Chapter - 3 Modern India: Arrival of Europeans I

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Chapter – 3

ARRIVAL OF EUROPEANS the first railway line was laid from Bombay to Thane in
1853. He set up Madras University, Calcutta University
I. Portuguese: The Portuguese came to India with the and Bombay University. In his time period competitive
aim of increasing trade and got to India in May 1498. exams began for Indians, named as ICS (Indian Civil
Vasco da Gama made the first successful voyage to Services) in 1853.
India on 17th May 1498. He arrived in Calicut.
Causes of 1857 Revolt
II. French: The French also set up trade bases in India
following the Portuguese, English and Dutch. They first The revolt of 1857 is a combination of political,
set up one of their trade bases in Pondicherry on the economic, social, religious and military causes.
Coromandel Coast in South eastern India in 1674.
Political causes of Revolt:
III. British: Thomas Stephens was the first to arrive in
Goa, India, in 1579. 1. Nana Sahib was refused to give pension, as he was
adopted son of peshwa Bajirao.
THE RISE OF BRITISH POWER 2. Policy of doctrine of lapse in Awadh, Satara, Jhansi,
Nagpur, Sambhalpur etc. were annexed.
Plassey War 1757: Major central Robert clive bribed Mir
Jafer – commander-in-Chief of Nawab of Bengal army. Economic causes of Revolt:

Warren Hastings (1772 - 1785) 1. Heavy taxation.

2. Discriminatory tariff policy against Indian products,
Warren Hastings succeeded Robert Clive and became that lead to ending of Indian Handicrafts.
the first governor general of India. He envisaged a
council of ministers headed by governor-general. In his Military causes of Revolt:
time period, regulating the act of 1773, the collection of
1. Indian soldiers were paid low salary.
revenue was taken over by the company, Zamindars
2. They cannot rank up above Subedar, that lead
were given judicial power, and civil and district courts
toracial discrimination.
were established in each district.
3. British didn’t pay them remote allowance when they
were fighting for remote areas.
Lord Cornwallis (1786 - 1793)
Social – Religious causes of Revolt:
Permanent settlement of Bengal,
Reorganisation of revenue & criminal courts. 1. British social reforms such as abolition of Sati
system, widow re – marriage system, education for
Lord Wellesley (1798 - 1805) girls, Christian missionaries.
2. Introduction of Enfield rifles, the cartridge of which
Introduction of subsidiary alliance system, opened was greased with animal fat.
colleges to train company’s servant in Calcutta.
Beginning of the Revolt:
Lord Minto I (1807 - 1813)
The Revolt started with soldiers of third cavalry at
Signed the treaty of Amritsar with Raja Ranjit Singh. Meerut. They revolted and killed some British officers on
May 10th, 1857.
Lord Hastings (1813 - 1823)
In the time of Hastings, Nepal was defeated in 1814, in Results of the Revolt of 1857:
1818 3rd Anglo – Maratha war took place in his time period.
The Revolts had far – reaching effects on the political,
Lord William Bentinck (1828 - 1833) administrative, military, and social set up of the country.
He is famous for the social reforms. He abolished Sati Constitutional and political effects
system in 1829, He suppressed female infanticide,
thugs, human sacrifices. He introduced English as a The Mughal rule came to an end
language for higher education in India. He abolished Sati (i) The rule of the East India Company in India came to
system, He abolished major courts of appeal and circuit, an end.
power of the magistrate increased, appointment of (ii) The entire administration of India came into the
Indians as a judge, reform in the Hindu law of inheritance hands of the British Crown and the British Parliament.
were done during his time period. (iii) The Indian princes were assured that the policy of
annexation would not be followed.
Lord Dalhousie (1848 - 1856) (iv) It was ensured to the Indian rulers that all the
agreements and treaties that they had entered with
In his time period the second Sikh war took place in the East India Company would be fully honoured.
1849, which lead to the annexation of Punjab in British (v) The right of the Indian rulers to adopt sons was
rule. The Doctrine of lapse took place in his time period, accepted.
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IMPACT OF REVOLT ON BRITISH POLICY Drain of wealth theory India: R.C. Dutta and Dadabhai
Naoroji first criticized ‘Drain of wealth theory’. Naoroji
Government of India Act 1858: The events of 1857 brought it to light in his book titled “Poverty and
gave a fillip to the demand in Britain that a trading Un-British Rule in India”.
company that is the East India Company should not be
allowed to exercise political control over India. After a R C Dutta blamed the British policies for economic
good deal of debate in Parliament, it received the Royal policies in his book “Economic History of India”.
assent on August 2nd, 1858.
Dharma Sabha: It was initiated by Radhakant Deb in
Main provisions of the Act and their Implementation 1830.
1. India came to be governed in the name of the Veda Samaj: It is known as Brahma Samaj of southern
queen. India. It was started by Sridhralu Naidu.
2. The administration of territories of India was
transferred from the Company to the Crown. Indian National Congress
3. The military and naval forces were transferred to
Queen. It was formed by A.O. Hume in 1885. The first session of
4. The Government of India began to be carried out by Congress held in Bombay, in 1885. Its prominent leaders
the Viceroy on behalf of the Queen. were Dadabhai Naoroji, Anand Mohan Bose, Gopal
5. The Board of Control and the Court of Directors of Krishna Gokhle, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Mahadev Govind
the Company were abolished and all the powers Ranade, Madan Mohan Malviya, R.C. Dutt. Initially it
possessed by them were given to the Secretary of worked upon the moderate approach, but later on at the
State for India and his Council. phase of Lal, Bal, Pal (Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar
6. The Secretary of State was to be a member of the Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal) they adopted extremist policy.
Cabinet. His salary and allowances were made
a charge on the revenues of India. Swadeshi Movement

CULTURAL AWAKENING, RELIGIOUS AND It was anti-partition movement of Bengal. The leaders of
SOCIAL REFORM Bengal felt that they needed to boycott the British goods
and services as it was not possible to achieve desirable
Ram Mohan Roy: Ram Mohan Roy has been aptly aim only by public addressing, resolution, etc.
described as the Father of Modern India.
Important Events and incidents during British Rule
He started the Atmiya Sabha through which reform Partition of Bengal – By Lord Curzon on October 16,
activities were accelerated after he settled down in 1905, through a royal proclamation, reducing the old
Calcutta in 1814. province of Bengal in size by creating east Bengal and
west Bengal. The reason given behind the partition of
He established the Brahma Sabha in 1828 which later Bengal was to create sustainable growth for whole
came to be known as the Brahma Samaj. His primary Bengal, but its objective was to create a communal gulf
purpose was to rid Hinduism of its evils and to preach between Hindus and Muslims. Rabindranath Tagore
monotheism. composed the song ‘Amar Sonal Bangla’ (Bangladesh
National Anthem) to create the feeling of unity and to
His agitation against the evil practice of Sati (burning of a end up the partition of Bengal.
widow on her husband’s funeral pyre) bore fruit finally in
1829 when Lord William Bentinck, the Governor – Muslim League (1906): It was a setup of Aga Khan,
General of India, enacted a law against that practice. Nawab Salimullah of Dhaka. This party was organized to
support the partition of Bengal, opposed swadeshi
Arya Samaj: It was founded by Swami Dayanada movement, demand special safeguards for Muslim
Saraswati, in 1875. His motto was to “Go back to community.
Vedas”. He advocated widow re – marriage. He wrote a
book named Satyarth Prakash. He established DAV Surat Session of Indian National Congress (1907) – In
Schools in India. Swami Dayanada Saraswati’s original this session INC was split into 2 groups: The Extremists
name was Moolsh. and Moderates. Extremist people were Lal, Bal, Pal,
these people were having vision of independent India by
Ramakrishna Mission: It was founded by Swami adopting extreme aggressive policy against British
Vivekananda (Narendranath Dutta) in 1897. government. Moderates were commanded by G.K.
Vivekananda attended the parliament of religion in Gokhale; these people wanted to achieve independence
Chicago. Irish woman Margret Noble (known as Sister by moderate policy that is by bilateral meetings and
Nivedita) popularised Ramakrishna Mission after the conferences. The major controversy had been generated
death of Swami Vivekananda. He served society in where Ras Bihari Bose was elected as the president of
national famine, flood and epidemic. INC, but extremists were supporting Lal Lajpat Rai.

The Theosophical Movement: Madame H. P Blavatsky Morley – Minto Reforms (1909): Besides other
(1831-1891) of Russo – German birth laid the foundation constitutional measures, it envisaged the seprate
of the movement in the United States in 1875. Later electorate for the Muslims.
Colonel M S Olcott (1832 – 1907) of the US Army joined
her. In 1882 they moved their headquarters to India at Ghadar Party (1913): It was formed by Lala Hardayal,
Adyar, an outskirt of Madras. Taraknath Das and Sohan Singh Bhakna. The name
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was taken from weekly newspaper and named it Gadar 1923 leaders like Motilal Nehru and Chitranjan Das
on 1st Nov, 1913. Its headquarter was in San Francisco. formed a separate group within the Congress known as
The Home Rule League (1916) – The release of Tilak Swaraj Party to contest the council elections and
after 6 years of jail in Burma has generated the spark of wrecked the government within, while other group tried
Home Rule League. It was launched by Bal Gangadhar to revive the non-cooperation movement in India.
Tilak and Mrs. Annie Besant. Its major aim was to end
up Morley-Minto reforms. Simon Commission (1927): Simon Commission was
appointed by the British Parliament, and its chairman
Rowlatt Act (1919): During the viceroyalty of was Sir John Simon, and this commission had to report
Chelmsford, a sedition (act against British government) to the British government on the working of the Indian
committee was appointed by the government in 1918, as Constitution established by the Government of India Act
Indians were continuously doing the seditious activities 1919. As there was no Indian member in the
against the British government and so Justice Rowlett Commission it faced a lot of criticism. Lala Lajpat Rai
made a suggestion that was to arrest the suspicious was seriously injured in the police lathi-charge in Lahore
person without any prior trial, and that was accepted by in a large anti-Simon Commission demonstration on 30th
the British government. Gandhiji opened his Satyagraha October 1928, and he passed away after one month.
movement against this act of the government on 6th April, During that one month he quoted that “The shots that hit
1919. He was arrested on 8th April and was sent to jail me are the last nails to the coffin of British rule in India”.
without any trial under the new act.
Civil Disobedience Movement (1930): Civil
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (13th April, 1919): The Disobedience Movement was launched in 1930 under
arrest of Mahatma Gandhi and his followers Dr. Kichlu Gandhi’s leadership with the violation of Salt law after
and Dr. Satyapal under Rowlatt Act created unrest in Dandi march from Sabarmati to Dandi in Gujarat.
Punjab. A public meeting was organised on 13th April This got a lot of agitation from all over the country, due to
1919 in a park called Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar where which British government imprisoned both Mahatma
thousands of people assembled. Before the meeting Gandhi and Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru. On March 1931
could start General O’ Dyre ordered indiscriminate heavy Gandhi signed a pact with Irwin known as Gandhi-Irwin
firing on the crowd, as there was no way to escape, as pact.
the result of which so many people died and got
wounded. Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1931): On 5th March, 1931 a pact was
signed between Mahatma Gandhi and the then viceroy of
Khilafat Movement (1920): Khilafat Movement was India, Lord Irwin. The fact was named as Gandhi-Irwin
launched as a communal movement in defence of pact. With the hard work of moderate workers, congress
Turkish Khalifa and to save his empire from called off the movement and agreed to join a second
dismemberment by Britain and other European powers. round-table conference. And on the other hand the British
The Muslims in India were very upset over this type of government decided to release all the prisoners
attitude towards Muslims religious gurus, so to respond immediately. The British government had given rights to
to that Shaukat Ali, Muhammad Ali, Maulana Abul Kalam make salt for their consumption purpose only.
Azad, Dr. M. Ansari, etc. on 17th October, 1919 initiated
Khilafat Movement by a hunger strike, which was the Second Round-Table Conference (1931): It was held
united event of both Hindus and Muslims. Later on this during the viceroyalty of Lord Willington during
movement merged with Non-cooperation movement of September – December 1931 and Gandhiji attended it
Mahatma Gandhi. on behalf of the Indian National Congress. As the British
government wanted to keep the administrative control of
Non – Cooperation movement (1920): The Indian India in their hands, and Gandhiji was planning an
National Council under the leadership of Gandhi, independent India, the talks failed between Gandhiji and
launched his first innovative movement, that was British Prime Minister Ramsay McDonald on
launched on 1st August 1920. In this movement all 11th December, 1931.
British courts and educational institutions were boycotted
by Indians. In these events major lawyers like Motilal Poona Pact (1932): As communal award created
Nehru, C.R. Das, C. Rajagopalachari, Saifuddin Kitchlu, immense disaffection towards the British. Gandhiji went
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, etc. participated in the on hunger strike and demanded separate electorate for
movement by lucrative practices in their field. the downtrodden people to enlist their political
participation. That suggestion of Gandhiji was dismissed
Chauri Chaura Incident (1922): The Congress session but they increased the no. of seats for supressed class
held at Ahmedabad in 1921 decided to launch Civil- from 71 to 147 in the reservation, and after this Poona
Disobedience movement focusing upon non-cooperation pact Gandhiji ended his fast. The leaders of various
Mahatma Gandhi was appointed as leader of that groups and parties signed the pact on behalf of Gandhiji.
movement, but before Gandhi ji launched the civil
disobedience movement, a mob attacked policemen The Government of India Act (1935): The Simon
using violence at a place called Chauri-Chaura near commission report was submitted in 1930 which formed
Gorakhpur, in which 22 policemen were killed and police the basis of the government of India Act 1935.
station was set on fire, due to which Gandhiji withdrew It provided India with an autonomous province, abolished
his movement. diarchy system from India, made Indian minister
responsible for acts of centre and state, strengthened
The Swaraj Party (1923): The suspension of non- reservation system in India, provided federal structure to
cooperation movement lead to a big split in congress India. It was condemned by Congress leaders and they
party in Gaya session December 1922. On 1st January demanded separate constituent assembly for India.
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Quit India Movement (1942): On 8th August 1942, the Partition of India (1947): In accordance with Indian
Congress government launched Quit India movement Independence Act, 1947, Lord Mountbatten was
under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhiji. On 9th August appointed the first Governor-General of India and
1942 Gandhiji was re-arrested but he decided not to give Pakistan’s Governor-General was Mohd. Ali Jinnah, later
up and gave the slogan of “DO OR DIE”. After Gandhiji’s on the power was transferred to C. Rajagopalachari on
arrest Quit India Movement turned violent leading to an interim basis. He was the first and only governor
damage of public property at large including road, general of India.
telegram lines, public offices, etc.
Cripps Mission (1942): Sir Stafford Cripps was sent to
India on 23rd March 1942. Its report focused on various
Panchsheel: Panchsheel or the Five Principles which
issues such as the Muslim League representation in the
were enunciated by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime
Indian government structure, settlement of Quit India
Minister of India, were incorporated in the Preamble to
movement etc.
an agreement arrived at between India and China on
Cabinet Mission (1946): The struggle for freedom was June 28th, 1954 in New Delhi. The agreement was
turned into fire. On 15th March 1946, British Cabinet signed by Nehru, the Prime Minister of India and Chau-
mission decided to visit India and suggest the En-Lai (1898-1976), the Prime Minister of China.
constitutional reforms for India. As per the demand of the
time, Sir Stafford Cripps, along with others, visited India,
but they were not able to get a satisfactory result for The Five Principles are:
Indian society at large. The mission envisaged a
separate constituent assembly for India, and a separate 1. Mutual respect for territorial integrity and
government for Indian citizens by the representative sovereignty
system. 2. Non-aggression
Mountbatten Plan (1946): The plan declared that power 3. Non-interference in each other’s internal affairs
would be handed over to India on 15th August 1947. 4. Equality and mutual benefit
India will be divided into 2 parts, India and Pakistan 5. Peaceful co-existence
dominion. Sir Redcliff was given the responsibility to
decide the boundary of India and Pakistan.


1885 The first meeting of the Indian National Congress, Bombay

1905 The first partition of Bengal

1906 Formation of the Muslim League

1920 Mahatma Gandhi leads the Congress; Non-cooperation Movement

1922 Civil Disobedience Movement

1925 Reforms Enquiry Committee Report

1928 Simon Commission comes to India: Boycott by all parties

1929 Lord Irwin promises Dominion Status for India

Civil Disobedience Movement continues; Salt Satyagraha: Gandhi's Dandi March; First Round
Table Conference
1931 Second Round Table Conference; Irwin-Gandhi Pact; Census of India

1932 Suppression of the Congress movement; Third Round Table Conference

1934 Civil Disobedience Movement called off

1935 The Government of India Act receives Royal Assent

1937 Elections held for provincial assemblies

Gandhi-Jinnah negotiations for the settlement of the communal problem, which began in
1938 July
February, fail
Dec The Muslim League forms a committee of enquiry into alleged Congress persecution of Muslims


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3rd Sep Viceroy Linlithgow announces that India is at war with Germany

Viceroy's Statement on War Aims and the War Effort: reiterates that goal of British policy is
th Dominion status for India, but that the 1935 Act is open to modification at the end of the war, in
18 Oct
the light of Indian opinion. Offers association of Indian opinion in war effort through consultative
group representing the major political parties in British India and the princes.

Oct Resignation of Congress Ministries

22th Dec Observed as 'Deliverance Day' from Congress rule by the Muslim League.


23rd Mar Lahore Resolution of the Muslim League demands for a separate state for the Muslims of India

May Churchill becomes Prime Minister in Britain

Viceroy makes a statement on India's constitutional development - the August Offer - and
7th Aug announces that more places would be open to representative Indians in an expanded Executive
Council and on a new War Advisory Council

Sep Congress and League reject the August Offer

17th Oct Congress launches civil disobedience


Dec Congress civil disobedience prisoners set free

1942 Subhas Chandra Bose forms the Indian National Army

11th Mar British Government announces its decision to send Sir Stafford Cripps to India

30th Mar Cripps proposals published

2th Apr Congress and League reject the Cripps proposals

Congress launches 'Quit India movement' and is declared an unlawful organisation; Gandhi and
8th - 9th Aug
all members of the Congress Working Committee are arrested


Oct Wavell succeeds Linlithgow as Viceroy

th th
9 - 27 Sep Gandhi-Jinnah talks end in failure

1945 First trial of the Indian National Army men opened

7 May Germany surrenders

15th Jun Imprisoned Congress leaders released

26th Jul Labour Government comes into power in Britain

14th Aug Japan surrenders

Dec-Jan General Elections in India

23 Mar -
Cabinet Mission visits India
29th Jun

16th May Cabinet Mission announces its constitutional scheme

6th Jun Muslim League accepts Cabinet Mission's constitutional scheme

16th Jun Cabinet Mission presents scheme for the formation of an interim government at the centre

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Congress rejects 16th June proposals for an interim government but accepts 16th May scheme,
25th Jun agreeing thereby to join the proposed Constituent Assembly. Muslim League accepts the 16th
June scheme and agrees to join the interim government

Muslim League passes resolutions retracting its acceptance of the Cabinet Mission plan and
29th Jul
calling upon Muslims to observe 16th August as 'Direct Action Day'

16th Aug 'Direct Action Day'

16th -18th Aug The 'Great Calcutta Killing'

2nd Sept Congress forms the interim government with Nehru as the Vice-President

13th Oct Muslim League decides to join the interim government

25th Oct Interim Government reconstituted

rd th
3 - 6 Dec Aborted London conference of major Indian leaders

9th Dec Constituent Assembly meets without Muslim League members


29th Jan Muslim League demands dissolution of Constituent Assembly.

February Communal rioting in Punjab

Prime Minister Attlee announces the British intention of leaving India by June 1948, and
20th February
Mountbatten to succeed as Viceroy.

23rd February Jinnah declares that the Muslim League will not yield an inch in their demand for Pakistan

4th - 5th March Outbreak of communal disturbances in Lahore, Multan and other Punjabi towns.

12th March Gandhi begins a tour of the riot-affected areas of Bihar

Prime Minister's letter sent to Viceroy-designate on the policy and principles in accordance with
18th March
which power should be transferred

24th March Mountbatten sworn in as Viceroy and Governor-General

31st March Viceroy holds the first of five interviews with Gandhi
5 April Viceroy holds the first of six interviews with Jinnah

15th - 16th April Conference of Governors; approval for draft proposals for the transfer of power

15th April Issue of joint Gandhi-Jinnah appeal for abstention from acts of violence and disorder

Nehru acquaints Mountbatten with Congress Working Committee's reactions to recent

1st May

18th May Mountbatten leaves for London for talks with Cabinet

28th May Cabinet India and Burma Committee: concluding meeting with Mountbatten

30th May Mountbatten arrives back in Delhi

2nd June Mountbatten meets Indian leaders and gives them Partition Plan

3rd June Mountbatten, Nehru, Jinnah and Baldev Singh give a broadcast on the Plan over All India Radio

4th June Mountbatten gives a Press Conference on the Plan

5th – 7th June Mountbatten discusses partition machinery with Indian leaders and Indian Cabinet

12th June First meeting of Partition Committee

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20th June Votes in Bengal Legislative Assembly result in decision that Province should be partitioned

25th June Indian Cabinet agrees to establish States Department

4th July Indian Independence Bill is published

9th July Mountbatten advises Attlee of his decision to accept the Governor-Generalship of India

16th July Last meeting of the Interim Government

18th July Indian Independence Bill receives Royal Assent

The Executive Council (Transitional Provisions) Order, reconstituting the Interim Government into
19th July two separate groups representing the two successor governments of India and Pakistan,

11th August Jinnah elected President of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan

Pakistan Independence Celebrations in Karachi; Viceroy addresses Pakistan Constituent

14th August
14th - 15th
August Power transferred
Jinnah sworn in as Governor-General of Pakistan; Mountbatten sworn in as Governor-General of
15th August
India; Independence Day Celebrations in Delhi

Viceroys and their British policies
Lord Canning History (1856 – 1862) :

The last Governor-General and the first Viceroy.

Queen Victoria’s Proclamation and passing of the Indian Act of 1856. Doctrine of Lapse started by Lord
Dalhousie was officially withdrawn in 1859. Foundation of the universities at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in
1857. 4. Indigo revolt in Bengali in 1858-60.

White Mutiny by the European troops of the EICO in 1859

Bahadur Shah was sent to Rangoon (Burma).

Lord Ripon (1880 – 1884) :

Liberal person, who sympathized with Indians.
Passing of the first Factory Act in 1881 for the welfare of child labour.
Repeal of Vernacular Press Act in 1882.
Foundation of local Self-Government (1882) - passing of local Self-Government acts in various provinces during
the period 1883-85. Lord Ripon has been called the ‘Father of Local Self-government Holding of first decennial
and regular census in 1881 which put the total population at 254 millions. Financial decentralisation in 1882
which was earlier initiated by Lord Mayo. Appointment of an education commission under Sir William Hunter in
1882. It emphasized the Government’s special responsibility towards the extension and improvement of primary
education and recommended the control of primary education to be transferred to the newly setup District and
Municipal Boards.

The Ilbert Bill controversy, 1883-84 relating to the passing of a bill, framed by the law member of the Viceroy’s
Council Sir C.P. Ilbert which abolished judicial disqualification based on race. There was a strong protest on the
part of the Europeans, particularly the English and eventually under pressure the government amended the bill
and provided for the rights of the Europeans to claim trial by jury of 12, out of which at least 7 were to be
European. Famine Code in 1883.

Lord Ripon restored the throne to the adopted son of the Maharaja of Mysore. Lord Ripon followed the similar
policy in the case of Kolapur.

He usually said “Judge me by my works and not by my words”.

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Lord Curzon (1899 – 1905) :

Passed the Indian Universities act (1904) in which official control over the Universities was increased.

Partitioned Bengal (October 16th, 1905) into two provinces Bengal (proper) and East Bengal and Assam.

Punjab Land Alienation Act (1900): According to this Act, a non agriculturist could not purchase land from an
agriculturist without the permission of the Government. The land of an agriculturist could not be attached in
payment of debt.
Cooperative Societies Act (1904): The Act provided for the formation of cooperative credit societies in rural and
urban areas. The main objective was to give relief to rural indebtedness.

Appointment of an Inspector General of Agriculture.

Establishment of an Agricultural Research Institute at Pusa in Bengal.

The construction of the Upper Chenab Canal, the Upper Jhelum Canal and the Lower Bari Doab Canal was

Establishment of a new Department of Commerce and Industry.

Raising the limit of taxable income from `500 to `1,000.

Passed the Indian Coinage and Paper Currency Act (1899) and put India on a gold standard.

Appointment of a Universities Commission to suggest reforms.

Passing of Indian Universities Act (1904).

Indian Universities Act 1904 increased Government control over Indian Universities.

Appointment of Director General of Education to coordinate the educational activities of the provinces.

Increase in the number of judges of the Calcutta High Court.

Revision of the Indian Code of Civil Procedure

Appointed a Police Commission under Sir Andrew Frazer to enquire into the police administration of every

The risings of the frontier tribes in 1897 – 98 led him to create the North Western Frontier Province (NWFP).

Passed the Ancient Monuments Protection Act (1904) to restore India’s cultural heritage. Thus the
Archaeological Survey of India was established.

Appointment of a Railway Commission. Extended railways to a great extent.

“The Congress is tottering to its fall and one of my great ambitions while in India, is to assist it to a peaceful
Lord Minto (1905 – 1910) :

There was great political unrest in India. Various acts were passed to curb the revolutionary activities.
Extremists like Lala Laipat Rai and Ajit Singh (in May, 1907) and Bal Gangadhar Tilak (in July, 1908) were sent
to Mandalay jail in Burma.

The Indian Council Act of 1909 or the Morley Minto Reforms was passed.

Lord Hardinge (1910 – 1916) :

Held a durbar in December, 1911 to celebrate the coronation of King George V.

Partition of Bengal was cancelled (1911), capital shifted from Calcutta to Delhi (1911).

A bomb was thrown at him; but he escaped unhurt (December 23rd, 1912).

Gandhiji came back to India from South Africa (1915).

Annie Besant announced the Home Rule Movement.

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Lord Chelmsford (1916 – 1921) :

August Declaration of 1917, whereby control over the Indian government would be gradually transferred to the
Indian people.

The government of India act in 1919 (Montague Chelmsford reforms) was passed.

Rowlatt act of 1919; Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (April 13, 1919).

Non-Cooperation Movement.

An Indian Sir S.P. Sinha was appointed the Governor of Bengal.

A Women’s university was founded at Poona in 1916.

Saddler Commission was appointed in 1917 to envisage new educational policy.

Lord Irwin (1926 – 1931) :

Simon Commission visited India in 1928.

Congress passed the Indian Resolution in 1929.

Dandi March (March 12th, 1930).

Civil Disobedience Movement (1930).

First Round Table Conference held in England in 1930.

Gandhi-Irwin Pact (March 5th, 1931) was signed and Civil Disobedience Movement was withdrawn.

Martydorm of Jatin Das after 64 days hunger strike (1929).

Lord Wellington (1931 – 1936) :

Second Round-Table conference in London in 1931.

On his return Gandhiji was again arrested and Civil Disobedience Movement was resumed in January, 1932.

Communal Awards (August 16th, 1932) assigned seats to different religious communities. Gandhiji went on an
epic fast in protest against this division.

Third Round-Table conference in 1932.

Poona Pact was signed.

Government of India Act (1935) was passed.

Lord Linlithgow (1936 – 1944) :

Government of India Act enforced in the provinces. Congress ministries formed in 8 out of 11 provinces. They
remained in power for about 2 years till October 1939, when they gave up offices on the issue of India having
been dragged into the World War-ΙΙ. The Muslim League observed the days as ‘Deliverance Day’
(22nd December).

Churchill became the British PM in May, 1940. He declared that the Atlantic Charter (issued jointly by the UK and
US, stating to give sovereign rights to those who have been forcibly deprived of them) does not apply to India.
Outbreak of World War-ΙΙ in 1939.

Cripps Mission in 1942.

Quit-India Movement (August 8th, 1942).

Lord Wavell (1944 – 1947) :

Arranged the Shimla Conference on June 25th, 1945 with Indian National Congress and Muslim League; failed.

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Cabinet Mission Plan (May 16th, 1946).

Elections to the constituent assembly were held and an Interim Government was appointed under Nehru.

First meeting of the constituent assembly was held on December 9th, 1946.

Lord Mountbatten (March 1947 – August 1947) :

Last Viceroy of British India and the first Governor-General of free India.

Partition of India decided by the June 3 Plan.

Indian Independence Act passed by the British parliament on July 4th, 1947, by which India became independent
on August 15th, 1947.

Retired in June 1948 and was succeeded by C. Rajagopalachari (the first and the last Indian Governor-General
of free India)



* Founded by 1885 by A.O. Hume.

* Venue of the 1st Session – Gokul Tejpal Sanskrit School of Bombay.

* First President – W.C. Banerjee. * First Women President – Annie Besant (1917 Calcutta). * First Indian Women
President – Sarojini Naidu. (1925, Kanpur)

* First English President – George Yule * First Muslim President – Badaruddin Tayabji* Women President – Annie
Besant (1917), Sarojini Naidu (1925) and Nalin Sengupta. * Thrice President (Maximum times) – Dadabhi Naoroji
(1886, 1863, 1906), J.L. Nehru (1929, 1936, 1937).

* First Session to hold in village – 1937 (Fazipur). * First split of congress – 1907 (Surat). * First – Joint Session of
Congress and Muslim League Lucknow (1916).

* Word Swaraj was first used from congress platform (1906) Calcutta.

* Only session presided over by Gandhi – Belgaon (1924).

* Complete Independence was demanded for the first time (1929), Lahore.

* For the first time, National Song was sung in the Calcutta Session (1896) of INC. that is, Vande Mataram

* For the first time National Anthem (Jana Gana Mana) was sung in Calcutta session (1911) of INC.

* Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was the youngest President of INC.

* The first session of congress (Bombay 1885) was attended by 72 representatives. During the fourth session of INC
(1888, Allahabad) emphasis was given on the formation of its constitution. * Nagpur Session (1891) the word
‘National’ was added to Congress. * Poona session (1895), representatives second time discussed the formation of its

* Calcutta session of 1906, its President for the first time used ‘Swaraj’ in his speech. * In Lucknow Session of Congress
(1916) the two factions of congress (extremists and moderates) reunited.

Hasrat Mohani proposed to adopt complete Independence as the goal of the Congress in the Ahmadabad session of

* During Ahmedabad Session of INC (1921), C. R. Das was elected its President but Azamal Khan presided over the
session because C.R. Das was in prison.

* During Gaya Session (1922) differences arose over the issue of council entry. C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru organized
Swaraj Party in 1922.

* During its Delhi session (1923) INC decided to establish All India Khadi Board.

* Gandhi presided over only Belgaon session (1924) of INC.

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* During this session knowledge of weaving was fixed as minimum qualification for its members. Gandhi decided to set
up ‘All India Charkha Association’. declared 1926 as year of keeping silent.
* During Guwahati session of INC (1926) wearing Khadi was made compulsory for its workers.
* During Madras session of INC (1927), proposals for independence and to boycott Simon commission were passed.
Gandhi did not participate.
* During Karachi Session (1931) Fundamentals Rights and Economic Policy Proposals Passed.
* During its 1932 and 1933 session government had declared it an illegal organization.
* During Lucknow Session (1936), J.L. Nehru explained socialism for the first time. * During Fazipur Session (1937)
congress decided to take part in election of 1937. * 1938 session of congress held in a village Haripura. Netaji elected
unopposed. * In Ramgarh Session (1904) decisions on Individual Satyagarha.
* The word “Congress” or INC was taken from the history of USA which means group of people. * While Britons tried to
use congress as a safety valve, Indian leaders tried to use it as ‘a lightening conductor,”* During Tripuri Session of
INC (1939) Subhash Chandra Bose defeated Pattabhi Sitaramaya (Gandhi’s candidate in presidential election) but
later resigned and Rajendra Prasad became its President.* During Calcutta Session (1928) first All India Youth
Congress was established.* During Delhi session (1918) along with S.N. Banerjee many liberals resigned from INC.


Organisation Year Founder

Anti-Non Cooperation Association 1920-21 Purshottam Das and Thakurdas

Jorhat Sarvajanik Sabha 1893 Ras Behari Ghosh

Raja Mundari Social Reform Association 1878 Virsalingam

Anti-Circular Society - K.K. Mitra

Lok Sewa Mandal - Lala Lajpat Raj

Independent Congress Party 1926 Madan Mohan Malviya

United India Patriotic Association - Sayyid Ahmed Khan

British Association of Awadh - Raja Shiv Prasad Sahu

Liberal Association - Sapru, Jayakar and Chintamani

Indian Liberal Federation 1919 S.N. Banerji

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
1927 G.D. Birla and Thakurdas
Industry (FICCI)
Hindustan Sewa Dal - N.G. Hardikar

Independence of India League 1928 J.L. Nehru and S.C. Bose

Praja Party - Akram Khan, Fazuil Haq and Abdur Rahman

Hindu Association - Annie Besant

South India Federation of Peasants and Agricultural
1935 N.G. Ranga and Namboodiripad
Unionist Party - Fazl Hussain

Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh 1925 Hedgewar

All India Untouchability League 1932 M.K.Gandhi

Hindu Mahasabha 1917 Revived by M.M. Malviya

Jana Sangh - Shyama Prasad Mukherji

Deccan Educational Society - Tilak and Agarkar

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Newspaper / journal Founder / editor

Bengal Gazette (1780) (India’s first newspaper) J.K. Hikki

Kesari B.G. Tilak

Maharatta B.G. Tilak

Sudharak Gopal Ganesh Agarkar

Amrita Bazar Patrika Sisir Kumar Ghosh and Motilal Ghosh

Vande Mataram Aurobindo Ghosh

Rest Goftar (First newspaper in Gujarat) Dadabhai Naoroji

New India (Weekly) Bipin Chandra Pal

Statesman Robert Knight

Hindu Vir Raghavacharya and G.S. Aiyar

Sandhya B.B. Upadhyaya

Vichar Lahiri Krishnashastri Chiplunkar

Hindu Patriot Girish Chandra Ghose (Later Harish Chandra Mukherji)

Som Prakash Iswer Chand Vidyasagar

Yugantar Bhupendranth Datta and Barinder Kumar Ghose

Bombay Chronicle Firoze Shah Mehta

Hindustan M.M. Ambedkar

Mooknayak B.R. Ambedkar

Comrade Mohammad Ali

Tahzib-ul-Akhlaq Sir Syyed Ahmed Khan

Al-Hilal Abdul Kalam Azad

Al-Balagh Abdul Kalam Azad

Independent Motilal Nehru

Punjabi Lala Lajpat Rai

New India (Daily) Annie Besant

Commonwealth Annie Besant

Pratap Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi

Essays In Indian Economics M.G. Ranade

Samvad Kaumudi (Bengali) Ram Mohan Roy

Indian Mirror Devendra Nath Tagore

Nav Jeevan M.K Gandhi

Young India M.K Gandhi

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Harijan M.K Gandhi

Prabudha Bharat Swami Vivekananda

Udbodhana Swami Vivekananda

Indian Socialist Shyamji Krishna Verma

Talwar (In Berlin) Birendra Nath Chattopadhyaya

Free Hindustan (in Vancouver) Tarak Nath Das

Hindustan Times K.M. Pannikar

Kranti Mirakar, Joglekar, Ghate.

Native Opinion V.N. Mandalik

Kavivachan Sudha Bhartendu Harishchandra


Directions for questions 1 to 196: Select the correct alternative from the given choices.

1. Which of the following Mughal emperors was known 10. Ijara system was popular under ______.
as Rangeela? (1) Tughlaq Brothers (2) Mughal Rulers
(1) Bahadur Shah (2) Jahandar Shah (3) Lodi dynasty (4) Sher Shah Suri
(3) Farrukhsiyar (4) Muhammad Shah
11. In which year was the Third Battle of Panipat
2. Which of the following were known as ‘King Makers’ fought?
during the Mughal era? (1) 1761 (2) 1764 (3) 1757 (4) 1857
(1) Lodi Brothers (2) Sayyid Brothers
(3) Ibrahim Brothers (4) Tughlaq Brothers 12. Which of the following fought the First Mysore war?
(1) Haider Ali and Nizam of Hyderabad
3. During whose rule did Nadir Shah attack the Mughal (2) Tipu Sultan and Nizam of Hyderabad
empire and loot Delhi by killing the people? (3) Haider Ali and the British Alliance
(1) Muhammad Shah (2) Shah Alam 2 (4) Tipu Sultan and the British Alliance
(3) Bahadur Shah (4) Akbar Shah 2
13. Where did the French set up their first base in India?
4. When was the Hyderabad State founded by (1) Surat (2) Pondicherry
Nizam-ul-Mulk? (3) Kolkata (4) Machilipatnam
(1) 1720 (2) 1724
(3) 1735 (4) 1757 14. Which of the following helped the British forces by
deceiving the Nawab Siraj-ud-daulah in the Battle of
5. Which of the following emperors participated in the Plassey?
1857 revolt? (1) Mir Jafar
(1) Bahadur Shah 2 (2) Akbar 2 (2) Mir Khasim
(3) Bahadur Shah (4) Shah Alam 2 (3) Begum Hazrat Mahal
(4) Shah Alam 2
6. Ram Mohan Roy was honored with the title Raja by
______. 15. The treaty of Allahabad was signed between
(1) Bahadur Shah 2 (2) Muhammad Shah (1) Robert Clive and Siraj-ud-daulah.
(3) Akbar 2 (4) Shah Alam 2 (2) Robert Clive and Shah Alam ΙΙ.
(3) Warren Hastings and Siraj-ud-daulah.
7. Which tax was abolished by the Sayyid Brothers? (4) Warren Hastings and Shah Alam.
(1) Khalisa (2) Jazia
(3) Trade tax (4) Transport tax 16. Which of the following signed the Treaty of Bassein
with the British East India Company?
8. Which of the following Mughal emperors was called (1) Tipu Sultan
‘Headless King’? (2) Nizam of Hyderabad
(1) Bahadur Shah (2) Shah Alam 2 (3) Baji Rao 2
(3) Aurangzeb (4) None of the above (4) Balaji Baji Rao
9. Zulfikar Khan was the de-facto ruler during the reign 17. How many wars were fought between the British
of ______. East India Company and the Marathas?
(1) Jahandar Shah (2) Akbar 2 (1) 2 (2) 3
(3) Bahadur Shah (4) Akbar (3) 4 (4) None of the above
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18. Under whose command did the annexation of Sindh (3) Government of India Act 1858
take place? (4) Government of India Act 1857
(1) Charles Napier (2) William Bentinck
(3) Robert Clive (4) Warren Hastings 31. Which of the following was not offered to the
native princes after the 1857 Revolt?
19. When did the second Anglo-Sikh war take place? (1) Giving up British Expansionist policy in India
(1) 1847-48 (2) 1848-49 (2) Religious freedom
(3) 1837-39 (4) 1845-46 (3) Equal treatment to all Indians
(4) None of the above
20. Which of these introduced the Permanent
Settlement System in Bengal? 32. When did the Governor of Bengal become the
(1) Robert Clive (2) Cornwallis Governor General of Bengal?
(3) Warren Hastings (4) Munro (1) 1773 (2) 1764 (3) 1757 (4) 1761

21. Ryotwari system was introduced in the year ______. 33. Pitts India Act established
(1) 1815 (2) 1816 (3) 1817 (4) 1820 (1) Subsidiary Alliance System.
(2) Doctrine of Lapse.
22. Mahalwari system was limited to (3) Board of Control.
(1) Ganga-Jamuna Doab. (4) Wood's Despatch.
(2) Godavari-Krishna Doab.
(3) Cauvery-Krishna Doab. 34. When was the trade with India, except tea trade,
(4) All of the above. thrown open to all Englishmen?
(1) 1813 (2) 1833 (3) 1853 (4) 1858
23. Which of these played an active role in introducing
Ryotwari system?
35. The first official action towards the development of
(1) Cornwallis (2) Wellesley
education in India was undertaken following the
(3) William Bentinck (4) Munro
(1) Charter Act of 1813. (2) Charter Act of 1833.
24. Which of these initiated the Subsidiary Alliance (3) Charter Act of 1853. (4) Charter Act of 1793.
(1) Lord Wellesley (2) Lord Curzon 36. The post of Minister for Indian Affairs was
(3) Lord Dalhousie (4) None of the above established in ______.
(1) 1833 (2) 1835 (3) 1837 (4) 1839
25. Which was the first state to be annexed under the
Doctrine of Lapse? 37. Which of the following is known as the Father of
(1) Jaitpur Modern India in recognition of his epoch-making
(2) Satara in Central India socio – political and educational reforms?
(3) Udaipur in Central India (1) Mahatma Gandhi
(4) Jhansi in Central India (2) Mahatma Jyotirao Phule
(3) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
26. Wood's Despatch was related to (4) Dadabhai Naoroji
(1) military affairs. (2) educational reforms.
(3) annexation policy. (4) social reforms. 38. Which of the following was the first Woman's
College in India?
27. Which of the following was not a cause for the (1) Benaras Hindu University
uprising of the 1857 revolt? (2) Bethune College
(1) Social reforms adopted by the British (3) Besant Theosophical College
government (4) Calcutta University
(2) Racial discrimination in military
(3) Annexation policy of Dalhousie 39. Young Bengal Movement had its origin in _____.
(4) Annexation of Sindh (1) Benaras Hindu University
(2) Hindu College, Calcutta
28. Where did the first major revolt take place during (3) Calcutta University
the 1857 revolt? (4) Derozio College
(1) Meerut (2) Kanpur 40. Which of the following is known as Lokhitawadi?
(3) Barrackpore (4) Delhi (1) Gopal Hari Desmukh
(2) Dadoba Panduranga
29. Which of the following was the cause for the failure (3) Jyotirao Phule
of the 1857 Revolt? (4) Vishnubawa Brahmachari
(1) Lack of central leadership
(2) Lack of common cause 41. The Hunter Commission on education was
(3) Lack of resources appointed by _____.
(4) All of the above (1) Lord Curzon (2) Lord Canning
(3) Lord Dalhousie (4) Lord Ripon
30. Under which of the following Acts did the
Government of India begin to be administered by 42. Which of these is known as the founder of local
the Viceroy in the name of the Queen? government in India?
(1) Government of India Act 1961 (1) Lord Mayo (2) Lord Dalhousie
(2) Government of India Act 1861 (3) Lord Ripon (4) Lord Minto
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43. Neel Darpan is related to 56. Rast Goftar was a magazine linked to ______.
(1) Indigo farmers’ uprising. (1) Jainism (2) Parsis
(2) Deccan ryots’ uprising. (3) Buddhism (4) Hinduism
(3) Punjab farmers’ uprising.
(4) all of the above. 57. Khalsa college was established in ______.
(1) Amritsar (2) Plassey
44. The Ramosi peasant rebellion took place in _____. (3) Buxar (4) Ujjaini
(1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Gujarat
(3) Chhattisgarh (4) Maharashtra 58. Akali Movement was aimed at
(1) agrarian reforms
45. Dhondo Keshav Karve strived hard for (2) reforms in Hindu law.
(1) women's education. (3) untouchability.
(2) education in vernacular languages. (4) reforms in gurdwaras.
(3) banning of Sati.
(4) widow remarriage. 59. Indian National Social Conference was founded by
46. Whose original name was Moolashankara? (1) Mahatma Gandhi (2) Jyotiba Phule
(1) Jyotirao Phule (3) M G Ranade (4) Dadoba Pandurang
(2) B R Ambedkar
(3) Dayananda Saraswati 60. Which of the following founded the Central Hindu
(4) Raja Ram Mohan Roy College?
(1) Rabindranath Tagore
47. Ramakrishna Mission was established in _____. (2) Muhammad Iqbal
(1) 1891 (2) 1893 (3) 1897 (4) 1899 (3) Badruddin Tyabji
(4) Annie Besant
48. The earliest organised Muslim response to Western
influences, the Wahabi Movement, started in _____. 61. Which of the following was established by
(1) 17th Century (2) 16th Century Ambedkar?
(3) 18th Century (4) 20th Century (1) International Labour Party
49. Muhammadan Educational Conference was started in (2) Independent Labour Party
______. (3) India Anti-Untouchability League
(1) 1886 (2) 1889 (3) 1892 (4) 1896 (4) Indian Reform Association

50. Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha is related to _____. 62. The first Indian newspaper in vernacular language
(1) Sunni muslims (2) Buddhists was _____.
(3) Shia muslims (4) Parsis (1) Samvad Kaumudi
(2) Amrit Bazar Patrika
51. Which of the following established Satyashodhak (3) Samachar Darpan
Samaj in 1873? (4) Young India
(1) Jyotirao Phule
(2) Gandhi 63. Which of the following was not published by
(3) Dayananda Saraswati Gandhi?
(4) Rabindranath Tagore (1) Young India (2) Indian Opinion
(3) Harijan (4) None of the above
52. Which of the following fought for the welfare of
widows? 64. The Indian National Congress was formed in _____.
(1) K Viresalingam (1) 1885 (2) 1878
(2) Rabindranath Tagore (3) 1852 (4) 1857
(3) Annie Besant
(4) Maulana Muhammad Ali 65. Which of them was the Governor-General at the
time of foundation of the INC?
53. Which of these was the founder of Aligarh (1) Lord Ripon (2) Lord Lytton
Movement? (3) Lord Canning (4) Lord Dufferin
(1) Maulana Muhammad Ali
(2) Maulana Hussain Ali 66. Which of these was the Secretary of State for India
(3) Syed Ahmed Khan in1885?
(4) Shah Waliullah (1) Morley (2) R Churchill
(3) Chelmsford (4) Charles Wood
54. Aligarh Muslim University was established by _____.
(1) Syed Ahmad Khan 67. Safety Valve theory was related to
(2) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (1) the foundation of INC.
(3) Shah Abdul Aziz (2) the 1857 revolt.
(4) Shah Waliullah (3) the Gandhiji’s methods of non-violence.
(4) all of the above.
55. Dadabhai Naoroji was one of the founders of
(1) Indian Reform Association 68. Generally, the moderate phase in Indian National
(2) Deccan Education Society movement was between
(3) Servants of India Society (1) 1885-1925 (2) 1885-1905
(4) Rehnumai Mazdayan Sabha (3) 1905-1920 (4) 1857-1947
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69. Which of these was the first Indian ICS official to be 81. Lucknow Pact was signed between
dismissed by the British government of India? (1) Gandhi and Ambedkar.
(1) Surendranath Banerjee (2) Gandhi and Irwin.
(2) Subhash Chandra Bose (3) INC and AIML.
(3) C D Deshmukh (4) Moderates and Extremists.
(4) M N Roy
82. August Declaration was announced by _____.
70. The opportunity to speak in the Legislative Council (1) Lord Reading (2) Chelmsford
was provided to Indians through the (3) Irwin (4) Curzon
(1) 1858 Government of India Act.
(2) 1892 Indian Councils Act. 83. Which of the following was not a part of the 1919
(3) 1935 Government of India Act. Indian Councils Act?
(4) 1861 Indian Councils Act. (1) Dyarchy
(2) Bicameralism
71. Which of the following was not a moderate? (3) Reserved Subjects
(1) Surendranath Banerjee (4) Communal electorates for Muslims
(2) Womesh Chandra Banerjee
(3) Madan Mohan Malaviya 84. Which of the following was a retained subject?
(4) Dadabhai Naoroji (1) Agriculture
(2) Hospitals
72. Which of the following was the method of (3) Local self-government
moderates? (4) Finance
(1) Revolutionary methods
(2) Satyagraha methods 85. ‘Unto This Last’ was translated into Gujarati as
(3) Urging and submitting requests Sarvodaya by _____.
(4) Organization of Attacks on British people (1) Gandhi (2) Sriman Narayan
(3) Vallabhbhai Patel (4) Jawaharlal Nehru
73. What was the per capita income as estimated by
Dadabhai Naoroji? 86. Gandhi arrived in India on _____.
(1) Rupees 20 (2) Rupees 34 (1) January 9,1915 (2) January 9,1917
(3) Rupees 05 (4) Rupees 56 (3) January 9,1909 (4) January 9,1905

74. What was the primary reason for the Swadeshi 87. Which of the following was the venue of the first
Movement? Satyagraha of Gandhi?
(1) Providing separate electorates for Muslims (1) Champaran (2) Ahmedabad
(2) Establishment of All India Muslim League (3) Kheda (4) Bardoli
(3) Division of Bengal
(4) Famines in Bengal 88. Rowlatt Act implied
(1) arrest without warrant.
75. Which of the following led the Swadeshi Movement (2) Judiciary headed by only Indians.
in Madras? (3) banning press.
(1) Periyar (2) Chidambaram Pillai (4) restriction of movement of Gandhi.
(3) Kamaraj Nadar (4) Ramaswami Naicker
89. Bangladesh was created in ______.
76. In which session of the INC did the split happen? (1) 1970 (2) 1973 (3) 1972 (4) 1971
(1) Nagpur (2) Surat
90. An international award with prize money of `1 crore
(3) Kanpur (4) Lahore
was instituted in memory of Rabindranath Tagore for
77. In which year was the annulment of Bengal
(1) emancipation of the underprivileged.
(2) human rights.
(1) 1907 (2) 1911 (3) 1917 (4) 1905
(3) international peace.
(4) cultural harmony.
78. Which of the following was not a revolutionary
terrorist? 91. The communal electorates were introduced for the
(1) Hemchandra Kanungo
first time in India in ______.
(2) Khudiram Bose (1) 1906 (2) 1909 (3) 1919 (4) 1936
(3) Barindra Kumar Ghosh
(4) None of the above 92. The two States which had non-Congress Ministries
in 1937 were
79. Har Dayal was one of the founders of (1) Punjab and NWFP.
(1) Ghadar party. (2) Madras and Central Provinces.
(2) Indian National Congress. (3) Bengal and Punjab.
(3) India Anti Untouchability League. (4) Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
(4) Aligarh Muslim University.
93. Which of the following attended all the three Round-
80. Tilak started Home Rule League in ______. Table Conferences?
(1) 1916 (2) 1917 (1) Vallabhbhai Patel (2) Mahatma Gandhi
(3) 1918 (4) 1919 (3) B R Ambedkar (4) M M Malviya
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94. The system of Dyarchy was introduced in _____. 107. Which of these was the other Congress leader who
(1) 1909 (2) 1919 (3) 1935 (4) 1945 joined Motilal Nehru to start the Swaraj Party in
95. The editor of Young India and Harijan was ______. (1) G. K. Gokhale
(1) Nehru (2) B. G. Tilak
(2) Subhash Chandra Bose (3) Chittaranjan Das
(3) Mahatma Gandhi (4) M. K. Gandhi
(4) Ambedkar
96. Which of these was the first Indian to become 108. From which of the following banks did Madan
member of the British parliament? Mohan Malaviya take out loans for financing "The
(1) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee Hindustan Times"?
(2) Dadabhai Naoroji (1) State Bank of India
(3) W C Banerjee (2) Punjab National Bank
(4) none of the above (3) Bank of Maharashtra
(4) Bank of Baroda
97. Ram Sharan Sharma, who died in 2011, was an
eminent _____. 109. Which of these wrote the book "Why Socialism?"
(1) chemist (2) economist (1) Jayaprakash Narayan
(3) archaeologist (4) indologist (2) Mahatma Gandhi
(3) Acharya Narendra Dev
98. India attained ‘Dominion Status’ on (4) M. N. Roy
(1) 15th January, 1947. (2) 15th August, 1947.
(3) 15th August, 1950. (4) 15th October, 1947. 110. In Chola's local government system Ur means
(1) a village-level assembly.
99. Which Governor-General is associated with the (2) exclusively Bahman assembly.
Doctrine of Lapse? (3) assembly of merchants.
(1) Lord Ripon (2) Lord Dalhousie (4) all of the above.
(3) Lord Bentinck (4) Lord Curzon
111. Dwarasamudra was the capital of
100. The Lodi dynasty was founded by (1) Ikshavaku Dynasty.
(1) Ibrahim Lodi (2) Sikandar Lodi (2) Hoyasala Dynasty.
(3) Bahlul Lodi (4) Khizr Khan (3) Chalukya Dynasty.
(4) Yadava Dynasty.
101. Arrange the following in chronological order:
I. Dandi March, 112. The first dynasty in the Sultanate of Delhi was
II. Simon Commission, known as the Slave dynasty because Qutbuddin
III. Poona Pact, Aibak was a slave of
IV. Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1) Iltutmish.
(1) II, I, III, IV (2) II, I, IV, III (2) Muhammud of Ghor.
(3) IV, III, I, II (4) IV, III, II, I (3) Muhammud of Ghazni.
102. Which of the following first propounded the idea of (4) Alauddin Khilji.
basic education?
(1) Jawaharlal Nehru 113. The first Muslim woman to capture the throne of
(2) Raja Ram Mohan Roy Delhi Sultanate was
(3) Mahatma Gandhi (1) Raziya.
(4) Dayanand Saraswati (2) Meherunnisa.
(3) Begum Hazrat Mahal.
103. Which of the following was the first Viceroy of (4) None of the above.
(1) Lord Ripon (2) Lord Curzon 114. Which of these was the founder of Khilji Dynasty?
(3) Lord Mountbatten (4) Lord Canning (1) Alauddin Khilji
(2) Jainulabidin Khilji
104. Which of these gave the title of "Mahamana" to (3) Jalaluddin Khilji
Madan Mohan Malaviya? (4) Ghiasuddin Khilji
(1) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(2) Dadabhai Naoroji 115. Which of the following introduced house tax and
(3) Gopal Krishna Gokhale pasture tax?
(4) Mahatma Gandhi (1) Balban
(2) Alauddin Khilji
105. Which of the following described the Government (3) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
of India Act 1935 as a new charter of bondage? (4) Ibrahim Lodi
(1) B. R. Ambedkar (2) Mahatma Gandhi
(3) Rajendra Prasad (4) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru 116. Which of the following does not include the reforms
undertaken by Muhammad bin Tughlaq?
106. Which of these was the Viceroy at the time of (1) Branding of Horses
Quit India Movement? (2) Introduction of Token Currency
(1) Lord Irwin (2) Lord Mountbatten (3) Moving of the Capital
(3) Lord Wavell (4) Lord Linlithgow (4) None of the above
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117. Diwan-i-Khairat was initiated in the reign of _____. 130. Astadiggaja is related to
(1) Muhammad bin Tughlaq (1) Maratha empire.
(2) Feroz Shah Tughlaq (2) Vijayanagara empire.
(3) Alauddin Khilji (3) Chola empire.
(4) Balban (4) None of the above.

118. Which of these was the founder of Agra city? 131. Bahmani kingdom was founded by
(1) Akbar (2) Jahangir (1) Alauddin Hasan.
(3) Sikandar Lodi (4) Firoz Shah Tughlaq (2) Muhammad Gawain.
(3) Bahlul Lodi.
119. Jamat Khana was built under the reign of (4) Moin-ud-Daula.
(1) Mubarak Shah. (2) Firoz Shah Tughlaq.
(3) Balban. (4) Alauddin Khilji. 132. Which of these was the religious guru behind the
foundation of Vijayanagara empire?
120. Which of them wrote the first historical narrative of (1) Sankaracharya
Muslim rule in India? (2) Dayananda Saraswati
(1) Hasan Nizami (2) Minhas Siraj (3) Vidyaranya
(3) Amir Khusro (4) Ziauddin Barani (4) Sahajananda

121. Which of the following rulers of Delhi Sultanate 133. Which of the rulers belongs to Sangama dynasty?
wrote his autobiography? (1) Harihara 1
(1) Muhammad bin Tughlaq (2) Narasimharaya 2
(2) Feroz Shah Tughlaq (3) Sri Krishna Devaraya
(3) Balban (4) Tirumala
(4) Alauddin Khilji
134. Mubaiyan style of verse was invented by
122. Bhakti means (1) Akbar. (2) Jahangir.
(1) personal devotion to God. (3) Shah Jahan. (4) Babur.
(2) preference to priests.
(3) devotion to God Shiva. 135. Battle of Chausa is related to
(4) devotion to God Vishnu. (1) Babur and Sangram Singh.
(2) Humayun and Sher Shah.
123. Sankirtan was popularised by (3) Shivaji and Aurangzeb.
(1) Adi Sankaracharya. (4) Akbar and Rajputana.
(2) Vallabhacharya.
(3) Kabir. 136. The Second Battle of Panipat was fought between
(4) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Hemu and ______.
(1) Akbar (2) Babur
124. Meerabai wrote songs on Lord Krishna in _____. (3) Shah Jahan (4) Humayun
(1) Sanskrit (2) Gujarati
(3) Marathi (4) Rajasthani 137. The great Rajput king who assisted Akbar in
various battles was ______.
125. Chisti Silsila was introduced in India by (1) Raja Man Singh
(1) Nizamuddin Chishti. (2) Rana Pratap
(2) Moinuddin Chishti. (3) Rana Sangram Singh
(3) Jalaluddin Chishti. (4) all of the above
(4) Jainulabidin Chishti.
138. Guru Arjandev was executed by ______.
126. Which of them was the last Guru in Sikhism? (1) Akbar (2) Jahangir
(1) Guru Nanak (3) Babur (4) Aurangzeb
(2) Guru Gobind Singh
(3) Guru Tej Bahadur 139. Which of the following is a UNESCO world
(4) Guru Arjun Dev heritage site?
(1) Akbar tomb
127. Tukaram composed ______ in praise of god (2) Humayun tomb
Panduranga. (3) Jahangir tomb
(1) Abhanga (2) Sankirtana (4) Aurangzeb tomb
(3) Kirtana (4) Bhajan
140. Captain Hawkins and Sir Thomas Roe were hosted
128. Which of them abolished the system of landlords by _______.
and middlemen in his revenue administration? (1) Shah Jahan
(1) Akbar (2) Babur (2) Jahangir
(3) Sher Shah Suri (4) Sikandar Lodi (3) Tipu Sultan
(4) Sri Krishna Devaraya
129. Which of them built roads which were known as
“the arteries of empire” in the medieval period? 141. Safinat ul-Auliya was written by _____.
(1) Akbar (2) Shah Jahan (1) Abdul Rahim (2) Abul Fazal
(3) Sher Shah Suri (4) Muhammad Gawan (3) Faizi (4) Dara Shikoh
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142. The Mughal empire expanded greatly during the 155. The city of Prayag was renamed Ilahabad, the city
reign of ______. of Allah, by ______.
(1) Humayun (1) Aurangzeb
(2) Babur (2) Akbar
(3) Shah Jahan (3) Shahjahan
(4) Aurangzeb (4) Bahadur Shah Zafar

143. Which was the largest unit in the Mughal 156. Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated in the second
administration? battle of Tarain by _____.
(1) Grama (2) Paragana (1) Mahmud Ghazni
(3) Sarkar (4) Subah (2) Muhammad Ghori
(3) Qutbuddin Aibak
144. Which of these looked after religious affairs in the (4) Yalduz
Mughal empire?
(1) Mir Bakshi 157. The study of history using coins is known as
(2) Qazi ul Quzat ______.
(3) Khan i Saman (1) Philology (2) Epigraphy
(4) None of the above (3) Calligraphy (4) Numismatics

145. Abdul Rahim was in the court of ______. 158. Angas are the religious literature of
(1) Jahangir (2) Shah Jahan (1) Buddhism
(3) Aurangzeb (4) Akbar (2) Jainism
(3) Ajivika
146. Whose mother was Jijabai? (4) None of the above
(1) Sahu (2) Shivaji
(3) Shamboji (4) Baji Rao 159. Which of the following is the only source for
studying the Early Vedic Period?
147. Shivaji’s coronation took place at _______. (1) Rigveda (2) Samaveda
(1) Chittorgarh (2) Raigad (3) Yajurveda (4) Atharvaveda
(3) Pune (4) Ahmednagar
160. Astadhyayi was written by ______.
148. Bibi ka Maqbara is located in ______. (1) Patanjali (2) Manu
(1) Ahmednagar (2) Aurangabad (3) Yajnavalkya (4) Panini
(3) Pune (4) Jalgaon
161. Megasthenes was the ambassador of ______.
149. Which of these audited the accounts in the (1) Darius 1
Maratha empire? (2) Alexander
(1) Majumdar (2) Peshwa (3) Seleucus Nicator
(3) Mantri (4) Panditrao (4) Chandragupta Maurya

150. The Muslim adventurer who destroyed the Nalanda 162. Which of the following site belongs to the
University was ______. Paleolithic age?
(1) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq (1) Soan valley
(2) Muhammad-bin-Qasim (2) Malabar coast
(3) Muhammad-bin-Bhaktiyar (3) Andaman island
(4) Alauddin Khilji (4) all of the above

163. With which of the following names was the head of

151. Painting reached its highest level of development
the family known in the Vedic Period?
during the reign of ______.
(1) Rajan (2) Gramani
(1) Shah Jahan (2) Akbar
(3) Vispati (4) Kulapa
(3) Jahangir (4) Aurangzeb
164. Which of the following is not among the eight noble
152. The first Sultan of Delhi to issue regular currency paths mentioned in Buddhism?
and declare Delhi as the capital of his empire was: (1) Right views
(1) Iltutmish (2) Right speech
(2) Alam Shah (3) Right effort
(3) Balban (4) none of the above
(4) Qutbuddin Aibak
165. Ratnatraya concept belongs to ______.
153. Which of the following was an illiterate? (1) Buddhism (2) Jainism
(1) Jahangir (2) Shah Jahan (3) Ajivika (4) all of the above
(3) Akbar (4) Aurangzeb
166. Identify the correct sequence of Buddhist Councils
154. The Lodi dynasty was founded by _______. held in the ancient period chronologically?
(1) Ibrahim Lodi (1) Rajgriha, Vaishali, Pataliputra, Kashmir
(2) Sikandar Lodi (2) Rajgriha, Pataliputra, Vaishali, Kashmir
(3) Bahlul Lodi (3) Vaishali, Pataliputra, Kashmir, Rajgriha
(4) Khizr Khan (4) Vaishali, Pataliputra, Rajgriha, Kashmir
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167. The language preferred by the Mahayana sect of 179. The monk who influenced Ashoka to embrace
Buddhism was _______. Buddhism was ______.
(1) Pali (1) Vishnu Gupta
(2) Brahmi (2) Upagupta
(3) Both Pali and Brahmi (3) Brahmagupta
(4) Sanskrit (4) Varahamihira

168. Which of the following is not one of the Shodasa 180. Torah is the sacred book of:
Mahajanapadas? (1) Zoroastrianism (2) Taosim
(1) Asmaka (2) Videha (3) Judaism (4) Confucianism
(3) Vriji (4) Vatsa
181. The prose collection of the vedic poems are:
169. Kautilya emphasised Anvikshiki which is related to (1) Samhitas
(1) Economics (2) Vedas (2) Brahmanas
(3) Politics (4) none of the above (3) upavedas
(4) Aranyakas
170. Which of the following rock edicts gives information
on Sangam kingdom? 182. Which of them was the teacher of Gautama
(1) Major Rock Edict 2 Buddha?
(2) Minor Rock Edict 3 (1) Patanjali
(3) Major Rock Edict 4 (2) Panini
(4) Minor Rock Edict 5 (3) Vardhamana Mahavira
(4) Alara Kalama
171. Composition of Manusmriti was done during the
period of ______. 183. The Asokan edicts were deciphered first by
(1) Nandas (2) Sungas _______.
(3) Guptas (4) Cholas (1) Sir John Marshall
(2) Mortimer Wheeler
172. Which of these established the Kushan empire? (3) James Prinsep
(1) Kanishka (4) Sir William Jones
(2) Kujula Kadphises
(3) Bimal Kadphises 184. Where did Buddha attained enlightenment?
(4) none of the above (1) Sarnath (2) Rajgriha
(3) Lumbini (4) Bodhgaya
173. Mathura school of art flourished during the era of
_______. 185. Hiuen Tsang visited India during the reign of
(1) Chandragupta Maurya _______.
(2) Chandragupta (1) Harshavardhana
(3) Kanishka (2) Rudradaman
(4) Sisunaga (3) Chandragupta Maurya
(4) Chandragupta II
174. The earliest and greatest epic of Sangam age was
_______. 186. Which was the largest city during the Bronze Age?
(1) Silappathikaram (2) Manimekalai (1) Pataliputra
(3) Tolkappiyam (4) Ettuthogai (2) Mohenjodaro
(3) Prayag
175. Eran inscription provides information about (4) none of the above
(1) Maurya
(2) Harshavardhan 187. The seals of Indus Valley Civilization were made of
(3) Guptas ______.
(4) all of the above (1) sand stone (2) steatite
(3) marble (4) diamond
176. Which of the following is known as the prince of
pilgrims? 188. Which of these was the supreme God during the
(1) Megasthenes (2) Fahsien early vedic period?
(3) Hiuen Tsang (4) I-Tsing (1) Shiva (2) Rudra
(3) Indra (4) Varuna
177. What is the first sermon of Buddha called?
(1) Mahaparinirvansutta 189. Which of these headed the first Buddhist council?
(2) Brahmajalasutta (1) Maha Kassapa (2) Sabakami
(3) Dhammachakkapavattana Sutta (3) Upagupta (4) Vasumitra
(4) Kachchayanagottasutta
190. ‘Buddham Saranam Gachchami’ slogan was
178. Harshavardhana was defeated by ______. identified from the _______.
(1) Rajya Vardhana (1) Rummindei inscription
(2) Pulakesin II (2) Bhabru iscription
(3) Narasimha Varma Pallava (3) Eran inscription
(4) Sasanka (4) Paharpur inscription
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM3532005/51
191. Which of them was the last ruler of Nanda 194. Which of these was the founder of Saka era?
dynasty? (1) Rudradaman
(1) Mahapadma Nanda (2) Ashoka
(2) Kalasoka (3) Kanishka
(3) Mahananda (4) Menander
(4) Dhana Nanda
195. Charaka Samhita is related to ______.
192. Which of the following was the greatest among the (1) Vedas
Satavahana rulers? (2) Medicine
(1) Simukha (3) Mathematics
(2) Gautamiputra Satakarni (4) Astrology
(3) Yajna Satakarni
(4) Pulamavi 1 196. How did Asoka describe himself in his inscription?
(1) Beloved of Gods
193. The identification of Devanampiyadasi with Ashoka (2) The Great Emperor
was confirmed by _____ inscription. (3) Asoka, son of Bindusara
(1) Bhabru (2) Rummindei (4) Follower of Dhamma
(3) Maski (4) Saranath


1. 4 21. 4 41. 4 61. 2 81. 3 101. 2 121. 2 141. 4 161. 3 181. 2

2. 2 22. 1 42. 3 62. 3 82. 2 102. 3 122. 1 142. 4 162. 1 182. 4
3. 1 23. 4 43. 1 63. 4 83. 4 103. 4 123. 4 143. 4 163. 4 183. 3
4. 2 24. 1 44. 4 64. 1 84. 4 104. 4 124. 4 144. 2 164. 4 184. 4
5. 1 25. 2 45. 4 65. 4 85. 1 105. 4 125. 2 145. 4 165. 2 185. 1
6. 3 26. 2 46. 3 66. 2 86. 1 106. 4 126. 2 146. 2 166. 1 186. 2
7. 2 27. 4 47. 3 67. 1 87. 1 107. 3 127. 1 147. 2 167. 4 187. 2
8. 1 28. 1 48. 3 68. 2 88. 1 108. 2 128. 3 148. 2 168. 2 188. 3
9. 1 29. 4 49. 1 69. 1 89. 4 109. 1 129. 3 149. 1 169. 3 189. 1
10. 2 30. 3 50. 4 70. 2 90. 4 110. 1 130. 2 150. 3 170. 1 190. 2
11. 1 31. 4 51. 1 71. 3 91. 2 111. 2 131. 1 151. 3 171. 3 191. 4
12. 3 32. 1 52. 1 72. 3 92. 3 112. 2 132. 3 152. 1 172. 2 192. 2
13. 2 33. 3 53. 3 73. 1 93. 3 113. 1 133. 1 153. 3 173. 3 193. 3
14. 1 34. 1 54. 1 74. 3 94. 2 114. 3 134. 4 154. 3 174. 1 194. 3
15. 2 35. 1 55. 4 75. 2 95. 3 115. 2 135. 2 155. 2 175. 3 195. 2
16. 3 36. 1 56. 2 76. 2 96. 2 116. 1 136. 1 156. 2 176. 3 196. 1
17. 2 37. 3 57. 1 77. 2 97. 4 117. 2 137. 1 157. 4 177. 3
18. 1 38. 2 58. 4 78. 4 98. 2 118. 3 138. 2 158. 2 178. 2
19. 2 39. 2 59. 3 79. 1 99. 2 119. 4 139. 2 159. 1 179. 2
20. 2 40. 1 60. 4 80. 1 100. 3 120. 1 140. 2 160. 4 180. 3

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