Pancha Nidana Adhyayan: An Overview

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Pancha Nidana Adhyayan

Dr Pratik Sharma
Assistant Professor
Dept Of Roga Nidana Avum Vikriti
Vaidya Yagya Dutt Sharma AM
❑ निदािं पूर्रू
व पाणि रुपाण्युपशयस्तथा ।
सम्प्रानिश्चेनत वर्ज्ञािं रोगािां पञ्चधा स्मृतम ् ॥ (अ.ह्र् नि- १/२)

1. Nidana
2. Purvarupa
3. Rupa
4. Upasaya
5. Samprapti

These 5 step methods are the means by which the disease is examined.
पञ्चवर्धमप्येतद व्यानध उत्पवि ज्ञानि हे तुभूतं
निदािोच्यते ॥ (मा. नि. १/४)

The word nidana used in two different contexts i.e.

✓ Diagnosis of disease -
✓ Etiological factors of disease -
❑ व्यनध उत्पवि हे तुनिवदािम ् ॥ (मा. नि. १/२)
✓ Factors which manifest disease is called nidana.

❑ तत्र निदािम ् करिं इत्युक्तमग्रे ॥ (च. नि. १/७)

✓ It describes causative factors of the disease

❑ सेनतकतवव्यताको रोगोत्पादकहे तुनिवदािम ् इनत ॥ (मा. नि, १/५)

✓A factor which is capable of manifesting the development of disease
either quickly or after a certain period is called hetu.
❑ हे तुलक्षणनिर्दे शानिर्दािानि ॥ (सु. सू. अ.३)

Nidana helps to know about etiology, symptomatology,


❑निनर्दि श्यते व्यानिरिेिेनत निर्दािं ॥ (मा. नि. १/४)

Which gives complete knowledge about vyadhi and
directs for its entire manifestations is called nidana.

❑निनित्य र्दीयते प्रनतपाद्यते व्यानिरिे िेनत निर्दािम् ॥

(मा. नि. १/४)
Certain or confirmed diagnosis of a disease is
called Nidana.
❑ रोगं निदािराग्रूपलक्षिोपशयानिनभ: ॥ (अ.ह्र् सु
✓Roga should be examined by nidana(etiological factors), pragrupa(premonitory
symptoms), lakshana(symptomology), upashaya(trial and error therapeutics),
निदाि पयावयस्तु हे तुनिनमिमायतिम ् कारक: कताव कारिं रत्यय:
समुत्थािम ् योनि मूलनमनत ॥ (अ. सं. नि १/७)

1. Hetu
2. Nirmitta
3. Ayatana
4. Karaka
5. Karta
6. Karana
7. Pratyaya
8. Samutthana
9. Mula
10. Yoni
BHEDA (Classification)
❑ Four types of hetu-(M.Ni.1/5)
1. Sannikrsta hetu- bhuktam dosha prakopa, Jvara Rukshadisevan
2. Viprakrsta hetu- Hemante nichita sleshma vasante kapha roga krit,
3. Vyabhichari hetu- Durbalatvavyadhi karan Asamartha, Abaliyansa
4. Pradhanika hetu- Vishadi

❑ Three types of ayatana

1. Asatmyendriyartha samyoga- Mithya Ahara vihara Rupa Rasaadi
2. Prajnaparadha- Mithya Gyaanadi
3. Parinama- ritu Swabhavata
BHEDA (Classification) Cont..
1. Dosa hetu- Chaya Prakopa Prashama of Doshas with Kaala
2. Vyadhi hetu- Mridbhakshana Pandu Roga Karanam
3. Ubhaya hetu- VataRakte hastiUshtraAshwa Gacchata Ashnata

1. Ksaya
2. Vrdhi
3. Sthana

1. Kostha
2. Sakha
3. Marmasthi sandhisu
BHEDA (Classification) Cont..
Two types ofhetu
1. Utpadaka hetu- hemanta ritu Kapha & Madhur Rasa
2. Vyanjaka hetu- Kaphasya Vyanjaka vasante Suryasantap

1. Bahya hetu- Ahara, Achara Kaala hetu

2. Abhyantra hetu- Dosha Dushya Dushti

1. Prakruta hetu- Vasante Sleshma, Sharade Pitta, Varsha Vata

2. Vaikruta hetu- Vasante Pitta-Vayu, Varsha Pitta-Kapha, Sharad Vata-Kapha

1. Anubandhya- Pradhanam (Primary)

2. Anubandha- Apradhanam (Secondary)

1. Sama hetu- Sama Vata, Pitta, Sleshma

2. Nirama hetu- Nirama Doshas
BHEDA (Classification) Cont..
❑ One type of hetu
✓ Ashya Apkarsha hetu
Sannikrishta Hetu

Cause which is immediately responsible for the prakopa of the

dosas( vatadi)
s. no. vata pitta kapha


AHO 3pm-7pm 10am-3pm 6-10am

RATRI 2-6am 11pm-2am 7-11pm

BHUKTANAM End of digestion Middle of digestion Start of digestion

(katuavastha paka) (amlaavastha paka) (madhuravastha paka)
✓ It is the distant cause for the production of disease.

➢ Hemante nichita sleshma vasante kapha roga krit(म.नि.१/५)

✓ Sanchaya(accumulation) of dosas is very much essential.
✓For eg- kapha Chaya takes place in Hemant rtu ( where cold increases
in the body the extreme cold doesnot allow kapha vilayana to take
place therefore kapha prakopa not occur in Hemant)
✓However , in vasant the change in temperature, as it warms will do
kapha vilayan & kapha prakopa will take place and lead to
manifestation of kapha roga in vasant rtu.
❑ Caya and prakopa of dosas as per seasons depicted below:
Chaya Prakopa Prashama

Vata Grishma Varsha Sharad

Pitta Varsha Sharad Hemant

kapha Shishira Vasant Grishma

✓ Accumulated kapha in hemantha rtu manifest kaphaja vikara in vasanta rtu.

✓ Accumulated pitta in varsa rtu manifests pittaja vikara in sarad rtu.
✓ Accumulated vata in grsma rtu manifests vataja vikara in varsa rtu.
✓Those causes (hetu) which are weak(Durbala) and which do not have enough
strength to produce disease.( as they cant fulfil the steps of samprapti) but
which acts as a carrier when favourable situation or conditions for
manifestation of disease arises.
❑ प्रािानिको यथा निषार्दर्द: । म.नि.१/५
✓It is the powerful cause which produce diseases instantaneously like
✓ Eg- bluish discoloration in visha sevana
✓ Sudden manifestation of symptoms are seen.
✓ Accumulation of dosas is not necessary.
✓ Agantuja (external causes may be included under pradhanika hetu.
✓Shalya, accidents, poisoning strangulation, suffocation, injuries, burns
Three subtypes-
1. Dosha hetu-
Normal acculumation , aggravation and pacification of dosas takes place in
respective seasons is called dosa hetu.

2. Vyadhi hetu-
Are those which are responsible for development of specific disease by specific
etiology. For eg – regular consumption of mrd manifest mrdbhakshanajanaya pandu
Eg – intake of kullatha in excess manifest amlapitta vikara.
Consumption of masa in excess manifestsleshmapitta vikara.
3. Ubhaya hetu-
specific factors which aggravates vata and rakta and simulataneously manifest
vatarakta vyadhi. Here causative factors aggravates dosas and simulataneously
manifest disease.
Two types of hetus
❑ Utpadaka hetu-
✓Are those which favours acculumation of respective dosas in
respective season due to changes in season . For eg in hement rtu due
to madhuradi sunstances acculumation of kapha observed.
❑ Vyanjaka hetu-
✓Are those which stimulate the development of disease. For eg
accumulated kapha in Hemant manifest disrders of kapha in vasanta
due to effect of sun.
Bahya and abhyantarahetu

❑ Bahya hetu –
✓ diseases manifest due to consumption of mithya ahara vihara and kala.
✓ Vatadi dosa prakopa hetus are included under bahya hetu-

❑ Abhyantra hetu –
✓ Internal factors which disturbs the dosas and dusyas are called abhyantra hetu.
Prakruta and vaikrutahetu
❑ Prakruta hetu –
✓Are those which manifest naturally due to variation in seasons and
accordingly aggravation of dosas results.
Eg – kapha prakopa in vasant rtu
pitta prakopa in sarad rtu
vata prakopa in varsa rtu
❑ Vaikruta hetu-
✓Are those which manifest due to abnormal seasons
Eg- vasant rtu – pitta and vayu prakopa
varsa rtu- kapha pitta prakopa
sarad rtu – kapha vata prakopa
❑Understanding of normal and abnormal aggravation of dosas as per
influence of rtu is essential to understand the prognosis of disease.
Anubandhya and anubandhahetu

❑ Anubandhya hetu - it is the primary cause.

❑ Anubandha hetu - it is secondary cause.

❑Means normal equilibrium condition of dosas moves from their
own place by influence of vata and produces diseases.
(Premonitory/Prodromal symptoms)
❑ Synonyms-
✓उत्पत्स्यित ॥

❑ पूर्वरुपं प्रागु त्पत्ति लक्षणं व्याधे ॥ (च. त्ति. १/८)

Appearance of symptoms before manifestation of actual disease.
नििा स्वपरतन्त्रत्वाद्व्याियोऽन्त्या: पुिनिि िा।
पूििजा: पूििरुपाख्या, जाता: पिार्दुपद्रिा ॥
(अ. ह्र.् सु १२/६०)
❑ Symptoms manifest prior to manifestation of disease is called purvaroopa.
❑ It indicate forthcoming disease.
❑But it doesn’t specify the pathogenic agents like dosa , dushya etc. due to mild nature
and poorly manifested features.
❑तच्च पूििरुपं निनििं- एकं भानिव्याध्यव्यक्तमनलङ्गं च.नि १/८( चक्र)
One which indicate the forthcoming disease but sometimes symptoms may not be
seen or if seen they are poorly manifestated.

द्विवर्धं द्वह पूर्रु

व पं भर्नत- सामान्यं, वर्नशष्टं च । (मा.
नि. १/५-मधुकोष)

Purvaroopa is of two types-

1. Samanya purvaroopa
2. Vishista purvaroopa
Samanaya Purvarupa
तत्र सामान्यं येि दोष दष्ू यसंमूर्विार्स्था जनितेि
भावर्ज्र्राद्वदव्यानधमात्रं रतीयते । मधुकोष
✓Which develops from dosha dushya sammurchana and shows dosha dushya
✓ Denotes future diseases like jwara etc.
✓ Shrama-Arati-Vivarnatvam Vairasya Nayanaplava is Purvarupa of Jvara,
BaalaPradvesh in Jvara
✓ Fatigue ,restlessness, abnormal complexion, abnormal taste, lacrymation etc are
general premonitory symptoms of jwara.
✓General purvaroopa manifest after the conglomeration of dosa with dusyas as a
result it manifest purvaroopa of jvaradi vyadhis. But it doesn’t specify the vatadi
Vishesha Purvarupa
✓Symptoms which denotes dominanace of specific dosha involved in samprapti and
are continued in next stage i.e. roopaavastha
वर्शेषािु जृम्प्भाऽत्यथं समीरिात ् ॥
वपिान्ियिदाह: कफान्िान्िानभिन्दिम ् ॥
(सु. उ. ३९/२७)

Specific premonitory symptoms of –

✓ Vataja jwara – is excess yawning.
✓ Pittaja jwara- burning sensation in eyes
✓ Kaphaja jwara – dislike the food
अन्यलक्षिो णाााम यो भवर्ष्यद् व्याधध ख्यापक: ; स पूििरुपं
✓Anyalakshana means which foretells the future disease and it is called
❑ तत्र पूििरुपं गतेषु चतुनथ: क्रक्रयाकाल:।
✓4th stage of kriyakala manifest premonitory symptoms and signs.
✓Sthanasamsraya stage of kriyakala represents purvarupa by
manifesting premonitory signs and symptoms of disease.
✓4th kriyakala i.e. sthana sanchraya represents purvaroopa by
manifesting the premonitory signs and symptoms.
✓It is the stage to perform the action (of treatment) i.e. 4th attempt to
perform treatment.
✓Sadhyaasadhya gyana
✓Knowledge of purvaroopa gives you confirmed diagnosis of disease
but we need to see the several associated features of disease to make
confirmed diagnosis. Eg prameha and raktapitta.

❑ Synonyms- रादभु त
ूव लक्षिं पुिनलवङ्गम ् । तत्र नलङ्गमाकृ नतलवक्षिं नचन्हं
संस्थािं व्यञ्जिं रुपनमत्यिथावन्तरम ् ॥ (च. नि. १/९)
1. Linga
2. Akriti
3. Lakshana
4. Cinha
5. Samsthana
6. Vyanjana
7. Rupa
❑ प्रार्दुभूितलक्षणं पु िनलिङ्गम् ।(च.नि १/९)
✓ Complete manifestation of symptoms is called linga.
✓It is fully manifestated stage of disease with prominent clinical
features is called linga.
✓It is the stage in which complete appearance of specific symptoms of
disease is seen. This stage indicate the vatadi dosas and stages of
disease i.e ama stage or pakva stage or advanced stage of disease .
However this stage doesn’t include nidana , upasaya and samprapti.
❑Jwara – deha manas santapa- cardinal sign and symptom of jvara is increased
body temperature and mental unpleasureness.
❑Gulma – sparsha paripinditatvad – palpable round mass is called gulma. Vata
which is formless, remain located in the present ailment in a compact form and
appear like a solid object is called gulma.
❑ Gridhasi- kati te pada sanchari vednana “sphika purva kati prishtouru janu
jangha padam kramat”

❑ तर्दे वर्व्यक्तां यातं रुपममत्यमभिीयते। च.नि.१/५

Clearcut appearance of symptoms is called rupa.

❑ उत्पि व्यानिबोिकमेि नलङ्गरुपं । (मा. नि. १/७ मिुकोष)

It indicates the specific diseases by manifesting specific symptoms of that disease is
called linga.
1. Samanya- eg – jwara samnya lakshana
2. Visesha- eg – vataja pittaja kaphaja samanya lakshana
• Diagnosis of the disease
• Prognosis of disease
• 5th kriyakala – 5th attempt oftreatment
• Nomenclature of the disease. Eg dhanurstambha , udara
• Pratyatmaka lakshana

❑ सुखर्हनमनत सुखं रोगनिर्ृविलक्षिं । मधुकोष|M.Ni.1/9(Madhukosa)

✓The word pleasure used in context to upasaya means which gives
happiness and pacify the disease.
✓उपशय: पुिहे तुव्यानधवर्परीतािां वर्परीताथवकाररिां
चौषधाहारवर्हारािामुपयोग: सुखािुबन्ध: । ( च. नि. १ /१०
✓Upashaya means which gives pleasure to the person by use of
medicine, diet and regimens. Their action may be directly against the
cause , or to the disease itself or to the both (i.e. the cause and
❑सुखािुबन्ध इनत सुखरुपोऽिुबन्ध:, अिुबन्धश्च सुखकारिनमत्यथव: ।
(च. नि. १/१० चक्रपाणि)
✓Upasaya means which bring about feeling of happiness. Factors which creates
environment for happiness are called is also helpful in detecting the
cases where difficulty arised due to similarities in symptomatology, in in such
circumstances upasaya helps to diagnose the case.

❑ गूढनलङ्गव्यानध उपशयािुपशयभ्याम ् पररक्षेत । (च. वर्. ४/८)

✓In case of difficulty in a diagnosis due to some hidden things or mimicking nature
of disase in such circumstancs uasaya and anupsaya therapy helps to diagnosis.
हे तुव्यानधवर्पयवस्तवर्पयवस्ताथवकाररिाम ् ।
औषधान्िवर्हारािामुपयोगं सुखार्हम ् ॥
ु शयं व्याधे: स द्वह सात्म्प्यनमनत स्मृत: ।
वर्परीतोऽिुपशयो व्याध्यसात्म्प्यानभसंणज्ञत: ॥ (र्ा. नि. १)

18 types of Upashaya-
1. Hetu viparita aushada
2. Hetu viparita anna
3. Hetu viparita vihara
4. Vyadhi viparita Aushada
5. Vyadhi viparita Vihara
6. Vyadhi viparita Anna
7. Hetu Vyadhi viparita Aushada
8. Hetu Vyadhi viparita vihara
9. Hetu Vyadhi viparita Anna
10. Hetu viparitarthakari aushada
11. Hetu viparitarthakari Vihara
12.Hetu viparitarthakari Anna
13.Vyadhi viparitarthakari Aushada
14. Vyadhi viparitarthakari Vihara
15.Vyadhi viparitarthkari Anna
16. Hetu Vyadhi viparitarthakari Aushada
17. Hetu Vyadhi viparitarthakari Vihara
18. Hetu Vyadhi viparitarthakari Anna
उपयोग औषि अि निहार

हे तुु त्तर्परीत Usage of sunthi in Intake of meat juice(mamsa Remaining awake

sitakaphajvara due to its ras) in case (ratrijagaran) at night in
ushnata of vatajvara and Shrama case of aggravation of kapha
due to day sleep(diwaswap)
व्यात्तध त्तर्परीत Use of Anti-diarrheal drugs Intake of food which are Pravahana (making
like patha etc. in case of having Stambhana property downward peristalsis) in the
Atisara i.e., Use of masura in Atisara treatment of Udavarta

उभय त्तर्परीत Usage of Dasamula Kwath in Usage of Hot substances Indulging in activities like
Vataja Sotha (Ushna) & Jwaraghna Yavagu Awakening at night etc.
against sheet Janya Vataj which increases Ruksha
Jwara Guna in case of Tandra
which manifest due to
intake of Snigdha Padartha
followed by day sleep.
उपयोग औषि अि निहार

हे तुुत्तर्परीतार्व कारी Application of Ushna- Usage of pitta Pradhana Trasan(Inducing fear) in

Upanaha substances in Vidahi Anna in Pachyamana Vataj Unmada
Pitta Pradhan Shotha. Shotha

व्यात्तधत्तर्परीतार्व कारी Usage of Vamana Karak Intake of Dugdha in Inducing Chhardi by

Madanphala In Chhardi atisara which induces Pravahanam in Chhardi

उभयवर्परीताथवकारी Usage of Agru dravya Lepa in Usage of Madhya-Pana in Swimming therapy advised in
Agni-Plushta Dagdha (Burn) Madatyaya Urustambha originate due to
Visha prayog in poisoning excess vyayama
❑ यथार्दुष्टेि र्दोषेण यथा चािुनिसपि ता ।
नििविनिरामयस्यासौ संप्राप्तिजािनतरागनत: ॥ (अ. ह्र्. नि.१)
✓Process of understanding the development of disease by vitiated doshas which are
constantly circulating inside the body , it is also known as synonyms – Jati ,Agati
❑अ(त)त्रकै व्याििजन्ममात्रमन्त्यकारणव्यापारजन्यं स्प्राप्प्िमाहुु ु ||
Ch.Ni 1/11
✓Factors which finally determines the manifestation of the disease is called
❑ संप्राप्तिजाि नतरागनतररत्यिथाि न्तरं व्यािे ॥ (च. नि. १/११)
1. Samprapti
2. Jati
3. Agati
4. Nivrtti
5. Nispati
Samprapti Bheda
• सा संख्याप्रािान्यनिनिनिकल्पबलकालनिशेषैनभिद्यते ॥(च.नि. १/१२)

➢ Samkhya
➢ Pradhanya
➢ Vidhi***
➢ Vikalpa
➢ Bala
➢ Kaala
*** Vidhi Samprapti is not mentioned by Acharya Vagbhatt
Samkhya Samprapti

✓ संख्या तार्द्यथा- अष्टौ ज्र्रा:,पञ्च गुल्मा:, सि

कुष्ठान्येर्माद्वद: ॥ (च. नि १/११-२)

✓ Subclassification of disease like 8 types of Jvara, 5

types of Gulma, & 7 types of Kushtha

✓It helps for identification of dominant doshas in case of two or more

doshas are involved
✓I.e., In case of two doshas the word “Tara” is used to denote a
dominancy in comparison to other doshas.
✓i.e., In case of three doshas involvement the word “Tama” is used to
demonstrate its dominancy with other two doshas.

✓ समर्ेतािां पुिदोषािामंशांशबलवर्कल्पो वर्कल्पोऽणस्मन्िाथे ॥ (च. नि

✓ This indicates the proportional analysis of the qualities of the doshas involved
✓i.e, In case of Vata involvement whether Samana, vyana , apana , Prana , Udana is
involved in singly or mixing of two doshas such observation can be understood by
the knowledge of the Vikalpa Samprapti.
✓Vikalpa Samprapti also helps to detect the qualitative , quantitative , functional
aggravation of the doshas – shita vitiates Vata quickly then laghu or ruksha
substances .
✓ Eg in prameha – dravaamsha dusthi
✓ in amlapitta – dravaamsha dusthi
Vidhi Samprapti
वर्नधिावम- द्विवर्धा व्याधयो निजागन्तुभेदेि, वत्रवर्धाणिदोषभेदेि,
चतुवर्वधा: साध्यासाध्यमृददु ारुिभेदेि ॥ (च. नि १/११-४)

✓ Vidhi means variety of diseases like –

✓ Two varieties which Nija & Agantuja
✓ Three varieties Doshas based on their vitiation
✓ Four varieties of disease based on prognosis of diseases
namely- Sadhya,Asadhya,Mradu,Darun.
Bala-kaala Samprapti
बलकालवर्शेष: पुिव्यावधीिामृत्र्होरात्राहारकालवर्नधवर्नियतो भर्नत ॥(च. नि १/११-
❑ Bala
✓Understanding of the strength of the disease based on the causative factors, area of
involvement organ involved, age etc. Helps to assess the strength of disease.

❑KALA - This indicates the time of aggravation of the doshas in relation to season
various time of the day , Night & intake of the food.
✓i.e., kaphaj jwara in Vasant rutu – kaphaja jwara aggravates in fore noon an early
night, kaphaj jwara aggravates after intake of food.
✓ Aggravating & Relieving factors of the disease may be understood by this.
Utility Of Nidana Panchaka

तस्माव्यािीि् नभषगिुपहतसत्वबुप्तिहे त्वानर्दनभभाि िेयिथािर्दिुबुियेत ॥

(च. नि. १/१३)

The qualified Physician with his own Pure Mind and Wisdom
should examine the disease with Hetu, Purvarupa, Lakshana,
Upashaya, and Samprapti in order to diagnose the disease to
the best of his knowledge and henceforth proceed with
Utility Of Nidana Panchaka

सिेषामेि रोगाणां निर्दािं कुनपता मला: ।

तत्प्रकोपस्य तु प्रोक्तं निनििानहतसेििम् ॥ (मा.नि. १/१४)

All the diseases are caused due to Kupita Dosha initiated by the
Nidana. Similarly the Dosha Prakopa is also caused due to to various
factors which primarily includes the Non beneficial substances
classified as Asatmaindriyaartha Samyog, Pragyaparadh and
Samprapti ghatak
❑ Samprapti is what? Story of a disease……
❑Narraration goes from intake of etiological factors to the
manifestation of a disease.
❑As in a story there needs to be certain characters also participate in
causation of disease.
❑These characters form ghataka or Component for manifestation of
❑These components which participate as a group in formation of
disease are called samprapthi ghatak.
Samprapti ghataka are-
❑ Dosha
❑ Dushya
❑ Agni
❑ Ama
❑ Srotas
❑ Sroto dusthi prakara – atipravritti, sira granthi, sanga, vimargagamana
❑ Udbhava stahana – site of origin of disease
❑ Sanchara sthana- places where doshas or disease will spread
❑ Vyakata sthana – places where symptoms appear
❑ Doshagati- movement of the dosas.
❑ Rogamarga – site of pathogenesis
❑ Roga avastha stage of disease manifestation.
❑ Sadhyaasadhyata – prognosis of the disease.
Question bank
10 marks
1. Explain nidana panchaka in detail with importance.
2. Explain nidana in detail with def, synonyms, and classification.
3. Explain explain roopa in detail with definition , synonyms, etc

5 marks
A. Nidana panchaka
B. Roopa
C. Purvaroopa as charutha shatkriyakala
D. Types of samprapti/ Nidana
E. Samprapti short note.
F. Upashaya with examples /Classification of Upashaya.

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