V5 Hotfix
V5 Hotfix
V5 Hotfix
What Is a Hot-Fix ?
A Hot-Fix is a software maintenance package containing a small number of code fixes,
designed to fix a small number of critical problems. A Hot-Fix enables a customer to receive
fixes for urgent problems, without having to wait for the next service pack.
Unlike the General Availability (GA) and Service Pack (SP) levels, which are scheduled,
periodic releases, Hot-Fix releases are not periodically scheduled.
Simply requesting a Hot-Fix does not automatically guarantee that the customer will receive
it: all Hot-Fix requests first must be approved and accepted by Dassault Systèmes prior to
Furthermore, a Hot-Fix may contain fixes related to problems reported earlier by different
customers. All the files included in the Hot-Fix will nevertheless be installed.
Naming Convention
Hot-Fix code files are named according to the following naming convention:
Where :
For example:
Remark :
Each Hot-Fix is delivered with an information file which lists the solved problems and
installed files :
For example :
On Which Level Can a Hot-Fix Be Installed ?
A Hot-Fix is built on only one GA+SP level, and can only be installed on the same GA+SP
For example, Hot-Fix B11.0.2 contains both new fixes and the fixes delivered with Hot-Fix
If you are installing a Hot-Fix on a service pack level, the service pack has to be committed
You uninstall a Hot-Fix using the Hot-Fix Uninstall tab which is added to the Software
Management tool when a Hot-Fix is installed.
Miscellaneous Constraints and Restrictions
Keep in mind the following constraints and restrictions when installing Hot-Fixes:
The installation process does not analyze which products have already been installed
and does not filter the files for installation depending on which product lines have
already been installed: all files included in a Hot-Fix are installed automatically. This
means, for example, that files belonging to ENOVIA 3d com may be installed on a
CATIA installation.
Once a Hot-Fix has been installed, integrity checking (performed using the
Software Management tool) at level 3 is no longer available since the appropriate
option is grayed out in the Check Integrity tab
Once a Hot-Fix has been installed, the CATDeltaInstall command cannot be run.
For illustration purposes, this scenario is based on the V5R11 release. All paths
reference V5R11 installations, and the screen shots were also based on the V5R11
release. The basic operating principles and step-by-step instructions are of course
applicable to later releases.
1. Log on as an administrator.
You must belong to the Administrators group, or have the privileges assigned to the
Administrators group. Otherwise, you will not be able to install the different levels on the
source computer.
2. Use a packing utility (for example, WinZip), to extract the contained files and
subdirectories (for example, INTEL) into an empty folder.
3. Select Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt to open a
Command Prompt window.
4. Go to the folder into which you extracted the files, then to the INTEL folder.
The Welcome dialog box is then displayed:
If several GA levels are installed, the "Choose Destination" dialog box will prompt you to
choose the GA level on which you want to install the Hot-Fix.
11. You can now check the level of your installation. For example, if you installed CATIA,
select the Start->Programs->CATIA->Tools->Software Management command.
In the General tab, the number of the Hot-Fix you just installed is displayed beneath the
service pack level information like this:
12. We explained earlier that before installing another Hot-Fix or a service pack, you first
have to uninstall the current Hot-Fix. If you attempt to install another Hot-Fix, for example, an
error message like this will be displayed:
To uninstall the current Hot-Fix, click the Hot-Fix Uninstall tab to the far right of the Dassault
Systèmes Software Management dialog box:
This tab is added to the Software Management tool only a Hot-Fix is installed.
The Hot-Fix is uninstalled, and all trace of the Hot-Fix in the General tab will be removed. if
you exit then rerun the Software Management tool, the Hot-Fix Uninstall tab will have
Installing a Hot-Fix in Batch Mode
1. Log on as an administrator.
You must belong to the Administrators group, or have the privileges assigned to the
Administrators group. Otherwise, you will not be able to install the different levels on the
source computer.
2. Use a packing utility (for example, WinZip), to extract the contained files and
subdirectories (for example, INTEL) into an empty folder.
3. Select Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt to open a
Command Prompt window.
4. Go to the folder into which you extracted the Hot-Fix files, then to the Intel folder.
-u "unload_dir": specifies the unload directory (not necessary if only one GA level is
installed, since the path is read from the registry); make sure the directory path is enclosed
like this: "unload dir" if the directory name contains spaces.
-killprocess: kills any running Version 5 processes before installing the Hot-Fix
-v: verbose mode
-h: displays help.
You must belong to the Administrators group, or have the privileges assigned to the
Administrators group. Otherwise, you will not be able to install the different levels on the
source computer.
2. If the Hot-Fix file name contains ".Z", rename the Hot-Fix file to a name with extension ".Z"
(for example: mv <Hot-Fix file> <Hot-Fix file>.Z), and then decompress the file
(for example: uncompress <Hot-Fix file>).
3. Extract the contained files and subdirectories into an empty directory (for example: tar -
xvf <Hot-Fix file>).
./start -s
if you want to start the installation procedure without the accompanying music.
The Version 5 setup program will be run. The setup program checks you have the correct
prerequisites. Then, the Welcome dialog box greets you. The setup program invokes a full
self-explanatory graphical interface which walks you through the installation.
6. Click the Next button to move to the next step.
The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears. A default destination folder is already
/usr/Dassault Systemes/B11
7. If the default destination directory is suitable, click the Next button to move to the next step,
or click the Browse... button and navigate to select another folder and click OK.
12. You can now check the level of your installation. To do so, enter the command:
/usr/DassaultSystemes/B11/OS/code/command/catstart -run CATSoftwareMgt
In the General tab, the number of the Hot-Fix you just installed is displayed beneath the
service pack level information like this:
To uninstall the current Hot-Fix, click the Hot-Fix Uninstall tab to the far right of the Dassault
Systèmes Software Management dialog box:
This tab is added to the Software Management tool only when a Hot-Fix is installed.
The Hot-Fix is uninstalled, and all trace of the Hot-Fix in the General tab will be removed. If
you exit then rerun the Software Management tool, the Hot-Fix Uninstall tab will have
Installing a Hot-Fix in Batch Mode
1. Log on as root.
2. If the Hot-Fix file name contains ".Z", rename the Hot-Fix file to a name with extension ".Z"
(for example: mv <Hot-Fix file> <Hot-Fix file>.Z), and then decompress the file
(for example: uncompress <Hot-Fix file>).
3. Extract the contained files and subdirectories into an empty directory (for example: tar -
xvf <Hot-Fix file>).
./start -b -s
Running the command with at least one argument other than "-s" starts the installation in
batch mode, without having to specify the "-b" argument.