Mat 19
Mat 19
Mat 19
1. of each side of the base is 756 feet with a height Stripes Spots
of 481 feet. The ratio of the base to the height
is roughly 1.5717, which is close to the Golden Golden Ratio can be found in the beauty of
ratio. nature, the growth patterns of many plants,
insects, and the universe.
2. Notre Dame is a Gothic Cathedral in Paris,
which was built in between 1163 and 1250. It 1. Honeycombs of the bees
appears to have a golden ratio in a number of show specific regular
its key proportions of designs. repeating hexagons. It
uses the least amount of
3. The Taj Mahal in India used the golden ratio in wax to store the honey
its construction and was completed in 1648. giving a strong structure
The order and proportion of the arches of the with no gaps.
Taj Mahal on the main structure keep reducing 2. Zebra’s coat, the
proportionately following the golden ratio. alternating pattern of
blacks and white are
4. The Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres in Paris, due to mathematical
France also exhibits the Golden ratio. rules that govern the
pigmentation chemicals
of its skin.
5. In the United Nation Building, the window
configuration reveal golden proportion.
3. S p i d e r
spider creates a
6. The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, erected in structure by
1889 is an iron lattice. The base is broader while performing innate
it narrows down the top, perfectly following the steps.
golden ratio.
7. The CN Tower in Toronto, the tallest tower and 4. The nautilus shell
freestanding structure in the world, contains has natural pattern
the golden ratio in its design. The ratio of which contains a spiral
observation deck at 342 meters to the total shape called
height of 553.33 is 0.618 or phi, the reciprocal logarithmic spiral.
of phi.