Information Security Governance
Information Security Governance
Information Security Governance
As the barrage of information security intrusions and losses has escalated, so too has the
number of information security reports, laws and regulations. According to Carnegie
Mellon University’s CERT Coordination Center, the quantity of cyber security incidents
reported has roughly doubled every year since 2000 – jumping from nearly 22,000
incidents for all of 2000 to 76,000 in the first half of 2003 alone. A survey of the
literature reveals that this increase has been mirrored in the growth of reports and
guidelines. Congress and state legislatures have responded with several major information
security bills and are considering more.
Given this activity, why hasn’t more progress been made to secure our information
systems? After all, the problem is well known; many solutions have been proposed; the
technologies are proven and readily available; and the consequences of inaction are
becoming clearer every day.
The Business Software Alliance formed the Information Security Governance Task Force
with that question in mind. Our goal is to frame a response in terms that organizations
can understand and readily implement. We are committed to delivering quality software
that enhances the security of our customers, but are convinced that technology alone
cannot address all of our needs. Ultimately, information security is not solely a technical
issue, but a corporate governance challenge. While there is broad consensus on the
actions needed to create strong security, too often responsibility is left to the chief
information officer or the chief information security officer. In fact, strong security
requires the active engagement of executive management. By treating these challenges
as a governance issue and defining specific tasks that employees at all levels of an
organization can discharge, enterprises can begin to create a management framework
that will lead to positive results.
In this white paper, we have distilled the lessons contained in other policy reports,
legislation, and guidelines and found broad consensus on what needs to be done. In order
to ensure that these policies are more effectively implemented, we have developed a
preliminary information security governance framework for action that outlines specific
roles for business unit heads, senior managers, CIOs, and the CEOs themselves. By doing
so, we hope to more actively engage executive management and government
policymakers, and to advance the public-private partnerships that are necessary to make
real progress. BSA will work closely with other industry groups and with government to
refine and advance this framework.
Robert W. Holleyman, II
President and CEO
Business Software Alliance
Executive Summary
Because today’s economy depends on the secure flow of information within and across
organizations, information security is an issue of vital importance. A secure and trusted
environment for stored and shared information greatly enhances consumer benefits, business
performance and productivity, and national security. Conversely, an insecure environment
creates the potential for serious damage to governments and corporations that could significantly
undermine consumers and citizens. For firms engaged in critical activities, such as electrical
power generation, banking and finance, or healthcare, the stakes are particularly high.
Where do we stand in the effort to bolster information security? If the stakes are so high, why
haven’t we made more progress? In attempting to answer these questions, the task force
identified four findings.
2. Information security is often treated solely as a technology issue, when it should also
be treated as a governance issue. The CIO alone cannot remedy the problem; the board
of directors and executive management must also be actively engaged.
3. There is already broad consensus on the actions necessary to remedy the problem. A
review of literature shows that most guidance documents and other reports recommend a
common solution and support the approach reflected in ISO 17799 and the Federal
Information Security Management Act (FISMA).
1. Government and industry should recognize that a significant regulatory regime already
exists for information security. Some laws address information security directly; others address
it indirectly through such issues as financial governance, privacy, or reporting requirements.
Taken together, they have a broad impact on the US private sector, and companies should begin
developing programs to comply with them. A summary of these laws is provided in Table 1.
Sarbanes-Oxley All public Internal Criminal and Current law
Act of 2002 companies controls and civil penalties
subject to US financial
security laws disclosures
Health Insurance Health plans, Personal health Civil fines and Final security
Privacy and health care information in criminal rule takes
Accountability Act clearinghouses, electronic form penalties effect in April
(HIPAA) and health care 2005
2. Industry should develop an information security governance framework that organizations
can readily adopt. The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) and International
Standards Organization (ISO) 17799 serve as good inputs to this framework. FISMA provides a
management template for federal government agencies that can be adapted to private sector
needs. ISO gives broad guidance for implementing information security, but must be tailored to fit
each company’s needs according to their risk assessment.
To promote this effort, the task force has developed a preliminary governance framework, for
comment and refinement by public and private organizations. A summary of the framework is
provided below. A more complete discussion is provided in Table 4 on page 7. A variety of
related activities are being undertaken by other organizations, and this effort is designed to
complement those activities. BSA will work closely with other industry groups and with
government to refine and advance this framework.
Information Security Governance:
Toward a Framework for Action
Information security is important. Companies and individuals want more security in the products
and networks they buy. Vendors are responding with more secure products. Industry and
consumers alike recognize the need for information security – consumers from the viewpoint of
keeping their information private and businesses from the perspective of its importance to long-
term growth of the IT sector. Even though there is a heightened awareness of the importance of
security, many factors have contributed to the perception that progress has been slow. For
example, the cost of security is not cheap and demonstrating return on security investment is
sometimes difficult. The good news is that industry and government are actively engaged in
addressing the information security challenge.
Increasing public concern has not only prompted industry to begin to work on this problem, but
also has led legislatures to take action. Three examples serve to illustrate. On the national level,
the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act (also known as Sarbanes-
Oxley) requires firms to certify as to the integrity of their financial records, their information
disclosure controls, and internal controls. This certification arguably cannot be made without
serious attention having been paid to electronic information security.
A second national law, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA),
established standards for protecting health information about individuals. A principal motivation
behind HIPAA was concern about the possible privacy impact on individuals of unauthorized
sharing of personal health information. The Department of Health and Human Services recently
issued detailed computer security regulations that organizations handling personal health
information must follow.
On the state level, California’s Database Security Breach Notification Act, which went into effect in
July 2003, requires companies to notify customers if they believe a systems breach has led to the
release of their personal information.
As concern about the issue continues to grow, more attention and action by legislators and
regulators can be expected. Recent identity theft cases in both the private and public sector have
caused some in Congress to discuss whether legislation is necessary at the federal level.
Senator Dianne Feinstein of California is considering a bill modeled after her state’s law. There
also have been discussions in Congress on whether disclosure of information security
vulnerabilities by companies should be mandated by Congress or required by the SEC.
Thus far, the Bush Administration has taken a non-regulatory approach to information security. It
recognizes that private companies on the front lines are best equipped to deal with the challenge
and has encouraged companies to voluntarily share information on security breaches, while
opposing legislation to force companies to report such incidents. That course could change if
there is a major cyber attack that damages national critical infrastructure. Areas where
regulation may occur include deployment by companies of specific security measures, reporting on
intrusions, and reporting of vulnerabilities.
These laws and regulations, and the potential of additional government intervention, create
uncertainty about the costs of compliance and potential liability. As with any uncertainty, this may
have the effect of limiting investment by firms in advanced technologies, slowing productivity
growth, and reducing the availability of electronic services to citizens and consumers. Additionally,
because organizations vary greatly in size, the kind of information they handle, their exposure to
threats, and the complexity of their information systems, no uniform regulatory regime can
efficiently enhance information security across the board. Indeed, regardless of legislation,
regulation, or other guidance, there is no substitute for the effective and consistent application of
sound risk management practices at the operational level.
In looking at the growing abundance of rules, regulations, and guidelines, it quickly becomes clear
that information security is not solely a technical issue, but a corporate governance challenge.
Businesses today face increased scrutiny when it comes to corporate governance, accountability,
and ethics. Laws such as Sarbanes-Oxley are creating a legal obligation at the CEO and board
level to pay attention to information security. Two years ago, the National Association of
Corporate Directors, in collaboration with the Institute of Internal Auditors and the government’s
Critical Information Assurance Office, published “Information Security Oversight: Essential Board
Practices.” The report advised that, “In any organization, directors need to ensure that managers
take all necessary measures to secure key information and the systems and networks that store,
manipulate, and transmit it. Furthermore, the directors need to ensure that these efforts are
continuously underway.”
However, within many organizations, two important barriers to effective computer security exist:
• First, responsibility is too often delegated to the chief information officer or the chief
security officer, who suffer conflicting demands with regard to IT functionality and costs
and who may not be in a position to leverage the resources and authority necessary to
address the problem across multiple business lines or divisions. Because all too often little
attention is given to this issue at the CEO or board level, information security efforts are
frequently under-funded in proportion to the risk and magnitude of the harm that incidents
could produce. Responsibility for the right level of security is a business decision based on
risk assessment.
• Second, is the lack of a framework for action -- how to set priorities, assign tasks, get
started, and monitor implementation. To aid organizations in attacking the problem,
numerous guides have been developed. These documents range from detailed technical
guidance to high-level principles. But there is no recognized, standard approach at an
organization-wide level to help determine what should be done and who should do it.
Without such an approach, firms are unclear how to allocate information security funding
and energy, and how to measure the return on investment.
The advice of the National Association of Corporate Directors, a leading authority on corporate
governance, is all the more true today. To make real progress, firms must address information
security, not solely as a technology issue, but as a matter of “corporate best practices” (covering
people, processes, and technology) and frame solutions in terms that are broadly relevant to
business operations.
A thorough review and analysis of the existing literature leads to three conclusions:
• Second, no single document provides the necessary governance framework for information
security. The existing guidance is either too detailed or not actionable in a comprehensive
manner from the top to bottom of an organization.
• Third, ISO/IEC 17799 and FISMA provide a good substantive basis for creating such a
framework. However, the current version of ISO 17799 is overly detailed for CEO
consumption and application, and FISMA, as written, is too detailed and government-
specific to be applied uniformly across all organizations.
Various initiatives, both in the private sector and in government, have addressed the issue of
security program management. These initiatives describe proposed management structures, give
security checklists, offer best practices, and, in the case of government – legislation. Because
the ultimate goal of BSA’s analysis of IT security governance documents and activities was to
identify or develop a governance framework without duplicating existing work, a key component of
the project was the completion of a survey of existing governance and framework documents.
The first part of the effort was the identification of those documents that address the need for a
framework for IT security governance in public and private sector enterprises. Indeed, many
worthwhile and comprehensive documents emerged during this phase of the project. Publications
included in the study are listed in Appendix 1. Once this body of literature was identified, criteria
were developed to assess the applicability and coverage of each document.
The analysis was seeded with two primary “reference” documents – the international standard
ISO/IEC 17799 Code of Practice for Information Security Management and the newly minted
Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA). Additionally, the National Institute of
Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Special Publication on Generally Accepted System Security
Principles and Practices (GSSP) was also used as a baseline for the analysis. These sources were
selected as reference documents because of their comprehensive coverage of the subject matter
and their level of general acceptance in the IT security community.
The ISO standard is a benchmark recognized internationally and used by multiple industries, from
finance to healthcare, to define IT security effectiveness. This document serves as the baseline
reference for the people-operational, people-tactical, process-operational, process-tactical,
technology-operational, technology-tactical, and technology-strategic dimensions of the matrix.
The ISO standard is extremely detailed at the operational level yet is vague about senior
management responsibilities.
FISMA contains high-level management guidance that assigns responsibility at appropriate levels
for specific aspects of an organization’s information security program. FISMA is used as the
baseline reference for the people-strategic and process-strategic dimensions of the matrix. While
it is too detailed and government-specific to be directly applied to private sector organizations, it
provides a useful benchmark at the strategic level.
The NIST document, an anchor in most government security programs, was used in concert with
the other baseline references.
The contents and recommended practices proposed by these publications were examined in
detail. The analysis can be conceptually depicted by a three-by-three matrix having the dimensions
of people-process-technology and operational-tactical-strategic. The people-process-technology
side of the matrix refers to type: people (who), process (how), and technology (what). The
operational-tactical-strategic side of the matrix refers to the extent of the strategic nature of
recommendations: operational (daily), tactical (review/follow-up), and strategic (annual reviews,
establishing policies, organizational view).
Nearly 20 information security initiatives were reviewed. The documents were analyzed using a
set of comparative criteria. These criteria included scope, comprehensiveness, level of detail,
intended audience, acceptance, impact, transparency, inclusiveness of the development process,
the type of sponsoring organization, and the maturity of the effort.
The documents examined fall into three categories: (1) Information Security as a Fundamental
Governance Issue; (2) Organizing for Information Security—Essential Program Components; and
(3) Governance Documents Under Development.
“The cyber security of large enterprises can be improved through strong management to
ensure that best practices and efficient technology are being employed…” (page 39)
When viewed in their entirety, the documents represent an important landmark in the evolution of
the IT security governance problem. They are very strong on identifying the IT security problem
and the need to address this as a fundamental management challenge. But these documents do
not provide the necessary framework for the establishment and operation of an enterprise-wide IT
security program.
The second category of documents, “Organizing for Information Security,” is focused on the
practical aspects of actually implementing an organizational IT information security program.
These documents present valuable insights into what programmatic elements should be included
in such a program. Each publication represents an important contribution to the evolving field of
information security.
Several other efforts to develop guidance are being undertaken by various public and private
sector groups. It is hoped that these forthcoming efforts will also build upon the foundations
established by previous efforts and will provide a further impetus for convergence among all
parties as to the appropriate framework for organizational IT security governance.
With such a broad consensus on the kinds of measures that need to be taken to secure our
information systems, why haven’t we made more progress? The conclusion of the BSA task
force is that we are still missing a vital piece of the puzzle -- an information security governance
framework that private industry can readily adopt. Governance entails the systematic oversight
and execution of information security functions. As a result, it operationalizes the information
security effort. By themselves, recommended practices – no matter how strong the consensus is
for them – are not enough; they must be married with an information security governance
framework that assures effective implementation. What many of the reports on information
security overlook is that a well-developed information security governance framework already exists
in the form of the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA). This framework was
developed for the Federal government. While overly detailed for the private sector, its principles
can be applied to all organizations. It is especially good at defining the people and process
aspects of information security governance, which is exactly where many of the reports on this
topic fall short.
The CEO (or most senior executives who report to the board of directors) has responsibility for
! Oversight and coordination of policies
! Oversight of business unit compliance
! Compliance reporting
! Actions to enforce accountability
The business unit head (or executives with bottom-line responsibilities) has responsibility for
! Providing information security protection commensurate with the risk and
business impact
! Providing security training
! Developing the controls environment and activities
! Reporting on effectiveness of policies, procedures and practices
The senior manager (those reporting to the business units heads) has responsibility for
! Providing security for information and systems
! Periodically assessing assets and their associated risks
! Determining appropriate levels of security for the information in their systems
! Implementing policies and procedures to cost-effectively reduce risk to acceptable
! Periodically testing security and controls
The CIO and/or CISO (or most senior manager with IT security responsibilities) has
responsibility for
! Developing, maintaining, and ensuring compliance to the security program
! Designating a security officer with primary duties and training in IT security
! Developing the required policies to support the security program and business
unit specific needs
! Developing the information use and categorization plan
! Assisting senior managers with their security responsibilities
! Conducting security awareness program
FISMA also specifies the core components required in a security program, as do many other
documents, including ISO/IEC 17799. To be effective, however, each information security
program must be tailored to the needs of the individual business and industry in which it operates.
What is needed is a framework that specifies what corporate executives, business unit heads,
senior managers, and CIOs/CISOs should do; that identifies business drivers, clarifies roles and
responsibilities, recognizes commonalities and defines metrics; and that is flexible enough to apply
to different business models.
We have provided the beginnings of such a framework below in a brief but comprehensive chart.
(See below.) The horizontal axis identifies different management levels. The vertical axis identifies
the business drivers, responsibilities, and metrics. It is important to note that the first and third
criteria on the vertical axis (Governance/Business Drivers and Metrics/Audit) are specific to
individual businesses and will change according to individual business and industry needs. For
example, the governance and business drivers for the financial sector will likely differ from those of
the health care industry as will the metrics used to calibrate their results. By contrast, the middle
item (roles and responsibilities) is common to almost all businesses and thus can be widely
The task force identified that considerable additional work is needed to develop useful metrics that
enable managers to quantify the return on investments in information security and the
effectiveness of information security programs and measures. Several public and private sector
organizations are investigating this field. The task force looks forward to the products of those
Toward a Framework for Action on Information Security Governance
Interpreting the Framework
This framework is a work in progress. It is designed to be a tool to guide and encourage senior
corporate executives and managers to adopt corporate best practices for security. The
framework represents a two-fold benefit to those organizations that adopt it. First, it identifies
cornerstone security practices that nearly all organizations are following. Second, it makes
recommendations about where in the organization the responsibility best fits so that the
integration of those practices evolves into a corporate climate of security. The framework poses
three sets of questions, with regard to information security:
At each level of the organization, these questions result in different answers, yet all can yield a
consistent response to information security responsibilities. The first set of questions identifies
the drivers behind security objectives – drivers that will be different for different businesses and
industries. For example, is adherence to regulations or legislation driving the need for security
controls? Or is the driver a market condition such that a company will experience significant
brand erosion in the event of a cyber attack? The second question refers to the programs and
processes to be put in place to accomplish organizational security objectives. These programs
are common to almost all organizations, no matter what their market. The last set of questions
focuses on assessing risk, measuring the effectiveness of security controls, and making
improvements as necessary. Like the first set of questions, these tend to be more company and
industry specific.
Because the framework describes proactive actions that managers at various organizational levels
can take to secure their information systems, it not only clarifies roles and responsibilities, but
also helps management select a security practice reference (like ISO 17799) that is appropriate
for their organization.
This framework includes the key practices that our analysis of information security reports
uncovered. A survey of the literature shows that almost all of the reports on information security
cite the following four information security requirements:
1. The need for risk assessments. Risks must be understood and acknowledged, and the
security measures that are taken must be commensurate with these risks.
2. The need for a security organizational structure.
3. The need to create, communicate, implement, endorse, monitor, and enforce security
policies across an organization.
4. The need to make every member of the organization aware of the importance of security
and to train them in good security practices.
Each of these is included as part of the roles and responsibilities section of our framework. The
important lesson is not the list of these practices, which numerous reports have cited, but putting
them in a context that defines what level of management is responsible for them.
Our analysis of information security efforts found no ready governance framework or discussion of
strategic roles and responsibilities. In FISMA, the U.S. federal government has a model that can
be readily adapted to private sector needs. In this paper, we have proposed a preliminary
framework for information security governance that builds on the lessons of FISMA and ISO
17799 and the consensus recommendations contained in information security reports. In
releasing this preliminary framework, executive management can become more actively engaged
and advance the public-private partnership that is necessary to make real progress in information
security governance.
This paper was prepared with the assistance of McConnell International, LLC, a Washington-based technology
and policy consulting firm.
The Business Software Alliance ( is the foremost organization dedicated to promoting a safe
and legal digital world. BSA is the voice of the world's commercial software industry and its hardware
partners before governments and in the international marketplace. Its members represent one of the fastest
growing industries in the world. BSA programs foster technology innovation through education and policy
initiatives that promote copyright protection, cyber security, trade and e-commerce. BSA members include
Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, Avid, Bentley Systems, Borland, Cisco Systems, CNC Software/Mastercam,
Entrust, HP, IBM, Intel, Internet Security Systems, Intuit, Macromedia, Microsoft, Network Associates,
Novell, PeopleSoft, RSA Security, Sybase and Symantec.
BSA member companies that participated in developing phase one of the task force and white paper include:
Autodesk, Cisco, Entrust, Intel, Internet Security Systems, Intuit, Microsoft, Network Associates, Novell and
The documents listed below are focused on the need for responsible senior corporate officers and
members of boards of directors to recognize information security as a strategy that requires the
attention of senior officials. These publications argue the case for addressing information security
as an integral organizational governance issue. Such publications include:
--Information Technology Governance Institute (founded by the Information Systems Audit and
Control Association <ISACA>), “Information Security Governance: Guidance for Boards of
Directors and Executive Management”, 2001.
The documents listed below focus on the programmatic aspects of information security. These
publications appear to be based on the assumption that senior management does understand the
need for an effective enterprise information security program and focuses on the components of
this activity:
--General Accounting Office, “Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual”, January
--Information Security Forum, “The Standard of Good Practice for Information Security”,
Version 4, March 2003.
--Information Technology Governance Institute, “Governance, Control and Audit for Information
and Related Technology (CoBIT)”, 3rd edition, July 2000.
--International Chamber of Commerce, “ICC Handbook on Information Security Policy for Small
to Medium Enterprises”, April 11, 2003.
--International Information Security Foundation, “Generally Accepted System Security
Principles”, Fall 2000.
--Internet Security Alliance, “Common Sense Guide for Senior Managers: Top Ten
Recommended Information Security Practices”, 1st edition, July 2002.
--National Institute of Standards and Technology, “Generally Accepted Principles and Practices
for Security Information Technology Systems,” September 1996.
--Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, “OECD Guidelines for the Security of
Information Systems and Networks: Towards a Culture of Security”, adopted 25 July 2002.
--The World Bank, (Thomas Glaessner, Tom Kellermann, and Valerie McNevin), “Electronic
Security: Risk Mitigation in Financial IT Transactions”, June 2002.
--U.S. Congress, “Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA)”, 2002.
This section enumerates information security governance documents that are currently under