades. The
biggest advantage we have in U.S. burley production is quality.
If not properly separated by stalk position, quality is sacrificed
and the overall sustainability of burley production in Virginia is
Generally there are four distinguishable grades of tobacco on a
stalk. These grades include Flyings (X), Lugs (C), Leaf (B), and
Tips (T). The flyings group (X) consists of leaves grown at the bot-
tom of the stalk. These leaves are flat and have a blunt or oblate
tip. They are relatively thin bodied and show a certain amount
of injury. The lug group (C) consists of leaves that grow above the
flyings and up to about mid portion of the stalk. These leaves
have a rounded tip and when cured, have a tendency to fold and
conceal the midrib. They are thin to medium bodied. The leaf
group (B) is made up of leaves grown above the lugs. The cured
leaves, especially from the upper stalk position, have a tendency
to fold and conceal the face of the leaf. These leaves are medium
to heavy bodied. The tips (T) are those top three or four leaves at
the top of the stalk. They have same general characteristics of
the leaf group. The practice of mixing grades may offer a slight
labor savings, but it does not meet the needs of most buyers.
With an over-supply situation and a weak market, mixed tobacco
generally sells for less than properly sorted good-quality leaf. Use
no fewer than three groups when preparing any burley crop for
market. Currently much of the burley purchased in Virginia is
purchased through a contract rather than the auction system.
Some manufactures will now require that tobacco be separated
into four grades. Frequently, there will be no leaves in a crop
short enough to grade in the tip (T) group. Buyers complained
about a shortage of tip grades available from recently marketed
crops. Generally there will be enough difference in color and
body in upstalk tobacco to warrant a separation into bright leaf
and red leaf, especially if tobacco is topped at 22 to 24 leaves.
For pictures of burley grades and more information on grading
burley tobacco go to the Southern Piedmont website, arecs.vaes.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Harvesting, Curing, Stripping, and Marketing 87
Tobacco should not be stripped or baled in too high or too low
moisture content. Dry leaf lamina is easily shattered and ruins
the usability of the leaf. High moisture tobacco will easily over-
heat and mold and will damage in handling. It has also been
proven that tobacco stored at a high moisture level results in
higher levels of tobacco specific nitrosamines (TSNAs). Moisture
content should be between 18 percent and 22 percent for proper
handling and storage. Many tobacco manufactures and leaf deal-
ers will reject tobacco if above a moisture content of 23.9 percent.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

88 Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

EPA Worker Protection Standards for Commonly

Used Pesticides for Burley Tobacco 2008
Danny R. Peek, Extension Specialist, Burley Tobacco
Charles Johnson, Extension Plant Pathologist, Tobacco
T. David Reed, Extension Agronomist, Tobacco
Paul J. Semtner, Extension Entomologist, Tobacco
J. Michael Moore, Extension Agronomist (Tobacco)
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service

The US-EPA Worker Protection Standard is a regulation that

requires that you take actions to protect agricultural workers
from the risk of pesticide-related illness or injury. To protect your
workers, you must be aware of the Worker Protection Standard
(WPS) and know how to comply with its requirements. To plan ef-
fectively, you must also understand how compliance might affect
your farming operation.
The Standard requires that employers provide for their workers
and pesticide applicators in three areas. 1) Training on pesticide
safety. Information about the specific pesticides used on the farm
must be provided. Much of this information must be posted in a
central location, including specifics on recent pesticide applica-
tions (location of application, name of the pesticide, EPA registra-
tion number and active ingredient, time and date of application,
restricted entry interval (REI), and the time when workers may
re-enter the field. 2) Protection against exposure must be en-
sured. Employers must provide personal protective equipment
(PPE) and be sure it is properly used and cleaned. They must also
be sure that workers are warned about treated areas (through
oral warning, posting of field, or both) and that workers do not
enter treated fields during (REIs) (with some very specific excep-
tions). This may require careful scheduling of pesticide applica-
tion and field work so that they do not conflict. PPE requirements
vary from pesticide to pesticide and may be different for applica-
tor/handlers and mixer/loaders. PPE is also required for entry
into fields during the REI. Labels should be checked carefully
for specific requirements. REIs also vary by pesticide, as stated
on labels. 3) Employers must provide ways for their workers to
mitigate or minimize the impacts of pesticide exposure. These
include making available decontamination sites and emergency
assistance in case of exposure.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides 89

The following table lists products, registration numbers, common

names, REIs, and posting/notification requirements for common-
ly used pesticides and growth regulators labeled for tobacco. Re-
member, however, that the information in this table is pre-
sented in good faith as a reference only. This information does
not take the place of the product label; changes to label information
can occur without notice. Always read and follow label directions.
DISCLAIMER: The following information and worker protection
standards are presented in good faith for your reference. This in-
formation does not take the place of the product label; changes to
product label information can occur without notice. Always read
and follow label directions.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide


Product Trade Name Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2 Worker4

(common name) Restricted Notification
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Interval Applicators and Other To Enter Treated Area Within
Company Name Word (REI)1 Handlers REI3 Oral Posted
Acephate ® 75SP AG Caution 24 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(acephate) pants; waterproof gloves; shoes plus socks; chemical-re-
EPA Reg. No. 51036-236 shoes plus socks; chemi- sistant headgear for overhead
Micro Flo cal-resistant headgear for exposure
overhead exposure
Acephate 97UP
EPA Reg. No. 70506-8
United Phosphorus
Actara 25 WDG Caution 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt, waterproof coveralls, waterproof gloves, either either

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

(thiamethoxam) gloves, shoes plus socks shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 100-938
Syngenta Crop Protection
Actigard ® 50WG Caution 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls, chemical-resistant either either
(acibenzolar-S-methyl) pants; chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof
EPA Reg. No. 100-922 gloves made of any water- material shoes plus socks
Syngenta Crop Protection proof material; shoes plus
Admire® Pro 4.6SC Caution 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(imidacloprid) pants; waterproof gloves; shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 264-827 shoes plus socks
Bayer Crop Science
Agree® Caution 4 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

(Bacillus thuringiensis var. pants; waterproof gloves; shoes plus socks; protective
aizawai strain) shoes plus socks; protective eyewear
EPA Reg. No. 70051-47 eyewear; dust/mist filtering
Certis USA respirator
Product Trade Name Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2 Worker
(common name) Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Restricted Entry Applicators and Other To Enter Treated Area Within
Company Name Word Interval (REI)1 Handlers REI3 Oral Posted
Aliette WDG Fungicide Caution 12 hrs. Long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls, waterproof gloves, either either
(aluminum tris pants; waterproof gloves, shoes plus socks, protective
(o-ethylphsophonate) shoes plus socks; protective eyewear
EPA Reg. No. 264-516 eyewear
Bayer CropScience
Alias ® 2F Caution 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls, chemical-resistant either either
(imidacloprid) pants, waterproof gloves, gloves and shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 264-758-66222 shoes plus socks, and
Makhteshim Agan of chemical-resistant headgear
North America, Inc for overhead exposure
Assail ® 70WP Caution 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls, chemical-resistant either either
(acetamiprid) pants, waterproof gloves, gloves and shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 8033-23-4581 shoes plus socks, and
Cerexagri, Inc. chemical-resistant headgear
for overhead exposure
Assail ® 30WG Danger 48 hrs. and gas loose-fitting or well-ventilat- non-handlers prohibited yes yes
EPA Reg. No. 8033-36-82695 concentra-tion less ed long-sleeve shirt and long
than 5 ppm pants; shoes and socks; full-
Brom-O-Gas® face shield or safety glasses
(98% methyl bromide) with brow and temple shields
EPA Reg. No. 5785-4, -42 (NO GOGGLES); full-face
Great Lakes Chemical respirator required when air
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

concentration exceeds 5

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Product Trade Name Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2 Worker
(common name) Restricted Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Interval Applicators and Other To Enter Treated Area Within
Company Name Word (REI)1 Handlers REI3 Oral Posted
Butralin Danger 12 hrs. Long sleeve shirt, pants, Coveralls; chemical-resistant either either
EPA Reg. No. 33688-4-400 chemical-resistant gloves, such gloves such as laminate or
Chemtura Corporation as Vitron ≥ 14 mils shoes plus Vitron ≥ 14 mils shoes plus
socks socks, protective eyewear
Capture 2EC EPA Warning 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls, chemical-resis- either either
(bifenthrin) pants, chemical-resistance tant gloves, such as Barrier
EPA Reg. No. 279-3114 gloves, such as Barrier Lami- Laminate or Nitrile rubber or
FMC Corporation nate or Nitrile rubber or Vitron, Neoprene rubber or Vitron, and
shoes plus socks, and protec- shoes plus socks
Capture LFR 1.5EC tive eyewear

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

EPA Reg. No. 279-3302
Chlor-O-Pic® Danger 48 hrs. and gas loose-fitting or well-ventilated non-handlers prohibited yes yes
(99% chloropicrin) concen-tration long-sleeve shirt and long
EPA Reg. No. 5785-17 less than 0.1 pants; shoes and socks; full-
Great Lakes Chemical ppm face shield or safety glasses
with brow and temple shields.
Chloropicrin 100® (DO NOT wear goggles, full-
EPA Reg. No. 8536-02-8853 face respirator when air con-
Hendrix and Dail, Inc. centration exceeds 0.1 ppm)
Command ® 3ME Caution 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; chemical-resistant either either
EPA Reg. No. 279-3158 pants; chemical-resistant gloves, such as Barrier Lami-
FMC CORPORATION gloves, such as Barrier Lami- nate, Butyl or Nitrile rubber or
EPA Reg. No. 279-3158-5905 nate, Butyl or Nitrile rubber, or Viton; and shoes plus socks.
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

Helena Chemical Co. Viton; shoes plus socks.

EPA Reg. No. 279-315-34704
UAP-Loveland Products, Inc.
EPA Reg. No. 279-3158-55467
Tenkoz, Inc.
Product Trade Name Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2 Worker
(common name) Restricted Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Interval Applicators and Other To Enter Treated Area Within
Company Name Word (REI)1 Handlers REI3 Oral Posted
Crymax® Caution 4 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(Bacillus thuringiensis) pants; shoes plus socks; and shoes plus socks; and protec-
EPA Reg. No. 70051-86 dust/mist filtering respirator tive eyewear
Certis USA
Deadline Bullets 4G Caution 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long long-sleeve shirt; shoes plus either either
(metaldehyde) pants; shoes plus socks socks
EPA Reg No.
Pace International
Denim 0.16EC Danger 48 hrs. coveralls worn over long- coveralls over long-sleeve shirt either either
(emamectin benzoate) sleeve shirt and long pants, and long pants, chemical-re-
EPA Reg. No. 100-903 chemical-resistant gloves, sistant gloves, chemical-resis-
Syngenta Crop Protection chemical-resistant foot- tant footwear plus socks
wear plus socks, protective
eyewear, chemical-resistant
apron when cleaning equip-
ment, mixing, or loading
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2

Product Trade Name Worker
(common name) Restricted Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Interval Applicators and Other To Enter Treated Area Within
Company Name Word (REI)1 Handlers REI3 Oral Posted
Devrinol 2-EC Danger 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; chemical-resistant either either
(napropamide) pants; chemical-resistant gloves such as Barrier Lami-
EPA Reg. No. 70506-64 gloves such as Barrier Lami- nate or Viton ≥ 14 mils; shoes
United Phosphorus, Inc. nate or Viton ≥ 14 mils; shoes plus socks; protective eyewear
plus socks; protective eyewear
Devrinol® 50-DF Caution 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; chemical-resistant either either
(napropamide) pants; chemical-resistant gloves; shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 70506-36 gloves, shoes plus socks
United Phosphorus, Inc.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Dipel® DF Caution 4 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
EPA Reg. No. 275-103 pants; waterproof gloves; shoes plus socks
Valent shoes plus socks
Dipel® ES
EPA Reg. No. 73049-17
Dithane® DF Rainshield Caution 24 hrs. coveralls over long-sleeve shirt coveralls over long-sleeve shirt either either
(mancozeb) and long pants; chemical- and long pants; chemical-
EPA Reg. No. 62419-402 resistant gloves; shoes plus resistant gloves; shoes plus
SLN No. VA940001 socks socks
Dow AgroSciences LLC
Fair 85® Warning 24 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; chemical-resistant either either
(C6 - C12 fatty alcohols) pants; chemical-resistant gloves such as Barrier Lami-
EPA Reg. No. 51873-7 gloves such as Barrier Lami- nate or butyl rubber or nitrile
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

Fair Products nate or butyl rubber or nitrile rubber or neoprene or polyvinyl

rubber or neoprene or poly- chloride or Viton; shoes plus
vinyl chloride or Viton; shoes socks; protective eyewear
plus socks; protective eyewear
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2
Product Trade Name Worker
(common name) Restricted Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Interval Applicators and Other To Enter Treated Area Within
Company Name Word (REI)1 Handlers REI3 Oral Posted
Fair Plus® Caution 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(maleic hydrazide) pants; waterproof gloves; shoes plus socks; protective
EPA Reg. No. 51873-2 shoes plus socks; protective eyewear
Fair Products eyewear
Forum Caution 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long long-sleeve shirt and long either either
(dimethomorph) pants; chemical-resistant pants; chemical-resistant
EPA Reg. No. 241-427 gloves; shoes plus socks gloves; shoes plus socks
BASF Corporation
FST-7® Danger 24 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; chemical-resistant either either
(C10 fatty alcohol and pants; chemical-resistant gloves such as Barrier Lami-
maleic hydrazide) gloves such as Barrier nate or butyl rubber or nitrile
EPA Reg. No. 51873-6 Laminate or butyl rubber or rubber or neoprene or polyvinyl
Fair Products nitrile rubber or neoprene or chloride or Viton; shoes plus
polyvinyl chloride or Viton; socks; protective eyewear
shoes plus socks; protective
Fulfill® 50WDG Caution 12 hrs. coveralls; chemical-resistant coveralls; chemical-resistant either either
(pymetrozine) waterproof gloves, shoes plus gloves waterproof, shoes plus
EPA Reg. No. 100-192 socks socks
Syngenta Crop Protection
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2

Product Trade Name Worker
(common name) Restricted Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Interval Applicators and Other To Enter Treated Area Within
Company Name Word (REI)1 Handlers REI3 Oral Posted
Lannate® L Danger 48 hrs. long-sleeve shirts and long coveralls; chemical-resistant either either
(methomyl) pants; chemical-resistant gloves; shoes plus socks,
EPA Reg. No. 352-370 gloves; shoes plus socks; protective eyewear
protective eyewear; exposure
Lannate® LV outdoors mist/dust filtering
EPA Reg. No. 352-384 respirator
Lannate® SP Danger 48 hrs. long-sleeve shirts and long coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(methomyl) pants; waterproof gloves; shoes plus socks, protective

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

EPA Reg. No. 352-342 shoes plus socks; protective eyewear
DuPont eyewear; exposure outdoors
mist/dust filtering respirator
(MSHA/NIOSH approval no.
prefix TC-21C)
Leven-38® Danger 24 hrs. coveralls over short-sleeved coveralls over short-sleeved either either
(C10 fatty alcohol and shirt and short pants; water- shirt and short pants; chemi-
maleic hydrazide) proof gloves; chemical-re- cal-resistant footwear plus
EPA Reg. No. 19713-105 sistant footwear plus socks; socks; protective eyewear,
Drexel protective eyewear; chemi- chemical-resistant headgear for
cal-resistant headgear for overhead exposure
overhead exposure; chemical-
resistant apron when cleaning
equipment, mixing, or loading
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2
Product Trade Name Worker
(common name) Restricted Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Interval Applicators and Other To Enter Treated Area Within
Company Name Word (REI)1 Handlers REI3 Oral Posted
Lorsban® 4E Warning 24 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; chemical-resistant yes yes
(chlorpyrifos) pants; chemical-resistant gloves; shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 62719-220 gloves; shoes plus socks
Nuprid 2F Caution 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(imidacloprid) pants; waterproof gloves; shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 228-484 shoes plus socks
Nufarm Americas, Inc

Nuprid 1.6F
EPA Reg. No. 228-488
Off-Shoot T® Warning 24 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(C6 - C12 fatty alcohols) pants; waterproof gloves; shoes plus socks; protective
EPA Reg. No. 57582-3 shoes plus socks; protective eyewear
Cochran eyewear
Orthene® 75S Caution 24 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(acephate) pants; waterproof gloves; shoes plus socks; chemical-re-
EPA Reg. No. 59639-26 shoes plus socks; chemi- sistant headgear for overhead
cal-resistant headgear for exposure
Orthene ® 97 overhead exposure
EPA Reg. No. 59639-91
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2

Product Trade Name Worker
(common name) Restricted Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Interval Applicators and Other To Enter Treated Area Within
Company Name Word (REI)1 Handlers REI3 Oral Posted
Pasada ® 1.6 F Caution 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt and long pants, coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(imidacloprid) waterproof gloves; shoes plus shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 264-763-6622 socks
Makhteshim Agan of
North America, Inc
Pic Plus Danger 48 hrs. coveralls or loose-fitting or well- non-handlers prohibited yes yes
(chloropicrin) ventilated long-sleeve shirt and
EPA Reg. No. 8853-6 long pants; shoes and socks;
Hendrix and Dail, Inc. full-face shield or safety glasses

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

with brow and temple shields
(DO NOT wear goggles); full-face
respirator when air concentration
exceeds 0.1 ppm
Platinum ® 2SC Caution 12 hrs. long-sleeve shirt, waterproof coveralls, shirt, waterproof, yes yes
(thiamethoxam) gloves, shoes plus socks gloves, shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 100-939
Syngenta Crop Protection
Poast® Warning 12 hrs. coveralls over short-sleeved shirt coveralls over short-sleeved either either
(sethoxydim) and short pants; chemical-resis- shirt and short pants; chemi-
EPA Reg. No. tant gloves ≥14 mils; chemical- cal-resistant gloves ≥14 mils;
7969-58-51036 resistant footwear plus socks; chemical-resistant footwear
SLN No. VA-980004 protective eyewear; chemical- plus socks; protective eyewear;
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

Micro Flo Co., LLC resistant headgear for overhead chemical-resistant headgear for
exposure; chemical-resistant overhead exposure
apron when cleaning equipment,
mixing, and loading
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2
Product Trade Name Worker
(common name) Restricted Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Inter- To Enter Treated Area Within
Company Name Word val (REI)1 Applicators and Other Handlers REI3 Oral Posted
Prep® Danger 48 hrs. coveralls over short-sleeved coveralls over short-sleeved yes yes
(ethephon) shirt and short pants; waterproof shirt and short pants; waterproof
EPA Reg. No. 264-418 gloves; protective eyewear; gloves; protective eyewear;
Bayer CropScience chemical-resistant footwear plus chemical-resistant footwear plus
socks; chemical-resistant head- socks; chemical-resistant head-
gear for overhead exposures; gear for overhead exposures
chemical-resistant apron when
cleaning equipment
Prime+® Danger 24 hrs. coveralls over short-sleeved shirt coveralls over short-sleeved either either
(flumetralin) and short pants; chemical-resis- shirt; short pants; chemical-re-
EPA Reg. No. 100-640 tant gloves such as Barrier Lami- sistant gloves such as Barrier
Syngenta Crop Protection nate or Viton; chemical-resistant Laminate or Viton; chemical-
foot-wear plus socks; protective resistant footwear plus socks;
eyewear; chemical-resistant protective eyewear; chemical-
headgear for overhead exposure; resistant headgear for overhead
chemical-resistant apron when exposure
cleaning equip-ment, mixing or
Provado 1.6F  Caution 12 hrs. ong-sleeve shirt and long pants, coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(imidacloprid) waterproof gloves; shoes plus shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 3125-457 socks l
Bayer Crop Protection
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide


Product Trade Name Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2

(common name) Restricted Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Interval Applicators and Other To Enter Treated Area
Company Name Word (REI)1 Handlers Within REI3 Oral Posted
Prowl® 3.3 Caution 24 hrs long-sleeve shirt and long pants; coveralls; chemical-resistant either either
(pendimethalin) chemical-resistant gloves such gloves such as Barrier Lami-
EPA Reg. No. 241-337 as Barrier Laminate or Viton >14 nate or Viton >14 mils; shoes
BASF Corp. mils; shoes plus socks plus socks

Prowl® H20
EPA Reg. No. 241-418
BASF Corp.

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

Pendimax 3.3
EPA Reg. No.
Dow AgroSciences
Quadris Caution 4 hrs long-sleeve shirt and long pants; coveralls; chemical-resistant either either
(azoxystrobin) chemical-resistant gloves; shoes gloves; shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 100-1098 plus socks
Syngenta Crop
Ridomil Gold EC ® Caution 48 hrs long-sleeve shirt and long pants, coveralls, chemical-resistant either either
(mefenoxam) chemical-resistant gloves, shoes gloves, shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 100-801 plus socks
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

Syngenta Crop
Ridomil Gold SL ®
EPA Reg. No. 100-1202
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2
Product Trade Name Worker
(common name) Restricted Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Interval Applicators and Other To Enter Treated Area
Company Name Word (REI)1 Handlers Within REI3 Oral Posted
Royal MH-30® Caution 12 hrs long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(maleic hydrazide) pants; waterproof gloves; shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 400-84 shoes plus socks
Uniroyal Chemical
Sevin® 4F Caution 12 hrs long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; chemical-resis- either either
(carbaryl) pants; chemical-resistant tant gloves such as Barrier
EPA Reg. No. 264-349 gloves such as Barrier Lami- Laminate, butyl rubber, nitrile
nate, butyl rubber, nitrile rub- rubber, neoprene rubber,
Sevin® XLR Plus ber, neoprene rubber, polyvinyl polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or
EPA Reg. No. 264-333 chloride (PVC), or Viton; shoes Viton; shoes plus socks and
Bayer CropScience plus socks and chemical-re- chemical-resistant headgear
sistant headgear for overhead for overhead exposure
Sevin® 80S Warning 12 hrs long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(carbaryl) pants; waterproof gloves; shoes plus socks and chemi-
EPA Reg. No. 264-316 shoes plus socks and chemi- cal-resistant headgear for
Bayer CropScience cal-resistant headgear for overhead exposure
overhead exposure
Spartan ® 4F Caution 12 hrs long-sleeve shirt and long coveralls over long-sleeve either either
(sulfentrazone) pants; waterproof gloves; shirt and long pants; water-
EPA Reg. No. 279-3220 shoes plus socks proof gloves; shoes plus
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

FMC Corporation socks


2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2

Product Trade Name Worker
(common name) Restricted Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Interval To Enter Treated Area Within
Company Name Word (REI)1 Applicators and Other Handlers REI3 Oral Posted
Sucker Plucker® Warning 24 hrs coveralls over short-sleeved coveralls over short-sleeved either either
(C6 - C12 fatty alcohols) shirt and short pants; waterproof shirt and short pants; wa-
EPA Reg. No. 19713-35 gloves; protective eyewear; chem- terproof gloves; protective
Drexel ical-resistant footwear plus socks; eyewear; chemical-resistant
chemical-resistant headgear for footwear plus socks; chemi-
overhead exposure; chemical- cal-resistant headgear for
resistant apron when cleaning overhead exposure
equipment, mixing, or loading
Sucker Stuff® 12 hrs long-sleeve shirt and long pants; coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

(maleic hydrazide) Caution shoes plus socks; waterproof shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 19713 gloves

Super Sucker Stuff®

EPA Reg. No. 19713-20
Telone® C-17 Danger 5 days see label for extensively detailed Non-handlers prohibited; see yes yes
(1,3-Dichloropropene and instructions for PPE label for extensive instructions
Chloropicrin) for handlers
EPA Reg.No. 62719-12
Dow AgroSciences LLC
Telone® II Warning 5 days see label for extensively detailed Non-handlers prohibited; see yes yes
(1,3-Dichloropropene) instructions for PPE label for extensive instructions
EPA Reg. No. 62719-32 for handlers
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

Dow AgroSciences LLC

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2
Product Trade Name Worker
(common name) Restricted Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Inter- To Enter Treated Area Within
Company Name Word val (REI)1 Applicators and Other Handlers REI3 Oral Posted
Terramaster 4EC Danger 12 hrs long-sleeve shirt and long-pants, coveralls, chemical-resistant yes yes
(etridiazole) chemical-resistant gloves such gloves such as barrier laminate
EPA Reg. No. 400-422 as barrier laminate or viton, shoes or viton, shoes plus socks,
Chemtura USA Corporation plus socks, NIOSH approved res- protective eyewear
pirator, chemical-resistant apron
when mixing, etc.
TMOXX ® 2SC Caution 12 hrs long-sleeve shirt, waterproof coveralls, shirt, waterproof, yes yes
(thiamethoxam) gloves, shoes plus socks gloves, shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 100-939-51873
Fair Products
Tracer® 4 Caution 4 hrs long-sleeve shirt and long pants; coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(spinosad) shoes plus socks; waterproof shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 62719-267 gloves
SLN No. VA980001
Dow AgroSciences
Ultra Flourish Warn- 48 hrs long-sleeve shirt and long pants, coveralls, chemical-resistant yes yes
(mefenoxam) ing chemical-resistant gloves, shoes gloves, shoe plus socks, pro-
EPA Reg. No. 55146-73 plus socks, protective eyewear tective eyewear
NuFarm Americas, Inc.
Warrior Warn- 24 hrs long-sleeve shirt and long pants, coveralls, chemical-resistant either either
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides

(lambda-cyhalothrin) ing chemical-resistant gloves, shoes gloves, shoes, plus socks

EPA Reg. No. 100-1112 plus socks, protective eyewear

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2

Product Trade Name Worker
(common name) Restricted Notification4
EPA Reg. No. Signal Entry Interval Applicators and Other To Enter Treated Area Within
Company Name Word (REI)1 Handlers REI3 Oral Posted
XenTari® WDG Caution 4 hrs long-sleeve shirt and long pants; coveralls; waterproof gloves; either either
(Bacillus thuringiensis) waterproof gloves; shoes plus shoes plus socks
EPA Reg. No. 275-85 socks; dust/mist filtering respira-
Valent tor (MSHA/NIOSH approved
number prefix TC-21C)
1. Exception: If the product is soil-injected or soil-incorporated, the Worker Protection Standard, under certain circumstances, allows workers to
enter the treated area if there will be no contact with anything that has been treated.

2. Represents the minimum PPE required; more protective clothing can be worn. See product label for recommended chemical-resistant glove

2008 Burley Tobacco P roduction Guide

3. Refer to “Early Entry Work Situations” in The Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides—How to Comply, pages 59-61, “Short-Term
Tasks,” “Emergency Tasks,” and “Specific Tasks Approved by EPA Through a Formal Exception Process.” See pages 45-47 for information on
“Restrictions During and After Applications” including exceptions: 1) “Early Entry With No Contact” and 2) “Early Entry With Contact for Short-Term,
Emergency,” or “Specially Excepted Tasks.”

4. Notification on Farms, Forests, and Nurseries: Refer to page 41, The Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides—How to Comply.
Unless the pesticide labeling requires both types of notification, notify workers either orally or by posting of warning signs at entrances to treated
areas. You must inform workers which method of notification is being used.
Both Oral Warning and Posted Signs: Some pesticide labels require you to notify workers both orally and with signs posted at entrances to the
treated area. If both types of notification are required, the following statement will be in the “Directions for Use” section of the pesticide labeling un-
der the heading Agricultural Use Requirements: “Notify workers of the application by warning them orally and by posting warning signs at entrances
to treated areas.”
Worker Protection Standards Tobacco Pesticides
Produced by Communications and Marketing, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, dis-
ability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Issued in furtherance of
Cooperative Extension work, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia State University, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture
cooperating. Mark A. McCann, Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg; Alma C. Hobbs, Administrator, 1890 Extension
Program, Virginia State, Petersburg.

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pFad - Phonifier reborn

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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy